85-161 WHITE - C�TV CLERK P�NK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �j CANAR:i- DEPARTMENT File NO. u� /T/ OLUE - MAVOR 1 " Council Resolution Presented By V Referred To r Committee: Date � �� �-� Out of Committee By Date AMENDING THE 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE REQUIRED ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE BROADWAY-SIXTH STORM SEWER PROJECT WFiEREAS, the estimated project cost for the Broadway-Sixth Storm Sewer has been increased to $1,400,000 to reflect the expected construction difficulty and expanded scope of the project which provides for storm sewer separation in the area of downtown bounded by Jackson Street, I.S. 94 and Broadway Street; and WHEREAS, the current approved funding is ��40;000 With scheduled construction in 1985 to precede proposed overlaying of streets in downtown; therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Current New Year Fund Log No. Project Balance Transfer Balance - SAC Held in Credit : 62957 Sewer Availability Credits $893,636.00 $425,970.29 $467,665.71 1981 WPAB 5-0703 St. Anthony Hill-Western Tunnel $218,029.71 $218,029.71 -0- Right-of-Way 5-1263R (project is completed and terminated) 1983 WPAB 5-0703 St. Anthony Hill-Western Tunnel $216,000.00 $216,000.00 -0- Construction 5-1263B2 (project is completed and terminated) Page 1 of 2 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher PUb1iC WOY'kS °'ew [n Favor � Masanz Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco ck Wilson Form Appro e by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by Nlavor: Date App by Mayor for Sub ' io to uncil BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council / CANARi�- DEPARTMENT File NO. � �T/ BLU� - MAVOR 1 �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date APPROPRIATION ANALYSIS: BROADWAY-SIXTH STORM SEWER (LOG NO. 5-1702) Year Fund Current Appropriation Change Amended Appropriation Assessments $108,000.00 $ -0- $ 108,000.00 SAC -0-- . ' +4�5,,970.�9 425,970.29 1984 WPAB 216,000.00 -0- 216,000.00 1985 WPAB 216,000.00 -0- 216,000.00 1981 WPAB -0- +218,029.71 218,029.71 1983 WPAB -0- +216,000.00 2I6,000.00 $540�000:00 $860�0OO:OC7 $1,400,000.00 1Ls St.�ilil 1r0Ao•�d���1����4� BudQst Comm�tta�����e������� (d ) � � _..��i�t�d��R����� , � , � APPROVED FOR FUNDING APPROVED � - � ��� � Z-��-�y D' r, Finance & anag nt Servic ���\ Budget r tor ��- Page 2 o f 2 COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .� Dr�e°����"� � Public Works Masanz [n Favor Nleesia -eehewet � _ Against BY � � Tedesco ck Wilson JAN 3 1 1985 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cerlified P• •- d Counci , r r BY By tapp y iVlavor: Date [FEB — 1 1985 Ap rov d ayor for Sub ' s n to Council By PUB�IS�tE�o FEE� �3 1985 `�H:�"�`��` .' �=;y ����-�.�y C�T� ox+� S.�xz�� �.�.rr� ` �- f :. ;�. � �� ��S /lo/ _�-�:;�' -�;:;:5�:� l,�� orrxcr oii� �rFxr: c.x���r coU�-c.��. � �;�..�,.:,; . ., ej . y '.y'2�i ��� lt,t� . �.' • ��^�� �>r , Da te • � �,f;,, � � • January 24, 1985 ����`+ �:a _ .... C a i�l i1� I E?' � � F� E P O � �' '�'4 = S4tn? �'au � Ci�y Coc� ��i! ��� � . �����i g�� ��'' FTNANCE, MANAGEI�NT F, PERSONNEL � � C H A t R JAMES SCHEIBEL � � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held Janua.ry 17, 1985. � rOUt°-4� : 2. (Comadttee-of-the-6Yhole) . Resoiution amending Section 5.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residencs - ��'d allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Personnel) ►D- Ove.r a , �,�,e�e.t�s . s. (Commi.ttee-of-the-itihole) � . Resolution amending Section I4 of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to promotion ��� 't,DenOV�Y oZ W�'e�S 4. Resolution amending Section 3.K of the Civil Service Rules by striking from Grade 18 titles as listed and substituting the titte of Librarian IV. (Personnel) ,�.�rbV'�.� S. Resolution amending the I985 bud�et and adding $65,000 to the Financin; Plan and to the Spendino Plan for PED Operations Fund-National Endot�rment or the Arts-Cityscape Comnetition ' 85 - iVorld Trade Center Plaza.' (pED)� �`�f/�(� �� 6. Resolution amending the I981, 1982 and 1984 Capital Improvement Budget and transfer�-ina amounts as Iisted from projects as Iisted to Burlington Road Lighting ($58,300) and English Street ($37,605.20) . (Public iYorks) ,[j����� r' 7. Resolution amending the 1985 Capital Inm rovement Budget by transferring $370,000 from Contingency to Downtown Streets. (Public iVorks) 1 /1.�i� O� f t 1i1���j ��7 v e...- ( W fl 8: Resoiution .a�nding the� 1981, 1983 and 1985 Capital I�rove�ent Budge�t and tr2nsferring � �86Q,OOD to the Broadway-Sixth Storm Sewer Project. (Puolic jVorks / . . . � �ppro��./ 9. Resolution amending the 198Z-1985 Canital Improvement B dget and transferring furiding for the Ford Parkway Project. (Public Works)�����o„/ ..�.c! 10. Resolution amen ding the Capital Ircm rovement Budget to�increase funding to comnlete the East Central Business District (ECBD) Bypass study and to do an Environmenta; __ Ir:mact Study (EIS) for the ECBD Bypass and Shepard Road Projects. (Public tVorks) �pro�' as _���i.���� - � : �'ITY HALL SEVENTFI FLOOR SAINT PAUL, riii`NESQTA SSI02 . •��'c�r u � . . ..., ..........._......_....__.,.......:_ .r.-...,w,,..,.,,�-Im•.^...,,..., ........'-"..._.._.......r-.a -.,...........--.,.....:,-...P