85-51 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �CICNqRW- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��-� � 3 Cou i Resolution Presented By . fr � , Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described building, said structure having been reported to constitute a public hazard: 294 E. Winifred Lot l, Block 24, Two story wood Lawton' s Subdivision frame duplex residential of Blocks 14 and 24 structure WHEREAS, according to the records on file in the Ramsey County Recorder' s office as of December 21, 1984, the fee owner of the above referenced property pursuant to a Sheriff' s Certificate of Sale is the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Veteran' s Administration, Washington D.C. 20420 in care of the Veteran's Administration, Room 226C, Fort Snelling, MN 55111. Other interested parties include Lee R. and Ruthann Johnson of 294 E. 6�Tinifred as a result of any rights of redemption they may have, if any, regarding the above mortgage foreclosure action. A second mortgage holder regarding this property is: Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank of I�iinneapolis, 90 S. Sixth St. , Minneapolis, MN 55402. . Th�r.� is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy action filed in Federal Court on behalf of a Ruthanne Johnson, no address given. This action was filed September 16, 1984, File #3-84-1761. WHEREAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, on behalf of the City Council, did notify by mail the above noted parties of interest at their last known addresses . WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by and before the Council of the City of St. Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10: 00 a.m, on Thursday, January 10, 1985 to consider the ad- visability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structure on the above described property inasmuch as COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays Community Services 0►8"' In Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wiison Form Ap rov by City A orney Adopted by Council: Date C Z Q` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY r2 � ° � By /#pproved by Ylavor: Date _ Appr ed by Mayor for Sub i s' n to Council By _ BY � � � ' � ���-_�i said property is reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; WHEREAS, upon the facts presented at the said hearing consist- ing of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the Building Department, it is further determined that the above building constitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota Statutes 463. 15 for the following reasons; 1. The subject property has been boarded up by the owner since November 18, 1981; 2 . This building because of age; deterioration, and lack of maintenance and the following list of deficiencies is a blighting influence on the neighborhood; INTERIOR: Basement- -Stairway to basement lacks a handrail. -Treads are worn on basement stairs. -Holes in basement floor. -Open junction box in basement. -Uncapped gas pipe in basement. -Windows removed from basement and boarded over. -Corroded and rusted galvanized water piping in basement. Homart water heater- -Improperly installed temperature-pressure relief valve. --Water heater casing loose. Signature water heater- -Improperly installed drip tee on temperature-pressure relief valve. Capitol Winchester hot water boiler- -Unprotected fuel oil line to burner. -Rusted areas on boiler. -Loose and missing asbestos covering. -Cover for stack limit control removed. American boiler- -Venting system corroded and dirty. -�Cover for stack li:-ni.t control removed. Miscellaneous- -Clean-out cover for chimney removed. -Some foundation areas have loose and missing mortar. FIRST FLOOR- Kitchen- -Holes in plaster of walls . -Floor unlevel . -Broken radiator . -Unfinished electrical wiring. -Uncapped waste pipe. -Broken sash cord on window. 2 . . . . . . �% �'�-�_� -Broken radiator pipes to 2nd floor. Dining Room- -Loose and cracked finish on walls and ceiling. --One cracked window pane. -�Iissing ceiling light. Front Room- -Loase and missing finish on walls and ceiling. -Cracked radiator pipe to 2nd floor. --Broken window panes boarded over. --Room lacks adequate number of electrical outlets. First Floor-� West Bedroom--� -Loose and missing finish and damaged plaster on walls and ceiling. --Floor unlevel. --One cracked pane and damaged sash and the windows are boarded over. E�st Bedroom- -Water damage to walls and ceiling. -Unfinished walls in sections. -Storm window broken. -Floor unlevel. Bathroom- -•Unfinished electrical wiring. �:No toilet or lavatory. --Unfinished walls and ceiling. -Window has broken pane and sash cords. w-Vdall paneling bulged. Rear Bedroom- -Severe water damage to walls and ceiling; much loose and missing plaster. -Floor badly water damaged and has loose and missing boards. -Windows badly vandalized and partly missing. -Electrical light fixture pulling loose . Second Floor, Kitchen- -Unfinished and damaged walls and ceiling. -Door removed and there is damage to area around door opening. �Sink removed and existing water pi�ing bent. -�Uncapped gas piping. Bathroom- -No toilet or hand sink. -wUnfinished and damaged walls and ceiling. -Unfinished electrical wiring. �Unfinished and water damaged subflooring. -Broken window panes. Rear Porch- --Holes in walls . -Water damage to ceiling. -Some missing floor boards. -Stairway removed. 3. � � C�� ,��-. .si East Bedroom- -Unfinished and damaged wall plaster, -Missing baseboard access door to plumbing from bathroom. Dining Room- -Severe water damage to walls and ceiling. -Holes in walls , -Broken and missing window panes. --Radiator disconnected. Front room- -Vandalized walls . -Windows are missing and boarded over. -Room lacks adequate number of outlets. West Bedroom-- -Damage to walls and ceiling plaster. -Radiator disconnected. -•Windows removed and boarded over. -Entry door vandalized. Front storage area- -Damage to walls and ceiling. -•Floor boards water damaged and bulged. --Window missing. -Exposed electrical wires . Hall & S�a�rway� -Handrail to first floor does not extend full length of stairway. -Water damage to floor at front entry. -�Window removed and boarded over. EXTERIOR• -No handrail on bottom half of rear stairway. -West rear porch has no guardrail, -One support column for room is removed. -Siding has loose and missing parts. -Eaves are rotted and have deteriorated areas . -Gutters are rotted and are missing sections , -Front porch has been severely vandalized. There are support columns removed and the roof is collapsing. There are holes in the floor of this porch. -Foun�.ation has cracked veneer all around house. -The front steps have cracked and missing cement. �-Paint on exterior of house has a high content of lead. -Storm windows all around house are in a general state of disrepair. 3. The conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard; 4. The owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage; 5. The continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sec tions 463 .15 through ,463. 25 and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, .�Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby make the following Order: 4� WH17E - CI7V CLERK � PIaK , -�FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council �CA.NARK - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. f � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �RDER 1. The owners of the above described buildings shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said buildings razed and the materials therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota within twenty (2(�) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for summary enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said buildings will be made to the Ramsey County District Court; 3. In the event that the buildings are to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and removal of these buildings shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Paul is com pelled to take any corrective action herein,. all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED , that a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the above described property in the manner provided by law. 5. COUIVCILME[V Requested by epartment of: Yeas ������� Drew �_ In Favor COMMUN Y SERVICES Masanz Nicosla �I scne�be� V __ Against BY Tedesco ` Wiison Adopted by Council: Date `�AN � � �985 Form Appr ved b City Attorney Certified P• • d u .il e e a By ���..� Z' Z Y � gy. 61p by Mavor: Date Ap v by Mayor for Su 's 'on�o Council By B PUStiSNE�D ,��r� 19 1985 :; `i , ,_ ,� . .,� .i..� ..�:.��.C.., ..... C4�i�41�ty SEY`V'1C.E'.S � �� �� Housing :� Buil.c�.ir�g Cod�e , ,� E5�7 �.�7 ; `� �� �PARTT�I�T . j , ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � - . . . . J ''i D t PJ ���1, +\e � , ��. .���AC� . . , i 2�98=4153 . ,: ` ` , PHONE �����+� , 12-7=8� DATE � (Routing a�� ��►lan��ivn�Sbeet) � Assi -1�lumb�r ��r RQUtfn Qr r Cli All Lacdt���s far oral Si �tur�e : " . 2 ae�at-t�rtt Di recto�� . � Ci�y �it�orney ��h.,o�' � Qi recta� of Manage�ant/�ttr `1 � �� ��ina►nce arrd Ma���t Servit�es D�irector- ` ' ��� �-,,,_ RECEtVEp . .: , ctty C1�rI�. � 4 JAN 4 �985. � ri,� sud�t Ri 1'���c�r � � ' � '+ �'� iMl�YOR'S OFFt�E ` ' �, � � . �� ,.,.,� � ' ��� � � � � � � � � � . � . . � ,, i,►ha� Wi l l 1t� A� 't��red b Taki n A��'�on on �e A�t�c +� ��i�:�� �' P � � �� "�e : The owners of � hazardc�us builda.ng wi11 be �r�red to re�.i� or raze the structure.- If the owner fails �o a�t the City will gmceed to Di txiet Caurr� orc�er to allo�,rr the �Ci,ty, to raz�. r. the�building a�.c�-assess the cos� against the p rty ta�re�. � '. � . ��, _ � ,� . . . ; financial, ��dg���r� �nd P+�r��nel I��rcts �Intidipafi.�d: � Cost for de�olition will be assesse�. against � p�per'�y tax+es.. - { � � ' ' � � ' � � .Y: . . ::� . . i � �., . I . ^�.,� . . . Fundi n "Sou���t�d ��d A��i vi�,y I�umber Cha��d i�r �r�d�!ted: � ? ` ; , . ; ;, �, � � � � � , � �� � �; !� � � � Fund�0�3326 � , � � '��; Attachrrents �I,i s# and Nta�er �►1] l��tach�n�s�. a I {' +.�. li n � � .r... .r.. � . � I . � �i' � I � � I . . . f : � I � i'' ' i COLII'1C11 �SO�Ut10T1�,� ' � ; � � � � ��� ti � j,, i � � I � � � . f � _ I ; i ,` �: ; , . 4 �w ,' _ _ '; .. I` J &.3 . , , . . � . ' � . � � . � � � � ���. � � �I , � � �� i � ��a� � T � ; ' � � � � � � ��� �� � v, ���r'����v:��� ' ' '' � � ��� �� �� � i . t , � ; ,t� , +� � x Y�s M� C�u��i� �sol�rtiam Requir�d� ' R+��� � . , �� . . # ��tia� ���� u��r��t? r, � ! �'�� � 1� r , ; ;�� � Yes � M� ��sur�� �e uf�e�? � ' Insk�ir�nc��S��fcie+nt? �� Y�s ' No ..,.ac.... � �� ., .. , _,,,.,,.�.. , ....--�-- 1 Yes ,,.�.. �o Ina ur�nce V�E���tr�d? � � i � � ,1 ^.; I � � '' '. , i � , ' I 'I ' �+w: . ' . . �. . . � {. _ � �a (��: ��� . . . � + rd' .> � ' �f�!vi s��on �t�i��t?c�obe�r,' 1��'f I � � � �� . '' ? (*ee R�ver`sa �t�e for 'Tr�st�'ucti4nsj , �' �� � _ � �r �'.�-5� �`C�TTO.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` % OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY p �� ` "�������' '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY o: "�€' �UU�.� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 28, 1984 Steve Roy Housing Code Specialist 445 City Hall Bldg. Re: 294 E . Winifred S84-0739 Your file #4036 Dear Steve: On December 12, 1984 you requested me to have a resolution prepared for presentation to the City Council on January 10, 1985. Enclosed is the requested resolution. Sincerely, � JOHN B . McCORMICK Assistant City Attorney JBMcC:rl Enc . � � �- � ��-�-� As,.�t==o. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL o � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '„ ���i'iii°� r FILED � . � ��@ '°'• O�� �� � lt,� �� ��VISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT George Latimer City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Mayor CiTY C�.F?�'S 0��ICE 6�2-z9e-a2�z Janua.ry 8, 1985 57 F,��::�L, �!:��. Mr. President and Members of the City CoLmcil Re: 294 E. Winifred DATE OF HEARING File No. 4036 1-10-85 Honorable Council: The Division of Housing and Building Code En�orcement is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners of record are: Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Veteran's Administration, Wash. , D C 20420, and Veteran's Administration, Room 226 C Fort Snelling, Mf�11. 55111. The legal description of the property is:Lawtons Subd of Blk 14 ETC. Lot l, Blk 24. Parcel Code: 06-46800-010-24. The building is a two story wood frame duplex residential structure. The subject property has been boarded up by the owner since November 18, 1981. This building because of age, deterioration, and lack o� maintenance and the attached list of deficiencies is a blighting influence on the neighborhood Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner ha.s made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division tha.t this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office �or raz- ing removal through District Court proceedings. You ly, � ,�' � G . ricks � ervisor of Code Enforcement GAE:SRR:rd cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor John McCormick, Asst. City Attorney Fire Investigator F. Staffenson, Housing Code � � C�� �'� s' December 5, 1984 294 E. Winifred INTERIOR: Basement- -Stairway to basement lacks a handrail. -Treads are worn on basement stairs. -Holes in basement floor. -Open junction box in basement. -Uncapped gas pipe in basement. Windows removed from basement and boarded over. -Corroded and ��sted galvanized water piping in basement. Homart water heater- -Improperly installed temperature-pressure relief valve. Water heater casing loose. 5ignature water heater- -Improperly installed drip tee on temperature-pressur.e relief valve. Capitol Winchester hot water boiler- Unprotected fuel oil line to burner. -Rusted areas on boiler. -Loose and missing asbestos covering. -Cover for stack limit control removed. American boiler- -Venting system corroded and dirty. -Cover for stack limit control removed. Miscellaneous- -Clean-out cover for chimney removed. -Some foundation areas have loose and missing mortar. First Floor- Ki tchen- -Holes in plaster of walls. -Floor unlevel. -Broken radiator. -Unfinished electrical wiring. -Uncapped waste pipe. -Broken sash cord on window. -Broken radiator pipes to 2nd floor. Dining Room- -Loose and cracked finish on walls and ceiling. -One cracked window pane. -Missing ceiling light. Front Room- -Loose and missing finish on walls andeeiling. �racked radiator pipe to 2nd floor. -Broken window panes boarded over. -Room lacks adequate number of electrical outlets. ` , �y�--- / �,�� �',�-� Page 2 December 5, 1984 294 E. Winifred (continued) , First Floor- West Bedroom- -Loose and missing finish and damaged plaster on walls and ceiling. -Floor unlevel. -One cracked pane and damaged sash and the windows are boarded over. East Bedroom- �niater damage to walls and ceiling. -Unfinished walls in sections . -Storm window broken. -Floor unlevel. Bathroom- -Unfinished �ele ctrical wiring. -No toilet or lavatory. -Unfinished walls and ceiling. �nlindow has broken pane and sash cords. Wall paneling bulged. Rear Bedroom- -Severe water damage to walls and ceiling; much Ioose and missing plaster. -Floor badly water damaged and has loose and missing boards . Windows badly vandalized and partly missing. -Electrical light fixture pulling loose. Second Floor- Kitchen- � -Unfinished and damaged walls and ceiling. -Door removed and there is damage to area around door opening. -Sink removed and existing water piping bent. -Uncapped gas piping. Bathroom- dNo toilet or hand sink. -Unfinished and damaged walls and ceiling. -Unfinished electrical wiring. -Un.finished and water damaged subflooring. -Broken window panes. Rear Porch- -Holes in walls. �niater damage to ceiling. -Some missing floor boards . _ -Stairway removed. East Bedroom- -Unfinished and damaged wall plaster. -Missing baseboard access door to plumbing from bathroom. . . . . � ��_�-� Page 3 December 5, 1984 294 E. Winifred (continued) Second Floor- Dining Room- -Severe water damage to �yalls and ceiling. -Ho1es in walls . -Broken and missing window panes. -Radiator disconnected. Front room- -Vandalized walls. Windows are missing and boarded over. -Room lacks adequate number of outlets. West Bedroom- -Damage to walls and ceiling plaster. -Radiator disconnected. WWindows removed and boarded over. -Entry door vandalized. Front storage area- -Damage to walls and ceiling. � -F1oor boards water damaged and bulged. �niindow missing. -Exposed electrical wires. Hall & Stairway- ' -Handrail to lst floor does not extend full length of stairway. Water damage to floor at front entry. �nTindow removed and boarded over. EXTERIOR: -No handrail on bottom half of rear stairway. West rear porch has no guardrail. -One support column for room is removed. -Siding has loose and missing parts. -Eaves are rotted and h�ve deteriorated areas. �utters are rotted and are missing sections. -Front porch has been severely vandalized. There are support columns re- moved and the roof is collapsing. There are holes in the floor of this por ch. -Foundation has cracked veneer all around house. -The front steps have cracked and missing cement. -Paint on exterior of house has a high content of lead. -Storm windows all around house are in a general state of disrepair . ► . � �-s"s-' - MEMO To: John Gallagher VA Loan Guaranty Division - 263 Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building Fort Snelling, St. Paul 55111 ' From: The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood on the West Side of St. Paul. Re: The property at 294 E. Winifred . The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood are extremely concerned about the vacant house located at 294 E. Winifred currently owned by the Veterans Administration. The house has been an eyesore to the entire neighborhood for several years. It has been repeatedly vandalized and is now a serious health and safety hazard. We have been patient. We now ask that the Veterans Administration take immediate steps to insure the sale of this property to a party who is willing to undertake it's renovation. ' We are willing to meet with you to discuss our concerns and possible solutions. We are anxious that this matter be resolved. ' 3 1• �` � � vr�. ra =v at� �' ?� ��� _ z r.0 z. �' � �, � ` � 3. ��.- � ;� r. P 4. ;/ -� r ,� W , i 5. G , Z-�l- ,� ' . � . o , 6. I i: � � � .( � G '1,�, l�� � (�'�' 7. . �� �1 r �i �,�, . �� L.-.1 , �, r ' � � _ I i lJ \ g' ;� .' � - -., _' ' �' . � . 2 Z 1 -c��(7� 9.� � _ —�5��� i o. �._. � � 30 �, G�-c.t� , �J�-p�.�D �� . •!1�f lll � , � ,� � i� �,,'- �. �; `�,�,�7 -r:��� i z. +�' � �- - � 13 � � � ' ��. � 1 ��,� � 15. ;' /' �� . � ` � Q Z t����''� .� i j _ � 16. ./ �l�Le. � � E:. �l". ' v r , ��. �.��., �• 93 �. zc� z -0��7 18. L 'J-��.�.�,-� �. �, Z�p E . I �� � 2�t Z -O �o$7 � �9. �1�`� � ,c-�- � � `�7�%o.�;--' 20. . 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. � • � �s-s� • MEMO . To: John Gallagher VA Loan Guaranty Division — 263 . � .. Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building Fort Snelling, St. Paul 55111 . From:. The residents af the Riverview Neighborhood on the West Side of St.: Paul. Re: The property at 294 E. Winifred , The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood are extremely concerned about the vacant house located at 294 E. Winifred currently owned by the Veterans Administration. The house has been an eyesore to the entire neighborhood for several years. It has been repeatedly vandalized and is now a serious health and safety hazard. We have been patient. ' �de now ask that the Veterans Administration take immediate steps to insure the sale of this property to a party who is willing to undertake it's renovation. We are willing to meet with you to discuss our concerns and possible solutions. We are anxious that this matter be resolved. 2 6. (p ` � � t 2�. 2 8�r • � - , . , , 29�� � - _ ,.:��� - � _�_ ��jjl///- �� .(�-s'l 30. . 31. 32. , . 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. � 47. 48. 49. 50. • _ .. MEMO �` gS�s� To: John Gallagher VA Loan Guaranty Division - 263 Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building Fort Snelling, St. Paul 55111 From: The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood on the West Side of St. Paul. Re: The property at 294 E. Winifred The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood are extremely concerned about the vacant house located at 294 E. Winifred currently owned by the Veterans Administration. The house has been an eyesore to the entire neighborhood for several years. It has been repeatedly vandalized and is now a serious health and safety hazard. We have been patient. We now ask that the Veterans Administration take immediate steps to insure the sale of this property to a party who is willing to undertake it's renovation. We are willing to meet with you to discuss our concerns and possible solutions. We are anxious that this matter be resolved. ' � 3 1 . � � �. vr �v at� � 7� ��� a r.� 2. � O �. ` � , � c�-;�.--� � / 3. i � T. 4. � -,�- _ r � W , � 5. ` Z� .�l . C • . 6. ... � � ' �� , � , G � � ,�i'��r ��I�--� � � , ` �• ,,Z,' `"�', �' '' � ', � , � � `j ' � -( � _ � s. �` � ` �� =� � 2 Z 1 —v��.� 9.� �J - -���� 10. �z._ ) �O �, c�l�-G� � ��-Q��� 11 . r1�' � T � Jl.'�_t� .��1��� G � �'�(��, ����(,�k `�.`�, �7 -U�� , 12. +� � . �� � )' 13 � � ' 14�. 3�;� . �s. , � /" i� � , , , ' � �•�2� � � � _ , , �' 16. .� , � � � E, ��C ��. ��., �, " � 93 �. z�� z —o��7 i s. c._ '��..�,-� �. ��ln� t..2 �`�' E . I �� c� zG Z —� �$� � � �. � • 19. i � � � -t-w C� � `�7�%p.�j' 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. , . riEMO . � ��_s, . To: John Gallagher VA Loan Guaranty Division — 263 � .. Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building Fort Snelling, St. Paul 55111 From:. The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood on the West Side of St.: Paul. Re: The property at 294 E. Winifred , The residents of the Riverview Neighborhood are extremely concerned about the vacant house located at 294 E. Winifred currently owned by the Veterans Administration. The house has been an eyesore to the entire neighborhood for several years. It has been repeatedly vandalized and is now a serious health and safety hazard. We have been patient. ' We now ask that the Veterans Administration take immediate steps to insure the sale of this property to a party who is willing to undertake it's renovation. We are willing to meet with you to discuss our concerns and possible solutions. We are anxious that this matter be resolved. 2 6. � (p ,. , , r � 27. /;: . 2 8�. � . �. , ? L , � ' ��� �,.._ , � C �/�/�/' �( „[)-s'l 30. 31. � 32. • 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. . 38. 39. 40. 41. � 42. . 43. . 44. 45. 46. ' � 47. 48. � 49. 50. .