85-281 City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO.� °� `��
FINAL ORDER IN BY f��� ��,�,�
File No.
9�tie►� In the Matter of ��yit#� 'l�e�!=tr �Ot tiil« 1'�+�1�= �M11�tg S1Etj t� pr��erty
� is a� �da�►r�ww�� Nrt �!' d�s +►1� LtME�twti�s! �srw�ttr fit� at
�7S il�a t�trs�t aov i� �tri1N �s l�ll�w s
Fee Title over ttie southerly 80.00 feet of the following described property:
That part of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25,
Township 29 Nortti, Range 23 West, particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Sycamore Street with the
west line of Rice Street; thence west on the south line of Sycamore Street
533.01 feet; thence south, parallel with the west line of Rice Street. 311 .17
feet; thence east on a straight line 533.07 feet to a point on the west line
of Rice Street 319.14 feet south of ttie point of beginning; ttience north on
the west line of Rice Street to the point of beginning. Subject to [he street
and highway easement for Rice Street. �
Also a 30 foot wide permanent easement for sewer purposes on, under and
across part of the following described land: -
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 29
North, Range 23 West, p�rticularly described as follows: Beginning at the
intersection of the south line of Sycamore Street with the west line of Rice
Street; thence west on the south line of Sycamore Street 533.01 feet; thence
south, parallel with the west line of Rice Street 311.17 feet; thence east on
a straight line 533.07 feet to a point on the west line of Rice Street 319.14
feet south of the point of beginning; thence north on the west line of Rice
Street to the point of beginning.
The east line of said 30 foot �aide permanent sewer easement is described as
follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of
Sycamore Street with the west right-of-way line of Rice Street; thence on
assumed bearing of South 00 degrees , SS minutes, 00 seconds East along said
west right-of-way line of Rice Street 15.30 feet; thence southwesterly on a
tangential curve, concaved to the west, having a radius of 921.93 feet, and
a ce�tral angle of 14 degrees , 22 minutes , 16 seconds for 231.24 feet; thence
south 13 degrees, 27 minutes , 30 seconds West tangent to the last described
curve for 76.69 feet to a point on a line bearing South 89 degrees, 57 minutes
00 seconds West from a point on the west right-of-way line of Rice Street
distant 319.14 feet south of the point of beginnin�, and there said line
terminates. The west line of said 30 foot wide sewer easement is prolonged
or shortened to terminate on the south right-of-way line of Sycamore Street
and 30 foot wide sewer easement lies north of the south 80.00 feet of the
first described parcel.
A���os �
M1eN1� In Favor
�oh�i�l �°
so.� � -
?�dNtO d"f�� 5 _ 1985 Mayor
ftilaai PUBUSHE�D ��1N� � 198�
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_ City Council District ��5
District Planning Council ��6
�� �� ��18380B
��� �
l� �
�t 'y� � � � � To decide on the acquisition of RICE-ACKER PONDING SITES
���' described on the attached sheet.
�'��,� � � �. Tuesday, Februsry 26, 1985, at 10:U0 a .m.
City C�unci.l Chamhers , 3rd F1oor CiCy Hall - Cotart House
�t�;� � ��� � �� Call 298-4513 and refer to the File �� above . City staf: k�ill
�. �
be avai.lable to answer any last minute questions on Chis pro-
jece irt Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 a .m. the same
day as the hearing.
,� �, � A(�EA ro � ��o u r�Er �l.
Isot:ce sent February 8, 1985,
by the Valuatior, & Assess�ent nivision J SYCAMORE ST.; y�
Dept. of F:nance a7d MSttBp_,emet�t Services — . �. �
Room 218 City Hall - Coiirt F;ouse F`' s
St . �2111 � Ti1Tl:lP.SOta �>�Il7L �c�,+oo•' u'.i
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Fee Title over tt�e southerly 80.00 feer of the following described property:
That part of the southeast quarter nf the southeast quarter of Section 25�
Township 29 North, Itan�e 23 West, particularly degcribed as follows:
Be�innin� r�t [he intersection of the south liae of Sycamore Street with the
west line of Rice Street; thence west on the south liae of Sycamore Street •
533.01 feet; thence soutti, parallel wiCh the west line of Rice 5treet 311 .17
feet; thence east on a straight line 533.07 feet to a point on the west line
of Rice Street 319.14 feet soutti of the point of beginning; ttience north on
the west line of Rice StreeC to the point of beginning. Subject to the street
and higliway easement for Rice Street.
Also a 30 foot wide permanent easement for sewer purposes on, under and
across part of the following described land:
The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 29
North, Range 23 West, p�rticiilarly descrihed as follows : $eginning at the
intersection of the south lfne of Sycamore Street with the west iine of Rice
Street; thence west on the sout}i line of Sycamore Street 533.01 feet; thence
, so�itt� , parallel coith the west line of Rice Street 311 .17 feet; thence east on
a straight line 533.07 feet to a point on the west line of Rice Street 319.14
feet south of the point of beginning; thence north on the west line of Rice
Street to the point of beginnin�.
The east line of said 30 foot coicle permanent sewer easement is described as
follows : Beginning at the intersection of the south righ[-of-way li�e of
Sycamore Street with the west right-of-way line of Rice Street; thence on
assumed bearin� oE South 00 degrees , 55 minutes , 00 seconds East along said
west right-of-way line of Rice Street 15.30 Eeet; thence southwesterly on a
tangential curve, concaved to the west, havinp a radi�is of 921 .93 feet, and
a central angle of 14 degrees , 22 min.utes , 16 seconds for 231 .24 feet; ttience
south 13 degrees , 27 minutes , 30 seconds West tangent to the last described
curve for 76.69 feet to a point on a line bearing South 89 degrees , 57 minUtes
00 seconds West from a point on the west rigt�t-of-way line of Rice Street
distant 319.14 feet south of the point of beginning, and there said line
terminates. The west line of said 30 foot wide sewer easement is prolonged
or shortened to terminate on the soutt� ri�ht-of-way line of Sycamore Street
and 30 foot wide sewer easement lies north of the south 80.00 feet of the
first described parcel.
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Dote ; February 20, 1985
. � w�-... . . � � � .
TO s Saint PQU l City Counci l
FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC wouxs
The Public Works Cortmittee at its meeting of February 20, 1985 took the
following action:
Hearina Date y
1. 2/28/85 VACATION: Petition of the State of Minnesota for the
vacation of Columbus Avenue between John Ireland and � �
Wabasha St. for the purpose of landscaping improvements
to Capitol Grounds Area. (Laid over from 2/6/85).
Laid over indefinitely.
' 2. 2/26/85 VACATION: Petition of Port Authority to vacate part of
' E. Sixth Street between Wall 8 Broadway and also to
i vacate encroachments along Wall and Broadway between E. '
; 7th and 6th Sts. for the purpose of construction and
' improvements to the existing Allen Building and to cure
, encroachments along Wall and Broadway between 6th and 7th
i Streets. (Laid over from 2/6/85).
� Recommended approval.
3. 2/26/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving ENGLISH ST, from
Arlington to Larpenteur by grading 8 paving a new
i; roadway, placing concrete curb 8 gutter, reconstructing
� driveways where necessary, grading 8 sodding boulevards,
� constructing new sidewalks on both sides of English from �
Arlington to Larpenteur, install an ornamentai lighting
l� system and doing all other work necessary and incidental •.
to said improvements. Also to construct a storm water
� relief system on English St. from Arlington to Idaho and
on Nebraska from English to Clarence by installing
concrete sewer pipes. Also acquiring an easement for
j storm sewer purposes over, under and across certain ��
1 property in Lakeview Addition #1 and slope construction
in connection with installation of new sidewalks in
English. (McAfee-Arlington Relief Sewer System). �
. ) � � �
! Recommended approval, deleting sidewalk construction from
this project - 2 in favor 1 against.
4. 2/26/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving VAN BUREN AVENUE
from Snelling to Hamline and Pascal and Albert Streets
from Van Buren to Minnehaha by grading, paving and
constructing concrete curb and doing all work necessary ,
to complete said fmprovement.
Recommended approvai.
� :
� 'f`S� P/2�/8�� FINAL ORDER: To decide on acquiring property for the
RICE ACKER ponding site. This property is an unimproved `
part of the old International Harvester site at 775 Rice
Street. .
, �
Recomnended approval.
1 .
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Councii'Ffle No.85-188-H�r V�ctat d:Tedesco—
; In the Matter,of.acquiring Prpperty fo�'�Ehe , ltl�ta�it�;��tlt�°.(
; property is an unimproved part ot the_oid International'�i�.+tf�#�'SI�'b''st 7R/9=��
Rice 3treet in Vating QNard 5 and is�described as:follot�s. .. �
�.�'�rtF�,t1C; oye� �e so,uthe�riy�,�-l�.,� feet,of_ t�e f�llowing descrihed
` � �pa� the�.�utheaat�yas�':of the�i�p�� u�rC`��ori?�i I
<.- T°�!t#�h�p� IY,ort�.Ran�,�t. �sirtuwierly'�cri�ed:�s:��l�ows� ;
t��ng�3.the ittt�rsection� �be�f+ttt}ti li�se o�3ycamore Street with
est tifi�af ftiCe Street. t��wes��. tlae° ih:line of l�ycam4re �
' Str�t:�ki3,#�lsfeet`:thet�+e s p��allel�t. � ���St lineof Al�i�-5treet
' {gf�����t;'tY�ceeast`sti���.�ine 538.0� t�c;�a ge�t��wegt
. � 9t�'eet�9.1��t�t�;bi t�#�+�ri��nni��e�Em�►�tlt . :�-.
:���sE ltne a�f Ric�'�9teet'�t�e pofn�o�be��nisg. Subjeet.to the
st�,srrd highway,ea,oee�nent��r°iCi'¢e fitreet. .
��ao��A fot►t s�fde i�ertna�e�.f'€�t�nent�pr s�t�!e�'�rps�es on.�1er�n� ;
:�:`ac�ss-p�rt�f tht�foli,o�E��3� '� = � �° • '� .'"�°
"l�e;s�outheest qtiarter oi the soUt�t q ..it�x, = �- . ion'25,`�'av�►fi�1t'��� ; '
•i�I�:Raage23i�est,parrtianlarly.dtseri .� '' � , osvs:�egitt�►ii#g�at,t ' <�'
�tc�ection of the south?�l;;ine��m� th�he vWe$t'lh��'� '�'"-'�
. �t�;Street:.thence:west qp,thes�iinE�ii�►3��$��t333.�I�te�[; �.�
- thence south,parallel wit�i t�.,�tes,t.�ine�$tr�t�31i�7 felt��"r`a �
:<r� t on a straight Zine 53$.07 ieex'ta a�oint on tbe v,vest line uf R�.."�'itt�t � . '
f�et♦so♦utit yof th=eY p♦ol�iit�_of,b,�e`gjnning,thencZ north on the west line o�
�' 1.l.��Q�1i14 4���7Eg1�141��,. '::Y Y �t. . t� �... ♦ ��N j' .. �
- The kas�1Tne ef sa�'¢30 fop�t'vt�ide anen!sriver easet�e�t's de�r.� ��w.
as�r1ld�:Beg3ni�g at t�ix►t��s�ion oi t�►e aot�tA�ighx��ay-li��f •
�Sy are�treet with the taest riglit-of-w�ty'L�o!'"�,�ee`�t�ee�th+st�a� ' ;
ed bearing oi South.p0 degrees.55 mrnutes� . East alocr;�"
`si�l�west right-of-way line of Aice Stre�tall�,4�,t, ; ', �~'.
qn atangential c�rve,concaved to the wes�,"�a�:�A„ . • '� ".',� �,
. , an d a cen tr a l ang le Q f�#degrees,2 2 minut�s, t'�' or 2�t.��, . r;
Li�me south 13 degrees,27 miautes. 30 secan�'W!�!, ts�#�:�t .
' bed�+#�'ve t�or 76.89�t kos-�w�nt oa a liiie ����: ;
s t�Q seC4�ss�s�est frQm a" ' �t the v�es�'r�vvay l�e� '
y4� - r�,t�i3t �1��!�;Fe�t sout� e1tti�.�att�h�
� s$�, ,t,�th`�}�es:�9'�e v�st lifi�ie oi�ata�i�wi�e s�r�r`�secn�nt ls
x '�r.��`t� teYbliba�e ��r�`�������
' Sytatmr�ne Street aad 3iT��widesewer e�ent
=���bf�"�f=tlt�srxibed paiacel. ' `; .«�; .��- ;`; ;� �:� , '
`�''��etltif"ttli�li�y*af Saint PauT hav2�g t�ed��d°Ei�l€�st�k�`�aR' �
u�.y���y�`•��i>a�C►e imp�c+v�netct, a�d f#�aving C��'"�!►'f+��};lp�:�� !
LCDV1Y�i^�n, . - - ... - � - . �'/.. ��1
'� ''�e6'U�e sai�i�drt a�d tt�sarne is hereby.�ra�n�ci vnith ria alt�ri�ativ+�sc,
and�.#�esti=�ted cast t!^�eceo�is�i83,'000 iie�ed,by 1863 aud 198�CaPltsi
2. TZuit a pubiir heariqg 1�+ha�'�on s�td.:i�i�lo�iie�nit at►t�ie y i t�
�e �.�,y���!�'�lock a rn., tn ttse Cou:rcil Chambers of#he y a
ou rc �'�'-,''
�;#�a�: u g i�tb�e City af Saiat Paul.
3 , y k�aat.�pteid,.public t�asing be giv�n.. �be..
�s� s� . by�e�harte;,stati�g the time ati�p o ���.
����C�• � ���8:t�fe tl'a€t�
�y�yr��,����+e�n�t�aad�the,taEalcPsx.thereot:as+estimated. ;_
i'i3c.��i.iLV�7NMS .. �: 4.�:. . . �. . ..� .�� . . . ' �Ki.` .
� �, i���..M�iCiraliil�f:i1 tlBn�.Z�l'��oil. . ` , � . . . . - I
'A�V;ed�'Etse"�as3►:'.�� 1�• , � :F '� I
_ . y _
, : . . ��...• �
. - (February 9. 1985)
� ' GJfl�lil c•�r.Cti,' Y,�t �,i:nlG;ill VUU�,i�Jrt� .'.i. l`l`).•.::P LU':�if'rf�liM:..t:li.L111:� JH(I� .>: