85-183 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - �INANGE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council o� CAFJARV - DEPARTMENT File _ NO. ��_/" BLUE - MAVOR � �. uncil Resolution - ;� Present d By � Referred To ���� Committee: Date � '— °Z T"�S� Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1979 AND 1980 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS TO ESTABLISH APPROPRIA"fIONS FOR FARM CREDIT BANK TO GALTIER PLAZA SKYWAY AND BURLINGTON NORTHERN TO GALTIER PLAZA SKYWAY. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1979 and 1980 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and previously amended by the Council, are hereby amended as follows: � 1979 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Current Amended Capital Improvement Bond Fund Appropriations Chan es Appronriations Project: � Downtown People Mover (96079-001) $ 260,356 $ (224,024) $ 36,332 Farm Credit Bank to Galtier Plaza Pedestrian Skyway (96079-008) -0- 220,000 220,000 urlington Northern to Galtier �� Plaza Pedestrian Skyway � ` � (96079-009) -0- �24 4,024 Net Change -0- COUfVCILMEN Requested..by e artment of: Yeas Nays ` �, Fletcher � (.,.. �� °fe"' In Favor , � Masanz '� NICOSIB .. � �s� r' ,. scheibe� __ Against By � Tedesco Wilson t Form roved C' tt ney Adopted by Council: Date r Certified I'assed by Council Secretary BY ` By, Approved by �Navor. Date Ap o by Mayor for Sub ' ion o Council By B WMITE - C�7V CLERK � - PINK -�tINANCE COUnC1I CARIARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� /�� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1980 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT' BUDGET Current Amended Capital Improvement Bond Fund Appropriations Chan es Appropriations Project: Farm Credit Bank to American National Pedestrian Skyway (96080-003) $ 350,000 $ (61,565) $ 288,435 Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Pedestrian Skyway (96080-009) -0- _6r1,_56_5 61,565 Net Change � �'h� St. Paul Lozig-Rar_c,;:.C'�•�;•�_.; €:�Tr,�;t-n,,srt $t�dget Commi:tee r�:;;c�:�-�r t� :; .., . �':;;=1 (date) )—/.�L`�'� a;id ���r=.__,:.�.��'s . Approved by: ` � Signec�: Greg Blees, u get Di ctor .- Approved by: Cc• ��f�. ic-� 7 - �y ter Hames, Director of inance and Management Services COUfVCILMEN Requested b Department of: Yeas �� ���ays � l�/EIl! � Drew In Favor Masanz � NiCOSfa schetbel __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson FEg - 7 19$5 Form ved b Cit t r y Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P s ouncil et y BY . B �lpprov by lVlavor. Dat ` FE � Z 1985 App d by Mayor for Submis i C� ncil B B PUBL4SHE0 FFB 16 1985 ` � � y Pldnnin�, R FconnmiG Dev 1,n�omeB�pq�TF1ENT �.�-.��'� Carole Otto CONTACT 292-1577 ex. 206 pHONE 12-24-84 DATE ���� �r � ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nuaiber for Routing Order (Clip Alt Locations for Ma�yoral Signature,� ��� Departa�ent Di rector �5����,zs R`C�,�V City Attorney � `�'��qN EO Director of Management/Ma�yor Mqy � 5198S � F i n a n c e a n d M a n a g e m e n t Serv ices D irec t�'S pFF��£ _ R E C E I V E D :;�.. 6 City Clerk D::� 2� 1984 � Budget Director � . OFFICE OF THE Df,=cECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FiiVANCE AND MANAGEN;EN7 SERVICES i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)• Activity has ceased on the Downtown People Mover project with a balance of $224,024 in the capital improvement budget fund (9607,9-001) , and the Farm Credit Bank Skyway Bridge to the American National Bank has been completed with a balance of $61,565 in the CIB fund (96080-003) . The Department of Planning and Economic Development is proposing these balances be used to construct two skyway bridges for the Galtier Plaza project. These bridges will connect Farm Credit Banks and the 6urlington Northern building to Galtier Plaza to provide the needed links for pedestrian traffic. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Fu�ding Source and Fund Activity Nw�er Charged or Credited: 96079-001 ($224,024) Downtown People Mover 96079-088 $ 220,000 Farm Credit Bank to Galtier Plaza Pedestrian Skyway 960�9tach9m�nt4�,024ist�an�'Num�eNr all rAttachGiaents r. Plaza Skyway « � 96080-003 ($61,565) Farm Credit Bank to Am. Nat'1 Ped. Skywa,y Resolution 96080-009 $61,565 Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Ped. Skyway DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? Resolution uired? ✓ Yes No q Req Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No /✓� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of Qctober, 1982 (�pe RPVPI"SP SidP for �Instructions) � ;w --;;,. . � �-r ` '� `/� . r'� .`(�' �'• V�r.PY O� �1S�XN��, ¢3 �{� � Y��. �,.,. ..-_=r�,� ��1 'tS��� . . Jl� .C�V TJ � 3 �J•. ,�� f� `' •! ♦\ ��i.. . " __.,, `-�,..-. •.:� �:�1 d ori,zcr ox+� ►��r-rr rz�l�x coU� �� '='`;� sl:f_t�: :.,� �� � C,_L `ti�� _�- �-, ��• . Ddte ��.^�•�r;;; �"�� • January 31, 1985 �:L:, _ .... � O �i1f�l (i i � � REPO � -� � i � ' Jt'Qi�';i P�13 � � ti jt Cc�t#s'ZCt � F� Of�r� = Cc�i°�tc::iii?� � fl=� Finance � C E-�A I R JfU1ES SCHEIBEL I. Anproval of minutes from meeting he,ld January 24, Iggs, �'��c'��el%� 2. Resolution amending the 1985 Capital Improvement Bud�et by trans�erring $370,000 from Continoency to Downtown Streets. ` (Puolic Works) �-�}>17 �v�r � w�s 3. COb�tITTEE-OF-THE-iVHOLE AND PUBLIC HEaRING Resolution placing the public funds remaining for District 2's Citizen Participation activities in reserve until District 2 is reor;anized. �-�-I�1 01r e Y' � �t1�'2k-- 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $5,553,5�8 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending PIan for Governmental Employmen and Trainin� Emeroe�cy Eriroloymen� P ogram (�1,g,E.D. Grants Minnesot5� , f�,4' �-CrY�i'!Zc'�7L tt�CJh, ) (PED) ��'�YQc� �D �Gtt/J� LU//;�jvz.� S, Resolution amendin� the I985 i�ud�et by adding �99,828 to the Financing PIan and to the Spending PIan for Governmental Ercmlovment and Trajning P ograms - ocational � ' Education (Allocationl Re;ular. (pED� �,,f�y�,(% � / ,���� �y ,�..� t�Cl �lJl��'71��" r'z°!.'P1Y�'�/I?'�XX�L'�2��1 6. Resolution ar.lending the I985 budget b addin Y g �I,355,257 to the Financing Plan and t the S e di g PT a�, for Governmenta E m n l o y m e n t an d Trai in� ��'Q.�r� -�d (�u��% �Ci/��c,21� Programs - JTPA II-:�. (PED` 7. e s o lution amending the 1985 bud�;at by addin������/�����I � $246,969 to the Financin� PIan and to the Soending Plan for Governmental Ermloyment and Tra' inQ ProgT3TRS ,- Refugee Targeted As�sistance Program - County Grant in Aid: PED � f fc.�,�D��yl � .�;���rr��" � ���lu:c° lU��u� 8. Resolution amen��the 1935 budget by addinQ �45 19Q the Spending Plan for Governmentai E�lovment, a d�T rzir.�n,hProgramslnsVocanionalto Education - t•finorit;r iYomen. (PE�) �'����' �, �,�j?� /,' ,�/ ' l��Z�Oj�".��.�E��ln 9. Resolution ar.iending the I985 bud�et by �;I8,000 to the Financing P1an and to the Spending Plan for Governmen� E:�nloymer,t and Tr'ai�in� PrQgrams - Dislocated ' Worker - jYhirlpool. (PE�)����yi,� � ��"v' �' �, �v�� r�4� f 10. Resolu�ion amending the I985 budget by addin� �1I7,017 to the Financ�ng Plan and to the Spending Plan for Gove me taI Errwlo ment and Tra nin� � cated iVorker - PAC�L. (PED) ����yY�� �i �' � � PT°�-ams� - Dislo- ����c.-�' l��`��cGZL�- r��lrnirrr�>�o�';��t.., II. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �8;,691 to the Fircancina to the Spendin� Plan for Governmental E:cmloy ent and Trainina ° plan and Education - Single hlothers Project. (PED � � PTO�rams -,Vocational � z�n��� � ���.� '` Gvr,�"�" y�.�����;l�i Ci:Y HALL S�VENTH F LOOI. S:�INT P�.UL. �iI�:\'ESUTA 5�IO? .��.u _ _ :��;� ��/� I2. Resolution amending the 1985 bud;et by adding �163,213 to the Financing Plan and ,.a. ttr the Spending Plan for� C�overnmental� E�nployment and Training Programs - Dislocated iYorker - SAFT. (PED) . Jl,�y=!'jy!y',�� �i �.�iZ�,'%'GC� (,r"J1�'rti;�l,u r'�YL�"r�/�'/,��'�''-�'L 13. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �133,500 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for fGovernmental :rmloymezt and Trainin� Pr ;r�!s��- Older �Yorkers. (PED)�'��,�,r,� � (;�%j,l�i'✓('� ��I7L�lL� ��c��"/ll�"1G�'��-��C�., 14. Resolution amendiri� the I985 budget by adding �48,254 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Gove�rn/mental Emplo�ment �.nd Training Programs - JTPA ,- 6a Incentive/TAT. (PED)I��,�y.�U;' ���; �j/'u.0 �j/L�G�i� j-,,��C�)�,LY���..l����7 15. Resolution amending the 1985 bud�et by addin� �8.i�.,413 to the Financing Plan and to the Spendino Plan or Gove�mental Emolovment and rTrainin� Programs - ,�.. A S umr,e r You th. (P E D)������t� tL c1U�fi"/'l�c� �,(/���� �.L�.�('-DY ��-�� � ! °>��: �sa�;t�it��:�endin� the 19i9 Capital Improvement Budget dy trans�err�ng �224,024 from the Doc�ntocJn People .lover to the Farm Credit Bank to Galtier Plaza Si:yway ($220,000) and to the Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Skyway ($4,024) and the 1980 Capital Iurorovement Budget by transferring �61,565 from the Far,n Credit Bank to American National Sky ay to Burlington Northern to Galtier Plaza Skyway. (PED) �'�SS � -��{�rz�v�-� . 17. Resolution amendin�g `the 1985 bud;et by addin� �20,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Special Projects - Police. (Police) j� ��j,������ rI NOT Ot� PREPARED AGcVDA: Resoultion authorizing acceptance of a $15,000 grant from the F.R. Bigelow Foundation to finance the purchase of hidden surveillance cameras. r�v�,���-`. �� . _ . . _ . . .. ....... ..__.. _ � _ _ . ... � .. .. _. _.., ._ . _., .._.r.�._.�,,�.�.� ., „ . . ..�..�,> .