85-258 - _ .
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File No. i�a�i�r
�otiis In the Matter of ��,�,� � �1�,�,� �� ��,p�� �� �,�l��� Aiditi�► by pra8ia�
�,{�.F„�t. . awl �s�ri� txan ��ra �r� Aw�e te il�i: ��n�a. Also oa�t�,arti��
I � s+a�er ia c� s11rp !'mc stos� w�st �pos�s (b�d��i b� 'Y'ir�ie�.
l�arrio���, $�aDaree� aad f�air)
under Administrative Order � approved "'
under Preliminary Order , ���� approved � —�y��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
ail expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
���� Adopted by the Council: Date Ff B 19 �gg�
Yeas DteM Nays
Ma��11s Certified ss y o ncil r
$aiNt;b+ti �In Favor
S� �
1'!�!*�CO Against
Ni1stMY F=.;?.�` �'. ,� '.`';�:°Mavor
PUBLIS#1E� MA[�2 1985
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- � � Date ; February 6, 1985
TO = Saint PQU i City Counci I
FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of February 6 , 1985 took
the following action :
Hearinq Date
1. 2/14/85 VACATION: Petition of the State of Minnesota for the
vacation of Columbus Avenue between John Ireland and
Wabasha St. for the purpose of landscaping improvements
to Capitol Grounds Area.
Matter laid over in Cortxnittee for two weeks.
2. 2/19/85 VACATION: Petition of Port Authority to vacate part of
E. Sixth Street between Wall 8 Broadway and also to
vacate encroachments along Wall and Broadway between E.
7th and 6th Sts. for the purpose of construction and
improvements to the existing Allen Building and to cure
encroachments along Wall and Broadway between 6th and 7th
Matter laid over in Committee for two weeks.
3. 2/19/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the ailey in Block
4, Mtmiphrey's Addition by grading and paving from Van
Buren to Blair. Aiso constructing a sewer in the alley
for storm water purposes. Also slope construction in the
grading and paving of said alley (bounded by Virginia, •
Farrington, Van Buren and Blair) .
Recortmended approval .
4. 2/19/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the following
streets under the Residential Street Paving Program by
regrading, surfacing, constructing concrete curb 8
gutter, constructing an ornamental lighting system and
drives where necessary: SIMS AVENUE from Payne to
Greenbrier and YORK AVENUE from Payne to Arcade.
Recorranended approva 1 .
5. 2/19/85 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the following
streets under the Residential Street Paving Program by
regrading, surfacing, constructing concrete curb 8
gutter. constructing an ornamentai lighting system 8
drives where necessary: Cl1RTICE ST. from Oakdale to
Woodbury and from Andrew to Lafayette Freeway; MT. HOPE
AVENUE AND ANDREW ST. from Curtice to Sidney.
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6radfbg anc�p�vfar�ir�i Van Buret►Ave�e tp�air�v ,. ., €,
sewer ixi the alieq.tor starm water puYpa��1�1�i�
VanHure���latr)ia Votin�Waard 1, `���' - ' � =Y� ,�';,-., x-=-'
� Tbe Couqctl oi t�a,�ty ef Sai���ar�eeived the report oi the Mayor .
� upon the above iaiptwsvement. ��sLbax�.�coa�ideFed ssid r�port, bereby '
resoives• � .
1. T6s¢�tie sa�d repart and the same ia l�ereby approved with no�slteiaative�,
, and that-tfie���'t#es'4s�;�#a8��l1 fiaaneed by�g�at ' .;
4 . 2. That a public hear�ng be had.o�.said:imp�ovement on the � d� �of �:
�Feb� Y. 19 6 at I0:00 o'clock a.m., in tl� -1�be��, �
an3 Court,.�iouse n �nn ,�it�bl,l�sir�# a a �
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