BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� /��
, Cou c l, Resolution
Presented By
Referr Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as
shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review,
dated January 8, 1985, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and
made a part hereof by reference:
1-8-85 73-84-H 936 Desoto Street Arnold & Carol Dahlin
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time of two weeks to allow
Mr. Dahlin to get the cars currently licensed.
Property Description: Edmund Rices First Addition
Lot 18, Block 9
1-8-85 66-84-�3 581 Thomas Avenue Elizabeth & Ronald Stevens
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time to re-roof the property,
and that it be completed by July 15, 1985.
Property Description: Michels Subdivision of Block 5
Lot 25, Block 2 .
--- ---------------- ----------------
1-8- 75-84--F 617 Dayton A nue John F. ook
BOARD A ON: Granted an tension of time til July 15, 85 to
complete he tuckpointing and foundation work as ordered in t e City' s
COUNC[LMEN , Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew � [n Favor
Scheibel __ Against BY
Wilson .
Form Ap roved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
C �
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY $�
A►pproved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By ' BY
� ��-,���
Property D cription: Woodland Park Addition, Apartment ownership
No . 56, Dayton Condominium
Except the following; Beginning 44 .10 ' south
of northeast corner, thence west 1. 5 ' , thence
north 38. 3 ' , thence west 0. 8 ' , thence north
5 .8 ' thence east 2 . 3 ' thence south to be-
ginning lot 12, block 2, Woodland Park Addition,
Apt. No. 1 and an undivided 21. 045% interest
in common area and facilities .
Woodland Park Addition, Apartment ownership
o. 56, Dayton Condominium
cept the following: Beginning 44 .10 ' south
o northeast corner, thence west 1. 5 ' , thence
no h 38 , 3 ' , thence west 0 . 8 ' , thence north
5 . 8' thence east 2 . 3 ' , thence south to be-
ginni g lot 12, block 2, Woodland Park Addition,
Apt. . 2 and an undivided 21. 045� interest
in comm n area and facilities .
Woodland ark Addition, Apartment ownership
No. 56, Da ton Condominium
Except the ollowing: Beginning 44 .10 ' south
of northeast corner, thence west 1. 5 ° , thence
north 38 . 3 ' , ence west 0 . 8 ' , thence north
5. 8 ' thence ea t 2 .3 ' , thence south to be-
ginning lot 12, lock 2 , Woodland Park Addition,
Apt. 110. 3 and a undivided 21. 045% interest
in common area an facilities .
Woodland Park Addit on, Apartment ownership
No. 56, Dayton Condo inium
Except the following: Beginning 44 .10 ' south
of northeast corner, t ence west 1. 5 ' , thence
north 38 . 3 ' , thence wes 0 . 8 ' , thence north
5. 8 ' thence east 2 .3 ' , t ence south to be-
ginnina lot 12, block 2 , oodland Park Addition,
Apt. No. 4 and an undivid 21.045� interest
in common area and facilit� s .
Woodland Park Addition, Apar ent ownership
No. 56 , Dayton Condominium
Except the following: Beginni g 44 .10 ' south
of northeast corner, thence wes 1. 5 ' , thence
north 38 . 3, thence west 0. 8 ' , th nce north
5 . 8 ' thence east 2 . 3 ' , thence so h to be-
ginning lot 12, block 2, Woodland ark Addition,
Apt. No. 5 and an undivided 15 . 82� ' nterest
in common area and facilities .
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BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ✓ '/� �
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
1-8-85 70-84-H 706 Bellows Betty E. Olson
BOARD ACTION: Granted a thirty (30) day extension of time from
1-8- 5 to allow proceedings for relocation of appellant to be com-
Property Description: Tyrers Rearrangement, south 44 ' , lot 11.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �/ �
Dr� �0/U/l/�N
Masanz [n Favor
Ntooaia- �
scnetbe� A gai n s t BY
JAN 2 4 1985 Form App ove by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P� d o nc�l S ret r BY
� S
B �
A e by lVlavor: Date JA �98� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Pt�s��s�tE� � �_-� ' i985
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� 72-84-H 934 Clark James K. Wolf
�•. .
i .
Request a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to
' shared bathrooms , to allow continued use of one bathroom by two
iunits , because of financial difficulty.
� APPEARANCE: Mr. James K. Wolf
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Wolf explained that two efficiency appartments on
the second floor share one bathroom. There are three rooms to each
unit and two people in each. He is working on the house but needs
to do too many other repairs first. He would like to make the down-
stairs (where he now lives) into two units instead of one .
Alice Bijjani explained the two upstairs units use one bath which is
; ' located on the first floor.
! BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved that a variance from shared bathrooms
� be granted for as long as Mr. Wolf does not expand the units and for
only as long as Mr. Wolf owns and lives in the building. Ruay
Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE: Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
--------------------------------- _. _—
I� Mr. Ct�ok�thez stated he felt the order for stair enclosures���was not
;1 necessary as there are only 5 units and the'r.e..are three exits on
� the f irst floor. He said there are 15 doors (3 per_ unit) . The
� � need to wire the glass in the doors , lie feels , is very `expensive
� and it would :down. grade . the aesthetic value of the property. He
, feels � putting on the door closures , wiring the glass , and en-
� closing the stairs would not increase the safety by a substantial
; amount. This building, he pointed out, is in the historic .preser-
� vation district .
; Judy Crow, owner of one of the condominiums also shares these
� feelings and stressed the aesthetic value of the property and the
� effect the changes would have on it.
{ Alice Bijjani suggested putting in an alarm system as a possible
� alternative to changing the glass . She also felt because the
; property is only 5 units it is a smal�ler risk than a larger building.
� BOARD ACTION: Glenn Gausman moved that the board deny the variance
I on the enclosed stairwells and that a smoke activated alarm system
; be put in all three stairs , hard wired and arranged that if any
�' detector went off , all alarms will sound, instead of wired glass in
the doors . Harold Knutson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED .
' THE VOTE: Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
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Minutes , Board of Appeals & Review
Meeting of January 8 , 1985
page 4
Mr. Cook next took up the issue of dead bolt locks on all the
individual doors . He felt as long as the main entrance doors
all have deadbolt locks , this was sufficient security.
BOARD ACTION; Bill Tilton moved to grant the variance from deadbolt
locks on all owner-occupied units , but that they be installed on all
rental units . Rosann Bostrom seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE: AYes 7 Nays �
Abstentions p
- __ -- _..___ ;
� �'�-/07
73-84-H 936 Desoto Street Arnold & Carol Dahlin
Request variance from code pertaining to illegally parked cars on
property, because of financial difficulty.
APPEARANCE: Carol Dahlin, Owner
John Dahlin, Carol ' s son
PROCEEDINGS : Carol Dahlin appeared and stated an inspector was out
from the city and i�nformed her son that the two cars parked on the
property were considered illegally parked as they did not have current
license tabs . She said there was also a problem with some rubbish but
this ha� now been taken care of .
They were advised by the board to obtain current tabs for the cars
and sign an insurance waiver stating they. do not� intend to drive the
�z�ehicles. � They ag�re�d to do this .
BOARD ACTION: William Hite moved to grant an extension of two��.weeks
to allow Mr. Dahlin to get the proper license tabs for the vehicles .
Harold Knutson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
66-84-H 581 Thomas Avenue Elizabeth -&-Ronald Stevens
Request an extension of time to re-roof the property,
because of financial difficulty.
; APPEARANCE: Elizabeth Stevens
� PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Stevens explained she had appeared before the
� board at the December meeting at which time they asked her to get
� estimates from a reputable roofer as to what could be done to fix
the roof so it would not leak. On December 12 , she stated, she
contacted Midwest Roofing - they gave her an estimate for a new
roof. She also contacted All Seasons Roofing who gave her a
figure of $3 ,390 to tear off the old roof and lay a new one , Th�y
said they could install some vall.eys but they would nn��_guarantee
this would work and they would be $150 . 00 each.
Carrie Schmidt, Housing Codes , stated she feelsthat if the problem
of the leaking roof continues , the structure will continue to de-
teriorate and it will be more of a problem.
Mrs . Stevens felt the work could possibly be done by the end of
June as her husband is now back to work after a two year layoff
• , and by then they might be able to obtain financing to have it done.
___ .. _ _ ._--___ ...
BOARD ACTION: William Hite moved that she'be granted ari� extension
of time , but that she must have the roof put on by July 15 , 1985 .
Harold Knutson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED .
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75-84-H 617 Dayton Avenue John F, Cook
Request variance from code requirement pertaining to stairwell
enclosures , because of financial difficulty and aesthetic value
of house being down graded; also f rom code requiring deadbolt �
locks .
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cook stated this is a five unit condominium and
he owns one of the units which he rents out. He lived in it for
three years before he moved out. He feels the list of things that
need to be done is quite extensive . He said the tuckpointing and
foundation work would be particularly hard at this time of year
due to the weather.
BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved to grant an extension of time until
July 15 , 1985 , to allow for the tuckpointing and foundation work to
be done . William Hite seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE: Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
70-84-H 706 Bellows Betty E . Olson
Request an extension of time on "Notice to Vacate" in order to
f ind replacement housing.
APPEAR.ANCE: John Paul Martin , Attorney for Betty Ols.on. .
- ' ° Diane Davis , daughter of -Betty-E . Olson----- .::
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Martin stated he is requesting additional time
to relocate Betty Olson as the time granted at the December meeting
of the board proved to be inadequate. 'rhey now have a purchase
agreement, a contract for deed and have submitted it to the seller.
They also have received authorization from the department that Betty
Olson is eligible for the program. They expect a response on this
offer soon.
Maynard Vinge, Housing Codes , said they know this pro:�e�ty;�presents
a personal hazard to the owner and occupants . They are concerned
about the people living there and need to have a point where it stops
as they have worked with these people for two years . Maynard further
felt there are places available to move her into and funds also
available to move them out if the city goes through with the con-
Mr. Martin. said that if funds were used in this ma�ner it would
be a reduction in the amount of funds available to purchase re-
placement housing for her.
BOARD ACTION: William Hite moved to grant a thirty day extension of
time from today to al].ow proceedings for relocation of Betty Olson
to be completed. Harold Knutson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED .
THE VOTE: Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0