85-341 CLERK ANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �//// • .PARTMENT �LL� AVOR File NO. ��� � � ncil Resolution Presented By " Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Eldon Johnson applied to the �oard of Zoning Appeals for a variance to relax the minimum frontage and lot area provisions of Section 61. 101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the purpose of allowing conversion of a single family dwelling to a duplex for property located at 1624 Hague Avenue, the legal description of which is Lot 14 , Block 8, Schroeder' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing with notice to affected property owner� the Board of Zoning Appeals by its Resolution 9693 adopted January 8, 1985 denied the application for a variance upon a finding that the proposed variance was inconsistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Saint Paul, that the existing structure is not manifestly arranged as a two-family dwelling; the property does not conform to the established guidelines heretofore adopted by the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals for granting variances to permit conversion of single family homes to duplexes; that the variance if granted would impair the intent of the Code and adversely affect the character of the adjacent neighborhood, and further that the request for variance appeared to be based on the desire to increase the income potential of the parcel; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205 Eldon Johnson duly filed with the City his appeal from this deter�nination made by the Board of Zoning Appeals and requested a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering these actions taken by the Board; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections64.205 through 64.208 , and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on January 21, 1985 wherein all interested parties were given an oppoxtunity to be heard; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew I❑ FBVO[ Masanz NiCOSia sche�be� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form A ppr e by City At rney � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, l�pproved by INavor: Date Appr ve by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY M�NITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANGE COUIICII fS/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �L/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �`� I � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date. Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made and having considered the variance application, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul daes hereby affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter and does hereby concur in the findings made and determined by said Board; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Eldon Johnson be and is hereby denied; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Eldon Johnson, the Zoning Administrator, Planning Com- mission and Board of Zoning Appeals. -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dr� 'n'--�1/J'�11� Masanz [n Favor Nicosla ssM�Wsl�— � __ A gai n s t BY r'Feders�o Wilson MAR 1985 Form Appr ved by City A o e Adopted by Council: Date �' Certified Pa-s d y ouncil et BY t#pp by 1Aavor: Date MAR 1 1 1985 App�o� a Mayor for Submission to Council By Pt1g��sNE� fv�AR 1 �i 1985 � � (RETURN TO JEROME SEGAL AFTER ADOPTION) wNITE - C�TV CLERK . �INK - FINANCE G I TY OF �SA I NT PAU L Council �/�/� � � ,_ CAN4R\' - DEPART�.tENT � � Flie NO.- // � � �j BLUE - MAVOR � � Council Resolution Presented By Referre�' To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Eldon Johnson applied to the �oard of Zoning Appeals for a variance to relax the minimum frontage and lot area provisions of Section 61. 101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the purpose of allowing conversion of a single family dwelling to a duplex for property. located at 1624 Hague Avenue, the legal description of which is Lot 14, Block 8, Schroeder' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Board of Zoning A�peals by its Resolution 9693 adopted January 8, 1985 denied the application for _a variance upon a finding that the proposed variance was inconsistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Saint Paul, that the existing structure is not manifestly arranged as a two-family dwelling; the property does not conform to the established �guidelines heretofore adopted by the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals for granting variances to perm'it conversion of single family homes --• - to duplexe��; that the variance if granted would i.mpair the intent of the Code and adversely affect the character of the adjacent neighborhood, and further that the request for variance appeared to be based on the desire to increase the income potential of the parcel; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205 Eldon Johnson duly filed with the City his appeal from this determination m.ade by the Board of Zoning Appeals and requested .a hearing be held . before the City Council for the purpose of considering these actions taken by the Board; and � WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections64.205 .through 64.208 , and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by tY�e City Council on January � 21, 1985 wherein all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays - Fletcher °feN' In Favor Masanz Nlcosia scneibei Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted bp Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B; lpproved by� 1lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . '!� wNITE - C�TV CI,ERK PINK - FINAN�^.E COUflCIl �� CANARV - DEPARTMEN� . � � G I TY O F SA I NT . PA U L /�G '/}/ � ' BLUE - MAYOR File NO.- 1,��/ / 1 � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made and having considered the variance application, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter and does hereby concur in the findings made and determined by said Board; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Eldon Johnson be and is hereby denied; and, be it - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Eldon Johnson, the Zoning Administrator, Planning Com- mission and Board of Zoning Appeals. • � -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Fletcher Nays °reN1 [n Favor Masanz Nfcosfa Scheibel A gai n s t BY Tedesco W(Ison Adopted by� Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Appro�•ed b� :davor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �����r 1 r , t . APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL . File � 3 o�°--- Application Fee S �s� � Tentative Hearing Date ,j Application is hereby made for an Appeal to the � C ��.�r� •�/ under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the oning Code to appeal a decision made by the �Board o oning Appeals Planning Commission on �.Cc�.� S�T� , 19 4'S` Zoning Administrator (d te of decision) Planning Administrator Other A. APPELLANT '� - Name �`�/�%/ -;'l0 ��ii SC>>�� Daytime phone �� J���� Address �.� � ��5� L�//� /�� Zip Code . �5���' � 8. DECISION BEING APPEALED�_ _ j-' Zoning fi le name _ - / v Zoning Fi le �,91• �,,� Property Address/Location �� ,�� �,�C vi=' Legal description �c T j� - �'� � �� ����� �' ��'��"�. S ' C. GROUNOS FOR APPEAL (Use additional sheets if necessary.) (Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.) �/L-=f i .C:�/�S J�=ii� �. � sT,G��I"/= C✓;=/; �= �`�� ya�:.� C��,�.�_-1/-.%s��, 11 f''�,.��b CJ-�'?% � /'c i� / � t_ G; .�i.�/: j�-i-: G ;� �/�l�G�i� �v � 1��� ����— /_'�n G )s . /l � .�_ ,'�L F.i'.>:• S'C-'-� %✓' /�!-�= /` G ��. ,�-•,�"/j ��T/. - ���`� _ �� ,� / ` f�� �� If you have any questions, please contact: S ', v i�-�-�o^s^ _ pplicant'� signature St. Pau1 Zoning Office , 1100 City Hall Annex �-? 25 West Fourth Street =;�`'/�Y/�:���� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �%Uate City agent (298-4154) ' 9/82 .. ��CtT! p . � �V���/ � ,�. � ";,, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � o T � a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT r ����� �o DIVISION OF PLANNING • , ,��� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 s�z-�-�sn GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 21 , 1985 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9693 - Mr. Elden Johnson City Council Hearing: February 14, 1985 PURPOSE: To consider an appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning _�___� / � Appeals denying a variance of minimum frontage and lot area --�� required for 2-family dwellings. BOARD OF_ZONING_APPEALS_DECISION: Deny (6-0) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny SUPPORT: Two individuals testified. OPPOSITION: Twenty-two letters including a letter from the Merriam �" Park Community Council ; five individuals testified. Dear Sir: On December 11 , 1984 the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on the application of Mr. Elden Johnson to consider a variance on minimum frontage and lot area required to convert a single-family dwelling to a duplex. Code requires 50' lot frontage and 6,000 sq. ft. of lot area; applicant proposed 39' lot frontage and 3,952 sq. ft. of land area. Staff recommendation was for denial of the variance. Five individuals testified in opposition to the variance. They felt the lot was too small to accommodate a duplex; that a 3,952 sq. ft. lot is inadequate to meet the parking and open space needs of the residents of a duplex ; and allowing the conversion would impair the character and quietness of the neighborhood. The applicant testified that the building has sufficient living area to accommodate two families and asked the Board -to allow him to convert the structure to a duplex as part of a necessary renovation project. . A motion to deny the variance passed on a 6 to 0 vote. Elden Johnson duly filed an appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision of January 8, 1985. Mr. Johnson based the appeal on the contention that the Board erroneously concluded from the testimony that there is excessive noise eminating from the subject site, when in fact, the noise problem comes from a neighboring property. � f ������ � T .- Albert Olson, City Clerk Page 2 Re: Zoning File #9693 This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 14, 1985. Please notify me by February 13, 1985, if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the City Council public hearing. Sincerel , Fred S. Haider Zoning Section FSH/mb attachments � . , � �� �.���� , , Y BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT � FILE # 9693 1 . APPLICANT: ELDEN JOHNSON DATE OF HEARING: 12/11/84 2. CtASSIFICATION: Major Variance 3. LOCATION: 1624 Hague Avenue (Southeast corner of Hague and Fry) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 14, Block 8, Schroeder's Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 � ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 61 .101 � 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 11/29/84 BY Fred S. Haider _________________________________________________________________________________________ A. PURPOSE: To consider an application to relax minimum frontage and lot area provisions of the code to convert a single-family dwelling to a duplex. Code requires 50' lot frontage and 6,000 sq. ft. of lot area; applicant proposes 39' lot frontage and 3,952 sq. ft. of land area. B. AREA & FRONTAGE: 39' frontage along Hague by 101 .35' for 3,952.65 sq. ft. of area. � C. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by a 2 1/2 story structure presently eing use illegally as a rooming house. This corner lot is flat and does not have alley access. The land in the surrounding area is occupied by low density residential uses except for the comnercial uses along Snelling (one block east). D. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 61 .101 , Schedule of Regulations, sets 50' as the minimum lot frontage and 6,000 sq. ft. as the minimum lot area required for 2- f amily structures. E. FINDINGS: 1 . The Zoning Code sets 5,000 sq. ft. as the minimum lot size required for single-f amily dwellings and 6,000 sq. ft. as the minimum lot size for 2-unit dwellings. A variance of approximately 35� of the minimum lot size for a duplex structure appears excessive. The size of the lot is substandard far single-f amily structures pursuant to current zoning standards. The parcel therefore appears to presently be put to its highest and best use as a single-f amily residence. s 2. The Zoning Code defines a two-f amily dwelling as "a building designed exclusively for and occupied by no more than two families living independently of each other." The subject structure is not manif estly ' arranged as a two-f amily dwelling. � 3. The Planning Comnission and the Board of Zoning Appeals have established $ guidelines for the granting of variances to permit conversion of single- ; family homes to duplexes. The guidelines stipulate that conversions should ; be allowed only if the lot size is at least 5,000 sq. ft., the lot ' frontage is 40' or more, the structure has 1 ,800 sq. ft. of floor area •and off-street parking for at least two vehicles. The applicant's proposal fails to meet three of the four guidelines. � � 4. The request for variance cannot be granted without impairing the intent of E the code that residential lots be of sufficient size to provide open space ' for the recreational and parking needs of residents of the structure. � Converting this single-f amily structure to a duplex would overcrowd the � parcel and could adversely affect the character of the neighborhood. � 5. The request for variance appears to be based on the desire to increase the � income potential of the parcel . � F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 5, staff recarmends the � app ication for variance be denied. � s:% � , ������ � , � . city of saint paul . ' � board of zoning appeals resolution _ zoning file number 9693 date Januarv 8, 1985 WHEREAS, Elden Johnson has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section. 61 .101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to minimum frontage and lot area required for 2-family dwellings in the RT-1 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on December 11 , 1984, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.204 of the Legislative Code; and ' WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes,. made the following findings of fact: 1 . The Zoning Code sets 5,000 sq. ft. as the minimum lot size required for single-family dwellings and 6,000 sq. ft. as the �ninimum lot size for 2-unit dwellings. A variance of approximately 35� of the minimum lot size for a duplex structure appears excessive. The size of the lot is substandard for single-family structures pursuant to current zoning standards. The parcel therefore appears to presently be put to its highest and best use as a single-family residence. 2. The Zoning Code defines a two-family dwelling as "a building . designed exclusively for and occupied by no more than two families living independently of each other." The subject structure is not , manifestly arranged as a two-family dwelling. 3. The Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals have � established guidelines for the granting of variances to permit , conversion of single-family homes to duplexes. The guidelines stipulate that conversions should be allowed only if the lot size is at least 5,000 sq. ft., the lot frontage is 40' or more, the structure has 1 ,800 sq. ft. of floor area and off-street parking � for at least two vehicles. The applicant's proposal fails to meet three of the four guidelines. 4. The request for variance cannot be granted without impairing the intent of the code that residential lots be of sufficient size to provide open space for the recreational and parking needs of • residents of the structure. Converting this single-family , structure to a duplex would overcrowd the parcel and could � adversely affect the character of the neighborhood. ' 5. The request for variance appears to be based on the desire to � increase the income potential of the parcel . � i � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT� RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals � that under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Chapter 64.206, the { variance to relax minimum lot area and frontage required to convert a � k single-family structure to a two-family structure be denied, for property , ; described in the legal description of the application for variance and the � site plan on file with the St. Paul Planning Division. � � �")'�Q�/ed ��/ Mr. Osborn � seconded by Mr. Kirk _ � in favor _ 6 .� against o . € SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR: TIME LIMIT/APPEAL/CERTIFICATION Mailed . January 9, 1985 ':� . l.� ��' � - g5-� � � , , „ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, DECEMBER 11 , 1984 PRESENT: Mme. Summers ; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Osborn, Woods and Zimniewicz yryy�� of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Ms. �eseman, Mr. Haider and Mr. McGuire of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Peterson. The meeting was chaired by Sam Grais, Chairman. ELDEN JOHNSON �#9693) : Request for variance to relax minimum frontage and 'fot`area prov sions of the code to convert a single-family dwelling to a duplex at 1624 Hague Avenue. The applicant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Haider showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial . Eight letters were received in opposition; Merriam Park submitted a letter in opposition. E�den Johnson, 1452 Ashland, stated that he purchased the property in 1981 . The duplex will consist of part of the 2nd floor. combined with the 3rd floor and an outside stairway could be constructed. Because it is a corner lot, there is more on-street parking and with the removal of the garage, two off-street parking spaces could be provided. Robert Kane, resident of 1624 Nague, spoke in support for economic reasons. Mr. Lechtman testified in support because the property is well maintained. Jeanne Weigum, 1647 Laurel , stated opposition because of the parking problems in the neighborhood. There is a lot of parking on the streets because the garages in the area are old and too small for modern cars, and there is no alley between Hague and Laurel . Patricia Henderson, 1603 Laurel , submitted 10 letters in opposition and spoke against the variance. The property owners have worked hard to upgrade the area and strongly believe that the single-family character of the neighborhood should be maintained. Velda Benson, 1625 Laurel , testified in opposition stating that the property has always been used as a single-family dwelling. She also objected. to the back yard being turned into a parking lot. Barbara Murray, 1994 Summit, stated that the applicant's negative cash flow should not be a reason for granting the variance. ' Maureen Heap, representing Merriam Park Community Council , reported that the district voted to deny the variance request because of strong neighborhood opposition to conversion to a duplex and the large discrepancy between the required 6,000 square feet and the available 3,953 square feet of lot area. _ , .,,. _ � : 1 .... .. . .. . ..:,.., � . . . . , . . . . .. . ... .:. . ���,; . . :.... � ..:. • . � ���, Y. j.': l rY ♦ • i i a • {y��A , , F ���y � � ' ' �t�;�i�,: � �� L.1,� � � '-i9� ,r:� �atjy � { i .,,�: �t���l�'��� . � .4��. �.,y.•. r.��:� r � ' � l. � . '�� f�; � .. � � u . . , . , ,z" .. � �,,,d.Ll.;:. . . t . . ���.���� � , . Elden Johnson �#9693) Page 2 Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Grais closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Woods moved denial based on staff findings 1 through 5. Mr. Osborn seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call voted of 6 to 0. Submitted by: �� Approved by: , ^ / 1 7 .^^-.. . � . Fred S. Haider Sam Grais, Chairman * , .; , ,� ,� . �'�-.i.4- . ' , � ��.-i rc'' 1r( , y •. �. `r+ r� x�?, ;;,.' �'� +�� �i'A � i ��. ' . � � , . . . �,� yf �.� ,�.�: � . �S � ' , + �', ��; ,, , r 1 {s4 � �� << � �, 1 . . ; . ....`.,... � :�,}i:,�,.. ` . ' , � ��. CQZ,i 7'+N[(� '7 �"�.t� e� ,i(}�' /�� , � �� p a� .A •� � _ '� . ��� � . �� i$ ,,,� ,s�- . � ' >' ZONING BOARD # IQ�/n�(,p � ' +.; .. APPLICATION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE �VARIANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ( 8 $ 4 7 �F ,�.;....:: A VARtANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER�,SECTION�D�, PARAGRAPH � I '�' IS HEQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOARD OF ZONING AP— � ':' � :� � PEALS TO PERMIT THE r -- ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. � � A. Applicant; NAME:�`C.. ";'l c1 n �ToY�nROn � ADDRESS � 4,�12 Qhl nd Ave St T'2,lil� MID. �;`; : DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO. GQ�T—ZH2� 21P CO�E 55104 t. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.) owner 2. Name of owner (if different) �; ,`, B. Propsrty Description: ADDRESS 1624 Hague �1Y@• �ti.Paul � • 1. Legel description: LOT� BIOCK A ADD. � -- 3 ySZ.��s,�� � ,� z. �ot:�:a: 1 { ; 3. Present Use fa.m?1 y (iWel�,i ri�resent Zoning Dist. `�— �� C. Reason:for Reque�t: �_ �� �.r��1 c.i ���^ -, 2'='' �1 •� 1. Propoced use r Duplex ( ��h'c r-��`-° �> ctii j'=' �"l.,o � • � - , : 2. What physical characteristip of the property prevent its being used for any of tha pe s ( in your zonet (topography,soil conditiom,size and si5ape of lot,otc.) �. - I ' size of lot 0 3. State the specifiC variation requested,giving distances where appropriete. ` � ' O variation of lot Bize from minimum �o� � A' � ` " [ s�� lJ 0✓`�•a_v�.c.x (P y�c�P i�'l �GO ✓P��J i� � c\� 3 q S �� ' a���.: I� c.-2.�, ��-{�r G� �JcR.�.; �_.,,..c.n o f' � �� 4. Ex plain how your case conformt to each of the followinp: r s � � � -zo�F 7 i ' � a. That the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would result io peculiar � -: �f`�E or azceptional prectical difficultie:,or axceptional undue hard�hip�. + ��� woucd�i�m�it ��,n to �s a�in��t h is 2 fam i lG,y home L �c.� 7,, v p�S, Q r on�s "\�'vt�-�C- h K� rv�.,...�� J�e. r t'f C�r�✓¢..c t'C Y . ���-.�c r r���t �,� � t. � `.`�51 (,�k( �� ��s�� �C� CASHIERS U8E ONLY � x �� b. That the grantinp of a variance will � `. 'J not be a wbttantial detriment to p � _i;: .i,� ti_; ,��.e•: � � ;; � � �� � publlc pood or e wbstantial impelr- �l :. �. '��4 �,.�•.�t a `� ment of the intent and purpo�s of �,!��E��l f I j j►j�t��t�! '� � ' �� � th�Zoninp Ordfrnnw. T��THL 1�u.UU � ,� ` �� � The property ie a :riECk 1bU.00 � ��� � � ,` corner lot and H,::��'�? iJi�Gi?rUU .,� �, �� � sufficient parking � �,tt1 pr� 5+,`�r-f � off Siti�c� NOTE: THiS WILL NO BE PROCESSE WITHOUT A COMPI.ETE StTE PLAN� ' , � Sipnature .r1/ �".-' -,� j � � . �t.R���.a 11-19-84 " , + . .... . . . . _ . . . . .. . ... . . . :t� . . . 7 . .{�, i�•'.7� �` , �:�,}... . �v^ '„� i � '�` � %s � � '� - . ;..I:,' :�'.� .. i:�� . , . , . �. 4 .t�.. � • r � � �� ,�✓' . . y� , b � �c r � .'1 ' . � �; F � + fti ;j i }".�� �. � l.. , ��, , ' . .. � f.sti:}.��: . . `. y l�.r..�,� '�. .. .. i.:'. ,... . . �-�. . , ,��. ; „ , �' t�v✓Y f: , �G',r i'� �;�'� ;,T J-c` / , . ,� . ��=�y� � . � �jJV-%� `.;�v' . ._. �w o /N�/_'.: � t� � �d �r (� � �. � 1g�D � � ' �''� .. � ' � � 1'�V( �� ,r2., ' �,�� ,�,:� �r. '�d �;a .,., :� ,��'o _� . � � , . � ,.��.� i �� ,�, �,::,,,, � �� � � � � :�� �.���' c � ..._. _ ... . _ . _ I �+ , , ' . � � � ,'1�,ry fY�( J L O J' ! 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R � 1 ` � ����n Johns n �,/��,���f� ` ' '� Hague �ve , � St.Pau1, Mn. 55104 Lot 14 Block 8 Schroeders add. 647-182 3 �---- ,.�I .�_. __._,_,_..� ° - ___ � .fi.r.____..__. , ; .._._____._ _ - Stucco 26x34 � level terrain '; . ad�acent property: ,��� Rental ( � ; . , � E � . �.,w a � � �� � . � . � � i "� ` � � �.' :,._ 0 �';� � 3 . � �� ' ._ .o o . � . `'J -`1 -;;�, �,� ,- ;,_ : , ,t_ _ ; .�-��"'. � l ..�I� .O .. I��i�(r./� ` ��� �� t I � � ' � . � � �� /,___1 , 1 � • ���' �w���'' �f . . . . .��A � �'"� : �' ���J_ � . ::«. . , • . . ..,. . .__..�._ " ► � � , , . .. , , , , '�' ;� •� � . i� : �` ' i` . � �,': c� t t: r � }t��• ' y Y i j' �, / .'':� � .._' .' '. t _ . j'gy� - `,.. . ` ,.' �.� ��^ � '.1�.� , ` ti; . Yq�. _ � ` �^,. :� � I � �: 9 fi � . �� � �'.I� . 1 � �ti�Y� ���'�� . � t.. �1 1: t 1.�. ' . �.�(/ �� ' `.�. . �.( _f : f I . . I f�{�1 � ' F : 1�� '�� �. S tl.IY S t . . t1� ��� � ±'_� ' a 4 {, ' � �,- ' r ; � f:^, . . ;:l ' . . . .. . . .. .+ �..5 . . .. � 7e�:�/.'Q.���/� ' � .,.�IAI.e�k:..r� �. . . 1 ��.5`��/ • c,rr ,, , ' ' ' •�` y, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : . ,� '. � �' .,, "c . DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT City Hsll,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George latimer 61I-296-i212 Mayw Ap�il 25, 1984 � Eldon Johnson 1452 Ashland Ave. S . Paul , MN 55104 � E: 1624 Hague Dear Mr. Johnson: , On December 14, 1983 you were ordered to discontinue using the referenced property as a rooming house. You then requested, and were granted , an extension of time to comply with this order so that you may petition to rezone this property. Your extension expired on Apri:l 5, 1�84. We have not recei�ved notice of a petition for rezoning 6eing submi.tted, therefore, the use of this property as a roomi.ng house must be dis- conti.nued by June 1 , 19.84 and a use that conforms to an RT-1 , one and two family residential , zoning district established. An inspection of the referenced property will be conducted on June l , 1984 to determine compliance with this order. If you have any ques.tions regarding this matter, contact John Hardwick. at 298-4215. Sincerely, � � � . � lenn A. Erickson Zoning Administrator GAE/JH:km � .; � ,, . ..S'.A�:� . i � . � /�ti•�6/',. . i�� � ;' , �� ;� � �., r � ��� �� � . f�, . . �-��' . [����. + ���. � � ' ��� a.�./ � 1` '.S .ia�..r;,� A:�4t �� �: S i�.'.� � � r ' x . � � r'FT i�lh �� ' ; �tn �� � , .i a � � , . �'. �,�. ,k...�� , �'�,��`�5:��, 1. ; . :, , ,.: � �� �`�5�-��/ , t�����TY o, ', CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; , „ . » DEPARTMENT OF CQMMUNITY SERVICES � .u.. ,+ . . ''• ^° ' DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... ' Ciry H�II,Saint Pwl,Minnesoq SS102 George latimer 612-298-4212 M�yor ' May 30, 1984 Elden Johnson 1452 Ashland Ave. St . Paul , MN 55104 E: 1624 Nague Ave. . Dear Mr. Johnson: Your request for an extension of time to petition to have the referenced property rezoned to permit the operation of a rooming house is hereby denied. The zoning code violation of a rooming house operation on this property was brought to. your attention in December, 1983. You then requested and were granted an` extension to allow you time to petition for rezoning. A petition was not submitted within the allotted time and you were given notice to bring this property in compliance to the current zoning code within 30 days. If this property does not comply w.ith the zoning code on July 2 , 1984, then the necessary enforcement action will be taken. � We feel we have allowed sufficient time to permit this matter to be resolved and that we cannot allow the continued occupancy as a rooming house without endangering the public health and welfare of the occupants., and immediate neighbors. However, you may petition to have this property rezoned at any time in the future, and if successful , may reestablish the use as a rooming house at that time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact John Hardwick at 298-4215. Si cerely, � , , �-�'r.t'' Glenn A. Erickson Zoning Administrator GAE/JH:km �C� � : , -� 1. .� ;. j . t, - . , : . : .. : : :: ;. . �.A . , � '; ` A i �,. • , {��,� � l. . - �Y ��,��1... ' ` � i ;i t �� w. ri ' � Q 4 tS '�1• f. : a r � ti''� �..1� .. '� ' . � ��. ,..:.�:.� " ._. ..:. . . . ti i f i �1 r ���: ..' ... '. . ����.' f, .:. . ��:.. . 4. � . . . . .��. . �.z+..f.�:�,..�. . . � {. ..I,.i. :..'� .:.� .. � � � ���� N;;;��� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��~'��� ��-;� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVlCES ��� �t�1111U a� .. , ,, ,., .. DlVI510N OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT �"oa, �... �+t"= ' • 4t5 City Hali,St. Paul,Minnesota 55102 �m��a e� 612-298-4212 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR November 14, 1984 Elden Johnson 1452 Ashland Ayenue St . Paul , Minnesota 55104 ' RE: 1624 Hague Avenue � Dear Mr . Johnson: This letter is a follow-up on an inspection of the referenced property by an inspector from this office. The builcling does not yet comply with the definition of a single family dwelling . There are at least six unrelated people sharing ' this build�ing . 7he third floor apartment has separate kitchen facilities as well as the cellar apartment. The occupancy of this building must be reduced to a single family, not more than four unrelated people, and the kitchen facilities in the cellar and the third floor unit must be removed . The cellar unit does, not meet , mi.nimum housing codes and in no cas.e may it be, used as a sleeping room. You have expressed a desire to convert this building to a legal duplex. Although this building i.s located in an RT-1 � one and two family, zoning district, it lacks the minimum lot size requirements for a two family dwelling , 6,000 square feet minimum lot si.ze with 50 feet of lot frontage. The enclosed variance application must be completed and submitted to this office within 30 days of xhis letter. A reinspection of the referenced property will be made in 30 days to determine compliance with this order. If you have any questi.ons regarding this matter, contact John Hardwick at 298�4215. " Si erely, � � , �lij�Vl�V • Q�-�t�C..� . Glenn A. Er,.ickson Zoning Administrator GAE/JH:km Enclosures . �O �� --- _ ,.� �, ' � � � � i:�. " . . . �, r. ` �., � �s .I t � . ;��'� � i ' � , < �� � � � � i.+ rt �f!J � . � t.. y�.�,�� - . / � ' . � !r tr` � �.. � ,.. e . .. � � . � . . �.t� . � _,._ . . . . � . � � � ����� � , . � ����i �.►�`„r °",� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; : ;..::;: � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ;�. �+ , ''+ ^° DIVISION QF HOUSING AND 6UILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ... Ciry Hall,Sai�t Paul,Minnesoq 55102 George 4atimu � 612-298-4212 Maxor , I Decem6er 14, 1983 � Elden Johnson 1452 Ashland Avenue - St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 RE: 1624 HAGUE AIIENUE Dear Mr. Johnson: . The referenced property i� located in an RT-1�, one and two family , residential , zoning di.strict. A rooming house is not a permitted use. in tlii� distri:ct, therefore this use must be discontinued immediately. In order to esta6lis.h a roomtng house at ttiis address, it is � necessary to first have the property rezoned to an RM-1 , multi , family resi.denti.al , zoning district. Enclosed is an application and information on the rezoning process. � � If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact John Hardwi.ck at 298-4215. � � Sincerely, Glenn A. Erickson Supervisor Code Enforcement � GAE/JH/gc Enclosures i � � i �..� ' � I � „ , ; _ _ _ ;. ��,� ,. ,;. r ''� . � t: � Y� . <{ � � 't �., ; t �� ' �5� l i. . .t,�ti•� . . � � r.�. . . 4:l t . � .. H, i� � ' {t,'� - ' �;�1 . :�,:k s.� . 1 ' �[.. • � y . � ��� � . ' ��e/ . . . I. . l� , ,,,� � � ; , ' ,t' S y �lA. r��'�' - .. . . '�i+,�j� . . , i ly . +;.5��y v � . t. �,,r � . S`r'`�'Y� . � �. . . _ . . . . � � . �r �;�!:"•.-� . � � • . u<gi wt.- . �. . � � . �����r . � +�<<<., o,;, . . Y . . CITY Of SAINT PAUL ° " � DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES : . .• . +� .,. "Q DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Georee L�tlmer City Hall,Saint Paul,Mi�nesoq 55102 Mayor , 612-296-4212 January 9, 1984 � Elden ,Tohnson 1452 Ashland Avenue . " St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: 1624 Hague Dear Mr. Johnson: Pursuant to your request via C. B. Ahlberg Realty, your representative for the referenced property, an extension of time to submit an application for rezoning� has been granted until Apri1 5, 1984. This extension does not establish legal use of this property as a � rooming house and if a petition for rezoning is not submitted by � the• stated time, the use of this property as a rooming house m�ist be discontinued. Sinc ely, �. � � ��t'.,��-�rr.tm. . Glenn A. Erickson t,. Zoning Administrator , cc : C.B. Alberg Real Estate Co. 70 W. Cook Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 cc: Joseph Carchedi � License Inspector GAE/lb �. � �;, t �: � �'� �; �, „' , ;;, �,,''� f. y' 4 t,, t �'�� , !' ,�� � ������ 1 3I, I , " ��: ` t!� �� , r�'r'�, ti t.• , ,. , . ..'. . '. .� .. . „t 1 $� .ifE . � p r� .i) j ( 4 £ + �� . .�. t rx .. . , � . � . . . :.5�+ .... . � . � '�4•t��t . �. .. . .. �����i e + , Zb: City of Saint Paul Hoarr3 of Zo�ing Appeals Frcm: YVVL G�W IZS , I l0 3 U (-tG�f�U-� �U� � z, �j�� I-2e.c...l, �l� � � S�bject: Elden JoYinson Zonin9 file No. 9693 I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allcx�ring 1624 Hague Ave. be zoried as a duplex. For the past several years there Yias been increased noise and disrupti� in the neigY�borhood. On many occasions the disruptian has cane from 1624 Hague. I feel that additianal residents with only a temporary c�utsr�ent to tY:e landaaner would add unnecessary noise to the neighborhood. Send to: ,� 'r� Board of Zonin9 APPeals �t� �'��' , :� p�G� 25 West Fourth St. AN���N` >�,++i St. Paul� N1C� 55102 CITV n� •;. oE� 1 2 19a4 a '� , , :; , � � � a ., ; i: , - � - � ; t � ; __ � � ; . ; , : , . I , , � � � .. :, � ��., � � , ;; , , �. �.: .� �; f � i ; ' ,n:; � � � . _., ,,,. �� 't rr° i 4 it' �t.. '{' . 1 1. � • S" i ' � � � � �� � �,�����a � �. . . .. ,. ... .- .. , . ;.. � ��' .'.tSx . . ` •��5.; . t S �i. ' . {! _'�1.?�. .. . . . . �����'r � ' Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zcaning APPeals �2 � � /J ' `�Q d'�'10 C� � ��1� � 1�034 �a�u.� � xjcY /V � Fro�: ��'''�' . ��y Y ..3�3 9'0 S�b�ect: Elden JoY�nson Zonin9 file No. 9693 � I wr�uld like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allc�ring 1624 Hagu�e Ave. be zoried as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disrupticxl in the neig�hborhood. G� many occasio�s the diS�Pt1On � cane fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additianal resicients with on1Y a te�orary cannitment to the landawner w�ould add unneoessary noise to the neighborYwod. Send to: � , � c"�' Board of Zonin Appeals jC�lt:�`='.t ;�� PE�-� g t Ll�.rasS�i1 ;�n►1i 25 West Fourth st. ' ���YV n"�' St. Paul, Nh� 55102 DE� 1 2 1g64 ; i: - ��� �� .,j� ; •k, � ' w r J� '' -a� �, �. ..1: `.. `:: � �'i' 1 II 1 � `�' � -.'�:�: t '.,j, � i t '�4; '�� � � � �i A:�:t i�:: `t ti,.; 1 /� ;- f: .. . , I .ro,y . f �t,l1 . t � . �; - �i. �d S,ti' �; �,. S , �,' ! � t � �„r�' :���� r:� � ti � 1. 1 , r , ` � �� j• �� ( � i ;` `` � � .� .. . �r!� � �. . � `�t�¢ . S , ���µ , •F�.. .1$ . � b�1(�1 . . . . �') . . �11 1'•� . 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D� 't7���� 4�,�-�Iv N h11.�I�N .hl E �� �`�'�N�f� �D S��, SI�G E ���`�� . � p�NaiNEoi�F� �-G����� � C�1�Y OF ST. PAU! ��-�txsl �l�n , y _ _ "DECI � �� � , . , :.,.. .. ... � _ , ,;•, . , � , ;�:� �, , � ; , , : , , ,; , , ��.� ..;x:; 7 ,� ' :, , t_." , � : •�,: ` '`��� �'' � 1ti ;.� � ,: , � , , , : j • � � � � , �... . ` , .�! , � : . ,< � " , . ,. , , , ;�� - +���.�,t . . . ... ... . �i.a �:�I � .:. .r 1 �.�:��� " . � 'j : ! .- � �� • � , . � i t . :5��:'�� , , ,����' . . . � � . ,�,.�.,.,.k�k. . . . . , .. . • .. 'M�1,:r:� . .. . .. . � . �jv--��-��� , , Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals : F�: �,�,��,,.� L . C���� I � 3� � � � . . �i �a..�.l N1� Sub�ect: Elden Johnson Zoning file No. 9693 ���� � I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allcnaing 1624 Hague Ave. be zoned as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptio� in the neighborhood. On many occasions the disruption has caY�e fran 1624 Hague. I feel tYiat additional residents with anly a temporary camlitn�.nt to the landawner would add unneoessary noise to the neighborYiood. Send to: Board of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Nh� 55102 . ,,� o� c��.ov� 1 a� L��.rz�-e..� a.�a-�- l c�h�'���✓ o-F `� wL.� �aea2l�c�e,�, w� � a� -� \�� �►� . 1-� � s 2Q��d�-`r. �•.I w�-� s1✓� �,s�, -�o�m�1��5 �C� � W�S� i� `� S� � o s a� o '`��5 U1 -�,�c� �e� • �ro {� 3 � ��, W t �� C.Inc�� -e -�+- c.�a,ra c.-��-' 4,N..�,1 � � � � . U,h c�c�����-- � re.c� � c�, Qr o� y �J C��5 �._ , � . � ,, � c. ;;. :;;�, �,, ;; ', ; ' s, . ��� �� � ,t�a.!f ,,; , � ,.t i 1 � ', C' ..,��.� 1'.�. � ��x. �^ . . .. :a � F p . s , ,3: ..Y f 1 r'. �: �� . ` , . . r J, , ,f; ' �`��� � r�� . .. . '�'1 �P `��`�� � .. i, r ' r,: ° , { - .. .. „,'�;�,� � ,�`��x_.�.a��..,, _ � . �,��.��y� Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals Fram: � S�bject: Elden JoY�nson Zoning file No. 9693 I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allc�wing 1624 Hague Ave. be zoned as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disnigtio� in the neighborhood. On many occasi�s the disruption has come fran 1624 H�ague. I feel that additional residents with anly a tezr�porary camnitcnent to the landowner would add unnecessary noise t.o the neighborhood. Send to: Board of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, N� 55102 . /�/� �'`'�' �, ��io ��� � c�,� ���� Ce,�.�.� � . � C�r � �-'/ i��� � � � �v � ? �S S��b �}v��� ���o � a,�� � S �'�3 c�u c��.�b�' J'�� `� ��e�n ( �1� � :�,�:. / � t.� , ;,, ;� �4� � ti ?t `y �:' . . . `1 �.i ` . , S � r i'`�;., " � � �f l�r' � ;�:� � : , �j r 4 ` � f � ` . . �:- �.�� .� • . . . t•�•. .. . . . . . � � ,...,.. ' .....i• . . , ,; �,F�'�`-��f� . e� , � f� yi � �� �� � �f �, ���'t�-�� �.���� Z����G F�LE =� � � � y�,y t��'�'•s•'�.�-� , �� �..�.� ! .� � � �� � .�� � �� �� �'��. � �� paui � ��,�', 7�'r.�,.. .5.5�'io�. �EC 1 0 1984 •� ��� ��?�-r�.�.J .�P.l',vu ` y �-- cc�,-,-✓ ' � �c,.,1 �a� � ��-`� �e�� � ' ��.e��; �'� �: , , , � �``� � . � �, �. ,� _ d..-e � ��, `� � . �� ,��.� �� �� �� �,�,��y � �� �'.� ��--v� - i� r� , � /.� . .�-�, A � ca��t.�.� ' c�4.�c..�.� - :.<.� � ,�,�"� . � a�.� �.y .-� - �� �� � , . ..�0-t� �. , ` _,�.a.J G�.� a��v f= ,�.�..�z`' ' � �-�..1, �t1� ���t. � ���� . � �� � � i �yy � a�w �,,�-�.�t- a� � ,�"�� �1.� �-�� �� ��' v-� �� " � �� �� � �:� �� � ,(.c.�� �/�.....�i-�C.�c�i �J Cv ,, 1_J . � ' �,�r Q�J�''�"J� a� ' ���►'uc,r✓ . ,G� � ` .�1�� �.�, �� � �.� .� -�� � �o� �,�. . a� , �� m ���� _ , , � � � g� �.�.. . , , : � . . . � : . , :. � :.t. �S,` , LY•' ' ..� `.`.' � � ,.� � 1�!•,; ��'. � ' � ' + ,� � L , .' 1 ` '� ti � . i 1 , ,a t ,.� ., .� � �` �. ' : a.:�. , :�'�`�' ,.; � :'�^ � . : ,��s,�. .'. . : �,.;:`�... :i . . ��: , .,.,,,'�r � �� �� . , jAM P,,Q ��y �3y � . . �R ,p � �3 �` �. 1 PARK � MERR AM W COMMUNITY COUNCIL, Inc. . .� � 645•0349 • WILDER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 � �0 ��F�2 plA�� December 5, 1984 TO: Mr. Fred Haider, City Planner Department of Planning and Economic Development FROM: Maureen Heap, Housing Committee Chair RE: MPCC Housing Committee Meeting of December 4, 1984 On December 4th the Housing Committee of the Merriam Park Community Council met to consider, among other business, the request of Mr. Elden Johnson for community support for the = application he is making for a zoning ordinance variance on his property at 1624 Hague Avenue Motion was made and passed, without opposition, to deny Mr. Johnson's request for two reasons: 1) strong neighborhood opposition to conversion to a duplex. 2) the large discrepancy between the required 6,000 square feet and the available 3,953 square feet. � ZC'"�'"�� FlLE `�G� .�_ , . ;x , �:{ � � : � �;:� _ f ,E,,. �� �, r�� , , ;� �� ;:�. � �s� � . � , _,� . � � � � ; ��;: �''�, �� � -d�'�a'r'. :':. � , : � GIF-��-;3y/ . � RECEIV�'p �cnn� �i uyn p�n 0 ST PAUL� - ,. --_, December 3, 1984 DEC � � " •1 Board of Zoning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, NII�1 55102 Re: Lot 14, Block 8 Schroeders Addition (Elden Johnson Rezone) � � Dear Zoning Board Members: � I wish to stron 1 ob 'ect to the g y � proposed variance to allow the above property to be converted from single family to duplex. The history of this type of conversion in this neighborhood is a sad one. One only need go as far as Marshall to see the results oP this type of conversion. There houses that were designed to be single family have been largely "butehered" for the temporary profit of the current owner. .�� Once this type of hacking is done, the property does not increase in � value, but becomes difficult to sell. Often rental to stable � individuals or families becomes difficult and the downward spiral begins. Parking on residental streets becomee crowded and the density +�► of a previously stable neighbohood begins to make it less desirable and � gradually the stability is eroded. This is not a grand experiment to see how it will work this time. Our ' neighbors on Marshall have seen the results already. Please do not � allow even the beginnings of this type of blight in our neighborhood. � � Si e ly, � � 1� J nne Weigum � � Z��I t�G FI LE .�'�..�33-. .. .�.�.�M. ' Yi� - 1 ' : �� i;�' ` ,, i�,r 1, �' , �' . � ,,. ;.:;, ,z '�: _�r �'. �t:;. `: � `.`} . 5 r •' j ' . `I '1`�.!:`f�,. .. � �'��4.'SS, .. �`� ..{, t�..'�.:. .,, . . .-': . . . . . , . . ' - . .i�:' � J �. , ` � G������i . . � : �� - . , , - PEU �, -, r.���ll December 7, 1984 DEC 1 Q 1984 Zoning Board of Appeals Mr. Fred Haider 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Haider: My name is Michael Medina. I live at 1618 Hague. I am an architect and am concerned with an appeal which is being submitted to the zoning board by Mr. Eldon Johnson in reference to property located at 1624 Hague Avenue. Mr. Johnson would like to have the status of the house changed from single family to duplex. The house sits on a 45-foot wide lot, as do the majority of residences along Hague Avenue. Most of the residences do not have garages or provision for off-street parking. Secondly, the house east of Mr. Johnson has four unrelated persons living at 1622 Hague and west of Mr. Johnson property � across Fry Avenue there is an 8-unit apartment building. Neither of these properties have garages or provide for off-street parking. The area is now congested, and what Mr. Johnson is now proposing would only increase the . problems of trying to find parkinq in that area. I have met with Mr. Johnson and he did not offer any positive or alternative solutions. � Hopefully, in the interest of the neighborhood, the Board will deny Mr. Johnson his request. Th�nk you, . � � Michael A. Medina, AIA � � � �0�4lNG FILE �s� ► � ____._..._.. . ; ,� :�. . , ,,:, , 4 i /:' l'; � �I .Y` ;a! `; , + ' :;r , . ' ; � ;; � y 5.,, _ � r���F: r' t� 1, 1, �. 4 A.r�- .. � . . ' ' . ,4fY�� . .. y,j��� . � r:, ' , � . ' A��-1, �.. . .. . � ���s���� � { • ♦ F A � ���y��Cz o��o,���',�n � �'�' � y0 . Z+o: City of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals C A'4G�E`� Frcm: /��f �`-`- �G��o %�, � �`t � � 1� Subject: Elden Johnson Zoning file No. 9693 � I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allawing 1624 Hague Ave. be zaned as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptian in the neighborhood. On many occasions the disruption has coer�e fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additional residents with only a texriporary caYmitment to the landawner would add unneoessary noise to the neighborhood. � Send to: Board of Zoning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. , St. Paul, Mn 55102 NB: I would like to have my name withheld fran Eldon Johnson ! � � ZONI�NG FILE 9/� � a ';; '�f � ,.� :. t iry � t }� 3 e i 1-�} �G ' . � �� i � ✓ f,�, � � s � � ` � t, �� t W, , t� (:, 1 F �. 1 1 , 1 �� , IE �_� . ���� + �� �. r ;�r � � � � �,,,P,<< � � r:. ` ) � 5 '' ' ' � 1. i �Js�7..;"�'' : . 4 f;°,7 , � .._�._...._ � . 3, �9�y w'f ..�� . � � , � � . . ���ING F��.E ���.� �5-��� . . ,��� � z � ���-�- � �� �,. -����.. � �- ^ °�- . . � � ��. , J � a y � � � �y, ��--�-�-�; .� ; c�. r,,�.�- w� � �v� �� c,�-�- � � � � Q - �C..�-�-� � d�.,.�. .�ti�. -t��-�, : �,� �- .�;a. �.-�..� � ��°'` . � � �� � a �°-,�-� C�� �� .� -�- �`�'''� , � a �'`��.� � U _ �~- U ��� G� — � �'�- - ' �'�,�' d� � �n,o�-w- � -�O t�-�- �f' . (3� ��a-•-��-.�..�-a. � � � � � � _ �'-� � . .� , , ^ � , , w 1 �� � a , C�,/�y/{/� / � �y c� a�.�- • �y� r�-� oL..�-�" . D� ` _ � � �°� C v�=Q�° � ��N\NG��?P��' P�,,`,{ pF S ' �9� �.w�� �Ec1 � � . l�iS ,��'� ' . . _ _ . . .. � '.. � .r. '/ .i.. i '.� � ..: ' , i� ,�,� { :.�i� ` �l, . .�+.. ��::�- '.4 . t ��' ' 1► j:v, , ;� ., � � t t � r .;�. .t. , ,;,;. . /.-.4i!iii�.'. zll' ' . i h i . � . � . ;S � � �� ;:. i �.:i r . ' � � . . � ,ii Y . i � 1 '.1` •` . .%'' �'���I': . �r} . � :. .�. :.. .. i l�.'..' . '�•� �: ' . . .. . ..'. �.'�-. . . ..',1 i.... ��..-. �. : .�.. '.:�i;'� '. � �. - .� . �..��. . .: .. ... . . � g�-�y( . , 'Ib: Cit of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals F�: ���,g M /�l. J/t�4�v� �� o� ��u�= �c, �%%�'�uc, /��/►' �-.f �o y Subject: Elden Johnson Zoning file No. 9693 I wr�uld like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allvwing 1624 Hac�e Ave. be zoried as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptiori in the neigY�borhood. On many occasio�s the disruptian has cane fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additianal residents with anly a temporary camlitment to the landawner would add unnecessary noise to the neighborYwod. Send to: Board of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 �✓c% `t�L Yti2 y .�T/G JN v C.y Tl�/,l r �7tZ S li✓v C C'-C'i�-/h 1L � C/f/�!',�9 C r��`. �� �tc' �YE��/�8o2f�a v0 .S'f!p��U ,l�� %'�>�/Nt/f/�VE�. ,��'� ,�.OViZ/v�" i"a ` !�� G!f'✓�✓/I f�i��� /NC�t�1'E /N �fty=¢'�c �1�A.2K/N G- OF �Vv�/-R F�'i .v��v�� Y�"7flC C �-S j7�yL� /77'�"!r�- /'�2'� l'�d/�L��dJ 1-i��?/ L/}�L%/}L L�TTt'�' /�J� �/o2t / S�Nc.2G/•vC,- 7D �7�t h�G=GCL /�2` //�'/�'�2.jt-��c�/(� /'cd Ft C G�/t�K �� / / , ���� /��0�'E/L/� /�/�� Tv I��"TF !✓��% �SC�"r'� /�T/�'�9G%ldCZ y h'l/9 yT/9'�ivC�� G7�I/C/i E I� ��L�G t� /� .f'/.Dr Lfl-r,��✓ �7'j�L �'AiCy j�i9�t� /S �L'�c-71/� L L y ,vo; �E?�i' U� �/�� .�'t�� � n�/l vo2 � r�'r�3�2c U'" '"��'y DC C/�:S'! JN I /��✓/� /�j� G�2r�G � /1' 7��i DF T11�- GE^'r�� ���Grf��•er/lfz� .Sj,J�/y/'/��� /�?�1` ��vreG� ,�'�r�. / . �.��d�l���i� � , � � , . ; � 3 . . . • , .., _ • ;,. '� `���` � " � � ' � ,� � , � x E t�'4 '`. `� , i:f. ' u' `,.. ;, s��,�� . . , L yy,N �F , ,. • . ..� . _: ' '_;.: e .; , c: :.,_ �:;t � . '�} � � ���r x .. " f�� r.:k � � %� � . .. � ,;1, � ,.:.: . . . . . �� ..'�iY.:��: :� . ' � . ..�.,I�� � `'�" . . . � ���_��� Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals Fran: ��`7 — �i-� .�-�u� �1�"�61�r'ri- � S�bject: Elden Johnson Zoning file No. 9693 I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allvwing 1624 Hagwe Ave. be zoned as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptiaz in the neigYiborhood. � many occasions the disruptian has care frcm 1624 H�ague. I feel that additianal residents M*ith only a tenq�orary occmnitxnent to the lanclanmer �ould add unneoessaxy noise to the neighbort�ood. Send to: Hoard of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 , . , � . ;, �. ,; ,,� ;;� ,. � ,: , ;.. r� r � � �`'; � ' ' } �,� E ' ��" {; � � ` �. � � � ,' �1+ �,. . , ,� . . ,r . ' ' ` _ r�r'':I ' • .v;t.i� ,'.' � , r �,� �-��� Zb: City of Saint Paul Hoard of Zaning Appeals I�9 S l.a,�r-�-(- �4v�- ' f�--4'`"` �- 1�-LG�Cv u�✓` o'"``� ����7�� Frcm: 5 — Du�►v F-+2S — S�bject: Elden Johnson Zoning file No. 9693 I w�uld like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allvwing 1624 Hague Ave. be zoned as � duplex. Far the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptiori in the neigY�borhood. � many occasior�s the disrupti� has cane fran 1624 Hague. I feel that addi.tional residents with a11y a ten�porary cannitn�azt to the landawner would add unneoessary noise to the neighborhood. Send to: Board of 7�aning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 _ . ,:. : - .._ .. . :: . ...�. �t' ,, � . , . :,,; , : ' " u 1� r 'r'` , �. + ` �t � ��'.. �t �y•' , ,� . �-.. � i.. >a..;��� : 1 1, - i t 1 � � � � � �";�h � � y4 �r!'r 1' ; � :.- ��:�.� �; .... .. . :.:. �.r .: � �p. .� d.�'.i�t' �.. � n r k :�-:: ,�, : . � i 1 b � Yi;.� _ n 't .��} ' +i�i.� �y :� � e i '��' , �. � � . .. _... . .�;,;«',�; ; � �...�..+4�'' � . . �r-�J-��f Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals F�: �'� ���� �s9y �'��� �'�-- - ,� Subject: Elden JoY�nson Zoning file No. 9693 I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allawing 1624 Hague Ave. be zoned as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruptiori in the neighborhood. On many occasiaris the disruption has care fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additional residents with anly a temporary ccRmitme.nt to the landawner would add unnecessary noise to the neigY�borhood. Send to: � Board of Zoazing Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 t7�Z'� C���-�� � .� �� � . . � i��� � - �� �� � � ' . :, � . „ ,..,�. . .., �� `� � t�' ;. ��, j,'• ' , ,�;: ,;., � • } t; ' �� �;, � � � w � � A 1'� ,��� �•� r It�l, ' �1� �i�' �.v.. . t� � � , Y � �' . . . , .,... . ... u i..�..r... � ,1..:'!�.'. ,. , � a ���—��� ' �e � • , Zb: City of Saint Paul Board of Zaning Appeals F�: ��� � ��zL�.-.� �,��� �c �� y���y�.� � � . � � SUbject: Elclen Johnson Zaning file No. 9693 /� v I w�uld like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allcywing 1624 Hague Ave. be z�ed as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disrupti� in the neighborhood. Oii many occasions the disruption has cane fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additional residents with �ly a te�orary ccRmitirent to the landowner would add unnecessary noise to the neighborhood. Send to: Board of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 � _ :; ,�., ,; '��' � `� , ;:''`r.. , �;, � a� �.' ,�"r r::: �,, � k; �1 � ` �i �� 1 ` ��� i � �..� {�.` 1': I ' 7 . 11�- `.,�: . 1 � i' � � �r f � � +;: . .. . . � �r,���: . . . i;'��.'.�. x � ��,, . ., } ;.:,, ��;:� . ..;;. -'.f�:'�'��::�� .. . . .. - . . � � . ... . ; � , .. �,-=- �.�--.��� �Ib: City of Saint Paul Boarri of Zoning Appeals �G�3� Na �.�.- /�c�. F�: �����.. - � s�. �� S�bject: El�en JoYmson Zoning file No. 9693 /!.��'/ S;S'-!O y I would like to testify by letter that I am opposed to allaai.ng 1624 Hagwe Ave. be zazed as a duplex. For the past several years there has been increased noise and disruption in the neig'hborhood. On many occasians the disruptian has cac�e fran 1624 Hague. I feel that additional residents with only a tet►�orary oam�itment to the landawner would add unneoessary noise to the neighborY�ood. Send to: Board of Zaning Appeals 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, Mn 55102 J s� y arpv�e �� c.��� �� �;e-e- �2 �/.e c ,�,C� �'.r'�p'� !-c rn-n,c. �h �,w��i'�- �a �u�� !` U /�{G-� �l'J Ct q���` � ,�t �,�b o,i Gi a v c.( • /-fa� / s�� ��y �w,� f�,,�,��s ,���. �� ��,e�r� , CC �� J C'� � J'ev�GrO�l���l�� �G✓�fi`+/ �/-"������N�7 V � � y' , a�-cu.r • Gt,�e a lC c�.�sv C� �2�� �.c.( �u/� � , � o�t,. � C?-e C�d-� .t�, XJ�71� ��c:��•�..�_ ' «h� 4' 'l�1 �� !d�-. �ii� � � � 0"` , t � . � � ; ,, � , :,�. �.; , :�� , ��� �.�. :,,,: � ,� ; : � :� . t, ,. i � ' �'" ;,, ;;,. r :;;, ;r i �, � �_� � ti �•f� . .. �� � . ( ..t••��+� 1� ��� �. .�;�� �.'..�'�•�. . . . . .... . .. . : 1 .. 1:�, �:,, . . � � _ ... __ -- � , I � � . . • . . . . . . r . . . �a ( . L , • . 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V � , i , , %/%/ _ - , . 1 � � � r � - � � � • + • • • � � ' � � I • � - � , • ' • � � � • • � . � . . . . . . . . � � � I � �5- ��r N � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING �tL�O �3 i�`i a�� F� a 3 � �,� � `t �c���+,P,r!b'�'`�ty owners within 350 feet: �� Representatives of Planning District 13 FIL E N 0. g693 (Merriam Park) PQGE PURPOSE To consider an appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying a variance of minimum frontage and lot size required to permit conversion of a single-family house to�a duplex. LOCATION 1624 Hague Avenue (southeast corner of Hague and Fry) PETITIONER MR. ELDON JOHNSON HEARING �ursday, February 14, 1985 �o:oo a.M. Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House QUESTIONS Zoning z9s-4154 (Fred Haider) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Ar�nex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 8, Schroeder's Addition Notice �ent 2-1-85 (;�— O� -��� Re: 1624 Hague �,ve., �tie, the undersigned nei�;hbors, nei�rnborin� this property, wisn to record our stron� o�position, once again, to ��.ny change in the single-familyQesignation of' the building involved. ��e strongly ur�e that the appea.l be de nied. NA�vIE l�Dll�t�:�S PHOiv�; , ,� �y� c� ,� �.. ���— ��; (Z�'`- i��-,`.1 _��;�;�..� �:L,�... c:����—� I.,�� �.�� �� , /��>y ���� �� � y� _"�y�� ��� . � � , ,.�'' l i t � -.: . .r� -, � '�,� ` ��j � _..,-� °� �'.� �r� '��`�-� c.1.l�t1 , �y� /� � -, t � � � , ,r C' ;. �L� . 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The surrounding residents take great pride in their attractive single-family homes witfi beautiful ya�cis� and a duplex on the corner of 1624 �Iague would indeed be an eyesore in that neighbor- hood: I recommend that I��r. Eldon Johnson' s appeal be denied. ���-�� C�. �� � rs . Ro ert . Kerr , �1'��. .� �-> ..'.: � . �., � ' � � LL�/.. �' 'A .. • • :. . � . . . , . . . . . �! - .f 7 .., � �- � ,�.. , „ � � : ; r.': � . ... .. .. , .. . . . ,' �• � - I�.s ,�': � •. � h 7'1 ' } �' � � ���.�. v J ; � . � a �� �: �a ' r I r� `�' 1�' .� I ,� 1 , ' � I+ �,. � t . ' � S �''��C. .�, t t � � f ,k`t � . f � �:. .�. t.�- .�.. _ - � � . �I � #�' . 4� . ��. . . ,. � . � � _ ,#: , � -l" � � , .\, , �; � ':.E . .�,a ,r•. p 'r J. . . kt i � . i ' t t � �� � �� � � � ��.� � 1A! �,�� �!!�� 1� � � � � . , , � , .:_. , � , �.� . 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