85-69 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FIL N0. ���� RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By ` � FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON File No. 5-11014 Assessment #3092; S-11015 Assessment #3093; g-11017 Assessment �3094; S-11018 Assessment #3097; S-11069 Assessment #3098 and S-11068 Assessment �3095. Voting In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for�hew construction and/or recon- Ward struction of sidewalk and all work incidental of the follawing: 6 S-11014 Both sides of Arlington Avenue from East Shore Drive to Hazelwood St. Preliminary Order ��279752 approved January 25, 1983 Final Order �k279876 approved February 22, 1983 5 *S-11015 North side of Arlington Avenue from Westminster Street west to east line of Klainert Street more-or-less. Preliminary Order ��279961 approved March 10, 1983 Final Order ��280054 approved March 22, 1983 7 S-11017 Both sides of Bur�s Avenue from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway Preliminary Order �279959 approved March 10, 1983 Final Order ��280115 approved April 5, 1983 4 S-11018 Both sides of Simpson from Blair Avenue to Englewood Avenue Preliminary Order 4�280071 approved March 22, 1983 Final Order ��280198 approved April 19, 1983 2 S-11069 Both sides of Winifred Street from Bidwell Street to Humboldt Avenue Preliminary Order ��279967 approved March 10, 1983 Final Order ��280116 approved April 5, 1983 5 S-11068 Both sides of Dale Street from Hatch Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue Preliminary Order ��279941 approved March 8, 1983 Final Order ��280082 approved March 29, 1983 ......,.,... _...._.�-- -o--- - _ JAN 15 1985 C�UNCILPERSONS Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Drew Nays Masanz � Certified P ss d y uncil Secretar Nicosia ln Favor By Scheibel S onnen � C�--�� �� ��,� ��� Tedesco Against JAN 16 1985 Mayor wilson Pl18lISHE� `I,�.��� � � 1985