85-158 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� �� BLUE - MAVOR � C unc 'l Resolution Presented By � ^ � p. � �Referred To �l ��'A��—l� Committee: Date 1 � '"-6 � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 126 PED Operations Fund 36051-3699 National Endowment for the Arts - $ -0- $50,000 $50,000 Cityscape Competition '85 36051-4099 Competition Registration Fees -0- 15 000 15,000 $! -0- 65,000 6$�,� SPENDING PLAN 126 PED Operations Fund 36051-219 Professional Services - Other $ -0- $41,500 $41,500 36051-221 Postage -0"- 2,000 2,D00 36051-241 Printing - Outside -0- 6,400 6,400 36051-251 Transportation -0- 1,600 1,600 36051-252 Lodging, Meals, Etc. -0- 1,400 1,400 36051-259 Other Travel , Training, Dues -0- 1;000 1,D00 36051-289 Rentals - Miscellaneous" -0- 4,500 4,500 36051-299 Other Miscellaneous Services -0- 6,600 6,600 � -0- 65,000 65,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 Budget. �, I,��� �^2-� UJ COUNCILMEN Requested � Depa ent of: Yeas Nays � �Nhe* 'r�ON11�G✓ Drew In Favor Masanz � i�icelle� ,s.tie�sk __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco W ilson JAN 3 1 1g85 Form Approv City A torney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P ss d y ouncil , t BY � � gy, Approv Mavor: Date FEB — � Appr by Mayor for Submiss to buncil By P USH�C� F�:; . 1y�5 . . � �Q'��S—��cS�'' PED DEPARTI•1ENT Corrine S. Haas �QNTACT ��°�� 292-1577, ext. 226 PHONE �,2g,84 �TE reen e e � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for oral Si atur� : Department Di rector . , . ci�► atto�y RECEIVED 5 Di rector of Management/Ma�yor �A N 2 ��5 - ctor 6 City Clerk 4 Budget Director FtECE��� CITY ATTORNEY �pr� 2 '�a� — '""YOR'S OFfIC� �lhat Wial be Achieved by Taking Actton on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): ,qg�Budget will be amended to provide for the receipt of the National Endowment for the Arts grant for the purpose of sponsoring a national design competition as part of the development of the World Trade Center Plaza (Block 22) Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Mtici�ated: See above Fundiag Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: 126 PED Operations Fund 36051-219 36051-251 36051-252 36051-241 36051-3699 36051-221 36051-259 36051-289 36051-299 ����fi��i`�s (list and Number all Attachments�: 1. Council Resolution . 2. Council Resolution 84-1/35 Dated 8/7/84 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Coti�cil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? >c Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (SPP RPVPI^CP SidP for �Instructions) ,�;;,�;r.:.,;,-�. G`IT�" OX+' -� .��:-;n- �:;�� ►�.�1N"T �.�.U".�., /�- /S-� ' y -�� ��- - - ' Lr � f,:: ; �,� � �i=:� �-��::>��'l t`�'� or:�,rcr o�t� 2��rr, cz���r cau�Yci�. - t S �i�:a:-: _1.;! lL�� ( . i"� '��" f�c 1985 � '� '�,,�,� b D o t e . January 24, �S��;:�t-��;�:�� ' . .-��+'�" •r... C4i�� [�# f r 7' � � F� E PO � `�' �'O = SQin? �'Q� i City CO��n�it . �4 fl M = C O�;I j�j j�'�� �i; FTNANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL ' � C�I A l R JAMES SCHEIBEL � � I. Approval of minutes from meeting held Janua.ry 17, 1985. � rpUL°-G� 2. (Commi.ttee-of-the-{Yhole) • Resolution amending Section S.D of the Civil Service Rul.es pertaining to Residence � �d allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Personnel) �'�� OVer a . �,e,e.lc,s . 3. (Commi.ttee-of-the-iVhole) � . Resolution amending Section I4 of the� Civil Service Rules pertaining to promotion equirements. '�..+� �D o v�Y a r..,��e�e�s 4. Resolution amending Section 3.K of the Civil Service Rules by striking from Grade 18 titles as Iisted and substituting the title oi Librarian IV. (Personnel) �.��6V�� 5- - �,esoiutatc�:amsnd,�.:t�g ;the 1985 bud�et and adding $65,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund-National Endow►nent or the �rts-Cityscape Competition ' 85 - iVorld Trade Center Plaza.' (PED)� ��!/�(� � b. Resolution amending the I98I, I982 and 1984 Capital Improvement Budget and transferrin� anounts as listed from projects as Iisted to Burlin�ton Road Lighting (558,300) and English Street ($37,605.20} , (public jVoxks) lj.j.n���/pa r�� ..�t 7. Resolution amending the I985 Ca�ital Imorove:r.ent Budoet by transferring $370,000 from Contingency to Downtown Streets. (Public works)��� O y f I�i1��1j e�._ � w ��, 8. Resolution amending the� I981, I983 and I985 Capital Irrmrove:nent Budget and transferring �860,000 to the Broadway-Sixth Storm Sewer Project. (Puolic jVorks) �nnj-��� /"t' 9. Resolution amending the 1981-1985 Capital Improvement B dget and transferring funding for the Ford Parkway Project. (Public Works)�r���;;o,,�/ r �y 10. Resolution amending the Capital I�rovement Budget to�increase funding to comnlete the East Central Business District (ECBD) Bypass study and to do an Environmenta; ._ Imnact Study (EIS) for the ECBD Bypass and Shepard Road Projects. (public �Varks) �Pi�Q1� QS _��c.%���� . �'ITY HALL SEVENTFI FLOOIt SATNT PAUL, I�ili`NESOTA 55202 •�'„-',1�,r u .. • - � „� «EkK �ommuniLy � P��+✓ - FINANCE COUIICIL BLUEQV - MAPORTMENT Development G I TY O P� SA I NT ��A iJ L F��e NO.�_�- 1 , f � � � Counci�? Resolution ������ Presented By �'- /� � -�,� � {/Refe:red To �—� Committee: Date a ''' / —U Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul applied tur a grant from the NatipnaZ Er.:��ent for the Arts Design Arts Program on May 20, 1983; and _ WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts has approved a grant of $SG,-�00.00 (for federal FY 1985 pending the availability of funds approved by Congress) , �he purpose of sponsoring a national design competition as part of the developmer.-' af the World Trade Center Plaza (Block 22) ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authc:'jzed to prepare to execute the sponsorship of a national design competition in coopez� tion with the National Endowment for the Arts; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby �ccept the National Endowment for the Arts grant, conditioned upon the execution of `=ne grant agreement and contract between the City and the National Endowment for :'�►e Arts. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: .F�atcha� r�-Yiviyc � P (Communit Develo ment Divi�= �n) °feN' In Favor �— Mssanz � ��) Nicosia ���� � -sct�st� � A ga i n s t BY -- Tedesco -VHitaon AUG 2 3 198� Form Approve City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified a5•ed.\b} �ouncil , ret BY � B � ���=—\\���.�`-, ' . Approve 14avor. Date AuG 7 198� Ap roved by Mayor for S i �.ierfto Co�zc��� • By t' � ' /� "'�—�.— BS'� ',� ^y r'� �� �^_ -- � ��PUBUSHED S F p _ 1 1984 .