85-184 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � / C unci Resolution , Presente By Referred To � ���/`� �—� Committee: Date � � � I '�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the proper City officers to execute on behalf of the City the acceptance of a $15,000 grant from the F. R. Bigelow Foundation to finance the purchase of hidden surveillance cameras. The purpose of the camera purchase is to assist the Police Department in robbery prevention and the apprehension of robbery suspects. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: pOLICE u Orew � ine Masanz In Favor M ddox N�cos�a d J ahon Iter scae�bei - __ Against BY CC � Sonnen il n �.�0 FEB - 7 1985 Form prove by C� y A rney Adopted by Council� Date �' Certified V• s: d y n .il , cr ar BY Y � FEB 1 2 1985 Approv d by Ma r Sub ' sion to Council Ap by lNayor: t — PUBLISHE�D F=F 3 1 �'� 1985 Po 1 i ce � • Q� ��_��'�� DE�AR�I�IENT t!� , Barbara Renshaw ' �ONTACT 292-3583 pHONE Janua rX 17� .19$5. � DATE �V�� �r � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routina Or�r (CTip Ali 'Lacations for Mayoral Signature�• par�ment Di r�ector R4� : RECE�E� Ci ty Attorney �/V�� 3 Director of Management/Ma�yor . �AN 1 8 l �AN 1 $ �� Firtance and Management Services D�rector 985 '�'�rOR'S oFFr�f C11y ATTpR City CTerk _ N�Y Budget Director What Wiil be 'Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials� (Purpose/Rationale)• Acceptance of a grant from' the F. R. Bigelow Foundation to finance the purchase Eif surveillance cameras to assist the Police Department in robbery prevention and the apprehension of .r.obbe:ry suspects. �Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurt�ber Charged or Credited: $15,000.00 Grant.to be de�6posited in new Activity #3411'7 (in the process of being set up). Attachment� (List and Number all Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes ,x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��- Yes x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�e� Reverse Side for Instructions) � ' " �-� -_ � �s��y �12. Resolution amending the Y985 budget by adding �163,213 to the Financing FIan and . to the Spendin; Plan f���overnr�enta�� Employinent and Training Programs ,, Dislocated � {9orker - SAFT. (PED) . -�Y,y',�i'�� 7,�' (�1i7��'u.� G�/1��� y�c.'�'c�����'� 13. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $133,500 to the Financing PIan and � to the Spending PIan for Governmental �mployme;�t and Training Pr ;r s�- Olcier IVorkers. (PED) }����,�� �; ��jy'� � ��f� � C�I��� 3�.-�Gr�1ryl.�� 14. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $48,254 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Emplo�ment �td Training Programs - JTP4 .- 60 Incentive/TAT. (PED)��,,���,� -��, �jy�� ���� l ��'1/I�Zf�i'd�4:��Q�'�'�17� 15. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by addin� �83�1,413 to the Financin� PIan and to the Spending Plan or Gove mental Emoloyment and �'I�aining P�ograms ��Ap - Su�r,,er Youth. (PED)��� �� ���7�1/� �/f��t'.� r��G�?�����X�-d� ` 16. Resolution amending the 19i9 Capital Improvement Buaget by transierr�ng $224,024 from the Downtoi�►n People blover to the Farm Credit Bank to Galt�er Plaza Si:yway (�220, 000) and to the Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Skyway ($�,024) and the 1980 Capital Improvement Budget by trans�erring $6I,565 from the Farn Credit Bank to American National Sky y to Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Skyway. (PED) �1^CS`-�' � `"/�j�J�l�'�-P� . 17. Resolution amendin.g `the 1985 bud�et by addzn; �20,Q00 to the Financing P}, n and to t he Spen d a.ng P lan for Specia l Projects - Police. (Police) j� �Ue� T� �� NOT Ol�' PREPARED AGEVDA: ]��ul!C'its�yeuthorizing acceptance of a �15,000 grant from the F.R. Bigelow Foundation to finance the purchase of hidden surveillance cameras. ' v��� � � . . _ _ _.__.... . __ _ _ _ _. . , _ _ _ , ,.,.�._,.-�-,-��.FS...-�...�.,,�.....�.�P.,...�. r✓'• '� '�C �. .• °�''�-� ''� ��rr� 1 -,�,:ti�� _��\.;�j,� ,l , O1� �1S�XN'2' �.c1UlJ ��� /��l ��•r'�-; � ,. �,;.; . =`:_' �� ;';:=:•1 -;;} orrxcr oz�� ►rr-rr cz��.�x COU\CLL '-�.1� is, ,�r;- `�`;. ".- ,'•��"{ � � D o t e %4.��:;;,�, i"�` • January 31, 1985 .y.:�.: _ _ .... CO {�1 �lf 1 i � � RE PO � -� i 4 = � 4��;; P�� ! Ciry �� un �ii FRO �fI = Co,°�t;�:;:�i�� o; F�nan�e � C�A l R JfU1ES SCHEIBEL 1• Approval of minutes from meeting held January 24, 1985. ,��.'���`-`� 2. Resolution amending the 1985 Capital Improvement Bud�et by transfe:ring �370,000 from Contingency to Downtown Streets. ' (Public Works) ,� �-�>1� �v�r � �-�S 3. CO��IIT"TEE-OF-THE-jVHOLE AND PUBLIC HE�RING Resolution placing the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation activities in reserve until District 2 is reorganized. , �-�-�� 01 e r f u�e�e�- 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by addin to the Spendin; Plan for Governmental Employment��and�Train�nthe G�ants1Minne o�and E.:ier�e�cy Erimloymen� Pr.ogram (H.E.E.D.) (PED) � /(,.e c?�r�-ne�� �c��, _ k�.-��,�r�c� -� �`cu.��,.�L �v%���' 5. Resolution amending the I985 bud;et by adding $99,82g to the Financing PIan and to the Spertding Plan for Governmental Eicmlovment d Tra�.ning P ograms - ocational " Education (AI locationl Regular. (PED),,���yy�� �; ��jy�� , � , p y� �1{�l''r1 TGt.tr�/'/I��t� �2.�u, 6. Res o 1 u t i o n a.r.i e n d i n; t h e I 9 8 5 b u dg e t by a d ding �I,355,257 to the Financino PIan and �t the S e di g Plan for Governmenta!� Emnloyment and Trai inQ T ,�LL�iY1'� �D LdZC/1GG% G(/t�tdZ�� � ' 7�'t/'�",z��t�ograms - JTFA II-:�. (PEJ- 7. esolution amending the I985 budget by adding $246,969 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental Employment and Tra�in� Progr ms - Refu�ee Targeted A�sistance Program - County Grant in Aid. (PED) � � lc�,P.dm�i?�16� � , �-�.�rr��. z� �%✓nu� dUi��:t' 8. Resolution amend���ino the I935 budget by adding �45 190 , to the Financin,; Plan and to the Spending Plan for Governmental E�:mlovmen�, a d Tz�p.ir.in�, P�O�TaII1S - VOC3i.I0IlaI Education - ;•iinority {+lomen. (PED) ���Y�,f' ��> (,��� , ' _ f � �/'����� � 9. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by �313,000 to t:�e Financing PIan and to the Spending Plan for Governmen� E:nployment and Trai in Pr r - Wor?cer - {Yhirlpool. (P�D) � � ,, i y � g_ams - Dislocate3 /��i,��� �� ����� �v�'�u�- r�c�m u�, i0. Resolution amending the I985 bud�et by addin� �117,017 to the Financ�ng Plan and to the Spending Plan for Gove me tal E�Iovment and Tra�.ning pro r cated �Vorker - PAC�L. (PED) ���`�( � y� g-ams - Dislo- �'�w � l���c� r�m�r '� ��. II. Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding �8;,691 to the Financin� Plan and to the Spending Plan for Gover;inental Eic�oloy ent and Trainv ng Progrwms -,,Vocational , � Education - Single btothers Project. (PED) n/u� � � C��.,_ p 1����� Y,����y%�� C::Y HALL Z`�'•/rY� L,liG (�� S�V�NTH FLOOR S�SINT P�.UL. ;�lI;`ti'ESUTA SS302 � ���-'zTI7 . .