85-198 P N'Kj - FINA CERK CITY OF SAINT �AUL Council T GANlr.RV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �v � �� r BLUE"� - MAV OR 1 ` Coun il Res ution , � - s Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the petition of J. Howard Broderius Trust per file No. 21-1984, tnat part of Hubbard Avenue between Avon and Grotto, hereinafter described be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as public street: That part of hubbard Avenue (also known as Hubbard Street) described as beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 16, Block 11, BUTTERFIELDS SYNDICATE ADDITION NO. 2 : thence Northerly along the Northerly extension of the East line of said lot 16 a aistance of 58 .04 feet to the intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern railway; thence Northwesterly along the Southerly right-of-way of said Burlington Northern Railway a distance of 71. 74 feet to the intersection with the East line of Lot 1, Block 4, WINTER'S ADDITION, a distance of 17. 15 feet south from the Northeast corner of said lot 1 as measured along� the east line: thence Southerly along the east line of said lot 1, a distance of 13. 75 feet to the southeast corner of said lot l; thence Westerly along the soutn line of said lot 1, a distance of 117. 00 feet to the intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of Lot 3, BloCk 3, of JOSEPH R. VJEIDE 'S R�-ARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 3 AiVD THE N Z OF BLOCK 2 Cn1INTERS ADDITION; thence Southerly along said last described line a distance of 60. 00 feet to the intersection with the south line of said Hubbard Avenue (also known as Hubbard Street) ; thence Easterly along the south line of said Hubbard Avenue a distance of 187 .00 feet to the point of beginning. Subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor �� Masanz Nicosia D i r e c tor Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App ove by City Attorney C �'i.X Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � Zg/$S By t\pprove by A�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY `NHITF� - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council - /� GANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��`/• rBLU£� - MAYOR { ' � Counc 'l Reso ution � _ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . That the petitioner dedicate a permanent easement for street purposes in a manner and form to be approved by the City Attorney and the City's Department of Public Works. Said easement is described as follows: All that part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 Winter's Addition to St. Paul lying within the arc of a 100 foot diameter circle whose radius point is located 10 feet south of the south line of said Block 4 and 50 feet west of the northerly extension of the westerly line of Lot 3, Block 3, Joseph R. Weide' s Rearrangement of Block 3 and North one-half of Block 2, Winter' s Addition. 3. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to accept a permanent easement for street purposes from the petitioner dedicating said easement. 4. That a specific easement be retained within the area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company. 5. That the petitioner pay to the City $8, 392 as compensation for .the vacation within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 6 . That the petitioner, its successors or assigns, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to indemnify, de- fend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and em- ployees from all suits, actions or claims of any character, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, on account of this vacation; or because of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of any claims or liability arising from or based on any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ¢�� So,unr,E/./ � Department of Fin nce and Mana ement Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � __ Against By Director Tedesco Wilson FEB � 2 198� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C,C�—� ��$�i�� Certified a • Counci , re BY� By, Appro y �lavor: Date ! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . BY — BY PUBLISHED F E�S 2 u 198�3 �,/= ���__��� ,� `... ..� � ..;�� � _- - � `Councf2 File�No.85-198 Bp CM�ia N�di�-;" � , ' . , � xESOLVEDr,'i'hat upon the petition af J. Hovaard�lroe�t�s-3�����►��'r No.21-19�:,tht�part of Hubbard Avenue betwe�s!lv�i��e ,R descrihed-be.�n�.the same is hereby vacated aral t�iseo�tl�i�����``�'t: That part cri'Hubbard Avenue(also knrnvn as�Iul►►b�i�$t����� as lye�gft���ng at the Northeast eaF�e r�, � �E �� ��� ��1, BU�TERFIELDS SYNDIeATE ADDFfTE33�'.NO q,`!�t��'�or�r�Y. along the rTortherlq extensibn ot tlte East'1l��v��saa����`���s�°� . 5fl 04 feet ta the i�tersectioa with the Seutt�rly�•b#�va'y�Llne oi the Burlington Northern railway;the�xe�Nartharesterly along tt�Southe�'Ty' right-of-way of said Burlingtot�Nor�ern�tailway a diatance_qi•�.74 teet to the intersection with the East line oi La!t i. Hlack 4,.�K�'S ADDTfION, a distarne ai 1�.15 ieet sou�h from�he Northeast corner of said lut 1 as measured.along the easC l�ne:t1�Yiee 3outherly aIong the�st Yine o#said lot 1,s dista�ce oi 13.75 teet to tts+e southeasf cork►�r of said lot 1;theme Westerly slo�►g ttte south`line of said lot 1,a distance,ot ll?QO feet tp tl�e intersection with the�iorthesty�tl.`�id�st��#th�'���i��°�� _ I:a�S.�lc�ck-3,oi J03EI"H R.W�D�'SRE-AiiRlkliG��'QF SY�K - cc 3 ANIIr.THE 2J �t OF BI�[)Ciir 2 WY�TTERS ADDITIOAi:t�S� � along said last describ�lit�e a dista�e,oi i4.flQ.fe�t,t�s tl�.irtt��r ``r te v�it,b thesauth�ae o�.s�d'H�i�#rd:�►�enue(a�so.knowrra� �i�b�r'd • . � '�S�7reet};4h�nce Easterly along;Lhe¢out�Ii�te..oi sst�d i#�bb�R���� ° distaace`df 187.OQ feet ta EHe Paint vf.be�t►8mB ,�; . _. Su#ijeet ex[ax�ss}Y�a the#cllowin�coireditiiona�nd se.�e�t�W�- `- . � 1:•That tlle vac�tion be a�Ea a}1.t3►e tenrns�snd ca�a�tii�c+�f�r r3Q.- 1e ; ' codiii�d March i,.�9B#.ot�the S#,.P�nl�.egi�ilativ�s�o�,a�a� ".' z:�t�e:�at�onep a�►�e;a xr�����x�.str�c w�r��i� . m�naeraad form to.be agpsa�red bY the�ity Atto#�Y'e►n`�#3fe�,y't� - of Publih�ltcr`�rlcs S�id easeme��.is'e�e�eri'�d gg�talbws's'- . _ .. � " � AlY that pert of�Lots i a»d,2, 81oCk 4 W4nter's#d�iol�f.��t-`.� . . r lping a►it'hin tht srr of a•IOQ��diameter ciircTe vnhcse radi�#s��#'� ' ` . laceted I�reet's�o�1tA:oi the-sAUt�line of saia;B�ock+�a�r��Q f�t w�t� .; : the nort�er}yr este�iqn ot f�ivesterty Ifri�qZ Lot,3:��ICk�,���-' we��s n��n���erik oi�i��a�,�xorc�������r atot��wt� . g.t Add4tiois: . , • ' " 3.`'lY�at the propec.Cit�aifie"ei3 are h�reby authorii:eil en+d aineeLed�;�P�a perrnanent easement for street purposes fmm the petit�arier s�e�Cetc� said - �::. . easement. . �' � - 4.That a specific easement k�retained within the area t+�pYatest tl��intet�st' �_���ew�i.��,_..__• :�_ _—� � __. - ��.� � ��as�Ml�s��� - � l��s�ii�+�YM��1�4 sr��� � � ���� �� � �' --- - _ � --------- -- � - : ---,. - , ���t�►�M� r,�''�i:�1'110l�tbe .h�syo�er _ , 1- -' '�i�itious�t�ki��`v�cat�e.a�to�tr�Mr�i���ri�M sw�slMwtiM�.� . �r a��irt!'#w�.i��ai!!!�s a�Ml1Mle� � �� �.�y--. any character, inctuding buE not 1irYtited to a,el$iiri`tirclul� injuries or damages receivec3 or a�s'E�lined lsy any persoA,Persons or PT�P��Y•an . account of this vacation;or because of any act or omissian.neglect or miscoaduct of said petitloner;or because of any ciaims or liability arising from or baaed o�' any violation of any law or regulati�made in a�cordanCe with�e iava w�ittl�er by the petitioner or any.of its agents or eml�loyees. _ i Adopted by.#he Cau�cii�ebru&rg�i2. 2g85. , - ,�: APProved Feb,�u�irY 13, 1985:' . � f _ (Febrtiary 23.19g5) . . r _ � ---- _ . c � " ������' . , . Finance & Mgmt Services �EPAR7t1EN7 Dick McCann rpNTACT . X5317 �HONE 1/29/g5 DATE ��/�� �� � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nwaber far Routing Order (Clip Ail Locations for Mayoral Si�atu� ._._. .�.�._�. . � Dep�rtnent Di rector City Attorney Z Director of Management/Ma,ybr 1 Fi nance and Manac�ment Servi ces �i rector _ ��-:-,�.,. ,�,� 3,,,_, Ci ty Cl erk _ Budget Directior c� �. , , _ � _� , �°�'� r,:. ' - .,�, T .. .. . . ...,.__1�.� : � What Wi11 be Achieved by Taking Action on th Attacfted Mater�fals? (Purpose/Rationale): Adopt Resolution vacating part of Hubbard Street approved by the Council on 1/28/85 I Financfa7 Budc.�tary and Personnei Ympacts Anticipated: iYl ��Yq��� ����1����� IY� ����� . . .._ ... . . ... Petitioner to pay City $8,392.00 as compensation for the vacation Fundi r►� Source a�d Fund Ac,,,,ti vi t Nwaber�d�redir 00250-2833-000 Attact�ments tList and Mumber all Attacl�men#s�: , �.�..�.�._.... - - - Resolution DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY A7TORNEY RfVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Reqvired? Resoiution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (��e Reverse Side for Instr�tfons)