85-227 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �� ��� - BLUE - MAVOR � C uncil Resolution Presented By t ,. >`l v Referred To /' / /\�/�NC..,� Committee: Date 1��� �� � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 Budget; and, WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and, WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 Budget: Fund 345 - Governmental Employment and Training Programs FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget JTPA Dislocated Worker - Whirlpool 36546-3111 Direct Grant, State administered: Federal -0- 318,000 318,000 SPENDING PLAN � JTPA Dislocated Worker - Whirlpool 36546-547-000 Payments to sub- contractors: -0- 270,300 270,300 36546-547-000 Operating Transfer Out: -0- 47,700 47,700 NET CHANGE -0- 318,000 318,000 Now, therefore, be it VE , That t e City Council adopts the above additions to the 1985 Budget. Di ec r Fi e ar�d Mana ement Services B et tor COU[VCILME(V �-3'�' Yeas .,-SoTiil2Yi Nays Requested by Department of: R6o]�iD' � °reN' In Favor Masanz ^/ � � Nicosia a.� `(/i/�j�. � �� �sc�ib�a�.— __ A ga i n s t BY �� Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB � � 1985 Form Approved by City Attor ey B �/ Certified Pa_ e ouncil cr Y r � � EB 19 1985 Appr b Mayor for Subm' ion ouncil 6lpprov by iNavor: ,--- By ���5,���; - � �;��r �:. ��;;_.-u� � ��y•�^ f _-T y,f` �'r �, . t.?rl.rJ..�� � 1 � • . __ -:-_-;:�� �� ��.�-_, , �� s�z�-� � ��.�-r.� j� ��-a�7 f.^:;; �---- ;�, '�,;.. _ : �;1�._;..•f ::l �'-i1 orz�rcr o��� �rn�; cz'1'�� c ~ � r, ';__. ;.�;:: . , � OU\t,! '-r;`. S�' �,.' '•�1 : .�, �^:;- "_;'• '�! s'--•\. _s f`_ . �:- . ��Y.�\ ,,v .' �„�,/ � D ct t e , January 32, 1985 �`\,'.:,_��:.�: •y;�:�. - . .... co �i� � (�i � � REPO � -r r i 0 = � c� ��; P��a� ! Cir;� C�u � ci ! . F t�► Q �r'� = �.i� �°�t;';:�i i;?'o `� � � =j Finance � C E-�A l �? J�1ES SCHEIBEL 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 24, I9g5, �'��%✓�� 2. Resolution amendin� the 1985 Capital Stnprove�ent Bud�et by transferring �;?0,000 from Contin�ency to Downtown Streets. (Public Works) �-��� (�V�i' � Gf/-�--�� �• CObiMITTEE-OF-THE-TVHOLE AND PUBLIC HE:�RIVG Resolution placing the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation activities in reserve untzl. District 2 is reor�anized. �-R-�� a � e r t c.�e�°k-- 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $5,553.558 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Pian for Governmental Empioymen and TraininQ E:�erQe cy Ercroloymen� P o ram �I.E.E.D. � Grants Minnesot � ° � � g C� ) (PED) I� /(,.Q ur22?�'�-r?t �t�vh, _ �'�re c�" `� C�`�u/7�i.� Gv/�`'��" - 5.- Resolution amendin� the I985 budget by addino �99,828 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Erc�alovt;,ent d Trainina P ograms - ocational /� " Education (allocationl Reouiar. (pED){��y,�� � ���' °,, � U c..f/ZG>')�,t� �1{�,.LGZi-� Ti'�e1Y�'1/�1�:�t��Zfiu� 6. Resolution aznending the I985 budget by addin; $I,35�,257 to the Financing Plan and t the S�e di � Plan for Gove�-n,��a�,��;nployment�d Trai ino Programs - JTPA II-�, (pL�, ^ ,����Y�'� � C�dZ�IlC�/° � � �'l�� �/��2-t� z i. Resolution amending the 1985 bud�et by adding �246,969 to the Financing Plan and to the S�ending Plan for Governmental E�nployment and Tra' ing Program��- Refuoee Targeted As�sis�ance Program - County Grant in Aid. PED � ��Uj7YJ��Q,1� � .���-��� � c_�''�ll�u.�` �U11'�!`i"�c� 8. Resolution amendin� the 1935 budget by adding ��5, 190 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Errrolovment, a. d T jaining, Pro�rams - Vocational E�ucation - 2•iinority tVomen. (PED) ��!,�.yy� �, ����� �f��j�._����� 9• ��"���t-�endin; the 1985 budget by �;I3,000 to t:�e Financing Plan and to the Soezding Plan for Gover�ment'a�., E:nployment and Trai in; Prpgrams - pislocate3�� / � {Yorker - tVhirlpool. (PED)����'�,� `� �Cr-" GU�w� /�� ' v��, �;I"l�rY/'i'YX� i0• Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding $117,017 to the Financ�ng Plan and to the Spending Plan for Gove me taI Err¢jIo men�� and Tra�ninglPrograms - Dislo- rr cate3 tVorke: - PACaL. (PED) �� � �,n�(jy'� l(�'/7`�� � �'���77����-u��'� ii. Resolution arr.endino the 1985 bud�et bv adding �8;,69I to the Financin� Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E.^.mioy ent and T�inin� Programs -,,Vocational E:ucation - Sin�le biothers Project. (PED) ���,��1 � ���'G�� �`J�� ��-1�;d7YU�''�''���j+��,,� �::'Y HALL �`�� �"'"`rl SEVENTH FLOOR S�IINT P�.UL. ;�iI�ti'��OT��S�IO2 -�?,.„