85-88 WN17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY � OF SA I NT PALT L Council � �� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�RE�AS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recom�nend the following transfers for the 1985 General Fund Budget: TRAI�iSE'ER FR(JM: General Goverrunent Accounts Contingent R�eserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -20,000 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Executive A�iinistration Mayor's A�ministration 00101 Budget Section 00101-219 Fees-flther Professional Services 10,100 +20,000 30,100 00101- All Other Spending 271,161 0 271,161 281,261 +20,000 301,261 NET � 0 NCJW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 Budget. Approved as to Func7ing: P,pproval R,ecomnended: � ��n^'� .��"1�, � � tor of Finance� ���� Budget D r tor ��-��-�y COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays p�-�+�++���nr�,�/ Executi ve Admi ni strati on Masanz �— �n Favor Nicosia � Scheibel __ AgaipSt Tedesco Wilson JAN 17 1985 Form Approve y City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified a. •e b Council re BY By Approved 14avor D � ' � 5 Ap by Mayor for Sub ' 'o to Cou�il Pt1BLISHE� J A N 2 6 1985 . � .Sy ���=��' Executive Admin. DEPARTh1ENT Maureen Warren rONTACT . 298-4323 PHONE �� �� ' 12/26/84 DATE �v (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): � Department Director .,� City Attorney ,� Girector of Management/Mayor �s Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk �Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): A Citizens' Commission will begin studying the public financing methods used by the Saint Paul Housing and Redevlopment Authority and the Saint Paul Port Authority. The City has agreed to provide staff support for this study. An independent outside consultant will be hired to provide the support to the Commission. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Funds will be transferred from the Contingent Reserve Specified activity. The individual will be hired through a personal services contract. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Charge: Contingent Reserve Specified (09061-537) $20 ,000 Credit: Budget Section (00101-219) $20 ,000 Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl : Council Resolution transferring funds Council File 84-1131 establishing the Commission DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) .:z;��%� : �;=�.� � VI'7?X O� .SAIN'T� �P.E�.'rJL � ::�, _,i�, �'.l1 . � ,� f:._.:�r �,�\�;. - O�+'l�ICF p�a� 2`k?T; C.IT�.' COTJ\CFL �� �,��� '� !�f rl , S`�' ��,�i;:::i: :' , � . . �.��i f>yi.a��.�� ,� 4; � � . �_��`. '�� :~�,'� `et .. _. . • . � � . Y � Dote ,-. � : l: . . '�,�,,;.�,1%",'� • January 10, 1985 _;..,,.;;, _ . . . . ..... COiVli�� t�7' EE F� EPO � T i 4 = Sain� P�u i Cifiy Coun��i! _ F� � ��� � ����Ii��� OCI FINANCE . � � C�AIP. �AMES SCHEIBEL � 1. Approval oF minutes from tneeting held January 3, 19$4,���'�J� (Connnf ttee-of-the-Whole for this i tem) • 2. Reso ution amending Section 5.D of ttie Civit Service. Rules pertair�iiig to Resiclence �and al )owing 5 points o � oniy one certffied appointment for each applicant. {Personnel, - (��� ov��r � �v e�� 3' ' ;�,. .��pm� Contingent Reserve Specified to Budget S ction - � , ��c.��.�nancing Study. (Executive Administration)�Y�V�-� 4. Resolution amending the Civi1 Service Rules by inserting the title of Video Production Specialist in Se`ction .J, Grade 7 and inr�serting the specificatio�is iri Section 3Z. ' (Personnel����'�%e.� '� �f'TGl� LUC�jtO(� Y�eCCmrY�r�'Lt.�t.c,'v�- 5• Resolution amending the Civii Service Rules hy striking tl�e title of Director of --- Environmental Hygiene in Section 3.K, Grade 26 and substituting in l �eu thereof the title oF EnvirorTrnental Nealth Direc'tor in Grade 22 and amending Section 32 by striking specifications for the title of Director of En'vironmental Hygiene rid inserting tl�e � new title of Environmenta) Health Director.: (Personhel)�a}rl�� 6. Resolution approving tl�e 1985-1986 Memorandum oF Understand'ng appiying to Unclassified . ConFidential Supervisory Employees as l:isted.. (Personnel) �I�DL`� � 7. Resolution apprdving the 1984-1985 Agreement between ISD f1625 and the Twin City G 1az i ers and G 1 ass Workers Lvca 1 1324 an� .the 1984-1985 Agreemetit bet�•�een I S D //625 and the Tri-Council (Ope}'ating En ineers Locai 49, Teamseters Local 120 and laborers Loca 1 132), (Personne 1) �pj��J�, . � ,�, 8. Reso 1 ut i on approv i ng tl�e 19sl►- 1985 Ma i n tenance Labor Agreemen t between the C i ty and the.Gla2iers Loca1 }{.1324. (Personnel), � �: �v,�� 9. Resolution approving increases in the cos oF storage and adininistraCive costs for veh i c 1 es i iupounded by tlie C i ty. (Po 1 i ce) ��j�� ' , 10. Resolution amending tlie CDBG Prog.rarn by transFerring various amounts as listed from Public Works projects as listed to the 984 Res1id,,e�tial Street Paving Program ($Z93,371•00) . (Conrnunity Development)}�}�'�L�CG NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution allowing employees resigning in 1984, as well as in the four preceding years, the option of receiving severance pay due in full , or in five separate equal insta) lment paya4le on r after 1/�/� an on or after 1/20 f,�a�ch� year C::Y HALL fo 1 1 ow i n 9• "� K.e��'�LL� EN'rFI�t"pOI��' ` r�C1i Y��'`�`�"""�- �i� SAINT PAUL. Til��'ESOT:�55f0? � '^T 17 �,N• ;y - OE ��RTw�_..; - U I TY O F JA 1 N"i' t'A U L y�!—�/j/ • o��E �- MA.�F File NO. . � . � .� � -� � C'ouncil Resolution � ����� P<<:sen,ed By n�l �red To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date WHEREAS, recently enacted federal legislation limits the amount of • industrial development bonds which may be issued in each state to $150 per capita and state legislation ailocates Minnesota's IDB authority between tne state, municipalities, and devetopment authorities within the state; and WHEREAS, this new allocation process places a limit of approximately $86 miilion on the amount of industrial development bonds which may be issued in the City of St. Paul and , WHEREAS, since 1977 the City of St. Paui Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) used revenue bond financing for housing and commecial devetopment which has created 4,i83 housing units, created or retained 8,009 jobs, leveraged $113,914,000 in private investment, and generated $13,5I8,498 in annuai real estate taxes; and WHEREAS, since the beginning of the industrial revenue bond program in 1964, the St. Paul Port Authority has used industrial development bonds to finance projects which have created or retained more than 25,000 jobs, currently generate annual real estate taxes of $11,915.015, and represent over $1 ,040,000,000 in total plant investment; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and St. Paul Port Authority have used alternative financial tools in addition to industrial devei:;r:,Qnt bonds to stimulate development in the City of St. Paui ; now, rherefore, be it RESOLVED, that there is established a Citizens' Commission to review the industrial development bond, tax increment financing, generai obligation bond, Community Development Block Grant, and Capital Improvement Budget financing practices used by the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the St. Paul Port Authority, inventory the possible projects which may be assisted with each type of �inancing tool , and indicate which COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � o'°'" In Favor Masanz Nicosis scneibei Against BY Tedasco Wiison , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bp _ BY •'` wHITE - C'T� CLE��K � P�4M � � fINANCE ' \ COUIICI� . ���ll.'♦ � DEPA(iTMENT . (.�ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �`� ���� Bl_�:i.._ - MAYOA ' '. � Council Resolution a ��-��' � Pr.:sented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By . Date 2 financing tools witl be available to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Port Authority to assist future development in the City of St. Paul ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commission will be composed of 15 members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council . Terms of the 15 members shall be for nine months after the first meeting of the Commission. The Commission shall present a written report of their findings to the Mayor and the City Council .nine months after the first Cortmission meeting. Commission members shoutd include: 1 member from the financial community; 1 member from the buildings and trades industry; 1 member from the legal profession; 1 member from the real estate or building management profession; 1 member from the League of Women Voters; 2 members from the bond community; 1 member from the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce; 2 members from the Port Authority 2 members from the City Council and 3 at-large citizen representatives. The City of St. Paul will provide cierical and support staff for this study. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �t�� Nays � Drew �"y�� In Favor Masanz Nicosfa �� �s�tret� A gai n s t By Tedesco -�VMitson Adopted by� Council: Date AUG 2 3 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Cerli(ied :lssed y C un .il ret By B,. ��..�..�-� � e� \ �- 2 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv 1�y Vlavor. Dat �_ , . By. �� ' y --r,-�—�'L___. s �� 4 Y PUBLiSF1E0 �F p _ 1 198