85-55 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council P��'` .� CANARV�- DEPARTMENT Flle NO• V`� _�� BLUE - MAVOR 1 Council Res lution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES CONCERNING LEAVE OF ABSENCE WHEREAS, the Council for the City of Saint Paul believes that it is in the best interest of the City that the Council be more fully informed with respect to the request for and granting of leaves of absence for City employees; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Section 19 .A of the Civil Service Rules for the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended to read as follows : 19. LEAVE OF ABSENCE 19A. REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE The appointing officers may grant leave of absence from regular duty to an employee who has been in the City service for at least three months immediately preceding the employee' s time of leave; however, no leave of absence, whether granted, extended, or continued, shall exceed one year, except as mentioned in Subsection B of this Section, and Sections 20 and 21 in their entirety. The only grounds for allowing leave of absence before three months of employment shall be in cases of sickness, disability or urgent necessity. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�� Son�ien °`ew [n Favor Masanz Nicosla schetbe� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By �CGK� � . �r,�'LC�E.L� f" C�~S� gy, �lpproved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK P�INK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council � CANARV DEPARTMENT File NO. ����� BLUE - MAVOR � Council esol tion Presented By • � " Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Leaves of absence without pay are granted primarily for the benefit of the City, and not for the convenience of the employee. Employees requesting leaves of absence without pay shall make request to the appo?nting officer and shall include such proof of the reason for request as i.he appointing officer and the Civil Service Commission may require. The appointing officer shall report all approved requests to the Personnel Office. The Personnel Office shall provide to the City Council quarterly reports of all leaves granted for educational purposes and of all reduced pay leaves . c:.,n / Y Chair, Ci il Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �e�chs► Sonnen Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 1 0 1g85 Form Approved by City Attorney � Certified Pa - d y o ncil S ry BY ��'� �' L gy, �1p by Mavor: Da JAN �� 5 1 J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PU�LISNE�D �AN 19 1985 'N�'�`�,�''-"`-\`�`��� C�I'1'�'' O1+' ►.,S.ElII.1TT �.E�TJ.L � � r/} � �.'�v��� ��} 'tµ__t',:-1 . � (J� .� i.:; �� ��?:� r �� z.::;:.'-E,:; t�� Ol+l�rCr �Ii` ��Frr c.z��x corJ�Tc�r� ;��-,� �� � tr� s_�. 1 �.+'y:;;�.ar ' .� /t�! ;;r� � .�� 'r>" �� DOte ; JanuarY 3� 1985 � � '�;;:�,_:,- .�;_;r; • `�'"=��.. - C0 (1� M ('�'i � E � EPORT T� � �QICI? PQ�.I � � l�'� �OU �i�( � F�OI�A = C09';)[���'��� O�'1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � � C I�A 1 R James Sche i be 1 .. 1 . Approva 1 of m i n utes f rom meet i ng hel d December 27, 1984..,t¢�Rt'?�t�.D 2. (Committee of the Whole for this item) � Resolution amending Section 5.D of the Civ.il Service Rules pertaining to Residence and allowing 5 points o only one certified appointment for each appl i cant. (Personnel ) t.Pct� OV� f u�K. - �3. Resolution. amending the Civil Service Rules concerning leaves of ab . es. w�k � Vtt.u+t��rt�J + s u bK�Tn.�d„f u�GOSr� - ��y���t� AS Ak Es�pf 4. Resolution requesting the Mayor to include leave of absence language in contract .negotiations occurring aftec the passage of this resolution. ��'�1��v ,��t�o2. \ 5. Resolution transferring $20,000 from. Contingent Reserve Specified to Budget Section (1985 Budget Transfer) for Pu61ic Financing Study.�4 Ou�{ 6� w tFac. 6. Resolution approving new assessment �-ates for storm relief sewers. qp��gp �N07 ON PREPARED AGENDA: � Resolution to allow City �signatures on a contract to provide funding to Helping Hand Health Center, 539 W• Seventh St. �ACp�R�lVUD, CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOI: SAiNT PAUL, hill�'NFSOT��SS]OZ ���_ WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Cou il Res lution . . . Presente By Referred To ���' L� Committee: Date ,,� �� � Out of Committee By Date AN MINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CIVIL S VICE RULES CONCERIVING LEAVE OF ABSENCE WHEREAS, the Coun ' 1 for the City of Saint Paul believes that it is in the best ' nterest of the City that �he Council be more fully informed ith respect to the request for and granting of leaves of absen e for City employees; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Section 9.A of the Civil Service Rules for the City of Saint Paul is he eby amended to read as follows: 19 . LEAVE OF ABSENCE 19A. REQUIREP�IENTS FOR LEAV OF ABSENCE. The appointing officers ay grant leave of absence from regular d y to an employee who has been in the City se vice for at least three months immediate preceding the employee ' s time of leave; owever, no leave of absence, whether grant d, extended, or continued, shall exceed one y ar, except as mentioned in Subsection B of t ' s Section, and Sections 20 and 21 in heir entirety. The only qrounds for allo ing leave of absence before three months employment shall be in cases of sickne , disability or urgent necessity. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °rew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By ��,WHITE ' - CITV CLERK � . . . . . . . . � �� � P7NK - FINANCE GITY O_:F�� SAI-NT PALTL� �Council � � _ : � C�ANq�RV - OEPARTMENT � � 9lUE � =MOIYOR � � . F11C�. � NO. - � ���. Cou cil Re lution : . . , Present By ✓ �� . . Referred To �� �,��-� Committee. Date �a N �� Out of Committee By�� Date �+ •,.,. � �� '� ' .11w �'!'1tl►?IVS �E�tiSltlR �?Il� TSE CI'�IL ICl! RtfLEa �113M1�€ LE�#'aE tf! 1k�ElI�E � �M�. tb� 1 far tbe Citr ot Saiat Paal be2i�es t�at- ft is ia � best ntres�st af el�t C1��Y �utt tbe Cc�ncil be �� tuliy lef� t� r�sp�ct Lo � ra�aest for a�e! �an�i�g of l�v�s of tar Cit� d4loriea= s�r, tAere�+a►ro, � . �t�, '�t Ss�at�� ` 9.�1 �f ths Ci�r�il 9�rr►ias �nl+�s Ze�� tbe Gity c�i' 8aiat 1►sul is A�� � to s�t�tt u lo2l+c�vs s ti. �tvs or � � � ��, a�vi�s r� s.a�►e��+c� �e�ca. � �e appoiating c►tfic�rs grant lea� � of �baeae� tro� s�eq�lar Y to �s �le�ae v�o hss bsta in tl�e CitY iez� fe�t st _ Iaars�. t.�r� a�t�s iw■isdfata'� ps�adf� L#� e�plc►�•s tiaiet ot lsa�ve f `�oswprer, �► l�ira �t �s, M!�lt�lfs' qraa�a �4tt�ed, or c�ti�, ar�all �d �oe , s�aigt ss asn�i�d i� Sobseatie� f otp�s �actio�. �ad S�stiau 2A a0d 2,� in ir . eantiret�r. Zhe �el� qrc��ds tor all leasr+s �►� absa�e �for� thrae �wat�s a�pl+a�raa�t s�tall De in cs��s o� iicska�, _ � _ e'lisabili��► ai �trgaa� se�asiL7. ��,. • �•; � COUNC[LMEN . . R�eqnested_b�r pepactment ofc ;_ Yeas Flsttt�sr . ��}� �t, :_. , :; , ., - Drew ; �R FaVO[ , ti Masanz ..Nicoaia �,4 • scne�be� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attotney C�ectified Passed by Council Secretary BY - ~ BS A► roved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , By WHITE - UTV CLERK � � - � . � .� . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F . .SA I NT �PA U L Council � - �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � Flle � NO. � BIUE� - MAVOR . . .. . �� . � Cou cil I�es lution . � , , Presented By � Referred To �"r R..;r- j. J � �_ . �� : �� �, �# . Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � ' AN 1tDMII�ISTRATIVB RE3E3Z.UTII�N AMBNDZNG THE C3VIL S�iRVICB RULES Ct�NCBRNING LB�1VE 4P �IASENCS ��3ERLAS, the Ccwncil �ar thG City of Safnt Psul believes that it fa in the bes� intereat ot thc City that tl�e Coancil be sore fnlly infaz�ed with reepect to the reqne�t �or and qzantfng caf leaves of aDsence �or +City e�ployeas; norr. theretore, be it �tESOLV�S�, That Sectior 19.A of the Civil Ses-�rice R»l�a� for the Ci+ty o� Saint Panl is fiereby a�ended to read as foll.t�►ss 11. LE��lVE OF AASEl�iC� 2 9�1. RBQU IRE1�:ri3T`S FQR LEAV� �P AHSENCE. Tbe appainting afficers may grsnt leave +�f abaence fraa� requiar da�p ta +�n enipioye+e x�o has bee:t in the City s+�rvice for at lea�t thr�e aontha f�diate,y �rec�dinq : th� e�pioyee•s ti�e of leave� �o�v�ver, no leave of abse�ee, whert,her granted, extended, o� contin�ed, ahall exceed 4ne y�ar, e�t,cept as �entioAed #.n S�bsection 8 of th�.s Sectian, end �ect.�+�na �Ef and 21 in their entirety. ghe on?�Y qrounds for a��o+Ki��g l�ava of abs��ce before thsee �ant�� of e�Io�aent shall be �n cases of sickttass, dieability or urqent necee�ity. - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: 3l�'as � � Na�s - _ _ °`�" ;_ ln Favor Massnz Nkosia scneibet Against BY Ted.sco Wllson • Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved by 1�lavor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submiasion to Couacil a BY By wr�iT� -, Cirr C�E'�+c , ' — '" : : � '�'{NK �..FIN,ANC'�e, G��Y Q� � f I`N T � PA L?.�, � C°na��l . . . �: �#/� � k i1NAl3�Y -'06PAi�TIGfENT-� FIk RV• .`{Zvr. ° � , �i.UE . --MAYO.R- � . � �.. . .. • .. . .� � . - � • • ' • � . . .. �� Cau �� � l�tivn . � , . ' Present .By ' ` , :.: .�.;: _ :� � _ .Re€erred �o : �' :��nm�t#e�: Date _ �—� 'a�' ,� , Out af �Qmr�i#�ee �Y { Uate: : :� �- ; . . �,�,� :� ;,, .v..,..-.�, :: _ ,� – ... . , , : . � . ,A. .�� 8'i'R1t�`TVi I�t �� '!',� '' :: K,_, , ; ,xA CI� C� R�S If1�S �►�ib� Q�' � , : , . ; - . TM3,,.»r« ., _ �c ., ` ' , :: :: `���Ss t�e ` l+�;�c City of � �t �►a� ba3��a�s ; : - �a�. i� is �s t.�a b�� te�es art tl� C g t�a� *� C���3 ,: �t s�c+� t�l,�y ��r�aw�. t� �o sr�r,�te�� ��r a� . ; . . graat�aq df � � �ar` �it�► +��1�f �,: tl�e��rre� �; , - : � it; ��. �at Se�atio�r 9.fi � � �►.i�,. �crl�s � . -- . _, � ; f+�r #.�e �:it� oi' �at laa2 i�e �s . �.�t+a �e�tQ �, �+�lla�� � . . : - _ 1�� I,�� �17� ,�E , ; , ... . . - , �� .��� �I�l9�r.k. ftEQ!�3��tl�E� lC�lt i�l,A � ��. � , ,. � -_ ; ; ° � a,�oiatttaq �l���s � g�s�tt ls�"� �. +�# a�� fr� r�la� � � a� ��e �� � b�ss b� is �e +��.t� e�e �� at ;.. : : < � ; � ,, � 2+�st tAr� a�s4�at i�i� ���� - � � +�3��� tia� �►f 2+��r� _ � � _ ���� � ���, �� �� f �e. ��� � �.. � � f ., E� 'E��E��.B�� �,�-� fii�lA , ` : � �� �^ u ��fcu�►ed f�t �oa � et s � :' : S�ee#�itt�, aiu� �a �A a�@ �1 f�t �r . . ., . � : . . . . .. � :.:+f. .� ���R� ! . . � �� .. .. �, '. . �- '.�'., i �. �'' �F +��s �Qr iI3� , . � , le�rr� �t �s+t��s �`�re �t ao�t�t : . . - :. . � ���� shs�I � #a � of si ` . � - � �, .. . �; Y��. e�f.sabt�i��r +�' �t. sea�ssi��r. :� , � . . - ; .. ..M- : .� . _ . , , CQUNCI�,M�1�1 Reqae�ste�'h�'�i�eA�rt�,aR Pf: . 7€i�s =;Fl� `��ys '� 4 w - � :- . °'°'" :. . ..: - � �[it Favor ' _ M�s�nz ' - _�l+(ICOSia ..� sche�bs� - --Against BY TedesCo � •�'iAlUsa� ptect.by Councii: Date � .Fc►ttet Ap{uoved hy City Attomey - ?� T rC�fied Passed by Coun�il �ectet°a�y , � BY � ' ;. � � , _ . . � . � _ B�' , �. . . �. '; :� Ai raved by._Maygc:. Date- ` , � �, . ' � AP�raved;:�y►Ma3rur-Eor$ub��h�to�i� �: BY. , . . . _ . ' ,.�. BY : . . � . _ _. , , . `.� ' . ' ��,�i � I� � WNI7E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Co ncil Re lution Presented By i � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date L ves of absence without pay are granted pri arily for the benefit of the City, and not or the convenience of the employee. Emplo ees requestinq leaves of absence without pay shall make request to the appoin-ti officer and shall include such proo of the reason for request as the appoint 'ng officer and the Civil Service Comm ssion may require. Al1 leaves of abs ce requested b emplo ees who wish to pu ue ost graduate studies shall be subject to review b �he Cit Council rior to proval or denial . The appointing off cer shall report all approved requests t the Personnel Office. Approved: Chair, Civil Se vice Commission -2- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosfa scneibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY