99-685�2c.c�l�:.�.k �evec� `0 �'ti.� Cti� C��.�G � � C -� 2 �5 O R�A���� �,� Council File # ti,1 c.: � �� �"/ Re5olution # (�m��1.e�. A:��_ ������� �} C n� c � 5�_ A��� Green Sheet #�V� � RESOLUTION ^ C�Y��SAINT�A��INNESOTA y�3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION APPRO�IING 2 FIFTH AMEDIDMENT TO THE 3 NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PI,AN 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 9 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of 10 Saint Paul approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment 11 Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted 12 Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment 13 District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, 14 including housing for low and moderate income persons and 15 families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and 16 17 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted 18 April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment 19 Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial 20 assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by ZI its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City 22 Council amended the P1ans and Project and District by enlarging 23 the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and 24 25 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, 26 adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by 27 deletinq and adding certain sites to the District to create a 28 total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and 29 30 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 94-1572, 31 adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by 32 expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project 33 expenditures; and 34 35 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth 36 Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 37 Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), 38 which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to 39 the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated 40 expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit 41 the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 OR1GlNAL �� ��S site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fifth Amendment; and r . WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. �1- �,�, adopted �� 3 , 1999, the Saint Paul Planning Commission approved the fth Amendment; and WAEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth P.mendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted L,ands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, collectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax ao6ia9o.i 2 93 94 95 46 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 �RiGINAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely throuqh private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, there£ore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Compzehensive Plan and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Itedevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the Fifth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � 1 \c ) —�� Hy: � Form Adopted by Conncil: Date��;�����q Adoption Certified by Counci Sec py \ ( 1�—��--d� By. ��`�\�— Approved by Mayor: te _ 1 [ [�� Appro By' io6izso.i 3 � �i�l �g5 GREEN SHEET �nr.r .r. a-...�•T ; TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES . �:, i: 0 w��c�. ��� p anwcronenr arcc�xK _ � �a¢avcssout ❑ w� .crc � WTOR Idf A4M ■ // � �YM (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) p�� .{� � �� �c `l� Ntu� � ♦ �illghitd: C�tHatO 'Btw:��pl�'`1►'�' A�e� av�d To►tc. �in�rc.v�.�k Pkic�. VUH � IV IV APPfOV2 (A� Of KEJ2CI �K) PLANNING COMMISSIQN� 7 IP� CIB COMMITTEE � 7 j p CIV� NRVIC�F COMMISSION !if\Pt� �b'�y Has this personKrtn ever worked urWer a contract for ihis departmeM? VES NO Fias this persaUfirtn ever been a city empbyee� YES NO Does this personffirm possess a skill not nwmallypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO Is th� persoMrm a tareeted ventlor? YES NO Nain aN yes answe�s on sepsrMe sheet atW attach to green sheet a}n_4 �cSlBe�� �S�^��;� - - �; . a. r �; ' ..� '�� �, r, � � i � . � �� � ► � i � t' �, ; � � , • .�. • � � '� � SOURCE ► � `�.... q , ; ���r� � _.__v��:: ����� �t�: �:� 1M�s�aQ v .-� �- � � t �r� r� �-, �y�, t , �. , �; n � � �'� .a:, � c t-tii. � i�;��'t_� � COST/REVENUEBUOGETm(CIRCLEONk� VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ���� o S OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION Joseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 240 Ciry Ha[I IS West %ellogg Boulevard SnintPaul, Minnesota 55102-1631 MEMORANDUM Members of the City Council ��1,��� Eric Wiliems, CIB Committee Exe ve�Secretary 7uly 9, 1999 Telephone: (651) 2668543 Facsimile: (651) 266-8541 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CIB Committee At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Committee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the following comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resolve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that twenty percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifly percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regazding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. 9 9-!� �'S interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council From: Brian Sweeney� Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan Attached, is the report and related attachments submitted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council Resolution on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan and the staff report to the Nei�hborhood and current Planning Committee ofthe Planning Commission. In order for this amendment to meet the appropriate State Statutes, it is necessary for the City Council to act on the attached resolution. The Plannin� Commission found the Fifth Amendment conforms to the General Plan for development as a whole and with the Comprehensive Plan of the City and recommends approvai of the Fifth Amendment. The notice of the public heazing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. The Council Resolution 99-685 was inadvertently placed on the City Council agenda on 7/21/99 and was passed as a consent item. This action was reconsidered on July 28, 1999 and laid over until August I I, 1999 to meet the public hearing requirements necessary for amending the Tas Increment Plan. If there are questions, feel free to contact Robert Schreier at 266-6684. The Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Fifth AT ;he N��; u�u�;; aad Biighted Lands Development Project and Ta�c Increment Financing Plan. 99-��?5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOR(TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINtVESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE August 11, 1999 REGARDING RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT PLAN PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request the HRA Board to approve the fifth amendment to the New Housing & Biighted lands Devefopment Project and Tax increment Plan. f7t�i3:(e3:Z�1�P►U] The New tiousing & Slighted Land Deve{opment project and Tax Increment Financing District was approved by the City of Saint Paui in June, 1981. The purpose of the project is to: 1. increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2. Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated areas. 3. Provide financing for these activities under one Housing Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District has been amended four times and now contains nineteen (19) noncontiguous sites scattered throughout the City and meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require same form of public invoivement in order for redevelopment to occur. 99-� gs PROPOSED AMENDMENT It is proposed to amend the Redevelopment Pfan and Tax increment Financing Plan to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor Site area. The property meets fhe redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increases in Project Area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Pian to authorize the public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area estimates to be $4,200,000. It is anticipated that with the aforementioned amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area and Tax Increment Financing Plan wi11 enable the City of Saint Paul to make and fund improvements to expand housing in the added parcels. This will be facilitated by land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and redevelopment assistance costs. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the 7ax I�crement Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a "Gap period DistricY') outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expendiiures (1) were made prior to the ear{ier of (a) notification by the o{fice of the State Auditor of a sQending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay °Pre-existing Outside Disfrict Obiigations". The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which afiows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitufe a Gap Period District (the Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing #he hudget for the Scattered Site Tax fncrement District to authorize 2 y`T �O �5 additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre- existing in District Obligations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and administrative expenses, not new redevelopment activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project area to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. PUBLIC PURPOSE Approval of the proposed amendment serves the public purpose by affording the maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the additional areas by private enterprize, removes conditions of blight, provide additional housing to all income levels, provide additionai public facilities and to improve the City of Saint Paul's tax base. The amendment also fulfills 5traiegy 2 of ihe housing pian of ineeting new market demand, Section 5.1 encouraging production of 300 - 400 housing units a year. Strategy 3 ensures availability of affordable housing. The notice of the City Council Public Hearing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment. In specific neighborhoods included in the amended redevelopment pfan, the potential development activity have been reviewed. 3 .. . RECOMMENDATIt�N The Executive Director recomrrtends that the Board of Commissioners approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Biighted Lands Redevelopmenf Projact and Tax Incr�:, nent Plan and the First Amendment to Indenture of Trust between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of ihe City ofi Saint Paui and U. S. Sank Trust Association originally entered into on August 1, 1995 for the following: 1. To expand the Projeci Area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and in the Johnson Liquor site area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area. 3. To approve the expenditure of $4,200,000 of Tax Increment proceeds from the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax increment District to be used to facilitate the development of the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site area. 4. To authorize and direct the Executive Director to communicate this approval and resolution of the proposed Amendment to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, to make presentation of said Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan and Financing Plan in a public hearing, and to take such other action as may be necessary to carry out the intent and provision of this resolution. Resolutions are attached for the Board's consideration. Submitted by Robert Schreier - PED Sponsored by Chris Coleman 0 9y-1�S5 F=FTH AMENDMEI3T TO THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVE7 OPMENT PROJECT A23D TAX INCREMENT PI,AN (TAX IIICREMENT DISTRICTS 12 � 44) AUGUST 11, 1999 AS ADOPTED JUNE, 19B1 AND P.MENDED AS FOLLOWS: FIRST AMENDMENT APRZL, 1983 SECOND AMENDMENT JUNE, 1964 THIRD AMENDMENT SEPTEMBER, 1986 FOURTH P.MENDMENT OCTOBER, 1994 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 1D59921.2 9 9'�85 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTROP.TTCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION SI. DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION III. AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT . . . . . . . Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AI3D FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY . . . . . . . Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES ..... Subsection 3.5 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN . . . . . . . SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . : 2 . . . . 4 d . . . . 5 . . . . 5 . . . . 6 . . . . 6 . . . . 7 . . . 7 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Legal Description of Property to be added to Project Area by Fifth Amendment Exhibit B Estimated Public Costs of Redevelopment in Expanded Project Area ]0599212 y 9-�gs SECTION I. INTRODUCTION The New HousinQ and Bliahted Lands Development Pro�ect and Tax Increment Financina District was approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, and received certification of the original assessed value Prom Ramsey County on September 3, 1981. The purpose of the Project is to: l. Increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available to all income groups, especially low and moderate income households; 2 3 Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or deteriorated areas; Provide financing for these activities under one Housing and Redevelopment Project and Tax Increr�ent Financing District. The Project and Tax Increment Financing District are administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 (the "Authority"). The Project is a"red2velopment project", a"housing project" and a`�housing development project" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.002, subs. 13, 14 and 15. The Tax Increm2nt District is both a"redevelopment district" and "housing district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. The tax increment generated by the improvements and development in the Tax Increment Financina District, along with any available federal, state and local resources, are used to assist in financing development costs in order to provide housing which is affordable to low and moderate income families. Public activities include land acquisition, site preparation, public improvements and housing subsidy assistance. The original Project and District consisted of eighteen scattered sites which had been determined to meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require some form of public involvement in order for redevelopment to occur. The New Housinct and Bliahted Lands Development Proiect and Tax Increment Financina District has been amended four times. In Apri1 1983, the plan was amended in order to allow the ARA to use interest rate recluction assistance as a form of housing assistance; in June 1984, the plan was amended in order to incorporate several adjacent parcels into the Etna-Birmingham site; in September 1986, the plan was amended to delete three sites from the Project and District (the Brandtjen-Kluge, Robert/Concord, and Miller Hospital Site) and added four new sites to the Project and District. The fourth amendment, 1059921.2 9' 9-� �5 approved in October 1994, expanded the Project (but not the Tax Increment District) by an expansion of the Railroad Island site which was previously included in both the Tax Increment District and the Project. The district currently consists of nii.ateen noncontiguous sites. In 1995, the HRA issued $4,720,000 in tax increment revenue refunding bonds, (the "Bonds") the proceeds of which were used to advance refund certain tax increment revenue bonds issued in 1986 to encourage development. The Bonds, rated AAA by Standard Poor's, are payable solely from the tax increment generated by the Tax Increment Financing District. Payment of principal and interest on the Bonds is insured by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation. The final maturity date of the Bonds is September, 2007, the expiration of the Tax Increment Financing District. ti��ith the excention of the property added to the Project area by the Fourth Amendment, each Site, and the Tax Increment Financing District as a whole, qualify as both a"housing district" and a "redevelopment district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. In 1999, the State legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after Ju1y 31, 1979, and before July 1, 1982, (a ��Gap Period District") outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office oP the State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay ��Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations" (as hereafter detined). The HRA will uti7.ize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitute a Gap Period District (the "Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre-Existing In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations and administrative expenses (as hereinafter defined). 10599212 2 �19-6 85 SECTION II. DEFIt3ITIONS The terms defined below shall, for purposes of Amendment, have the meaning herein specified, otherwise specifically requires. this Fifth unless the context "Authority" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "City" means the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "County" means Ramsey County, Minnesota. "Expanded Project Area" means the property to be added to the Project Area pursuant to this Fifth Amendment, as legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Fifth Amendment" means this Fifth Amendment which expands the Project Area but not the Tax Increment Financing District and amends the Tax Increment Financing Plan to increase the authorized expenditures for expenses incurred with the activities identified in the expanded Project Area, including but not limited to, land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and housing and redevelopment assistance costs. "Governing Body" means the duly appointed City Council of the City. "New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project" means the original plan approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981. "Pre Existing Inside District Obligations" means (1) bonds secured by incremens from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the bonds were issued and the pledae of increments was made before Apri1 1, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to pay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by increments from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the agreements were entered into and the pledge of increments was made before June 30, 1999. "Pre Existinq Outside District Obliqations" means (1) bonds secured by increments from a district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the 1059921.2 3 99��85 district, if the bonds were issued ancl the pledge of increment was made before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor, or (ii) April l, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to oay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by the increments from the district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the district, if the agreement was entered before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor or (ii) May 1, 1999. "Project Area" means the property area included in the Project as a housing project and redevelopment project under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, including the property to be added to the Project Area by this Fifth Amendment, which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Redevelopment Plan" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan, as adopted in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1999. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment Bonds" means Tax Increment Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 issued in August, 1995 in the amount of $9,720,000 to refinance the public costs associated with the Redevelopment Plan. The term "Tax Increment Bonds" shall also include any obligations issued to refund the Tax Increment Bonds. "Tax Increment Financing Act" means the statutory provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 thraugh 469.179. "Tax Increment Financing District" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Tax Increment Financing District, established in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1994. "Tax Increment Financing P1an" means the Tax Increment Financinq Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District, as amended. SECTION III. AMENDED AND RESTATED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSIAIG PND BLIGHTED LP.NDS RED£VEIAPMENT PROJECT Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT ]059921.2 4 �f 9 �!0 85 The amendment oi the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan proposes to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the Project Area to include the land identified an Exhibit A attached hereto_ This property meets the redevelopment criteria as originally envisioned by the New Aousing and Blighted Z,ands Development Project for increases in the Project Area. 2. To increase the budget in the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize the public redevelopment costs set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto in the Expanded Project Area. Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AND FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPO5E The Governing Body determines that there is a need for development and redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City and in the Project Area to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base, to provide housing opportunities for low and moderate income households and to improve the general economy of the State. It is found that the Expanded Project Area is potentially more useful and valuable than is being realized under existing development, is less productive than is possible under this program and, ttierefore, is not contributing to the tax base to its full potential. The City has determined to exercise its authority to develop a program for improving the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, to provide impetus for private development, to maintain and increase employment, to utilize existing potential in the area and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City. The City has also determined that the proposed redevelopment within the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, would not occur solely through private investment in the foreseeable future; that the Tax Increment Financing Plan, as amended, will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the development and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Plan area by private enterprise. The City finds that the welfare of the City as well as the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry 1059921.2 S 9 9-68s and commerce to carry out its stated public purpose objectives. Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY The City determines that it is desirable and in the public interest to establish, develop and administer a program for implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. Funding of the necessary activities and improvements in the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan shall be accomplished through available financing methods including the use of tax increment financing in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act, through the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Industrial Development Act, and through the use of conventional commercial financinq and existing housing acquisition and rehabilitation programs. The City has designated a specific area within the corporate limits of the City as the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027 through 469.028. Within the Redevelopment Plan area, the City plans to use tax increment revenues from the New housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Financing District, Tax Increment Bond proceeds, as well as other City and private funding sources. Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The City determines that the expansion of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will provide the City with the ability to achieve certain public purpose goals not otherwise obtainable in the foreseeable future without City intervention in the normal development process. The public purpose goais include: restore and improve the tax base and tax revenue generating capacity of the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan as a whole, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize the property within the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan Area to create an attractive, comfortable, convenient, and efficient area for industrial, commercial, housing, and related redevelopment activities. Subsection 3.5 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS AMENDED BY THI5 PROPOSAS, ios9�zi.z 6 9 9��g5 The purpose of the Fifth Amendment is (a) to increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available or to be made available to meet the demand for and housing needs of all income not being adequately met by private enterprise at sale prices or rents within the financial means of such income groups by qualifying properties comprising the Expanded Project Area as a housing project defined under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 13, a housing development project defined under Section 469,002, Subdivision 15, a redevelopment project defined under Section 469.002, Subdivision 1; (b) to develop or redevelop sites comprising the Expanded Project Area which qualify as blighted or deteriorated areas under 469.002, Subdivision 11; (c) to assist in the provision of housing; and (d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The property in the Expanded Project Area which is being suggested for inclusion in the Redevelopment Project has been reviewed so as to meet following criteria of 5tate Statutes: • The properties in the Expanded Project Area are blighted as that term is used in Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 11. Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The original statement of purpose and the statement of objectives and requirements in the Redevelopment Plan as adopted (and subsequently amended) remain unchanged. By expanding the Project Area, the Authority intends to enhance its ability to increase the supply of housinq for all income groups, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize properties and a neighborhood, and to develop or redevelop blighted and deteriorated properties. SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAIQ The Tax Increment the redevelopment Redevelopment) to Area as set forth anticipated to be December 31, 1999, will only be used Financing Plan is hereby amended to increase costs in Subsection 1.6 (Estimated Costs of include the costs within the Expanded Project on Exhibit B attached hereto, which costs are expended on or before December 31, 1999. After any tax increments from the Pre-1982 Sites to pay debt service on tfie Bonds, Pre-Existing 1059921.2 7 ! • , � In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations, or administrative expenses. 1059921.2 8 99do85 EXHIBIT "A" The land referred to'is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows: Parcel 1: Lot 19, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, th2reof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 903 Parcel 2: Lot 20, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 399 Parcel 3: Lot 25, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 377 Parcel 4: Lot 28, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 367 and Ramsey's Sub-division oP the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: The Southerly 6 feet of Lot 8; and a11 of Lot Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 390 Duke Street, St. Paul, Parcel 6: 9, Block 3, Half of B1ocY> Saint Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 99-� 85' Lot 5, Block 12, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's P.ddition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 333 Oneida Street, St. Paul, Minnesota The land referred to is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows Parcel 1: Lot 21, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereoP. (Abstract Property� Property Address: 395 Parcel 2: The West '� of Lot 1, division of the-West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 496 Jefferson Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 3: Lot 2, B1ock 3 Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Progerty Address: 364 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 4: Lot 3, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 368 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: Lot 4, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ransey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) 1059921.2 1 � 99-�5�5 Property Address: 370 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 6: Lot 6, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of 5tinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addit �n-to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 382 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 7: Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Aa1f of S1ock 16 of Stinson, Srown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 386 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 1 1 �' /r`lcd��' Parcel 8: Lot 8, excep� the Southerly 6 feet thereof, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1P of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (AY�stract Pro�.rty) Property Address: 388 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 9: Lots 10, 12, 12 and 13, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul; and al1 that part of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, thence Southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet from the North line of Cascade Street, thence North on the East line of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, in said Block 3, to the Northeast corner of Lot 11, in said Block 3, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Lots 10 and 16, in said Block 3, to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 398 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 10: Lot 15, B1ock 3, Stinson West Ha1f af B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 497 Parcel 11: Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property} Property Address: 397 Parcel 12: Lot 18, Block 3, Stinson West Half oP Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Palace Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat 1059921.2 1 Z 99-�085 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 387 Colburne Street, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 13: Lot 19, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of Block 16 �� Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 383 and Ramsey's Sub of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 14: The South 26 8/12 feet of Lot 20, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 381 � Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce� 15: The South 13 feet 4 4 inches of Lot 20, division of the West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: inches of Lot 21; and the North 13 feet B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 381 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce.t 16: The North 26 feet and 8 inches of Lot 21, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 375 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 17: Lot 26, Block 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Torrens Property-Certificate No. 293117) Property Address: 339 and 339 '-� Colburne Street, St. Minnesota i.T.� Paul, Parcel 18: Zot 44, B1ock 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. ]059921.2 13 9 5-�85 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 354 Duke 5treet, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 19: Lot 23, Block 3, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 367 Parcel 20: Lot 7, Cu11en Place, Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof. 394 Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 21: Lot 18, Block 2, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 407 Parcel 22: Lot 14, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Pau1, thereof. Property Address: 412 and Ramsey's Subdivisicn of the Stinson, Brown, �nd Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, i�iinneso*_a and Ramsey's Subdivision of the Stinson, Brown, and Ra.�sey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 23: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Subdivision of the West half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's Addition to St.Paul; thence South on the West line of Colborne Street, to the North line of Casscade Steet; thence West on said North line, to the Southwest corner of Lot 15 in said Block 3; thence North, on the Easterly line of said Lot 15 and on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet; thence Northeasterly on a straight line to the point of beginning. Property Address: Palace Avenue and Colborne Street 1059921.2 14 99 �m�v��e� V�rs�c,rv� R�_�� �\�`l� The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly right-of-way line o£ Interstate freeway No. 94 then to follow Northeasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins to change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the point of intersection of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Wall Street and Southerly right-of-way line of Seventh Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South right-of-way line of Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh P1ace to the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue Northwesterly along the Southwesterly right-o£-way line of Jackson SCreet and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No. 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 0£ Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 15 of Robert's and Randall's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, City of St. Paul, except the.Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul, except the Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Registered Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and portions of lots opened for alleys, this project area is comprised of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's block numbering system: B1ock 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, Block 16, B1ock 15, Block 30, Block 31, B1ock 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the northerly third of Blocks 34 and 35, and the northwesterly corner of Block 36. � 15 ]0599212 �,�-%g gy-�85 Johnson Liguor Site Property I.D. Dtumber 33 as shown on the Certificate of Title Lost 8, 9, and Lot A, Block 9; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, Block 10; That part of Lots A and 15, lying westerly oP the westerly line of Johnson Parkway, Block 10; all in Lindley Park. Property I.D. Number 33 and 33 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Block 6; and the NORTH 'h of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing to Lots 7, ,through 11; and Lot 17, Block 7p a11 in H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. (Certificate of title No. 349419) Property I.D. Number 33 South � of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing and following Lots 1 through Lot 6, B1ock 5, H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Numbers 33-29-22-42-0031, 33 33-29- 22-42-0033, 33-29-22-42-0034, 33 33-29-22-42-0038, and 33-29-22-42-0039 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, and the West �Z of Lot 22, Block 7, H.F. Schwabe's addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Number 33-29-22-42-0107 and 33-29-22-42-0108 Lots 1 and 2, block 3, fi. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Pdinnesota. Lots 3 and 4, Block 10, Lindley Park. Lot 7, 8 and 9, Block 5 H.F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, MN. 1059921.2 16 9 5-685 EXHIBIT B Artendment to Subsection 1.6 Estimated Costs of Redevelopment The following costs are the public redevelopment costs within the Exoanded Project Area to be financed by Tax Increments. Description of Activitv Land/Building Acquisition Site Preparation/Improvements Parking Facilities Streets and Sidewalks Administrative Costs Other/Contingency TGTAL Costs $3,300,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 S 4 200,000 1059921.2 9 9-�85 N 'Z3 � c� .J „�, ' . v L t N ,� 0 m �'' _ d � � tQ � � � � � � _ • O � � � 3 a� z ; a _ f�=m _ �. < ,a < m q S y9�1�5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CiTY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Council President Dan Bostrom and Member ofthe Saint Paul City Council From: Mayor I�Iorm Coleman� OG Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan I am transmitting the Plannin� Commission Resolution finding that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan conforms to the general plan for development as a�vhole and to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The Amendment will enlarge the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, Brewery Neijhborhood and Johnson Liquor Site area; and amend the tax increment financing bud�et. I am recommendin� that the City Council approve the Fifth Amendment. DEPARZMENi OF PLfziv':GI� G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME�T BnaaSwe¢ney, ]ntenmD+rector CTTY OF SAIN"i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Ju�y 13, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Issue: 25 WestFourth Street Saine Pau1, MTI SSIQ2 Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Lucy Thompson, Planner Robert Schreier, Director of Development 99���'S Telephane: 65l-166-6565 Facs:mile: 651-228-3261 Resolution Comments on Fifth Amendment to New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tzx Increment Plan The purpose of the review is to have the Planning Commission comment on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan. The amendment is enlarging project area to include property in North Quadrant, Brewery Neighborhood and Johnson Liquor Site Area and to amend the t� increment financing budget. Authoritv to Review: In order for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (HRA) and the City Council to approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and T� Increment Plan, the Planning Commission is required to comment on the amendment. This is per 469.002 of Minnesota Statutes. The proposed amendment to the Development Project and Tax Increment Plan wi11 accomplish the following: 1) Expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site atea. The property meets the redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increasing the Project area. 2) The increase in budget of the Tas Increment Financing Plan authorizes the public redevelopment costs in the expanded azea. The complete amendment is attached and the added sites are 23 (Johnson Liquor Site), 24 (North Quadrant) and 25 (Brewery Neighborhood) on the map in the amendment. Page Two 9g-�g5 �al�s�s: The addition of these sites to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will address the following: 1) Increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2) Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated azeas. 3) Provide financing for those activities. It is anticipated with the approval of this amendment that property acquisition and other redevelopment activities wiil occur on these sites. In the case of the North Quadrant azea (the Redevelopment Plan approval in June 1999) the amendment wiil assist to address a number of redevelopment objections including: acquisition of blighted areas, stimulate private investment and reinvestment in an underutilized section of the city and provide public improvement in order to stimulate private invesCment and reinvestment in the project area. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a °Gap period District") outside the tas increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office ofthe State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay "Pre-existing Outside District Obligations. " The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District �vhich constitute a Gap Period District (the Pre- 1482 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tas increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may be used to pay Pre-existing in District ObJigations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and adzninistrative expenses not new development activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project azea to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. Recommendation: The Executive Director recommends that the Planning Commission find that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighte� �.ands IIevelopment Project and Tax Increment Plan conform to the general plan of the city and to approve the attached resolution. A resolution is attached for consideration. Submitted by Lucy Thompson and Robert Schreier, PED. �9-�8s city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-46 date July 23, 1999 RECO�IMENDIi�G APPROVAL OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING Ai�TD BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMEItiTT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMEI3T PLAN WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "AcP') authorizes the creation of "housing projects", "housing development projects", and "redevelopment projects"; and �VHEREAS, a"housin� project" is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13, as any work or undertakin� to provide decent, safe and sanitary dwelling for persons of 1ow income and their families, and a"housin� development projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15, as an}� �vork to provide housing for persons of moderate income and their families; and WHEREAS, a"redevelopment projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 14, as any undertakin� to (1) acquire bli�hted areas and other rea( property to remove, prevent or reduce b]ight, blighting factors or the causes of blight; (2) clear acquired land and install streets, utilities and site improvements to prepare the site for development consistent with an adopted redevelopment pian; (3) sell or lease land; (4) prepare a redevelopment plan and other technical and financial plans for site improvements and land development; or (5) conduct an urban rene�val project; and �VHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority o£ the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "H12A") has heretofore created the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project under the Act as a"housing project", a"housing development projecY' and a"redevelopment project" (collectively, the "Praject") and has adopted a Redevelopment Plan therefore (the "Redeveiopment Plan"); and moved by Field seconded by in favor Unanimous against �9-�85 Planning Commission Resolution Fifth Amendment Ne�v� Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan -' PaQP Two tiVHEREAS, the HRA desires to modify the Redevelopment Pian to enlarge the geographic azea included in the Project, as set forth in the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifrh Amendment"); and �VHEREAS, the Act requires comment from the Planning Commission prior to ihe Ciry Council and HRA approving the Fifth Amendr�ent; and WHEREAS, ne�v private investment that fully realizes the potential of the Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlike�y to occur unless public actions commence to prepaze the Project for rzdevelopment and guide its transformation. Iv�ON, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission hereby finds the Fifrh Amendment conforms to the general plan for development as a whole and with the comprehensive pian of the City and therefore recommends the Fifrh Amendment to the City Council and HRA for approval. 9 9-1085 Council File # Resolution # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFfiH AMENDMEI3T TO TFiE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PL.�LI WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, including housing for 1ow and moderate income persons and families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City Council amended the Plans and Project and District by enlarging the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by deleting and adding certain sites to the District to create a total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, CounCil File No. 94-1572, adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project expenditures; and WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth Amendment to the I3ew Aousing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 99-68s site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fift�i Amendment; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 99-46, adopted July 23, 1999, the 5aint Pau1 Planning Commission approved the Fifth Amendment; and WHEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City qoals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth Amendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivisior. 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota 5tatutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, callectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax 1061290.1 z 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ORIGlNAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Comprehensive P1an and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the FiPth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � S `Y ) , y�� By: � � Form ; Adopted by Council: Date ��;�� l l � Adoption Certi£ie.�l by Counci Sec ry .� \ �(�'�\ � � BY� � ��i� �-s-�—� —�—_ i � `�� Appro' Approved by Mayor: te � � By: 1061290.1 3 99-�85 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION loseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrte Colemart, Ma}�ar 240 CIry Ha(1 IS West Xe(logg Bou[evard Saim Pau[, Minnesota 55702-7631 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the City Council � lrn �' �JLLL FROM: Eric Willems, CIB Committee Exe ve Secretary DATE: � July 9, 1999 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CTB Committee Telephone.� (651) 266-8��3 Facsimile.� (657) 266-8541 At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Coznmittee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the followin� comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resotve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that riventy percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifty percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. q �-�8,5 The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Proje�t Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southw sterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly r' ht-of-way line of Interstate freeway No. 94 then to fo..low N theasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins o change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the oint oP intersection oP the Southeasterly right-of-way ine of Wall Street anLl Southerly right-of-way line of Seve th Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South Right- f-way line oP Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-o -way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh Place to the Southwest rly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue North esterly a'long the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jacks n Street and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 of Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, B1ock 15 of Robert's and Ran a11's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2 of Whitney and Smith's dition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney d Smith's Addition to St. Pau1; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Bloc 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Regis red Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and por ons of lots opened for alleys, this pro}ect area is comprise of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Au ority's block numbering system: Block 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, B1ocY, 16, Block 15, Block 30, Blo k 31, Block 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the nort erly third of Blocks 3� and 35, and the northwesterly corner f B1ock 36. 105992 L2 l 15 �2c.c�l�:.�.k �evec� `0 �'ti.� Cti� C��.�G � � C -� 2 �5 O R�A���� �,� Council File # ti,1 c.: � �� �"/ Re5olution # (�m��1.e�. A:��_ ������� �} C n� c � 5�_ A��� Green Sheet #�V� � RESOLUTION ^ C�Y��SAINT�A��INNESOTA y�3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION APPRO�IING 2 FIFTH AMEDIDMENT TO THE 3 NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PI,AN 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 9 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of 10 Saint Paul approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment 11 Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted 12 Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment 13 District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, 14 including housing for low and moderate income persons and 15 families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and 16 17 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted 18 April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment 19 Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial 20 assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by ZI its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City 22 Council amended the P1ans and Project and District by enlarging 23 the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and 24 25 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, 26 adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by 27 deletinq and adding certain sites to the District to create a 28 total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and 29 30 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 94-1572, 31 adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by 32 expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project 33 expenditures; and 34 35 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth 36 Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 37 Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), 38 which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to 39 the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated 40 expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit 41 the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 OR1GlNAL �� ��S site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fifth Amendment; and r . WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. �1- �,�, adopted �� 3 , 1999, the Saint Paul Planning Commission approved the fth Amendment; and WAEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth P.mendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted L,ands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, collectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax ao6ia9o.i 2 93 94 95 46 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 �RiGINAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely throuqh private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, there£ore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Compzehensive Plan and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Itedevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the Fifth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � 1 \c ) —�� Hy: � Form Adopted by Conncil: Date��;�����q Adoption Certified by Counci Sec py \ ( 1�—��--d� By. ��`�\�— Approved by Mayor: te _ 1 [ [�� Appro By' io6izso.i 3 � �i�l �g5 GREEN SHEET �nr.r .r. a-...�•T ; TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES . �:, i: 0 w��c�. ��� p anwcronenr arcc�xK _ � �a¢avcssout ❑ w� .crc � WTOR Idf A4M ■ // � �YM (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) p�� .{� � �� �c `l� Ntu� � ♦ �illghitd: C�tHatO 'Btw:��pl�'`1►'�' A�e� av�d To►tc. �in�rc.v�.�k Pkic�. VUH � IV IV APPfOV2 (A� Of KEJ2CI �K) PLANNING COMMISSIQN� 7 IP� CIB COMMITTEE � 7 j p CIV� NRVIC�F COMMISSION !if\Pt� �b'�y Has this personKrtn ever worked urWer a contract for ihis departmeM? VES NO Fias this persaUfirtn ever been a city empbyee� YES NO Does this personffirm possess a skill not nwmallypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO Is th� persoMrm a tareeted ventlor? YES NO Nain aN yes answe�s on sepsrMe sheet atW attach to green sheet a}n_4 �cSlBe�� �S�^��;� - - �; . a. r �; ' ..� '�� �, r, � � i � . � �� � ► � i � t' �, ; � � , • .�. • � � '� � SOURCE ► � `�.... q , ; ���r� � _.__v��:: ����� �t�: �:� 1M�s�aQ v .-� �- � � t �r� r� �-, �y�, t , �. , �; n � � �'� .a:, � c t-tii. � i�;��'t_� � COST/REVENUEBUOGETm(CIRCLEONk� VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ���� o S OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION Joseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 240 Ciry Ha[I IS West %ellogg Boulevard SnintPaul, Minnesota 55102-1631 MEMORANDUM Members of the City Council ��1,��� Eric Wiliems, CIB Committee Exe ve�Secretary 7uly 9, 1999 Telephone: (651) 2668543 Facsimile: (651) 266-8541 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CIB Committee At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Committee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the following comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resolve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that twenty percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifly percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regazding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. 9 9-!� �'S interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council From: Brian Sweeney� Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan Attached, is the report and related attachments submitted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council Resolution on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan and the staff report to the Nei�hborhood and current Planning Committee ofthe Planning Commission. In order for this amendment to meet the appropriate State Statutes, it is necessary for the City Council to act on the attached resolution. The Plannin� Commission found the Fifth Amendment conforms to the General Plan for development as a whole and with the Comprehensive Plan of the City and recommends approvai of the Fifth Amendment. The notice of the public heazing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. The Council Resolution 99-685 was inadvertently placed on the City Council agenda on 7/21/99 and was passed as a consent item. This action was reconsidered on July 28, 1999 and laid over until August I I, 1999 to meet the public hearing requirements necessary for amending the Tas Increment Plan. If there are questions, feel free to contact Robert Schreier at 266-6684. The Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Fifth AT ;he N��; u�u�;; aad Biighted Lands Development Project and Ta�c Increment Financing Plan. 99-��?5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOR(TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINtVESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE August 11, 1999 REGARDING RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT PLAN PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request the HRA Board to approve the fifth amendment to the New Housing & Biighted lands Devefopment Project and Tax increment Plan. f7t�i3:(e3:Z�1�P►U] The New tiousing & Slighted Land Deve{opment project and Tax Increment Financing District was approved by the City of Saint Paui in June, 1981. The purpose of the project is to: 1. increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2. Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated areas. 3. Provide financing for these activities under one Housing Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District has been amended four times and now contains nineteen (19) noncontiguous sites scattered throughout the City and meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require same form of public invoivement in order for redevelopment to occur. 99-� gs PROPOSED AMENDMENT It is proposed to amend the Redevelopment Pfan and Tax increment Financing Plan to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor Site area. The property meets fhe redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increases in Project Area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Pian to authorize the public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area estimates to be $4,200,000. It is anticipated that with the aforementioned amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area and Tax Increment Financing Plan wi11 enable the City of Saint Paul to make and fund improvements to expand housing in the added parcels. This will be facilitated by land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and redevelopment assistance costs. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the 7ax I�crement Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a "Gap period DistricY') outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expendiiures (1) were made prior to the ear{ier of (a) notification by the o{fice of the State Auditor of a sQending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay °Pre-existing Outside Disfrict Obiigations". The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which afiows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitufe a Gap Period District (the Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing #he hudget for the Scattered Site Tax fncrement District to authorize 2 y`T �O �5 additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre- existing in District Obligations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and administrative expenses, not new redevelopment activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project area to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. PUBLIC PURPOSE Approval of the proposed amendment serves the public purpose by affording the maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the additional areas by private enterprize, removes conditions of blight, provide additional housing to all income levels, provide additionai public facilities and to improve the City of Saint Paul's tax base. The amendment also fulfills 5traiegy 2 of ihe housing pian of ineeting new market demand, Section 5.1 encouraging production of 300 - 400 housing units a year. Strategy 3 ensures availability of affordable housing. The notice of the City Council Public Hearing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment. In specific neighborhoods included in the amended redevelopment pfan, the potential development activity have been reviewed. 3 .. . RECOMMENDATIt�N The Executive Director recomrrtends that the Board of Commissioners approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Biighted Lands Redevelopmenf Projact and Tax Incr�:, nent Plan and the First Amendment to Indenture of Trust between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of ihe City ofi Saint Paui and U. S. Sank Trust Association originally entered into on August 1, 1995 for the following: 1. To expand the Projeci Area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and in the Johnson Liquor site area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area. 3. To approve the expenditure of $4,200,000 of Tax Increment proceeds from the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax increment District to be used to facilitate the development of the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site area. 4. To authorize and direct the Executive Director to communicate this approval and resolution of the proposed Amendment to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, to make presentation of said Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan and Financing Plan in a public hearing, and to take such other action as may be necessary to carry out the intent and provision of this resolution. Resolutions are attached for the Board's consideration. Submitted by Robert Schreier - PED Sponsored by Chris Coleman 0 9y-1�S5 F=FTH AMENDMEI3T TO THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVE7 OPMENT PROJECT A23D TAX INCREMENT PI,AN (TAX IIICREMENT DISTRICTS 12 � 44) AUGUST 11, 1999 AS ADOPTED JUNE, 19B1 AND P.MENDED AS FOLLOWS: FIRST AMENDMENT APRZL, 1983 SECOND AMENDMENT JUNE, 1964 THIRD AMENDMENT SEPTEMBER, 1986 FOURTH P.MENDMENT OCTOBER, 1994 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 1D59921.2 9 9'�85 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTROP.TTCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION SI. DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION III. AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT . . . . . . . Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AI3D FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY . . . . . . . Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES ..... Subsection 3.5 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN . . . . . . . SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . : 2 . . . . 4 d . . . . 5 . . . . 5 . . . . 6 . . . . 6 . . . . 7 . . . 7 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Legal Description of Property to be added to Project Area by Fifth Amendment Exhibit B Estimated Public Costs of Redevelopment in Expanded Project Area ]0599212 y 9-�gs SECTION I. INTRODUCTION The New HousinQ and Bliahted Lands Development Pro�ect and Tax Increment Financina District was approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, and received certification of the original assessed value Prom Ramsey County on September 3, 1981. The purpose of the Project is to: l. Increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available to all income groups, especially low and moderate income households; 2 3 Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or deteriorated areas; Provide financing for these activities under one Housing and Redevelopment Project and Tax Increr�ent Financing District. The Project and Tax Increment Financing District are administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 (the "Authority"). The Project is a"red2velopment project", a"housing project" and a`�housing development project" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.002, subs. 13, 14 and 15. The Tax Increm2nt District is both a"redevelopment district" and "housing district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. The tax increment generated by the improvements and development in the Tax Increment Financina District, along with any available federal, state and local resources, are used to assist in financing development costs in order to provide housing which is affordable to low and moderate income families. Public activities include land acquisition, site preparation, public improvements and housing subsidy assistance. The original Project and District consisted of eighteen scattered sites which had been determined to meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require some form of public involvement in order for redevelopment to occur. The New Housinct and Bliahted Lands Development Proiect and Tax Increment Financina District has been amended four times. In Apri1 1983, the plan was amended in order to allow the ARA to use interest rate recluction assistance as a form of housing assistance; in June 1984, the plan was amended in order to incorporate several adjacent parcels into the Etna-Birmingham site; in September 1986, the plan was amended to delete three sites from the Project and District (the Brandtjen-Kluge, Robert/Concord, and Miller Hospital Site) and added four new sites to the Project and District. The fourth amendment, 1059921.2 9' 9-� �5 approved in October 1994, expanded the Project (but not the Tax Increment District) by an expansion of the Railroad Island site which was previously included in both the Tax Increment District and the Project. The district currently consists of nii.ateen noncontiguous sites. In 1995, the HRA issued $4,720,000 in tax increment revenue refunding bonds, (the "Bonds") the proceeds of which were used to advance refund certain tax increment revenue bonds issued in 1986 to encourage development. The Bonds, rated AAA by Standard Poor's, are payable solely from the tax increment generated by the Tax Increment Financing District. Payment of principal and interest on the Bonds is insured by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation. The final maturity date of the Bonds is September, 2007, the expiration of the Tax Increment Financing District. ti��ith the excention of the property added to the Project area by the Fourth Amendment, each Site, and the Tax Increment Financing District as a whole, qualify as both a"housing district" and a "redevelopment district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. In 1999, the State legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after Ju1y 31, 1979, and before July 1, 1982, (a ��Gap Period District") outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office oP the State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay ��Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations" (as hereafter detined). The HRA will uti7.ize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitute a Gap Period District (the "Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre-Existing In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations and administrative expenses (as hereinafter defined). 10599212 2 �19-6 85 SECTION II. DEFIt3ITIONS The terms defined below shall, for purposes of Amendment, have the meaning herein specified, otherwise specifically requires. this Fifth unless the context "Authority" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "City" means the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "County" means Ramsey County, Minnesota. "Expanded Project Area" means the property to be added to the Project Area pursuant to this Fifth Amendment, as legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Fifth Amendment" means this Fifth Amendment which expands the Project Area but not the Tax Increment Financing District and amends the Tax Increment Financing Plan to increase the authorized expenditures for expenses incurred with the activities identified in the expanded Project Area, including but not limited to, land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and housing and redevelopment assistance costs. "Governing Body" means the duly appointed City Council of the City. "New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project" means the original plan approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981. "Pre Existing Inside District Obligations" means (1) bonds secured by incremens from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the bonds were issued and the pledae of increments was made before Apri1 1, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to pay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by increments from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the agreements were entered into and the pledge of increments was made before June 30, 1999. "Pre Existinq Outside District Obliqations" means (1) bonds secured by increments from a district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the 1059921.2 3 99��85 district, if the bonds were issued ancl the pledge of increment was made before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor, or (ii) April l, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to oay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by the increments from the district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the district, if the agreement was entered before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor or (ii) May 1, 1999. "Project Area" means the property area included in the Project as a housing project and redevelopment project under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, including the property to be added to the Project Area by this Fifth Amendment, which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Redevelopment Plan" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan, as adopted in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1999. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment Bonds" means Tax Increment Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 issued in August, 1995 in the amount of $9,720,000 to refinance the public costs associated with the Redevelopment Plan. The term "Tax Increment Bonds" shall also include any obligations issued to refund the Tax Increment Bonds. "Tax Increment Financing Act" means the statutory provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 thraugh 469.179. "Tax Increment Financing District" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Tax Increment Financing District, established in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1994. "Tax Increment Financing P1an" means the Tax Increment Financinq Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District, as amended. SECTION III. AMENDED AND RESTATED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSIAIG PND BLIGHTED LP.NDS RED£VEIAPMENT PROJECT Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT ]059921.2 4 �f 9 �!0 85 The amendment oi the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan proposes to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the Project Area to include the land identified an Exhibit A attached hereto_ This property meets the redevelopment criteria as originally envisioned by the New Aousing and Blighted Z,ands Development Project for increases in the Project Area. 2. To increase the budget in the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize the public redevelopment costs set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto in the Expanded Project Area. Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AND FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPO5E The Governing Body determines that there is a need for development and redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City and in the Project Area to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base, to provide housing opportunities for low and moderate income households and to improve the general economy of the State. It is found that the Expanded Project Area is potentially more useful and valuable than is being realized under existing development, is less productive than is possible under this program and, ttierefore, is not contributing to the tax base to its full potential. The City has determined to exercise its authority to develop a program for improving the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, to provide impetus for private development, to maintain and increase employment, to utilize existing potential in the area and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City. The City has also determined that the proposed redevelopment within the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, would not occur solely through private investment in the foreseeable future; that the Tax Increment Financing Plan, as amended, will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the development and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Plan area by private enterprise. The City finds that the welfare of the City as well as the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry 1059921.2 S 9 9-68s and commerce to carry out its stated public purpose objectives. Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY The City determines that it is desirable and in the public interest to establish, develop and administer a program for implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. Funding of the necessary activities and improvements in the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan shall be accomplished through available financing methods including the use of tax increment financing in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act, through the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Industrial Development Act, and through the use of conventional commercial financinq and existing housing acquisition and rehabilitation programs. The City has designated a specific area within the corporate limits of the City as the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027 through 469.028. Within the Redevelopment Plan area, the City plans to use tax increment revenues from the New housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Financing District, Tax Increment Bond proceeds, as well as other City and private funding sources. Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The City determines that the expansion of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will provide the City with the ability to achieve certain public purpose goals not otherwise obtainable in the foreseeable future without City intervention in the normal development process. The public purpose goais include: restore and improve the tax base and tax revenue generating capacity of the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan as a whole, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize the property within the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan Area to create an attractive, comfortable, convenient, and efficient area for industrial, commercial, housing, and related redevelopment activities. Subsection 3.5 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS AMENDED BY THI5 PROPOSAS, ios9�zi.z 6 9 9��g5 The purpose of the Fifth Amendment is (a) to increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available or to be made available to meet the demand for and housing needs of all income not being adequately met by private enterprise at sale prices or rents within the financial means of such income groups by qualifying properties comprising the Expanded Project Area as a housing project defined under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 13, a housing development project defined under Section 469,002, Subdivision 15, a redevelopment project defined under Section 469.002, Subdivision 1; (b) to develop or redevelop sites comprising the Expanded Project Area which qualify as blighted or deteriorated areas under 469.002, Subdivision 11; (c) to assist in the provision of housing; and (d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The property in the Expanded Project Area which is being suggested for inclusion in the Redevelopment Project has been reviewed so as to meet following criteria of 5tate Statutes: • The properties in the Expanded Project Area are blighted as that term is used in Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 11. Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The original statement of purpose and the statement of objectives and requirements in the Redevelopment Plan as adopted (and subsequently amended) remain unchanged. By expanding the Project Area, the Authority intends to enhance its ability to increase the supply of housinq for all income groups, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize properties and a neighborhood, and to develop or redevelop blighted and deteriorated properties. SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAIQ The Tax Increment the redevelopment Redevelopment) to Area as set forth anticipated to be December 31, 1999, will only be used Financing Plan is hereby amended to increase costs in Subsection 1.6 (Estimated Costs of include the costs within the Expanded Project on Exhibit B attached hereto, which costs are expended on or before December 31, 1999. After any tax increments from the Pre-1982 Sites to pay debt service on tfie Bonds, Pre-Existing 1059921.2 7 ! • , � In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations, or administrative expenses. 1059921.2 8 99do85 EXHIBIT "A" The land referred to'is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows: Parcel 1: Lot 19, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, th2reof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 903 Parcel 2: Lot 20, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 399 Parcel 3: Lot 25, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 377 Parcel 4: Lot 28, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 367 and Ramsey's Sub-division oP the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: The Southerly 6 feet of Lot 8; and a11 of Lot Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 390 Duke Street, St. Paul, Parcel 6: 9, Block 3, Half of B1ocY> Saint Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 99-� 85' Lot 5, Block 12, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's P.ddition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 333 Oneida Street, St. Paul, Minnesota The land referred to is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows Parcel 1: Lot 21, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereoP. (Abstract Property� Property Address: 395 Parcel 2: The West '� of Lot 1, division of the-West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 496 Jefferson Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 3: Lot 2, B1ock 3 Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Progerty Address: 364 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 4: Lot 3, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 368 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: Lot 4, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ransey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) 1059921.2 1 � 99-�5�5 Property Address: 370 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 6: Lot 6, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of 5tinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addit �n-to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 382 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 7: Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Aa1f of S1ock 16 of Stinson, Srown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 386 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 1 1 �' /r`lcd��' Parcel 8: Lot 8, excep� the Southerly 6 feet thereof, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1P of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (AY�stract Pro�.rty) Property Address: 388 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 9: Lots 10, 12, 12 and 13, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul; and al1 that part of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, thence Southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet from the North line of Cascade Street, thence North on the East line of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, in said Block 3, to the Northeast corner of Lot 11, in said Block 3, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Lots 10 and 16, in said Block 3, to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 398 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 10: Lot 15, B1ock 3, Stinson West Ha1f af B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 497 Parcel 11: Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property} Property Address: 397 Parcel 12: Lot 18, Block 3, Stinson West Half oP Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Palace Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat 1059921.2 1 Z 99-�085 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 387 Colburne Street, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 13: Lot 19, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of Block 16 �� Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 383 and Ramsey's Sub of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 14: The South 26 8/12 feet of Lot 20, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 381 � Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce� 15: The South 13 feet 4 4 inches of Lot 20, division of the West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: inches of Lot 21; and the North 13 feet B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 381 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce.t 16: The North 26 feet and 8 inches of Lot 21, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 375 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 17: Lot 26, Block 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Torrens Property-Certificate No. 293117) Property Address: 339 and 339 '-� Colburne Street, St. Minnesota i.T.� Paul, Parcel 18: Zot 44, B1ock 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. ]059921.2 13 9 5-�85 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 354 Duke 5treet, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 19: Lot 23, Block 3, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 367 Parcel 20: Lot 7, Cu11en Place, Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof. 394 Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 21: Lot 18, Block 2, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 407 Parcel 22: Lot 14, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Pau1, thereof. Property Address: 412 and Ramsey's Subdivisicn of the Stinson, Brown, �nd Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, i�iinneso*_a and Ramsey's Subdivision of the Stinson, Brown, and Ra.�sey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 23: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Subdivision of the West half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's Addition to St.Paul; thence South on the West line of Colborne Street, to the North line of Casscade Steet; thence West on said North line, to the Southwest corner of Lot 15 in said Block 3; thence North, on the Easterly line of said Lot 15 and on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet; thence Northeasterly on a straight line to the point of beginning. Property Address: Palace Avenue and Colborne Street 1059921.2 14 99 �m�v��e� V�rs�c,rv� R�_�� �\�`l� The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly right-of-way line o£ Interstate freeway No. 94 then to follow Northeasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins to change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the point of intersection of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Wall Street and Southerly right-of-way line of Seventh Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South right-of-way line of Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh P1ace to the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue Northwesterly along the Southwesterly right-o£-way line of Jackson SCreet and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No. 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 0£ Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 15 of Robert's and Randall's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, City of St. Paul, except the.Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul, except the Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Registered Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and portions of lots opened for alleys, this project area is comprised of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's block numbering system: B1ock 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, Block 16, B1ock 15, Block 30, Block 31, B1ock 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the northerly third of Blocks 34 and 35, and the northwesterly corner of Block 36. � 15 ]0599212 �,�-%g gy-�85 Johnson Liguor Site Property I.D. Dtumber 33 as shown on the Certificate of Title Lost 8, 9, and Lot A, Block 9; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, Block 10; That part of Lots A and 15, lying westerly oP the westerly line of Johnson Parkway, Block 10; all in Lindley Park. Property I.D. Number 33 and 33 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Block 6; and the NORTH 'h of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing to Lots 7, ,through 11; and Lot 17, Block 7p a11 in H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. (Certificate of title No. 349419) Property I.D. Number 33 South � of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing and following Lots 1 through Lot 6, B1ock 5, H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Numbers 33-29-22-42-0031, 33 33-29- 22-42-0033, 33-29-22-42-0034, 33 33-29-22-42-0038, and 33-29-22-42-0039 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, and the West �Z of Lot 22, Block 7, H.F. Schwabe's addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Number 33-29-22-42-0107 and 33-29-22-42-0108 Lots 1 and 2, block 3, fi. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Pdinnesota. Lots 3 and 4, Block 10, Lindley Park. Lot 7, 8 and 9, Block 5 H.F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, MN. 1059921.2 16 9 5-685 EXHIBIT B Artendment to Subsection 1.6 Estimated Costs of Redevelopment The following costs are the public redevelopment costs within the Exoanded Project Area to be financed by Tax Increments. Description of Activitv Land/Building Acquisition Site Preparation/Improvements Parking Facilities Streets and Sidewalks Administrative Costs Other/Contingency TGTAL Costs $3,300,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 S 4 200,000 1059921.2 9 9-�85 N 'Z3 � c� .J „�, ' . v L t N ,� 0 m �'' _ d � � tQ � � � � � � _ • O � � � 3 a� z ; a _ f�=m _ �. < ,a < m q S y9�1�5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CiTY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Council President Dan Bostrom and Member ofthe Saint Paul City Council From: Mayor I�Iorm Coleman� OG Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan I am transmitting the Plannin� Commission Resolution finding that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan conforms to the general plan for development as a�vhole and to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The Amendment will enlarge the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, Brewery Neijhborhood and Johnson Liquor Site area; and amend the tax increment financing bud�et. I am recommendin� that the City Council approve the Fifth Amendment. DEPARZMENi OF PLfziv':GI� G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME�T BnaaSwe¢ney, ]ntenmD+rector CTTY OF SAIN"i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Ju�y 13, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Issue: 25 WestFourth Street Saine Pau1, MTI SSIQ2 Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Lucy Thompson, Planner Robert Schreier, Director of Development 99���'S Telephane: 65l-166-6565 Facs:mile: 651-228-3261 Resolution Comments on Fifth Amendment to New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tzx Increment Plan The purpose of the review is to have the Planning Commission comment on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan. The amendment is enlarging project area to include property in North Quadrant, Brewery Neighborhood and Johnson Liquor Site Area and to amend the t� increment financing budget. Authoritv to Review: In order for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (HRA) and the City Council to approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and T� Increment Plan, the Planning Commission is required to comment on the amendment. This is per 469.002 of Minnesota Statutes. The proposed amendment to the Development Project and Tax Increment Plan wi11 accomplish the following: 1) Expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site atea. The property meets the redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increasing the Project area. 2) The increase in budget of the Tas Increment Financing Plan authorizes the public redevelopment costs in the expanded azea. The complete amendment is attached and the added sites are 23 (Johnson Liquor Site), 24 (North Quadrant) and 25 (Brewery Neighborhood) on the map in the amendment. Page Two 9g-�g5 �al�s�s: The addition of these sites to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will address the following: 1) Increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2) Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated azeas. 3) Provide financing for those activities. It is anticipated with the approval of this amendment that property acquisition and other redevelopment activities wiil occur on these sites. In the case of the North Quadrant azea (the Redevelopment Plan approval in June 1999) the amendment wiil assist to address a number of redevelopment objections including: acquisition of blighted areas, stimulate private investment and reinvestment in an underutilized section of the city and provide public improvement in order to stimulate private invesCment and reinvestment in the project area. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a °Gap period District") outside the tas increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office ofthe State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay "Pre-existing Outside District Obligations. " The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District �vhich constitute a Gap Period District (the Pre- 1482 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tas increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may be used to pay Pre-existing in District ObJigations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and adzninistrative expenses not new development activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project azea to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. Recommendation: The Executive Director recommends that the Planning Commission find that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighte� �.ands IIevelopment Project and Tax Increment Plan conform to the general plan of the city and to approve the attached resolution. A resolution is attached for consideration. Submitted by Lucy Thompson and Robert Schreier, PED. �9-�8s city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-46 date July 23, 1999 RECO�IMENDIi�G APPROVAL OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING Ai�TD BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMEItiTT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMEI3T PLAN WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "AcP') authorizes the creation of "housing projects", "housing development projects", and "redevelopment projects"; and �VHEREAS, a"housin� project" is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13, as any work or undertakin� to provide decent, safe and sanitary dwelling for persons of 1ow income and their families, and a"housin� development projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15, as an}� �vork to provide housing for persons of moderate income and their families; and WHEREAS, a"redevelopment projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 14, as any undertakin� to (1) acquire bli�hted areas and other rea( property to remove, prevent or reduce b]ight, blighting factors or the causes of blight; (2) clear acquired land and install streets, utilities and site improvements to prepare the site for development consistent with an adopted redevelopment pian; (3) sell or lease land; (4) prepare a redevelopment plan and other technical and financial plans for site improvements and land development; or (5) conduct an urban rene�val project; and �VHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority o£ the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "H12A") has heretofore created the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project under the Act as a"housing project", a"housing development projecY' and a"redevelopment project" (collectively, the "Praject") and has adopted a Redevelopment Plan therefore (the "Redeveiopment Plan"); and moved by Field seconded by in favor Unanimous against �9-�85 Planning Commission Resolution Fifth Amendment Ne�v� Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan -' PaQP Two tiVHEREAS, the HRA desires to modify the Redevelopment Pian to enlarge the geographic azea included in the Project, as set forth in the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifrh Amendment"); and �VHEREAS, the Act requires comment from the Planning Commission prior to ihe Ciry Council and HRA approving the Fifth Amendr�ent; and WHEREAS, ne�v private investment that fully realizes the potential of the Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlike�y to occur unless public actions commence to prepaze the Project for rzdevelopment and guide its transformation. Iv�ON, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission hereby finds the Fifrh Amendment conforms to the general plan for development as a whole and with the comprehensive pian of the City and therefore recommends the Fifrh Amendment to the City Council and HRA for approval. 9 9-1085 Council File # Resolution # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFfiH AMENDMEI3T TO TFiE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PL.�LI WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, including housing for 1ow and moderate income persons and families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City Council amended the Plans and Project and District by enlarging the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by deleting and adding certain sites to the District to create a total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, CounCil File No. 94-1572, adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project expenditures; and WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth Amendment to the I3ew Aousing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 99-68s site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fift�i Amendment; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 99-46, adopted July 23, 1999, the 5aint Pau1 Planning Commission approved the Fifth Amendment; and WHEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City qoals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth Amendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivisior. 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota 5tatutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, callectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax 1061290.1 z 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ORIGlNAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Comprehensive P1an and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the FiPth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � S `Y ) , y�� By: � � Form ; Adopted by Council: Date ��;�� l l � Adoption Certi£ie.�l by Counci Sec ry .� \ �(�'�\ � � BY� � ��i� �-s-�—� —�—_ i � `�� Appro' Approved by Mayor: te � � By: 1061290.1 3 99-�85 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION loseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrte Colemart, Ma}�ar 240 CIry Ha(1 IS West Xe(logg Bou[evard Saim Pau[, Minnesota 55702-7631 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the City Council � lrn �' �JLLL FROM: Eric Willems, CIB Committee Exe ve Secretary DATE: � July 9, 1999 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CTB Committee Telephone.� (651) 266-8��3 Facsimile.� (657) 266-8541 At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Coznmittee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the followin� comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resotve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that riventy percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifty percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. q �-�8,5 The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Proje�t Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southw sterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly r' ht-of-way line of Interstate freeway No. 94 then to fo..low N theasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins o change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the oint oP intersection oP the Southeasterly right-of-way ine of Wall Street anLl Southerly right-of-way line of Seve th Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South Right- f-way line oP Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-o -way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh Place to the Southwest rly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue North esterly a'long the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jacks n Street and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 of Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, B1ock 15 of Robert's and Ran a11's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2 of Whitney and Smith's dition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney d Smith's Addition to St. Pau1; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Bloc 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Regis red Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and por ons of lots opened for alleys, this pro}ect area is comprise of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Au ority's block numbering system: Block 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, B1ocY, 16, Block 15, Block 30, Blo k 31, Block 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the nort erly third of Blocks 3� and 35, and the northwesterly corner f B1ock 36. 105992 L2 l 15 �2c.c�l�:.�.k �evec� `0 �'ti.� Cti� C��.�G � � C -� 2 �5 O R�A���� �,� Council File # ti,1 c.: � �� �"/ Re5olution # (�m��1.e�. A:��_ ������� �} C n� c � 5�_ A��� Green Sheet #�V� � RESOLUTION ^ C�Y��SAINT�A��INNESOTA y�3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION APPRO�IING 2 FIFTH AMEDIDMENT TO THE 3 NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PI,AN 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 9 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of 10 Saint Paul approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment 11 Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted 12 Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment 13 District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, 14 including housing for low and moderate income persons and 15 families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and 16 17 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted 18 April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment 19 Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial 20 assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by ZI its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City 22 Council amended the P1ans and Project and District by enlarging 23 the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and 24 25 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, 26 adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by 27 deletinq and adding certain sites to the District to create a 28 total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and 29 30 WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 94-1572, 31 adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by 32 expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project 33 expenditures; and 34 35 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth 36 Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 37 Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), 38 which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to 39 the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated 40 expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit 41 the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 OR1GlNAL �� ��S site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fifth Amendment; and r . WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. �1- �,�, adopted �� 3 , 1999, the Saint Paul Planning Commission approved the fth Amendment; and WAEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth P.mendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted L,ands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, collectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax ao6ia9o.i 2 93 94 95 46 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 �RiGINAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely throuqh private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, there£ore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Compzehensive Plan and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Itedevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the Fifth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � 1 \c ) —�� Hy: � Form Adopted by Conncil: Date��;�����q Adoption Certified by Counci Sec py \ ( 1�—��--d� By. ��`�\�— Approved by Mayor: te _ 1 [ [�� Appro By' io6izso.i 3 � �i�l �g5 GREEN SHEET �nr.r .r. a-...�•T ; TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES . �:, i: 0 w��c�. ��� p anwcronenr arcc�xK _ � �a¢avcssout ❑ w� .crc � WTOR Idf A4M ■ // � �YM (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) p�� .{� � �� �c `l� Ntu� � ♦ �illghitd: C�tHatO 'Btw:��pl�'`1►'�' A�e� av�d To►tc. �in�rc.v�.�k Pkic�. VUH � IV IV APPfOV2 (A� Of KEJ2CI �K) PLANNING COMMISSIQN� 7 IP� CIB COMMITTEE � 7 j p CIV� NRVIC�F COMMISSION !if\Pt� �b'�y Has this personKrtn ever worked urWer a contract for ihis departmeM? VES NO Fias this persaUfirtn ever been a city empbyee� YES NO Does this personffirm possess a skill not nwmallypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO Is th� persoMrm a tareeted ventlor? YES NO Nain aN yes answe�s on sepsrMe sheet atW attach to green sheet a}n_4 �cSlBe�� �S�^��;� - - �; . a. r �; ' ..� '�� �, r, � � i � . � �� � ► � i � t' �, ; � � , • .�. • � � '� � SOURCE ► � `�.... q , ; ���r� � _.__v��:: ����� �t�: �:� 1M�s�aQ v .-� �- � � t �r� r� �-, �y�, t , �. , �; n � � �'� .a:, � c t-tii. � i�;��'t_� � COST/REVENUEBUOGETm(CIRCLEONk� VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ���� o S OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION Joseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 240 Ciry Ha[I IS West %ellogg Boulevard SnintPaul, Minnesota 55102-1631 MEMORANDUM Members of the City Council ��1,��� Eric Wiliems, CIB Committee Exe ve�Secretary 7uly 9, 1999 Telephone: (651) 2668543 Facsimile: (651) 266-8541 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CIB Committee At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Committee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the following comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resolve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that twenty percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifly percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regazding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. 9 9-!� �'S interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council From: Brian Sweeney� Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan Attached, is the report and related attachments submitted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council Resolution on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan and the staff report to the Nei�hborhood and current Planning Committee ofthe Planning Commission. In order for this amendment to meet the appropriate State Statutes, it is necessary for the City Council to act on the attached resolution. The Plannin� Commission found the Fifth Amendment conforms to the General Plan for development as a whole and with the Comprehensive Plan of the City and recommends approvai of the Fifth Amendment. The notice of the public heazing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. The Council Resolution 99-685 was inadvertently placed on the City Council agenda on 7/21/99 and was passed as a consent item. This action was reconsidered on July 28, 1999 and laid over until August I I, 1999 to meet the public hearing requirements necessary for amending the Tas Increment Plan. If there are questions, feel free to contact Robert Schreier at 266-6684. The Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Council approve the attached Resolution approving the Fifth AT ;he N��; u�u�;; aad Biighted Lands Development Project and Ta�c Increment Financing Plan. 99-��?5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOR(TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINtVESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE August 11, 1999 REGARDING RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT PLAN PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request the HRA Board to approve the fifth amendment to the New Housing & Biighted lands Devefopment Project and Tax increment Plan. f7t�i3:(e3:Z�1�P►U] The New tiousing & Slighted Land Deve{opment project and Tax Increment Financing District was approved by the City of Saint Paui in June, 1981. The purpose of the project is to: 1. increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2. Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated areas. 3. Provide financing for these activities under one Housing Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District has been amended four times and now contains nineteen (19) noncontiguous sites scattered throughout the City and meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require same form of public invoivement in order for redevelopment to occur. 99-� gs PROPOSED AMENDMENT It is proposed to amend the Redevelopment Pfan and Tax increment Financing Plan to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor Site area. The property meets fhe redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increases in Project Area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Pian to authorize the public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area estimates to be $4,200,000. It is anticipated that with the aforementioned amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area and Tax Increment Financing Plan wi11 enable the City of Saint Paul to make and fund improvements to expand housing in the added parcels. This will be facilitated by land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and redevelopment assistance costs. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the 7ax I�crement Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a "Gap period DistricY') outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expendiiures (1) were made prior to the ear{ier of (a) notification by the o{fice of the State Auditor of a sQending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay °Pre-existing Outside Disfrict Obiigations". The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which afiows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitufe a Gap Period District (the Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing #he hudget for the Scattered Site Tax fncrement District to authorize 2 y`T �O �5 additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre- existing in District Obligations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and administrative expenses, not new redevelopment activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project area to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. PUBLIC PURPOSE Approval of the proposed amendment serves the public purpose by affording the maximum opportunity for redevelopment of the additional areas by private enterprize, removes conditions of blight, provide additional housing to all income levels, provide additionai public facilities and to improve the City of Saint Paul's tax base. The amendment also fulfills 5traiegy 2 of ihe housing pian of ineeting new market demand, Section 5.1 encouraging production of 300 - 400 housing units a year. Strategy 3 ensures availability of affordable housing. The notice of the City Council Public Hearing was published on July 24, 1999 in the official newspaper. NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment. In specific neighborhoods included in the amended redevelopment pfan, the potential development activity have been reviewed. 3 .. . RECOMMENDATIt�N The Executive Director recomrrtends that the Board of Commissioners approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Biighted Lands Redevelopmenf Projact and Tax Incr�:, nent Plan and the First Amendment to Indenture of Trust between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of ihe City ofi Saint Paui and U. S. Sank Trust Association originally entered into on August 1, 1995 for the following: 1. To expand the Projeci Area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and in the Johnson Liquor site area. 2. To increase the budget of the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize public redevelopment costs in the expanded project area. 3. To approve the expenditure of $4,200,000 of Tax Increment proceeds from the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax increment District to be used to facilitate the development of the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site area. 4. To authorize and direct the Executive Director to communicate this approval and resolution of the proposed Amendment to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, to make presentation of said Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan and Financing Plan in a public hearing, and to take such other action as may be necessary to carry out the intent and provision of this resolution. Resolutions are attached for the Board's consideration. Submitted by Robert Schreier - PED Sponsored by Chris Coleman 0 9y-1�S5 F=FTH AMENDMEI3T TO THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVE7 OPMENT PROJECT A23D TAX INCREMENT PI,AN (TAX IIICREMENT DISTRICTS 12 � 44) AUGUST 11, 1999 AS ADOPTED JUNE, 19B1 AND P.MENDED AS FOLLOWS: FIRST AMENDMENT APRZL, 1983 SECOND AMENDMENT JUNE, 1964 THIRD AMENDMENT SEPTEMBER, 1986 FOURTH P.MENDMENT OCTOBER, 1994 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 1D59921.2 9 9'�85 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTROP.TTCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION SI. DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION III. AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT . . . . . . . Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AI3D FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY . . . . . . . Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES ..... Subsection 3.5 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN . . . . . . . SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . : 2 . . . . 4 d . . . . 5 . . . . 5 . . . . 6 . . . . 6 . . . . 7 . . . 7 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Legal Description of Property to be added to Project Area by Fifth Amendment Exhibit B Estimated Public Costs of Redevelopment in Expanded Project Area ]0599212 y 9-�gs SECTION I. INTRODUCTION The New HousinQ and Bliahted Lands Development Pro�ect and Tax Increment Financina District was approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, and received certification of the original assessed value Prom Ramsey County on September 3, 1981. The purpose of the Project is to: l. Increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available to all income groups, especially low and moderate income households; 2 3 Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or deteriorated areas; Provide financing for these activities under one Housing and Redevelopment Project and Tax Increr�ent Financing District. The Project and Tax Increment Financing District are administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 (the "Authority"). The Project is a"red2velopment project", a"housing project" and a`�housing development project" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.002, subs. 13, 14 and 15. The Tax Increm2nt District is both a"redevelopment district" and "housing district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. The tax increment generated by the improvements and development in the Tax Increment Financina District, along with any available federal, state and local resources, are used to assist in financing development costs in order to provide housing which is affordable to low and moderate income families. Public activities include land acquisition, site preparation, public improvements and housing subsidy assistance. The original Project and District consisted of eighteen scattered sites which had been determined to meet statutory definitions of blighted or deteriorated land and to require some form of public involvement in order for redevelopment to occur. The New Housinct and Bliahted Lands Development Proiect and Tax Increment Financina District has been amended four times. In Apri1 1983, the plan was amended in order to allow the ARA to use interest rate recluction assistance as a form of housing assistance; in June 1984, the plan was amended in order to incorporate several adjacent parcels into the Etna-Birmingham site; in September 1986, the plan was amended to delete three sites from the Project and District (the Brandtjen-Kluge, Robert/Concord, and Miller Hospital Site) and added four new sites to the Project and District. The fourth amendment, 1059921.2 9' 9-� �5 approved in October 1994, expanded the Project (but not the Tax Increment District) by an expansion of the Railroad Island site which was previously included in both the Tax Increment District and the Project. The district currently consists of nii.ateen noncontiguous sites. In 1995, the HRA issued $4,720,000 in tax increment revenue refunding bonds, (the "Bonds") the proceeds of which were used to advance refund certain tax increment revenue bonds issued in 1986 to encourage development. The Bonds, rated AAA by Standard Poor's, are payable solely from the tax increment generated by the Tax Increment Financing District. Payment of principal and interest on the Bonds is insured by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation. The final maturity date of the Bonds is September, 2007, the expiration of the Tax Increment Financing District. ti��ith the excention of the property added to the Project area by the Fourth Amendment, each Site, and the Tax Increment Financing District as a whole, qualify as both a"housing district" and a "redevelopment district" under the Tax Increment Financing Act. In 1999, the State legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after Ju1y 31, 1979, and before July 1, 1982, (a ��Gap Period District") outside the tax increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office oP the State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay ��Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations" (as hereafter detined). The HRA will uti7.ize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District which constitute a Gap Period District (the "Pre-1982 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tax increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may only be used to pay Pre-Existing In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations and administrative expenses (as hereinafter defined). 10599212 2 �19-6 85 SECTION II. DEFIt3ITIONS The terms defined below shall, for purposes of Amendment, have the meaning herein specified, otherwise specifically requires. this Fifth unless the context "Authority" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "City" means the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. "County" means Ramsey County, Minnesota. "Expanded Project Area" means the property to be added to the Project Area pursuant to this Fifth Amendment, as legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Fifth Amendment" means this Fifth Amendment which expands the Project Area but not the Tax Increment Financing District and amends the Tax Increment Financing Plan to increase the authorized expenditures for expenses incurred with the activities identified in the expanded Project Area, including but not limited to, land acquisition, public improvements, site preparation and housing and redevelopment assistance costs. "Governing Body" means the duly appointed City Council of the City. "New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project" means the original plan approved by the City of Saint Paul in June, 1981. "Pre Existing Inside District Obligations" means (1) bonds secured by incremens from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the bonds were issued and the pledae of increments was made before Apri1 1, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to pay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by increments from a district subject to this section and not used to finance activities outside of the geographic area of the district, if the agreements were entered into and the pledge of increments was made before June 30, 1999. "Pre Existinq Outside District Obliqations" means (1) bonds secured by increments from a district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the 1059921.2 3 99��85 district, if the bonds were issued ancl the pledge of increment was made before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor, or (ii) April l, 1999; (2) bonds issued to refund bonds qualifying under clause (1), if the refunding bonds do not increase the total amount of tax increments required to oay the refunded bonds; and (3) binding written agreements secured by the increments from the district subject to this section and used to finance activities outside the geographic area of the district, if the agreement was entered before the earlier of (i) notification by the state auditor or (ii) May 1, 1999. "Project Area" means the property area included in the Project as a housing project and redevelopment project under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, including the property to be added to the Project Area by this Fifth Amendment, which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Redevelopment Plan" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan, as adopted in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1999. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment Bonds" means Tax Increment Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 issued in August, 1995 in the amount of $9,720,000 to refinance the public costs associated with the Redevelopment Plan. The term "Tax Increment Bonds" shall also include any obligations issued to refund the Tax Increment Bonds. "Tax Increment Financing Act" means the statutory provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 thraugh 469.179. "Tax Increment Financing District" means the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Tax Increment Financing District, established in 1981 and amended in 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1994. "Tax Increment Financing P1an" means the Tax Increment Financinq Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing District, as amended. SECTION III. AMENDED AND RESTATED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSIAIG PND BLIGHTED LP.NDS RED£VEIAPMENT PROJECT Subsection 3.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT ]059921.2 4 �f 9 �!0 85 The amendment oi the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan proposes to accomplish the following: 1. To expand the Project Area to include the land identified an Exhibit A attached hereto_ This property meets the redevelopment criteria as originally envisioned by the New Aousing and Blighted Z,ands Development Project for increases in the Project Area. 2. To increase the budget in the Tax Increment Financing Plan to authorize the public redevelopment costs set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto in the Expanded Project Area. Subsection 3.2 STATEMENT AND FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPO5E The Governing Body determines that there is a need for development and redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City and in the Project Area to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base, to provide housing opportunities for low and moderate income households and to improve the general economy of the State. It is found that the Expanded Project Area is potentially more useful and valuable than is being realized under existing development, is less productive than is possible under this program and, ttierefore, is not contributing to the tax base to its full potential. The City has determined to exercise its authority to develop a program for improving the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, to provide impetus for private development, to maintain and increase employment, to utilize existing potential in the area and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City. The City has also determined that the proposed redevelopment within the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area, would not occur solely through private investment in the foreseeable future; that the Tax Increment Financing Plan, as amended, will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the development and redevelopment of the Redevelopment Plan area by private enterprise. The City finds that the welfare of the City as well as the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry 1059921.2 S 9 9-68s and commerce to carry out its stated public purpose objectives. Subsection 3.3 STATUTORY AUTHORITY The City determines that it is desirable and in the public interest to establish, develop and administer a program for implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. Funding of the necessary activities and improvements in the Project Area, including the Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan shall be accomplished through available financing methods including the use of tax increment financing in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act, through the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Industrial Development Act, and through the use of conventional commercial financinq and existing housing acquisition and rehabilitation programs. The City has designated a specific area within the corporate limits of the City as the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027 through 469.028. Within the Redevelopment Plan area, the City plans to use tax increment revenues from the New housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Financing District, Tax Increment Bond proceeds, as well as other City and private funding sources. Subsection 3.4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The City determines that the expansion of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will provide the City with the ability to achieve certain public purpose goals not otherwise obtainable in the foreseeable future without City intervention in the normal development process. The public purpose goais include: restore and improve the tax base and tax revenue generating capacity of the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan as a whole, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize the property within the Project Area, Expanded Project Area and Redevelopment Plan Area to create an attractive, comfortable, convenient, and efficient area for industrial, commercial, housing, and related redevelopment activities. Subsection 3.5 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS AMENDED BY THI5 PROPOSAS, ios9�zi.z 6 9 9��g5 The purpose of the Fifth Amendment is (a) to increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing available or to be made available to meet the demand for and housing needs of all income not being adequately met by private enterprise at sale prices or rents within the financial means of such income groups by qualifying properties comprising the Expanded Project Area as a housing project defined under the Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 13, a housing development project defined under Section 469,002, Subdivision 15, a redevelopment project defined under Section 469.002, Subdivision 1; (b) to develop or redevelop sites comprising the Expanded Project Area which qualify as blighted or deteriorated areas under 469.002, Subdivision 11; (c) to assist in the provision of housing; and (d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District. The property in the Expanded Project Area which is being suggested for inclusion in the Redevelopment Project has been reviewed so as to meet following criteria of 5tate Statutes: • The properties in the Expanded Project Area are blighted as that term is used in Housing and Redevelopment Act Section 469.002, Subdivision 11. Subsection 3.6 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The original statement of purpose and the statement of objectives and requirements in the Redevelopment Plan as adopted (and subsequently amended) remain unchanged. By expanding the Project Area, the Authority intends to enhance its ability to increase the supply of housinq for all income groups, increase employment opportunities, realize comprehensive planning goals, revitalize properties and a neighborhood, and to develop or redevelop blighted and deteriorated properties. SECTION IV. AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAIQ The Tax Increment the redevelopment Redevelopment) to Area as set forth anticipated to be December 31, 1999, will only be used Financing Plan is hereby amended to increase costs in Subsection 1.6 (Estimated Costs of include the costs within the Expanded Project on Exhibit B attached hereto, which costs are expended on or before December 31, 1999. After any tax increments from the Pre-1982 Sites to pay debt service on tfie Bonds, Pre-Existing 1059921.2 7 ! • , � In District Obligations, Pre-Existing Outside District Obligations, or administrative expenses. 1059921.2 8 99do85 EXHIBIT "A" The land referred to'is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows: Parcel 1: Lot 19, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, th2reof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 903 Parcel 2: Lot 20, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 399 Parcel 3: Lot 25, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 377 Parcel 4: Lot 28, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 367 and Ramsey's Sub-division oP the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: The Southerly 6 feet of Lot 8; and a11 of Lot Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 390 Duke Street, St. Paul, Parcel 6: 9, Block 3, Half of B1ocY> Saint Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 99-� 85' Lot 5, Block 12, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's P.ddition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 333 Oneida Street, St. Paul, Minnesota The land referred to is situated in the State of Minnesota, County of Ramsev, and is described as follows Parcel 1: Lot 21, Block 2, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereoP. (Abstract Property� Property Address: 395 Parcel 2: The West '� of Lot 1, division of the-West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 496 Jefferson Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 3: Lot 2, B1ock 3 Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Progerty Address: 364 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 4: Lot 3, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 368 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 5: Lot 4, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ransey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) 1059921.2 1 � 99-�5�5 Property Address: 370 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 6: Lot 6, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of 5tinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addit �n-to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 382 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 7: Lot 7, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Aa1f of S1ock 16 of Stinson, Srown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 386 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 1059921.2 1 1 �' /r`lcd��' Parcel 8: Lot 8, excep� the Southerly 6 feet thereof, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1P of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (AY�stract Pro�.rty) Property Address: 388 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 9: Lots 10, 12, 12 and 13, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul; and al1 that part of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, thence Southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet from the North line of Cascade Street, thence North on the East line of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, in said Block 3, to the Northeast corner of Lot 11, in said Block 3, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Lots 10 and 16, in said Block 3, to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 398 Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 10: Lot 15, B1ock 3, Stinson West Ha1f af B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 497 Parcel 11: Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson West Half of Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property} Property Address: 397 Parcel 12: Lot 18, Block 3, Stinson West Half oP Block 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Palace Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat 1059921.2 1 Z 99-�085 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 387 Colburne Street, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 13: Lot 19, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of Block 16 �� Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 383 and Ramsey's Sub of the Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 14: The South 26 8/12 feet of Lot 20, B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 381 � Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce� 15: The South 13 feet 4 4 inches of Lot 20, division of the West Ramsey's Addition to plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: inches of Lot 21; and the North 13 feet B1ock 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub- Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Saint Paul, according to the recorded 381 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parce.t 16: The North 26 feet and 8 inches of Lot 21, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Sub-division of the West Half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Abstract Property) Property Address: 375 Colburne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 17: Lot 26, Block 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. (Torrens Property-Certificate No. 293117) Property Address: 339 and 339 '-� Colburne Street, St. Minnesota i.T.� Paul, Parcel 18: Zot 44, B1ock 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof. ]059921.2 13 9 5-�85 (Abstract Property) Property Address: 354 Duke 5treet, St. Pau1, Minnesota Parcel 19: Lot 23, Block 3, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 367 Parcel 20: Lot 7, Cu11en Place, Property Address: and Ramsey's Sub-division of the Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof. 394 Colborne Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 21: Lot 18, Block 2, Stinson West Half of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Paul, thereof. Property Address: 407 Parcel 22: Lot 14, Block 3, Stinson West Ha1f of B1ock 16 of Addition to Saint Pau1, thereof. Property Address: 412 and Ramsey's Subdivisicn of the Stinson, Brown, �nd Ramsey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, i�iinneso*_a and Ramsey's Subdivision of the Stinson, Brown, and Ra.�sey's according to the recorded plat Duke Street, St. Paul, Minnesota Parcel 23: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Stinson and Ramsey's Subdivision of the West half of Block 16 of Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's Addition to St.Paul; thence South on the West line of Colborne Street, to the North line of Casscade Steet; thence West on said North line, to the Southwest corner of Lot 15 in said Block 3; thence North, on the Easterly line of said Lot 15 and on the Easterly line of Lot 14 in said Block 3, 50 feet; thence Northeasterly on a straight line to the point of beginning. Property Address: Palace Avenue and Colborne Street 1059921.2 14 99 �m�v��e� V�rs�c,rv� R�_�� �\�`l� The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Project Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly right-of-way line o£ Interstate freeway No. 94 then to follow Northeasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins to change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the point of intersection of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Wall Street and Southerly right-of-way line of Seventh Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South right-of-way line of Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh P1ace to the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue Northwesterly along the Southwesterly right-o£-way line of Jackson SCreet and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No. 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 0£ Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 15 of Robert's and Randall's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, City of St. Paul, except the.Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul, except the Southeasterly 35 feet; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Registered Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and portions of lots opened for alleys, this project area is comprised of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's block numbering system: B1ock 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, Block 16, B1ock 15, Block 30, Block 31, B1ock 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the northerly third of Blocks 34 and 35, and the northwesterly corner of Block 36. � 15 ]0599212 �,�-%g gy-�85 Johnson Liguor Site Property I.D. Dtumber 33 as shown on the Certificate of Title Lost 8, 9, and Lot A, Block 9; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, Block 10; That part of Lots A and 15, lying westerly oP the westerly line of Johnson Parkway, Block 10; all in Lindley Park. Property I.D. Number 33 and 33 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Block 6; and the NORTH 'h of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing to Lots 7, ,through 11; and Lot 17, Block 7p a11 in H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. (Certificate of title No. 349419) Property I.D. Number 33 South � of Vacated Wakefield Avenue accruing and following Lots 1 through Lot 6, B1ock 5, H. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Numbers 33-29-22-42-0031, 33 33-29- 22-42-0033, 33-29-22-42-0034, 33 33-29-22-42-0038, and 33-29-22-42-0039 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, and the West �Z of Lot 22, Block 7, H.F. Schwabe's addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. Property I.D. Number 33-29-22-42-0107 and 33-29-22-42-0108 Lots 1 and 2, block 3, fi. F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, Pdinnesota. Lots 3 and 4, Block 10, Lindley Park. Lot 7, 8 and 9, Block 5 H.F. Schwabe's Addition to St. Paul, MN. 1059921.2 16 9 5-685 EXHIBIT B Artendment to Subsection 1.6 Estimated Costs of Redevelopment The following costs are the public redevelopment costs within the Exoanded Project Area to be financed by Tax Increments. Description of Activitv Land/Building Acquisition Site Preparation/Improvements Parking Facilities Streets and Sidewalks Administrative Costs Other/Contingency TGTAL Costs $3,300,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 S 4 200,000 1059921.2 9 9-�85 N 'Z3 � c� .J „�, ' . v L t N ,� 0 m �'' _ d � � tQ � � � � � � _ • O � � � 3 a� z ; a _ f�=m _ �. < ,a < m q S y9�1�5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CiTY OF SAINT PAUL Date: July 30, 1999 To: Council President Dan Bostrom and Member ofthe Saint Paul City Council From: Mayor I�Iorm Coleman� OG Re: Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan I am transmitting the Plannin� Commission Resolution finding that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan conforms to the general plan for development as a�vhole and to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The Amendment will enlarge the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, Brewery Neijhborhood and Johnson Liquor Site area; and amend the tax increment financing bud�et. I am recommendin� that the City Council approve the Fifth Amendment. DEPARZMENi OF PLfziv':GI� G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME�T BnaaSwe¢ney, ]ntenmD+rector CTTY OF SAIN"i' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor Ju�y 13, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Issue: 25 WestFourth Street Saine Pau1, MTI SSIQ2 Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Lucy Thompson, Planner Robert Schreier, Director of Development 99���'S Telephane: 65l-166-6565 Facs:mile: 651-228-3261 Resolution Comments on Fifth Amendment to New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tzx Increment Plan The purpose of the review is to have the Planning Commission comment on the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan. The amendment is enlarging project area to include property in North Quadrant, Brewery Neighborhood and Johnson Liquor Site Area and to amend the t� increment financing budget. Authoritv to Review: In order for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (HRA) and the City Council to approve the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and T� Increment Plan, the Planning Commission is required to comment on the amendment. This is per 469.002 of Minnesota Statutes. The proposed amendment to the Development Project and Tax Increment Plan wi11 accomplish the following: 1) Expand the project area to include property in the North Quadrant, the Brewery Neighborhood and the Johnson Liquor site atea. The property meets the redevelopment criteria of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project for increasing the Project area. 2) The increase in budget of the Tas Increment Financing Plan authorizes the public redevelopment costs in the expanded azea. The complete amendment is attached and the added sites are 23 (Johnson Liquor Site), 24 (North Quadrant) and 25 (Brewery Neighborhood) on the map in the amendment. Page Two 9g-�g5 �al�s�s: The addition of these sites to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project will address the following: 1) Increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available to all income groups. 2) Develop or redevelop sites which are blighted or are in deteriorated azeas. 3) Provide financing for those activities. It is anticipated with the approval of this amendment that property acquisition and other redevelopment activities wiil occur on these sites. In the case of the North Quadrant azea (the Redevelopment Plan approval in June 1999) the amendment wiil assist to address a number of redevelopment objections including: acquisition of blighted areas, stimulate private investment and reinvestment in an underutilized section of the city and provide public improvement in order to stimulate private invesCment and reinvestment in the project area. In 1999, the State Legislature amended the Tax Increment Financing Act to ratify spending of tax increments from tax increment districts established after July 31, 1979 and before July 1, 1982 (a °Gap period District") outside the tas increment financing district as long as those expenditures (1) were made prior to the earlier of (a) notification by the office ofthe State Auditor of a spending violation, or (b) December 31, 1999, or (2) are to pay "Pre-existing Outside District Obligations. " The HRA will utilize the above described 1999 amendment, which allows tax increments from the site in the Tax Increment Financing District �vhich constitute a Gap Period District (the Pre- 1482 Site") to be spent outside the boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District by enlarging the Project Area, and increasing the budget for the Scattered Site Tax Increment District to authorize additional redevelopment expenditures in the enlarged Project Area. The 1999 amendments provide that, if tax increments from a Gap Period District are spent outside the tas increment district, after December 31, 1999, any tax increments received from the Pre-1982 Sites may be used to pay Pre-existing in District ObJigations, Pre-existing outside District Obligations and adzninistrative expenses not new development activities. It is anticipated that the estimated cost for redevelopment within the expanded project azea to be financed by Tax Increment will be spent prior to December 31, 1999. Recommendation: The Executive Director recommends that the Planning Commission find that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighte� �.ands IIevelopment Project and Tax Increment Plan conform to the general plan of the city and to approve the attached resolution. A resolution is attached for consideration. Submitted by Lucy Thompson and Robert Schreier, PED. �9-�8s city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-46 date July 23, 1999 RECO�IMENDIi�G APPROVAL OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HOUSING Ai�TD BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMEItiTT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMEI3T PLAN WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "AcP') authorizes the creation of "housing projects", "housing development projects", and "redevelopment projects"; and �VHEREAS, a"housin� project" is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13, as any work or undertakin� to provide decent, safe and sanitary dwelling for persons of 1ow income and their families, and a"housin� development projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15, as an}� �vork to provide housing for persons of moderate income and their families; and WHEREAS, a"redevelopment projecY' is defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 14, as any undertakin� to (1) acquire bli�hted areas and other rea( property to remove, prevent or reduce b]ight, blighting factors or the causes of blight; (2) clear acquired land and install streets, utilities and site improvements to prepare the site for development consistent with an adopted redevelopment pian; (3) sell or lease land; (4) prepare a redevelopment plan and other technical and financial plans for site improvements and land development; or (5) conduct an urban rene�val project; and �VHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority o£ the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "H12A") has heretofore created the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project under the Act as a"housing project", a"housing development projecY' and a"redevelopment project" (collectively, the "Praject") and has adopted a Redevelopment Plan therefore (the "Redeveiopment Plan"); and moved by Field seconded by in favor Unanimous against �9-�85 Planning Commission Resolution Fifth Amendment Ne�v� Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Plan -' PaQP Two tiVHEREAS, the HRA desires to modify the Redevelopment Pian to enlarge the geographic azea included in the Project, as set forth in the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifrh Amendment"); and �VHEREAS, the Act requires comment from the Planning Commission prior to ihe Ciry Council and HRA approving the Fifth Amendr�ent; and WHEREAS, ne�v private investment that fully realizes the potential of the Project and meets City goals and objectives is unlike�y to occur unless public actions commence to prepaze the Project for rzdevelopment and guide its transformation. Iv�ON, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission hereby finds the Fifrh Amendment conforms to the general plan for development as a whole and with the comprehensive pian of the City and therefore recommends the Fifrh Amendment to the City Council and HRA for approval. 9 9-1085 Council File # Resolution # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING FIFfiH AMENDMEI3T TO TFiE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PL.�LI WHEREAS, by its Resolutions, Council File Nos. 276969 and 276970, adopted June 9, 1981, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approved the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plans") and the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Project") and Tax Increment District (the "District") for the provision of new housing, including housing for 1ow and moderate income persons and families, on eighteen separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 280218, adopted April 26, 1983, the City Council modified the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District by authorizing housing financial assistance by means of an Interest Rate Reduction Program, and by its Resolution No. 84-1266, adopted September 20, 1984, the City Council amended the Plans and Project and District by enlarging the boundaries to include the Etna-Birmingham site; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File No. 86-1283, adopted September 11, 1986, the City Council modified Plans by deleting and adding certain sites to the District to create a total of nineteen separate blighted sites for new housing; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution, CounCil File No. 94-1572, adopted October 26, 1994, the City Council modified Plans by expanding the Project Area and increasing the estimated Project expenditures; and WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Fifth Amendment to the I3ew Aousing and Blighted Lands Development Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Fifth Amendment"), which would (1) expand the Project by adding additional land to the Project, but not the District and (2) increase the estimated expenditures within the expanded Project Area, which would permit the acquisition of land, construction of public improvements, 1061290.1 99-68s site acquisition, relocation of residents, and the construction or rehabilitation of low and moderate income housing, but not establish any new captured assessed value to be retained by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Fift�i Amendment; and WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 99-46, adopted July 23, 1999, the 5aint Pau1 Planning Commission approved the Fifth Amendment; and WHEREAS, new private investment that fully realizes the potential of the expanded Project and meets City qoals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless public actions commence to prepare the expanded Project for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the Plans following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Fifth Amendment and other information available to the Councilmembers, the Project Area, as expanded by the Fifth Amendment, singularly, and together with the other sites of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project constitute blight within the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivisior. 11, that the District is a"redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and a"housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota 5tatutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11, and that the Project Area, as expanded, and the District, callectively, constitutes a redevelopment project within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subdivision 14, a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 13 and a"housing development project" as defined in Section 469.002, subdivision 15. 2. That the Project, as expanded, and District would not be made available for redevelopment, nor could the provision of new low and moderate income housing thereon reasonably be expected to occur solely through action by private enterprise within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax 1061290.1 z 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 ORIGlNAL �� �� increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the amended Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Project, as expanded, has not occurred nor would occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of tax increment financing as proposed in the Fifth Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Project, as expanded, in accordance with the Plans. 4. That the amended Project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the Project. 5. That the Fifth Amendment Comprehensive P1an and the general the community as a whole. conforms to the Saint Paul plan for the development of RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Fifth Amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing Plan is hereby approved as submitted and the Authority is directed to file copies of the FiPth Amendment and this Resolution with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic D elo ment � S `Y ) , y�� By: � � Form ; Adopted by Council: Date ��;�� l l � Adoption Certi£ie.�l by Counci Sec ry .� \ (1 � BY � � �� a' {�� ._� _�—� —�—_ i � `�� Appro' Approved by Mayor: te � � By: 1061290.1 3 99-�85 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES - BUDGET SECTION loseph Reid, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norrte Colemart, Ma}�ar 240 CIry Ha(1 IS West Xe(logg Bou[evard Saim Pau[, Minnesota 55702-7631 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the City Council � lrn �' �JLLL FROM: Eric Willems, CIB Committee Exe ve Secretary DATE: � July 9, 1999 Green Sheet # 08408 - Recommendation from the CTB Committee Telephone.� (651) 266-8��3 Facsimile.� (657) 266-8541 At the monthly meeting of the CIB Committee green sheet #08408 was reviewed by the Coznmittee and they recommend approval of the resolution with the followin� comment. The CIB Committee recommends that the following be included as part of fourth resotve on page 3 of the City Council resolution. And that riventy percent (20%) of the housing units be developed for persons or families whose income is fifty percent (50%) of the median income. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please contact me at 651-266-8549. q �-�8,5 The boundaries of the North Quadrant Redevelopment Proje�t Area are described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southw sterly right-of-way line of Jackson Street and Southerly r' ht-of-way line of Interstate freeway No. 94 then to fo..low N theasterly along the freeway right-of-way line which begins o change course to a direction of East then Southeasterly to the oint oP intersection oP the Southeasterly right-of-way ine of Wall Street anLl Southerly right-of-way line of Seve th Street, then continue Southwesterly along the South Right- f-way line oP Seventh Street and the Southeasterly right-o -way line of Sibley Street, then continuing Southwesterly along the South right-of- way line of Seventh Place to the Southwest rly right-of-way line of Jackson Street, then to continue North esterly a'long the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Jacks n Street and the Southerly line of Interstate Freeway No 94. Also included in the project area are Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, Block 10 of Robert's and Randall's Addition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, B1ock 15 of Robert's and Ran a11's Addition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2 of Whitney and Smith's dition to St. Paul; Lots l, 2, 11 and 12, Block 7 of Whitney d Smith's Addition to St. Pau1; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Bloc 6 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul; and Regis red Land Survey 402. Together with the right-of-ways and por ons of lots opened for alleys, this pro}ect area is comprise of the following blocks as per the Housing and Redevelopment Au ority's block numbering system: Block 1, Block 12, Block 13, Block 14, Block 18, Block 17, B1ocY, 16, Block 15, Block 30, Blo k 31, Block 32, the easterly third of Blocks 11 and 19, the nort erly third of Blocks 3� and 35, and the northwesterly corner f B1ock 36. 105992 L2 l 15