85-221 N'HITE — CiTV CLERK
BLUE — MAVOR File NO. —���
Council Resolution
Presented y 2�' ! � �
Referred To r< <���L�=- Committee: Date l'����
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Pau1, upon recommendation of the Mayor
and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1981� Capital
Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further
amended in the following particulars:
Current Amended
Fund Log No. Project Appropriation Chari e Appropriation
CIB - - - Specified Contingency: ��+03,386 (68,050) �335�336
Securing Bids
CIB C-0502 Arlington Hills $ �+3,500 68,050 $111,550
Branch Library
Rehab (93084-053)
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the scope of the project is expanded to include tuckpointing.
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Peter Hames, Director \4�\ Gregory Ble s �����`�" "'; t�
Finance and Management Services � Budget Directortc�ate)����-S ,�,
s�d: �� C
µ-„,,;,'1...,�. .
Requested by Department of:
Yeas letch p e�'S �
L v1n Masanz In Favor Communit Services
M z �
Nic ia Nicosia
sc 'be� � _ � __ Against BY
T de o s�rr-
ilso Tedesco
W��SO� FEB 1 � 1gg5 Form A ro�e y c� �,
Adopted by C ouncil: Date � �
CertiEied Pa-s ouncil S e BY �
B^ �'�,
l�pp by Ylavor: Date
` FEB i 9 1985 Approve by Ma fo ission to Council
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KAiti��'A r s ...: , '_s I�C�;B
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Community Services-Libra�RTt,1El�-T
, Jerry Steenberg �ONTACT �
292-6211 _PHONE re��, �e .
January 3, 1985 DATE
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signature):
1 ` Department Director
City Attorney - ����[�`�.l�
, Di rector of Management/Mayor R�G��VE�^ �r t i'; 0 �� ;�,';�.,
� Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector � ,���.., �F���� �,� fN�
N1 ` � - � r�,,�crc;�
City Clerk � JP R�� AN�D MANAUE�;; OF Fii�,�qNCE
Budget Di rector MpVOR'S 4'��""'` r 5_,,�;��;
_l� mamsen A'��A,-_ R„�uP+. r��. .
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):_
Enable Division of Libraries to proceed with CIB Pro�ect #C-0502, Ar�.ington Hills Branch
Library Rehab. This work will preserve a city building and reduce energy costs.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
Additional fundin� of $68,050 from 198�t CIB contingency funds
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurnber Charged or Credited:
1981+ CIB Contingency (90081+-003)
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� :
Council Resolution
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No N�-
Yes X No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for Instructions)
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,.��� . .�'� D d t e : February 7, 1985
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F� � ��� � C O I�R�7I j(� ('��e O�'1 FINANCE
1. Resolution approving Maintenance Labor Agreement between ISD #625 and Painters
Union, Local �61, School Service Employees, Local No. 284, b4anual and Maintenance
S ervisors'�ssociation and General Drivers Local Union No. 120. (Personnel)
� �
2. 'Reso uti n approving I985-1986 Agreeme t between t e City and the St. Paul Fire
Supervisory Association. (Personnel)���v��
3. Resolution approving 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreem nt between the City and
the City Attorney's Professional Association. (Personnel)�n�Je�/
r ��,�- �.�
4. Resolution approving 1985-1986 Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to Assistant
Fire Chief or Deputy Chief of Police. (Personnel) L� �� �Ue� ` � ��
5. Resolution amending Section 4 of the ivil Servi e Rules pertaining to announcements
of avai.lable positions. (Personnel) �����
6. Resolution changing the grade for the titles of Deputy Chief of. Police and Assistant
F�re chief in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personnel)
7• Re�o'Iu�on �j vs�t�g the rat of-pa�f r Library Ai e in the Sa1ar P a
y I n an d R a t e s o f
Compensation Resolution. (Personnel)�.��r�v�
8. Resolution amending the Salary PIan and Rates of Compensation(Resolution regarding
Plasterer Inspector's salary steps. (Personnel) �n r��Pt�
�.� �_�,
9. Resolution amending the I985 budget and adding $17,648 to the Financing Plan and
the Spending Plan for Special Construction Project Inspections. (Comm. Services) ��V�`
10. � R�solutiot� ame�ding the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring �68,050
o�S���� Contingency to Arlington Hills Branch Library Rehab. (Comm. Services)
/ V �
C ITTEE-OF-THE-NHOLE - Items 11, 12 and 13
lI. Resolution amending Section 5.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence
and allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Personnel)
��� �Gv�,r� � ���e�s
12. Resolution amending e tion 14 of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to promotion
req irements.
�-��� c�veZ a, � ���5
13. Resolution placing the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation
activities in reserve until District 2 is reorganized. i �I=� ('1v�,/ I 1 ' ,e��
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:��;�% .�=,�:��`' � orrzcr o�a� �.`�TIr, CITY COII\Yci�.
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;=��� _': /f D o t e ' FEBRUARY
�?'�,;� ,/�:. . ' 11., 1985
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FPQ �✓� = CGiIF!?Is i�° O�'i FINANCE -
1. Approval of minutes from mee*ing held January 31, 1985. ;�}y�y��(�(1 ,
� ���r
2. Resolution amendin� the 1985 bud�et by addin� $5,55�,558 to the Financin; Plan
and to the Spending PIan fdr Governmental E.�loym�nt and Training - Grants
Minnesota Emergency E�ioyment Prog am (M.E.E.D.)��c,;��� ��i� CCYn rri�t.tCt —
�� C��t.d'n -�tt.�._ � C.�� �@'1���lC�� �l�"�E:t�'�.C�i_GL' ���4����
3. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �99, 828 to the Financing
Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E�Ioyment and Training Programs -
Vocational Educa ion (Allocation) Regular.��sC�SSC�� �-�� Cbm.mc�-�eE —
`j� �p'� / L�►l CC�td.I1C' f A-�E�C�GL - �-/r�jg�
4. Res�a1 zon ng t�ie �985�budget by a�ding 1,35�,�257 to the Financin; PIan
and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E�noloyme�t and rainin; Porgrams -
JTPA I I-A�l SC�.C..SS�e� ( � CC�V�/Y�-tt�'� — (�O 4L(,,� -{��J
� e� �� C�,��� ��-��,.�� �-�, �-ls��
5. Reso2ution amen ng the 1985 bud;et y adding �45,190 to the Financing PIan and
to the Spending Plan for Governmental Employment and Training Progr s - �
Vocational Education - Minority iVomen.�l��`SS�' I�'1 Cc,'�7��.✓I�I �E -
IvE:3 G.c�rt.o,n -�1C.a�.•��
� �n CL-vti n�� ! �- ��t�� z/r �S
6. Resolution amending the 1985 bud;et by adding �518,000 to the Financin; PIan
. and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E:nployment and TraininQ Pro�rams
Dislocated tiVorker - Whirlpool. �j �� vS��j �I 1'� . L.p ri1/�'Ll���.-- y�.�Q -
�o-�. --�i�k�,�.. ��t Cc(,�ne:�.� �� / /
7. esolution amendino the 1985 budget U"y ddi:n���117�01�'�o�the Financing Plan
and to the Spendino. Plan for Governmental E^roloy_ment and Training Progr�ms
D�slocated LVorker - PAC.aL. ���SC,t.,�S C.� �Y� CL-�'Y��i� �-��� -- �;;;fjr.
��a��c.�vL 'fLC,�— – � �:Ol(, Cc.-� ���vr L�� �/I �'S��
8. Resolution amending the 1.,85 bud�et�y add�n� 516a,213 to � e Financ�n� Plan
and t�e Spending Plan for Governmental�E.�_ Ioyment and Trainin; Programs -
Dis Iocated Norker - SAFT. j:/��.�S�j��f' j/'I � ' ��' ✓ " � 7�
��%�Zi�"�/_ ��� ,,�"�'!�. .�C.��
�r�c_ - C%61� C��°ZGi1 c'�� �f�1�:�����1' o�/��5
9. esolution amending the 1985 bud�et by adding �87,691 to the Financing PIan
and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E^miovment and Txainin;.Pro;rams -
Vocational Educ3tion - Sin;le Mothers Pr ject. �jj����s�� j/I���i�/,''CCG�� —
�: ��i�( `�,�rc — �i1 ���1�-y1�'�� ����y�; � �����f��
10. eso utzon amending the 1985 budget by a�di�rig �33,500 to the Financ�ng P?an
and to the Spending Plan for Governmentai E�mlovment and Trainin; pro;r;�.ms .-
Older Noricers. � /5�' n � / ��—��: � �1� �r��� �6��� �
�� SSf.'Gf LyC C-�'�Z�i7'�� ,� �:
G�� �
C�'zG-Lr.��' �'�y�� �/��'s'=
(Continued on bac!<)
- -., , t
11. .Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $48,254 to the Financing�Plan �
� and to the Spending PIan f Governne taI E�Ioyment d Training Programs - -
JTPA - 6 o Incenti e/T T. ,�s�S ��/�//� C�/����77���� �r�ayt;,,:;.,�'��_
Ir�f� .��7�%Y1C� � �l� d/���'S ��'`
12. Re`�Olutzon amending t���85 bu get by adding $834,413 to the Finance Plan
and to the Spending P for Govern,mental Euroloyment and Training Progr.ams -
� JTPA,. Summer Youth. �.s� s�'G�' //� L�'�7'yL��C L'� `�l� e��,f�"'yl
�lC��/t � (/' ` ����G � ��Z?GGGr1 ����P.S .
13. Resolution amending e 8 budget by adding �246, 69 to the Financing PIan
and to the Spendin; Plan for Governmentai E�Ioyment and Training Programs -
Refugee Targeted Assistance Program - County Grant-in-�id.. (PED
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