85-374 HITE - CITV CLERK �PINK - FINANCE COURCIl � CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF �AINT PALTL 1 ���� 7� BLUE - MAVOR � F11E' NO• _ � Coun 'l esoluti n Presented By L N � Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: John & Joe's Place, Inc. (John Thomas, President) On Sale Liquor licensee at 721 Jackson Street, doing business as John & Joe's Place has requested permission for the temporaxy extension of the service area for March 25, 1985 from 10:'.00. �i.M. to 10:'00'. '�.M. , be it theref�re RESOLVED: That the area for the service of liquor be and the same is hereby extended to include the parking lot of the premises on Maxch 25, 1985. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na� }s. / -F+slsllsr ��`c'►.NN'�' °f81N � [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson MAR 13 1985 Form Approved by 'ty rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e uncil e BY t�pprov by Mavor. Date R � � ���3 Approved by Mayor or ubmission to Council BY BY Pt;?�_is�#�D �vir�i� w 3 19$� i� �'�--`� �'-`^���° ;<<�_•o�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,�`' '-� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES '�i = o�+ ,. „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''� ,... Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor March 13, 1985 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: John & Joe's Place, Inc. holds an On Sale Liquor License at 721 Jackson Street, doing business as John & Joe's Place, (John Thomas , President) . A request has been received for permission to extend the service area of liquor on March 25, 1985• The extended service area would include the parking lot of the premises from 10:'00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. This request has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division. Recommendation is for approval. Yours very truly, � Edward J. Wa n Acting Lice se Inspector EJW/j o