85-223 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �_�5�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � , �'ouncil Resolution ,. Presented By � ,�"/ - ��'� � � � ✓ Referred To ,F� N�'h�C--1�' Committee: Date � � � �" ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEftEAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 Budget; and, WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and, WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 Budget: Fund 345 - Governmental Employment and Training Programs FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget JTPA Vocational Education (Allocation) Regular 36555-3111 Direct Grant, State administered: Federal -0- 99,828 99,828 SPENDING PLAN JTPA Vocational Education (Allocation) Regular 36555-547-000 Payments to subcontractors: -0- 84,064 84,064 36555-537-000 Operating Transfer Out -0- 15,764 15,764 NET CHANGE —0— 99,828 99,828 Now, therefore, be it RES LVE , City Council adopts the above additions to the 1985 Budget. Dir��Ci��ce and Mariagement Services ' Budget D tor Yeas �n Nays �-3-�� Requested by Department of: x�A�l� � o`�`" In Favor Maaanz ,�/ i - /�1ij, q G� �w Nicosia �(� ���/ �?/ iG 6�'l rs�+�l _ Against BY �r� L�' Tedesco Wilson FEB 1 � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y- -s d Cou cil ret BY ' B� � �1p by Nlavor: _ � FEB 19 1985 Appr ve �ayor for Su 'ssi Council By � :, j _ . , > "i98� �.. __ .� ���'f`r��� \� �Ir.r� �..�� m � 7� ////f� �j �f� ' . __i.`-i^N`%- �\ .:r. ., ►.�1�.zN�. � .C�.�JJ U O,� �_�cK � �i- i. �~� t �. ���•' - ::'{` �_�;;�';f.,..•� }�; � OI+'1�ICZ�: plr� �.L`FII+: C.I'1'X COU\CIL '::•:;; fs:.:,;�t>_ :'s:� f.�. t `�`;, -°. /;i! ' Date �. � r.,� January 31, 1985 ��-�:�^�" ' .... Ca �i� � lE i � � REPO � -� TO = �c� t:�s P�� i Ci�� Co�t � ci ! FROPr1 = C�;;t;{:?:i i�� o� j Finance � C H A I P> J�1ES SCHEIBEL I. .4pproval of minutes from meeting held January 24, 1985. �.'�����. 2. Rssolution amending the 1985 Capita� Improvement Bud�et by transfe:ring $;70,000 from Continoency to Downtown Streets. (Public Works) �.f3�� �v�r � ��S 3. COMMITTEE-OF-THE-tVHOLE AND PUBLIC HEARING Resolution placing the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation activities in reserve until Dis�rict 2 is reorganized. � �4�� 01�E r t c,���k-- 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �5,553.558 to the Financ=ng PIan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Employment� and Trainin� E�erge�cy Ernoio en� Pro ram y.E.E.D. � �� ` - Grants �iinnesot � • � - � `� g C� ) (PED) It�'�C.�rQt'� � �rtCl/7Ci� L(11�[�rvi.� �:� U' ��-l�'�'✓��7� �: Jh, _ =, � #�utendin� the I985 bud�et by adding $99,8Z8 to the Financina Pla.� and to the Speading"Plan for Governmental E:Rplovment d Tra ning P, ograms - ocational /' " Education (Allocationl Regular. (PED),��pyy� � ���� �(j1,/�G�i� TC�I.'�'!?/�?�'.+f�fi�'� 6. Resolu�ion a.r.iendin; the I985 budoet by adding �I,355,25? to the Financino PIan and �t the S e di g PI for Governmenta E Ioyment and Trai inQ Programs - JTPA II-:�. (PED� �e;�Yr� �v �ou��� �r��z� ��m,-���Z�� 7. esolution amending the I985 bud�et by adding �246,969 to the Financin� Plun and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Employment and Trai�nin; Programs�- Refu�ee Targe*ed Assistance Program - County Grant in Aid. (PED) %7nr�y��C , �.��-Yr�" � C�'.��lu� lv;��l�u� ;� 8. Resolution amendin the 1935 budget by adding ��5, 190 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E:rrolovmen a�d T�r.in�;ograms - 4'oca�:cnal � E�ucatian - �finorit;r �Vomen. (PED) ��{�y � L� . � �. G���LOl.G� �'�rny'�'���y/ 9. Resolution amending the 1985 bud�et by $;18,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Soending Plan for Government'a. E:�plovment and Trai ing PrQgrams - Dislocste3 � Worker - �Yhirlpool. (PE�)���P��i,� � � ��j�� �U�,�,7�'�- /%�>J'Y/i'��� I0. Resolution amending the I985 budget by addin; �117,017 to the Financ=n� Plsn and to the Spending Plan for Gove me�tal E lovment and Traznin� Programs - Dislo- cated �Vorker - PAC�L. PED �� �� � ��l/�ZLL � � ( ) `�jL�i;y �Gi ' y� , , ° � r�'��� 7�''�he���� iI. Resolution amending the I985 bud�et by adding �8;,691 to the Financin� Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E.^.mloy ent and Train�ing Prog�ams -,Voc3tional � Education - Single biothers Project. (PED) ��'�fY,�,�/ � wG �� �/`� �.��(:���1�'/��f� , �i'�. � � �I:Y HALL S�VENTH FLOOI: � SAI�i'I'P��UL. �:I;`1'.r-.SOTA 5530? .����