85-268 WH17E - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl / BLUERY - DAEPAQR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� ��" -�o�ing Cou 'l Resolution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date REGISTERED LAND SURVEY APPROVAL FOR SOUTHPORT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has submitted the attached proposed registered land survey located north of Barge Channel Road for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed registered land survey; and WHEREAS, the proposed registered land survey has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 67.705 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has submitted a preliminary plat of Southport Industrial District that will address the Public Works Sewer Division and Water Department concerns regarding this property and will meet the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached registered land survey. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay's• ' Dr���.''JN/Uf�l! Masanz / � In Favor Nicosia ,Q Scheibel � __ Against BY �" Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 21 1g85 Form Approved Ci ttor y Certified P s d y Council S re BY sy � t�p by iNavor: Dat � 2 6 �c�.i Appr by M y c Submis n t �ncil i sy Yi;Es���caD ��i�,R 2 1985 ��j�a��o pFn �EPARTFIENT Li11de�—Di sl��h�lt ----:ONTACT 7494 ext. 294 pHONE 2/7/85 DATE 1 ��� v � ' (Routing and E�lanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for M�yoral Signature): Department �i rector . . 2 Ci ty Attorney -- ��� 3 Di rector of Management/Ma�yor Finance and Management Services � City Clerk - HEARIN - FEBRUARY 21 , 1985 �� 1�et Di rector � �o� � �S6' Deputy Director for Planning - Reichert � �'-- - � i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale): Implementation of subdivision regulations regarding Registered Land Surveys. Safeguard against creation of substandard/unbuildable lots. City Council hearing required. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Mtici�,ated: Fee of $140.00 to cover administrative costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Char�d or Credited: General Fund Attachments (List and Number atl Attachments�: 1. City Council Resolution 2. Copy of Staff Report 3. Copy of RLS on the north side of Barge Channel Road 4. Copy of legal not.ice published February 9, 1985 pEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No � Yes � No Insurance Attached? Revision of Qctober, 1982 (SPP RPVPY'CP SidP for �Instructions) � HOW TO US� THE GREEN �SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: 1. To assfst in routinq documents and in securinq requue s qnatures 2. To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. To help ensure that necessary suoportina materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING � �ost GRE£N SHE�T actions must '�e rev_e�ae� Sy a Je�ar_:�ent �irector, �:�e Cizy ?,t�or:�ey, the �ireczor os c4ana�e�.ent, the Director of Finance and Manaqement Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING • Nb st of the GREEN SHEET headings are desiqned to assist in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The headinqs are offered to remind users of some of the more critical elements of this brief. , The Financial Bud etar and Personnel Imnacts headinq provides a space to expla n the cost benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, � homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SJPPORTING MATERIALS . In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well one, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless siqning such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another government unit. b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. - f. Assumption of liability by City, or qrantinq by Gity of indemnification. g. Aqreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one ' -� �. c�`1�� ��s���' REGISTEREO LAND SURVEY STAFF REPORT FILE # 67 _ 1. APPLICAPJT: PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PAUL DATE OF HEARI G: 2/�//85 2. LOCATION: North side Barge Channel Road 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Registered Land Survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: I-2; RC-1 ; RC-2 ZONING COQE REFEREPJCE: Sec. 67.406, 67.705 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 2/14/85 BY: Patricia N. James A. PURPOSE: Registered Land Survey for part of Southport Industrial District. B. SITE & AREA COPJDITIONS: The site is located in the floodway and flood fringe districts:�!'�fie~'�an��is fairly level , and part of the site contains a barge channel . C. STAF:F FINDINGS: 1 . The Port Authority is in the process of replatting this industrial district to clear up legal descriptions and permit transfer of ownership. 2. A preliminary plat incorporating this registered land survey as well as one already approved by the City Council has been submitted for review. 3. Comments received from the Departments of Public Works and 6dater regarding easements will be addressed on the plat. 4. This RLS meets the criteria set forth in Sections 67.406 and 67.705 of the Zoning Code, and wiil not be detrimental to existing or potential land uses. 5. No new deve1opment is proposed for this area at this time. This subdivision is intended to benefit existing uses. D. STAFF RECOMMEPJDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the registered land survey. WNITE — GTY CI.ERK � - � PINK — FINANCE. G I TY O F SA I NT P�U L Council P � (�J,/ CANAR��— DEPARTMENT File NO. r,� ���✓ �BLUE — MAYOR � � s Coun�il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date REGISTERED LAND SURVEY APPROVAL FOR SOUTHPORT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 6JHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has submitted the attached proposed registered land survey located north of Barge Channel Road for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed registered land survey; and WHEREAS, the proposed registered land survey has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 67.705 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has submitted a preliminary plat of Southport Industrial District that will address the Public Works Sewer Division and Water Department concerns regarding this property and will meet the requireroents of Chapter 67 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached registered land survey. COUNCIL5IEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew I❑ F2voI Masanz ' Nicosia scheibet __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date ., Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� _ ` t�pproved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council QY -- — — BY - _. _ _--- ______ ._._ ..�... .�{- % --a ' . , , 1 (,r��s a� � REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. i. <:s E. Danley, ReyisterEd Land Surveyor, h�_re�,�i r_��itify thcit in accor<fance wiih th� �,iovisions �u��lcr 508, minnesota Stutues of 1949, os am�nde�l, I hove surveyecl thF followinr� <1r•scril,r�l truc. t �,I : u� i in the county of kamsey, State of Minnesoia tv-wit : c.��: s����t the tJorth two hundred forty (N.2401 feet thereof, that porl of Govern- �e:nt �ct. seven (7), Section nine (9), Tow�ship twenty-eiyht 128), F'anye Twenty- t�YU ; 22 : whieh lies south of the followinq described line runniny Eust oncl '�Irst throuyl� said Lot se�ven i71, to-wit ; Commenr_in�� ot Southcast� corner of �Campk,ell ' s Ai!ditic�n lo .`it . F��1, uecorcling to the reteo:.le�l Nlot ; thence Wc�st ulony ihe $outh • li��•. oi Minervu 5ireei and ih<� saici line exirnde;J to th�.� We•st linc ol sui�f C,overn- m�-nt Lot seven i?l , except ►Aoriarity' s Addition to St . Paul, �n�i except E3elvidere `.,lreei, ull in Romsey County, Minnesot.u, accorcliny io ihe United Siates �over'nment Survey th<�r���of, � � ihat said property has sometimes been <iescribed as br.ing part af Government Lctz 7 and IS ond c�s lyi��:� So�th of Lhe South line, of Campbell ' s Acidition o�cl ;�iu `:outh line ext�_nded to th? West line of Lot 7 e�cc•pt ua�t included in IAoriarty 's f����"{ilian, k,einr� part of saicl Section 9, iownship 28, P,ange 22 ': . ANG f�L 50 lots o-,�• tl � , iv:n ! 2 ) , thr�•e ! 3 ; iour �4 ', five � 5i six �,6 ; seven i7i, eiyht � Bi , nine ; 9 � an�i ten i10± , Block two 121 , Moriurty' s Ad�lition to Sl . Pa�l, Alinnesoto, occordiny to � tli. nlat +Irereuf or. file an�l oi recorc� in the of i�ice of the Rer�ister of ;:�eeds i� anci (�or sc�iJ Ru;nscy County. AhtD AL�G Th;�l purt o( the adjoininy alley, vncc�ted, lyiny between o line extan.;iny Irom the North- �..e•st corner of soid Lot 1 to the Northeast corner ot soid Lot 10 and a line extrndiny ficm lF�:� Suuth�:est corner cf said Lot S to thP South?ast corner of soi.i Loi 6, t1�at part o( tl�r 'rJ�.:sterly half of .arfjoining Lom{:rey Avenue, vacatecl, lyiny �,etw�•en tM�> ;atension , ucross saici avenu� of the P�orih line ef said Lot I and tlie South line cf said Lct 5, und thui part of odjoining J�onne Avenue, vflcoted, lying between the extension ocross sai�i c��;rue of the ;outh line of soid Lot 6 und the dJorth line of said Lot 1C. ANC ALSG lr;is or��r ( li , iwo i � , three i3 ` , four. � 4 ' , five � 5 � , six ! 6!, seven ; ,' ;, eiyht ! 8 ; , nine• ; 9 ; ond ten ( 101 , Block one i 1 � , t4criorty's Ad�iition to St . Paul, '.linnesc�ta, accor<iin� to t���� �,lai thereof on file ond o( record in th�e ofFice �f the Re�ister of iieeds in c�nri F,,r S cl 1 11 it(]m S C•/ �-0��n 1.�i , � � AND ALSO Th,�t ��art of t�,e adjoining allay, �:acated, l�iiny between a linE extenuiny from the tJorlVi- •Ye�;t � �rner of said Lot I to the Northeast corner of soicl Lot 10 ancJ � line rxtendiny (ro.n li,�, Seuthwest corner of scid Lot 5 to the Southeast corner of soici Lot 6, ancl that ;>_�� t „i the ;i�ist� : ly ho; f ot oc�joining lompr�-y i�venue, ✓acatecl, lyiny hetwe?n the �,c- ier-�sio�ns oc�ross ��aia avenue cf thr Soutn l,in�� ot said� Lot 6 on�l the f7orth line of said Lat 10. � `��<�t th.- s.;r•:ry sf�own h�rein is c� �c>rr.�ct �_ic�line�tion o( said s��rvey this dav of 19 A,C. — ""-- , James E. Dar�ley, P.eyistered Land Surv.�yor— --- ----- �+i�nesoto Certificote No, 14887 • SHEHT 1 OF 4 HHEETS � � t "� � � � � S � �_ ' � �d'f � ' t .......... . _.�._ .�_... ._. , �_ � � , G��a�� REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. r�E��.rovt•1 an�l ucccpt�reJ by th�� Cily Cou�icil �t the Citv of ;l . Puul, �Ainr�esota, this ,iov of , 19 Inoaor--_.._...___---------------------- C1erI. Nursuont tu Chapter 7, Minnesoio Laws of ?976, this kegistered Land Survey has been u;>{�ro•�ta c h i s --------------- cJ o y o f ------- _ 1 9�_ � F, R, i;videra � Acting Ramsey County Surveyor T,�xe �> (ne the ycur 1983 on land �fescrib�•ci herein puid, ne delinyur�t tu,cs unei tr.,nsf�� enterr�i, tt is day of , 19 . Directcr f�i __----.--.-- `,` Cie���art�ne�rt r.�( F�i�o�;��rty Toxotion � Rc•yistrur of �itles, County of Ramsey, Slatfr ol fAinnesoto 1 hcre�by cc•riily that this Pec�istered Land Sur �ey ��o, ^ __^ _ � Was filed in this ( oifice ihis day of , 19 , at o'cloc4. ,1A. , ns Goeument tJ. _ _. -- _–.__ _,_ � �y—--___.�.__._____�s. . .__,___..__. ��eF,ct> � ______. _.._ .. __._____.-^---�___.-- t��;enr N. (,ibl��>r�s, keyist�ar of Titles SHEET 2 OF 4 SNEETS i — __ � � ' - �� a�� ° REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 0 < N J J � ' s�� ;' 89�57' Sg.W N � Q` 3p W N ,_ � i � o�, 3gS.3g __ _ . • O w � 2�8,8g �' ¢ J � •� d1�� 4 , I ` ` � ` m O I ^� ~ N F �y I . t� ( I I ( I u�i ►- � I ( I '{, �. ` I � � p I � +;�. a N '•. 3 I N I `•�' I p 2 i� � � .� L 1 � � tti � � . � Q � -�.�� 1 �� I � :� _ � �' W r ; Q � Q b '�,.. V y =i� N Q ;W ? , T�T �T ��_ � ,� � � W' • W I ep � ►' p r : � � _ � e! , „ a ---i.. Z z �I o . I� . �� � .. I I-- N � ��, _ � � _ ¢ m � I N i ••.� •� . > �rj �\ p W . � 0 W N W . � I `�i m � ��� -V V 2 g = I �li _ N � K u Wj¢ ~ J I�o� . I �'«..�.i� r' �`�� �� F' U W ��� a = Z � I � i O I Y f H ZI , r ( 1 � ��. tn �� � •-. �t < -� . � 41 ' U D � C 7 �_� � � ` Q�u! y� O � ° ♦.. �._ �i., . ¢�, ,� y y I I � ` 1 � 4 2 ',�A� Z '� }�: $:• � • , '�f r:�+fC,���,,.,, !A '.Iti � � � f:,, ' ---- — —'1 3 0 8.0 0-. 1,!�� 688.0 -, - 240.0 NO°50'30'W � '� ' - . - -- " �,. ' 380.00 � '�::�1"` :': ,r.. �' - 9 2 8.0 0 -- I I T :`-:i��t.._ ?'� ( � �... I I ' � • I I I � y t' ,) I .�, ^ (_ � � �.. �» o � i _s�L I �—=— � � � , T :�: L W � �:;_ �. . I I �rT a � W � � � ��.: � �'I 4 �`— f ' I '�li �+.. v �l; � � I I ` I .'T ! � � _ L � I , `� � I- - I , � � 1 �:�:. � � :, ,�.! � _ W , � � � . � �, � �o , �o � w r•.. (t: �u ° z ° �� c I �; w ° � a � � �� LL � � W W ��,' .Z�j `;! 2 � � m •,,` I � W � 0 N �_.y LLO +�� I ��' � � o � � F--— � � � r� v ' p � w , .. c) � w et � ey 2 r ? ►•!.{ I �_• � . N 1L d t� pp b• !' � J t••ti �• f. O � Z ^ � � � � � �..,— (/�} W W . � •� �n,� O O > a 2 � � � ...i "� c� v� ,� o � i.�,� �n � u, � I ��� J . 3 � lL £~ f ef �l. W a Z Z I `�t � 0 < I� — " �., p� Z n o� J O � CO Z . . . b � _ � �� 0 N Z � � ? F- � �___— �' d � � � n O .- W � 0 = � � O N U � a � z o � z u� o � t7 � � � � (7 z � U �: Q W p ' < ; I� Q tD Z } W � U � m m N O O Z , . . , , ' REGISTERED� LAND SURVEY NO. _ ---� - _-- -- -- � -- ----� a��, � �� I � � "'' I � � � j 1; � I ; ' , � ��i''`�Y"c�: �' � . � � ��_ I �`�:; j;' j I `' I � C.�. � , �_�-_ I •..� M•'I Y.� :r� i _1 � � ',.�� `. I-`. < v �_ i ,� - �,: , , _I •�., ;,., �ti , `,\ .... �.,, � �-- - I � � � �— - �.:i I � I `.� (�,j 4 f � A I '�ty I '° � - —- •�� 9 p � wti= � 0ry • I-- ��' b ` ti., � I �`— f,, � f��" I_= f . ��I-r+— J. � •.` �� •,� w ^'2 ' �1 �: �y I , co � ,� i .._ c'> � o N b a 2 o� ?� o� � ao W � P o.• c� z " ' "'. �n ' � o co i� o � W ,� r� �— — �- a c0 N ' � � � f�� � � � n � N2 080 : �•` � � � ap 1�� 9 4�, F�. ,-; .- F �J� — .. • Z oo r;� <.<. +C; t- o d o�. ��' I—— W ° y� ti �� � � �. :� �" t�. �, �••� �_ ..,i z � y� � ''1 t( �`� W 0 � � �.t;: _.� _'�� < � � a o � iy c� r� I +.., 'f j V a p � ?yo4 r. �,,i� (A W Q w3� �p �8y s 9 F M I v_� ti) li G G O� ry0� ' � � W W . . 2 W �� � �_ � M O � N ' � . � � J p F, .. �; J G � �' a z � � � � w � � t.,. ~ o a � � � � � o zA N?90 � o � W �.— LL N � � oZ 3 49' � (7 c'� �^ I ` 2 �p0� 1) F N >O �-- 0 � � W A• �S ..I W � !�r � � . � ty W2 � � 0 Q � � \ m C I :; / = O W 2 fA N ��. ;� O .� U O I- . �7 ,I l �e . �W Q V Z ' V � Z / � ' 380.43 z .. � o o < w _.____—_.�_—__._ __ o � r � J W � Z m (� .` - N 0 37 13 W 382.79 - _ � � . < p� U o p O � 2 Z SMEET 4 OF ♦ SMEETS � � � - ��� ��� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of the St. Paul Port Authority for consideration of a Registered Land Survey for property located on the north side of Barge Channel Road on Thursday, Fei�i1�±��,:�;:���;,<�.;�: ,;� �he Ci ty Counci l Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall . ` Albert 6. O1son City Clerk (February �, 1985) _ _ _ _ ___ .. ._ ------.� _..___�_ _..__._--- - - _ _ . : _ _ �-_ ,_.._�_..a_...�.,..����._..,_....._._...... -_ ,...,,a . ������ �� �� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING r _ The Saint Paul City Cou�cil will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of the St. Paul Port Authority for consideration of a Registered Land Survey for property located on the north side of Barge Channel Road on � Thursday, February 21, 1985 at 10:00 A.M: in the City Council Chambers, 3rd � fioor,City Hall. ALBERT B. OLSON, City Clerk (February 9, 1985) � { � , . ��-�<�-�� ��' . - . . . . .,f.:',�v . ;r � �t ' .1 � �p. . . ,. . .. ::i�;'M#4'�'��. i,:'1.� n . . � �.' , �.� ,. ^<' . :._.:�^—��-- " . ,?;�2 r= ' r �+e �int paur-e�ty councii w�������,�,iic���o�,'��t�e requ'�t o�#�'St:�Pa�YI`PoTt Authork���c�s��eretk�-ot�B��tl�Ianci - Survey for property located on tl�_`�t�itle csf 'Barlge%���rrott���ds,�nn.� Thursday.�_ai'q'21,,i98S;at:�:in�;ipe'6i#p;CQ�Y��be�si;�id floor,City�ialT--*'�"'�"'����^--�•�S °_ .t; ' ALSERT 8. 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