85-179 WHITE - CiYV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• ��_/� • BLUE - MAVOR 1 Cou cil Re lution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The City of Saint Paul has requested that the Department of Transportation grant a variance from the State ' s standards for . design of urban roadways for the reconstruction of Como Avenue from Capitol Heights to Jessamine Avenue; and WHEREAS , The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance has been granted upon condition that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopt a resolution indemnifying, saving and holding harmless the State of Minnesota from any claims arising out of the granting of this variance; and WHEREAS , The City has no other option available to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demands of the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition to receiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Section 8820. 9912 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the State of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of any nature or character arising out of or by reason of, in any manner , the reconstruction of MSAS 232 and 117 (Como Avenue) from Capitol Heights to Jessamine Avenue, in any other manner than as a design speed of 30 miles per hour, and the required street widths of 60, 62, 68 and 72 feet in accordance with the Minnesota Rules � 8820.3300, and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising as a result of the granting of this variance. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: �1�' Yeas Nays � M�ZrDrew � �TEK� `5��� [n Favor P Nicosia ta �, scne+bei __ Against BY redesco Witson Adopted by Council: Date FEB — 7 1985 Form Approved C y tE rne Certified Pas e unci Secr ry BY A►ppr� by ;�,a�o�: Da�e �EB � Z 1985 Approved by Ma or r Submission to Council By BY ����� FEa 16 1985