Return to: Valuations Coun il Res lution
Room 218
r /
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WI�RF'�AS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by l�esolution C.F. 281026
adopted October 13, 1983, deleted condition no. 5 of Resolution 275640
adopted September 11, 1980.
WF�FtEAS, Reference to O�ndition No. 5 in Resolution 281026 is incorrect
and that the correct reference should be Conditio� No. 4.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following paragraph be deleted in
Resolution C.F. 281026.
That the City Council does hereby delete that part of (7ondition
No. 5 in Council Resolution C.F. 275640, that a bor�d be posted
by the petitioner; an�3
SE IT FIJ1�ti�R RF50LVED, that the above deleted paragraph be replaced with
the follawing:
�at the City Gouncil does hereby delete that part of Qondition
No. 4 in Council l�esolution C.F. 275640, requiring a bond be
pasted by the petitioner; and
BE IT FUl�ii�[t RF�OLVED, That in all other respects, Council Resolution
C.F. 281026 shall r�nain and continue in full force and effect.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas x��� Sonn�n
In Favor
Masanz ` I
Nicosla �j�
Scheibel � _ Against B �`��
Tedeaco irector
Adopted hy Council: Date FEB 1 i �9�5 Form Ap roved by Cit torney
Certified • d unc� S cr ar BY
�y sys'
By� e �
�.lppro d y ;Vlavor: Date Appro y Mayor for Sub i n to Council
By y
P�8L1�;�� ;_;��; ti �a 1985
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Ficunce � l�tgmt Servic�s �'p�{ '� T '
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Jan 22, 1985 pATE j
� (Rotrti ng and Explanati ort Sheet)
Assi9tt Nu�4er ft�r Routina t3rds� (C1ip A11 Lot�t�fats fcr h�aYOrat Sic�att��: ,� .
_�.�. ..._,.�_ �--- R�CEI�,/ED
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?,,,_ Ei natice �nd M�tge�neat S�1w#css Oi re�o� �.:. , ,,'
.j. I .1:.
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4 Cft,1► C?aric -0F� : = r;�= �H� �l,��=CTOR
Bfi�!'� Otl'�CtAt" D�F',!\�;�f f'wNT �F F�i�ANCE
5- V�lwtian: Ai�vision ' AND MANAGEN:ENT SERVICES
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►�ha Wi 11 be �lchi aved Tak1 'Ac�i on o� �e At�acl�a4 Mat��al s? P Rati ana 7 :
Correct aa er�tor i�t Beso�ut.io�� 281026 adopt�d Oct 13,1983 �
. _ � �� � .
� �� .
Fia�ciat, Bt�d+�a:n� artd Perscmr�el ImDatts MtiCip�_ ' , _
�Ione .
Fu�dir� Svvrte and Fund Activit� Nwrb�r C�rarc�eed or Credited: -. - .
r._ �_�_�— _ - � - - -
���ne�ts (l1St and Nua��a1„ 1�A.tta�): . ; , : . . ._. : �
1. Reaolution
� 2. C�apy of C.F. 275640
3• CePY of C.F. 281026
u Yes �_Vv Co�ci1 Rasoiutfo�. Required? Reso�ution Requlred? ,,_„� Y�s ,_„_ Na
,�,�,,, Yes �Y,No Insuranae Required? Insuranca Suffitient2 _,,,,, Y�s �,^„ No
Yes x No Insurartc� Atta¢fied?
,..._► ...r._
. . ` Revision af �tober; 198Z
. {�ee Reversa.5fde for Irts�ructions) _
� �
RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS Council esoluti n � ���9
� ' r �
{/Referred To ���L�� �o�f`� Committee: Date � `�< g
Out of Committee By Date
WI�REAS, and upon the request and petition of St. Anthor�y Park Lutheran
Church, as petitioner, the City Cauncil by Council Resolution C.F. No. 232W+3,
adopted March 10, 1967, vacated and discontifiued as a public street tha�t part
of Luther Place as described in said C.F. 232443; and
WHEREAS, the petitioner in return did dedicate for street purposes,astrip
of land as described in said C.F. 232443 for the relocation and realignment of
Luther Place; and
WHEREA.S, the pY�ysical abandonment of that vacated portion of Luther Place
never occurred and the pY�ysical improvement of the realigned Luther Pl,ace
never occurred; and
WHEREAS, the petitioner and City of St. Pa.tt1. by vacation resolution C.F.
27g640, dated Segtember 16, 1980, excha.nged the va.cated portion and the
reali�ned portion of Luther Place, as passed in C.F. 232�+3, and returned the proper-
ties to the original platting and alignment; and
WHEREAS� the American Lutheran Church being the petitioner of Lut�er Place
in both va.cation actions, has requested tha.t the bond requirement for the second
vacation action� C.F. 275640 be waived since the resolution in effect returned
Luther Place to a public street as original]y platted;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUID� That the City Council does hereby delete
that paxt of Condition No. 5 in Council Resolution C.F. 275640, that a bond be
posted by the petitioner; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in all other respects, Council Resolution C.F.
2756�+o sha.11 rema.in and continue in fl�,ll force and effect.
y Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�etcher Na s �
Galles [n Favor Fl and Ma ement Services
Masanz �Y
Nicosia (� B ,� , ���� Director
Scheibel _ `� __ Against Y
��,� � 3 ���3 Form Ap roved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified as e cil et BY , $ � 3
/ \ 1I }
� ' LCT �. 4 1983 App ve Mayor for Su��si �,kb Counci
/�lpprov by i4lavor: Dat — � J
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Bv - - Bv
PUBLISHED ocT � � 1983 �
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PINW -i=•FINANG� - ~�- �
�'ANARr'� -�',�EPA42TIy1ENT � �i I "I'�' O�� S A I N T PA iI L Council � e �� �-�
��:�gi - ,�.AYOR File N 0.
Coun il e�olut 'on � ��'�
Presented By __
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By _ Date
RESOLVED, That upon the petition of Lutf t-Northwestern
Seminaries, the public property hereinafter �cribed, be
and the same hereby is vacated and discontinu as public
A strip of land 60 feet in width {
relocation of Luther Place ori and
a.cross vacated Branston Street, L _3
1, 2 and 3, and except par� for w;iden-
ing Como Avenue, Lots 28, 29; 30 �nd
31, and the adjoining vacate.d 20-foot
alley, Block 2, Mann' s Addition to "St.
Anthony Park North", the center line of
said 60 foot strip of land is described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the center line
of Luther P lace distant 434.96 feet
northeasterly of the point of intersection
of the center lines of Como Avenue and
Luther Place, thence southwes�erly and
westerly on a tangenti8l curve to Luther
Place for an arc distance of 164.06 feet,
delta angle of 47° to the right, - nd
radius of 200 feet to end of cur , thence
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Depart of:
Yeas Nay�s
Levine In FavOr
McManon Against BY —
Showalter - -- ---
Form Approved by Ciiy Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date — �
Certified Pa�SCd by Council Secretary ���'��� t'�.�.L �"-a^�.?�
B� ---
Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B}� - --- — BY -
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continuing westerly on tangent tc �id
curve a distancs of 174.67 feet 1 � �
point of curve, thence westerly a:
southwesterly along a curve for a:
distance of 86.57 feet, delta angi. �f
31° to the left, and radius of 160 t
to end of curve, thence southwest
' on a straight line tangent to las =.-
scribed curve to the northeasterl - line
of Como Avenue and there terminating;
subject expressly to the following conditions and reservationsz
l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, as amended.
2. That the petitioners dedicate to the City in
a manner and form approved �by the City Attorney
all those portions of Luther Place vacated
pursuant to Council File No. 232443, approved
March 10, 1967 and described as follows :
All that part of Luther Place lying
� northeasterly of a line lying 40 zet
northeasterly from and parallel the
center line of Como Averiue and �_ �g
southerly of a line lying 30 fee �uth-
erly from and parallel to a line scribed
as follows :
Beginning at a point on the center Lne o£
Luther Place distant 434.96 feet � . . �.heast-
erly of the point of intersectior the
center lines of Como Avenue and I ..ner Place,
thence southwesterly and westerly on a
tangent ia 1 curve to Luther P la ce for a n a rc
distance of 164.06 feet, delta angle of 47°
to the right, and radius of 200 feet to end
of curve and tl�e terminating;
3 . That the petitioners not be required to pay compen-
sation for the vacation due to the even exchange
of land.
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4. That the petitioners furnish the City with a
bond in the amount of $5,000.00, and by
acceptance of the terms and conditions of this
vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and save
harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers
and employees from all suits, actions, or claims
of any character, including, but not limited to,
a claim brought because of any injuries, or
damages received or sustained by any person�
persons or property, on account of this vacation1
or because of any act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of said petitioners; or because of
any claim or liability arising from or ased on
any violation of any law or regulatior ade in
accordance with the law, whether by tl. � -�etit-
ioners or any of their agents or emplo.> 3.
5. That upon compliance with all the terms d condi-
tions of the vacation the proper City o"" . -ials
be authorized and directed to convey to `. : �
petitioners, by proper deed, the land dr- ibed
as follows:
A strip of land 60 feet in width for
relocation of Luther Place on and
across vacated Branston Street, LotS
l, 2 and 3, and except part for widen-
ing Como Avenue, Lots 28, 29, 30 and
31, and the adjoining vacated 20-foot
alley, Block 2, Mann' s Addition to "St.
Anthony Park North" , the center line of
said 60 foot strip of land is described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the center line
of Luther Place distant 434.96 feet
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/.FINANCE•••• � ��t�.9[1C11 c y ����^�� �
� - .DEPARTMENT , C� I 'I'Y OF SA I NT PAU L �'' '��°•' -� ��
- MAYO,R�.. � . N O.
� " � , � ^ Council Resolution ���y9
Presented By
- Referred To Committee: Oate
Out of Committee By Date
- 4
northeasterly of the point of intersection
of the center lines of Como Avenue and
' Luther Place, thence southwesterly and
westezi�r on a tangential curve to Luther
Place for an arc distance of 164.06 feet,
delta angle of 47° to the right, and
radius of 200 feet to end of curve, thence
continuing westerly on tangent to said
curve a distance of 174.67 feet to a
point of curve, thence westerly an
southwesterly along a curve for a:
distance of 86.57 feet, delta ang. of
31° to the left, and radius of 16C .et
to end of curve, thence southwestE.: '.;°
on a straight line tangent to last . -
scribed curve to the northeasterly " ' e
of Como Avenue and there terminatinr � '
Yeas N:��•ti Requestgd by Department of:
��-� � In Favor —
Maddox "
snoWaiter - ��__ Against BY — --
� ' � j:1Q� Form A roved b Cit Attorne �
A ed bv Counc` : Datc —4'�'' � -¢ � PP Y Y Y
• C� 7�-����-(._ `�/�^�'b
ertifi �. �cd b�• Council Secret� � -
�� ----- —
':i.r.�? a �*,�ny Approved by Mayor ubmission to Council
A pr � by lqavor: Dat �L_�- �
B} BY —
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