D00774CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OP THE MAYOR 850,543.55 57,600.00 29,000.00 0.00 937,143.55 - - - - -- � — ADMINISTRATIVE Date: - • ORDER GS#: 34461 BUDGET REVISION �• Io�'2 E�D�III�TY$TRATIVE ORDER Consisteni with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of pnh 1 i � wr,rk� toamendthel9�Lbudgetofthe (:anital Prn�cta tund,theDirectorofttieDepartmeM of Fnance and Managemerrt Services is au orizt�i ed to amend said budget in the fottovring manner: Curtent Bu�fget FINANCING PLAN C91-2S032-25029 Thomas-Hamline-Dale 1991 MSA 1991 PIA Sewer Repair Fund-91 Sewer Repair Fund-90 r1 LJ SPENDING PLAN C91-2S032-25029 Thomas-Hamline-Dale Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C90-2T613 Major Sewer Repairs-90 Sewer Repair Fund No.: Jw� 1 a�. ► �5 11,017.73 11,017.73 850,543.55 57,600.00 29, 000.00 11,017.73 948,161.28 7 95, 000.00 195, 000.00 742,143.55 11,017.73 753,161.28 937,143.55 11,017.73 948,161.28 439,437.14 -1'1,017.73 428,4�9.4� 439,437.14 -11,017.73 428,419.41 u CITY OF SAINT PAUI. OFFICE OF fiHE MAYOR • No.: VVJ `�`f Date: �� 1 (�'IJ GS �: 34461 p. z c� z ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ConsisteM with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Public Works to amendthe 19 gLhudgetofthe fund, the Director of the Departmerrt of Finance and ManagemeM Services is authonzed to amen said budget in the foliowing manner: SPENDING PLAN C90-2T613 Major Sewer Repairs-90 Construction Plan Construction . Curtent Miended Bud�et � Budget 137,119.53 137,119.53 302,317.61 -11,017.73 291,299.88 439,437.14 -11,017.73 428,419.41 • � ��Y:PctivrtyMana9er �rl �� RApuest9d bY- �ePartmerrt irecro� ��'�'��/�' W/ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Appmvade ayor � ' r `� l z - C��-`� � Wte � DEPApiMENTOFFICE/COUNCIL + Public Works � � CONTA(T PERSON & PHONE ��� Michael7. Eggum 266-6143 MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGEN�A BY (DA"fEJ AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i l/20/95 ass�cn GREEN SHEET���y IN A7E INf �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR Q CITYCOUNCIL _ :rrrnnowaev fn crnc�nK ASSI5TANn (CLIP ALL IACATIONS F9Fi 51GNATUP� � CAP PAQI �AR/Z� O lld� Appraval of attzched Adminisuative Ocder hansfening 1990 Major Sewer Repair funding to the Thomas-Hamline to Dale Reconstruction project. RECOMMFJJ�AiIONSApprove (A) or Rejeq (R) PIANNINGCpAAM{SSION CM�SERVlCECAMMISSI�N CIB CAMMITiEE A STAFF _ DISTRICCCAUNCII _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAl, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis.persoNFirtn ever worked uMer a co'rtract iorthis department? YES NO 2. Has U»is personffrtm everbeen a aty employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNFirtn possess a ski11 not rrortnally possesseU by any current ciiy employee? YES NO Explain afl yes answers on separate sheet anA attach to green sheet INITIA77NG PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORNNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): There was addidonal sewer repair work done under this paving contract, necessitating a transfer of major sewer repair funding. ADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED: Spending and financing budget will reflect acmal cosu and revenues. e°S �v;;�_;'',. . a `•�t' DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Spending and financing budgets will be inaccurate. RECEIVE[� DEC 11 lgg� �'G§� L �i .�:J� ��9DGE� O���L� CITY GLE#2� OFiRANSACf10N$ Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) yES No FUNDiNG SoURCE 1990 Major Sewer Repair Funds ACT1VrTY NUMeER C91-2S032 & C90-2T613 FlNANCIA� INFORMATION: (EXPV+IN) � � Transfers - $11,017.73