BLUE� - MAV�OR File NO• �"�� ��
� , ,Co n 'l ,Resolution
Presented By � �'`�-v
Referre o Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
[aHEREAS , The Minnesota State Legislature has enacted legislation
(Minn. Stat. S160. 27) permitting cities to grant nonexclusive franchises
by public negotiation or bid. for the construction , operation and mainte-
nance of bus shelters and �ench.es with advertising on the shelters ; and
WHEREAS , The Metropolitan '?'ransit Commission has adopted the follow-
ing policy encouraging the esta��ishment of bus shelters with advertising:
Shelters with Commercial Advextising
The MTC supports the development of passenger waiting shelters with
coanmercial advertising at locations which complement transit service.
The commission will cooperate with person or firms proposing passenger
waiting shelters with advertising by providing information regarding
existing bus service , bus stop locations and future transit plans.
The P�TC will agree to relocate its passenger waiting shelters so that
shelters wit� commercial advertising may be installed if the following
conditions are met:
(1) An alternative shelter site for the MTC shelter is identified
and the necessary approvals are received;
(2) The private firm or individual obtains the necessary approvals
for the installation of a shelter with commercial advertising
at the existing MTC she lter site ; and
(3) The private firm or individual assume all MTC administrative ,
labor equipment and construction costs associated with the re-
location of the MTC passengez waiting shelter.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays '(�K�
Fletcher ,��� w0�']{.�
°fe`" [n Favor
Masanz x'�,�£j.�
scheibe� __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��� �r G'
tlpproved by l4lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
The MTC is not , and wi11 not in the future , be obligated to assume
the av�nership and/or maintenance responsibilities for any shelter
installed by a private firm or individual.
WHERE�S , in 1982 , the Council' s Development and Transportation
Committee studied the matter and re commends that the City pursue the
possibility of awarding a franchise for the private installation of bus
shelters with advertising by requesting the receipt of bid proposals
based on the attached draft of a franchise oxdinance ; now, therefore ,
be it
RES OLUED, That the Coun ci 1 of the City of S aint P aul doe s he reby
concur in the recommendations of the Development and Transportation
Committee that there exists a public need for bus shelters that cannot
be adequately fulfilled alone by the Metropolitan Transgortation Commission
and that the publa.c wi.11 benefit from the pxivate installation of bus
she�.ters w�.th advertising; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby request the N_►ayor and
the Director of Public Works to take al1 actions required to advertise
for and recea�ve pxoposals for the granting of a nonexclusive bus shelter
franchise to be issued by the City Council pursuant to State law and
City Charter p�ovisions , the proposals to be based on the terms and
conditions contained in the attached franchise ordinance draft , and to
report back to tk�e Council all proposals received; and be it
FTNALLY RESOLVED, That after receipt of pro�osals and the recommend-
ations of the Mayor and the Director of Public Works , the Council sha11 ,
at a public heara.ng , considex the proposals and heax' all interested
p arties , and a�tex negot�.atiQns have been comp leted , may award a
COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: n�
Yeas `�_ Nays �3�f\
Drew `���� �u � C p
Masanz � �n Favor Txa�f�.
NiCOSIa P�I � �
Scheibel l'7 _ Against BY
W ilson
JAN 8 - 1gg5 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pa•s d y ouncil Se ary BY ��— �` ��"""" �"—
t#p by Mavor: Da �AN � � 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PUSl.ISHE�D ,1 A�� 19 1985
Public �orks ' �a� r�
. _ �EPARTt,1ENT
J ame�s ti�� G t ahnke �ONTACT .
' 29 2-62 92 PHONE
De cembe r 19 , I9 8 4 DATE �v�� ��
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Nurr�er for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
2 City Attorney
�. 3 Director of Management/Mayor [1E C 2 6�1984
� r
� ��ty ��erk CITY ATTORNEY
� r
i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
The attachec? Council Resolution will_ authorize the reauest f�r pro�osa�s to
install bus shelters ��ith commercial '`a�"vertisino in St. Paul. P similar
reauest in 1983 broucrht no resronse. [ne ncx�� have receivec� interest from
venc�ors anc� e�ect response this time.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
This C.ouncil R.esalution anly asks for rec*uests for proposals. Subseauent
Council z.ction could result in a shelter program. which u�oul�d .�rocluce inccsme
f.or the City through a x�ercentage take o� the advertisincr.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments�:
Council Resolution
Yes x No Council- Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �Instructions)
The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: � 4
1. To assist in routin documents and in securing
requ ri ed s gnatures
2. To briet the reviewers of documerits on the impacts
of approval '
3,. To help ensure that necessary supportinq materials
-- � are prepared and, if required, attached.
�ost GRE�V SHEET acti�ns must be rev_e�ae3 �y a De�ar_:�ent
' ;�irec�qr,� �:�e City At�orney, t?�e Direcror oT l�tanageme�t, the
"birector of Finance and Manaqement Services. Other possible
reviewers/signatures are listed.
Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are desiqned to assist in
developing a precis of the decision which the attachments
represent. The headings are offered to remind users of so�
of the more critical eleireents of this brief. .
The Financial� Budgetarv and Personnel I acts heading provides
a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision.
Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or
Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users,
homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel
impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent
(FTE) positions, �
In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN
SHEET is well one, no letter of transmittal need be included
(unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: Actions which require City CounciZ resolutions include:
a. Contractual relationship with another government unit.
� b. Collective bargaining.
c. Pur.chase or sale of land, or lease of land.
d. Issuance of bonds by City.
e. Eminent domain.
f. Assumption of liability by City, or granting
by City of indemnification.
g. Agreements with State or Federal Government
under which they are providing funding.
Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-
insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one
' � of the attachments at time of rou�ing.
� �:_
� ssl�s�w�a�.� .
'���•~�, D a t e
� December 31 , 1984
TO = SQ�nt Pauf Cifiy Councit
� . F� � � � C O tYt C�TI i�'Z'e� O Ct C i ty Deve t opment and Transportat i on
CNAIR Wq � � �am �. Wi lson
l . Resolution authorizing an agreement with Gary �
Cormican for the rehabilitation of a hazardaus
structure located at 63 W. Sycamore. Committee
recommends approval
2. 8us Shelters Franchise Committee recommends approval
3. Letter of the Mayor transmitting Planning Commission
recommendations� for zoning changes in the Irvine
Park and _ Leech-McBoal area pursuant to a 40 Acre
-- Study. Committee recommends approval with the attached
� amendmen�t.
4. Letter of the Mayor transmitting Planning Commission
recommendations to adopt the Smith Avenue Plar►, �
Smith Avenue 40 Acre 5tudy Zoning Changes and Smith
Avenue Special District Sign Plan. Committee recommends
approval �
.�.„ , ,
_ _. _ _ ___._ __. ---- __ ,�..-- _.... ......... �,....-_ -.-..- ..s.,�
. � � � ��5--��
Bua Shsltsrs with Advertisin9
1 . 1 Purpoae
1 .2 Adn�inistration
1 .3 ReJection of Propoaala
1 .4 Incurriny of Coats
1 .S Fundinys and Revenues
1 .6 Pre—propoaal Confsrsnce
1 .7 Ayenda to Requsst for Proposals
1 .8 Vatidity Period of Proposals
1 .9 Proposal Preaentation
1 . 10 Disclosurs of Proposal Contsnt
1 .11 O�ol Presentation
1 . 12 Finol Selsctton and Award
1 . 13 Acceptance of Proposal Conte�t
1 . 14 News Releases
1 . 15 Tern� of Franchiae
1 . 16 Prin►s Rsaponsibility �
2. 1 Backyround
2.2 Poputation to Be Served
2.3 Proyran� Guidelines
3. 1 Insuroncs
3.2 Bondiny
3.3 Financial Resources
3.4 Perforn�ance Schedule
3.5 Financial Conditions
3.6 Ownership and Control
3.7 Experisnce in Other Cities
. ' �
: � � 0 �= `�-�
4. 1 D�siyn Sp�ctilcations
4.2 E�yin��rinq Sp�cfticcttons
S. 1 Prscondttion
5.2 Evaluation Criteria
6. 1 City Franchise Ordinance
6•2 Pe�n�it Procedure
6.3 Site Plan Review Process
6.4 Bus Shelter Maintenonce
6•5 Planniny District Alap
6.6 Forn�s
A. Financlal Resources
8. Own�rship a�d Control Information
C. Expe�ience (n Othsr Cttiea
r • . I
. . � ��--��
Bus Sh�lt��s with Adv�rtl�tnq
1�1__e11LIIQas� The City of St . Paul desires to n�aintot� a clean,
u�cluttered. uniforn� and easily troveled riyht—of—way. Alonq and/or
on that riqht—of—way the City of St . Poul desires to provide enclosed
bus •helter• to� n�ass tronsit pat�ona at no yovernn�ent cost to the
public. A franchits ollowiny erection and n�ointsnance of such sheltera
wiil be neqotiatsd betwsen the City ot St . Poul and ons sslected vendor.
Thi• Request for Propo�al (RFP) is intended to provtde quidellnes to
tho�� con�pantes intere�tsd in providiny such bus sheltsrs (to be paid
for throuqh c return on adv�rttsiny) ana who ars ints�ested in biddtn9
on •uch a franchtse.
1+2a_l,iylna_Qtilts+ The Joi�t Purchasiny Office is issuiny the rsquest
for propotal and will istue the final city franchise. Copies of the
franchi�� docuAent are •�clo�sd with this r�Qu�st for proposal . �
AdAitionol eopisa ar� ovailobl� fron� the Joi�t Purchostnq Oftice.
_ �L ��''
1�2h_�liX__BaRtaa4nisilYa� Th� Pu�lic Works Departn�ent. City of St . ��i�
Paul . wtll adAiniatsr ths tranchiie opsration. The Di �sctor of Pubifc �
Work• (s th• City'• repr�sentatfve tor thp RFP. He will ov�r—see the�
rsceipt ot proposalt. �evlew of proposals, ond t.he__tinal sele_ ction o1_
_ _ _._, r�
vendor. He is en�power�d to respond written �e uasts fo�
clortf eatio� of the contents of this RFP. � . - Q _,� , - � �..��-a���
�__ � � �.�, �,G,,. C� �►��
�Lr'� ��f G'�'"�' 4l.'� � _
1�2�_S�1RIIII1!__QsII�11IIS�_ Tw�lv• copies of th• p�opo�ol shall be � ,. �.
subwitt�d. Proposals n�ust be received in the Joint Purchaainq Office. ;',.�,�. �.yrt�• �..t{ ,
Roon� 233. City Hali . Ths dsadline date wiil be deterr�ined by the '�� ,�
tin�in9 of th� R�solution authorizinq ths request for proposals. Late
p�oposols witl not be con�id�red.
1��__@aja�itQn__Qi__eLQRQanls�_ Proposals will be reviewed by a�
Intsrdeparta��ntal Revlew Tsan� �allsd at the direction of ths Director of
ths Public IMork• Departw�nt. Th• tea� rese�vss th• riyht to reject any
or all propo�als which do not. in the opinion oi ths tsa�. neet ths
public purpos• intsnd�d by th� f�a�chf��. Th� t�an� is con�posed of
r�pr���ntattv�a frow th• d�port��nt� oi St. Paul Public Mlorks, Planniny
and Econo�ic D�v�lopn�ent . F(nanc• cnd �lanoqeeent Se�vicss, City �
Atto�n�y's Otfic�. th� Budq�t Otfie�. ond the City Cou�l��`� ���i �,S �
1��__in�Yttta�__IIt_�Q�il� Th• City of St . Paul shall not b• liabl• for
any •xp�n��• incurr�d in conn�ction with th• pr�paration or subn�ission
. �� � �_ �.�--s��
of a r��pons• to this RFP. nor for ony cost incurrsd by ony vendor in
Esn�onstratinq his or her product nor in a�e�ttnq ony requested
n�odificationa. `
, 1��__EYa�tasa_aa�_BaYan�aa� The City ot St. Paui will fund non� of the �,,,�,�, �
bus sh�lt�r proar�a.. A perc�ntay� of ths rec�ipt• fron� adv�rtisiny
shall b• paid to ths ctty and •hail not be less thon th� annual n�inin�um
fse established in the franchiss.
1��__2LS=�tQ�Qaal__�Qniats��a� A biddera confsrence will be hsld in
the Ctty Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Strest. St . Paul . Minnesota. 55102. �s
This co�fersnce provides applicants an opportunity to rsqueat
add( tiona� inforn�ation or clarification. A summary of the meeting will
bs moilsd to all intsrested vendors.
1�Z__ed�sII�a__i4_EEe� In ths event it becon�es necessary to rsvise any
port of th• RFP. writtsn addenda wil'I be provtded to all biddsrs who
receive ths RFP.
1�$--Yall�lYx__e4i1Q�_QS_PtQRSaala� AII proposals occepted by the City
will b• volid for aixty days; unless released sarlier by the City.
1�8__et�RSasl__PiaaanfaSlQn� Proposals should bs prepared simply and
sconon�ically. En�phasis should be on brevity. clarity. and content .
Elabo�ats dlsplays and p�esentations are not dssired. however, a cleor
n�ap of the Ctty showinq proposed locations and a detaiisd construction
drawiny ot the •hslter itself a�e expected.
1�1�__Q1s�14aYia_Qi_eiQ�Qaal_�Qatsnf� �li inforn�ation subn�itted to the
Joint Purchasin9 Office becon�ss public property and wi � � be available to
the public, at cost. by writtsn request.
1�11__Qta1_Piaa4a3a31Qn� Vendors who subn�lt o proposal n�ay be requirsd
to n�ake an oral presentation of their proposaJ bsfore the
Intsrdepartn�entol Rsview Tean�. Thts prssentation would provids on
oppo�tunity for the rsview tean� to ask additional qusstions and for the
offeror to clarify his or her proposal . Such a n�estinq would be
schedul�d by th• Joint Purchasiny Office. In addition. vsndors may be
requestsd to appsar before ths City Council to make a presentotion and
answ�r qusstions.
1�12__Flnal_�sls�ilIIII_sII�_A7�IIL�� The Intsrdepartn�ental Review Team will �
n�ake itt recon�n�endation to the City Council . Final selsction and award �4
wt I I be n�ade by ths City Counci I after�j��,L_1_c.i_._._G.,aua�1�,, rsview ond �
_..__._..._. ;
eon�n�ent . aftsr full public heariny ond 6fi'fer final rsconciliation of "
any n�odification�.
1�1�__e��aRiaa�a__Qt_PtaRQaal_�Qniaai� Th• contents of th• proposal ot
the succ�ssful vendor wtil b�coa�e a part of the City franchise adopted
by th• Cfty Council . AII staten�ent• n�ads in ths proposal will become
Isyally bindiny und�r th• trancht�e. A copy of th• tentative franchiss
ts tncludsd (Ctty Council File No. 276986) with ths Requsst for
; � � ��--y3
P�oposal . Vendors are expectsd to be thorouyhly fan�iliar with thia
tentat (ve fra�chise ordinance. The succsssful vsndor will be reQuired
to ex�cute forn�al written acceptc�cs of the franchise ordinance.
1�14_tla�ca_B:laaiai� Nsws rsleases n�ade br the vendor pertaininy to thia
RFP or to se�vice• proposed by the vsndor. shall not bs n�ade without
prior approval of the Intsrdepartn�ental Rsview Tean�.
1�1�__IsLU__Qt_ELan�hlna� Ths term of ths f^r—a,nchi���fn �rs� � �
may be renswsd ( f aqreeobls to both parttes. �� �
l..lfl_Eilus_BsaRQnalhlllix� The succsssful vendo� assumes responsibility �
for all services offersd in its proposal whether or not they are
provlded directly by the vendor. The franchise con�pany ia the aole
co�tact with ths City re9a�din9 all franchise n�atters and is reaponsible
for any and all subcontracta issued under this franchiss.
2�1__@II�kStQYII�+ At this tin�e the City of St . Paul ailows courtsay
benches and MTC bus shslters on the street riqht—of—way. The style and
loction of AITC bue shslters is neyotiated throuyh the Department of
Plannin9 and Econon�ic Developn�ent (PED) and Public Works. An MTC study
which recoa�n�snds potential sitss for additional shelters is available
throu9h PED. Traffic flow counts are available throuyh Public Works.
Rscent psdestrtan counts havs not bsen taken.
Cou�t�sy benche• are allowsd by license and sidewalk—use pern►it throuyh
Chapt�r 127 of the Adn�inistrotivs Cods. U.S. 8snch Corporation holds
ths license for n�ost courtesy b�nchss withtn St . Paul . No n�ors than
469 lic�naes for Courteiy benchss n�ay be issued for any one ysar.
In c�rtaln areas the City or local buainessea provide either bua
shelte�s or courtesy benchss. Thers cre attll n�ony locations in St.
Poul where bus shslters could provide patrons additionai comfort while
waitiny for buses.
2�2__EQ�YlaflQn__IQ__@s_�atYS�� The C( ty is Interested in �ssin�,eyg„
shslt�rs throu at locations n�o ,,,�„� i�!a�____fe b�a
2��__PtQatso_�Ll�sllns.a� AIl proposals subn�itted will be reviewed based
on pre—�stabli�hed svaluation criteria. A list of such criteric
follows (S�c. 4. 1) . Ths •ucc�ssful ve�do� will bs rsquired to n�est
all •xistiny pern�it and Iicens� r�qulation� of the City of St. Paul . A
Ittti�q oi such requiren�ents is included (Sec. 6.2) . Any requiremsnt
inadv��t�ntly left otf this list Is not excluded.
•. + � �3=�.3
�..1_IIIalItIIII�s� Proposal n�ust include a lettsr statiny insurobiltty and
tnt�nt to in�ure as reQuired tn the fra�chtse ordinance (Sections 12 cnd
13) showinq the City as co—insured.
��2__@QII�lIIS+ Proposal n�ust include a letter fron� a sursty compony
statiny that it i�tends to provide the perforn�cnce bond �equired by the
tranchiss ordinance or provide othe� corporate quarantees in lieu of
perfora�ance bond (Sectio� 16) .
���_Elnsn�lal_6aaQLtsnn� Financin9 information ia requeated on Form A.
Section 6.6, "Financial Resourcea" .
���__EatistmsII�a_��ha�yls.� Vendor is to provide a propoaed timeline and ,� SA��'�o""'" �
n�ap •stin�atinq the nun�ber and location ot shelters proposed within each
City Planniny District (City Pla�niny District map attached. Section t v /)
6.5) . It is expscted thot the evsntual number of shslte�s installed i� ' v
St. Paul wtll bs in excess of tea ahelfwr: Installotton of sheltera
can be sp�sad over a nun�bsr of ysa�a; ths instailation and financing
plan should be clearly stated.
���__Elnan�lal__�Qn�ltlQna� Vendors a�s to subn�it thsir proposed plana
for financiny ths sheitsrs. for insurinq thsir profit n�arqins. and for
providinq a wonetary and servics �eturn to the City of St. Paul . Plana
n�ay va ry t roa� co�apany to con�pany. Each p 1 an wi I i be rsv i swsd on i ts
own n��rit.
Franchise fse options which will bs considered by the Inte�departmental
Review T�an� includs the followinq:
(o) A base fee. yuarontsed per n�onth to the City of St�
Paul . ond/or service in lieu of fse.
(b) A percentoys return to St. Paul of all advsrtisiny
r�venues yenerated by the sheltsrs (St .�Paul City
Cha�tsr requires a n�i�i�nun� of 5X �oi yross) .
(c) A plan for providiny shelters without advertisiny
and/or with public ssrvics advsrtisiny.
�..�__Q�tnsiahLR_sa�_�Qn3tQl� Forn� B. Section 6.6. must be co�npleted in
its sntirety.
,�..Z__ExRSttsn�a_tn_Qthst_�lilla� Vsndors and their p�incipals n�ust list
all oth�r systen�s in which th�y hav� constructsd and/or op�rated
shelt�rs tor transit passenyert (Forn� C. Section 6.6) .
Also list evsry con�n�unity in which the vendor or its principals once
owned sh�itera but no lonqer own then�.
For th• purpo�ea of this forn�, "principal " whenever used. n�eans any
. � � � � � ys��
offic�� or dirsctor of the vendor and any p�rson. firn�. corporation.
subsidary. joint venturs or other sntity owntny five percent or n�ors of
the votinq stock (or any equivalent votinq interest of a partnership or
Joint ventur�) of an vendor or who sx�rc(sea control of the applicont.
��1_Bsa.Lsn_�Ra�lil�ailQna� Requeats tor proposals will be evaluated againat '
the followlnq desiyn specifications:
(1) A modular design or range of desiyns which ollows
tlexibility of size and arrangement of the
(2) Modulor stock iten� construction is prefe�red.
(3) Thers ahould be n�axin�un� transpare�cy of the
enclosurs on all sides. especially the side facinq
ths oncon�iny buses. There should be a minimun�
clear opsniny width of 32".
(4) A stn�ple, stratyhtforwa�d. tunctional appearance is
(5) �laterials should be durable. easily n�aintainsd.
and without sharp corners and sdges.
(6) Color of exposed a�etal shail bs Ouranodic /313.
"dark bronzs" if olun�inun�; ond SOM /2.
"brown/black" if painted. (Glidden A-3239. Dsvoe
AE—e01 . or opprov•d squal . )
(7) Each shelter shall contain a well affixed
identification ta9. at least 2 x 4 inches in size.
which Includss th� nun�bsr of the sheltsr. the nan�s
of ths vendor. ond a telephone number at which
con�piaints con be rsytstsr�d.
(8) Provisions should bs n�ade for the diaplay of
tran�tt tnforn�ation for AITC or other buses on that
route if the bus con�pantes ors willing to provide
that infornation.
4..2__En�lnaatlas__SRa�lil�a3tQaa.: Proposals wili bs evcluated bassd on
th� followinq •nqineeriny spscifications:
(1) As�eAbly jointiny should bs conceclsd.
(2) The shelter should be afftx�d to ths sidewalk with
no ports proJectiny bsyond ths sheltsr fran�e into
. . . � � � ��-�3
th• ar�a wh�r• patron� slQht walk. ezc�pt fo�
attach�d b�nch�s.
(3) AII sh�lt�r• �hall be t��toll�d on concrst� slobs.
' In or�a• not alr�ody on std�walk slab or oth�r
co�cr�t� •urfac�. concr�t• •hould •xt�nd oround th•
sh�lt�r at I�a�t 2 i��t on all s(d�• (�.q. � when on
boul�vard turf) ond ln •on�e tituations conc�ete n�ay
be r�Qufrsd to fill in urea fron� sidewalk to cu�b.
(4) Shslters shall be Isvel when instolled.
(5) Sheltsrs shcli be instolled a mini�num of 40 feet
from any non—siqnolized cornsr curb line.
(6) There shal I be a wtnin�un� of o two foot sstback
fron� the curb Itns to the shslter.
(7) Every effort shall bs n�ode to install sheitsrs off
the travel�d �fAswolkwoy.
(8) Mlhers situatio�s �squlrs that a shelter be located
on all or any pert of a sidswoik. th�re shall be�✓
a wl�in�un� of five f�et of concrete std�walkway
ren�atninq betw�en ths shelt�r and the property
(9) The sheltsr scy bs in�talled up aqoin�t the
prop�rty Itne only tf there will ren�oin at lea�t a
stx foot wids concr�t• eidewalk betMeen the cu�b
lin• and the shelte�.
�+1__eia�anQtttQn� Th• proposal is expsct�d to odd�ess the intent ond
all th• r�qui �en�ent• of th• f�anchise. Proposals not n�eetiny these
reQuir�n�ents will bs dtsqualitied.
�+2__ExalLIIilQn__�ilistla:. AII quolifi�d p�oposals rec�ived will be
�valuot�d br th� Int�rd�partw�ntal R�vi�w Tea� accordiny to the
followiny criteria:
�Lliattn Yn1Ya
1 • (t) Th• p�rforsanc• r�cord ot th� coApo�r. —25
o. Exan�ple• ot In�tallutton •Is�Mh�r�.
b. Sati�faction of City offtcials in
oth�r cit (�s wh�r• th� eoepony
I• In op�ratlon.
. ' � ��,���
. i
(2) Th• tinonctal h�alth ot th• con�pany. _2g
(3) Co�porat• •t�uctur• and owner�htp. _1e
(4) NusD�r ot •h�lt�rs p�oposed and r�asonableneas
of th� •h�iter Installotton ttn�el (ns. _2g
(S) Ftnancial ond publ (c servics benetits to the
City. —1e
(6) Review of the proposai i� relotion to
the deafyn specfiicotions, engineeriny
spscificotions. ond site plan revisw. —�g
(7) Additional Considerations. _ 5
a. Abi I i ty to pron�ots uss of n�ore uni torn� and
inteqrat�d str��t furniture.
b. Potentiol tor uttlizinq •olo� power for
slectrtcal nssds. or other unique or bene—
ficial charcctertstics.
�+4__Elaanln�__Q.Laitt�t__IlaR� . -
A. Ftnancial Reaource•
8. Owner�hip ond Control Iniorn�otion
C. Exp�ri�nce in Other Citte�
. `
, ' ! � �F ����
Fo� •ach �h�it�r v�ndor •hail •uba�it o ch�ck tor :23.99 alonq with six
copies ot both the�p��n�tt opplication and tit• plan to the Public Wo�ks
Pern�it Desk. 6AA City Hall Annex, 2S west Fourth St . . St . Paul ,
Minne�ota, 55102. The stte plan n�ust be drawn to scale and as a Tinimum
show the tollowiny intormation:
a. Property line (street riyht—of—way linea) .
b. Curb line� in relation to property lines.
c. Bulldiny Itnes. doo�ways. etc. . ( if affscting
•heits� location or sidewalk clearoncss) .
d. Sidewalka, bouleva�ds. trses. driveways. poles.
siynais. telephons booths and bus benchs�.
e. Vaults, areawoy• ond puliboxes.
t . Locations of underqround utiltt(es in sidewclk
or boulsva�d.
y. Source of sl�ctrical pow�r and Aethod of connec—
tinq to power soures (undsrqround/overheod) .
h. Location of •hslt�r.
i . Cross street�.
j . St�set nan��s. .
k. North o�row.
I . Any other perti�ent inforn�ation. (Status of
on—�tr�et porkinq?)
� . � � �i=- �.5=�� �
Publtc INo�k� S�rv(c• D�tk will •�nd copits to Public INork� Traft (c
Op�ration• and Public �Mork• Stdewalks (olso Con�sunitr S�rvic��. City
For��t�r. t1 shelt�r is to b� locat�d on a boul�vard) for revi�w and
con�n��nts by th� varioue otfic�s.
Thsse o/ftces will �evlew the shelter installation proposals, incfuding
ths �tt• plan, ond reapond bcck to the Public Worka Permit Section with
recon�n�endat i ons.
Upon completion of the City' s review, (unleas the permit ia returned to
the venEor for changss) the permit ond a draft of the resolution for the
permit will be forwarded to the Valuotione D(vision of the Department of
Financs and Alanoqsment Servicss. Valuotions Divtsion wfll schedule a
publtc hearinq bsfore the full City Council and notity the oppropriote
Distrtct Councit cnd the adjacent propsrtr owneri. It i• usual for the
Citr Counctl to take actton at the �sxt n�estiny followinq the Publtc
The City Councll will approve or reJect each bua shelter location. �\
Upon opprovoi by the Ctty Council . a pern�tt wili bs iasued. The
Oeparts�nt ot Pubitc Works will n�onitor the con�tructton and location
and will inspset tinol installation.
. , � �d-� —T-�
Recon�n��nd�d shsltsr location• will b• r�vi�wed ond •valuated accordin9
to th• followtnq crit�rlo:
(1 ) MTC patron counts.
(2) Placsn�ent which provides adequate apace for other
stdswalk activities, e.q. , walkin9 or wheelchairs.
(3) Possibility of obetruct (ny viaion for oncominq or
intersectiny troffic.
(4) When possible, the openinqa should foce toward the
south or east . away fron� the predominant winds.
(5) Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) Guidslines for
the Desiyn of Transit Refated RoaEway In�proven�snts
datsd May 18, 1983.
�� � ' � � ��.�-�� "
i i
Th• v�ndor wtll wointain all •h�lt�r• to th• ��a�onobl• sottstactio� of
th� Dir�ctor ot Publie 1Mork• a� ��t out b�low. Maint�nanc• includes
clsantnq and wa�htny th• •ntir• th�lt�r in�tds and out. ren�ovinq
qraffitt , •tteks�s. po�ter�. notic�� ond the liks. rsn�ovinq littsr.
we�d• ond qras��s (n�ids or adjac�nt to th� shsltsr. rspair(ny and
replaciny bu�ned—out Ityhtiny ftxtures, suppiytny electrical eneryy,
clearinq snow from inside the shsiter. and clsaninq snow, dirt and
dsbris In the orea between the shelter ond ths curb line.
The vendor shall clsan onA wash und remove 9raffiti , stickera.
posters. litter and weeds at each shelter at least twice evsry month,
or n�ore frsquentty if requirsd, to keep each shelter free of ony
noticsable accumulation of dirt. dust. n�arka, stickere, postera.
Iittsr or wesds.
In order to p�ovids safs inqress and eqress between the shelter and the
bus. the vsndor shall cl�an ony accun�ulation of enow and ice from
insids the shsiter and fron� the area bstween ths shelter openiny and the
curb lins within 48 hours aft�r a snowtall .
The v�ndor shall iospect •ach shslter at Isast once •vsry tour calsndor
ays for any dan�ayed or broksn parts or burned—out liqhtiny f xtures and
the coa�pany shall r�pai � or r�plac� dasaqed or broken parte and burnsd—
out Iiqhtiny tixtures within 24 hours att�r the con�pony Decon�es aware of
the dan�ays, breakaqs or Durn—out.
• . � ' i ��S'��
� � I
I . D��crib• (n d�toil th• tinonct�q plon for the constructton and
op�ratlon of the propoted Ctty of St. Paul bus stop shelter system.
Inc1u0• th• followinq inforn�ation ond attach lettsrs of credit.
A. Source ot financinq:
1 . Who Is comn�ittsd to advancing short—term and
lony—term financiny assun�ing applicant ia awarded
the franchiae?
2. Nan�s of banks and/or i�ndinq institutions.
B. Tern�s of financi�q:
1 . An�ount j
2. Und�r what conditions wfll the financiny be n�ade
a. Intsrs�t rat�s:
b. Pay—back psriod:
c. Mlhat collatsrfal is involved?
d. Will the shelt�rt b• a�curtty?
3. Who are quarantors? ;
4. Ar� ther� now or will th�r� be any other
ayr�sn�entt n�ad• in conn�ction with ftnancinq oi
thi• p�oj�ct? If •o. li�t and d�tail ths noturs
of •uch ayreen�ents.
, � , � . ; ��s�
� � i �
1 . Name of Applicant
2 . Address
3 . What type of legal entity ( i . e . , corporation, etc . )
4 . If corporation, is it private or public
5. Name the state and year in which incorporated
6. Is corporation a parent or subsidiary control.
Give details
7. List all Principals, Officers and corporate directors and give
addresses, titles and nature of ownership interest.
8. If corporation is directly or indirectly controlled by another
corporation or leqal entity, explain in detail.
In addition, all applicants, shareholders, and parties with any
financial interest in the applicant, are required to fully
disclose all agreements and understandings with any person,
firm, group, association or corporation with respect to the
franchise and its control. This includes agreements between
local investors and national companies. _
Please append copies of any written agreements made regarding
the ownership or control of the proposed system. Outline any
oral agreements or understandings regarding the ownership or
control of the proposed system.
9. Has applicant ever had similar franchise?
If yes, explain.
10. Has applicant or any principal ever been held liable, through
civil proceedings, for any unlawful business practice?
; � � , � . � ���,�=y3
� � ;
( include (maximum and date and other
name and and current) ( franchise benefits
address of license, etc. ) to City