85-217 WH17E - CITV CLERK - YINK �- FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council G /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �v� �r• BLUE - MAVOR � �ou cil Resolution Presented By .Q'', � � ) � �eferred To ,f", 1 I�1L�"lb.�C,�- Committee: Date I "��{ �� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules pertaining to announcements of available positions. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 4, Announcements of Positions Available, so that said Section 4 shall read as follows: "4. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF POSITIONS AVAILABLE Announcements o£ examination for positions shall be posted for at least ten calendar days and shall indicate the following: 1. The kinds of tests and examinations included in the examination, and the relative weight assigned to each. �:---�Pke-r�t�e�-e�-ee�idatesT-N�er�-��+�tee�T-N�Se-N#�� be-a��ewee�-�e-ga��tetpe�e-�n-eseh-��nge-e�-tee�tng: 3s 2. Those tests which are competitive, and those which are qualifying." and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 6.D, Examination Rating, so that paragraph 2 of said Section 6.D shall be deleted. ���n-es-eaeeas�r�e��ea-€er-N��e�-ea-e�e�-tn�e�*aset�-4s-e-snb�eet:-ti�e -1- COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher PERSO OFFICE Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form A rove y City t ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor fo ission to Council By ` WHITE - CI7V CLERK TINK •- FINANCE COUnCII y/�/y� �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO•- v`�_�// BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- 8��*��-Se�*a�ee-Eex��eeten-�e�*-pre��e�e-tket-en�p-e-de�4gnated-r�esntber e€-ear��e�a�ee-�avs�g-��e-htg�►eet-e�erege-�et4r►g-e€-�5-er-mere-ia-tke et�e�-e��ee�-e�-se�gee�e-e€-�3se-exaa��r�a�tesT-ske��-be-e��e�ib�e-�e ga���e�ga�e-��-��e-e�a�-�ate�*a�ei+rr-��es�eleel-�eNe�re��-��e�-s�te�- dee4e�s�etee�-r��nber-��S��-be-pe��shed-�r�-tke-eff teta�-erir�ee�eeaten�-ef �e-exen+tr�e�ter�: �� Approved: Civil Servi . Com�aission, Chair COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas V N�a s } � 'f�°r PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew In Favor Masanz � Nicosia (� � __ Against BY 7edesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 1 4 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a s d C nc.' ,ecr BY B� /�ppr� e hY �,a�oi: FEB 19 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBLISNED F E E3 2 3 1955 Personael Office DEPARTt1El�,"' � ��ai,7 .7Qan p s�hA„iA �ON?ACT � Z_.:221 pHONE r v January 17, 1985 DATE 1 ��� �r � � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Sianature): . Department Di rector �,.� ' City Attorney .�� ' 3 Oirector of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)• Sections 4 & 6 of Civil Service Rules currently allows us to set a limit on the number of candidates that will proceed to the next step of the examination process based on economic consideration. This practice has been found to be illegal and the Rules should be changed to eliminate this option. Financial, Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None R�cE�VED Fundin9 Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: `�AN 1 � 1985 _ MAYpR�s OfFj�f Attachments (List and Number all Attachments): l. Resoluti�on 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEbi Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/r Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 {c�, RPVPP'CP Sicl� for �instructions) °"_;�y==.:'��"���.` Cx��� o� S�x��v�� �.�.�u.� �'.�ar7 �'��; _�� {�-� � � �����'�r.��:: •��.:��;. � . ox�i,xcr o�� -.��r-rr c.z� c � :r•.:=, S, ;:�: �'::'.� '" -j-'X OUICZL -, ~i'�',:, +:► �tt� ;F��•�`°_ •1 �;� D d t'� . Februaxy 7, 1985 ���;;r � . . � �;�,:;, _ -.�..._ COi� N� f�i E � � � Pp � -�- TO = �plT'1? �G�1.1 I Ct'i' COC1�t�:i! . �Rflt�r� = �onnrni���e o� FrN�,rcE � � C&��1 R JAMES S(�iEIBEL 1. Resolution approving Maintenance Labor Agreement between ISD nb25 and Painters Union, Local �61, School Service Employees, Local iVo. 284, A4anua1 and Maintenance , Supervisors' ,�lssociation and General Drivers Lacal Union No. I20. (Personnel) ,�{�P �U�-�,- 2. Resolution approving 1985-1986 Agreeme t betcaeen the City and the St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association. (Personnel),��j'UU�� 3. Resolution approving I984-I985 C�Ilective Baxgaining Agreement between the City and the City Attorney's Professional Association. (Personnel)�{}n����r-/ � ���� �a 4. Resolution approving 1985-1986 �lemorandum of Understanding pertaining to Assistant Fire Chief or Deputy Chief of Police. (Personnel) �� l� �V�� � � ��� 5=`�-R�fllu�iaa►--amertdiag S�ction 4 of the ivil Servi e Rules pertaining to announcements of available positions. (Personnel) � ��U��. 6. Resolution changing the grade for the titles of Deputy Chief of Police and Assistant F�re chief in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personnel) 7. Re�o'Iu_�ion �ci�utu ing the rat of pa�f Library Ai e in the Salar y PIan and Rates of Cocnpensation Resolution. (Personnel)��n r��e �.r 8. Resolution amending the Salary PIan and Rates of Comuensation �Resolution re;arding Plasterer Inspector's salary steps. (Personnel) �O (���� � ~� 9. Resolution amending the I985 budget and adding �17,643 to the Financin� PIan and the Spending Plan for Special Construction Project Inspections. (Corrun. Services) ���v� 10. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Bud�et and transferring �68,050 f om Specifie Contingency to Arlington Hills Branch Library Rehab. (Comm. Services} �� � rDV�c� , � 0{�P• I - _ � C 1 TTEE OF-THE-�VHOLE Items 11, 1.. and 13 lI. Resolution amendin� Section 5.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence and allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Personnel) ��� GvC;�' � ���e�J 12. Resolution amending `�e tion 14 of the Civil Service Rules pertainin� to promotion reauirements. �'t� ��� ���. ai. � �-��� 13. Resolution placing the public funds rernaining for District 2's Citizen Participation activities in reserve until District 2 is reorganized. i �1=� ����/ I �Ue�� CITY HALL SEVENTFI FLOOF. + SAINT PAUL. riti`NESOTA S5I0? -�s*�»