85-85 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCIl P CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO• `�� �� BLUE - MAVOR 1 o.0 cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Couneil of the City oP Saint Paul pursuant to Section 38.07 of the Administrative Code and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota for 1975, Chapter 261 , and pursuant to the provisions of applicable City Labor oontracta that in re�peat to each item of severance pay provided to be paid by said provisions on account of separation from employment With the City whiah occurred itt the years 1980, �1981 , 1982, 1983, and 1984 save any such separation whieh may have oeeurred in any of the said years by reason of death of any el igibl e employee, the aane may be paid either in full or paid upon a deferred aanual installment payment plan, and that the determination of the manaer of payment of sueh severance pay shall be at the eleetion of the separated employee; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the separated employee eleet to receive the severance paq by deferred payment, such deferred payments shall be made annually in the amount of one-fifth of the total amount oP severance pay granted under the provisiona of Seotion 38.07 of the Administrative Code; and, FINALLY BESOLVED, that such payments be made oa or after Februarq 20, 1985, or as soon thereaPter as it may be aonvenient for the proper City oFfieial� to make such payments thereon, and in the case of the deferred payment method the succesaive annual installments not in excess of one-fifth of the total amount oP severanae pay granted ahall beeome due and payable on or after the 20th day of February in each sueeeeding year to the extent, and only to the extent, that it shall be neceasary to effeet the payment of the total severanoe pay amounts in each particular oase without interest. COUNGLMEN Requeste by Department of: Yeas Nays Dr� SoA!'N� Masanz � In Favor Nicosia scnetbe� __ Against BY 7edesco 1 Wilson JAN 17 tgg5 Form rov by C't orn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified a. -e uncil e r BY < By, Approved b 'Vlavor: Date � �����N � � � �Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � . . g a 12 � � � By __ ���,; '� ` ^F' " � 1985 u�,�y�n �,�Gt N �� � � ��� Firiarice/'Accounting DEPARTt•1ENT Robert J. Vanyo �ONTACT 292-6753 PHONE � �� Januar 4 1985 DATE �v� � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): 1 Department Dinector � City Attorney - RFC�'��lFD __� 3 Director of Management/Mayor . � _, Finance and Management Ser�ices Director � OFFi�'� OF T H_ � � :i OR 4 Ci ty Cl erk D�P�,F;'.1�,1�N i Or F,;���,;dCE BUdget Dl P'eCt01" A N D MANAGE11:ErV T �L;;�.,�.�r� ��hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This allows those employees resigning in 1984, as well as in the four preceding years, the option of �eceiviag the "severance pay due in full, or in five equal installments payable on or after February 20, 1985 and on or after February 20th of each year following. Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated: The severance pay due has been provided for in the 1985 budget. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: 50065 City Severance Pay Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No A�'-' Yes _�_ No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) },::��;�1 �::=::�� � C:ITX Ol� .SAYN"T �.E�.r �r �� ,c.l� J� (� �c�S f:. --�.'� u' ' =-=-� t�::::;:� =�1 - orz��rcr o�a� 2`�I+'. C.Z7.'�' COU\�CIL � wl;��(yy'i;_=Ta'+-1•I� �t� " . . . , . . �''� =,.r�� . � Dote : January 10, 1985 �,..:�.�:;W:'' _ , . ( . ..... COi1� I� f 1�' EE i� E PO � T i 4 = Sqrn� P�a� I Ci�� Cou���ii � � _ Fp � ��� ' C��'f1�73Ii i�� Ot'T �INANCE C�A� � JAMES SCHEIBEL � 1. Approval oF minutes from tneeting held January 3, 198�.�'�jJ���� (Coinmittee-of- the-Whole for this item) • 2. Reso ut�on�nd�ng ectio�� 5•D oF the Civil Service. Rules pertaining to Residence and ai lowing $ pofnts o � only one certified appo(ntment for eacf� a��pl icant. (Personnel, [�1-lZ� ov�r � t,v 2�� 3. : Resolution transferring $20,Q00 from� Contingent Reserve Specified to Budget S ction t - (1985 Budget 7ransfer) for Publ (c Financing Study. (Executive Adininistration)�i'�112-C�. 4. Resolution amending the Civi1 Service Rules by ins�rting the kitle of Video Production Specialist in Se�ction .J, Grade 7 and inserting the specificatio � in Section 32. ! (Personnel.���ZYYe� •—� �Y`�Gt� LUtr'tOt� r�LGyYl1I'1�►'���.`Y�- 5• Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules by striking the title of Director of Environmental Hygiene in Section 3.K, Grade 26 and substituting in lieu thereof the titie of Enviroiimental Nealth Direc'tor. in Grade ZZ and amending Section 32 by striking specifications for the titie of Director oF Environrnental Hygiene rid inserting the � new title of Envir�nmenta) Health Director., (Personnel)�a}'ll� 6. Resolutivn approving the 1g85-1986 Memorandum oF Understand'ng applying to Unclassified . . C�n f i den t i a 1 Superv i sory Emp 1 oyees as l,i s ted.. (Personne 1) �Yl}li� 7. Resolution apprdving the 1984-1985 Agreement between ISD f1625 and the Twin City G)aziers and Glass Workers Local 1324 and .the 1984-198S Agreement betti•reen ISD �I625 ar�d the Tri-Gouncil (Ope ating Engineers Local 49, 7eai�iseters Local 120 and Laborers Loca 1 132) . (Personne 1)��v��, � 8. Reso 1 u t i on approv i ng tl�e 1981+- 1985 Ma i n�enance Labor Agreemen t bettioeen tl�e C i ty and the. Glaziers Local �{.1324. (Personne)) � �: ���� 9• Resolution approving increases in the cos oF storage and administralive costs (or vehi cles impounded by tlie Ci ty. (Pol i ce) ��jv� ' � 10. Resolutiori amending the CDBG Program by transferring various amounts as listed it-om Public Wqrks projects as listed to the 984 Reside tial Street Paving Program (5293,371•00) . (CouQnunity Development)}�'�}�l�(��°� NOT ON QREPARED AGENDA:_ m� ��� ' ���Fiti� employees resigning in 1984, as well as in the four preceding �?��',�'�II�R� of receiving severance pay due in ful l , or in five separate ins nt paya te on r after 1/20/85 an on or after 1/20 f ach year C.TY HALL . ""Y�S��E�H��OT�LI �1�i1-� r�[-CDY�IM2J�Q,��. SAINT P�'IUL. ritti�'ES�T.•�55IOZ ' -�,-�, _..... .. ._._ ,..__. _ ._. _ ._, . ._._ �.,. . . ,�,....,� ......�,..-,,.a,,,..�„Y.m,,,�--