85-116 WMITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /Y} CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V� /�� BLUE - MAVOR 1 Council Resolution Presented By �r'/J��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Frank Hijikata is retiring as director of Neighborhood House after nearly 27 years of service; and WHEREAS, under Frank's direction, Neighborhood House has developed and sponsored such organizations, events and projects as the West Side Citizen's Organization, the West Side Voice newspaper, the West Side Develapment Corporation, and West Side Pride Day; and WHEREAS, Neighborhood House in its two multi-purpose centers, Baker Community Center and Concord Terrace, continues to provide services and programs for young people, senior ca�ta.zens and �amilies on the West Side including child care and meals-on-wheels. Neighborhood House through Carnp Owendingo also provides camping experiences for f amilies and young peo�le; and FVHEREAS, these programs and servi.ces provi.ded through Neighborhood House and by Frank H�mikata have proved invaluable to the people on the West Side and the people of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, "Frank Hijikata" has become synonymous with the "West Side" and "Neighborhood House", his compassion has been the community conscience; and his supervision of staff has made the community move forward; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Thursday, Januaxy 24, 1985 be declared Fxank Hijikata Day in honor of his contributions to Neighborhood House, the West Side, and the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas -Fls4ehsr $CN y�K � N °'ew In Favor Masanz I�Il�io schetbe� �__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted t�y Council: Date JAN 2 4 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P s Cou cil r BY B t�pprove by �Vlavor: D t � JAN 2 8 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBLISHE�D FEB 2 1985