85-338 WHI7E - CITV CIERK COIlI1C11 y/�// /� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L �( �I� �} BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �• Y ' v � � Council Resolution Presente By � Referred To �� N�1� �C Committee: Date �'����o� Out of Committee By Date W�REAS� Tne Ma�r, pursuant to Section 10,07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there �� are avaialable or appropriation revenues in excess of those estima�ed in the 1985 budget; and Wf�REAS, The Mayor recommPnds the following changes to the 1985 budget: Current Budget Changes &�idget FII�NCING PLAN 001 General Fund 1`1/85 Fund Balance: Unreseved 0 +81,650 81,650 A11 Other Financing 105,155,220 0 105,155,220 105,155,220 +81,650 105,236,870 SPEL�DING PLAN 001 General Fund eral Government Accounts 0 170 �CH Building Mtce. (City 35$) 0 ,170-28 Space Use Charge 614,373 0 614,373 0�.170-898 Building Improvements 0 +81,650 81,650 AlI Other Fund S�enaing 104,540,847 0 104,540,847 105,155,220 +81,650 105,236,870 � � +81,650 RESOLVID, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 budget; and Financing is Available: G Approval Recomrended: . �V�S � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� So�NL�1 � Fi e Man ement S rv' Drew In Favor Masanz �q _,„� Nicosia � 1 d/1 ashelbsl __ A ga i n s t BY ���� � TedesCo Wibar' t"IHR 7 — �985 Form Approved b�t C' Att ney Adopted by Council: Date \ � Certified Pa b Counci S ary BY t�pprov by Mavor: D �� � � ���5 Approv Mayor for Subm ion to •ouncil B BY PUBLlSH�� P,�ai: 161985 �� ��� -----.' -�- ..ti �.;v L _f'-^/i T-"_;c. C�. . ' i`�,� s��„_.,_-� ��"l orrzcr or� 2�Fr� czTw� C4�\CLL � �/[r,,� C `��� F`.t�r _� ' �+J� • . • - - � "� l�Y >/ " . •�_��:i;'; � D O t e : February 28, 1985 -�. a - . COMf��if�i EE FE PO � _ ► T i � = Sain� P��tI Ci�y Cc ►� � ���{ . - FF; Ot�.I = Cct�t.�iliii2� --� �r - . . - O �. FI\�.\CE, i�La��GEb1E�,T F� PERSOV\'EL C� � � � Ja��fES SCHEIBEL 1. :�p�roval of �.inLtes f:o;a me���n�s held Fe��ar;.• I4 a,-td ZI, 198�.� ��/f� _ �� 2. Resolution adding $525.00 0= CDBG fu.�ds to Dis�ric� 4's a�proved Citi��n Par- tici�ation budget total fo July�o84_ throu�z June 30, I985, to assis� in paying additional rent. ���° ���r� 3. Resolution ap�rovin� con rac� a;reer..�^t with Doua Kelm for Q ,- , o ' o consult�r.� se_tiic.,s on Li�nt Rail Transi�. ���p�� •-t,� 4. Resolution amendin� the 1985 budget and transie�in� SS0,000 from Corc��naer� Reserve Speci�ied to Financs Dep�.-�H/C'ri guilding ;�fainLe:tance. (Cit�r �;) �jj/���/' i , ���` S. Resolution amenain th � �� � � to the_�oendin� Pla.z�for"�r iodeling t�e�I8t;��floor6for�theh��ealscCo�,-PI�z �.r.d __ ��. ������. 6. Resolution ado�tin� t?� i986-I9°0 P�o�r�m for C�ital I*;orover:ents. �� �GS �/��� _ ��� 7. Resolution ado�ting the I986-I987 Capital Allocation Polic�:. ��?�! ' ���n'l� �S' 8. Di�•,: s�on or =inancin� for alternatives bein� considered for new Parics Rec�eation Ian. �d � P ,�IS�S�� �i� ���n���� �G ��� ���� °. Discussion of contrac� comnliance s�as"iing ��� ��!% ��e� � n� for the Human Ri�nts De�art-�ent. I0. �..ons�ration by �Te/�H' t o//l�'//�(�(e�a PQ� o�r�/��/fy - l��� �11��" 1�1��i�i � P ' . C::t �:ALL • . SL•�/EVT'FI FLO�I: . SAINT P�.UL.�tlt\'ESGT:L SSI03 • -�--�=�, _ s_-- . __.�..., _..��_ _ ..... , _ . ., . . .__. ._ .^�-.x.....r.»�,,.:_ .� , _.. ._ ..�...,�...q---�.