86-31 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ���!!! CANARV - DEPARTMEN 7 . � �/� _�/ . BLUE - MAVOR File NO. a C u 'l es ti n Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application for a State Gambling License, applied for by the Mi.nnesota Deer Huntexs Association (Class B - Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, �, Pulltabs) at The St. Paul Civic Center, be and the same is hereby appxoved/d�ed. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew � �...w: RE°�7MA►� In Favor Nicosia Scheibel � Sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilson JAN 15 1986 Form Appro y City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe cil Secr BY BS �n �// A►pproved y avor: Date � �' ���� Approved by�ayor for Submission to Council By BY P���R s�, ;;. .���.� ... ;�. . _ �-�� � � . _ � i�4T IS THE .MINNESOTA DEER HlJ1V7'ERS ASSOCIATIQN? B�n in the f�71 of 198U, t� naw nc�nb�. aver- 1�,000 merrabers �rar� tl�rocrgha.it Minnesot�,. The ?►�l�A is dedicated to achieving the�best possible deer`herd and promoting quality deer hunting through the follawing activities: �Present our positions to government officials, departments and legislators. '�Pramote good sportsrr�nship, good hunting ethics and safe hunting practices. '�Promote and rraintain a high-qual i ty deer habi tat program. �Provide opportunities for deer hunters to meet, share experiences and develop a fraternal spirit. �Educate hunters and the general publ ic on the value of,the sport of deer hunting. �`Support enforce�nent of regulations which curtail the illegal taking of deer. �Support e�nergency winter feeding programs when appropriate. �Support efforts to increase opportunities for deer liunting an private and public lands. �Establish a position an predator control. Since 1980, w�e have accorr}�lished a�great deal. Here are some of our highlights: 1. First statewide organization for all deer hunters-firearm, bow, camera. Mernber- ship: over I5,000. 2r �rovid.ed matching funds with !►'DHA Chapters for a total -of $2,OD0 for an aerial s�srvey of deer yarding areas in the farmland sector of .Minnesota. ,3. Supported and worked for increased habitat morzies for deer. Result: Two dollars frorA.each deer l icense now being spent on deer habi tat. 4. Initiated the proposal to raise deer stand height to nine feet. 5. Supported and helped create emergency Winter Feedin� Prograrn late in the harsh winter of '81-�82. 6. Spearheaded the e�nergency winter feeding of deer in southwest Minnesota during �he-winter of '83-'84. 7. Supported and worked for purchasing a bow license five days prior to hunting. 8. Support TIP (Turn-In-�'aachersJ Program. 9. Support !Kizmesota Advanced Hunter Education Program. 10. Began the development of a Deer Hunters ' Library for ?►�HA chapters ' use as loan rrr�terial (research programs, books, films, filmstrips, video tapesl for educa- tional purposes to belocated at the Deep Portage Conservation Reser^.��. 11. Cantributed $500 each to the Long Lake Conservation Center, Deep PoFtage Conser- vatiar� Reserve arrd the Envirc�nmental Learning Center for their purchase of educational rraterials on deer. 12. Support return of rr�nagement of the Eastern Timber wolf to the Minnesota DNR. 13. Urged the adoption by the DNR of "doe permit" selection system that gives un- successful applicants an increased opportunity over successful applicants. 14. Urged coorrlination between forestry and wildlife professionals for the benefit of deer habitat. 25. Publish a quarterly rragazine for merrbers (approxirrately 24 pages in lengthJ. 16. Supporting and helped fund the !!�linnesota Yout.h Firearms Safety Instcuctors .Society. 17. Support a vigorous carrpaign for dog owners to control their dogs during the months of January through June to minimize predation of deer during that critical period. 18. Oppose firearm registration, use taYation, and!or the licensing of firearn.is. 19. S�tpport and help fund Project Wild, a K-12 envirorunental education program aimed at irr�nroving hunting ethics. 20. Co-sponsor Whitetazl Deer Clinics in state. - . �. � 21. Leased two s����.���xhe wi�ter ofh '83-'84 for the AN12 to use in deer 22. �ss�aroh ir� :�«tthwest Minnesota. : orrsored in the" '$3 l�gislat,ive session a two part �'Deer Bill" which became law. It pt^ovides... . AJ Eha� it be a gross misdemeanar to take or illegally possess a bzg game animal durir�g the clased seasa�tl, and BI that is is unlawful between 10 P..M. and 6 A.M., and fram Sept. 1 through Dec�nber 31, to throw or cast the rays of a spotlight, headlight, or other artificial light from any hightiray, or in any field, woodland or forest for the purpose of spotting, locating or taking any wild animal. Violators will be guilty of a misderneanor. It is not a violation of this .^.�•r ?aw• to car:y �ut any .-�orrral ao:icu:tura?, eccu�ati.^.^ul, or recreational practice, including snowrnobiling which is not related to spotting, locating, or taking any wild anirral. 23. Sponsored in the '84 legislative session a blaze orange camouflage bill which became law. It provides. . . that a deer hunter mey wear blaze orange camouflage clothing as an option to red or solid blaze orange. . 24< Ccr�rib�t�;:,�i(��� tb'_DC�xfs"c�rt���erv�atiarr Rese�e`�ar* e�catia� as�d r�eseerrah pt�,�poses.