85-318 , ciTY oF sT. PAU� COUNCIL FILE NO. ��� FINAL ORDER r • , • By File Na as'� �� Voting In the Matter of ��� � � frpl �stst ��t €O a+sisvlrwt ��nN�wt Wa�d Ly r�acfaeiaj ri:,t.� s bitri�s Mt�esl�2 �M •21 �r Moaeft �ss+�r� � �i iseii�atial to a�i+i i�pr�eat. !,. � ;:: ��.,;� if �s. �'.s`=/�"'� � - >-�"�� under Preliminary Order approved -�, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate ail expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAR 5 — �9$5 Yeas �,� Nays ��u Certifie s Counc' ecretary NiCt+�1a In Favor Schefbtl - ao�• � ?ldeaC� Against Y� �1R 6 — 1985 Mayor PU�.►s�tF� �i�+R 1 � 1985 . . , ---�----- ' ���.5 _��,�' .�-- - - - _.; _ .____ __ __ _. __..,._�T_.._ _ : ..,r�,. , . 6. 3/5j'9�"� FINAL ORDER: [mproving EDGCUMBE ROAD from Munster Avenue a ' to Fairview Avenue by resurfacing with a bituminous � � ' material and doing all work necessary to complete said _ projeCt. i Recommended approval with stipulation staff make � ' appltcation to the State as soon as possible for a � �� variance on parking. . . `. 7. 3/5/85 fINAL ORDER: To decide on the construction of the •� ! Lowertown Area Storm Sewer; also known as the Broadway- Sixth Storm Sewer (bounded by I.S. 94, Jackson and Fifth Streets). Recommended approval - 2 in favor 1 against. , � � � 8. 3/5/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the following improvements for ' . ; sidewalks, trees, tree guards, tree grates, curb cuts, ' , , sidewalk brickwork, street furniture, planters 8 - ' pedestrian lighting on the North side of Ford Parkway � from Mississippi River Blvd. to 713.02 feet east of •• Kenneth; South side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi . River Bivd. to 587.13 feet east of Kenneth St.; West side of Cleveland Ave. from 95.65 feet north of Scheffer Ave. • to 265 feet south of Ford Parkway and East side of • � Cleveland from 240 feet north of Eleanor to 222 feet south of Ford Parkway. Also improve Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd. to Howeil St. by widening, overlaying, constructing concrete median and doing all other work necessary for completion of said project. ' Recommended approval. ' � , 9.3/5/85 � FINAI ORDER: To decide on the operating costs of an j Above Standard Street Lighting System on the North side � of Ford Parkway, South side of Ford Parkway, West side of ' Cleveland and East side of Cleveland for the months of ' � November and December, 1985. This project is in connection with the above lmprovements. � �� Recommended approval. � � � � 2 ' , n , ` . : � . • � • � , / , . . .. , , , • � .. i� ��, �. • . ����/�. �. . � - ^� w+, �i'ITY OF SAINT PAUL ,, 1� � "` OP`FICI� OP` TFLA; CITY COIINCIL � .. t. ..i�a�i� �l� . `'„ - �� Ddte ; February 20, 1985 ��.. • ' �..-;:. . j ,- �, COMMITTEE RE PORT �. � - : TO i Saint PQU I City Counci i FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS CHAIR, CHRIS NICOSIA (/,1� . The Public Works Committee at its meeting of February 20, 1985 took the foliowing actton: Hearina Date � 1. 2/28/85 VACATION: Petition of the State of Minnesota for the � vacation of Columbus Avenue between John Ireland and j ` Wabasha St. for the purpose of landscaping improvements to Capitol Grounds Area. (Laid over from 2/6/85). laid over indefinitely. ii � 2. 2/26/85 VACATION: Petition of Port Authority to vacate part of E. Sixth Street between Wall 8 Broadway and also to ,� vacate encroachments along Wall and Broadway between E. � 7th and 6th Sts. for the purpose of construction and improvements to the existing Allen Building and to cure , encroachments along Wall and Broadway between 6th and 7th ; Streets. (Laid over from 2/6/85). ,� , � Recomnended approval. i 3. 2/26/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving ENGLISH ST. from Arlington to Larpenteur by grading 8 paving a new roadway, placing concrete curb 8 gutter, reconstructing � driveways where necessary, grading 8 sodding boulevards, constructing new sidewalks on both sides of English from • Arlington to Larpenteur, install an ornamentai lighting i� system and doing all other work necessary and incidental ' to said improvements. Also to construct a storm water . � relief system on English St. from Arlington to Idaho and on Nebraska from English to Clarence by installing concrete sewer pipes. Also acquiring an easement for � storm sewer purposes over, under and across certain �' � property in Lakeview Addition #t and slope construction � in connection with installation of new sidewalks in English. (McAfee-Arlington Relief Sewer System). , . � , ! Recommended approval, deleting sidewalk construction from this project - 2 in favor 1 against. ; - 4. 2/26/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving VAN BUREN AVENUE � from Snelling to Hamline and Pascal and Albert Streets from Van Buren to Minnehaha by grading, paving and � constructing concrete curb and doing all work necessary , to complete said improvement. . Recommended approvai. • 5. 2/26/85 fINAL ORDER: To decide on acquiring property for the RICE ACKER ponding site. This property is an unimproved , part of the old [nternational Harvester site at 775 Rice Street. . • � � Recortmended approval. 1 ` . / , . �.�� . ST,� PAUL CITY COUNCIL � . . . �d_� ��� . . PUpLIC fiEARING NOTICE PUBLIC I�1PR0�/F1`'ENT CO►'VSTRUCTION � � � City Council District �l3 District Planning Council 4�15 . File No. 85-P-0959 Dear Property Owner: To decide on improving EDGCUMBE ROAD from Munster Avenue to ��SE Fairview Avenue by resurfacing with bituminous material and ' all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. � LOCATION :;; � � ;: .� . . . .; . ' ' . Tuesday, March 5, 1985, at 10:00 A.M. . HFARING c�ty Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall - Court House If the Council approves this project, the estimated construction FINANCING costs and financing for this project are as follows: INFO�IATI�I � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $I93,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: • Public Improvement Aid �85 $9,000 Municipal State Aid 85 $184,000 ' TOTAL $193,000 NO ASSESSMENTS ' Construction: 292-6277 � OUESTIONS � � Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute � , � questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. 1'Y'� Notice sent February 15, 1985,, by the Valuations and Assessment Division, Area t�o be improved � - - �_� Department of Finance �!'{`� � w.�...s.s.-+s�c :.=,- '�:';�.9.'y and Management Services � � � :�;s :- St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 "~� '�i�r �, ' .�•:•� ��:(i � '� 'i �. . � �t •.,;�`'�1 ,� � f�,.'�+�' <, r-=� ^.:::.;.�:;' �v�,r:I r.� �,'' �': �".: ,,: xr' � ' �:.•=`:°: �I... .!;: ' . � •9 .:�`. . '�"•� � jg .� �:. • •rtt'�7; ��.nTj��..�.,� � i � ����"�'�� tt . . . .' � ��111411iM�.�� � � �- ..> . . �� �� , . ..-. . .. �^ ,y'yF ��'�.rr�?�±�-+Rw-ii,. � 4 �. ��.� F�` ' f ; Co��il File No.85-1�7—By Chris Nicosia- �� ' ` �`� ; �.- ,,.;�.�.� In the 11�atter of improving EDGCUMBE ROAD from Munster Rves�e td Fauview Avenue by resut�faciag W,it1Y s�i�'�ous material and ali ot�er work ��>��ta�f��ai{d��P�rii-fr�,�Y�tfrs�,�:3 �..;-. :,,�,. , . ul� ��c�cFUU���e��������'�e1V�t�a�lpa��S Ma3ror�, . , reSo�v�:' . �� �.. - . �-a,.:3 -,��-��e�'� '�i��,°�:.- - i. That the said�re�tt�nsi'fh��rri�'is'he3��`g�p�iroved�raith tro e�if�tat�v�, -- ; and that the estimated cost ther�qf�,�s,.;�,� financed by 1985 Pubi� Improv�ment Aid�and 1985�Viunicipal StaYe Funds. 1 ���� ,-���;�t�'ic,���b�'.'tia'�t�sat�,�trlpro�r�tz,►�t on tti-g .. b� ,� �}���I��,�' fl a��[�ll�ttambeit�s'df�� ��' _ . �;�.,.. in�ia z �Cftp o���a�n�Patil.; • . - .�'� :��� � he _ ,. : . < , --- � ��e rsf� ' 3<;�L notis� c�,said �ubl�c.be�ri ,�e.;8�i�n .to the per�ns'an,s3, in th� 'y manaer provided by the Charter,sfati - t {�e an�" be ��e��`ti�`�: of the im}�rovement and the total cost thereof as.estimated."` ��' ' ''"' File�No. 83-P-0959 = �_< �:.�•-;-; ' t•AdoPteB�b�r t�:i;ou�eii•F!¢br�ar�'�.�#9�5:;� ;�� A' rbve�cT� _ _. •.A:; . 1� e�YUary=I2;19�,s: ^= �; , : -_ ;: -• . _ . - � _. . '<.F�bi�rj•Y$, I�F}:r - , _ _ +--- - . .