99-690} ORIGFNAL Retum Copy To: Police Dept. Accaunting RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Beferred To: �� �-^ Council File # �-�—`��'l�} Green Sheet # 8224 Commit[ee:Date: 1 2 WfIEEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota 3 Deparhnent of Pablic Safety for the period November 10,1997 thmugh November 9,1999; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant has been eatended thmugh December 31� 1999 and increased by $67,422.68; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to increase the 1999 spending and fmancing plan for 8 the Strike Fome Grant by $56,155 to reflect remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase 9 in funding; and • 10 11 A'HEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Sectioa 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $56,155 in ezcesa of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 15 16 17 CURRENT AMENDED 18 FINANCING PLAN: BUD6ET CHANGES BUDGET 19 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 20 34155 - Strike Force 21 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid 356,920 56,155 413,075 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 34155 - Strike Force 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental Velucles 0439 - Fringe Benefits 356,920 56,155 413,075 35,196 20,760 55,956 48,000 8,000 56,000 64,347 27,395 91,742 e e THEREFORE BE PP RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budgeL Adoption Certified by Council sy: Appmved by Mayor.Date:_ sy: � Requested by 0 By: ./ App Rec By: Form � By: Approve y) By: : artm�nt of: '� ld R `� imended cial Services Director: q � � 3 / f � by C' Att ey: 347555bikeFOrce.CR.99 Adopted by Council:Date: ��_��,� �\ \�{� _.. - w, °�R— DEP,t4TMENYIOhICEICOUNCIL DATE INITUITED PoliceDepartment 6J30/99 GREEN SHEET No. 8224 CONTA N 8 INIiIAUDATE INfiIALNAiE ChiefFinney 2923588 1 oernnirenoveECron - �{. 5 crouxa� � MUST BE ON COl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP 3�v.,ronrar �rnrcEwc �rwwew.smneesme �rruxaa.sdevixer¢ �YOR(ORASSl4f , �w�nRNYRS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) CTION RE4UESTED Approval of the attached council resolution increasing the 1999 finaucing and spending plan for the Strike Force grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of RejeCk (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever vrorked under a coniract for this depariment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hasihis perso�rm ever 6een a cilyemplayee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. DoeS this person/fittn possess a s1611 not normally possessed by any current aty employeel YES NO 4. is ih�s personffirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WFIERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota Deparpnent of Public Safety for the period Nwember 10, 1997 through Nwember 9, 1999. This grant has been increased by $67,422.68 and has been extended through December 31, 1999. The 1999 financing and spending plans for this grant need to be increased by $56,155 for the remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase in funding ffom the State of Minnesota. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to continue the gang strike force by using additional grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED - None. ' DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED � ,�- - � � �- Counc� Resear�h G�rs�ar _ Grant funds available will be unused. , - JUL 1 4 1999 70TALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 56,155 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlINDING SOURCE State of Minnesota Strice Force gant ACTMTY NUMBER 34ISS FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAIM � 34155budgetinerease.g�.99 ap �Q{( OFPUpr. � � Q � 0 SJ �P OFM� Aicohol & Gambling � Enforcement Bureau of Criminat Apprehension Capitol Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency ManagemenU Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safe:y State Patrot Traffic Safety \� �p< Office of the Commissioner L� P" 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-500 `-Phone:651/296-6642 fAX:657.29Z5728 T7Y:651/282-6555 �I/ � Internet: http://www.dps.state.mn.us �� �� �` / :' �� � \ � f � June 17, 1999 Chief William Finney St. Paui Police Department 100 E lith Street St. Paul, MN 55101 1 /� ` 1 ry � � / t! f,.; � j , i; � �,, , �, ' ( I it �. i , / '� � 1 , � ,� Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT - RON RYAN SALARY REIMBURSEMENT Dear Chief Finney: Enclosed you will find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for Ron Ryan, Commander of the Gang Strike Force. All copies must be si9ned where indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to ececute Che amendment for the St. Paul Police Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return aii three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55101. please retum the g2nts to me as soon as possibie. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, f �-.___.� , Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAI OPPORTUNIN EMPIOYER AMENDMENT#1 � � V lv����� O SFY 7999 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entsy Locn r Object Code 5600 Requisition No. 1j( Contract No. Order No. 6000-$ 7�U 6000-84A 6000-846 Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation ya � 5� � Total Obligation for FY 98 066790002 00 �88:69 S1'19,059.00 � $47,555.00 SFY 1999 Entry Locn Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commod'ity Code State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paui Police Departrnent 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Fund 100 Object Cade 5600 Agency Number P07 Requisition No. 6006-85 Total Obligation $64,993.00 Org/Sub 3357 C9ntract No. , ,-,�ri�,-_< Appr. Unit 383 Order No. 6000-91 Total Obtigation for FY 98 $31,704.00 Amount: �21,571.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 SO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 600�-84A WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Pubfic Safety (STATE} has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-84A with the Ciry of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminai Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE has additionai funding available for fhe Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STA7E and the GRANTEE agree ihat additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THA7, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali not exceed $79,259.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �83�-2-2 '104 793.00 from November 10, 1998, through i�f�n��� flecember 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. 1 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT �� ��o THAT, Ciause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended #o read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGf2EEMENT. This grant agreement shail be effective upon the date that the finai_ signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until "'- -�`-- ^"^^^ December 31. 1999, or until all ob�igations set forth in the�grant agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after November 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in efFect. WHEREAS, the originai grant agreement, At[achment 1, Page 2 shall be amended as indicated in the revisec pages aftached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this grant agreement. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT °�ct b�iC� By execution of this amendnent, the terms and conditions of the original grant agreement are expressiy reaffirmed. Except as herein amend�, the provisions ofi the originai grant agreement remain in fufl force and efFect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �e parfies have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 9. GRANTEE 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFEfY By: � BY� Titie: Chief of Police � Title: Date: � �a3 C1�1 Date By: Title: Date 3 ENCUMBERE� BY By: Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike �rc�Reimbursement- St. Paul Police Pepartment STATEWIDE COMN.ANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT „� ��i-(��t0 �` Amendment#1 -Attachment 1 Revised - Page 2 of 2 BUDGET REQUEST I2EIMBURSEMENT FOR SAT.ARY AND BENEFTTS: Estimate the salary and benefits for hvo years. Year 1 Year 1 Salary �60_627.00 Salary ��e $79.836.25 Benefits $18.632.00 Benefits °”" "" n° �v�.�� Year 1 Total $79259.00 $24,956.75 Year 1 Total ��e $104.793.00 Total Yr 1 and 2 '� ' $184.052.00 Commissioner Alcohol & Gambling - Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Securiry Driver & Vehide Serv�ces Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety June 16, 1999 Chief Wiiliam Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT Dear Chief Finney: �q �4� �" � �J :��,' � � \��� \ 1. ,� � � S� l� � � �fj�� � � � �� , , , t' � \ _: Enciosed you wili find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for the Metro Gang Strike Force Grant. All copies must be signed where indicated by the individuai(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for the St. Pau1 Potice Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Pubiic 5afety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paui, MN 55101. Piease retum the grants to me as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, �(�--;.,. �--- Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .-, - �. SFY 1999 Fund 100 Object Code 5B00 Agency Number P07 Entry Locn Vendor Number I Commodity Code 066790002 00 State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 AMENDMENT #9 4�IGINAL R Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Requis�tion No. Contract No. Ocder No. 6000-212 6000-83 6000-83B Total Obligation ,�� �'J Total Obligation for FY 98 { �},36688 5402,2i1.68 $182,936.00 Amount: �30,851.68 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 6000-83 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depaftment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-83 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminal Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the 57ATE has addi5onal funding available for the Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STATE and the GRANTEE agree that additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of fhe Grant Agreemenf shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali no; exceed $182.936.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �� $219.275.68 from November 10, 1998, through , � December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GF2ANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGREEMENT. This grant agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shail remain in effect until December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth ir, the grant agreement have been saYisfactosily fulfilled, whichevsr occurs first. The GRANTEE map ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Novemb<r 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in effect. WHEFtEAS, the originai grant agreement, Attachment 1, Pages 1 and 9-12 shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this oran! agreement. 1 of 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Pau1 Police Department � 'T • �^ G � �� VJ lO By execution of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the originai grant agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions o4 the original grant agreement remain +n full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending fo be bound thereby. •= ---- z o£ 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department �� b� � Amendment#'I -Attachment 1 _ • Revised - Page 1 of'12 MiNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE OMNIBUS CRIME ACT = CRIMlNAL GANG STRIKE FORCE MEMBER APPLiCATION & MEMBER REPLACEMENT GRANT This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: . Pamela J. Docken, Grants Coordinator, Department of Public Safety, Offce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. CON7RACTING AGENCY: Use your legal name CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS: (if different from and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom contracting agency). the grant agreement wil4 be executed. City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551 Q1 Mufti-Jurisdictional EffoR Participants: Contact Name: Metro Team Chief William K. Fin�ey Telephone Number: Fax Number: Telephone Number: Fax Number: 917-4800 N/A 917-4801 N/A MN Tax ID Number: Federal Employer ID Project Start Date:: Project End Date: Number: 008025095� 416005521 W November 10, 1997 Pfe�� December 31,1999 If you are seeking reimbursement for this position, please check the type of reimbursement requested. 75°h reimbursement for salary/benefds GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED Reimbursement for overtime � .: Date received by Councii Recortrriended by Regional Committee Approved by FuMling Conrnittee Approved by FWI Councii Public Safety Cortvnissioner Septembec 30, 1997 � g� ��� BUDGET REQUEST Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 Revised - Page 9 of'12 � PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBUFZSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTti SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Sergeant Gre o H. Kuehl REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALAFtY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary $55��3 Salary $ 53.949.74 $63 261.37 Benefits $ 16.580.37 Benefits ���7�ff $19 646.16 Year 1 Total $ 70 530.11 Year 2 Total $�� @75°h - $52,897.00 (rounded) Year 1 $82 907.53 @750/, _ . $82.186.65 Year 2 Total $i8�389-89 5115.077.65 Total Yr 1 and 2 �� $153 .437.64 ""V R"" REIMBURSEMENT FOf2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimburseme�t is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N/A SeQtember 30,1997 ����iO BUDGET REQUEST Amendment#1 -Attachmenf'I Revised - Page '10 of '12 PLEASE COMPLETE Oh1LY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSfDERED. Officer John Lozo a REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefsts for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �'r 1-3£-5s Salary $ 41.882.10 �0.931.70 Benefits S 12.871.62 Benefits ��� $15.822.14 Year 1 Total $ 54.753•72 Year 2 Total �56,39�r33 @75°,6 - $41,065.00.00 (rounded) Year 1 $66.753.84 @75�� _ , , �50.065.38 Year 2 Total $83,36�89 591.130.38 requested Total Yr 1 and 2 ���� $121.507.5fi ----UK---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, a00 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits� Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Tota1 Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A� September 30,1997 i � . ` �� �O�Q , Amendment#1 -AYtachment'I � Revised - Page '11 of'12 ' BUDGET REQUEST PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLiCATiON YVILL NOT $E CONSIDERED. - Officer Kevin Moore REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: EsYimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �� Salary $ 46.945.86 $56.047.37 Benefits $ 14.427.87 Benefits ��"� $17.425.08 Year 1 Total $ 61.373.73 mco ne ,t I]L Year 2 Total �-� ��� @75% - $46,030.00 (rounded) Year 1 $73.472.45 @75o,y _ , . $55.104.34 Year 2 Total $^',��4�8 5101,93d.34 Totai Yr 1 and 2 `�'�;��v.� �aaa.sas.a$ ----OR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Haurs Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N�A September30, 1997 r . , .-t BUDGET REQUEST �C � Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 ftevised - Page 12 of 12 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECT70NS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE C Sergeant Tyrone Strickland REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �5�-1-4.63 Salary $ 43.797.70 $52.804.76 Benefits $ 13.460.34 Benefits $13,86��-5 $16.428.99 Year 1 Total $ 57.258.04 Year 2 Totai �� @75°h - $42,944.00 (rounded) Year 1 $69.233.75 @75°,G - . 551.925.31 Year 2 Total $&7�G8B 594.869.31 Total Yr 1 and 2 ��� $126.491.79 ---nR--- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reim6ursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A_ September 30,1997 STATE OF MINNESOTA Joint Po�vers Agreement - Amendment #2 Criminal Gang Strike Force and/or Leased Vehicies) :rtime & Purchased or Leased Eq nting lnforct}ati0n: J _ po �e� c PO7 � � Fiswl Ye ountofContracr. N1'���nUQ �191,400.00 i[y Codt: Commoi ode' �BQO ObjectC �15,000..00Increase AmounL A cc o unting Distribution 1: Fund: 100 'Spp�' 38J o���s�b: 3356 Rcpt Catg: ^'"°°"� $15,000.00 increase _��t �G;� � � �� 1999 Numbcr. 066 �� �96 $105,�00.00 Cod<: c,«: Distribution 2 �� P `� Rct b� Processing Information: (Some entries may not applyl� . Amendment #2 (�� C� C C� � I(�; Requisition: 6000-77(fv9815/15/98RE S�(e�a�fq„Solicitation: NumbedDate/Entry Initials F� Contract: 6000-82 Order: Number/Date/Entry Initials Accounting Number/Date/Entry Initials Amendment#2 i� L'.CL - 'c� �S 6000-82 ori�inal encumbered 2-20-98 JD\\" Number/Date/S ignatu res (Lidividual signrng certifies Orat fivads have F� r�: encumbered as required by Minn. Sta[ § IGdI.+ f, t6C.os.) Amo;�nt State of Minnesota Depar[ment of Public Safety $ I 5,000 0'i Amendment # 2 to Contract Order Number # 6000-82 WHEREAS,theStateofMinnesota,DepartmentofPublicSafery,(STATE)hasaJointPowersA�reementidentifiedasContract #600��- 82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCY) pertaining to the Criminal Gan� Strike Task Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE and AGENCY agree that addi[ional time and funds are necessap� for this initiative; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGRE£D BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A., Paragraph 2 of the Osiginal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. V �� v The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenu to AGENCY shall not exceed Forty-T�� o Thousand dollars ($42,000.09), from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amoum o; Fortv Nine Thousand dollars (�49 000.001, from November 10, 19�6, through — z.v�� December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by the AGENCY during the first year of ii� u Agreement may be expended in the second yeaz of this Agreement. CDOWS2-06 (04-2bM) � loinlPowcrsAgrcanmt fDPS/S P IPDfArf s2A, m.• •. (ADMM.IOSig) ��-��a THAT, Clause II, Section$., Paragraphs I and 2 of Amendmen[ � I, of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: a 1. ReimbursementtotheAGENCYforpurchasedorleasedequipment,and/orleasedvehiclesthrou�hthisAgreementshall `� not�exceed '� � ' _ . One Hundred Thousand Four Hundred r, =t � } a� dollars (5100.400.001, and shall be in compliance with the Revised Budget outline induded in Attachment 2 of thi< A�reement. The Revised Bud�et is hereby incorporated b}' reference and made a part of tliis A�reement. 2. The total obli�ation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not e�czed Port�- Four Thousand Four Hundred dol lars (�44,400.00), from Novzmber 10, 1997, tarough November 9, 1 Q9S, end�t- � �-' °^° ^^^ ^^` Fiftv-Sis Thousand dollars (S�6,000.001 from November 10, 1998 throu�h n �i3s xcmvoa.T¢ am{ai3 ......�.....,..,.,� + pU - °,zot�„ro -�nDecember31,1999. Fundsnotexpendedby AGENCYduringthefirstyearofthisAgrezmentma� F�� be eapended in the second year of this A�reement. THAT Clause t[, Section C., of Amendment �I of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: C. The total obli�ation ofthe STATE for all compensation(overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipmcr,: and/or leased vehicles) to the AGENCY shall not exceed Ei;hty-S ix Thousand t our Hundred dol lars (S S6, 400.00) from November 10, 1997,throu�hNovember9, 1998,andshallnotexceedtheadditionalamountof '' • •.= ��(�,99;888:8Bj One Hundred Five Thousard dollars ($?0�,000.001, from November 10, 1998 through-A�aver�rrv9 t i 5` � }944 December 31. 1999. THAT, Clause Vl., ofthe Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is _ �,._� ,��� obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06 Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until �.�s;�--r, -rm Decem icr 31.1999, or until all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fWfilled, whichever occurs firs± The AGENCY may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or afrer November 10. 1997, once this A�reement is in effect. THAT, Clause XX., Section A., of the Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: A. AGENCY owned or leased vehicles being contributed to the Strike Force: Automobile Liabiliry: AGENCY agrees to provide automobile liability coveraae on all AGENCY owned or ]eased vehid:s- The limits of liabiliry for such coverage must be $200,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage per person and 560QOOO.OP for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence during the period of November 9, 1997, throu�h Decembzr 31, 199�. L_ n innn Duringthe period ofJanuary 1, 1998 through-I.�.,ro�r, .� December31.1999, the limits of liabilirymust be �30 ,) .h� for bodily injury and property damage per person and $750,000.00 for bodily irjury and property damage for any number oi claims. Should the AGENCY need to replace an owned or leased vehicles during the life of this Agreement, the AGENCY a� ecs io provide the STATE with a certificate(s)of insurance,or a statement of self-insurance,naming the STATE as an additional insurcS underthe policy(s). This must be done at the time that the vehicle is replaced, see additional information in Clause [., Sectiec A., item 8, and/or Clause I., Section B., item 2., of this Agreement. WHEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment �I, Pages I, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 shall be aznended as indicate�! in tLc revised pages attached. The revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. WHEREAS, Amendment #1 to the original loint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3, 4 and 5 shall be arnended as indica�, d in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement, and C000032-06 (04Z2.96) Joinl Powcrs Agrttmrn� (I YSIS P I PI J/ 21�.�.� � (qDhIIN IOSIB) �� ��o By e�ecution of this amendment the terms and conditions of the Ori�inal Joint Powers A�reemen[ and Amendment # 1 are expressl� reaffirmed. - Ezcept as herein amended, the provisions of the Orisinal Joint Powers Agreement and Amendment n] remain in full force and efiect. IN WITNESS VJHEREOF, the parties have caused the amendment to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. AGENCY: �AMSEY-COTJIYTY ` �!' � 1 � ! �il_ � C� � �' � BY - Titlz: Chief of Police Date 2. STATE: DEPARTMEIVT OF PUBLIC SAFETY sy Title Date 3. ATTORNEY GENERAL: ey Title Da[e 4. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: ey Title Date CDDOp]2-06 <OS-22-96) loim Powers Agrttmm� {�PS/$ Y I PD tAM-5t i+e�.el: � 1 (ADMM. t051� Amendment �2 Attachmcnt 1 C�„__�CtO Revised - rag�totle ` ` `-` MINI�'ESOTA DEPARTMEI�T OF PUBLIC SAFETY = � i997 S"TAT� OMNIBUS CRINIE ACT CRIn4INAL GAI��G STRIK� FORCG n4E�4BEt2 APPLICATIOh & nqGAqF3ER REPLACGl�(�nT GRAnT Thi; �ixm i> to he u;ed ai the co��er shee[ (ar this app�ication. Submit 10 copies of the comp(ete ap}�litat�on to: (Zo:alind R. Sullivan. Grants Coordinator. Department of Public Safety, Office of thc Cemmission�r. 44� Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, T�'ort�� Cen[ral Lifc To��er, St. Paul, MN �5101-21 �G. CG�TRAC"1'11�G AGGNCI': usc your te��l ❑amc and lidl address. This is dic fiscal a�ent wi�h �� hom tli� �srant a��recmeni ���ill hc c�ccutcd.. — St. Pnul Policc Dcpartmcnt 100 �. I 1 th Street St. Paul. M3� »I01 ��fiilti-Jurisdictionaf 6ffort PaRicipants: Metco Team Telephone Number: 917-4800 Fax Number: N/A NI1�S Tas ID Number. Federal Employer 1D Number: CO\TACT MAILII�'G ADDRGSS: ( �� diffc�int Gom contractingagency). Contact Name: Chief ��'iiliam K. Finne�� Teleplione Numbzr: 91'-4501 Project Start Date: Fax Number: ISiA Project End Date: December 31, 1999 OOS025095-6 416005521 W I November 10 1997 ,�1l ��,"�n : � If }'ou are seeking reimUursement for this position, please check the tyre of reimbursement requested. 75% reimbursement for salarylbenefits GRAN`C FUI�'BS REQUESTED Sepcember30,1997 Reimbursement for overtime y $91,000.00 ���'�— Dal< rcc<ieed br Councii Recomm<ndcd by A e�onal Commia<c Apprortd b�' Fund��g Committcc Approv<d bc Puli Coun<il � Pabli<SaCct�'Commission<r - B �- , Amendment #2 Attachment rl Revi sed - P�ac 10 of 14 �t-��tC� Straka � . . BUDGET I2�QUEST PLEASE COMPLETE OI`ILY Oi�IE OB TEIE FOLLOWING REIA'II3URSEMENT REQUESTS. IR BOTH SECTIONS AI2E COMPLETED'YOi1R APPLICATIO� ��'ILL 1��JT BE CONSID�RED. REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND SEI�EFITS: Estimatc t}:c salary and benefits for two ears. 1'ear 1 1'car 2 � Salary Satary _ Benefits I3cncfits 1'ear 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�tZ-- REI!VIBURSiMENT FOR OVERTI��4E: Estimate overtimc budget for thc mcmUer. The maximum reimbursement is �8, 400 per year_ Yearl Xear2 + Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1°99 Salary �3�.20 Salary �30.20 (incIuding benefits) (inciuding benefifs) Number of Hours 2'78 Number of Hours �8- 324 8 400 Ycar 2 Total �8�99' 9,800 Year 1 Total �--- Officer L}'ttle $18 , 200. 00 Total Yr I& Yr 2 � Sepcember 30_ 1997 Axtell .� � Attachment rl Revised - Pabc 11 of i4_��� G` ]3UDG�T REQ[JEST PLEASE COh4PLETE ONLX Ol�`E OF THE FOLLOWIl�G REIMBURSEMENT REQi3ESTS_ IF BOTH SECTIOI�S ARE COMPLE'I'ED YOUR APPLICATIOIv �'ILL N�T BE CONSTD�RI%D• REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for ri 5'p } �ears. Year 1 Ycar2 $alary Benefits �'e�r 1 Total Salary 13cnefits 1'car 2 Total Amendment k2 Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�JR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERT'IME_ Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimoursement is �8, 400 per year. Year 1 �'ear 2+ Nov . 10 - 9ecember 31, 1999 Salary (including benefits) Number of Hours Year 1 Total Officer P.xtell �i31.42 I Salary � (including benefits) 268.35 I Number of Hours $8 400 I Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �31.42 ^`-� 313.35 ..,,;: : • /1 � — : • 11 11 .. a September 30. 1997 Amendment #2 Attachment 1 ����� L�'tt(e ° _ . BUDGET RGQUEST Revised - F'age 12 of 14 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING RETMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOT�1 SECTIONS ARE CO�'IYLETED YOUR APPLICATIO� «'ILL NOT BE COI�SIDERED. REIMBURSEMEI�T F4P. SA'LARY AIvA BENEFITS: Estimate the sa(ary and bcnefits for h�^o �'cars. Ycar I Ycar2 S�larv Salai}� -- L3enefits 13cnciits Ycar 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----OR--- F2EIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Xear 1 Year2+ Nov. 1C - Dec. 31, 1999 Salary 33.85 �33.85 Salary � (including benefits) (including benefits) 1'v'umber of Hours 248 Number of Hours �g 289 g qpQ Ycar 2 Tota1 9- 9,800 Year 1 Total �- Officer Gilkison $18,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �-�' Septcmber 30 (997 � ' Amendment #2 ' � �{�—�o ' Attachment ¥1 Snvder BUDGET f2�QUEST Revised - Pabei3 ofi4 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY O1VE OF THE FOLLO«'ING REIi�4BURSEMENT R: �UESTS. IF BOTH SECTTONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ�' bl'ILl, I\OT' BE CONSIDi12ED. _ REIb4T3URSEMENT FOR SAT,ARY AND BEl\'EFITS: Estimatc thc satary and benefits for tf_ vo Vears_ Year 1 l'car 2 Salan' S:�lac�, Benefits I3cnefits Year 1 Total 1'ear Z Total Totai Yr 1 and 2 ---OIZ---- R�[NIBURSEMEN'T FOt'2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year l Year2 + Nov 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 Satary �38.91 Salary 38.� 91 (including benefits) (including benefits} Number of Tiours 215.88 Number of Hours �-S:SS- 251.8 Ycar 1 Total $8 400 Year 2 Total �f3�99 9,800 Sgt. Sn}'der $7.8,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �- Sepitmbes 3�. l947 Amendment #2 �� ��� Attachment rl Revised - Pagc I4 of 14 Gitkison "' BUDGET REQU�ST PLEASE COMPLETE OI�`LY ONE O� THE FOLLOWIhG REIMBURSEM�1lT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ� �3`ILL NOT I3G C�l�SiDT�R�D. _ REIIVIBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimatc the salary and 6enefits for h��o �ears. 1'car 1 � Vear 2 ' Salary Salar�• Benefits l3encfits Ycar 1 Totai Ycar 2 Total Tota[ 1'r I and 2 ----OR- REIMBURSE��NT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc membcr. The maxiirium reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Yearl Year2 ,+ Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 sa � a �, $33.8� Salary S33.8� (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours 248 Numaer of Hours � 289 Year 1 Totat �8 400 Year 2 Total 6 9 Officer Straka $18,200.00 . Total Yr 1& Yr 2 ��' September 30, 1997 � Amendment �2 ��--Cp� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 REVTSED �`. , nQINl\`ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFE'TX 1997 STATE OMI�'IBUS CRINIE ACT GRANTS TO E�PAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is fo be used as the cover sheet for this application. Ssbmit lU copies of tY.e complete application to: Rosalind R. Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Departmeat of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Cenfral Life To��•er, St. Paui, MN 5 S 101-2156. CONTRACTINCz AGENCY: Use your legat CONTACT MAII,ING ADDRESS: i£different name and full address: This is the fiscal agent �vith from contracring agency. whom the grant agreement will be executed. St. Paul Po:ice Degartrnent 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Law Enforcement.Ezecutive's Name:_ :: - - .. ". - Contact name: _ , ; . - _ - = __ William F. Finney William F. Finney Telephone number: ,_ Fax nuinber: _-: � Telephoae number: Fas nuriiber: - - (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3542 same MN Tax'� Nuinber -�Federal EmployerID- - Project Start Date: =. Pro�ect $ndDate _' _ ;: .Number:__ - - Decemberi 31, 1999t . 008025095-6 416005521 W November i0,1397 a�; »� GRAIVTFUNDSREQUESTED - $100,400.00 Date rxtived by Councif Recommended by Regienxt Committee Approved by FUndi¢g Committee ppproved by Full Co�nci Pub(ic Safsty Cammissioner Scptember30, i997 Amendment �2 ��b�� Attachmenf 2, Page 3 of 5 � ' PROJECT S'(T114RZARY REVISED 1. ProF�ide a summary of the pian you �vill implemenf. Describe the planaed or ongoing efforfs to couibat gang activity in your area. 2. Describe the need for funding tr.rough fhis grant. The St. Paul Police Department has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Pacl Folice Department is tlie lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asiaa Crimes Task Force. The department is going to assign six officers fuL-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Tasi: Force to coordinate their invesfigations with the Strike Force. The depaRment is requesting reimbursement funding for four *officers and o��ertime reimbursement for the five additional officers to partialiy cover the costs of replacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for sir investigato�s assigned to the Strike Force becausc there is no local funding available to provide those cars. The St. Paul Police DepaRment proposes to use funds under this program to lease three (3) vehides to support each of the three (3) DepaRment officers who �vill serve on the State s Criminat Gang Strike Force for rivo years, a�us anv time extension to this Aareenient. Vehicles leased with funds under this proaram will be used sotely be members assigned to the Gan� Strike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehtcles in its existing fleet to provide Gang Strike Force members with vehicles. Vehicles leased witlt funds under!i�is program will be used solely by members ofthe Gang Strike Foroe. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this a� eemer.t. One (1) vehicle will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander_ [Attach additionai psges as aeeded. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 Amendment r2 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 BUDGET REQU�ST REVISED Frovide budget=for fwo years 1Note_fhat fhe * ifems may.only be funded if utilized for Strike Force members`tHaf,liave=been confribufed by your agQncy. � Yearl Year2 + Nov. 10 - D�c. 31, 1999 Computer Equipment Compnter Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds VelzicleLeasing* VehicleLeasing* $56,000.00 �44.400 �� Communication Fyuipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Fuminshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total Year 2 Totat $5fi �44 400 � TOTALYRI&YR2 �500,400.00 �,�i89:B9— S��o September 3Q 1997 . ` � ' . v ' .. . PROJECT BiTAGET NARRATIVE REVESED Please provide a detailed description of each of fhe budgef items lisfed on Form 4, including an expianantion of how costs �s�ere calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month � 12 months S33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehicles at $400 ner mo�nth X 9 months �16.500 Total Year 1 = $44 4400 Year 2 Ve6icle Leasing - 10 vehictes at $400 per month &��8 $56 ,000 � Total Year 2+ Nov. 10-Dec 31, 1999 =$56,000 Vehicles witl be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. BudgeY NarraYive should not exceed 5 pages) Amendment �2 �� t° �� Attachment 2, Page 5 of S September 30, 1997 } ORIGFNAL Retum Copy To: Police Dept. Accaunting RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Beferred To: �� �-^ Council File # �-�—`��'l�} Green Sheet # 8224 Commit[ee:Date: 1 2 WfIEEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota 3 Deparhnent of Pablic Safety for the period November 10,1997 thmugh November 9,1999; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant has been eatended thmugh December 31� 1999 and increased by $67,422.68; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to increase the 1999 spending and fmancing plan for 8 the Strike Fome Grant by $56,155 to reflect remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase 9 in funding; and • 10 11 A'HEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Sectioa 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $56,155 in ezcesa of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 15 16 17 CURRENT AMENDED 18 FINANCING PLAN: BUD6ET CHANGES BUDGET 19 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 20 34155 - Strike Force 21 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid 356,920 56,155 413,075 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 34155 - Strike Force 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental Velucles 0439 - Fringe Benefits 356,920 56,155 413,075 35,196 20,760 55,956 48,000 8,000 56,000 64,347 27,395 91,742 e e THEREFORE BE PP RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budgeL Adoption Certified by Council sy: Appmved by Mayor.Date:_ sy: � Requested by 0 By: ./ App Rec By: Form � By: Approve y) By: : artm�nt of: '� ld R `� imended cial Services Director: q � � 3 / f � by C' Att ey: 347555bikeFOrce.CR.99 Adopted by Council:Date: ��_��,� �\ \�{� _.. - w, °�R— DEP,t4TMENYIOhICEICOUNCIL DATE INITUITED PoliceDepartment 6J30/99 GREEN SHEET No. 8224 CONTA N 8 INIiIAUDATE INfiIALNAiE ChiefFinney 2923588 1 oernnirenoveECron - �{. 5 crouxa� � MUST BE ON COl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP 3�v.,ronrar �rnrcEwc �rwwew.smneesme �rruxaa.sdevixer¢ �YOR(ORASSl4f , �w�nRNYRS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) CTION RE4UESTED Approval of the attached council resolution increasing the 1999 finaucing and spending plan for the Strike Force grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of RejeCk (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever vrorked under a coniract for this depariment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hasihis perso�rm ever 6een a cilyemplayee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. DoeS this person/fittn possess a s1611 not normally possessed by any current aty employeel YES NO 4. is ih�s personffirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WFIERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota Deparpnent of Public Safety for the period Nwember 10, 1997 through Nwember 9, 1999. This grant has been increased by $67,422.68 and has been extended through December 31, 1999. The 1999 financing and spending plans for this grant need to be increased by $56,155 for the remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase in funding ffom the State of Minnesota. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to continue the gang strike force by using additional grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED - None. ' DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED � ,�- - � � �- Counc� Resear�h G�rs�ar _ Grant funds available will be unused. , - JUL 1 4 1999 70TALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 56,155 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlINDING SOURCE State of Minnesota Strice Force gant ACTMTY NUMBER 34ISS FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAIM � 34155budgetinerease.g�.99 ap �Q{( OFPUpr. � � Q � 0 SJ �P OFM� Aicohol & Gambling � Enforcement Bureau of Criminat Apprehension Capitol Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency ManagemenU Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safe:y State Patrot Traffic Safety \� �p< Office of the Commissioner L� P" 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-500 `-Phone:651/296-6642 fAX:657.29Z5728 T7Y:651/282-6555 �I/ � Internet: http://www.dps.state.mn.us �� �� �` / :' �� � \ � f � June 17, 1999 Chief William Finney St. Paui Police Department 100 E lith Street St. Paul, MN 55101 1 /� ` 1 ry � � / t! f,.; � j , i; � �,, , �, ' ( I it �. i , / '� � 1 , � ,� Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT - RON RYAN SALARY REIMBURSEMENT Dear Chief Finney: Enclosed you will find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for Ron Ryan, Commander of the Gang Strike Force. All copies must be si9ned where indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to ececute Che amendment for the St. Paul Police Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return aii three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55101. please retum the g2nts to me as soon as possibie. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, f �-.___.� , Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAI OPPORTUNIN EMPIOYER AMENDMENT#1 � � V lv����� O SFY 7999 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entsy Locn r Object Code 5600 Requisition No. 1j( Contract No. Order No. 6000-$ 7�U 6000-84A 6000-846 Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation ya � 5� � Total Obligation for FY 98 066790002 00 �88:69 S1'19,059.00 � $47,555.00 SFY 1999 Entry Locn Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commod'ity Code State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paui Police Departrnent 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Fund 100 Object Cade 5600 Agency Number P07 Requisition No. 6006-85 Total Obligation $64,993.00 Org/Sub 3357 C9ntract No. , ,-,�ri�,-_< Appr. Unit 383 Order No. 6000-91 Total Obtigation for FY 98 $31,704.00 Amount: �21,571.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 SO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 600�-84A WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Pubfic Safety (STATE} has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-84A with the Ciry of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminai Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE has additionai funding available for fhe Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STA7E and the GRANTEE agree ihat additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THA7, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali not exceed $79,259.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �83�-2-2 '104 793.00 from November 10, 1998, through i�f�n��� flecember 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. 1 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT �� ��o THAT, Ciause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended #o read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGf2EEMENT. This grant agreement shail be effective upon the date that the finai_ signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until "'- -�`-- ^"^^^ December 31. 1999, or until all ob�igations set forth in the�grant agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after November 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in efFect. WHEREAS, the originai grant agreement, At[achment 1, Page 2 shall be amended as indicated in the revisec pages aftached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this grant agreement. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT °�ct b�iC� By execution of this amendnent, the terms and conditions of the original grant agreement are expressiy reaffirmed. Except as herein amend�, the provisions ofi the originai grant agreement remain in fufl force and efFect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �e parfies have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 9. GRANTEE 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFEfY By: � BY� Titie: Chief of Police � Title: Date: � �a3 C1�1 Date By: Title: Date 3 ENCUMBERE� BY By: Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike �rc�Reimbursement- St. Paul Police Pepartment STATEWIDE COMN.ANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT „� ��i-(��t0 �` Amendment#1 -Attachment 1 Revised - Page 2 of 2 BUDGET REQUEST I2EIMBURSEMENT FOR SAT.ARY AND BENEFTTS: Estimate the salary and benefits for hvo years. Year 1 Year 1 Salary �60_627.00 Salary ��e $79.836.25 Benefits $18.632.00 Benefits °”" "" n° �v�.�� Year 1 Total $79259.00 $24,956.75 Year 1 Total ��e $104.793.00 Total Yr 1 and 2 '� ' $184.052.00 Commissioner Alcohol & Gambling - Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Securiry Driver & Vehide Serv�ces Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety June 16, 1999 Chief Wiiliam Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT Dear Chief Finney: �q �4� �" � �J :��,' � � \��� \ 1. ,� � � S� l� � � �fj�� � � � �� , , , t' � \ _: Enciosed you wili find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for the Metro Gang Strike Force Grant. All copies must be signed where indicated by the individuai(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for the St. Pau1 Potice Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Pubiic 5afety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paui, MN 55101. Piease retum the grants to me as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, �(�--;.,. �--- Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .-, - �. SFY 1999 Fund 100 Object Code 5B00 Agency Number P07 Entry Locn Vendor Number I Commodity Code 066790002 00 State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 AMENDMENT #9 4�IGINAL R Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Requis�tion No. Contract No. Ocder No. 6000-212 6000-83 6000-83B Total Obligation ,�� �'J Total Obligation for FY 98 { �},36688 5402,2i1.68 $182,936.00 Amount: �30,851.68 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 6000-83 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depaftment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-83 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminal Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the 57ATE has addi5onal funding available for the Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STATE and the GRANTEE agree that additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of fhe Grant Agreemenf shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali no; exceed $182.936.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �� $219.275.68 from November 10, 1998, through , � December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GF2ANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGREEMENT. This grant agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shail remain in effect until December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth ir, the grant agreement have been saYisfactosily fulfilled, whichevsr occurs first. The GRANTEE map ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Novemb<r 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in effect. WHEFtEAS, the originai grant agreement, Attachment 1, Pages 1 and 9-12 shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this oran! agreement. 1 of 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Pau1 Police Department � 'T • �^ G � �� VJ lO By execution of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the originai grant agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions o4 the original grant agreement remain +n full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending fo be bound thereby. •= ---- z o£ 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department �� b� � Amendment#'I -Attachment 1 _ • Revised - Page 1 of'12 MiNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE OMNIBUS CRIME ACT = CRIMlNAL GANG STRIKE FORCE MEMBER APPLiCATION & MEMBER REPLACEMENT GRANT This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: . Pamela J. Docken, Grants Coordinator, Department of Public Safety, Offce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. CON7RACTING AGENCY: Use your legal name CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS: (if different from and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom contracting agency). the grant agreement wil4 be executed. City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551 Q1 Mufti-Jurisdictional EffoR Participants: Contact Name: Metro Team Chief William K. Fin�ey Telephone Number: Fax Number: Telephone Number: Fax Number: 917-4800 N/A 917-4801 N/A MN Tax ID Number: Federal Employer ID Project Start Date:: Project End Date: Number: 008025095� 416005521 W November 10, 1997 Pfe�� December 31,1999 If you are seeking reimbursement for this position, please check the type of reimbursement requested. 75°h reimbursement for salary/benefds GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED Reimbursement for overtime � .: Date received by Councii Recortrriended by Regional Committee Approved by FuMling Conrnittee Approved by FWI Councii Public Safety Cortvnissioner Septembec 30, 1997 � g� ��� BUDGET REQUEST Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 Revised - Page 9 of'12 � PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBUFZSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTti SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Sergeant Gre o H. Kuehl REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALAFtY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary $55��3 Salary $ 53.949.74 $63 261.37 Benefits $ 16.580.37 Benefits ���7�ff $19 646.16 Year 1 Total $ 70 530.11 Year 2 Total $�� @75°h - $52,897.00 (rounded) Year 1 $82 907.53 @750/, _ . $82.186.65 Year 2 Total $i8�389-89 5115.077.65 Total Yr 1 and 2 �� $153 .437.64 ""V R"" REIMBURSEMENT FOf2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimburseme�t is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N/A SeQtember 30,1997 ����iO BUDGET REQUEST Amendment#1 -Attachmenf'I Revised - Page '10 of '12 PLEASE COMPLETE Oh1LY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSfDERED. Officer John Lozo a REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefsts for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �'r 1-3£-5s Salary $ 41.882.10 �0.931.70 Benefits S 12.871.62 Benefits ��� $15.822.14 Year 1 Total $ 54.753•72 Year 2 Total �56,39�r33 @75°,6 - $41,065.00.00 (rounded) Year 1 $66.753.84 @75�� _ , , �50.065.38 Year 2 Total $83,36�89 591.130.38 requested Total Yr 1 and 2 ���� $121.507.5fi ----UK---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, a00 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits� Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Tota1 Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A� September 30,1997 i � . ` �� �O�Q , Amendment#1 -AYtachment'I � Revised - Page '11 of'12 ' BUDGET REQUEST PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLiCATiON YVILL NOT $E CONSIDERED. - Officer Kevin Moore REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: EsYimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �� Salary $ 46.945.86 $56.047.37 Benefits $ 14.427.87 Benefits ��"� $17.425.08 Year 1 Total $ 61.373.73 mco ne ,t I]L Year 2 Total �-� ��� @75% - $46,030.00 (rounded) Year 1 $73.472.45 @75o,y _ , . $55.104.34 Year 2 Total $^',��4�8 5101,93d.34 Totai Yr 1 and 2 `�'�;��v.� �aaa.sas.a$ ----OR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Haurs Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N�A September30, 1997 r . , .-t BUDGET REQUEST �C � Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 ftevised - Page 12 of 12 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECT70NS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE C Sergeant Tyrone Strickland REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �5�-1-4.63 Salary $ 43.797.70 $52.804.76 Benefits $ 13.460.34 Benefits $13,86��-5 $16.428.99 Year 1 Total $ 57.258.04 Year 2 Totai �� @75°h - $42,944.00 (rounded) Year 1 $69.233.75 @75°,G - . 551.925.31 Year 2 Total $&7�G8B 594.869.31 Total Yr 1 and 2 ��� $126.491.79 ---nR--- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reim6ursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A_ September 30,1997 STATE OF MINNESOTA Joint Po�vers Agreement - Amendment #2 Criminal Gang Strike Force and/or Leased Vehicies) :rtime & Purchased or Leased Eq nting lnforct}ati0n: J _ po �e� c PO7 � � Fiswl Ye ountofContracr. N1'���nUQ �191,400.00 i[y Codt: Commoi ode' �BQO ObjectC �15,000..00Increase AmounL A cc o unting Distribution 1: Fund: 100 'Spp�' 38J o���s�b: 3356 Rcpt Catg: ^'"°°"� $15,000.00 increase _��t �G;� � � �� 1999 Numbcr. 066 �� �96 $105,�00.00 Cod<: c,«: Distribution 2 �� P `� Rct b� Processing Information: (Some entries may not applyl� . Amendment #2 (�� C� C C� � I(�; Requisition: 6000-77(fv9815/15/98RE S�(e�a�fq„Solicitation: NumbedDate/Entry Initials F� Contract: 6000-82 Order: Number/Date/Entry Initials Accounting Number/Date/Entry Initials Amendment#2 i� L'.CL - 'c� �S 6000-82 ori�inal encumbered 2-20-98 JD\\" Number/Date/S ignatu res (Lidividual signrng certifies Orat fivads have F� r�: encumbered as required by Minn. Sta[ § IGdI.+ f, t6C.os.) Amo;�nt State of Minnesota Depar[ment of Public Safety $ I 5,000 0'i Amendment # 2 to Contract Order Number # 6000-82 WHEREAS,theStateofMinnesota,DepartmentofPublicSafery,(STATE)hasaJointPowersA�reementidentifiedasContract #600��- 82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCY) pertaining to the Criminal Gan� Strike Task Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE and AGENCY agree that addi[ional time and funds are necessap� for this initiative; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGRE£D BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A., Paragraph 2 of the Osiginal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. V �� v The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenu to AGENCY shall not exceed Forty-T�� o Thousand dollars ($42,000.09), from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amoum o; Fortv Nine Thousand dollars (�49 000.001, from November 10, 19�6, through — z.v�� December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by the AGENCY during the first year of ii� u Agreement may be expended in the second yeaz of this Agreement. CDOWS2-06 (04-2bM) � loinlPowcrsAgrcanmt fDPS/S P IPDfArf s2A, m.• •. (ADMM.IOSig) ��-��a THAT, Clause II, Section$., Paragraphs I and 2 of Amendmen[ � I, of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: a 1. ReimbursementtotheAGENCYforpurchasedorleasedequipment,and/orleasedvehiclesthrou�hthisAgreementshall `� not�exceed '� � ' _ . One Hundred Thousand Four Hundred r, =t � } a� dollars (5100.400.001, and shall be in compliance with the Revised Budget outline induded in Attachment 2 of thi< A�reement. The Revised Bud�et is hereby incorporated b}' reference and made a part of tliis A�reement. 2. The total obli�ation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not e�czed Port�- Four Thousand Four Hundred dol lars (�44,400.00), from Novzmber 10, 1997, tarough November 9, 1 Q9S, end�t- � �-' °^° ^^^ ^^` Fiftv-Sis Thousand dollars (S�6,000.001 from November 10, 1998 throu�h n �i3s xcmvoa.T¢ am{ai3 ......�.....,..,.,� + pU - °,zot�„ro -�nDecember31,1999. Fundsnotexpendedby AGENCYduringthefirstyearofthisAgrezmentma� F�� be eapended in the second year of this A�reement. THAT Clause t[, Section C., of Amendment �I of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: C. The total obli�ation ofthe STATE for all compensation(overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipmcr,: and/or leased vehicles) to the AGENCY shall not exceed Ei;hty-S ix Thousand t our Hundred dol lars (S S6, 400.00) from November 10, 1997,throu�hNovember9, 1998,andshallnotexceedtheadditionalamountof '' • •.= ��(�,99;888:8Bj One Hundred Five Thousard dollars ($?0�,000.001, from November 10, 1998 through-A�aver�rrv9 t i 5` � }944 December 31. 1999. THAT, Clause Vl., ofthe Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is _ �,._� ,��� obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06 Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until �.�s;�--r, -rm Decem icr 31.1999, or until all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fWfilled, whichever occurs firs± The AGENCY may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or afrer November 10. 1997, once this A�reement is in effect. THAT, Clause XX., Section A., of the Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: A. AGENCY owned or leased vehicles being contributed to the Strike Force: Automobile Liabiliry: AGENCY agrees to provide automobile liability coveraae on all AGENCY owned or ]eased vehid:s- The limits of liabiliry for such coverage must be $200,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage per person and 560QOOO.OP for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence during the period of November 9, 1997, throu�h Decembzr 31, 199�. L_ n innn Duringthe period ofJanuary 1, 1998 through-I.�.,ro�r, .� December31.1999, the limits of liabilirymust be �30 ,) .h� for bodily injury and property damage per person and $750,000.00 for bodily irjury and property damage for any number oi claims. Should the AGENCY need to replace an owned or leased vehicles during the life of this Agreement, the AGENCY a� ecs io provide the STATE with a certificate(s)of insurance,or a statement of self-insurance,naming the STATE as an additional insurcS underthe policy(s). This must be done at the time that the vehicle is replaced, see additional information in Clause [., Sectiec A., item 8, and/or Clause I., Section B., item 2., of this Agreement. WHEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment �I, Pages I, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 shall be aznended as indicate�! in tLc revised pages attached. The revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. WHEREAS, Amendment #1 to the original loint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3, 4 and 5 shall be arnended as indica�, d in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement, and C000032-06 (04Z2.96) Joinl Powcrs Agrttmrn� (I YSIS P I PI J/ 21�.�.� � (qDhIIN IOSIB) �� ��o By e�ecution of this amendment the terms and conditions of the Ori�inal Joint Powers A�reemen[ and Amendment # 1 are expressl� reaffirmed. - Ezcept as herein amended, the provisions of the Orisinal Joint Powers Agreement and Amendment n] remain in full force and efiect. IN WITNESS VJHEREOF, the parties have caused the amendment to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. AGENCY: �AMSEY-COTJIYTY ` �!' � 1 � ! �il_ � C� � �' � BY - Titlz: Chief of Police Date 2. STATE: DEPARTMEIVT OF PUBLIC SAFETY sy Title Date 3. ATTORNEY GENERAL: ey Title Da[e 4. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: ey Title Date CDDOp]2-06 <OS-22-96) loim Powers Agrttmm� {�PS/$ Y I PD tAM-5t i+e�.el: � 1 (ADMM. t051� Amendment �2 Attachmcnt 1 C�„__�CtO Revised - rag�totle ` ` `-` MINI�'ESOTA DEPARTMEI�T OF PUBLIC SAFETY = � i997 S"TAT� OMNIBUS CRINIE ACT CRIn4INAL GAI��G STRIK� FORCG n4E�4BEt2 APPLICATIOh & nqGAqF3ER REPLACGl�(�nT GRAnT Thi; �ixm i> to he u;ed ai the co��er shee[ (ar this app�ication. Submit 10 copies of the comp(ete ap}�litat�on to: (Zo:alind R. Sullivan. Grants Coordinator. Department of Public Safety, Office of thc Cemmission�r. 44� Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, T�'ort�� Cen[ral Lifc To��er, St. Paul, MN �5101-21 �G. CG�TRAC"1'11�G AGGNCI': usc your te��l ❑amc and lidl address. This is dic fiscal a�ent wi�h �� hom tli� �srant a��recmeni ���ill hc c�ccutcd.. — St. Pnul Policc Dcpartmcnt 100 �. I 1 th Street St. Paul. M3� »I01 ��fiilti-Jurisdictionaf 6ffort PaRicipants: Metco Team Telephone Number: 917-4800 Fax Number: N/A NI1�S Tas ID Number. Federal Employer 1D Number: CO\TACT MAILII�'G ADDRGSS: ( �� diffc�int Gom contractingagency). Contact Name: Chief ��'iiliam K. Finne�� Teleplione Numbzr: 91'-4501 Project Start Date: Fax Number: ISiA Project End Date: December 31, 1999 OOS025095-6 416005521 W I November 10 1997 ,�1l ��,"�n : � If }'ou are seeking reimUursement for this position, please check the tyre of reimbursement requested. 75% reimbursement for salarylbenefits GRAN`C FUI�'BS REQUESTED Sepcember30,1997 Reimbursement for overtime y $91,000.00 ���'�— Dal< rcc<ieed br Councii Recomm<ndcd by A e�onal Commia<c Apprortd b�' Fund��g Committcc Approv<d bc Puli Coun<il � Pabli<SaCct�'Commission<r - B �- , Amendment #2 Attachment rl Revi sed - P�ac 10 of 14 �t-��tC� Straka � . . BUDGET I2�QUEST PLEASE COMPLETE OI`ILY Oi�IE OB TEIE FOLLOWING REIA'II3URSEMENT REQUESTS. IR BOTH SECTIONS AI2E COMPLETED'YOi1R APPLICATIO� ��'ILL 1��JT BE CONSID�RED. REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND SEI�EFITS: Estimatc t}:c salary and benefits for two ears. 1'ear 1 1'car 2 � Salary Satary _ Benefits I3cncfits 1'ear 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�tZ-- REI!VIBURSiMENT FOR OVERTI��4E: Estimate overtimc budget for thc mcmUer. The maximum reimbursement is �8, 400 per year_ Yearl Xear2 + Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1°99 Salary �3�.20 Salary �30.20 (incIuding benefits) (inciuding benefifs) Number of Hours 2'78 Number of Hours �8- 324 8 400 Ycar 2 Total �8�99' 9,800 Year 1 Total �--- Officer L}'ttle $18 , 200. 00 Total Yr I& Yr 2 � Sepcember 30_ 1997 Axtell .� � Attachment rl Revised - Pabc 11 of i4_��� G` ]3UDG�T REQ[JEST PLEASE COh4PLETE ONLX Ol�`E OF THE FOLLOWIl�G REIMBURSEMENT REQi3ESTS_ IF BOTH SECTIOI�S ARE COMPLE'I'ED YOUR APPLICATIOIv �'ILL N�T BE CONSTD�RI%D• REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for ri 5'p } �ears. Year 1 Ycar2 $alary Benefits �'e�r 1 Total Salary 13cnefits 1'car 2 Total Amendment k2 Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�JR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERT'IME_ Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimoursement is �8, 400 per year. Year 1 �'ear 2+ Nov . 10 - 9ecember 31, 1999 Salary (including benefits) Number of Hours Year 1 Total Officer P.xtell �i31.42 I Salary � (including benefits) 268.35 I Number of Hours $8 400 I Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �31.42 ^`-� 313.35 ..,,;: : • /1 � — : • 11 11 .. a September 30. 1997 Amendment #2 Attachment 1 ����� L�'tt(e ° _ . BUDGET RGQUEST Revised - F'age 12 of 14 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING RETMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOT�1 SECTIONS ARE CO�'IYLETED YOUR APPLICATIO� «'ILL NOT BE COI�SIDERED. REIMBURSEMEI�T F4P. SA'LARY AIvA BENEFITS: Estimate the sa(ary and bcnefits for h�^o �'cars. Ycar I Ycar2 S�larv Salai}� -- L3enefits 13cnciits Ycar 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----OR--- F2EIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Xear 1 Year2+ Nov. 1C - Dec. 31, 1999 Salary 33.85 �33.85 Salary � (including benefits) (including benefits) 1'v'umber of Hours 248 Number of Hours �g 289 g qpQ Ycar 2 Tota1 9- 9,800 Year 1 Total �- Officer Gilkison $18,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �-�' Septcmber 30 (997 � ' Amendment #2 ' � �{�—�o ' Attachment ¥1 Snvder BUDGET f2�QUEST Revised - Pabei3 ofi4 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY O1VE OF THE FOLLO«'ING REIi�4BURSEMENT R: �UESTS. IF BOTH SECTTONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ�' bl'ILl, I\OT' BE CONSIDi12ED. _ REIb4T3URSEMENT FOR SAT,ARY AND BEl\'EFITS: Estimatc thc satary and benefits for tf_ vo Vears_ Year 1 l'car 2 Salan' S:�lac�, Benefits I3cnefits Year 1 Total 1'ear Z Total Totai Yr 1 and 2 ---OIZ---- R�[NIBURSEMEN'T FOt'2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year l Year2 + Nov 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 Satary �38.91 Salary 38.� 91 (including benefits) (including benefits} Number of Tiours 215.88 Number of Hours �-S:SS- 251.8 Ycar 1 Total $8 400 Year 2 Total �f3�99 9,800 Sgt. Sn}'der $7.8,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �- Sepitmbes 3�. l947 Amendment #2 �� ��� Attachment rl Revised - Pagc I4 of 14 Gitkison "' BUDGET REQU�ST PLEASE COMPLETE OI�`LY ONE O� THE FOLLOWIhG REIMBURSEM�1lT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ� �3`ILL NOT I3G C�l�SiDT�R�D. _ REIIVIBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimatc the salary and 6enefits for h��o �ears. 1'car 1 � Vear 2 ' Salary Salar�• Benefits l3encfits Ycar 1 Totai Ycar 2 Total Tota[ 1'r I and 2 ----OR- REIMBURSE��NT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc membcr. The maxiirium reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Yearl Year2 ,+ Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 sa � a �, $33.8� Salary S33.8� (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours 248 Numaer of Hours � 289 Year 1 Totat �8 400 Year 2 Total 6 9 Officer Straka $18,200.00 . Total Yr 1& Yr 2 ��' September 30, 1997 � Amendment �2 ��--Cp� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 REVTSED �`. , nQINl\`ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFE'TX 1997 STATE OMI�'IBUS CRINIE ACT GRANTS TO E�PAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is fo be used as the cover sheet for this application. Ssbmit lU copies of tY.e complete application to: Rosalind R. Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Departmeat of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Cenfral Life To��•er, St. Paui, MN 5 S 101-2156. CONTRACTINCz AGENCY: Use your legat CONTACT MAII,ING ADDRESS: i£different name and full address: This is the fiscal agent �vith from contracring agency. whom the grant agreement will be executed. St. Paul Po:ice Degartrnent 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Law Enforcement.Ezecutive's Name:_ :: - - .. ". - Contact name: _ , ; . - _ - = __ William F. Finney William F. Finney Telephone number: ,_ Fax nuinber: _-: � Telephoae number: Fas nuriiber: - - (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3542 same MN Tax'� Nuinber -�Federal EmployerID- - Project Start Date: =. Pro�ect $ndDate _' _ ;: .Number:__ - - Decemberi 31, 1999t . 008025095-6 416005521 W November i0,1397 a�; »� GRAIVTFUNDSREQUESTED - $100,400.00 Date rxtived by Councif Recommended by Regienxt Committee Approved by FUndi¢g Committee ppproved by Full Co�nci Pub(ic Safsty Cammissioner Scptember30, i997 Amendment �2 ��b�� Attachmenf 2, Page 3 of 5 � ' PROJECT S'(T114RZARY REVISED 1. ProF�ide a summary of the pian you �vill implemenf. Describe the planaed or ongoing efforfs to couibat gang activity in your area. 2. Describe the need for funding tr.rough fhis grant. The St. Paul Police Department has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Pacl Folice Department is tlie lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asiaa Crimes Task Force. The department is going to assign six officers fuL-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Tasi: Force to coordinate their invesfigations with the Strike Force. The depaRment is requesting reimbursement funding for four *officers and o��ertime reimbursement for the five additional officers to partialiy cover the costs of replacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for sir investigato�s assigned to the Strike Force becausc there is no local funding available to provide those cars. The St. Paul Police DepaRment proposes to use funds under this program to lease three (3) vehides to support each of the three (3) DepaRment officers who �vill serve on the State s Criminat Gang Strike Force for rivo years, a�us anv time extension to this Aareenient. Vehicles leased with funds under this proaram will be used sotely be members assigned to the Gan� Strike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehtcles in its existing fleet to provide Gang Strike Force members with vehicles. Vehicles leased witlt funds under!i�is program will be used solely by members ofthe Gang Strike Foroe. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this a� eemer.t. One (1) vehicle will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander_ [Attach additionai psges as aeeded. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 Amendment r2 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 BUDGET REQU�ST REVISED Frovide budget=for fwo years 1Note_fhat fhe * ifems may.only be funded if utilized for Strike Force members`tHaf,liave=been confribufed by your agQncy. � Yearl Year2 + Nov. 10 - D�c. 31, 1999 Computer Equipment Compnter Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds VelzicleLeasing* VehicleLeasing* $56,000.00 �44.400 �� Communication Fyuipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Fuminshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total Year 2 Totat $5fi �44 400 � TOTALYRI&YR2 �500,400.00 �,�i89:B9— S��o September 3Q 1997 . ` � ' . v ' .. . PROJECT BiTAGET NARRATIVE REVESED Please provide a detailed description of each of fhe budgef items lisfed on Form 4, including an expianantion of how costs �s�ere calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month � 12 months S33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehicles at $400 ner mo�nth X 9 months �16.500 Total Year 1 = $44 4400 Year 2 Ve6icle Leasing - 10 vehictes at $400 per month &��8 $56 ,000 � Total Year 2+ Nov. 10-Dec 31, 1999 =$56,000 Vehicles witl be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. BudgeY NarraYive should not exceed 5 pages) Amendment �2 �� t° �� Attachment 2, Page 5 of S September 30, 1997 } ORIGFNAL Retum Copy To: Police Dept. Accaunting RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Beferred To: �� �-^ Council File # �-�—`��'l�} Green Sheet # 8224 Commit[ee:Date: 1 2 WfIEEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota 3 Deparhnent of Pablic Safety for the period November 10,1997 thmugh November 9,1999; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant has been eatended thmugh December 31� 1999 and increased by $67,422.68; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to increase the 1999 spending and fmancing plan for 8 the Strike Fome Grant by $56,155 to reflect remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase 9 in funding; and • 10 11 A'HEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Sectioa 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appmpriation funds of $56,155 in ezcesa of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 13 14 15 16 17 CURRENT AMENDED 18 FINANCING PLAN: BUD6ET CHANGES BUDGET 19 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 20 34155 - Strike Force 21 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid 356,920 56,155 413,075 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial Pmjects Fund 34155 - Strike Force 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental Velucles 0439 - Fringe Benefits 356,920 56,155 413,075 35,196 20,760 55,956 48,000 8,000 56,000 64,347 27,395 91,742 e e THEREFORE BE PP RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budgeL Adoption Certified by Council sy: Appmved by Mayor.Date:_ sy: � Requested by 0 By: ./ App Rec By: Form � By: Approve y) By: : artm�nt of: '� ld R `� imended cial Services Director: q � � 3 / f � by C' Att ey: 347555bikeFOrce.CR.99 Adopted by Council:Date: ��_��,� �\ \�{� _.. - w, °�R— DEP,t4TMENYIOhICEICOUNCIL DATE INITUITED PoliceDepartment 6J30/99 GREEN SHEET No. 8224 CONTA N 8 INIiIAUDATE INfiIALNAiE ChiefFinney 2923588 1 oernnirenoveECron - �{. 5 crouxa� � MUST BE ON COl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP 3�v.,ronrar �rnrcEwc �rwwew.smneesme �rruxaa.sdevixer¢ �YOR(ORASSl4f , �w�nRNYRS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) CTION RE4UESTED Approval of the attached council resolution increasing the 1999 finaucing and spending plan for the Strike Force grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of RejeCk (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever vrorked under a coniract for this depariment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hasihis perso�rm ever 6een a cilyemplayee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. DoeS this person/fittn possess a s1611 not normally possessed by any current aty employeel YES NO 4. is ih�s personffirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WFIERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$710,241 Strike Force Grant from the Minnesota Deparpnent of Public Safety for the period Nwember 10, 1997 through Nwember 9, 1999. This grant has been increased by $67,422.68 and has been extended through December 31, 1999. The 1999 financing and spending plans for this grant need to be increased by $56,155 for the remaining grant funds available for 1999, including the increase in funding ffom the State of Minnesota. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Ability to continue the gang strike force by using additional grant funds. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED - None. ' DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED � ,�- - � � �- Counc� Resear�h G�rs�ar _ Grant funds available will be unused. , - JUL 1 4 1999 70TALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 56,155 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlINDING SOURCE State of Minnesota Strice Force gant ACTMTY NUMBER 34ISS FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAIM � 34155budgetinerease.g�.99 ap �Q{( OFPUpr. � � Q � 0 SJ �P OFM� Aicohol & Gambling � Enforcement Bureau of Criminat Apprehension Capitol Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency ManagemenU Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safe:y State Patrot Traffic Safety \� �p< Office of the Commissioner L� P" 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-500 `-Phone:651/296-6642 fAX:657.29Z5728 T7Y:651/282-6555 �I/ � Internet: http://www.dps.state.mn.us �� �� �` / :' �� � \ � f � June 17, 1999 Chief William Finney St. Paui Police Department 100 E lith Street St. Paul, MN 55101 1 /� ` 1 ry � � / t! f,.; � j , i; � �,, , �, ' ( I it �. i , / '� � 1 , � ,� Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT - RON RYAN SALARY REIMBURSEMENT Dear Chief Finney: Enclosed you will find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for Ron Ryan, Commander of the Gang Strike Force. All copies must be si9ned where indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to ececute Che amendment for the St. Paul Police Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return aii three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55101. please retum the g2nts to me as soon as possibie. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, f �-.___.� , Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAI OPPORTUNIN EMPIOYER AMENDMENT#1 � � V lv����� O SFY 7999 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entsy Locn r Object Code 5600 Requisition No. 1j( Contract No. Order No. 6000-$ 7�U 6000-84A 6000-846 Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation ya � 5� � Total Obligation for FY 98 066790002 00 �88:69 S1'19,059.00 � $47,555.00 SFY 1999 Entry Locn Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commod'ity Code State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paui Police Departrnent 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Fund 100 Object Cade 5600 Agency Number P07 Requisition No. 6006-85 Total Obligation $64,993.00 Org/Sub 3357 C9ntract No. , ,-,�ri�,-_< Appr. Unit 383 Order No. 6000-91 Total Obtigation for FY 98 $31,704.00 Amount: �21,571.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 SO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 600�-84A WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Pubfic Safety (STATE} has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-84A with the Ciry of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminai Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE has additionai funding available for fhe Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STA7E and the GRANTEE agree ihat additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THA7, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali not exceed $79,259.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �83�-2-2 '104 793.00 from November 10, 1998, through i�f�n��� flecember 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. 1 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT �� ��o THAT, Ciause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended #o read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGf2EEMENT. This grant agreement shail be effective upon the date that the finai_ signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until "'- -�`-- ^"^^^ December 31. 1999, or until all ob�igations set forth in the�grant agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after November 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in efFect. WHEREAS, the originai grant agreement, At[achment 1, Page 2 shall be amended as indicated in the revisec pages aftached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this grant agreement. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department STATEWIDE COMMANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT °�ct b�iC� By execution of this amendnent, the terms and conditions of the original grant agreement are expressiy reaffirmed. Except as herein amend�, the provisions ofi the originai grant agreement remain in fufl force and efFect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �e parfies have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 9. GRANTEE 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFEfY By: � BY� Titie: Chief of Police � Title: Date: � �a3 C1�1 Date By: Title: Date 3 ENCUMBERE� BY By: Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike �rc�Reimbursement- St. Paul Police Pepartment STATEWIDE COMN.ANDER REIMBURSEMENT GRANT „� ��i-(��t0 �` Amendment#1 -Attachment 1 Revised - Page 2 of 2 BUDGET REQUEST I2EIMBURSEMENT FOR SAT.ARY AND BENEFTTS: Estimate the salary and benefits for hvo years. Year 1 Year 1 Salary �60_627.00 Salary ��e $79.836.25 Benefits $18.632.00 Benefits °”" "" n° �v�.�� Year 1 Total $79259.00 $24,956.75 Year 1 Total ��e $104.793.00 Total Yr 1 and 2 '� ' $184.052.00 Commissioner Alcohol & Gambling - Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Securiry Driver & Vehide Serv�ces Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety June 16, 1999 Chief Wiiliam Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: GANG STRIKE FORCE GRANT AMENDMENT Dear Chief Finney: �q �4� �" � �J :��,' � � \��� \ 1. ,� � � S� l� � � �fj�� � � � �� , , , t' � \ _: Enciosed you wili find three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendment for the Metro Gang Strike Force Grant. All copies must be signed where indicated by the individuai(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for the St. Pau1 Potice Department. After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of the Reimbursment Grant Amendments to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department of Pubiic 5afety, Law Enforcment and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paui, MN 55101. Piease retum the grants to me as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-1697. Thank you. Sincerely, �(�--;.,. �--- Pamela Docken Grant Administrator Enclosures EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .-, - �. SFY 1999 Fund 100 Object Code 5B00 Agency Number P07 Entry Locn Vendor Number I Commodity Code 066790002 00 State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 AMENDMENT #9 4�IGINAL R Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Requis�tion No. Contract No. Ocder No. 6000-212 6000-83 6000-83B Total Obligation ,�� �'J Total Obligation for FY 98 { �},36688 5402,2i1.68 $182,936.00 Amount: �30,851.68 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 6000-83 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depaftment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as Contract Number 6000-83 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Criminal Gang Strike Force, and WHEREAS, the 57ATE has addi5onal funding available for the Criminal Gang Sirike Force; and WHEREAS, the STATE and the GRANTEE agree that additional funds and time are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the grant agreement; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 2, of fhe Grant Agreemenf shall be amended to read: 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shali no; exceed $182.936.00 from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amount of �� $219.275.68 from November 10, 1998, through , � December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by GF2ANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this grant agreement. THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF GRANT AGREEMENT. This grant agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shail remain in effect until December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth ir, the grant agreement have been saYisfactosily fulfilled, whichevsr occurs first. The GRANTEE map ciaim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Novemb<r 10 1997, once this grant agreement is in effect. WHEFtEAS, the originai grant agreement, Attachment 1, Pages 1 and 9-12 shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this oran! agreement. 1 of 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Pau1 Police Department � 'T • �^ G � �� VJ lO By execution of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the originai grant agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions o4 the original grant agreement remain +n full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending fo be bound thereby. •= ---- z o£ 2 Criminal Gang Strike Force Reimbursement - St. Paul Police Department �� b� � Amendment#'I -Attachment 1 _ • Revised - Page 1 of'12 MiNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE OMNIBUS CRIME ACT = CRIMlNAL GANG STRIKE FORCE MEMBER APPLiCATION & MEMBER REPLACEMENT GRANT This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: . Pamela J. Docken, Grants Coordinator, Department of Public Safety, Offce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. CON7RACTING AGENCY: Use your legal name CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS: (if different from and full address. This is the fiscal agent with whom contracting agency). the grant agreement wil4 be executed. City of St. Paul St. Paul Police Department 100 E 11th Street St. Paul, MN 551 Q1 Mufti-Jurisdictional EffoR Participants: Contact Name: Metro Team Chief William K. Fin�ey Telephone Number: Fax Number: Telephone Number: Fax Number: 917-4800 N/A 917-4801 N/A MN Tax ID Number: Federal Employer ID Project Start Date:: Project End Date: Number: 008025095� 416005521 W November 10, 1997 Pfe�� December 31,1999 If you are seeking reimbursement for this position, please check the type of reimbursement requested. 75°h reimbursement for salary/benefds GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED Reimbursement for overtime � .: Date received by Councii Recortrriended by Regional Committee Approved by FuMling Conrnittee Approved by FWI Councii Public Safety Cortvnissioner Septembec 30, 1997 � g� ��� BUDGET REQUEST Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 Revised - Page 9 of'12 � PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBUFZSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTti SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Sergeant Gre o H. Kuehl REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALAFtY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary $55��3 Salary $ 53.949.74 $63 261.37 Benefits $ 16.580.37 Benefits ���7�ff $19 646.16 Year 1 Total $ 70 530.11 Year 2 Total $�� @75°h - $52,897.00 (rounded) Year 1 $82 907.53 @750/, _ . $82.186.65 Year 2 Total $i8�389-89 5115.077.65 Total Yr 1 and 2 �� $153 .437.64 ""V R"" REIMBURSEMENT FOf2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimburseme�t is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N/A SeQtember 30,1997 ����iO BUDGET REQUEST Amendment#1 -Attachmenf'I Revised - Page '10 of '12 PLEASE COMPLETE Oh1LY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSfDERED. Officer John Lozo a REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefsts for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �'r 1-3£-5s Salary $ 41.882.10 �0.931.70 Benefits S 12.871.62 Benefits ��� $15.822.14 Year 1 Total $ 54.753•72 Year 2 Total �56,39�r33 @75°,6 - $41,065.00.00 (rounded) Year 1 $66.753.84 @75�� _ , , �50.065.38 Year 2 Total $83,36�89 591.130.38 requested Total Yr 1 and 2 ���� $121.507.5fi ----UK---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, a00 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits� Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total - Tota1 Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A� September 30,1997 i � . ` �� �O�Q , Amendment#1 -AYtachment'I � Revised - Page '11 of'12 ' BUDGET REQUEST PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLiCATiON YVILL NOT $E CONSIDERED. - Officer Kevin Moore REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: EsYimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �� Salary $ 46.945.86 $56.047.37 Benefits $ 14.427.87 Benefits ��"� $17.425.08 Year 1 Total $ 61.373.73 mco ne ,t I]L Year 2 Total �-� ��� @75% - $46,030.00 (rounded) Year 1 $73.472.45 @75o,y _ , . $55.104.34 Year 2 Total $^',��4�8 5101,93d.34 Totai Yr 1 and 2 `�'�;��v.� �aaa.sas.a$ ----OR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Haurs Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 _N�A September30, 1997 r . , .-t BUDGET REQUEST �C � Amendment #1 - Attachment 1 ftevised - Page 12 of 12 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECT70NS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE C Sergeant Tyrone Strickland REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for two years. Year 1 Year 2 Salary �5�-1-4.63 Salary $ 43.797.70 $52.804.76 Benefits $ 13.460.34 Benefits $13,86��-5 $16.428.99 Year 1 Total $ 57.258.04 Year 2 Totai �� @75°h - $42,944.00 (rounded) Year 1 $69.233.75 @75°,G - . 551.925.31 Year 2 Total $&7�G8B 594.869.31 Total Yr 1 and 2 ��� $126.491.79 ---nR--- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reim6ursement is $8, 400 per year. Year 1 Year 2 Salary Salary (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours Number of Hours Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Total Yr 1 8� Yr 2 _N/A_ September 30,1997 STATE OF MINNESOTA Joint Po�vers Agreement - Amendment #2 Criminal Gang Strike Force and/or Leased Vehicies) :rtime & Purchased or Leased Eq nting lnforct}ati0n: J _ po �e� c PO7 � � Fiswl Ye ountofContracr. N1'���nUQ �191,400.00 i[y Codt: Commoi ode' �BQO ObjectC �15,000..00Increase AmounL A cc o unting Distribution 1: Fund: 100 'Spp�' 38J o���s�b: 3356 Rcpt Catg: ^'"°°"� $15,000.00 increase _��t �G;� � � �� 1999 Numbcr. 066 �� �96 $105,�00.00 Cod<: c,«: Distribution 2 �� P `� Rct b� Processing Information: (Some entries may not applyl� . Amendment #2 (�� C� C C� � I(�; Requisition: 6000-77(fv9815/15/98RE S�(e�a�fq„Solicitation: NumbedDate/Entry Initials F� Contract: 6000-82 Order: Number/Date/Entry Initials Accounting Number/Date/Entry Initials Amendment#2 i� L'.CL - 'c� �S 6000-82 ori�inal encumbered 2-20-98 JD\\" Number/Date/S ignatu res (Lidividual signrng certifies Orat fivads have F� r�: encumbered as required by Minn. Sta[ § IGdI.+ f, t6C.os.) Amo;�nt State of Minnesota Depar[ment of Public Safety $ I 5,000 0'i Amendment # 2 to Contract Order Number # 6000-82 WHEREAS,theStateofMinnesota,DepartmentofPublicSafery,(STATE)hasaJointPowersA�reementidentifiedasContract #600��- 82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCY) pertaining to the Criminal Gan� Strike Task Force, and WHEREAS, the STATE and AGENCY agree that addi[ional time and funds are necessap� for this initiative; and NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGRE£D BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Section A., Paragraph 2 of the Osiginal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: 2. V �� v The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursemenu to AGENCY shall not exceed Forty-T�� o Thousand dollars ($42,000.09), from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and an additional amoum o; Fortv Nine Thousand dollars (�49 000.001, from November 10, 19�6, through — z.v�� December 31. 1999. Funds not expended by the AGENCY during the first year of ii� u Agreement may be expended in the second yeaz of this Agreement. CDOWS2-06 (04-2bM) � loinlPowcrsAgrcanmt fDPS/S P IPDfArf s2A, m.• •. (ADMM.IOSig) ��-��a THAT, Clause II, Section$., Paragraphs I and 2 of Amendmen[ � I, of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: a 1. ReimbursementtotheAGENCYforpurchasedorleasedequipment,and/orleasedvehiclesthrou�hthisAgreementshall `� not�exceed '� � ' _ . One Hundred Thousand Four Hundred r, =t � } a� dollars (5100.400.001, and shall be in compliance with the Revised Budget outline induded in Attachment 2 of thi< A�reement. The Revised Bud�et is hereby incorporated b}' reference and made a part of tliis A�reement. 2. The total obli�ation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not e�czed Port�- Four Thousand Four Hundred dol lars (�44,400.00), from Novzmber 10, 1997, tarough November 9, 1 Q9S, end�t- � �-' °^° ^^^ ^^` Fiftv-Sis Thousand dollars (S�6,000.001 from November 10, 1998 throu�h n �i3s xcmvoa.T¢ am{ai3 ......�.....,..,.,� + pU - °,zot�„ro -�nDecember31,1999. Fundsnotexpendedby AGENCYduringthefirstyearofthisAgrezmentma� F�� be eapended in the second year of this A�reement. THAT Clause t[, Section C., of Amendment �I of the ori�inal Joint Powers Agreemen[ shall be amended to read: C. The total obli�ation ofthe STATE for all compensation(overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipmcr,: and/or leased vehicles) to the AGENCY shall not exceed Ei;hty-S ix Thousand t our Hundred dol lars (S S6, 400.00) from November 10, 1997,throu�hNovember9, 1998,andshallnotexceedtheadditionalamountof '' • •.= ��(�,99;888:8Bj One Hundred Five Thousard dollars ($?0�,000.001, from November 10, 1998 through-A�aver�rrv9 t i 5` � }944 December 31. 1999. THAT, Clause Vl., ofthe Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: VI. TERMS OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is _ �,._� ,��� obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06 Subd 2., and shall remain in effect until �.�s;�--r, -rm Decem icr 31.1999, or until all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fWfilled, whichever occurs firs± The AGENCY may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or afrer November 10. 1997, once this A�reement is in effect. THAT, Clause XX., Section A., of the Original Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: A. AGENCY owned or leased vehicles being contributed to the Strike Force: Automobile Liabiliry: AGENCY agrees to provide automobile liability coveraae on all AGENCY owned or ]eased vehid:s- The limits of liabiliry for such coverage must be $200,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage per person and 560QOOO.OP for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence during the period of November 9, 1997, throu�h Decembzr 31, 199�. L_ n innn Duringthe period ofJanuary 1, 1998 through-I.�.,ro�r, .� December31.1999, the limits of liabilirymust be �30 ,) .h� for bodily injury and property damage per person and $750,000.00 for bodily irjury and property damage for any number oi claims. Should the AGENCY need to replace an owned or leased vehicles during the life of this Agreement, the AGENCY a� ecs io provide the STATE with a certificate(s)of insurance,or a statement of self-insurance,naming the STATE as an additional insurcS underthe policy(s). This must be done at the time that the vehicle is replaced, see additional information in Clause [., Sectiec A., item 8, and/or Clause I., Section B., item 2., of this Agreement. WHEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment �I, Pages I, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 shall be aznended as indicate�! in tLc revised pages attached. The revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. WHEREAS, Amendment #1 to the original loint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3, 4 and 5 shall be arnended as indica�, d in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement, and C000032-06 (04Z2.96) Joinl Powcrs Agrttmrn� (I YSIS P I PI J/ 21�.�.� � (qDhIIN IOSIB) �� ��o By e�ecution of this amendment the terms and conditions of the Ori�inal Joint Powers A�reemen[ and Amendment # 1 are expressl� reaffirmed. - Ezcept as herein amended, the provisions of the Orisinal Joint Powers Agreement and Amendment n] remain in full force and efiect. IN WITNESS VJHEREOF, the parties have caused the amendment to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. AGENCY: �AMSEY-COTJIYTY ` �!' � 1 � ! �il_ � C� � �' � BY - Titlz: Chief of Police Date 2. STATE: DEPARTMEIVT OF PUBLIC SAFETY sy Title Date 3. ATTORNEY GENERAL: ey Title Da[e 4. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: ey Title Date CDDOp]2-06 <OS-22-96) loim Powers Agrttmm� {�PS/$ Y I PD tAM-5t i+e�.el: � 1 (ADMM. t051� Amendment �2 Attachmcnt 1 C�„__�CtO Revised - rag�totle ` ` `-` MINI�'ESOTA DEPARTMEI�T OF PUBLIC SAFETY = � i997 S"TAT� OMNIBUS CRINIE ACT CRIn4INAL GAI��G STRIK� FORCG n4E�4BEt2 APPLICATIOh & nqGAqF3ER REPLACGl�(�nT GRAnT Thi; �ixm i> to he u;ed ai the co��er shee[ (ar this app�ication. Submit 10 copies of the comp(ete ap}�litat�on to: (Zo:alind R. Sullivan. Grants Coordinator. Department of Public Safety, Office of thc Cemmission�r. 44� Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, T�'ort�� Cen[ral Lifc To��er, St. Paul, MN �5101-21 �G. CG�TRAC"1'11�G AGGNCI': usc your te��l ❑amc and lidl address. This is dic fiscal a�ent wi�h �� hom tli� �srant a��recmeni ���ill hc c�ccutcd.. — St. Pnul Policc Dcpartmcnt 100 �. I 1 th Street St. Paul. M3� »I01 ��fiilti-Jurisdictionaf 6ffort PaRicipants: Metco Team Telephone Number: 917-4800 Fax Number: N/A NI1�S Tas ID Number. Federal Employer 1D Number: CO\TACT MAILII�'G ADDRGSS: ( �� diffc�int Gom contractingagency). Contact Name: Chief ��'iiliam K. Finne�� Teleplione Numbzr: 91'-4501 Project Start Date: Fax Number: ISiA Project End Date: December 31, 1999 OOS025095-6 416005521 W I November 10 1997 ,�1l ��,"�n : � If }'ou are seeking reimUursement for this position, please check the tyre of reimbursement requested. 75% reimbursement for salarylbenefits GRAN`C FUI�'BS REQUESTED Sepcember30,1997 Reimbursement for overtime y $91,000.00 ���'�— Dal< rcc<ieed br Councii Recomm<ndcd by A e�onal Commia<c Apprortd b�' Fund��g Committcc Approv<d bc Puli Coun<il � Pabli<SaCct�'Commission<r - B �- , Amendment #2 Attachment rl Revi sed - P�ac 10 of 14 �t-��tC� Straka � . . BUDGET I2�QUEST PLEASE COMPLETE OI`ILY Oi�IE OB TEIE FOLLOWING REIA'II3URSEMENT REQUESTS. IR BOTH SECTIONS AI2E COMPLETED'YOi1R APPLICATIO� ��'ILL 1��JT BE CONSID�RED. REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND SEI�EFITS: Estimatc t}:c salary and benefits for two ears. 1'ear 1 1'car 2 � Salary Satary _ Benefits I3cncfits 1'ear 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�tZ-- REI!VIBURSiMENT FOR OVERTI��4E: Estimate overtimc budget for thc mcmUer. The maximum reimbursement is �8, 400 per year_ Yearl Xear2 + Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1°99 Salary �3�.20 Salary �30.20 (incIuding benefits) (inciuding benefifs) Number of Hours 2'78 Number of Hours �8- 324 8 400 Ycar 2 Total �8�99' 9,800 Year 1 Total �--- Officer L}'ttle $18 , 200. 00 Total Yr I& Yr 2 � Sepcember 30_ 1997 Axtell .� � Attachment rl Revised - Pabc 11 of i4_��� G` ]3UDG�T REQ[JEST PLEASE COh4PLETE ONLX Ol�`E OF THE FOLLOWIl�G REIMBURSEMENT REQi3ESTS_ IF BOTH SECTIOI�S ARE COMPLE'I'ED YOUR APPLICATIOIv �'ILL N�T BE CONSTD�RI%D• REIMBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimate the salary and benefits for ri 5'p } �ears. Year 1 Ycar2 $alary Benefits �'e�r 1 Total Salary 13cnefits 1'car 2 Total Amendment k2 Total Yr 1 and 2 ----�JR---- REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERT'IME_ Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimoursement is �8, 400 per year. Year 1 �'ear 2+ Nov . 10 - 9ecember 31, 1999 Salary (including benefits) Number of Hours Year 1 Total Officer P.xtell �i31.42 I Salary � (including benefits) 268.35 I Number of Hours $8 400 I Year 2 Total Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �31.42 ^`-� 313.35 ..,,;: : • /1 � — : • 11 11 .. a September 30. 1997 Amendment #2 Attachment 1 ����� L�'tt(e ° _ . BUDGET RGQUEST Revised - F'age 12 of 14 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING RETMBURSEMENT REQUESTS. IF BOT�1 SECTIONS ARE CO�'IYLETED YOUR APPLICATIO� «'ILL NOT BE COI�SIDERED. REIMBURSEMEI�T F4P. SA'LARY AIvA BENEFITS: Estimate the sa(ary and bcnefits for h�^o �'cars. Ycar I Ycar2 S�larv Salai}� -- L3enefits 13cnciits Ycar 1 Total Ycar 2 Total Total Yr 1 and 2 ----OR--- F2EIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for the member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Xear 1 Year2+ Nov. 1C - Dec. 31, 1999 Salary 33.85 �33.85 Salary � (including benefits) (including benefits) 1'v'umber of Hours 248 Number of Hours �g 289 g qpQ Ycar 2 Tota1 9- 9,800 Year 1 Total �- Officer Gilkison $18,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �-�' Septcmber 30 (997 � ' Amendment #2 ' � �{�—�o ' Attachment ¥1 Snvder BUDGET f2�QUEST Revised - Pabei3 ofi4 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY O1VE OF THE FOLLO«'ING REIi�4BURSEMENT R: �UESTS. IF BOTH SECTTONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ�' bl'ILl, I\OT' BE CONSIDi12ED. _ REIb4T3URSEMENT FOR SAT,ARY AND BEl\'EFITS: Estimatc thc satary and benefits for tf_ vo Vears_ Year 1 l'car 2 Salan' S:�lac�, Benefits I3cnefits Year 1 Total 1'ear Z Total Totai Yr 1 and 2 ---OIZ---- R�[NIBURSEMEN'T FOt'2 OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc member. The maximum reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Year l Year2 + Nov 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 Satary �38.91 Salary 38.� 91 (including benefits) (including benefits} Number of Tiours 215.88 Number of Hours �-S:SS- 251.8 Ycar 1 Total $8 400 Year 2 Total �f3�99 9,800 Sgt. Sn}'der $7.8,200.00 Total Yr 1& Yr 2 �- Sepitmbes 3�. l947 Amendment #2 �� ��� Attachment rl Revised - Pagc I4 of 14 Gitkison "' BUDGET REQU�ST PLEASE COMPLETE OI�`LY ONE O� THE FOLLOWIhG REIMBURSEM�1lT REQUESTS. IF BOTH SECTIONS ARE COMPLETED YOUR APPLICATIQ� �3`ILL NOT I3G C�l�SiDT�R�D. _ REIIVIBURSEMENT FOR SALARY AND BENEFITS: Estimatc the salary and 6enefits for h��o �ears. 1'car 1 � Vear 2 ' Salary Salar�• Benefits l3encfits Ycar 1 Totai Ycar 2 Total Tota[ 1'r I and 2 ----OR- REIMBURSE��NT FOR OVERTIME: Estimate overtime budget for thc membcr. The maxiirium reimbursement is $8, 400 per year. Yearl Year2 ,+ Nov. 10 - Dec. 31, 1999 sa � a �, $33.8� Salary S33.8� (including benefits) (including benefits) Number of Hours 248 Numaer of Hours � 289 Year 1 Totat �8 400 Year 2 Total 6 9 Officer Straka $18,200.00 . Total Yr 1& Yr 2 ��' September 30, 1997 � Amendment �2 ��--Cp� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 REVTSED �`. , nQINl\`ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFE'TX 1997 STATE OMI�'IBUS CRINIE ACT GRANTS TO E�PAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is fo be used as the cover sheet for this application. Ssbmit lU copies of tY.e complete application to: Rosalind R. Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Departmeat of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Cenfral Life To��•er, St. Paui, MN 5 S 101-2156. CONTRACTINCz AGENCY: Use your legat CONTACT MAII,ING ADDRESS: i£different name and full address: This is the fiscal agent �vith from contracring agency. whom the grant agreement will be executed. St. Paul Po:ice Degartrnent 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Law Enforcement.Ezecutive's Name:_ :: - - .. ". - Contact name: _ , ; . - _ - = __ William F. Finney William F. Finney Telephone number: ,_ Fax nuinber: _-: � Telephoae number: Fas nuriiber: - - (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3542 same MN Tax'� Nuinber -�Federal EmployerID- - Project Start Date: =. Pro�ect $ndDate _' _ ;: .Number:__ - - Decemberi 31, 1999t . 008025095-6 416005521 W November i0,1397 a�; »� GRAIVTFUNDSREQUESTED - $100,400.00 Date rxtived by Councif Recommended by Regienxt Committee Approved by FUndi¢g Committee ppproved by Full Co�nci Pub(ic Safsty Cammissioner Scptember30, i997 Amendment �2 ��b�� Attachmenf 2, Page 3 of 5 � ' PROJECT S'(T114RZARY REVISED 1. ProF�ide a summary of the pian you �vill implemenf. Describe the planaed or ongoing efforfs to couibat gang activity in your area. 2. Describe the need for funding tr.rough fhis grant. The St. Paul Police Department has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Pacl Folice Department is tlie lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asiaa Crimes Task Force. The department is going to assign six officers fuL-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Tasi: Force to coordinate their invesfigations with the Strike Force. The depaRment is requesting reimbursement funding for four *officers and o��ertime reimbursement for the five additional officers to partialiy cover the costs of replacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for sir investigato�s assigned to the Strike Force becausc there is no local funding available to provide those cars. The St. Paul Police DepaRment proposes to use funds under this program to lease three (3) vehides to support each of the three (3) DepaRment officers who �vill serve on the State s Criminat Gang Strike Force for rivo years, a�us anv time extension to this Aareenient. Vehicles leased with funds under this proaram will be used sotely be members assigned to the Gan� Strike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehtcles in its existing fleet to provide Gang Strike Force members with vehicles. Vehicles leased witlt funds under!i�is program will be used solely by members ofthe Gang Strike Foroe. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this a� eemer.t. One (1) vehicle will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander_ [Attach additionai psges as aeeded. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 Amendment r2 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 BUDGET REQU�ST REVISED Frovide budget=for fwo years 1Note_fhat fhe * ifems may.only be funded if utilized for Strike Force members`tHaf,liave=been confribufed by your agQncy. � Yearl Year2 + Nov. 10 - D�c. 31, 1999 Computer Equipment Compnter Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds VelzicleLeasing* VehicleLeasing* $56,000.00 �44.400 �� Communication Fyuipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Fuminshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total Year 2 Totat $5fi �44 400 � TOTALYRI&YR2 �500,400.00 �,�i89:B9— S��o September 3Q 1997 . ` � ' . v ' .. . PROJECT BiTAGET NARRATIVE REVESED Please provide a detailed description of each of fhe budgef items lisfed on Form 4, including an expianantion of how costs �s�ere calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month � 12 months S33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehicles at $400 ner mo�nth X 9 months �16.500 Total Year 1 = $44 4400 Year 2 Ve6icle Leasing - 10 vehictes at $400 per month &��8 $56 ,000 � Total Year 2+ Nov. 10-Dec 31, 1999 =$56,000 Vehicles witl be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. BudgeY NarraYive should not exceed 5 pages) Amendment �2 �� t° �� Attachment 2, Page 5 of S September 30, 1997