o ,u cil Resolution
Presented By
i oZ �CJ �CJ �'
�erred To ��������= Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recommend the
following transfers for the 1985 General Func1 gudget:
General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve Specified
09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -50,000
Current p,+menaed
Budget Changes Budget
General Government Accounts
Finance Dept. General Gov't. Accounts
09170 (�I/CH Building Mtce. (City 35$)
09170-287 Space Use Charge 614,373 +50,000 664,373
614,373 +50,000 664,373
N0�1. 'I'IIERF�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 Budqet.
Approved as to Funding: Approval Recommended:
'l, �,.��
Director of Finance �`<I�,� Budget D r or
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas ����Sa�1PN�N
Drew F l. 2 & M
[n Favor
so��� � __ Against BY
MAR 7 — �98�3 Form Approved t At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P•ss y ouncil BY
� � I � ,-.
t�p o e by 1lavor: D te Approv Ma r or Submissi o uncil
By �� By �/�.�
Pt1B1 SNE� MAR 16 19$�
Finance and Mamt. Services DEPARTMENT �
. .'��3 -� 11jo 426
Ron Rline • � CONTACT '
298-4323 PHONE � �� �
February 8 , 198 5 DATE Q,/ e
, ��
ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1 i Al l Locations for Si nature :
De artment Director �Director of Management Ma or --�
inance and Management Service�.bA��,M6r�'� o����s City �lerk E�EIVED
-a-�Budget Director �NT OF �qry�1 ;
� City Attorney
Iwo �a�v�M�T sER�-' FE8 � 5 1_�
. " Rationale) :
The Contingent Reserve Transfer will �estore the $50 ,000 e.ut to the City Hall/
Court House Building Maintenance activity. Without this transfer, the County
will proceed with reducing their maintenance contribution.
The budget amendment will enable the County to begin remodelling the 18th floor
for the Appeals Court.
The $50 ,000 wa.s specified in the Contingent Reserve Specified account during the
1985 budget process. The use of fund balance is necessary to cover the remodel-
ling project.
No City personnel positions are affected.
ture not re-
Total Amount of Transaction: $131,650 (50 ,000 + 81,650) quired if under
Funding Source: Contingent Reserve Specified and fund balance
Activity Number: 09061 and fund balance
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) :
1 . Council Resolution transferring funds from Contingent Reserve Specified
2 . Letters of Explaination related to the transfer
3. Council Resolution amending the General Fund Budget
4. Letters and other documentation related to the amendment
�Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached:
Revised 12/84
, ,- � . � � � � � ���-.�.��
Room 36, Court House 1AME5 H.VAN HOUDT
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �irector•Budpetinq&Accountiny
298-419b MARLEN D. )OHNSON
Accountin9 Msnspsr
Budpet Mansger
January 23, 1985
Mr. Thomas Foley
Ramsey County Attorney
4th Floor Lowry Medical Arts Bldg.
St. Paul, Minnesota _
Attention: Mr. David MacMillan
Assistant County Attorney
Dear Mr. Foley: �
On January 21, 1985, the City Budget Director notified our office that the
City did not fund the Court House/City Hall budget in the same proportion that
the County did. He indicated that they did not fund the Janitor/Supervisor
position that the County funded, that they reduced their proportionate share
by $50,000, and that this money was placed in a Contingent Reserve-Specified
(Activity #09061) .
Laws of 1980, Chapter 612, Section 5, indicates that the allocation of expenses
should be based on exclusive usage or occupancy of the building by the County
and the City. City Hall/Court House Resolution #84-05, dated April 16, 1984,
approved the report of the Building Superintendent, which indicated that the
County's and City's share of the 1985 budget based on occupancy was 64.37% for
the County and 35.63% for the City.
In reviewing our legal opinion files, we find an opinion from the Attorney
General (copy attached) , which states in essence that the lower of the two
budgets prevails. If this is the case, my question is - what is the operating
budget for the Court House/City Hall Committee for 1985? Unfortunately, we
were named as the accountants for the Court House/City Hall Committee in 1980 ,
and we do not want to spend more money than has been appropriated legally.
If the County's share has to be reduced in the same proportion as the City's
$50,000 , the County's share will be $93,200, for a total reduction in the Court
House/City Hall budget of $144,788.
I am sorry if this is a clumsily worded letter, but it was not easy to put all
the pieces together. A speedy reply would be appreciated as the Court House/City
Hall Committee is spending money every week and, unfortunately, we were not noti-
fied until last week that the City did not budget in the same proportion as the
1 `i , ` 1 �"/t ~` /� �i
'� James Van Houdt, Director
Budgeting and Accountin
cc: R. F,ru�acher �=Gregory Blees Harry Marshall Peter Hames Dennis G , ;•,
• � . � � � � � �����7
' ' f��r:::o.:�. ' �(�7 7`Y �(.1 N� ►�A I I�T T � 'A LT I.
. �'` �,, .�
�j �� . UFFI(:F�, OF 1'HE MAYOR
;` 'nnjl,Jl�, e
F`�� ���� 347 CITY HALL
GEORGE LATIMER (6]2) 298-4323
T0: James Van Houdt, Ramsey County Budget Director
FROM: Gregory Blees, Saint Paul Budget Director ���
DATE: January 21, 1985
The Mayor's Proposed 1985 Budget included a $664,373 for the City' s �
share of CH & CH Building Maintenance (Activity 09170) . Z'he adopted
1985 appropriates $614,373 in Activity 09170 and $50,000 in the
Contingent Reserve - Specified (Activity 09061) .
City Council's action to transfer $50,000 to the reserve reflected
their desire to leverage progress in three areas:
1) Building Space Planning (both short and long-term
needs) .
2) Improved Building Maintenance Performance.
3) Major Building Repair.
City Council action to transfer the $50,000 from the reserve to 09170
will be required during 1985.
The 1985 adopted budget did not include money to finance the
additional Janitor Supervisor, as req uested by Thomas McDonough,
August 22, 1984. I told Dennis Gaiovnik that I would be willing to
bring the night supervisor budget request forward to the Mayor and
City Council for consideration on its own merits. I suggested that
when the County is ready to re-request funding, Dennis should meet
with Peter Hames, Director of Finance and Management Services, who was
assigned follow-up on City Council concerns; John Connelly, Council
Research and Ron Rline, from the Budget Section.
Please contact Ron Rline at 298-4323 when you are ready to have the
City reconsider a funding proposal.
cc: Richard Brubacher
John Connelly
Dennis Gaiovnik
Peter Hames
Ron Rl ine
��p l6
� I . ' ,
. . 4�� . � . . ��=,�37
, D�ce�..cer 5, �993 - Cuat3nund
,,,,. (8a-SFS) - �oz�:auec .
• RESOLCr."D, 'Chac tha 3uard o£ �ausey Cauatq Comsissianars on 3ahalf of all, che
c:tizees �= 7.ac�sep CoucttY exceads i-s sincare aopreciaticn co Carist'_r.e Larsea
Eor her _a:_h�ul se:nice to Raasey Caua:y aad tre maay geopla shs ser�cd ia ier '
positioaa, aad aiso expresaaa its oest -rishes in har nev �csicio� aad al� iser :uture
uadartal�3ags ia servics eo tha eoammait�.
COLT�T ^CU�E S G?TY ii�1LL - �'i:VSi R - L?.W LIBR&�RY �L°ROP��"TS - --- - �
�� C�anissi�mar F'_alaq introduced che :ollocring resolution ani movad its adopcfon, I
�' sacoadad op Coemmfssioaer Ort4. 3011 Cali: 3yes - 7. �aqs - Yone. (83-386)
i .
�' ,
�' RE�OLt'F�, Thac :�e 3oard a� Bamsey Coe�[? C��::ssi�ners hareby diracts t:�e
�� Executire Di.ector to cs3&a che follawing sc,uscme�c ia .:�e 1983 budget to iund
�; ?,amseq �ount�'s sh:ra o? Chr Court KouseiCitq Hal� L-provemencs ior expaasioa of
� ta� I.sv Li�rarp aad cae reloeation �cpensaa oE tha Civil Sarvic� Department aad
'� ocier ccuaty d�par�ssta iavolved:
i Frod: +830C 068302 Coni:ngeat Accouat 58I.650
�''' To: 41004 CH S CH dlterations
i'r q415I4 Law Llbrarq �enonat3on, etc. $81,65Q
�� tt;tT:�?�� �e.50LVF.D. That th� Ramsey Couaty F.�cncutiva Diractor is autkorised
i� to develop a relocac_oa pian �.rith tha Ci•�i? Serviee �enartment aad suca other
�" county fuactioas aa may be a�ceasazq to achiene efficient operational loeatioas.
faclwiiag the nsgociat3on of ane or more leases for space autside of cha Court
�� Iiouse 6 Cicy Hall Buildiag; and Ba It Further
� T�raOLVf�, That any proposed lea�es oatsid� ths Court Houss b City As1I Buildiag
�„�ha:.l be presentad to tha County Boasd £or fiaal aFproval or disagproval.
Curssissioner Finley i.atroduced the following resolution aad moved its adaptioa,
seccn3a¢ by Cc�isaioaar Orth. Roll �all: Ayea - 7. �ays - *ione. (83-887)
� 4�,EZEa.S, 'the Laks Owasso Basideace patients aceouacs hsve noc bem reconetl4d
s:c�e re3rsa.ry 28, 1980; and .
=w^r.�15, The Stat� Auditors' have iadlcated thst aa o� IIeceab�r 3I, l982 chs
acc�.ut anpeaYS to bQ out o£ bilaace bp S522.52; Nov, 'Lharefore, Be Ic
'��LiIID, that ths Boszd of Rao.sey County Commisaioaars hszebp aathorizes
tts C.�sainity Eiuman Serrices Department to balance individual gatieats Czust
acca�ts at the E.ake Ovasso E.asidaac� to tha amouat oE fund� available ia the eash
accc�:a= ia Budgat 5 dcccuating as follows:
Zacrease Patieats accouaes $547.52
Decrease Retainsd Earnings S547.52
jC.°':'•E ="_UScU.M. OF `.�S:iVESOTe1 - CGiTiIVG'c�� 3CCQWTS ��'DITU.°-:S
Ihe Saard at thfs t'_me 3iscussed the requeac trat it authorize the Scieace
"�..tse� to soead _`unds held ia contiar,ent accounLS ia,�he budgets af the Science "�
?leseum aad the Science Caacer 3uildiag provi3ed these fna3s oe satched an a dollar �or
dolla: basis.
Gor�issicner Fiale. stated that ne �elt that ch= 3oard discussed the require-
'`• Wen: oi haviag the Science :tusea:. __�d nev aoney as a 3atcn �vr the cou�t�'s
. ,. _
� , ;,4�;��-;�.�,� � CITY� OF� S��I\T p1�L:L �.F�-�_`�.��
• =�s �•�
°, �� = OFFICE OF THE �I1��OR
:a , ",'
' �„:'iii'ii �=
`+.,v --�J,_J^ �
� .'��:+. �ra♦ -� . . .
'�"�' ._::iSti
anr ci�Y aai,L
G�UI�GE L 1TI�IEB SAINT PALT7.,JIZ_\'tiESOT� 5510� — �
�:.J.YU� (61`.3) �f)8-4323
K .
October 3, 1983 "
Ttie City Hall and Courthouse. Committee recently approved
in principle �ocating on floor 18 of this building the
clerks of the State Court of Appeals.
This change requires a number of implementation steps.
In general, these are:
1. Moving the Ramsey County Affirmative Action Office
from fioor 2 to floor 5.
• 2. Mov?r_n t ,
y he Ramsey County Risk Management Office from.
its x�resznt location.
3. :ioving the City' s Labor Contract Negotiator and
staf� from their present location.
4. ��Ioving the Civil Service : staff from floor 18 �to floor 2 .
5. Remodeling and installing air conditioning on floor 18 .
Costs associated with these relocations are estimated as
Ramsey County Affirmative Action Relocation $10 ,000
Ramsey County Risk Management Relocation 5,000
St. Pa�l Labor Relations Relocation 3,040
Ramsey County Civil Service Relocation 15,000
Remodeling/air conditioning floor 18 1Q5 300
Ar.chitectural/Engineering fees (8%) 11�500
Cont ingency (10 0) '
13, 500
TOTAL $163 ,300
Ramsey County Board page 2 October 3, 1983
I propose that these outlays be split alon lines of buildin �
9 g
ownership with th� County and City equall.y sharing costs as - �
the expenditures are incurred. I recognize that the County
did not appropriate funds for these changes and that all of
the dollars necessary may not be presently available . Chief .
Judge-Designate Popovich recognizes this fact as well in K
his recent letter to me, copy attached.
I have submitted to the St. Paul City Council the attached
resolution transferring funds for the City' s share of the
i.dentified costs ($81,650) from the 1983 Contingent Reserve
account to the CHCH account. This money will be available
to match on a 50-50 basis whatever funding can be provided
by the County Board at this time to address the higher priori.ties
among the items listed on the first page of this letter. I
request that the Board take action at its earliest opportunity
to provide the CHCH Committee with the mearis to welcome the
Court of Apgeals to the City Hall and Courthouse .
cc: Ri�c.Yiard Brubacher
�re gory Blee s ,
Peter Popovich
Thomas McDonough
_ P_ttachment .. �
" f L ' ' 1t�-��---�o�.=
� . � LAW OFFiGE . L•
��f��z�or_, �o�iovie�, �ru��on �' ��t�. nn ��',�'-.�3'�
r'`, FFt=1� N. P'ETERSpN.JR. 345 CEDAR BUfLOtNG - SU(TE 800
�.=:EP. S. POPOV[C}t ST. PAUL. MtNPlESOTA 55701
AtitES E. :tNUTSOTt 612-222-281 f
i't09ERT A. Fll]GHES � i447-t92S:Z
PAUt C. RAT`YIK September 26 � 1983
THO:AAS :.1. SIPKINS T,qS2�1960 -
FFtc1.lER6C{�Y. KNAAK �
FR:-.t+:CcS H. GRAHAtd ' . � JOHN N.MMB.PH.D.
PATFtICK J. FLYNPt ��_- �.! t� '.��J
Mayor George Latimer
347 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Court of Appeals
IIse of Ramsey County Law Zibrary
�ear Mayor Latimer:
Thari you for your letter oi August 19, 1983, indicating
• t'nat the joint Court �iouse & City Hall Committee had agreed
�- i:.-� Drinc?ple to expand ihe law library on the 18th floor to
:� f3cilitate its use by the Appeals Court' s law clerks. This
ac�ion nz?ped make it possible to locate the Court of Appeals
i.�-1. St. Paul. I am writing to clariiy the couxt' s position in
?�S�.t oi 1`",r• Brubacher' s memorax�dum of Sept�.nber 13, 1983, to
tY� Couraty. Commissioners concerning t'nis subject.
As I indicated earl�.er, the state budget for the court
is limited to the bare essenti.als. It provides r�o monies
for rental of law library space outside of our office loca-
t;:on. �t is the court' s view that our use of the Ra�sey
County law library_ will be no different than that of other
members of the Ramsey County Bar and the public generally�
We neither expect nor require special consideration or
additional amenities except access to the law library during
non-business hours. ti�7hile we feel it is essential that the
space for the law library be expanded if it is to be useful -
to us, as a member of the bar, I am well aware that expan-
sio�. of the lau� library area has been needed for many years
and is long overdue. Compare the Ramsey County librarg ta
the Hennepin County library, for example, For these
reasons, it would be impossible for the Court of Appeals
to bear the relocation or opera�ing expenses involved in
expanding the law library space, since the�� changes have
been needed for some time.
±;• Air conditioning of the law library to make it habit-
able in the summer months obviously is desirable. Unlike
{ - .
:� , • ^ �
I�iayor George Latimer
September 26 , 1983 �
Page Two �
most library users, our clerks will be expected tb spend pro-
longed periods of time in a ].ibrary area. Nevertheless, the < �
cour� understands that the cost of air conditioning is sub-
stantial. H'e request only that this improvemen-t be considered y
as a part of your regular appropriations process.
I am delighted that the Court of Appeals has been able
to locate in St. Paul. The joint committee ' s action helped
and was important in making the decision. I am hopeful now
�hat the city and county can support the long standing need
to zmpr�ve the law library space and to implement the
commi�tee's statement of principle which, in turn, will
assist us in getting our new Court of Appeals off to a good
start. �
Sincerely ours,
� �
� t .
Peter S. Popo 'ch
. Chief Judge Designate �
Minnesota Court of Appeals
cc: Sue Dosa]. .
'•�:T� � = UTY GIERK �
':NK .- FINANCE � ■ . �TZ7 OF SA� �T� j aU�• COUIICIl
�.-UE - t�.tpYOR . �J � '� • File
P •
, � �'�����'�� ����������� ���-�.��
�--�sented By
� Referred Ta Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� _
RESOLVID, that upon recammendati.on of the t�ayor and Fursu�nt to Section 10.Q7.4 of th� City
Charte�, there is hereby transterred the follawing �.r� the 1983 General Et�nd Budget:
FROi�i: Generat Government Accounts
Con�inger�t R�serve Specified
Operating Transfez Out.
090bI--537---000 $8Z,650
ZU: � General Goverru�:ent Accounts
CH & Qi Building Mtce. {City Share 35�)
Space Use Charge
09�.70-287--000 $81,550
Ap�roved, as zo funding: Approved:
� . .
,� .
e� �/ ' /�/ n �' ' +
r? • ' <-
Fin�^,cz i?irc-�or �r7c��' Budget 'reetor.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
ca�i� In Favor
Nicosia �
s�ne�ber Against BY
�dupted by Councit: Date Form proved Ci tt . �y
T�rtiEied Yassed by Council Secretary By
�� - �`
�-•roved b}• 1lavor: Date App by `.layor for Subm s ion E ncil
uY � - gy - - - . .�.
. . ' `'y =� . ' . . • , .
. . � - �,��,�r-�3�
� P.A1d,�,EYC��JNlY -
`a. . �� �� � ` �` .. .c
� �r � �
�A7� . September 13, 1983 %�G�y _
�' , � <
�o . County Commissioners
,�.r,�- ►�-� .
FROI�i� . Richard L. Brubacher
Executive Director
sus�ECZ: Expa.nsion of Law Library - State Court of Appeals
As some of you are aware, the Courthouse-City Hall Committee, on August 15, passed
the attached resolution, supporting the use of the Law Libra ry by the la� clerks
of the new State Court of Appeals and agreeing to expansion of the Law Library to
the ful� 18th floor. In order to expand the Law Library, the County Civil Service
Department wou1d move to the 2nd floor, with the Affirmative Action Office moving
to the 5th floor, the Risk Manager to an as yet undesignated location, and the
,-` City �abor Re]ations Office to the City Annex.
x - -- --- — .
�� 4Je have received cost estimates from staff that show the total cost of the remodel-
�� ing and relocation at $163,300: .
Remodelingjair conditioning - 18th floor $105,300
Civil Service relocation 15,000
�ffirma�ive Rction relocation 10,000
P,isk hlanagement relocation 5,000
City l.abor Relations relocation 3,000 j
i�rchitectural/engineering fees 11 ,500
Contingency 13,500
In addition, Tom McDonough has estimated the annual operating costs of the north
half of the 18th floor at $22,330.
Since the Court of Appeals has now signed a lease for office space at the Amhoist
Tower, the County and the City now need to negotiate with the Court regarding
responsibiiity for payment for the changes within the CH-CH. City staff has
indicated a willingness to propose that the City pay l�alf of t�he remo"+`�"e�ing costs
but that the Court be asked to pay the annual maintenance and operations costs.
4lhile the County would gain some operational benefit from the relocation of Civil ��� �
Service to the 2nd floor, w�, nevertheless, have only rec�,�.�,�„y,_e� e�nde unds to � ; �
relocate and remodel for both Affirmative Action and Risk Management. In addition, �
the County obtains no benefit from the major costs of this proposal , the installa- �
tion of air conditioning in the portion of the 18th floor into vrhich the Library
,� arould expand. I believe, therefore, it should be the County's position that
. , .
;;. i_, �rubacher to Cour�ty Comriissior,ers - �
P��c�:�orar;du,��, Septe;nber 13, 1983 �
Ex��ansion oF La�v Library - State Court.o-i ,4ppeals Page 2
�� � � � � � � � �
most costs associated with this proposal shouid be borne by the State Court of
Appeals, possibly through the fees it will charge, and that n� o Count�funds should
be e�e�,ded for this plan. Please let me know as soon as poss�ble if you �'ave any
problem with this position.
RLB/m jw
cc: Margaret Thorpe
Attachments: I) CH-CH Resolution
2) Latimer - Popovich letter
� . �
�" •
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�.. :; � �
� �: ,,.,,,;� �_ �'.�'��
•R:_l�i�q4 '�
� "*.i�;:�- .
T0: Greg Haupt
FROM: Peter Ham�'d�� {,� -
DATE: August 16, 1983
RE: Law Library and Clerks of the Appeals Caurt
T am getting out of this project.
1'our file is at the Mayor's house and should be returned to you.
As you know, P�layor Latimer contacted Popovich to tell him that the
CN and CH had approved, in principle, the expansion of the law library
on the 18tn �7oor and the attendant relocation of the County Civii
Service, C;�v Labor Relations, County Affirmative Action and County.
Risk Manag�neni, See the attached draft for "details" of the proposal .
�� St3r� ar,� county commissioners are interested in recovering the
cas�s assaciated with this move from the Appeals Court, probab1y
t5r�u�n an n�peals Court fee.
Pr'o r��rther ac�ion will be taken until there is some word from the
Apr:�als Court on the location of their offices. This ma� be a some-
w�a� risky posture to take, since if they delay making a. decision
the remode7ing and attendant moves may be delayed. Since this is
the 1�layor's project, I would expect you to be the staff person in
eharge. When, and if, more definitive actions are to be taken I
would expect you to direct Tom McDonough to become the project
m�r�ager, Of course, appropria�e coordination should take p7ace V�ith
. Margaret Thorpe, the budget and aGCOUnting people, etc.
An interesting post script to today's CH and CH action was :an informal
meeting u�herein it was pointed out that the law library does not have
the resource materials which would be appropriate for a Court of
Appeals. Rather, such materials are only availabie at the State's
law library.
Quelle chancel
cc: Mayor Latimer
� ✓Greg Blees
Margaret Thorpe
' � � � �,e�ol�utio� No. 8�—
� g-��3�7
�oint City I�al�. � Co�xrt House Committ�e
'� , Date Aur�ust 15 1983
�aented By Councilman Masan7 -
�ention� Budget & Accounting; �es, City Budget Director; Ma.yor George Latimer;
T. McDonough, Building Superintendent; D. Mead, Civil Service; H. DeGree, Risk
Manager; K. Jones, Affirma.tive Action; M. McGinley, Property Manager;
RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby commits
in principle to locate the clerks of the State Court of Appeals on the 18th
iloor of the Court House; and Be It Further
RE50LVED, That the Ramsey County Civil Service Department shall mo�e to
Che second floor space now occupied by the County Risk Manager and Affirmative
Action should the CeLrt of Appeals actually locate in the building.
-,�.._,�,..__.__ _._
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•�;� (`.`�u 171�$3
The Joint Cuurt House & City Hall Committee met in regulaz session ac 9:30 a:�.`�;�;;;`� .,.;' , .. ,
on the above date with the tollowing members present: Hunt, Masanz, Orth, Schaoer,
Chairman La�imer - 5. Absent: Fletcher, Tedesco - 2. Councilmaa Fietcher who had
a conflict in schedules and Councilman Tedesco who was out of town both asked to be
excused from today's meeting.
Also present was Susan Haigh, Assistant County Attorney and Committee Counsel.
Chairaan ?.acim�r presided.
Commissioner Schaber moved, seconded by Councilman Masanz, that the reading of
che minutes of the July il, 1983 Special "Ieeting be dispensed with and approved as
submitted. 3011 Call: �yes - 5. Nays - vone.
Co��=sioner Schaber introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption,
secondec 3g Commissioner Orth. Roll Call: Ayes - 5. Nays - None. (83-16)
�-:_ �c�.�S, Tiie county and, city staff have been working to obtain energy cost
� savings t:^.racgn energy systems automation in cicy and county buildings; and
::��1.5, °ire Saiety and Security Automation Systems can be installed and
o�er=_��.t s'_th energy systems; and
�:�2�;5, The cicy and the county budget staffs have indicated that suf:icient
�uads a:e available to i.nitiate and develop energy, fire safety, and security systems
:n �he Court House 6 City Hall Building; and
Wdi3E.�S, The City Suilding Inspection and Fire Marshal Departments are
setis.'ied with che proposed fire safety repairs and improvements co the building;
'dE�ERF.�1S, Additional building inspection and survey work is necessary to provide
bid specifications and long range estimates of needed building re�airs; �oW, TMerefore,
Be It
RESOL�/ED, That che Joint Court House 6 City EIall Committee hereby authorizes the
es[ablishment of a $393,000 budget to develop automated Systems, co make fire
safecy improvemencs, and �o obtain a local engineering firm to prepare the
specifications and bids for the energy, safety and security measures and to under-
take analysfs of the buildings mechanical systems in preparation tor a long-range
and prevencive maintenance program with the improvemenc work to proceed in October
oi 1983. The cost sharing will be $219,000 county and $174,000 city.
Cor.,missioner Orth introduced the fol�,owing resolution and moved its adoption,
seconded by Commissioner Schaber. Roll Call: Ayes - 5. Vays - \one. (83-17)
ry . . � . �
� � . ,
August 15, 1983 - Continued
(83-17) �
WHEREAS, The Ramsey Councy Law Library Board of Ttuscees on August 4, 1983 "
passed a resolution approving the installation of a window air conditioner in che
Law Library Office on the 18th floor of the Court Nouse & City Hall Building to
alleviate the discomiort due �o high temperatures in the office and to provide
Lower temperatures needed for the operation ot a computer terminal to be installed
in the office; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House 6 City Hall Co�ittee hereby authorizes
the Ramsey County Law Library to have a used window air conditloning unit installed
by the DeVac Window Company; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, That there be no charge for the unit and charges of S1,175 by the
DeVac Window Company for window modification and $425 for electrical wiring for a
total of $1,600 to be Qaid from funds in the Lacr Library budget.
Chai:man Latimer at this time raised the question of the possible use of the
18th floo: iaw Library to house the clerks of the newly formed State Court of Appeals
in [he eveaL chat it chooses to locate in St. Paul. It would entail the installation
of air con�iticning of the 18th floor and moving the County Civil Service Departaent
from the 18=h iloor to the 2nd floor, and a few other improvements that would permit
10 or 12 '�� cler�cs to be located on that floor. Chairman Latimer stated chat it is
pres�ature �o nake a commitaent with precise detail until the Court of appeals makes �
its de�{sien, and 'ne brings this to [he coffinittee today to get a commitment in priaciple
so tt�a t *_T�e Appeals Court will have sufficient information before it to choose St.
?au2. He said [hat the necessary improvements would ba in the range of $100,000 to
$1�0,000 and that these costs would be borne by some formula to be agreed upon between
tne cfty aad the county.
Commissioner Schaber stated that he assumes that there has to be some sort of
budget regardless of where the Appeals Court would locate and that the court would
have to pay rent for any space it acquired. Co�cissioner Scliaber said he doesn't like to
co�it the county or this courmittee without ascertaining if there might be funds
available at the state to help refurbish the particular area in question. Chairman
Latimer stated that it wouldn't be fair to say from his discussions with Judge
Designate Popovich that the court will be in a position to absorb all the costs that
are undertaken, but he does think that a rental which will help to defray some oi
the costs is�certainly contemplated and would be open for negotiation.
After further brief discussion, Councilman Masanz introduced the following
resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Hunt. Roll Call: Apes -
5. Nays - Yone. (83-18) �
.. • � . n . � � � . . � .
. , ; � ' @,�d',5=�3�
� �
August 15, 1983 - Contfnued
�1' (83-18)
RESOLVED, That the Joiat Court House S City Hall Co�ittee nereby commits -
in principle to locate the clerks of che State Court of Appeals on the 18th
floor of the Court Aouse; and Be It Further
RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Civil Service Department shall move eo
the second floor space now occupied by the Coun�y Risk Manager and .�ffirma[ive
Accion should the Court of Appeals actually locate in the building.
There bei.r_g ao further business to come before the Joint Co�ittee at this
time, Chairman Latimer declared the meeting adjourned.
. � � �' .� k���� � C� �5�.�3 �
♦`�,*, o, ' , C�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL
�; u;;'iii'ii �€ � /�C/��/�'�'� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY
'•>� ���� �:` D� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
"'�:� TY�i,i. �I�'I/�j,; ' " 612-298-5121
GEORGE LATIMER .�,�C /�� ��f��
January 29 , 1985
TO: Mayor George Latimer
Judge E. Thomas Brennan
Judge Otis H . Godfrey
Kathy Gearin , Assistant County Attorney .
FROM: Paul F. McCloskey
Assistant City Attorney �
RE: Eighteenth Floor Law Library
It has been some time since the Board of Law Library trustees
-' has had a meeting , but rest assured that I rhave not forgotten
about our responsibilities or our expansion plans for the facility.
The library was in the state of disruption this summer due to
the installation of a new stairwell in the northwest corner of
� the eighteenth floor . This was the only physical development of
any significance within the last year .
I have deferred calling a meeting of the Board pending the City
coming up with its portion of the funds needed to remodel the
eighteenth floor and a final decision by the Ramsey County Board
to move the Civil Service office on the north half of the eighteenth
floor to another building.
Peter Hames , City Finance Director , has been assigned to oversee
developments from the City ' s side of the operation and attached
please find a copy of a recent resolution of the Ramsey County
Board of Commissioners whereby Mr . Paul Thone has been appointed
as the County ' s liason in administering this project .
Mr . Hames has been quite involved in recent months with regard
to the NSP Franchise negotiations and hopefully is now free to
take up the City ' s side of this task .
I have contacted Peter and am awaiting an update from him as to
all aspects of this intricate transaction .
' �
. � � � ���`�-�3.��
January 29 , 1985
Page Two
As soon as I have some definitive information in hand , I propose
to call a meeting of the Board so that both Peter and Paul Thone
can update us as to whether all the dominoes are now in place
and a timetable for our development plans .
Additionally, at that meeting we can review the salaries of our
librarian and assistant librarian ancl also the budget for calendar
year 1985 .
As stated above, I ' ll be in touch. '
cc : Carol Florin
-- .�P e t e r-'E��a m e s
. , � � � �,e�olution �,�"
� ` Board of v' �� ���
.�amse Co un f Commisslon ers
.� .�
Presented By Com�issioner Orth � Ddte Janaarq 21, 1985 N0. 85-023
Attention: '
Budget b Accounting; R. Brubacher, Executive Director; D. Mead, Civil Service;
V. Tedesco, Council President; P�ummings, Law Library Director; J. Fabian,
Domeatic Relations; R. Burne, Torrens Title Examiner;
RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Ca�issioners hereby authorizes the
Ramsey County Executive Director to negotiate leases for the following county
departments: Civil Service, Torrens Title Examiner, Domestic Relations/Guardian Ad
Litem Program; and Be It Further '
RESOLVED, That au1 Thone Ramsey County Real Estate Director, is hereby
� authorized to work admin s ratively with the proper city officials to resolve the
problems regarding the seventh floor Courtroom and the expansion of the brary .
and report back to the Board within one month regard ng progress on the proposals.
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COl1� ��1fi i EE FEPO � T
i O = Sarn� P�u I Ci�l � � c� � ��i! . .
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�'�1� i �- � O i? FI\T,L\CE, NL�ti�GE�fEVT � PERSO\\TEL
' C�-i�', I R JatifES SCHEIBEL . .
I.. :�p_roval o= minutes fron mee�ings held Febrsar;� i� anc 2I ��/Q�
, I98�.���
2. Resolution addin� S;=5.00 0� CDBG f�.*�ds to Dis�rzc� 4's approved Citi�en Par-
tici�a�ion budge� total fo July 1, 984_ throu�a June 30, I985, to assist in
paying adcLtional rent. ����/�--� .
�. Resolut�on approvin� contrac� a�r��� ,� t .�
o-....•.� z� with DoLa Ke_m �or consultin; se:�ic°s
on Li�nt Rail Transit. ���Up ��� y
4. Resolution amendin; the 1985 bud � ' � � Y` .
���__Y.��. : ,' Contznee;,�
Reserve Spec�fied to Financs Dept.-CH/CH guildin� ;�laintenanc°. (Ci�;� ;;) ,�j��j��i
5. Resolution amending the 1985 bud�et by a.da�ng S8I,650 to the Fin�-�cing PI�z ar.d
to the Spending Plan�for re�odeling the I8th �Ioor for tne �peals Cour�. �%���j,��
6. �J oluti��t�� I986-IC°0 Prog:a,� for C�itai Ir.rorove:^ents.��f}p���
�i�� - i, ,r
7. Resolut�onG�ting the 1986-I987 Capital Allocation Policy���U� ��
8. Di�� os financing for alte�atives being considere3 for neta Parics and
Recreation plan. ��(���� //� /����%L/ �P /C� �L�1"G�'C �����1%lZ
.3 �-� (, .Y)
a. Discussion of contrac� co�anliance s�� fina � ��
, a.f � for the Human Ri�nts De�art:�ent.
���/ 6�e� ��� � /.�1�r�' �,/�� i�z�i�9
I0. e..ons;.ration by Greg Haupt o� co� ut�r mappznv pro�ran.
l��� �j1/�� �l�1C���ri ,
C::� i:ALL • .
. S�1INT P�.UL, �tt`\'ESGT:\5�IO?