85-57 `NHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. � � BLUE - MAYOR � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and Helping Hand Heal.th Center whereby the City and County provide funding to Helping Hand Health Center, subject to the t�rms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Departarent of Finance and Management Services. COU[VCILMEN Yeas ^�s����a� Requested by Department of: Drew Community Services Masanz In Favor NiCOSia scnetbei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 10 1985 Form Appr ed b Cit tt �y Certified Pa.s y o �1 $e ry BY gy, Ap rov by Ma r: Da �— 11 -� �JAN i 1 19 5 App by Mayor for Sub si '�to� cil B PUBLISNE�D JAN 19 1985 � : ���s� Community Services DEpARTt•1ENT Gary J. Pechmann �ONTACT 292-7716 PHONE � �� December 3 1984 DATE ��� � � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign N� for Routing Order (Clip All Lacations for Mayoral Signature): /� Department Di rectar � ' �' �ity Attorney °�'���-�c� IVED 3 Di rector of Manage�ent/Mayor RECE 4 Finance and Management Services Dir�ctor � DEC 7�1984 5 City Clerk B�t�t o,re�to� CITY ATTORNEY �Ihat Wi1i be Achieved by Taking Action on tfie Atta�hed Materials? (Purpnse/Ratfonale): �� Resolution to allow City signatures on a contract to provide funding to Helping Hand Health Center, 539 W. 7th Street. RECEI�/ED ��� ? 1984 MAYOR'S OFFICE Fi na�ci al , Budc�fia,�r and Personnel In�acts Anti ci pated: Neighborhood clinic will receive funds in the total amount of $ 63,000.00 allocated in the 1985 budget. No personnel transactions are involved. Funding Source and Fund Activit� Number Charged ar Gredit�d: 03232 Attachments �List and Nw�er all Attacha�entsl: 1. Copy of agreement 2. Insurance certificate \ 3. Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE1�11 Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? �� � Revision of October, 1982 �� (SPP RAVPI'4P ,S1(IP for �Instructi ans) HOW TO USE THE GREEN 'SHEET The GREEN SHEET has s�vezal purposes: � � 1. To assist�in�rout� docuntients and in securing requ�rec� siqnatures 2. To brief the reviewers of docum,ents on the impacts of aPProva 3. To helg ensure that n�cessary su�portina'materials ar�e prepatred and, if required, attached. R�4UTI� �4ost G�EE�t S'SEET actiens must �e rev_e=�ea Sy a �e���ae.zt �3.re�tcr, ;�e City �t��rney, t.�e �i�sctor of �rianaqeaasat, �he . Director of Finance and l�ana.qement Servicea. Othez possibl� reviewsrslsignatur�s are listed. BRIEi�'ING • ._.�..._.,._ Most of th� GREEN SFiEET headinqs are desiqn�d to aaaist iri developinq a rp ecis of th+� deci�ion which the attachm�nts reprms�nt. Th� h�a�nqa are offered to remind users of some of the more critical el�ments of this brief. � . Th� Financiai Bud etar and Per�onnel � actm headinq provid�s a apace to e�cpla n thm cost bene t aspeets of the decision. Costm an8 �nefit� relate both to Citx budget (�neral Fund andlor Sp�cia�l Ptiinda) and to broader tinaAC3.a1 i�apacts (cost tc users, homeown�rs or other qreups �►i�ect�d b� the actfon) . The ger�onnel impact is a c�escription of chaz�qe or shift of Fu11-Ti�e Equiv�lent (FTE) pasitions. S'JPPORTrN6 MATERIALS In th� Attachments section, liat all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET i� w�e one, no letter of transmittal need be included tunless siqninq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which requue City Council resolutions include: a. +Contractual relationship with anotlter qavesr�ent unit. � b. Collective bargaininq. • c. Purcha�e or sale of land, ar lease of land. • � d. Iasuanc� of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assum�tion of liability by City, or qrantinq by City of indemnification. g. Agreentients with State or Federal Government under which they are grovidinq fundinq. Note also: If an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insuranc�, a Certificate of Insurance should be one � �r ds-�� ' AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 198 among the City of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City" , acting through its Division of Public Health; the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" , acting through its Department of Health; and Helping Hand Heal�h Center located at 539 W. Seventh `Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter called "Grantee" ; WITNESSETH: In consideration of the Grantee functioning as a neighborhood health center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of Ramsey County, the parties hereto mutually agree as f ollows: 1. The City and County will each give to the Grantee the sum of . money described in attachment A, and according to the Manner and conditions described in attachment A. 2. The sum of money granted by the City and County is for the Grantee's use during 1985. No additional or future funding or assurances thereof will be provided or honored unless set forth in an amendment to this Agreement or a separate agreement approved as the free act of the City and County. The City and County may, upon 30 days' written notice, reduce the amount of funding. 3 . The City and the County will each act as independent transmittal agents for their contributions to the Grantee. 4. The Grantee shall on April 20, 1985 , July 20, 1985 , October 20 , 1985 and January 20, 1986 submit to the City and County an itemized statement of all Grantee revenue and expenditures; and a report of services shown as attachment B . Further the Grantee shall preserve all documentation used by it in complying with the statements and reports � 2 �e -`-�',�-5� required of this paragraph and shall be available to the City and County for its review and audit as desired. 5 . The Grantee shaTl, with approval of the City, enforce a fee schedule for patient charges. Said fee schedule shall be made available to the City on January 15, 1985 . 6. The City shall act as the liaison to the Grantee for such � day-to-day administration as may be needed and shall be responsibl,e for: (a) Reviewing and evaluating the program and fiscal activities of the Grantee and disseminating reports thereof; (b) Coordinating activities common to the Division of Public � Health of the City and/or the Public Health Department of the County and the Grantee; (c> Rendering to the Grantee such other assistance as within the City's resour ces . ' 7. The Gran�ee shall ensure that: - (a) Services provided to eligible individuals are furnished without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, marital status or f ami ly s i ze;. . (b) Services are provided with respect for individuals privacy and dignity; and; (c) Services are provided without coercion and shall not be denied on the basis of refusal to participate iz� research projects or other activities of the Grantee, or in an emergency situation on the basis of ability to pay. 8 . The Grantee shall submit to the City and to the County on or before February l, 1985 an operational plan of its services to be provided during the term of this Agreement. Such operation plan shall show expected service volume by clinic visits and number of users by program areas. . 3 ��'s-s� 9. The Grantee shall attach to this Agreement prior to its execution by the City and the County a 1985 operational budget to include Revenue and Expenses. 10 . The Grantee shall obtain a financial and program audit by a certified public accountant . This audit shall cover the Grantee' s most recent fiscal year endinq during the term of this agreement. The , Grantee shall submit a copy of the audit report to the City and County by April 1, 1986. 11 . By April l, 1985 the Grantee shall submit a narrative which highlights present status and/or future actions to be undertaken conc�rning quality assurance. The report shall cover such items as thosz identified in the Metro Community Health Consortiums Minimum Standards for Operation of a Community Clinic. 12 . The Grantee shall make available relevant background and qualification summaries, job descriptions and salary levels of both regularly employed and volunteer staff to the City and the County. I3 . The Grantee shall submit to the City and the County the minutes from its monthly board meetings . 14 . The Grantee agrees that deviations of ten percent (10$) or more, upwards or downwards, from its 1985 agency budget, and/or additions or deletions from its 1985 operational plan as approved by the City and County will be transmitted to the City and County in a timely f ashion and in a manner to be determined by the City' s clinic coordinator . Such information shall be before the fact and shall include pertinent data relative to the planned addition, deletion, or any other modification of programs and the subsequent projected budgetary impact for the contract year and the following year. 15 . The Grantee declares Edith Lallier to be the person responsible for compliance with the terms of the Agreement, and its physician, John Strommer,M.D. , as the person responsible for its me3ical services . . 4 ��5? 16 . The City declares its Director of the Department of Community Services or such designee as noted in writing by her as the person responsible for compliance with this Agreement. 17 . The County declares its Executive Director or such designee as noted in writing by him as the person responsible for compliance with this Agreement. , 18 . The parties to this Agreement intend that the relation between them created by this Agreement is that of employer-independent contractor. The City and County is interested only in the results to be achievad. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the control of the contractor, except to the extent they are limited by statute, rule or regulation and the express terms ,of the Agreement . 19 . No Civil Service status or other rights of employment will be acquired by virtue of the Grantee' s services. 20 . From any fees due the contractor there will be no deductions f or any f ederal income tax or FICA payments, nor for any state income tax, nor for any other known purposes which are associated with an employer-employee relationship unless required by law. Payment of federal income tax, FICA payments and state income tax are the responsibility of the Grantee. 21 . The Grantee will defend, hold harmless and pay on behalf of the County of Ramsey and the City of St . Paul, its officials and employees any demands, claims or suits arising out of the Grantee' s premises or performance of this contract. 22 . Grantee shall obtain and attach certificate of insurance �o signed contract for: Comprehensive General Liability insurance policy with contracting departments, County of Ramsey, and City of Saint Paul, its' officials and employees as additional assureds. Policy will have minimum limits of $600, 000 per occurrence, $1,00�,000 aggr�gate. Coverage pertains to operation and premises of contractor. ! - � 5 ��--�7 Automobile Liability insurance, including non-owned and hired autos . Minimum limits of $600,000 combined single limits . Workers' Compensation Professional Liability insurance in the minimum amount of $600,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate . The County of Ramsey and eity of Saint Paul, contracting department and officials and employees. are additional. assureds as to the services of the contractor. 23 . This Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon 30 days' written notice. 24. The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands as follows: CITY Or SAINT PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY Activity code• 03232 Recommend Approval: Mayor Department Director Funds are available Account Number Director, Department of Finance .Amount: and Management Services Budgeting and Accounting Director, Department of Community Services Insurance Approved: Approved as t form: Risk Manager f Assistant Ci y Attorney Approved as to form: GRANTEE Assistant County Attorney Board Chairman By : Chief Clerk-County Board By: � � PsS� ATTACHMENT A Helping Hand Health Clinic 1985 City Contribution $ 63,000.00 1985 County Contributions $ 59,156.00 The City and the County shall each pay to the Grantee their contributions in equal monthly installments on or before the first day of each month. Additional conditions for 1985 city contribution: 1. All revenue in excess of the anticipated $25 ,833 . per month ($310,000.: 12) should be used to reduce the amount payable on 1984 projected liabilities . Until such time as 1984 projected liabilities are $15 ,000 . or less . Ex- penses in excess of $ 25 ,250 . ($303,000 . r 12) per month are grounds for cancellation of the contract . 2. Monthly financial reports must be made to the Director of Community Services of the city of Saint Paul by the 15th of each month. Any deviation from the budget would have to be explained to the Director of Community Services . 3 . The monthly contributions from the �City to Helping Hand Health Center may be halted if there is any further de- terioration in the cash flow position of the Helping Hand Health Center. 4 . The clinic should continue its effort to obtain other gifts and grants . - - Peter Frank,D.D .S. is the person responsible for the Helping Hand Health Center Dental Program, ATTACI-ntE`:T B . . . �(=�5-�7 Repor�ing Perio3: I�'�? of Clinic JaY:u�M,� 198 to �93 NUi�� OF USEF?S Al;� VISITS BY PROGRAM - Progra.�: Prograu: Progra*�: APe �nd Sex users visi�s users visits users • ti� Fe�a1.e: 0-�t 5-9 l0-1� 15-�9 � . 20-3� 35-�+� k 5-6'+ � � ' 65 a�d over - Total Fema.l.e . � _ Male: 0-�+ . 5-9 10-1�: �5-19 20-3�* 35-�+�+ 45-64 65 and or-er Total 1•4ale Grand Total • _ � � � ........ _. .. , . ,.. . _ ._.� _. _ •,��� •��r . � ,..::/ _ . _ : -� � �z��� o� 5.�..xz�7� ��.�.�� t._�-� � �s .�� }n_,�i, ,��{ r,,t� � • :f, _ �,:� � :��' r,_�;:;'.'-`,:� �-�1 orz,xcr o�.�� ►r�xr cz2� � r-:.-1� t>�,:s;;;':..,.� �:;� X COUICIL "f�� `—..b ��=�"� �� ��•!:�� ' �>` �QtQ ' ���A�' � . . . JanuarY 3, 1985 '`�:,: - . C0 (VCI�} [E i EE F� EPOr;�' �-o = s���� P��, i c��� co����� . � . �� � n3� � Cd�'�rr'����� . �i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL ' � C�A I R James S che i be 1 . ,. 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held December 27, 1984. A�pr<ov� 2. (Committee of the Whole for this item) " Resolution amending Section 5.D of. the. Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence and allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each appl i cant. (Personnel) (..A1p oUE2 I WK. . 3� Resolution. amending the Civil Service Rules concerning leaves of absences. . W�tx �E rLEw�T1�) '► 5 U aM�l'T1-t�'gy tJ IGOSt A � AQPRO�/E.t� RS Cr�t E�J�E 4. Resolution requesting the Mayor to include leave of absence language in contract :negotiations occurr;ng after the passage of this resol�tion. W��D2�,.3v �s�� 5. Resolution transferring $20,000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Budget Section (1985 Budget Transfer) for Pu61ic Financing Study. L�D 0��2 ON� c���_ 6. Reso]ution approving new assessment rates for storm retief sewers. �pp,qD�� 'N07 ON PREPARED AGENDA: � . Resolution to allow City 'signatures on a contract to provide funding _to �Helping Hand Health Center, 539 W. Seventh St. .App(lo��p CiTY HALL SGVENT'H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, I►iII��FSOTA SSIO? �T 1]