PINK . -,.FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �''`
Valuations — Room z�8 Counci Resol ion
Presented By J
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution 84-1150
adopted August 23, 1984 vacated certain land and by Resolution 84-1394
adopted October 11, 1984 waived certain utility easements, and by Resolution
84-1520 adopted November 8, 1984 vacated certain slopes, cuts and fills, all
within the City of Saint Paul, said land is described as follows;
Parcel I
All that part of Oonway Street lying west of a line drawn fram
the northeast corner of Lot l, Block 9, Eastview Addition No. 5
Saint Paul Minnesota to the southeast oorner of Lot 8, Block 5,
Eastview Addition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minn. and east of the follocn�
ing c�scribed line:
Froan a point on the north line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdivision 62, City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet
w�est of the northeast corner of said Block 15, run
northerly at an angle of 87 degrees 27 minutes 08
seconds with said north block line (when measured
fran east to north) for 159.42 feet thence deflect
to the left at an angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes
00 seconds for 181.18 feet thence deflect to the
left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 minutes 00
sec�ds for 349.42 feet to the point of beginning
of line to be described; thence deflect to the
right at an angle of 121 degrees 48 minutes
45 seconds for 1000 feet and there termi.nating;
all in Block 5, Eastview Addition No. 3, avcord-
ing to the plat thereof on file and of record in
the offioe of the Registrar of Titles.
COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
��c Sonnen
� Drew In Favor FinancP & Mana,gPmPnt Sprvi�PG
scnetbe� __ Against BY
Tedesco Director
Form Approved by City A�tt,or�ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � 23�5
E�pproved by 1Aavor: Date Ap ro by Mayor for Su ssi to C�ouncil
By B
CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� /� •
Valuations - Room 2�8 Council Resol tion
� `
% �.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Parcel II
All that part of Etna Street lying south of a line drawn froan the
northeast corner of Lot l, Block 5 to the nprthwest corner of
I,�t 30, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and
north of a line drawn froam the southeast corner of Lot l, Block 4
Eastview Addition No. 5 Saint Paul, Minnesota to the southwest oorner
of Lot 15, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3, Saint Paul, Minn.
WHEREAS, The legal descriptions of Parcel I and Parcel II in said
resolutions have been determined to be incorrect.
THF_RFFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the descr iptions of Parcel I and II in
Resolution 84-1150 adopted August 23, 1984, Resolution 84-1394, adopted
October ll, 1984 ancl Resolution 84-1520, adopted November 8, 1984, are hereby
rescinded and replaced with the follawing descriptions:
Parcel I
All that part of (bnway Street lying w�est of a line drawn fran the
northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 9, Eastview Additi� No. 5 Saint Paul
Minnesota to the Southeast oorner of Lot 8, Block 5, Eastview A�dition
No. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and east of the follawing described line:
Froan a point on the r�rth line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdivision 62, City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet
w�est of the northeast corner of said Block 15, run
northerly at an angle of 87 degrees 27 mi.nutes 08 seconds
with said north block line (when measured fram east to
north) for 159.42 feet thence deflect to the left at an
COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na s
�� Sonn�n
Drew Finance & Mana�ement Serv;rP�
In Favor
Scheibel __ Against BY
redesco Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By� ," ��--P � lz3 /g�-
�#pproved by �Navor: Date _ Appr y Mayor for Submi on t Co ncil
By By
Return to: Valuations COUnC • �es� �i�n
Room 218
,� � �
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
anqle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds for 181.18 feet;
thenoe deflect to the left at an angle of 120 degrees
56 minutes 00 seconds for 349.42 feet to the point of
beginning of line to be described, thence deflect to
the right at an angle of 121 degrees 48 minutes 45
seconds for 1000 feet and there terminating.
Parcel II
Al1 that part of Etna Street lying south of a line drawn fro�n the
northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5 t�o the northwest corner of
Lot 30, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and
north of the westerly extension of the south line of Lot 15,
Block 4, Eastview A�ldition I�. 3.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in all other respects Council Resolution
C.F. 84-1150, C.F. 84-1394 and C.F. 84-1520 shall remain in full force and
BE IT FURTf�R RESOLVED, that upon passage of this Resolution the City .
Clerk file a copy of this Resolution for recording in the office of the
Ramsey County Recorder.
COUIVCILMEN Requested b ar ment of:
Yeas Nays
x�i� Sonnen
o`e'"' [n Favor
scheibei � _ Against BY
Tedesco Direc tor
JAN 2 9 �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
� �23�$�
Certified a•• unci , Bye`�\��.� �
sy 'r.
E�p by 14lavor. Date � Ap y Mayor for Subm' ouncil
PtlBUSHE�D F E B � 1985
^ _ __ .
WHITE CITV "CLERK .. . �`/��J . � � ..
PINKj •- FINANCE `..�VU — ' - � � �
UE MAVOR �- F11C �O. /J ���
���� T� .
�=u� to: o�.,�t#�� �^ouncil Resolutiori� ��=��r
Roota 218 '' • _
Presented By ;'' � .,.�,.,.� �'� ' � . . ,�,;,�r:#�
: ......�._.t::. '�.w ,d '
Referred To Committee: Date �/�c�_���
Out of Committee By ±r�!�it,�;�,;�� ;��.;r,� � ... � �
.:,��..�;, i�;,,fs����
� ... � ... � .� ... .�. .. .. .. ` .if f6V`r . �o, -
WF�AS, the �oeu�cil of tt�e City of Saint Paul by pouncil Resolutian,
C.F. No. 84-1150, adopted August 23, �984, did vacate certain sections of
public street and public alley located in the City of Saint Paul, and
speciffcally described as fol2ows:
P�rc�el I
ALl that prart of Oanway Street lying west of a line drawn fram the nort�east
oorner of Lat l, 81ock 9 Ea�tvfew Addition Na. 5 3aint Psul Mirmesota► tA the
southeast vorner of Lot 8, Block 5, Eastvfew Addition No. 3 Saint Paul,
l�iirnz. ar�d east oE tl�e foLtowing described line:
From a point an the north line of B1ock 15, AuditQr's Subdivisian 62,
City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet west of the r�rtheast corner of
said Block 15, run northerly at ari angle of 87 degrees 27 minutes 08
seoonds with said north block line (when measured fraa east to north) .
for 159.42 feet; thence deflect bo the left at an angle of 04 degrees �
Ob minutes 00 seoonds for 181.18 feetf thenoe cl�flect bo the left at�
an angle of 120 degrees 56 minutes 00 secoc�ds for 349.42 feet to the
point of begi.r�fng of line to be describedt thenoe de£I.ect t� the
right at an angle of 121 degrees 48 minutes 45 seoor�ds for 1000 feet
and there terminating; all in Black 5, Tastview Addition No. 3,
a000rding to the plat thereof an file and of reoxd in the offioe of
the Aegistrar of Titles.
Parael II
All that gart of Stna Street lying south of a line drawn from the northeast
corner of Lot l, Block 5 to the northwest oorner of Lot 30, Block 4,
Eastview Additio� No. 3 Saint Paul, Minn. and north of a line drawn froRa the
southeast v�rner of Iat l, B1ock 4 Eastview Addition Na 5 Saint Pau1, Minn.
to the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3, Saint
Paul, Minn.
Yeas ���ays Requested by Department of:
xax� Dren [n Favor F1aa�r� j' I�"�¢�t S°r,�ces
Msaanz � _.,:,_-.
Nlcosia ;, �% r �r
Sche�bel _ __ Against By':="-��!=r-' -�'�j'.?��-''
7edesco Director �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ��
�;��-:r ��, �� � � ! �.; , �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
l�pproved by d4avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By gY i
.�CITV CLERK � � � � � � � -. ....
. • -• FINANCE , � � �� . . ' ' �
�� � -�`DEfVARTMENT TY OF• SA I NT PAU Council � �
• %��( �y � File N 0. ���'''%T�—
�� t�: o��=i�8 ouncil Resolutiori ��—���
� u$ ; .
Presented By 1�;� � '�:, �
""�'`^�...J �'-'z-'.`-a!'t--��1,.!',..('.'(..r
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
A1.�, � the petition of the Housing ar�d i�ecievelop�ient Authority that
the following easement for highway purposes on, over and across the
fo�c�win� c3escritxd land be anc3 the sa�e is hereby v�;atecl, ta wit:
All that part of the following described tract:
L�t 1, Blocic 9, Eastview Adr3ition No. 5, according to the plat
thereof on file aix3 af record in the offioe of the (bunty Recorcier
in and f�r Itamsey (bc�nty, Niinnesataj which lies nortberly of the
westeriy exterision of t,`�e south jine ot LoL 15, Block 4, �,astview
. Addition No. 3 and �aster.ty of Line 1 described below;
Line l. Fran a point on the north 1.irye of Blocic 15, Auditor's
Sut�division 62, City of St. Paul, distant 2:i7.05 feet w�est of the
n�rtt�east corner of said Bloek 15, run northerly at an angle of 87
degzees 27 minutes 08 se�oncis fran said north block line (when
u�easured from east to north) for 159.42 feet; thenoe deflect to
tt�e left at an angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 00 s�ds for
181.18 feet; thenoe deflect to th�e left at an angle of 1'l0
ciegrees 55 minutes 0� secands for 10U0 feet to the point of
the be�i.nninq of Line I t,o be descrit�ed; thenoe run northeasterly
along the last descri�d vourse for �39.30 feet; thence c3ef3.ect to
the left c�n a 28 degree 3II minute 5� sevor� curve (deTta angl.e 58
degre�s 11 rainutes 15 seoonds) for 203.11 feet; then� an tangent
to said curv�e for 500 feet anc3 tt�ere terminating.
ALso. all of the following described tract:
Lots 1, 2, 7 ar�d F3 anc3 all of Lots 3 arx3 6 �hich l.i�s easterly
of the fo,�l.vwin� describec3 lirie: Fran a point or� the r�rth
lfne c�f i�lcx:k 15, Auditor's Subdivision b2, �ity of St. Paul,
distant 237.05 feet +�st of the northe�st varner of �s,�id
Yeas ��ays Requested by Department of:
nnasan: [n Favor ��� & ManaRm�ent Servicea
Nicosia •, .` ,
scheibe� __ Against By'.���r.��":�/ ,�rfi+" r� ,�,
wusor, Director
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary gy r
Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ _ — BY . I
�/� - FINANCE�K COLLflCll `
���y, �� � File N 0.
Qal�t� ouncil Reso.lution �'�����"
�r� to: �
Bo� Zl8 , .
r� � f ,
Presented By _ .Y=+- .=—, ..� -.c-.-�.�-± •f�..�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
B1ock 15, run rx�rtt�rly at an arx.}le of 87 degrees 27 minutes 08 j
se�n�x3s with said rr�rth b.l.ock line {when measurec3 fran east bo i
rorth) for I59.4'l feet; thence deflect tr� the left at an angle
of 04 c3zgrees JG minutes 00 seconr,�s fc�r 161.1t3 Feet; thenc�e
deflect tx� the left at an angle af 1'l0 degrees �6 u�inutes 00
seooexis for 39y.�2 Leet b� t2�e point of beginnir�g of the line
to be described; thenc;e deflect to thQ right at an ang2e of '�
121 degrees 48 rainutes 45 seoorrLs far 1000 feet ar�d there ',
terminating; all in Block 5, Eastview Addition No. 3, a�acar3ing '
to the plat trierof An f ile ar�d of revord in the o�f ioe of th� !
Registrar of Titles; the title ti�ereto bein� regist�red as
evideryced by Certificate of Title Ab. 199775.
W'r ' �.�S, said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other
public instrum�ntaZities, public utility easements establish�d for the
purpose of installatiori, raaintenance arx� operation of any sewer, water, gas �
or electri� main, pipe or conduit of a public instrumentality located and
� oontained in said area; and
W�LREAS, the Couricil lzas �een requested by the original petitioner, the
Fiousirx,� and Rr�development Authority t� s,raive tt�se retained e�s�nts; and
WHEHE:AS, Base�3 upori Certificates of Intended Non�tse fileri v�luntarily
on behalf of �larthwestern Bell 'Pelephone Company, Northern States Power
Company, Western Union and the Water Utility, attached hereta and ,made a
part her�f the City for itself arxi an �hal.f of these aar�orations waives
the reservation of easements as described in said aertificat�s which are
located in the vacated streets.
WH�, Based upon the Certificate of Tntenc�ed Non-Use filed
vnl�antarily ori beY�alf of Th� Departm�nt of Fublic i�torks attachf:d herets� and
Yeas �l�ays Requested by Department of:
� �,� Fin►ance 5 Maus�ement Services
Masanz In Favor 1 ;
Nicosia ���;J ' �'�; t .' �
scneitei __ Against BY `� ' � '�-
Tedesco Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ''�; '
_� �i 1 i.
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
I�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – — BY
.. 1 1TY CLEHl( .... � . � . � . � � �
� - FINANCE Ty OF SA I NT PAU Council � �
'� BLUE - MAVOR ' �' '
(Conway) �`7 F'ile N 0. .•/
Return to: Valuations ouncil Resolu.�ion / V—�`� /�
Roo� 218 � ,
P res en t ed By %.- -,•��.�.. .--G-.��....�-�-��.,�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
made a part hereof the City for itself and on t�half o€ the Department oE
Public Works waives the reservation ot easements described in said
certificate exoepting that portioci reserved and describ�d as Lollows:
A forty foot (40') pe.rmanent sewer ea�ement in vacated Oonway arr.3
Etna Stceets which lies wi�in a lir� fifteen feet (15') r�rth of
and parallel � the centerline of said Conway Street and its easterl.y
escter�sion across Etna 5treet and a lirye twenty five feet (25') south of
and parallel tyo said Canway Street oenter line and its ext2nsic�n �ross
Etna Street.
NDW � BE IT RES�7d,VID, pursuant tn Sectia�n 130.06 of the Saint
Paul Leyislative Code and on behalf of the City nf Safnt Paul and those
persor�s for whoan the City has reserved easements, ti� �il of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby waive and releas�e in part tha retained ea�ements in
the vacat�ed public property as specified in the Certificates of Intended Non-
Use anci referer�oed abave.
COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �_I�]ays
7�� �y
� �� Finaac� & l�tsages�ent Services
Masanz In Favor ,.�..--- Director
Nicosia / �
scnetbei � __ Against BY �`'�,j'��L �i,- ,���",,'"�f; s.
OCT 1 1 198�► Form Appr ved b� City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ; ' �
: � � ' --
Certified Yassed by Counc.il Se,cret�ry; BY � � � � � �1 r� �l ( �(
:, �� � � ;
$y� ��1.J��--�' \ �...��...,�ti
�lpproved by Ylavor: Date _ OCT � � ��BIp Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
sy - - By
� WNITE J CITV CLERK � �� � � � ////// � � '
.. C NAW'/ - DEP RCMENT �' � . � COI1flC1I � �����.
BLUE'�` - MqyOR ITY OF. SAINT � AUL, File NO. �C����
j�f.; � �
(/ �ounc.il Reso tion �� n«.., ��� . -:,,;�:
. � �.��;�- � , -
. � �.4��.
Presented By `� � '
Referred To Comm i'�,,;,::.;:-�: ... . ,,.�=�;�;�,;,<,,. ;'ivi; ,r•
ittee: (j3��ec;.;�,,, ^ '. ` �:i:•
�,_ ,.
� _.ti, �, ;F�.,.';�:�r;��r�::,,.
Out of Committee By_ Date
�OL�.'�, �hat_ upon..petit„ion of the .housing and Redevelopment
Authority of ti�e City of ,Saint :Paul .those _sections of public street
hereinafter descri.�ed be_and .the :sam� .are; hereby vacated and discontinued
as public streets as per�.finance fi1�. No.. .l5-I984:
. �:
�:A�= Parcel I % , . . .
All that part of Conway Street lying west of a line drawn from
the nortneast corner of I,,nt l, Block 9, Eastview Addition �to. 5
Saint Paul �:innesot,�, to the. .�loutheas� corner of Lot 8, Block 5,
Eastviet,� Adc3ition i�c�. 3 Sair�t Paul,. �2inn. and east of the �ollow-
ing clescribed line:..,. � . , . . , , , . _
From a point on the .,�flr.th ,li�� of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdivision 62,�w City„ o� St� Paul, c�i.stant 237.05 feet
west of the northeast cor,,ner, of sai,d BlocY, 15, run
northerly at a�, anyle of ,8.7 degrees 27 winutes OB seconds
witn said nort� r�locllc li�,e, :(.when. �easuxed from east to
north) for 159�,42 f�et' thez�ce„ rlef�;�ct to the left �t
an angle of o4. ,uegre,�s O�, �inut�$, 00 seconds for la1.IS
feet� thence deflect4 to t,he ,left at ,an angle of 120 degrees
56 minutes 00 second.s foX ,349,.42 .feet to the point of
beginning of l�,ne tq, be c�escribed; ..thence deflect ,.to the
right at an an�.le of, 121 �egre,�s. .98. _mf,nutes 95 seconds
for 1000 feet �,nd ttzere t�ermiriat,i,,ng,, all in Block 5, . .
�astview Addit�,on NQ. 3, accord3,�q �to. ,the. plat thereof on
file and of re�orc� i,n the,, ,oEf.3.c.e of the Reqistrtar of
Titles. . . _ . .. . . 4 .
Farcel II
Al1 that part of Etna Street .lying south of a line drawn f=ou:
the� northeast corne� of I�ot l, $lock 5 to the northwest corner
of Lot 30, Block �f.,�astv,iew Addition No., 3 Saint pau1, t�tinn.
Yeas Na s Requested by Department of:
Fletcher Y
�►aW Finance and �ianagensent Services
Masanz In Favor ,
scne�be� __ Against BY nirP���r
Adopted by Council: Date
Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � � ' �-�`//���; e�
tapproved by {Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By ' BY
- � ����'�'��
�- � � � •
and north of a line drawn from the southeast corner of
Lct 1, Block 4 Eastview Addition No. 5 Saint Paul, Minn .
to the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 4 , Eastview
Addition No . 3 , Saint Paul, Minn.
RESOLVED, also upon petition of the Housing and Redevelopmel�:
Authority that the following easement for highway purposes on, o�.
and across the following described land be and the same is hereb�,�
vacated, to wit :
All that part of the following described tract:
Lot 1, Block 9 , Eastview Addition No. 5 , according
to the piat thereof on. file and of record in the
office of the County R�corder in and for Ramsey
County, Minnesota• which lies northerly of the
westerly extension of the south line of Lot 15 ,
Block 4 , Eastview Addition No . 3 and easterly of
Line 1 described below:
L�ne l . From a point on the north line of Block 15 ,
Auditor ' s Subdivision 62, City of St. Paul, distant
237 . 05 feet west of the northeast corner of said
Block 15 , run northerly at an angle of 87 degrees 27
minutes 08 seconds from said north block line (when
measured from east to north) for 159 . 42 feet; thence
deflect to the left at an angle of 04 degrees 06
' minutes 00 seconds for 181 . 18 feet; thence deflect to
the left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 minutes 00
seconds for 1000 feet to the point of the beginning of
Line 1 to be described; ther.ce run northeasterly along
the last described course for 539 . 30 feet; thence de-
flect to the left on a 28 degree 38 minute 52 second
curve (delta angle 58 �degrees 11 minutes 15 seconds)
for 203 , 11 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for
500 feet and there terminating .
. Also, all of the following described tract:
� Lc�ts 1, 2 , 7 and 8 �and all of Lots 3 and 6 which lies
easterly of the following describ�d line : From a
point on the north line of Block 15 , AuditoY' s Subdivi�
62 , City of St. Paul, distant 237 . 05 feet west of the
northeast corner of said Block 15 , run northerly at .
an angle of 87 degrees 27 minutes 08 seconds with said
north block line (when measured from east to north) fo:
159 . 42 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of
04 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds for 181 . 18 feet;
... .\-.' "A:.. _ ..iL:lWI�
. • . .J�
� � � `
�����a q
-3- �
thence deflect to the left at an angle of 120 degrees
56 minutes 00 seconds for 349 . 42 feet to the point of .
beginning of the line to be described; thence de-
flect to the right at an. angle of 121 degrees 48 minutes
45 seconds for 1000 feet anc� there terminating; all in
Block 5 , Eastview Addition No. 3 , according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the
Registrar of Titles; the title thereto being registered
as evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 199775 .
Subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations :
1 . That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 130 , codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code as amended. �
•2 . That the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as petitioner,
not be required to pay compensation for the vacation.
3 . That the petitioner be responsible for all expenses involved
in the replatting of the vacated area and must be completed within
a period of �o�e year followiny the date of publication of the vaca-
tion resolution. - �
4 . That a forty foot (40 ' ) permanent sewer easement be retained
in those portions of vacated Conway and Etna Streets which lie within
a line fifteen feet (15) ; north of and parallel to the centerline of
Conway Street and its easterly extension across Etna Street and a
line twenty five feet (25) � south of and parallel to said Conway Street
center line and its easterly extension across Etna Street.
5 . That the petitioner be responsible for the dedication, in the �
proposed plat, �f the easterly extension of the aforementioned forty
foot ' (40 ' ) sewer easement now located in Block 4 of Eastview Addi-
tion No, 3 to its intersection with an existing M.W.C.C , beltline
interceptor No. SP210 , all to the approval of the N.etropolitan Waste
Control Commission and the Fublic Works Sewer Division of the City of
Saint� Paul .
. 6 . That a specific easement be retained within the vacated area
to protect the interest of Northern States Po��er Company .
7 , That the petitioner , its successors or assigns,' by acceptance
of the terms and conditions of this vacation:; agrees to indemnify,
defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and
employees from all suits , actions or claims of any character, includ-
ing but not limited to, a claim brought because of any injuries, or
damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, on
_ .
. ,
_ - . • o
� EraK � . � � . � ' �
r.�C E T Counc i 1
� — MAYOR File NO. ��T- ,� �
�� ouncil Reso ution
� . .
Presented By �� �� , - � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date II
-4- _ .
account of this vacation;,, _o.r., .because .Qf any .act or or��issior�, neyleat or , �
u�.isconduct of said petit,�,,o.ne.r,, or. ,becz�use of .any. claims or liability arising . ,��,
. from or based on any vio.�,ti,Qn, of. �ny .law or rogu],ation tnade in accord- '
,..�,...:..ance with the law whethe,�,.by, �thet ..P+�ti,.t3,o,n�,r ,c��. ..a;ay of its agents .or
employses. .,,,� . .. . . . .. . ., .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
'F�"'•r r"�-;j�v,.r � . .. �F'inanee and 2�anagewent 5ervices
Drew _ ) [n Favor
N�s�a�r� � _ Against BY � � Direct,or
b�C`j 2 � ����, Form Ap roved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ` /� r
, C,._ (
Certified Passed b� Council S etary , � � BY ��� ��
gy. t�X'� � _ �. .��.•�--�r\
t�pproved by lrlavor: Date — �G 2 � I�O't Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
- M'HI - CITY CLERK • . ` . . . ..
F�N.N�E /^
BLUE ' - MAVOR TY OF �SAINT PAUI. File NO. �� "� -
(17-1984)� #g � �• � �
�t� to: ogl�tio�s (,ouncil Resolutiori" ����a�
� us ;� , j
P res en t ed By _ ; '�-,r_�-�-„� / ',.,- .,.. �� -r�_,�.�
� Referred To J "'Jd;� ; �... �, t.l .a�; ' � c, Date � `1 /y - ,+ `..-
Out of Committee By Date
V�HE.�:A.S, Council Resotution C.F. 84-1].50 adopted August 23, .t�a4 diu
vacate certain portions of Conway Str.eet and Etna Street describe:3 as
parce 1 I
ALI tk�t p�t of Oonway Street lying west of a line c3rawn from the northea,t
corner of Lot I, Alack 9, Eastview Addition No. 5 Saint Paul Minnesota to
tl�e Southeast corner of Lot £i, Block 5, Eastview Ac3c�ition No. 3 Saint Paul.,
hiinn. and east of the f�llowing describe+d line.
Fr�n a point on the north line of Block I5, Auditar's Subc3ivisi.an
62, C.ity of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet w�est of the northeast
_ corner o£ said �l.ock I5, run nartherly at an angl.e af S7 cte�rees
2� minutes Ot3 seconcls with said rx�rtl: nlock line (cvt�en �ur��3
fran east to north) for 159.42 feet thence deflect to the Ieft
at an ang].e �f 04 clegrees 06 minutes 00 s�oonds for 181.18 feet;
thence deflect to the left at an angle of ].20 degrees 5o minut�s
� AO secands for 349.�2 feet to the point of beginning o£ line to
be describec3, thence detiect t,o the right at an an.31e o� 121 degrPes
48 rainutes 45 sc-�onc3s for 1000 Leet and there terminatz.ng; a.11 in
Bloek 5, �;astview Ac3dition No. 3. aoc�ording to the plat t��ereof an
file and ot rEOOrd in the offi� of the ;te�istrar af Titles.
ParceZ II
�il.l that p�rt of Etna Street Iying south af a line drawn £rom the northeast
corner of Lot 1� Dlock 5 to the nort�awest corner of Lot 30, Alock 4,
F.astview Ar3cliticxi .Nc�. 3 Saint Pau1, Minn. ar� north of a line drawn from the
southeast cor:�er of Lot 1, Blnck 4 rastview Addition No. 5 5aint Paul,
I�iinn. to the sauthwest corn�r of Lot 15, B1ock 4, Fastview Ac�dztion *i�. 3,
Saint Paul, wiinn.�
Yeas S Requested by Department of:
� F1�
� �� in Favor F��Ce �6►.,Management Sernices
Masanz j .
Nicosia l ��. �
scneibei __ Against BY � r r / �����""
reaesco rector
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ` '��--��' �• , `t` ��� �� I � � ���
Approved by 17avor: Date _ ApproveH fby Mayor for Submission tv Council
BY _ _ _ BY:�j ���' , f� .__..---_
.! S.
� CITV CIERK . � � � ' ��. �.. . � �� � . . �
' � � - FiN'AN�E � TY OF SAINT ;PAU� � Council� 1� �
� �. �.RV - DEPARTMENT � �
./E - MAVOR File NO.
��-1984) �� �,ouncil Res,olution ���'a�
Retmn to: valuats.oz�s
Roon 218 � � �
/.�'t,�.-,�..' �I.,r�1+.—'�..-
Presented Iiy �'�-
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date -
W�AS, the City Council by Resalution C.F. 189130 adopted September
16, 1958 condemned an ea�ement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and
tills in the grac�ing of C7onway Street from Etna Street bo Johnson Parkway;
and Etna 5treet from East Third Street to Old Audson Rc�ad; said easements
being recorded in the Ramsey Qauzty Rcoorders office as docum�.mts 1475917
ar�d 400058.
WHEREAS,said easements for slopes, cuts and fills as described in
c3ocuiaent number 147591.7 and 400058 alcxng those portions of said vacated Etna
and Coa�way Streets are no longer required.
WHLREAS, said easements were not included in the descr iption of the .
land vacated in said resolution 84-1150.
THE�, BE IT RE90LVED that Oau�cil Resolutiar► GF. 84-115Q adopted
August 23, 1984 is hereby amended to include the following in the
description af the vacated area:
"All of the easements in the land needed for. sloQes, cuts and fi11s
in the gr�ling of Et�a and Oon�►ay stt'eets and reoorded as dorr�anents
1475917 arx3 400058 ac�d lying within those portions of Etna arid OaYway
streets as vacated in said resolutial C.F. 84-1150."
. BE TT FU� �. OI,VED, That in all other respects Cbuncil Resalution
Oauncil File No. 84-1150 shall remain amd conti.nve in full force and effect.
g� IT FU� �,VED, that upon p�ssa�ge of this resoluti.an, the City
Clerk is hereby � authorized arul directed to transmit a copy of this
resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas � � `�ys
� �� �.� in Favor F � t Sezvices
nnasanz �, �/L-�"
schetbet __ Against BY
redesco Director
ta;�;vf u — 196�
Form Ap r�d-by, ity Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date .,/ � �
t' ��, j f-,<<�
Certified Passed by, C�unc.il Secret�ry, ' BY
`�, �-��� ;�,�-�;:;,�,),y' .._�...
By � � ! i� �� ;;, �''
ht�� �: ���� Appro�ed by Mayor for Su6mission to Council
Approved by 17avor. Date
By BY- .�;-_��-=---;_ _ `"r,- �.�----- .
. , , ` °
,�. ; _ ���"���9 .
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D ick Mc�Ga CONTACT `
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Y5317. �E�NE -
� Jan 23 1985 �� . ��" `
� �� ��
(Routing and� E�q�lanatfvt Si�est)
1 r fs�r i n E}r�ar C3 i Al t t.cK ti ons far Ma t S f t :
�_.. ��t ��''�'�' .
, ..�. Cf�y► 14t3�n�y `
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2 � i , :
_„_,_ Ftnana a�d �Naagwnt 5�r�f ces_Di r�toar � �
!!N � `a, � � � ;y � � :.�
� C�lar. Clarlc- - \ � = �N �o .
_,,,_ Bu�et Df recoo� o F�i c� �� � _
D�PA�';r,;,..ra � :,;.
5 Valuattoa Division f4ND MA(vAGL�r:��u i ����v,�k�
.�.,�. ,.
. . �a �tt1i bt i : Taki Atticn on �he At�taicl�ed Ma tii]sY ;
Gorr�ct �lagai de�criptiotna in Vacation Yesoliutioits 84-I15•0,. 84-1394', and 84-1520. :
��4,fl-�1��.�+�r.rse� . :
_ .
t�tn► artd Per�on�a9 Im�cts l�ti�ipated: �
Fi�ncf�t., ...._..�.�.��,_,_.._����._. . � -
Non�' ' i
� "
, ,
� ,
�w�di ng„Sour� and Fu�d Ac�f v,_„i�Y.,,Numbis�`x'�It,�or Credi�:
�..�.... ��.��ti . , - - - -
N/A _ : � : _ . : . � .
At#�me»t�„(Li�t arM Nun�ber a11 .Attacfm�errts�:
� �ril.. �+e ��+.�r.�w n�.�r�.i�.� . . _ . , �� . . _
��. . 1• --'---._� � . . . . ..1 . . � .. . ,
2: CoPY.of C.F. 84-11
3. " " 84-1394
4. e n 84-15�"0 .
� ��i..+����r�nru� . � . ���r�r�rr��r��i _ ., . _.. . .
= Yes ,,,_W� Coarctl Resclutiori Requfred? , Resoluttoe� R�quirea? ,,,,�,;� Yes �,,,,,Na �
` Yes �, Nv Insur�nca t�ui red? � �ersurane� Suf#i ei ent? ,,,,_„_ Y�s �No
� Yes ,_,_, No Ins�rance kttached? " . �
� ':. Revisian oi October, 1982
i �-(`-e� R�versa 51de far In�tructions) .
, .
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County of Ramsey ) ss.
,� I . . . . . . . . . . . . .Albert.B. .O1son, . . , . . . . . . , ,City Clerk of the
� �
� City of Saint Paul, riinnesota, do hereby certify that I have
� com ared the attached co 85-129
P py of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- as adopted by the City Council. . . ,JanuarX.29: . . . . . . . . . . . . �9 85 , . .
and ap�roved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . .FebruarX.l: . . . .. . . . . . .. 19 85 . . .
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS r•:y izai;d �r.d tiie sea�_ o� t:�e City of Saint raul,
Minnesota this . . . . �-�th. . . . . . day of . . �„February. . . . .A.D. 19.85.
, .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~��?:�. . . .:':.�:�;-�ti' . . ...
- City Clerk. �;
� f:
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4-�F ' .
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� �PINK� � - FINAN�E ,
. CANqRY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY �F �A I NT ��A LT L - Council /�� ./'
,^LUE - MAYOR � . . F1I@ NO._�(f,���-�-" " /
Valuations — Room 218 �i�u�CZ Resolu ion
Presented By , y
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�.n WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution 84--1150
�� adopted August 23, 1984 vacated certain land and by Resolution 84-1394
adopted October 11, 1984 waived certain utility easements, and by Resolution
� 84-1520 adopted November 8, 1984 vacated certain slopes, cuts and fills, all
� within the City of Saint Paul, �aid land is described as follows;
Parcel I
All that part of Gonway Street lying woest of a line drawn fram
the nor�heast c:orner of Lot 1, Block 9, Eastview Addition No. 5
Saint Paul Minn�sota to the southeast corner of Ipt 8, Block 5,
Eastview A�idition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minn. and east of the follaw—
ing described line•
Frosn a point on the riorth line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdivision 62, City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet
west of the northeast aorner of said Block 15, run
northerly at an angle of 87 degrees 27 minutes 08
seconds with said north block line (when measured
from east to north) for 159.42 feet thenoe deflect
� to the left at an angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes
� - OQ seconds for 181.18 feet thence deflect to the
left at an angle of 120 degrees 56 minutes 00 .
seconds for 349.42 feet tA the point of beginning
of line to be described; thence cleflect to the
right at an angle of 121 degrees 48 minutes
45 seconds for 1000 feet and there ternti.nating;
all in Block 5, Eastview Addition No. 3, accord-
ing to the plat thereof on file and of record in
the office of the Registrar of Titles.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�1�I�C SOnnen Fin� & ManagPmanY S rtrirPS
� Drew In Favor -
Scheibel A gai n s t BY
7edesco Director
Wilson .
Form Approved by City Attamey
- Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By � • 23
Approved by Mavor: Date Ap rov by Mayor for Su ssi to C�ouncil
By B
'��.aRY — DEPARTMENT - tJITY OF �AINT YAITL �File��liNO. �S�� � �
,��1JE — MAYOR � -
Valuations — Room 218 Council �Zesol tion
, t
, _
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date —
� .
� Parcel II
� All that part of Etna Street lying south of a line drawn fran the
northeast corner of Lot l, Block 5 to the northwest corner of
Lpt 30, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and
north of a line drawn froac� the southeast corner of Lot l; Block 4
Eastview Addition No. 5 Saint Paul, Minnesota to the southwest corner
of Lot 15, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3, Saint Paul, Minn.
WHEREAS, The legal descriptions of Parcel I and Parcel II in said
resolutions have been determined to be incmrrect.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the descriptions of Parcel I and II in
Resolution 84-1150 adopted August 23, 1984, Resolution 84-1394, adopted
October 11, 1984 and Resolution 84-1520, adopted November 8, 1984, are hereby
rescinded ar�l replaced with the follawing descriptions:
Parcel I
____.__ _ All_that part of Conway Street lying west of a line drawn from the
northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 9, Eastview Addition No. 5 Saint Paul
Minnesota to the Southeast oorner of IAt 8, Block 5, Eastview Addition
l�o. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and east of the following described line:
Fran a point on the north line of Block 15, Auditor's
Subdivision 62, City of St. Paul, distant 237.05 feet
w�est of the northeast oorner of said B1ock 15, run
northerly at an angle ot 87 degrees 27 minutes 08 seconds
with said north block line (when measured fram east to
north) for 159.42 feet thence deflect to the left at an
Yeas Na s Requested by Department of:
�K Sonn�n
orew [n 'Favor Finance & Management �PYt7�CPR
scnetbe� A gai ns t BY
redesco Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY � `\�=r��� � /23 I`[3�
Approved by \7avor: Date Appt y Mayor for Submi 'on t Council
$v sy
. ._ ._... - -- -.._ . __ ,._... _....__,�_.._.__ .__.�,._ __.:_.. .._..,_. .__ --
-. ...._._ .___. ,..��._.��.�..�._.�...�
� P�NK� •- FINANCERn / .
�AN�R1' - DEPARTMEN7 �,JITY O�•' SAINT �AUL Council /�ir
r'�L'J_. . �-;,M A V O R .. Flle �O. LJ�-� /�� .
Return to: Valuations • ,
Room 218 Counc l Reso ution
: , . �
Presented By ,�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� angle of 04 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds for 181.18 feet;
thenc�e deflect to the left at an angle of 120 degrees
56 minutes 00 seconds for 349.42 feet to the point of
beginning of line to be described, thence deflect to
the right at an angle of 121 degrees 48 mi.nutes 45
secorxls for 1000 feet and there ternunating.
Parcel II
All that part of Etna Street lying south of a line drawn from the
northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5 to the northwest corner of
Lot 30, Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3 Saint Paul, Minnesota and
north of the w�esterly extension of the south line of Lot 15,
Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in all other respects Council Resolution
C.F. 84-1150, C.F. 84-1394 and C.F. 84-1520 shall remain in full force and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this Resolution the City
Clerk file a copy of this Resolution for recording in the office of the
R,amsey Cbunty Recorder.
Yeas Nays Requested b ar�ment of:
x�Rl�[ Sonnen
Drew �
Masanz [n Favor
Ntcoala �
Scheibel _ /�galflSt BY
wiison Director
�dopted by Council: Date JAN � 9 19$� Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified a • • ounci . Byc ��.,..�,.X j/'Z���
By� ,�
Ap ' by Mavor. Date � ''°'''° Ap o y Mayor for Subm' ouncil
By By
� r.
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