85-126 � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council�. //� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� /�/ OLUE - MAYOR 1 Council Resolution �- Presente By����N��'(a���� Referred To �/ �� Committee: Date J—�� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning the Employee Referral Procedure. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 33 so that said Section 33 shall read as follows: ��33. 8��a6�-REFEi�i2Pt�-Pi�6�EHE3RE8- EMPIAYEE ASSISTANCE REFERRAL POLICY AND PROCEDURES "The Council shall adopt by resolution formal procedures for referring employees who are thought to have personal health problems which adversely affect their job performance to appropriate professional resource persons for evaluation." ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all referrals of employees shall be handled in accordance with "Employee Assistance Referral Policy and Procedures", a revised copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as if set out herein verbatim. Approved: Chair, Ci 1 Service Commission COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �er ��ys / L`"IV � Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 2 9 198� Form Appr ed b Cit tt ney C Certified a. • d y Co nci c i BY gy, t#ppr y Mavor. Date ` D — � 1�v5 Appro y Mayor for Submissi uncil gy _ B PtJ61.tSN£D �F� �' ���� �?� Personnel Gf f ice DEPARTI�tENT � � (,'� �.J -/�� Jeanette s�hAr�A CONTACT 298-4221 pHONE r Deceaiber 20, 1984 DATE 1 e�� �r � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Si nature): �. Department Di rector ,� Ci ty Attorney �1�� 3 Director of Management/ or � , �lY �.� Finance and Management Services Director RECEIVED City Clerk �k�2 1 � Budget Director MAYOR'S OFFICE What Will be Achieved by Takin Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution is for the purpose of clarifying the "Employee Referral Procedure" which is used when employees have problems which adversely affect their job performance. financial, 6udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated• None �� �� � Funding Source and F�d Acttvity Number Charqed or Credited• Attachments (List and Nunber a11 Attachments�: 1. Resolution (Which includes Employee Assistance Referral Policy and Procedures) 2. Copy for City Clerk QEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEI�I �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? c/ Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �j� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revisfon of October, 1982 ��PP RPVPI"CP Sicip for 'Instructions) L'���`�,�4 33. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE REFERRAL POLICY AND PROCEDURES This directive establishes the policy, procedures and respon- , sibilities for handling inadequate �ob performance of City of St. Paul and Independent School District ��625 employees resulting from chemical, emotional, physical or domestic problems. � 33.A. Applicability This directive is applicable to all employees holding classified positions in the City and School District service. 33.B. In General Alcoholism, drug abuse and physical and emotional illness are recognized as health problems and treatable illnesses which may adverse- ly affect job performance but from which, with help, a person can recover and be retained as a satisfactory employee. Discharge of the employee with a behavioral/medical problem is usually not a constructive solution. It compounds the difficulty for both the affected individual and the employer. A more effective ap- proach is a forthright, treatment-oriented program which serves the best interest of the employer and the employee. Normally, the performance of a 3ob requires training at the employer's expense. The cost of retaining the employee who actively seeks rehabilitation is usually less than the expense involved in training a new employee. In addition, this approach allows the employee to face the problem, and guides the employ- ee to professional and experienced assistance toward rehabilitation. 33.C. Statement of Policy This policy is directed solely toward the employee's conduct as it adversely affects his or her �ob performance or casts discredit upon the City or School District. The City and School District regard alcoholism, drug abuse and emotional or physical problems, as illnesses which in themselves are not cause for discipline or dismissal. The ob�ective is to retain the employee who is experiencing a problem that adversely affects 3ob performance by offering the employee an opportunity to seek treatment or help before he or she becomes the sub3ect of disciplinary action. It is the policy of the City and the School District that when deteriorating or unsatisfactory �ob performance, or inappropriate behavior, does not respond to normal supervisory coaching and counsel- ing, the problem be handled within the following framework: 33.D. Program Responsibility It is the responsibility of all supervisors to be familiar with the Employee Assistance Program and this procedure. All supervisors are responsible for the appropriate implementation of this policy and adherence to this Employee Referral Procedure. Form 95 (12-84) .Y'�t�� �4 f ��' t,lT 33.E. Procedures When confronted with deteriorating �ob performance or inappropriate . behavior, the supervisor shall take the following steps: 33.E. (1) . Phase I � 33.E. (1) . (A) . Conduct a normal corrective interview with the employee during which the supervisor informs the employee of the deteri- orating performance and determines a reasonable course for improvement. A supervisor may suggest that the employee contact the Employee Assis- tance Program at any time in this procedure. Timetables for improvement should be established when possible. (All such interviews should be informally documented by the supervisors.) 33.E. (1) . (B) . If performance does not improve, conduct a second interview informing the employee of the continuing problem and lack of improvement. Inform the employee that disciplinary action will result if performance is not improved or the inappropriate conduct continues. 33.E. (1) . (B)-1. The employee is advised that the employers con- tinued cooperation in withholding disciplinary action is dependent upon the employee's initiative and progress toward improvement. 33.E. (1) . (B)-2. The "Employee Consultation Report" is prepared in duplicate by the supervisor. Both employee and supervisor sign the report. One copy is given to the employee, the other copy retained by the supervisor. At this point, the report is considered confidential between the supervisor and the employee. 33.E. (1). (C). No later than the deadline for action documented on the "Employee Consultation Report", the supervisor shall determine if the deteriorating performance or inappropriate behavior is corrected, or still occurring. If corrected, the supervisor shall so inform the employee and this process is concluded. If not, the supervisor shall conduct a formal interview under Phase II of this procedure. 33.E. (2) . Phase II 33.E. (2). (A) . If the deteriorating performance or inappropriate behavior continues, another formal interview is conducted, which in- cludes the employee, the employee's union representative (if requested by the employee) , the supervisor, and the appointing suthority (or their designee). 33.E. (2). (B) . The employee is made aware that the deteriorating performance or inappropriate behavior is of sufficient severity for disciplinary action to commence. The employee is given a full opportunity to express his or her point of view about the performance or conduct and any recommendation resulting from Phase I. 33.E. (2) . (C) . The employee, as an alternative to immediate disciplinary action, is offered an opportunity to visit the Employee Assistance Program for evaluation to determine if there is a chemical, Form 95 (12-84) ��,,. ��, �. emotional, physical or domestic problem causing or contributing to the deteriorating performance of inappropriate behavior. • 33.E. (2). (D) . A second "Employee Consultation Report" is prepared in duplicate by the supervisor. Both employee and supervisor sign the report. One copy is given to the employee, the other copy retained by , the supervisor. 33.E. (3) . Phase III 33.E. (3) . (A) . If the employee requests help for a chemical, emotional, physical or domestic problem that led to the initiation of Phase II, an appointment is immediately arranged with the Employee Assistance Program. The EAP counselor will set up a time schedule to allow for appropriate assessment, treatment and rehabilitation. 33.E. (3) . (A) .-1. If hospitalization or other treatment is indicated, the employee is granted paid sick leave and vacation within the limits of his or her accumulated sick leave and vacation time. (See Civil Service Rules Section 19 or 20 for restrictions on sick leave usage.) 33.E. (3) . (A) .-2. An additional leave of absence without pay of up to one year may be granted with the approval of the appointing authority. In cases of illness when accumulated sick leave is gone, sick leave without pay may be granted for up to two years. 33.E. (3) . (A).-3. If the circumstances do not require the use of sick leave, a leave of absence of up to six months may be granted by the appointing authority to work out the problem. 33.E. (3). (B) . A third "Employee Consultation Report" documenting the problem and course of treatment and/or rehabilitation is prepared by the Employee Assistance Program Counselor and the employee. This report is signed by the counselor and the employee. The counselor shall, within the constraints of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, advise the employee's supervisor, in writing if the employee has keep appointments, whether or not the assessment has been completed or whether or not the employee accepts EAP recommendations for further treatment, rehabilitation or other serves. 33.E. (3) . (C) . If the employee, at any point, refuses to cooperate with treatment and/or continued rehabilitation, discipline for the poor performance or inappropriate behavior documented in Phase I and II, commences at once. 33.E. (4). Phase IV (Necessary only if there is a continuation of the problem.) The recurrence of unsatisfactory work performance or inappropriate conduct will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include discharge, by the appointing authority. Form 95 (12-84) . ti .. � l�,,a.�� All documentation as to the employee's unsatisfactory work performance or inappropriate behavior, along with the Employee Consultation Reports, documenting supervisory and City and/or School District actions to correct the conduct, shall be available to the extent necessary to justify the disciplinary action. . Margaret Sadler, Chair Dr. George 0. Berry Ted L. Besaw Form 95 (12-84) ���Y <.t� r�~w.� �7� II�iPLOYEE CONSULTATION REPORT Employee�s Name Phase I II III IV � Conditions Leading to Meeting: Persons Present at Meeting: Position Outcome of Meeting: (agreement, recommendations, further action, i.e., who, what, why) Deadline for Action: (Must be filled in: 2-4 period maximum) Supervisor's Signature Date Employee's Signature Date I have read this report Employee s signature (to be signed if employee refuses to sign agreement above.) Form 95 (12-84) . • ���,;l� ` . ;.� . ..... _. . .,-:,1 ;�.. � � ' y�- ' M't+f PY!:. JN � f`� f.y,1 - �.L..1, .Z O.L� . . . .�W v . � : ►SAIN'le..�.�.�� � . }s., lt t '�'; ' ;: . , . _ _ .�,.� :�� f 'f�` � OI'1�ICb; QIn r, , T Y a t / ��, ,.� '�.1 .��zr cz7� COU�CZL `�� } .�"�o��✓`. e;� �''�i: a%� _�rjl fi" . _ �=-`� � �`�"� D a t e ; January 1 8, T 9 8 5 - j�. �;, � ->� . . . �,;-,:,_:. ,:�a=:-� . . � ,. .:5''":;,:.. � ' � � . C 0 iVl [� ('�"?' � E � E P O P T � � FlIED � � � TO = Sc�tr�? �'a� I "�Ci�y Cou��il��� �� 4Q �$ � , i�� _ �,�� F�� � = �O JYi��1 i fc.'� O� Finance, Man�g�g�e.���KR��r��El . �,� 3 � S; j'£:�.)L� ��,:��,�. � ._ , _ � � C H A i R Councilman Scheibel 1 . Approva 1 of mi nutes from meet i ng hel d::January 10, 19$5. ��,p; 2. (Committee-of-the-Whole)- � �� � Resolution amending Section 5. D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence and allow�ng-5 points on only one certified appointment for each appl i cant. (Personnel) �,�d,� p,�.�,i /�,� ' " 3• (Committee-of-the-4/hole) Resolution amending Section 14 of the Civit Service Rules pertaining to promotion requirements.�(�,.����W� 4. �Resolution amending the 1985 budget by. adding_ $21 ,215 to the Financi�ng Plan and to the Spending Plan for Refuse Collection Internal Service Fund. (Pubo �'�rks) ��j� 5•,�: 1��>�titi_on amending Section 33 of the Civi l Service Rules concerning the Emple�yee Referral Procedure. (Personnel) y�p� � CITY HALL 5EVENTH FLOOI� , SAINT PAUL. ri1NNESOTA SSlO_ . '�•.�: -- M/HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � CANARV - DEPAR MENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR - 1 Council Resolution ���� � Presented By � — !� �Referred To � �-� Committee: Date '� l '��`"� Out of Committee B Date An dministrative Resolution amending the Civi Service Rules concerning the Em�loyee Refer al Procedure. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 33 so that the first paragraph of said Se tion 33 sha11 read as folloHrs: "The Council shall adopt by Resolution formal �rocedures for referring empl ees who are thought to have personal health problems whi adversel af�ect their 'ob erfor- mance to appropriate rofessional resource persons �or evaluation." ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all refe als of employees shall be handled in accordance with "Employee Referral Procedur ", a revised copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as lly and completely as if set out herein verbatim. Approved: � Chai Civ Service Commissio COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm,en of: Yeas Nays Fletcher PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew In Favor Masanz ' Nicosia scne�be� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form by it torne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, 1 '�� /�pproved by lNavor: Date Ap r v d by Mayor for S is ion to ouncil gy _ B � WHITE. '- CITV CIERK - � .. . . . � .. . . . . _ . � . . .. .. .. PINK .:"- FINANCE � . . �. . � CO11�1C1I . `""'"R"�_°E°"RT'"E"T GITY OF SAINT PAi3L x , e�u� . -MnvoR Ftle N0. , �� Council Resolution � Presented By � . .. �, �,> ; i"` v''f Referred To ��' � �t'�'� t ��,�= Committee: Date � ' `"' Out of C.ommittee By Date � - _ � a�#ol�s�eli� ��ti� aredia+� th� txrr�l �r��ti�r� oa�w�s� tl� �3�ar�rM i�liadr�. lroa�ans. �. t�at tir Cittil �neia�l �ss 1� �w�d Lt !�l3+M 33 �r !'Irt t�r f�sst piqe�ph �t sai� �io�tlatn 3� a'I�atl s�tl +�s �o13a�• •� �b�oil al�sil aAept b� i�ori� �o�wai p�taro�per , lfoE �Srsegr �1�or�w �Iw �n tia�t e�s 1�+s p�eaarl � �ntth ps�b��s ���1� a!!'�Oi t�ls i�b �e�- , � �o +tii�p�rywi+� �aooz�i�+wr� sr�e�u��+a� p�s t+�e , �1�.• � a�d bs it !f� �O�f, t�at s�l � ot �3a,�� �att br► A��ndlid id , � � �rit� "�OIPio'�+ a�l�I 1�oo�r•� �s r�rr,l�wrd � o# �ii,� Llt +� � � l�s+s�e ar'1 �rtls a p�et 1r�nst � s�el� w l�.1� aod o�1�2Y ar it s�t +�ot � � '�'' � � �* t�is�r�� Ci s�c�rt�a� 4o��t COUNCILMEN Requested by Depertment of: � �eas - .. ., I�a�s� ..,'. -._ . ,- � _ _ :-:, : Fl�i1cla� . �EfN�ii t�!'�L'i ` or.w : fn Favor Massnz NICOS1a " schNbe� Against BY T�desco 1AIiNon ;Form Approve.� by City �4#torn�y;* Adopted by Council: Date , � ; t ;F'� .�.�- ,; f - Certified Rassed by Council Secretary BY� " ` By • Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to'�Council. ByBy' ,.... ,.."'.,."„- , . , . . �--/ � � , (�_� �-_ June, 1984 EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROCEDURE This directive establishes the policy, procedures and responsibilities for han ing behavioral/medical problems which adversely effect the job performance of ci y employees. Such problems could be chemical, mental, physical, or domestic. A licabi�'ty This di ctive is applicable to all employees holding classified positions in the City servi e. In General �� ti Alcoholism, dru� abuse and mental illness are recognized as health problems and treatable illnesse which may adversely affect job performance but from which with help a person can cover and be retained as a satisfactory employee. Discharge of the empl ee with a behavioral/medical problem is usually not a constructive solution. It mpounds the difficulty for both the affected individual and the employer. A much mor effective approach is a forthright, treatment-oriented method which serves the best i erest of the employer and the employee. Normally, the performance of a job require training at the employer's expense. The cost of retaining the employee who active seeks rehabilitation is usually less than the expense involved in training a new ployee. In addition, this approach allows the employee to face the problem, and gu es the employee to professional and experienced assistance toward rehabilitation. Statement of Policv �- The concern of this policy is directe��toward the employee's behavioral/medical problem or public conduct as it affects his i�r her job performance or casts discredit upon the City. �� The City regards alcoholism, drug abuse an mental or physical problems as ill- nesses which in themselves are not cause for dism ssal. The objective is to retain the employee who is developing a problem that adve�ly affects job performance by encouraging the employee to accept treatment before e or she becomes unemployable. It is the policy of the City of St. Paul that when d erioriting or unsatisfactory job performance does not respond to normal supervisor�y�actions, the problem be handled within the following framework. � Program Responsibility It is the responsibility of all supervisors to follow he procedures and to implement this policy. Failure of the supervisor to take��proper action may be the basis of disciplinary action. The coordination of the'. employee referral procedure is the responsibility of the Personnel Director. PROCEDURES A. Criteria The principal factors that determine action to be taken in cases where an employee appears to have a behavioral/medical problem which affects his or her performance are: 1. The extent to which employee's work is negatively affected by the . . � , • . -2- problem or the extent to which there are adverse effects upon the City. 2. The desire of the employee to work on the problem as manifested by the steps he or she takes to secure help. 3. The progress of the employee within an identified time frame. B. S�ervisory Personnel Based on deteriorating job performance, attendance, or inappropriate behavior, the supervisor shall take the following steps: Phase I (Initial Interview) 1. Conduct a normal corrective interview with the employee. The supervisor informs the employee of the deteriorating perfor- mance and gives a reasonable time to improve. (All such interviews are to be documented.) 2. If performance does not improve within the specified time, conduct a second interview informing the employee of the lack of improvement. 3. The employee is advised that the City's continued cooperation is dependent upon the employee's initiative and progress. Progress is monitored bi-monthly. 4. The "Employee Consultation Report" form is prepared in duplicate by the Supervisor. Both employee and supervisor sign the report The report is classified as "Confidential". One copy is forwarded to the employee, the other copy kept by the supervisor. (A sample copy is attached to this directive.) 5. A deadline for initiating action on the problem is set and iden- tified on the report. Phase II (Necessary if satisfactory progress towards a solution of the problem is not made through Phase I.) 1. No later than the deadline for action, (as indicated on the Employee Con- sultation Report) if the voluntary effort described in Phase I has not been taken and the unsatisfactory job performance continues, the supervisor con- ducts a third interview. It includes the appointing authority or the appoint- ing authority's designee, and the employee's innnediate supervisor. If re- quested by the employee, the union representative will be included. 2. The employee is given full opportunity to express his or her point of view about the deteriorating performance and any recommendation resulting from Phase I. 3. The employee is made aware that the deterioriating performance is of sufficient severity for disciplinary action, including discharge, and as an alternative he or she may visit a City designated physician or the Public Employees Assistance Program for evaluation to determine the cause of the problem. � , i, , ���� �.� ��"r*.�"�-, C.� -3- , 4. A written report of the medical examination is required stating the physician's opinion. This report also includes recommendations for further evaluation or treatment if needed. A copy of the report is forwarded to the Personnel Office which in turn, forwards a copy to the Department Director. 5. The "Employee Consultation Report" is prepared by the supervisor �}escribing any action taken. The employer signs the report. Oi`'s,e copy is fonaarded to the employee and the other copy kept by th�supervisor. �, �,. Phase III (Impleri�ntation of the rehabilitation program) 1. Depending`�on Phase I and II, a time schedule is set up to allow for for treatm t and rehabilitation. 2. If hospitaliz tion or other treatment is indicated, the employee is granted paid s ck leave and vacation within the limits of his or her accumulated sic leave and vacation time. (See Civil Service Rules for restrictions on 'ck leave usage) An additional leave of absence without pay of up to one y ar may be granted with the approval of the appointing authority. In case of illness when accumulated sick leave is gone, sick leave without pay ma be granted for up to two years. 3. If the circumstances do not require the use of sick leave, a leave of absence of up to six mon s may be granted to work out the problem. 4. If the employee refuses tr tment and rehabilitation, discipline commences at once. If an loyee agrees to participate in a treat- ment program an appointment i immediately arranged with a City des- ignated physician or the PubliC Employees Assistance Program. 1 5. "The Employee Consultation Repo t" is prepared by the supervisor, describing any action taken. Thi report is initialed by the supervisor and the employee and si ed by both. One copy is forwarded to the employee, the other copy kep by the supervisor. Phase IV (Necessary only if there is a continua�ion of the problem.) The recurrence of unsatisfactory work perform�nce or inappropriate conduct will result in immediate disciplinary action, �ihich may include discharge, by the appointing authority. . . ., , t �� ��' t� PRIVATE EMPLOYEE CONSULTATION REPORT �E�mployee's Name �`. Phas�,I II III IV Conditio`z�s Leading to Meeting: Persons Present at Meeting`; Position Outcome of Meeting: (agreement, recommendations, further action, i.e. who, what, why) Deadline for Action: Supervisor's Signature Date Employee's Signature Date I have read this report Employee's signature (to be signed if employee refuses to sign agreement above.) _ . ; • ` . ,,. y,, • ' , ' n �`/�� /� Personnel Of fice DEpART��1ENT ,T��„Pr ��hAn;R -- �ONTACT 298-422 PHONE ���� �� . June 5, 84 pATE . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) ¢... Assi n Number or Routin Order Cli All Locations for h1 oral Si nature : � 1 Department i rector ' �Ci ty Attorne ���`�� 3 Di rector of Ma agement/Mayor ._R,� Finance and Mana ement Services Director __� City Clerk - �'ECE1V Budget Di rector �,� ,IUN ? �84 MAYpR�s OFfiCE What Will be Achieved b Takin ction on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale : This resolution is for the purpose f clarifying the "Employee Referral Procedure" which is used when employees have problem which adversely affect their job performance. Financia] Bud eta and Personnel Im ac Antici ated: None Fundin Source and Fund Activit Number Cha e or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachment� 1. Resolution & Employee Referral Procedure 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY �ITTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Counci] Resolution Required? Resolution Required? -�Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No��' Yes No Insurance Attached? , Revision of October, 1982 (SPP RPVeree Side for �instructions) ,. �z• -��.,,. ��� .r,�; � �fi� OL`1��C�T�:,C)�1�"�.'FIIC CI!L'X COY7I�CIL � � p�-_�� �:_ �:-.::.,.���.� . o .� `.� fi7�:)�IYYl1� f 4 � f �, ��,�r.st�:.v.�. � • ' ' . � : �t, D d i'E . June 2 8, 1984 .�> r�,:...•.. . �,:� . . _ �c;,�-� •.,� . � a"'�...�� . - C O M M tT�" � E R E P O R T - TO = Sqjn� Pat� t Cifi� Cour� cit - � . � O I�A = C O�h1?I��@� �n FINANCE, MANAGENIENT $ PERSON\'EL - � _ • � C H A I R James Scheibe 1. ' ' ' . . . _ _. _ . - � • � �S,�al . . . -- .� 1. Approval -ca�-�minutes f m meetings held June 6, 7 and ].4;� 1954. �� 2. Resolution amending the IB budget and transferring $770,296.66 fro:n I981, 1982, 1983 and 1984 CIB activit'es as listed to Rick Park project. Funding �ill be - � made available to reconstr ct the streets surrounding Rice Park in 198Y as t,rell � as constructing storm sewer and installing lighting. (Publzc ltiorks � >;; .�*�: ��� � 3. Resolution amending the �ivil��Service Rules and striking the title of T�cuck ITriver � from Section. 3.G, Ungraded and�substituting the title of I1ril�er - Opexator and � ' � striking from Section 32 specif�,,cations for the title of Truc1 Driver z.nd substi- tuting the specification for the�,title of Driver - Operator. (Personne � : "�' � �°-.- . � �, • 4. Resolution amending Secfiion 32 of �e Civil Service Rules by substituting ne3. ; �� specifications for the title Commun ,ty Lducation�Recreation Coor�inator. (P rs�} - �. , 5. Resolution approving 1984-1985 Memorandum of Agreement betiveen the City and the TYi-Council Bargaining Unit representi�ng Laborers, Local 132, 1Yuck Dri1•ers Local 120, and Operating Engineers Local 49. `�, (Pexsonnel) .a ;� - - 6. Resolution amending Section 33 (Employee Referral Procedure) . (Personn�I) '�Q-� 7. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules and inserting the title Co�uter Opexa- tions Supervisor in Section 3.B, Grade 28 and striking it in Grade 30. ( � 8. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu�ion by estab- C lishing the salary range for Grade 16E in the Clerical Bargaining Uni . P onnel) °��, .; . ���-_ _ . 9. Continued discussion regarding set-aside pxvgrams. - : 3 CITY HALL SEV�NTii FI,OOR � � SA1�T P�1UL,�1I�hL•SOT�I SSIO_ '�'-�'��,,'.a , .,. - , . . -�-._ _ . . - - -- .. . . :. . ...- --�--•• _.. _ - _ - . --- - - ._, ._.__ ,:._.__.�.,.,_.,,. .�._......,,,�, ._. _ . �---,. .. .---....,r....;