85-96 WHITE — CiTV CLERfC y PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council P � /��rf/ BLUERV — MAYQRTMENT File NO• v� • ` -zoning C� il Resolution r n. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has requested a variance of the subdivision regulations to permit the recording of a deed prior to plat approval ; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed the request to record the deed for property in Energy Park; and WHEREAS, the proposed variance meets the requirements of Section 67.703 of the Zoning Code regarding subdivision variances; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves this variance to permit recording of the deed for Area "B" and retention of ownership by the Port Authority of Area "A" as shown on the attached survey, subject to the following conditions: 1 . A plat showing the proposed subdivision be submitted prior to January 7, 1985 and approved within three months ; and 2. Energy Park parcels be rezoned so that zoning district boundary lines are coincident with platted lot lines. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays `{�1°fSONN� PLANNIN ND ECONOM DEVELOPMENT Drew �_ In Favor - Masanz Nicosia scnetbet � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JA�t 17 1gg5 Form Approv by Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d uncil ret BY By ��, � � � � t— ���� � � 8 198 App l�y/May for Subm' io to ouncil tapproved by '4lavor: Date V Bl �� �--- B �'�,j��j,i;►11X:,i� �j:��l� � �' IJ�� PED EPARTI•ENT � �� � a Linda Dickhut �pNTACT 7494 ext. 294 PHONE January 7, 1985 ppTE ���� �r � ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi� Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature)• Department Director .� ctty Attorney Segal ��R�ns' �,s. RE�EIVED .>�- 3 Director of Management/Ma�yor ���1 .�—f JA1� � Finance and Management Services Director r9� 4 City Clerk CITY COUNCIL HEARING JANUARY 10, 1985 C�TY ATTpRN�y, Budget Director 1 Deputy Director - Planning �lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)• Implementation of subdivision regulations. Safeguard against creation of substandard/ unbuildable lots. City Council hearing required. �� �9,�, �Fj� Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Iny�acts Anticipated: � � 9�p�, � �� None `�O,c. �S ��F Funding Source and Fund Activity Nun�er Charged or Credited: None Attachments (List and Nwnber all Attachments): 1 . City Council Resolution 2. Copy of staff report 3. Copy of public hearing notice published December 29, 1984 4. Survey for Energy Park, west of Lexington & South of RR tracks. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEI�I x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPP RPVP1"CP SidP for �Instructions) ,. � � . '.�1. � � . . � � ���� / � ,��� . SUBOIVISION STAFF REPORT FILE #137 1. APPLICANT: PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE OF HEARING: 1/10/85 2. LOCATION: East edge of Energy Park, adjacent to Gou1d Battery 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: See attached survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2, RM-3 ZOPJING CODE REFERENCE: Section 67.703 5. STAFF INUESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: l/4/85 BY: Patricia N. James ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. PURPOSE: Request for a variance of the subdivision regulations to permit the recor�ing of a deed prior to plat approval . B. SITE_&_AREArCOPJDITIONS: Level , vacant industrial parcel . ____ _ ___ __ _____ C. MINIMUM_LOT RE(�UIREMENTS: 10,000 square feet. D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA: irregular parcel , 191 .67' (Energy Park Drive) x 886.58' _ approximateTy T�9,�30.79 sq. ft. E. PROPOSED WIDTH & AREA: "A" : Irregular parcel , 30'x 350' = 8,925 sq. fit. '��'�: BaT'ance o�'parcel = 161 ,005.79 sq. ft. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The Port Authority wishes to sell to AHW Corporation all of the existing parcel except the 8,925 sq. ft. parcel adjacent to Gould Battery ("A"). They will retain this small parcel for future sale to Gould. 2. AHW is proposing to build additional housing in this area. "8" will be combined with other property to the west for the housing development. 3. The existing parcel currently has a split zoning classification. The north half is zoned RM-3, High Density High-Rise Multiple Family Residential ; while the south half is RM-2, Medium Density Low-Rise Multiple Family Residential . The proposed division will not alter the split zoning. 4. The smaller parcel , "A", is landlocked and is not served by City services. The parcel has not been platted. 5. The AHW Corporation needs to record the deed to area "B" so that they can file their mortgage and meet their financing deadlines. . 6. The City Council may grant variances to the subdivision regulations upon making findings specified in Section 67.703 of the Zoning Code: a. The intent of this chapter is met. The subdivision regulations are intended to promote orderly development of land. The Port Authority has submitted a preliminary plat for the eastern end of Energy Park (including this parcel ) in order to establish developable parcels. They are also requesting a 40-Acre Study to rezone Energy Park so that the zoning district boundary lines conform to the proposed platted lot lines. These actions will meet the intent of the ordinance. b. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. Granting the variance will promote public welfare by enabling the AHW Corporation to proceed with the housing development. c. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. �. _.._ ._�. _ ,. . _. _.,: . _ ., . . : ._ �;,.. $:,_ _ _ ; - -- s ; . ;-�, , < � �,�.'_ �'� �� . � ��= q� Port Authority Staff Report • , SBD #137 The large scale of the Energy Park project, as well as its complex financing arrangments are unique to this development. - d. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. The Port Authority and AHW Corporation will be complying with all requirements of this chapter over the next few months. e. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The special circumstances that require recording of the deed prior to subdivision approval result from the bond sale and deadlines established by others, not AHW Corporation. f. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, unusual hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were carried out. The Port Authority believes that Gould Battery will need Area "A" for a railroad spur. This is the only location for the future spur, and hardship would result if the subdivision were denied. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends approval ___,._____ _�_ ofrtfie�variance to permit recording of a deed for Area "B" and retention of ownership of area "A" by the Port Authority prior to plat approval , subject to two conditions : 1 . A plat showing the proposed subdivision be submitted prior to January 7, 1985, and approved within 3 months ; and 2. Parcels in Energy Park be rezoned so that zoning district boundaries are coincident with platted lot line. . _ . _ ,� _, ,, _._ . ._ _ . , �_. �. . , . . . :, . . .�-�� �_�.'i/� � -ZOII l tlg r i►e rr u. . - Co��cil �esolut�on Presented By ' d���� Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Port Authority of St. Paul has requested a variance of the subdivision regulations to permit the recording of a deed prior to plat approval ; and � WNEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed the request to record the deed for property in Energy Park; and , WNEREAS, the proposed variance meets the requirements of Section 67.703 of the Zoning Code regarding subdivision variances; MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves this variance to permit recording of the deed for Area "B" and retention of ownership by the Port Authority of Area "A" as shown on the attached survey, subject to the following conditions: 1 . A plat showing the proposed subdivision be submitted prior to January � 7, 1985 and approved within three months; and 2. Energy Park parcels be rezoned so that zoning district boundary lines are coTncident with platted lot lines. COUNCIL1tE[V Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � Fiet�fie� PLANNING AND ECONOP�ITC DEVELQPMENT . o�eN1 In Favor Masan: Nicosia Scheibal _ Against BY Tedesco Wfison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Vlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY . . By ,. ,...._ , iN� �, �Z, : s � . _ • � a I rum th�• u(hcr of / �/ �� �� ��t GEORGI- SC��1�T & ASSOC. INC. �� 4����� 31�2 No. Lexington Ave., Roseville, Mn i5113 LAND $URVEY�NG i J+� ��t�� 483-4A08 ;� I Hereby Cerlify fhat this plat shows a survev made h� mt� r�f th�• pri�����r!� �Ir,�ntN�d on th�, plat. bmen� Job Number:Er�g� F',�� Surveyed FOr �'���!_�������.��� --1` —-. __ _ Date acch ZC �tih�l k.....� t e ��e-+ 1 `— _„ , —+--- sr— ',_.a � .�_: ���!"_ .AF.GISIEREU LANU SURVE�:iR � Sca/e (.� =JC� tr:��.5`: 4 , � .?�J`�I l ��1 .�li.�. . / n - c �R r:�1, ,-VG ' � �r )� f�i'�., �. 7 , '' 1ib� .��1S Gc ��,;t�.c.fc� i .�.� ' � � . y , i ' U'URL►t�IGTON Not�THtRN RA�LKOAD • .,. � - - o. ,e, ,..< �.•. e�., � +o ai ' . )..°_ ` , . _ ._. _ / I :� .._,_ _'.____._.._ .. .._.. .. ..__. ... _ . . . . . .. _. . . . _ . . 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INC. � �Yf���4�5�+� 3091 No. Lezmgton Ave , Rosev�llr, Mn. 55113 ' ' . LAND SURVEYING �� �u�� 483-4408 i Hercby Certify tbat this plat shows a survey made by me of the propertv describrd nn this piat, and that the comers are correcdy placed as shuwn� � �`a Job Number: ���'���' ��'�K Surveyed For �o� � ��-�or, ��,, ' ; 08l@ L�/3�8� - iP_a.,,s Q � '- � IR�; 5-�y��.� sy J�(1r'��ir t6�.�!/ , _�'�G:�!!•'� � REGiSiEREDLnND SURVErOR SC8/@ �.�_Z�� ,�/O�f s�'/ � — — --. —.—.__._._ � f�L—a'/�'l��i TCN _/�'(JE, +--- ---- — – - --- �� ----T--- —----- ---y— � � M, k � � aZ � � ^ OM \ ' N° ' �—� -.?-- �C ��U � tJ� �� � / �O (J .��1 M f�1 P h � � �' � s e c� ' .�+ _ 7 • 81 __I � �� ;�r � �a' so.:, Z�„� h�36.8L <�yd ` I � �1 ~ �i.fr �O SKS.o 4l UNO ti�' � 1. C�i . 3�, q Vq( �iy�9J�b0'Y1�.,� •M�Q � ��l'� S�,a' O `L �( �� n� M�� � 'vi m � � � � o�". `� � N o�oo r�'� 'G;�+ ? � % f� � �' � L! Z �-�°�— — � N � � �g o 3 � b Q � � h � �9 ti•o'oo'zs�''�✓ � � � � 3,s.s� � � h ; � o � ; oi o ... 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Df"SCHIPTION: Z o'I 111 that part �iP tl�e $uutl� Ha1f of tl��� !torth Natf of Sectiun '%, Townsi�ip .'9 I�orU�, R�inyr� '"f Wes,�. , o °�'{ nhich lies within tl�e followln<i described lines: � I Commenciny .+C th�� most Ilorlheastc?rly crorner of I_ot 4, Hlo�k 1, fn��ryy Park, �.�irl i��>iut heinr� 1J11 i fr�et SouGh of the ��orCh line of the Svuth half of the IlocthwCSt 1/4 of s.iid S��eLiun �' .ind ,','��S.��i, fert � [ast uf the lVc�st Jine of th�> Ilorthwest U4 of s<iid Sectiou 17; U��nce� 11 6`1�15'04" I f�is�,�imc��l In�.�rinr,` � 437.'7 feet �lom� .i linF 190 feet Snuth oT ,ind parallclw%� the Ilorlh line of lh�• S��nth t�.,lf r�f Lt�c � tloPthwesl 1/4 of Sald �ectlun �7 to �� poiiit on the �lortl�-Snuth 1/4 11ne; lhcnCe tl 5`)��.�'3„' I 17111.?'l � feel alonq a line 190 fr,et �outh oP and parallel wlth th�e ��orth lin<� of 5.iid SouU� 1!.' tu the �,��ir,l ��f �be�qinniny oP tl�r linr s to be her�in descrihed: �hence cantinuinq II �+9°7!�'3T" 1 �96.T. f�•i•t tc� .a �oir�i 17i.�3 feet: Nest. of the W��st line of' Lrxinqto� :1venue; thenCe, SoufhNC�stcrl� dlnnci � ��c��.-I.+nqe'i�i i,i� cur�� to U�r. left ?19.)5 fe•et, �e�ii�is oi' S7:.`36 feet, de•lt�� dnqlc of '1°S��'li", lony rt�nr�! ol' ,'1�.04 ��r�t br�ica S 54�07'1S" M to .� Nuii�l 350.fer1 ltest uP thc Ncst lirie nf said lexinqtnn 1�cnue; Lhencr � � 5 15 i6'l4" 1Y 109..' fect to a point 3SU feet MesL gf the West line of Lexinyton 4ver�ue: thenci• �S U UO'14�E ; paralle! to sa�d Nest line 245.0 fert; [he�ice N 59 59'36" E 30.0 feet to a pofnt i50 frc�t West of the Nest line of said,Lexinyton :1venue; thence 5 00°g0'l4" E parallcl to s�ii�l Rest lf���• �.iG.�7 f�rt tn the North ltne of (,n�rqy F'ark Drive; thence N 82 30' W alony said Uorth line 191.� ? f�rt; thencc . i N 0°00'?b" W 571.U1 feet; thence S 99°'0'Sl" w 13(1.(� feet; th�nce IJ 0°00'24" N J1'�.5� fret to thr- 1 potnt�q f bef innj nq. Sun,iecc to Pasemen[s. f�amscy l'uunty, Min+�esot� /90__ /Y-S ��/ /:n¢ `' �� Q 3 ►, = or �t Z d �. K� ot p � � � O`� ^i 1 hereby certiy that this eurv�ey was PrePared •� Y- � ny me. w under�y direct wPervision,ana � ,r � that i am a duly R�pl�red i.end Surveyo� � � � �o under the tews 01 tlN � a Mfnnesota C � � d R w . ;; -� � rox 1� Date Re9.No. _ ^�C ', � � � N ; _ ��llas� �;�e Nrv!�5!fec_Z�_24-�.3 , � . - � �����° � SUBDIVISION STAFF REPORT FILE #137 1. APPLICANT: PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE OF HEARING: 1/10/85 2. LOCRTION: East edge of Energy Park, adjacent to Gould Battery 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2, RM-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 67.703 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 1/4/85 BY: Pa�ricia N. James A. PURPOSE: Request for a variance of the subdivision regulations to permit the recoraing of a deed prior to plat approval . B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: Level , vacant industrial parcel . C. MINIMUM LOT RE(�UIREMENTS: 10,000 square feet. D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA: Irregular parcel , 191 .67' (Energy Park Drive) x 886.58' _ approxima`teTy T�9,930.79 sq. ft. E. PROPOSED WIDTH & AREA: "A" : Irregular parcel , 30'x 350' = 8,925 sq. ft. tt�n:--gaTancero�parcel = 161 ,005.79 sq. ft. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The Port Authority wishes to sell to AHW Corporation all of the existing parcel except the 8,925 sq. ft. parcel adjacent to Gould Battery ("A"). They will retain this small parcel for future sale to Gould. 2. AHW is proposing to build additional housing in this area. "B" will be combined with other property to the west for the housing development. 3. The existing parcel currently has a split zoning classification. The north half is zoned RM-3, High Density High-Rise Multiple Family Residential ; while the south half is Ri�-2, Medium Density Low-Rise Multiple Family Residential . The proposed division will not alter the split zoning. 4. The smaller parcel , "A", is landlocked and is nat served by City services. The parcel has not been platted. 5. The AHW Gorporation needs to record the deed to area "B" so that they can file their mortgage and meet their financing deadlines. 6. The City Council may grant variances to the subdivision regulations upon making findings specified in Section 67.103 of the Zoning Code: a. The intent of this chapter is met. The subdivision regulations are intended to promote orderly development of land. The Port Authority has submitted a preliminary plat for the eastern end of Energy Park (including this parcel ) in order to establish developable parcels. They are also requesting a 40-Acre Study to rezone Energy Park so that the zoning district boundary lines conform to the proposed platted lot lines. These actions will meet the intent of the ordinance. b. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety, healtfi or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. 6ranti�ng the variance will promote public welfare by enabling the AHW Corporation to proceed with the housing development. c. 7he conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. . �� . � �'s=9� Port Authority Staff Report � SBQ #i37 The large scale of the Energy Park project, as well as its complex financing arrangments are unique to this development. d. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. The Port Authority and AHW Corporation will be complying with all requirements of this chapter over the next few months. e. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The special. circumstances that require recording of the deed prior to subdivision approval result from the bond sale and deadlines estabiished by others , not AHW Corporation. f. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, unusual hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were carried out. The Port Authority believes that Gould Battery will need Area "A" for a railroad spur. This is the only location for the future spur, and hardship would result if the subdivision were denied. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of+the variance�to permit recording of a deed for Area "6" and retention of ownership of area "A" by the Port Authority prior to plat approval , subject to two conditions: 1 . A plat showing the proposed subdivision be submitted prior to January 7, 1985, and approved within 3 months; and 2. Parcels in Energy Park be rezoned so that zoning district boundaries are coincident with platted lot line. � a . � �-�.�= 9� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of the Saint Pau1 Port Authority for a variance of the subdivision ordinance in Energy Park, west of Lexington and south of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, on January 10, 1985 at 10:00 A. M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd f]oor, City Hall ____ .-- --- - __. _., _ : _ . _ . z_:. ._�� :,,::�. ___ -- -- Albert B. Olson City Clerk (December 29, 1984) -----�i— � - —-�-�Z W Z � S V, Qo � h � � � / � o (�1 .� � �� .{�� -� V'� 'v IC � ^Y �" p � zJ y° •`� -� N — � p\ � � �� , r— - - -� - - - �_----�--- ,� °--_ /�i�-S ��5� �;K¢ � - - -- - - - -- - - I - -�90 . , ,;'�e � ��� � � � L sr° I � � ` �' / s" , � CD < � �'� �, �� � �� � � � � � 6 �`�.a,, �s , P �i � � c �c` c c'.���, ' � _ w Q 3 �"f'� 0 �', ,r J r' z r ' a ,� � T � � � N 7 � �—t� ��`� ���' � � ."�o"� G� �1 � N o � �. y° ' � �11 °'. � �I � �� ' '1 J � �' � �+ �. T� Rt � �. .� � ; � � ` ` � - � ,' '1 � �„�� � �� � � � � `V � �� � T � �� � Z `�� D � F x � . rt � I , O � .� v1 l:► rT ° • a = � • � (ft < , � � � � �, � . Z �, a � � L �' � y 1 .,v, � � �� I h 1� v � � p � l�� � � O ° \_ � ➢ �- 1 <� � � w � T� � � � �x o r �. � T ^' .� � d Z � , J �+' " c � � 1 . � .�. .o " O ?' r. 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L7 T --�lAL-�----- --_. . _-- - — - -- -- __ _ _-- -- __ ____- -- -- -- -- - -- -- +�//, �'t ^l p vDU�2'��i� . , � � ���s 9� . , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of the Saint Paul Port Authority for a variance of the subdivision ordinance in Eneryy Park, west of Lexinqton and south of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, on January 10, 1985 at 10:00 A. M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall Albert B. Olson City Clerk (December 29, 1984) � . � - ����r� ,_- ���� - �._ ';, �� � ���� �� ����: . . . . �. , . �. � � � � �,� - ��� :;���� ��� r�� .�BRf ��q�awa�yl�. ' `��'s�, � , ��L Z7—Z9-�3 .� From the office of � �J� `/� � � ����z�� GE4RGI- S�T & ASSOC. INC. 3092 No. Lexington Ave., Roseville, Mn. 55113 - LAND SURVEYING �� �'*� 483-4408 U ;a � i Hereby Certif� that this plat shows a survey made by me of the property described on this plat, and that the corners are correctly placed as shown� Job Number: �N��s y P��K Surveyed For fo� � �u-�ar, �� �� , � �;�' Date z��j�8 5� - 2a�, s�� �,���zy �g�= s�y;��� eY �1ir�u���� . .���Gt!���" � REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR SCB�e �ii_ ZDO� ' ��O �sy � — � � L�/N� T�OI� �'lJ�, -,— -- — – – , � �� � �,' . M, a 3 � ^ �h : � - � . I qo �: ;o � -- 'a .i h M � �1 M � �s � � `�� � - � , � 7B - 8 T �°' ' `n �a 350.o Z�.i� h�36.8T' ��, W �,y,' g/.ri+p�O YN�S.o °>�i � `� ! n � Q q! ''�i y�9v°eo�Z�"� .��Q U N�� ���' �S P �l f�n y��i/ Y�, ry� �D (I-� Ii � ' �I I Z o• � � � No�oo z�'� '`�G� a � N � � � , s �/ � �Jl�/ , v � � � o '3 � � , � � �� l90 n�'o °oo'L�''� � � I ,� 3is .s� � � ! � o _ � � , ; �,..' � ( ' ; I 0� D ' � � i I � � j I ', � � I � � � I I � ( 43 � ; , � i `� , !� ; ! I � s � ; � � ' � � � . �� , I � � � � ; � ! > N ; � , — � � � ' � � � o j DF SCf3 I PT I O�J: � o' All th�t part of the South Half of thP �lorth Nalf of Section ?7, Township '9 tic�rth, R��nqe ?3 West _ o °'i which lies within the followinq described lines: �` � Commencinc� .�t the most tlortheasterlv corner of Lot 4, Hlock 1, Fnerqy Park. said point heinc� 190 i ' f?et South of the Ilorth line of the South half of Yhe �Jorthwest 1/4 of said Section 2; and ?205.•'FE feet � � f-��st of the 1Yc�st line of the tlort►�west 1/4 of saici Section ?7; thence PI 89°15'04" C (assumed f�c<+rinn� C► � 43i.'7 feet alon<< <i lin� 190 feet Soiith of ��nci parallelw%� the IJorth line of the Souoh h�lf of the � ! �dorthwesC 1/4 of said S�ction 27 to � �oint on the fJorth-S�uth 1/4 line; tihence fl 99 '8'3?" C 1901 .99 � � feet �3lonra �� line 190 feet South of an�i parallel with the tdorth line of s�id South 1/' to the pc�int nf f��c�innir�y nf tl�e lin�s to he herein �jescrihed; thence continuin� I! 89°2�S '32" F 496.72 feet t� �� poinl � 173, i3 feet �4est. of the West line of Lexinqton Avenue; thence So�ithwesterly alnnca a non-tangenti�l curvc� � to tf�e left �'(9. 35 feet, ra�ii��s of 572.96 feet, �ielta .in�alc of 7_1°5E>' 17", lonq chord of ?1�.04 feet 0 � bear� S 54 07' 15" W to <� point 350 .feet !1'est of t.he Ihest line �f said Lexinqton ���enue; thencP � S l5 56' 19" �V 109.� feet to a point 350 feet West gf Lhe West line of Lexington Avenue; therticc S 0°00'24�E , paralle? to sa�d West line 245.� feet; thence tl 89 59'36" E 30.0 feet to a .point 350 feet West, of the � West line of saicl Lexinyton Avenue; thence S 00°g0'74" E parallel to said West line 436.�7 fc-et to the North line of �nerqy Park Drive; thence N 82 3U' W alony said tlorth Iine 191 .E>7 feet; .thence . i � N 0°0�'?4" W 571,�01 feet; thence S 99°20'S1" W 13(1.� feet; thence N 0°00'24" 14' 315.57 feet to thP � point 9f�he inn'nr�. SLJbJPCt to-easements. �amsey County, Minr�esota 140 � /V-S �<,/ ��'n¢_ . H � tj( Q Y Y Z � �- ��° o! � M�i� oy � �� 1 hereby certify that this BU�ey was prepared ��a �{� � iby me, or unde� my dtreCt �pervision, and � � .j- v that I am s duly Raglsti@t+9d LBnd Surveyo! � � �O �� under the laws Ot,1h0 8'tste af MinnesotG � � . . � � x � � -� � �,° ( ,. . Oate Reg. No. - _ � � „� a � � N l��S � �ik� /�11�J//y�eC, L7-24 - Z3 • � �