86-70 N�HITE - UTY GLERK , � PINK� � FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT.L Council CAN�ARV - OEPARTMENT 1 �� �- � BLtJE - MAVOR Flle NO. �� �a " ` . , � Gounc ' Resoluti ` � � - Present B V � � Y l n Referred To �U � '� 11' `��'"( C-Y Committee: Date .�'- ��`"�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the following curren-� and former mernbers of che tIuman Rights Commission o�' the Ci�y of Saint Paul have been served with a Summons and Complaint alleging violations of Minnesota Sta�u�tes Section 471 . 705 , -che Open Meeting Law, on September 11 , 1985, September 18 , 1985, and Ocicober 2, 1985 : Bruce i3eneke Roy Garza ivtarge Charmoli Donald Gugis'berg Carol Connolly Elizabeth Hughes Anc�rew Driscoll James T. Murray Jean Drucker James T. Shel'con; and WHEREAS , the activities engaged in ioy the previously named Corrunissioners were all activi'ties pursued in the course anc� scope of their appointment as Commissioners and in �he good fai�h e;cer- cise of their duties ; specifically, �pursuan�t �CO St. Paul Leuis- la-cive Code Sec�tion 183. 14, providing the Mayor wi�ch a lis� of �three nominees for the position of Director o� Hu�nan Rights ; and 'n1HEREA5 , �Che morale of o�her a�poin�tees �o Ci�y boards ana corr�r_:<_��ions would be adversely affected if the City failed 'co �rov?�� legal counsel for the named Commissioners ; and WHLREAS, �he Cii�y Attorney' s Office cannoi�, by reason of the likelihood �ha�t s��ft attorneys may be sub;�o�na2d as wi�cnesses by the plaintiffs , un�er�ake the defense of -t�� named Commissioners ; and COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays neasanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen _ Ag8lilst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By T�' �' �� ��'�'�B � B5' i A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Submis n to ouncil By BY WHI7E — CITV CLERK � PINK' — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . �CANAf�«DEPARTMENT ^ � BLUE• — MAVOR � F1I@ NO• ���� " � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHfEREAS , it is in the interest of good governmen� and for the benefit of the City �hat special counsel be re�aineci �o repre- sent the named Commissioners and that tney no� be responsible for said attorney' s fees ; and WHEREAS, �Che City Council has by virtue of City Charter Section 5. 02 the authority to retain an at�torney for the named Commissioners ana� has �the �'urther authority to fix or set the compensation �o be paid; now, �herefore, be it RESOLVED, that Thomas R. Hughes is hereby appoin�ed to repre- s�nt the previously listed current and former Human Rights Commissioners for �he purpose of handling all legal matters in �he processing of the claims of Gaudy Guevarra, Charles Breese, and Hghi Huynh vs . Bruce Beneke, Marge Charmoli , Carol Connolly, Andrew Driscoll , Jean Drucker, Roy Garza, Donald Gugisberg, Eliza- be�th Hughes, James T. Murray and James T. Shelton; and, be it FURTHE� RESOLVED, that the fee for such services shall be $85.00 per hour; and, be it FINA LY R�SOLV , t t in the,=-event�Mr. Hughe �ermines that there x' a diver of interes ehalf f ��" Commission o as �o c e his co 'nu repre ' on of a of them, . H es may re es e appoin of adcii al special coun by the City EC�RE�LIlID, t'hat in th2 c-v�tt Mr. I�x� c�e�arrirr� that � �c�..� ct cli.v� of irYtrer�-t� cn �lf � a� ar rmre of tY� �£c-�aant�, Mr. I�x�ras sha]]., a� gorn � �bl�, �rt tr� the City O�uncil; and be it �'Il�Y RE9Q,Vfl�� the City O�x�cil. �.17. fi��st � whetl�er' or' tr.� tA�isYt acY�i.tiar�. s�ec�.a]. o�ur�l bef�re 1�1a1. feas are ir�c3 b� t1me� defs�t(s) �'� �ahs di� f�i � otY�e def�n'�t(s). -z-- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays M"��TT�'1/4� _�_ In Favor Nicosia Scheibel (� Sonnen _ A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson i ���C JAN 2 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s b ncil ec tar BY T�� �' /_�Or�"� By n �� �� f Appro y Mavor: Date `"�'"' `• '��S APP by Mayor for Sub , io o Council By PUBIISHED r�B 1 - 19$fZ i 0 U�' �; , � � � 1/21/86 ; � � ; d,��. -�-'s--�-�-�-� 1�-�-,� �-- �-�'�'�4 % FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event Mr. Hughes determines that there exists a divergence of interests on behalf of one or more of the defendants, Mr. Hughes shall, as soon as possible, report to the City Council; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, the City Council shall first determine whether or not to appoint additional special counsel before legal fees are incurred by those defendant{s'whose interests diverge from the other defendant(s) . RF9�L �.�hat it1 the evc�t Mr. Hu�s trlat tl�re exl S�R a di of ' a�.behalf of or �re of the �nts� Mr. shall, as as ible, to City oax�cil; ar�d it � FI�� � VED, the city ' shall first d�termir� or rnt tr� appoint ad3iti�nal ooutisel legal. fees are irrx•r�ed defendant(s) wtnse inte�ts di�e f�m tl�e def (s). � ' . . - C�--�� v ; � �x �, � ,; � _.__ ._..._..�T.._..._v�__..�� -___...:s.-` -�..,..�:._.- .......,-......_..._ .. .�„>> .... . . . .�__..__.__ .� ..�,.,�,_<..�.s�4�.,.o�v_._...,._,...R_....._.,�nv..___.._.. .__�_. i _ _.___,:���.� � _.�C��--� ���`-"k -1�1_ O�.SoN - -- _ __ _ _ ...__ _....._�.�.�d _..__ .__.,.e__�_...____ ' Frorr�+ �--- -Fl e.��^ _ _(�� � _ . ._.. _ �-_. .r__.=_, --r�..__.__.�...__ �_______— -- � g • — �— r� • �, _ - . : _ _ ��.__.___n_.�.� �_.�_.-.,F�.__.�_�_ ' ti-� -_-_ .�G�.___-_ _ ��- :�.�.. _ �_. ___ __-__ _ _ _ __ -,.�. .___N ��_ __ _ �.._ ��.��. � � ��.�,�.�_� , ... _ . �._�.�_ _ _ _ . _ _�__ � _. �.���._�._�_._�.��__ �_,�:�..�___.�r-�_ . ��-�..�_�._ `�--,��+-_g , _-�e..,�. ___.� :.�� _ _ - - - � a-�. �- ; .�_. �4=--�. . _�.: �. .. . ... . . ....--------- --- -- --- - ---- -�_._ �__r_._�_.�v�.__�..�_.__��..._�.__--__--__ � �+q-!�.��.`�n_!!�^� �_V�c�'-�.a�► -._b����..���. � � ___ � � `�.�11� ��.. - =-_�n-�--- � _ __ ---- -- -�:�...�_.____._.�_ --------- ....".. __.,._.. _ .._.,...�.�.�."__ ""�.__"_.__.. .__...__ ��_ '' ...__._._a,.�.,.� :-�_'_'_ :.-—._f�.a.�_..r«.-_. .-_.::.�____ . .. .... .."-":-_ _.:..�::._._ :_�__,�,.�."„_"._ _".:r.�._._.._�a���-,_:�,....,.�_ ._...�___.e.�� ' .. ii .�a_��.'p.'p___.= ..�. :.-" "__... .. . . ... � ������.-.�,°e�.R.-_.. ..-��._.. . -._-.�. . _. ....: ... .. ..:-.-. . .. ._ . ..___.�....�_....�..r....�..�s>.,..��.�. �� �i �._�..._.._.,.��.. �� _.. .. , . . .._' ._.... . ...._. .....'_�_"�_,...,.,._ . _. ._. _..,__.. ......_.._.��,__.,�."' .--,. _�-.'.�,�..:: . .._-...-'_ �'_'_-' .._...'_ __._.-__... ._�_"'_._` '.___'._." ...___..._' ".�"_'___' ij :; �f . :.._..�.(.. ...�:..--' ._.' "" .-...._ . .�. ..- . _ �1 _ � �._�_.� :.� ...... . ....:..... ij j ..�_. _.."_.�.. ._,_'"..... ........:._� ._ .-..,_.- . __._..:_... ..__.'�_.,�_ _......:. ___.____.. ._.. . . ___.:... ., ..___" "...._.__..a ..� -._.:�_,..... .�......_�.�. .___._-.�_.�_�,__...._ �._.:m ,_.... . .y:+ .. _..._..__ __._..__: .._....' _'"_"�_ ....._.._. ..._._._ .......... .... ... ...._.._..._. _.__.._.. _.-.-._ .. ,..,>_"' ' _,-.s.,a .. .__,...,.....,.�....._.�_.___.�....._e_�� � ___�_ .-:_.,_. .._,_:, ._"_.::-_"' _".'___ '-.....,., a.�....._.....,. __-.__,...._.._....._..._�_.�<.-� _ ...Y- . . .. .�..__. .. "' ._'_ .._-'. 1 ,; .�,��,....�_._,_,,,_' .. -`+a-' ----_°— ._-- °::-:: - � _--. -_ _:..� _ . . ....,._�: r .�-�°�.- ---°- _.. .-__ ..__,_..�..__-..._'—'-- � �(� -�'�l CITY tjF �AINT PAUL " . ..�� OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL - "'_"�� D d t e : JANUARY 16, 1986 i.... .. COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO � SQ�nt PQU I City Council FROM � Committee Oh RULES AND POLICY January 16, 1986 CH A I R JANICE RETTMAN 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting held December 3, 1985. � APPROVED 2 . Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of Sherry Munyon to serve as a member of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee , term to expire November 1, 1988. APPROVED 3. Resolution approving the appointment of Marilyn Monroe as Director of the St . Paul Department of Human Rights , effective February 3, 1986. APPROVED � NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: R�solutio�� a�ointing Thomas R. Hughes to represent Human Rights Commissioners i� the lawsuit involving alleged violations of the (3�aet� Meeting Law. REFERRED�•�0 Cf�lJNC.IL WITHOUT R�CO@4�E.�i,D�AT,ION. CTTY HALL � SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �.,.