85-214 �NH17E - CITV CLERK
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � v' /
Council Resolution
Presented By
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Referred To �� ��''4l�CX' Committee: Date � �'7 '�
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves
and ratifies the attached 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
City of Saint Paul and the City Attorneys' Professional Association.
Civil Servi ce Commission, Chair
COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �s �N,ays / �
o`e1N In Favor
Masanz �
.�bsf- __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
FEB 1 �+ 1985 Form Ap ove by City orne
Certified Ya. -e b C uncil S et BY '
Approv by ,�a�o�: o _ FEB 19 1985 Approved by Mayor for u m ion to Council
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January 17, 1985 DATE
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature):
�, Oepartment Di rector
� City Attorney
3 Di rector of Management/Mla�yor
Finance and Management Services Director
City Clerk
Budget Director
What Will be Achiev�ed by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This resolution approves an amendment to the 1984-1985 Agreement between the City and
the City Attorneys' Professional Association. This ammendment changes the Insurance
language to implement the new Blue Cross plan as well as new caps in the. City's
contrifi�utions. The 1985 wage increase was reduced to pay for� :��.e additional insurance �-� r � .
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
None R`C
✓�N ���FO
1 �
Fundin9 Source and Fund Activity Nunber Charged or Credit�d: �Ay0Rs0� 19Bs
itttachments (List and Number all Attachments):
1. Resolution .
2. 1985 Agreement
3. Copy for City Clerk
� V
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No /J��
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(SPP RPVP!"SP SicM for Instructions) �
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This Memorandum of Agreemeat ie by and between the City of St. Paul and
the City Attorneys Professional Associatioa. In full settlement of the
1984-1985 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows:
1. Except as herein modified, the signed 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining
Agreement between the parties shall be the basie of the forthcoming
labor agreement.
2. Article R of said Agreement shall be replaced with Article X which is
attached and made a part hereof.
3. Articles 12.12 thru 12.16 of said Agreement shall be replaced with
Articles 12.12, 12.13 and 12.14 which are attached hereto and made a part
4. Appendix A of said Agreemeat shall be replaced with Appendix A which is
attached aad made a part hereof.
It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City
Negotiator, but is sub�ect to approval by the City Administration and adoption
of the Civi1 Service Commissioa and the City Council.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their sigaature this lOth
day of January , 1985.
� �
Lab r Relat Direc or President
Civil Service Commission
. � � � �-�.s a��
10.1 Effective January 7, 1984, all salary rates applicable to titles in
this bargaining unit shall be increased $72.80 bi-weekly.
10.2 Effective January 5, 1985, all salary rates applicable to titles in
this bargaining unit shall be increased $67.88 bi-weekly.
10.3 The wage schedule is attached for purposes of reference only and is not a
part of this contract.
10.4 Notwithstanding 10.1 and 10.2, salary rates ahall be reduced in the
amounts necessary to equalize payment to individual employees and City
employees who receive different pension benefits.
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12.12 Effective Jaauary 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by
this AGREEMENT selecting a health insurance program supplied to
the City, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or
$70.00 per month whichever ie less. For each employee selecting
family coverage, the City shall pay the entire cost of such family
coverage or $180.00 per month, whichever is less.
12.13 Effective January 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the
term of this AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefits under
the terms set forth in this article and who selects employee insurance
coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage
or $87.06 per month, whichever is less. In addition for each eligible
early retiree who selects dependent's insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER
will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $203.86
per month, whichever is less.
In order to be eligible for City benefits under the early retiree pro-
vision, the Employee must:
12.131 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act.
12.132 Have severed his/her relationship with the City of St. Paul under
one of the early retiree plana.
12.133 Inform the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul in writing
within 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she
wishes to be eligible for early retiree insurance benefits.
12.14 The Employer will attempt to prevent any changes in the belefits
offered by the Health Maintenance Organizations plans. However,
employees selecting one of the plans offered by one of the flealth
Maintenance Organizations agree to accept any changes in benefits
which the specific Health Maintenance Organization implements.
Effective January 1, 1985, the Fee for Service health plan is
understood to be the plan designated as Alternate 5 bid by Blue
Cross-Blue Shield for January 1, 1985.
' , , APPENDIX A � a� `��
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� Law Clerk
Effective A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr.
1-7-84 662.65 688.28 716.79 747.42 778.05 809.39 829.34 850.71 860.21 869.71
1-5-85 730.53 756.16 784.67 815.30 845.93 877.27 897.22 918.59 928.09 937.59
Legal A.ssistant I
1-7-86 851.42 889.18 928.36 968.24 1011.71 1056.60 1082.95 1110.01 1119.51 1129.01
1-5-85 919.30 957.06 996.24 1036.12 1079.59 1124.48 1150.83 1177.89 1187.39 1196.89
Legal Assistant II
1-7-84 946.15 984.64 1029.52 1073.69 1122.13 1170.56 1203.33 1234.67 1244.17 1253.67
1-5-85 1014.03 1052.52 1097.40 1141.57 1190.01 1238.44 1271.21 1302.55 1312.05 1321.55
Attorney I
Effective A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.
1-7-84 944.74 980.37 1016.70 1064.42 1113.57 1165.57 1219.72 1251.77 1288.10
1-5-85 1012.62 1048.25 1084.58 1132.30 1181.45 1233.45 1287.60 1319.65 1355.98
Attorney II
1-7-84 1025.96 1064.42 1104.32 1155.60 1209.74 1266.73 1327.28 1364.33 1401.37
1-5-85 1093.84 1132.30 1172.20 1223.48 1277.62 1334.61 1395.16 1432.21 1469.25
Attorney III
1-7-84 1178.41 1222.57 1268.16 1328.72 1390.70 1456.94 1526.75 1568.07 1612.95
1-5-85 1246.29 1290.45 1336.04 1396.60 1458.58 1524.82 1594.63 1635.95 1680.83
Attorney IV
1-7-84 1245.37 1293.09 1340.83 1404.22 1471.18 1541.70 1613.66 1660.68 1706.98
1-5-85 1313.25 1360.97 1408.71 1472.10 1539.06 1609.58 1681.54 1728.56 1774.86
Attorney V
1-7-84 1501.81 1558.80 1617.93 1694.88 1776.08 1860.86 1949.90 2006.90 2063.17
1-5-85 1569.69 1626.68 1685.81 1762.76 1843.96 1928.74 2017.78 2074.78 2131.05
Attorney VI
1-7-84 1633.61 1695.58 1761.12 1845.18 1934.23 2026.84 2124.43 2186.40 2247.68
1-5-85 1701.49 1763.46 1829.00 1913.06 2002.11 2094.72 2192.31 2254.28 2315.56
1-7-84 1729.06 1794.60 1862.98 1953.46 2047.49 2146.51 2250.51 2314.63 2379.46
1-5-85 1796.94 1862.48 1930.86 2021.34 2115.37 2214.39 2318.39 2382.51 2447.34
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� � C t�A 1 R JAMES SC�-iEIBEL
1. Resolution approving Maintenance Labor Agreement betiveen ISD n625 and Painters
Union, Local n61, School Service Employees, Local No. 284, Manual and Maintenance '
2. -�S ervisors' �Association and General Drivers Local Union No. 120. (Personnel)
PP �U��.;: . �
u ion appro�in, 1985-I986 Agreeme t between t e City and the St. Paul Fire
Supervisory Association. (Personnel);��f'�U���
-3. - ,�tesolt���#1�p����,�j9g4_1985 Collective Bargaining Agreem nt between the City and
the City Attorney's" rofessional Association. (Personnel)�.�-{)��s J er-(
�r� �-r
4. Resolution approving 1985-1986 blemorandum of Understanding pertaining to Assistant
Fire Chief or Deputy Chief of Police. (Personnel) L� t� ����� ! � �`,� �
6 'Cl�,
5. Resolutioir-amending Section 4 of the ivil Service Rules pertaining to announcements
of available positions. (Personnel)
6. Resolution changing the grade for the titles of Deputy Chief of Police and Assistant
F�re chief in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personnel)
7. e�o'Iu�on �dJvu��g the ra e�f-p y �r�Library Ai e in the Salary PIan and Rates of
Comnensation Resolution. (Personnelj (
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8. Resolution amending the Salary PIan and Rates of Compensationf�Resolution re;arding
Plasterer Inspector's salary steps. (Personnel) �(-) (-Cj�p C'/
i. �r��
9. Resolution amendin� the I985 budget and adding �17,643 to the Financing PIan and tp
the Spenaing Plan for Special Construction Project Inspections. (Corrmi. Servicesj ����
0. �
1 Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Bud�et and transferring 568,050
f om Specifie Contingency to Arlington Hills Branch Library Rehab. (Comm. Services)
C01��•tITTEE-OF-THE-�VHOLE - Items 11, 12 and 13
I1. Resolution amending Section S.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence
and allowing S points on only one certified appointment for each appiicant. (Personnel)
��� Gv�;r- �;�:�e�-5
12. Resolution amending '�tion 14 of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to promotion
�--J� (,1� � ��� _� t,C� C���5
13. Resolution placin� the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation
activities in reserve until District 2 is reorganized. 't f� (
�_iTY HALL SEVEN'TT�I FLOOI'. ` ��� ",�(�� ; �����