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D00773• CITY OF SAINT PAI)I. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR -�---- --------- �- -------- - � �--- '- -- ADMINISTRATIVE OIiDER No.: �� 1 Date: - I � � � � �� _ GS �: 76049 ADMIINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with tl authority granted to the Mayoc in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Chzrter and based on the request of the Director of the Oepartment of Public Woiks toamendthe�994 budgetofthe Capital Projects furd,theCired�orofYneDepartmeM of Fnanca and Management Services is au[horized to amend said budget in the tollowing manner: Curtent �d gi�� ��� Budget 1994 MSA 1995 MSA ASSESSMEM WATER UTILITY • SPENDING PLAN C94-2J005-25053 Hoyt Ave-Victoria to Avon Construction FINANCING PLAN C95-2T462 MNDOT Proj Participation-95 1995 MSA FINANCING PLAN C94-2J005-25053 Hoyt Ave-Victoria to Avon 166,000.00 166,000.00 21,597.33 2�,597.33 7,500.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 173,500.00 24,097.33 197,597.33 173,500.00 24,097.33 197,597.33 173,500.00 24,097.33 197,597.33 50,000.00 -21,597.13 28,402.87 50,000.00 -21,597.13 28,402.87 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.: Ul.l) I 1 � Date: ��� f – � GS #: 26049 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciiy Charter and based on the request of the Diredor of the Department of Public Works toamendthel9 g[�_6udgetofthe Capital Pro�ects fund,lheDirectoroftheDepartrnerd of Fnance and Management Services is autho�zed to ame�d said hudget in the following manner: Curtem �xk�et SPENDING PLAN C95-2T462 MNDOT Proj Participation-95 CJ • Construction Prepared by: htivrty Managar 7 � � �ZG�� ✓ Rapuestedby. entOxecror ♦ _ - :�:•- 50,000.00 -21 ,597.33 28,402.67 50,000.00 -21,597.33 28,402.67 1' ' � nac��e e r.� IZ � 6� Dam ^ � � DEPAATMENT/ pCE1CAUNCIL ATE INITIATED j�y� runu�w�x� �{ �rzsr9s GREEN SHEET" N 26049 GONTACT PERSON & PHONE MRIAUDATE INITViVDATE— °' Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 A ❑ CIT' ATfO NEY R � TOR � cm c�K �� NUNB9tFOR ❑ ❑ MUSTBEONCOUNCILACaENDABY(DA'fE) RWTING ❑q BUDGETOFFICE O FINANCEACWUNTING � � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn 1 Mke Eggum �— AL80F SIGNANRE PAG6 � {CLlP ALL LOCA710NS fOR SIGNANR� � C � P � ❑2 DEPAfi7MEM ACCOU �.a ACTION REflUES'tED Appmval of avached Admicrisaative Order tcansfemng 1995 Mimicipai State Aid funding from the MnDOT Par6cipation project and adding Water Utiliry funding to the Hoyt Ave - Victoria to Avon project RECOMMENDAi70NSApprwe (A) or Rejaci (f� pERSONAI SERVICE CONTW1CiS AIUST ANSWEB THE FOLLOWMG QUES710NS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEflVICE COMMISSION � ��i perSONfirm evel wo`ICed under a contrac[ fot this department? qe con�MmE� _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has fhis p2f5of1/firm eVff been a Clly employ2C? — VES NO _ DisTRicrCOUNCIL _ 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a skill not nwmaly possessed by any arrent ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNqLOBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�M altaeh io green shaet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSt1E.OPPORSUNIN (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WF1Y): Budget for the Aoyt Ave Reconshvcfion project was approved in 1995. There is a need for additional MSA financing in this pro}ect The MnDOT Pazticipaflon project has sufficient MSA financing to transfer to the Hoyt Reconstrucflon project. The Wazer Utility has agreed to cost shaze in this project. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Spending and financing budget will reflect acwal costs and revenues. ' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. RECEIVE� DEC 111995 �S�!' CLEti�°: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Spending and financing budgets will be inaccurate. ALAMWMTOFTRANSACS{ONS ,�' S00.00 CaST7REYENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES NO ING SoUHCE 1995 MSA . Wa[a Ufilitv ACTNt7Y NUMBER C94-23005 & C95-2T462 FNJAPSCIAL 1NWRMAT101J: (E%PLAIN) Transfers - $21,597.33 Addiaons - $2,500.00 � i � ( 161�