Cou cil Resolution
Presented By
/' `
�eferred To�ll�/�1�-��, Committee: Date ��"��
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That Surety Bond No. 96854, Officials' Surety Bond,
effective August 4, 1984 to August 4,1985, submitted as required by
Section 17.05 of the St. Paul City Charter and Section 22.01 of the St. Paul
Administrative Code, be and is hereby approved by the City Council.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Dr��SON/V� �
[n Favor
NiCOSia r/ , �
scneibel d __ Against By vw��r
Adopted by Council: Date JAN 8 - 1985 Form Approve y City Attorn
Certified a_ -e Council S tar BY
By ,,
t#p d by Mavor: �► ��� ' � ���� Approv y ayor for Submissi to uncil
By PUB�ISNED JAi� 1 � 1985 B
. .. . , ` (J,G ���
Finance & Mgmnt. Ser�pEPARTI�IE1�
Robert Lan� rONTACT� .
292-6748 PHONE �� ��
December 6, 1984 DATE ��
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routinq Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
Department Di,rector �$�
2 City Attorney \.��0
3 Director of Management/Mayor -r�CE�yED
1 Finance and Management Services Director �E� 1 Q
4 City Clerk �4
Budg�et Di rector MAYOR'S OFFICE
i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Public Employees Faithful Performance Bond coverage in the amount of $250,000
as required by Section 17.05 of the City Charter and Section 22.01 of the
Administrative Code
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
Fundin Source and Fund Activit Number Char ed or Credited:
0908 - 90%
20101 - 1%
28181 - 9%
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments):
Council Resolution - Attachments: Wolverine Ins. Co. Bond �96854
Transamerica Ins. Group As�umption of Liability dated 8/4/81
Transamerica Ins. Co. - Application dated 9/06/84
Purchase Order No. 26553, 11/30/84
Certificate continuin BonS -
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions�
.� ,
F ." .• • � PU.BLIC �MPLOYEES BLANKET BOND . • I�� ,i��
, � . , , •Revased to May, 1958 -7/
; _ _
; �� _- . . � � � ��'.3--�/
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! � � � �C���TiLG V IrGC//L� ti�`�fiT(//��I�
� �/
.l (A Stock Company, herein called Surety) BOND ��96854
�, t Item 1. Name of Obligee:
Item 2. Name of Insured:
Item 3. Bond Period: from the beginning of JUNE 4, 1974
to 12 o'clock night on the effective date of the cancelation or termination of this Bond as �
an entirety.
Item 4. Table of Limits of Liability: '�,,,�,,
Insuring Agreement 1 Honesty BlankeY Bond Coverage $ '
Insuring Agreement 2 Honesty Blanket Position Bond Coverage $
Insuring Agreement 3 Faithful Performance Blanket Bond Coverage $ 250�000.00
Insuring Agreement 4 Faithful Performance BlankeY Position Bond Coverage $
Item 5. The liability of the Surety is subject to the terms of the following riders atYached hereto:
t Item 6, The Obligee and the Insured by the acceptance of this Bond give notice to Surety terminating
�l or canceling prior bond(s) No.(s) NONE
� such termination or cancelation to be effective as of the time this Bond becomes effective.
.J � ,
Signed, sealed and dated June 4, 1974
gy: (� _ /g �_`� v.,�..-a.r.✓• B. A. CARLSON
;} '
- /�Tr�� �+ T � �� ��
.t . Qb�IgQe �+111 �l Sl. PAUL /7� LOCATED AT
{ VJ(�LLLG �'LGl�LJ ti/����C�`l/
� Insured CITY OF ST. PAUL
�. . /�/
SB 5655 Printed in U.S.A. �IVSUii.a1V�� �
�� 62� Stryker Ave. �
Sf. PAUL, M�NfVESOTA 55107 ,
, .. .. __ _ .
... .. . ._ ` , i
. . , �.. .
� .
The Surety, in consideration of the payment of the premium, and subject to the Declarations made
a part hereof, the General Agreement, Conditions and Limitations and other terms of this Bond, agrees,
in accordance with such of the Insuring Agreements hereof as are specifically designated by the insertion �
of an amount of indemnity in the Table of Limits of Liability, to indemnify the Obligee for the use and
benefit of the Insured for: i
Honesty Blanket Bond Coverage
1. Loss sustained by the Insured through any fraudulent or dishonest act or acts committed by any of the Employees, acting
alone or in collusion with others, during the Bond Period, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the amount stated in the �
Table of Limits of Liability applicable to this Insuring Agreement l. ;
____ '
i :
Honesty Blanket Position Bond Coverage '
2. Loss sustained by the Insured through any fraudulent or dishonest act or acts committed by any of the Employees acting
alone or in collusion with others, during the Bond Period, the amount of indemnity on each of such Employees being the amount '.
stated in the Tab�e of Limits of Liability applicable to this Insuring Agreement 2. �
Faithful Performance BlankeY Bond Coverage �
3. Loss caused to the Insured through the failure of any ot the Employees, acting alone or in collusion with others, to perform
faithfully his duties or to account properly for all monies and property received by virtue of his position or employment during �
the Bond Period to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the amount stated in the Table of Limits of Liability applicable �
to this Insuring Agreement 3.
Faithful Performance Blanket Position Bond Coverage �•
4. Loss caused to the Insured through the failure of any of the Employees, acting a�one or in collusion with others, to perform
faithfully his duties or to account properly for all monies and property received by virtue of his position or employment during
the Bond Period, the amount of indemnity on each of such Employees being the amount stated in the Table of Limits of Liability
applicable to this Insuring Agreement 4.
Loss Under Prior Bond 4
If the coverage of an Insuring Agreement of this Bond is substituted for any prior bond carried by the Insured or by any pred- y
ecessor in interest of the Insured which prior bond is terminated, canceled or allowed to expire as of the time of such substitution,
the Surety agrees that such Insuring Agreement applies to loss sustained by, or caused to, the Insured, as the case may be, prior to
or during the Bond Period, provided that such loss is discovered after the beginning of the Bond Period and prior to the expiration
of three years from the cancelarion of this Bond as an entirety and that such loss would have been recoverable by the Insured or
such predecessor under such prior bond except for the fact that the time within which to bring suit, action or proceeding of any kind
thereunder had expired, and provided further: i
(1) the indemnity afforded by this General Agreement shall be a part of and not in addition to the amount of coverage afforded !
by the applicable Insuring Agreement of this Bond; and r
(2) such loss would have been covered under such Insuring Agreement had such Insuring Agreement with its agreements, con-
ditions and limitations as of the time of such substitution been in force when the acts or defaults causing such loss were
committed; and
(3) recovery under such Insuring Agreement on account of such loss shall in no event exceed the amount which would have
been recoverable under such Insuring Agreement in the amount for which it is written as of the time of such substitution,
had such Insuring Agreement been in force when such acts or defaults were committed, or the amount which would have
been recoverable under"such prior bond had such pnor bond continued in force until the discovery of such loss if the latter
amount be smaller.
DEFINITIONS for other losses under the applicable Insuring Agreement,
Section l. The following terms, as used in this Bond, shall whenever sustained; provided, however, that the Surety's total
have the respective meanings stated in this $ection: liability under each such Insuring Agreement for any loss caused
"Employee" as used in Insuring Agreements 1 and 2 by any Employee or in which such Employee is concerned or
person while in the employ of the Insured during �mplicated is limited to the applicable amount of indemnity
means a specified in the Table of Limits of Liability.
the Bond Period who is not required by law to give bond
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and Indemnification by the Surety for any loss under Insuring
who is a member of the staff or personnel of the Insured Agreement 2 or 4 shall not reduce the Surety's liability for
but does not mean any Treasurer or Tax Collector by what- other losses under the applicable Insuring Agreement, when- •
ever title known. ever sustained; provided, however, the $urety's total liability `.
"Employee" as used in Insuring Agreements 3 and 4 under each such Insuring Agreement as to each Employee is f
means a person while in the employ of the Insured during limited to the applicable amount of indemnity specified in the �
the Bond Period who is not required by law to furnish Table of Limits of Liability. ;
an Individual Bond to qualify for office and who is a member Regardless of the number of years this Bond shall continue
of the staff or personnel of the Insured but does not mean in force and the number of premiums which shall be payable �
any Treasurer or Tax Collector by whatever title known, or paid, the limit of the Surety's liability as specified in the �
UNIDENTIFIABLE EMPLOYEE , Table of Limits of Liability shall not be cumulative from year ;
to year or period to period.
$ection 2. In case a loss is alleged to have been caused .
to the Insured through acts or defaults by an Employee cov- LIMIT OF LIABILITY UNDER THIS BOND j
ered under an applicable Insuring Agreement of this Bond, AND ANY PRIOR BOND �
while such Insuring Agreement is in full force and effect and
the Insured shall be unable to designate the specific Employee Section 5. With respect to loss under Insuring Agreement
causing such loss, the Insured shall nevertheless have the 1 or 3 caused by any Employee or in which such Employee is �
benefit of such Insuring Agreement provided that the evidence concerned or implicated or which is chargeable to such Em-
submitted reasonably establishes that the loss was in fact ployee as provided in Section 2 of this Bond and with respect .
caused by such Employee through such acts or defaults and to loss under Insuring Agreement 2 or 4 caused by any Em-
provided, further, that regardless of the number of such Em- ployee or which is chargeable to such Employee as provided in
ployees concerned or implicated in such loss, the aggregate Section 2 of this Bond and with respect to loss under any
liability of the Surety for any such loss shall not exceed the Insuring Agreement which occurs partly during the Bond Period
amount stated in Item 4 of the Declarations applicable to such and partly during the period of other bonds issued by the Surety
Insuring Agreement. to the Insured or to any predecessor in interest of the Insured
EXCLUSION and terminated or canceled or allowed to expire and in which the
Section 3. This Bond does not cover any loss sustained by, Period specified therein for bringing suit, action or proceeding
or caused to, the Insured under circumstances whereby and to of any kind, or if no such period is specified therein, then within
the amount which the Obligee or the (nsured voluntarily under- the period prescribed by the applicable statute of limitations, has
takes or is obligated by law to exonerate or indemnify any of not expired at the time such loss thereunder is discovered,
the Employees against liability incurred by them in the perform- the total liability of the Surety under this Bond and under such
ance of their duties. other bonds shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the amount .
carried under the applicable Insuring Agreement of this Bond
LIMITS OF LIABILITY on such loss or the amount available to the Insured under such
' Section 4, Indemnification by the Surety for any loss under other bonds, as limited by the terms and conditions thereof, .
Insuring Agreement 1 or 3 shall not reduce the Surety's liability for any such loss if the latter amount be larger.
,� , . �S, . '' . . ' � . • �
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y (�.i
' ' CANCELATION motice either by the Obligee or the Insured or by the Surety
Section 6. This Bond shall be deemed canceled as to any shall be equivalent to mailing. If the Obligee or the Insured
, Employee: , cancels, earned premium shall be computed in accordance with
(a) Immediately upon discovery by the Obligee or the Insured the customary short rate table and procedure. If the Surety
of any act on the part of such Employee which would �ancels, earned premium shall be computed pro rata. Premium
constitute a liability of the Surety under the applicable adjustments may be made at the time cancelation is effective
Insuring Agreement covering such Employee; or as soon as practicable after cancelation becomes effective,
(b) Upon the death, resignation or removal of such Em- but payment or tender of unearned premium is not a condition
of cancelation.
ployee; or If an of the cancelation
(c) At 12 o'clock night upon the effective date specified Y provisions set forth in either or
in a written notice mailed to the Obligee and the I�- both of the foregoing paragraphs of this Section are prohibited
sured. $uch date shall be not less than thirty-days after �r made void by any law controlling the construction of this
Bond, such provisions to the extent they are so prohibited
the date of mailing. The mailing by the Surety of or made void shall be deemed to be nullified and of no effect.
notice as aforesaid to the Obligee and the Insured shall
be sufficient proof of notice. Delivery of such written LEGAL PROCEEDINGS
notice by the Surety shall be equivalent to mailing. Section 7. No suit, action or proceeding of any kind to
This Bond may be canceled by the Obligee or the Insured by recover on account of loss under this Bond shall be brought
mailing to the Surety written notice stating when thereafter the after the expiration of three years from the cancelation of this
cancelation shall be effective. This Bond may be canceled by Bond as an entirety provided, however, that if such limitation
' the Surety by mailing to the Obligee and the Insured written for bringing suit, action or proceeding is prohibited or made `�
� notice stating when, not Iess than thirty days thereafter, such void by any law controlling the construction of this Bond, such �
: cancelation shall be effective. The mailing of notice as afore- limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal
, said shall be sufficent proof of notice. Delivery of such written to the minimum period of the limitation permitted by such law.
� ! ' In witness whereof, the Surety has caused this Bond to be executed on the Declarations page. `.
,„,,,,,,'"',�-�,...._.._. ..._. ...... _
To be aCtached to and form part of Bond ��B96854
Insured: CiCy of St. Paul
It is agreed that:
1. The word Employee as used in the Insuring Agreement specified
means all of the Employees of the Department of Finance
and Management Services of the City of St. Paul.
2. This rider is effective as of June 4th, 1974.
/J �
1 BY �c� 6"� � G—c��a�--�
B. A. CARLSON,Attorney-in-Fact
� -��,._ :..,, _
-' ' . ` _ . . . . � �v,F ��--��
� � Transamerica
II II Insurance Services
This will certify that Bond No. 96854 originally executed by
The Wolverine Insurance Company on behalf of CITY OF ST. PAUL, 1�A1 - VARIOUS E1�LOYEES
as principal, in favor of CITY OF ST. PAUL as obligee, in the amount
of S 250,000.00 , has been assumed by the Transamerica Insurance
Company as of its premium anniversary date of August 4th, �g 81
Annual Premium $2,687.00
This bond, issued by the Wolverine Insurance Company and described above,
is he�eby continued in full force and effect, subject to all of the covenants and
conditions thereof.
By . Lasota
� orney-in-Fact
. _ . . . . . . �� _ .�t. .�i�.. . .
13289 10-80
� _ -
F -- � . • • � �Jr-'��
� ' � September 5, 1984
j All employees including appointed and elected officials -
� Blanket Faithful Performance Bond
� A B C Total
'I Elected Officials
Mayor 1
I City Council � �
•I Appointed Officials
;� Director, Finance 1
� Director, Community Services 1
� Fire Chief 1
� Police Chief 1
� ' Director, Public Works 1
� Director, P.E.D.
I 1
Administrative Aide to Mayor 2
I Budget Director 1
- - 17
Mayor's Office 28 41 - 69
City Council's Office 2 Lg _ 2�
City Attorney 33 12 - 45
City Clerk 6 3 1 10
Finance and Management Services 93 7 12 112
Purchasing Agent 1 1
Dept. of Public Works 45 79 290 414
Dept. of Community Services 124 173 583 880
Dept. of Police 226 43 352 621 " .
Dept. of Fire and Safety Services 30 6 447 483
Dept. of Planning and Economic Devel. 53 100 - 153
�-�—..�,,c z � i� �°
Civic Center l� ��c.�� '� � � 1 18 Y.i�
Water Department 51 32 213 296
TOTAL � . � 7� .�i��/
..�.v.___._, � � � �T
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� '' Transamerica � � � � �� ` �� p
���r Transamerica Insurance Grou
�� insurance Services
�%"1 �'.'1 (_,,1 :_- �
❑ Transarnerica Insurance Company �... C.J 7 ��, S- �� � ��
� A Slock Company/Home Office: Los Angeles, Californiz Application — Questlonnaire lor
O Transamerica Insurance Company a Public Employees Blanket Bond
� � �,�r.,�u,��„� or a Public School System
� A Stock Company/Home Oflice: Battle Creek, Michigan Employees Blanket Bond
I Application is hereby rn�dc by �� ��--_L' /-� C�t�
� � ----__--- ..._ .__ _...__---.._
� (Ezact Nimu ol Obliquu)
� (herein called Obligee) (or tlie use and benefit of City of Saint Paul
,I (Ezact Nnme oi Ins�red)
:i o{ 234 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102�
(herein called Insured)
csc,��t� tc��v� csc,c��
; for coverage uncier tlie bond designated below witli respect to such of the following Insuring Agreements opposite which an amount is
, stated,to become e(fective or to be continued as of
Public Employees alanket dond #�� Public School System Employees Qlanket Qond O
Insuring Ac�rr.ement 1 Honesty Qlanket. aond Coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S
Insuring Ayreement 2 Honesty Blanket Position Bond Coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S
Insuring Agreement 3 Faithful Performance f3lanket Bond Coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5250,000.00
Insuring Agreernent 4 Faithful Performance Qlanket Position Qond Coverage , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,S
Premium payable: prepaid C}� 1 yrs., O 2 yrs., r� 3 yrs., O 4 yrs, installments ❑ 3 yrs., ❑ 4 yrs.
1. (a) Is the Insured a part of the government of the State O, counry CI, city R;� town U, village O or other political sub•
clivision q and if last,state which.
(b) I( �his Applir.ation•Questiunnaire is (or a Public Employees Blanket Bond, is a School System part of the Insured? No
(c) List all subordinate departments, divisions, offices or institutions whir,h the Insured is authorized by law to manage, govern
or control. See AttaChed.
2. Give total nurnber of persons en�ployed by the Insured. 3�144
3. Will the Insured arrange to have new Employees complete personal applications (supplied by Surety)? No
4, is there likely to be a substantiai increase in the numbr.r of Employees dunng the prenuum period by reason of seasonal activity
or other circumstances peculiar to Insured's function? No
5. Audits (a) How frequenUy made? annua (�) Are all locations included? yes
(c) By whom? CPA;Sta(f Auditor, Others — (explain fully) --
State Auditors
(d) When was last audit made? 1983 (e) Period covered 1/ 1/83 — 12 31/83
(f) Were any discrepancies or loose practices commented upon? No If so,submit a copy of audit or auditor's comments.
6. Losses of a nature which would i,ave been covered by the bond applied tor (past 5 years) — Check if none CX
� Deie Amount _ �mployec's Position __ Corrective Moasures Taken IOther Than Discharge)
7. Present coverage in force— Check if none �
Form of Bond EI(octiva Date Amount Name of COmpa�y
Faithful Performan e
Blanket Bond B968 4 8/4/83 $250,000.00 Transamerica Insurance Co.
Use separate sheet if necessary.
8, Completc the Classification of Employecs on rcvcrse side,
9. If additional in�emnity under any Insuring Agrcement is desired on any position,complete the follawing:
Amount ol
Total Number Additional
�nsuring of Em 1
—_— Position location Aqreement in Each Pos e on Each Employee
Date at�t_.__P__'�►�,.,�II�1_ this_ 6th day of September 19 84
_ �.� �,�
-- m
BY �t�� �-�'�-,/
SA•5349C f tle1
, � Tliis classification under Class A, B and C„togetlier with seipplemental ciassification required in the event coverage und�the bond ~y
� applied (or is to he given under.more tlian one Insuring Agreement, constit�ates the Insured's entire personnel as o( the date of this
application-questionnaire and includes members of Boards and Commissions whether or not such personnel or the members of such
Boards and Commissions are to be covered under tlie bond. If coverage is t� be given under more than one Insuring Agreement,separate
Classifications of Employees must be compieted for each Insuring Agreement and in such event this classification applies to Insuring
Class A Employces
All Executive, Acfministrative, Judicial and Supervisory officials, Department and Division Heads and Assistant Department and
Division Heads,all peace otficers` and all o(ficials and empioyees whose principal duties are to,
1. handle, receipt for, or liave custocly o( money, r.liecks or securities, or account for supplies or otlier property; authorize (or make
appropriations for) expenditures; approve, certi(y, sign or countersign cliecks, drafts, warrants,vouchers orders or other documents
provitling�for the paying over or delivery of money,securities,supplies or other property,or serve process;or
2. maintain or audit accounts of money, cliecks, securities, time records, supplies or other property, or take physicai inventories of
money,cl�ecks,securities,supplies or otl�er property.
'patrolmen are classilied as'A'Em��loyees under both'Faith(ul Performance'Coverages but are classi(ied as'C'Employees under both'Honesty'Coverages.
Number of Numbar o/
Position Occupants Position Number of
Occupants .Position Occupants
_$.aa arrache,�
Total Class A
Class B Employees
AII personnel whose principal duties consist of:
1. Inside or outside clerical activities.
2. Off ice work such as stenograpliy,typing,filing,switchboard operation,business machine operation,etc.
3. Operation of vehicles transporting passengers for cash fares or tickets.
Numbor o( Num6er of Number of
. Position Occupants Position Occupantt Position Oeeupants
See attached
I Total Ciass B 515
Class C Empioyees
All personnel whose principal duties consist of:
1. Skilletl or unskilled labor and craftsmansliip. 4. Any teacfiing capacity in tlie (ield ot edutation.
2. Solely the mechanical operation of automotive equipment. 5. Outside or field work of a non•clerical nature.
3. Non-clerical activities of tlie medical or nursing professions. 6. Patrolmen under the "Honesty" Coverages.
Numbor of Number of Numbx oi
Position Occ�pants Position Occu antt
P Position Occupants
See attached
Total Ciass C 1 916
Personnel Excluded TOTAL 3, 144
Certain Officers and Subordinates are excluded automatically from coverage by the terms of the designated Blanket Boncls:
1. All Coverages— Treasurers and Tax Collectors by whatever title known.
2. Faithful Performance Coverages— Personnel required I�y law to furnisli an individual bond to qualify for office.
3. Honesty Coverages— Personne� required by law to give bond for faithful performancc of tlieir duties.
Number of Number ot Numbx o(
Pesi��on Or.enpantz Po;Ition Oceupants Position Oeeupants .
--• Total
Other Officers and Subordinates may be excluded by the Surety by rider. See Public Official Manual Rule "Exclusion of Employees".
List hereunder the positions occupied hy such Officers and Subordinates
Nurnber of Number o( Number ot
ro:�c�on oc������c: Position Occupams Posicion Occupants
�� �" ' , . .:�: C'� ��-�/
°'""`°' Transamerica Insurance Com an
Transamer�ca � �� A Stock Company/Home Office:Los Angeles,California
Insurance Services �
r�.�..�.,��. _
�ry� Continuation Certificate
On Behalf Of,'
CI1Y OF ST. PAUL ,as Principal,and
In Favor Of,
CITY OF ST. PAI�I, as Obligee
Amount of the Bond $250�000.00 Continued To: g�y�g,s From: g�4��
The bond issued byTransamerica Insurance Company and described above is hereby continued in force for the additional period shown,
subject to all the covenants and conditions thereof. It is expressly stipulated that the liability of the Surety shall not be cumulative and that in
no event shall the aggregate liability of the Surety for any one or more defaults of the Principal during any one or more years of the suretyship
under the bond hereinabove referred to, as extended by this or any other extension thereof, exceed the amaunt specifically set forth in said
bond or any existing certificate changing the amount of said bond.
Date 9/27/84 (L.S.)Pri�cipal.
Transamerica Insurance Company,Surety
C ���
A torney in Fact
150 B 9-79
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;,�, "°��> ' /c Do te ; December 27, 1984
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� � = SC91f1i P�� i Ci�y C�Ld��:f I . -
�� � �i = C0�1�71;j��� OjJ FINANCE
• - • .� �..R't� , :
1. Resolutiou atFiending the Civil Service Itules concerning 2eaves of absence. (Nicosia)DVer � '�,"�
2. Resolution reciuesting tl�e hiayor to include leave af aUsence language in contract
negotiatioiis occuz�ring after the passage of• tliis resolution. (Nicosia)�,��� ���Z ((�f�
3.' Resolution amending the .1984 budget by adding $1U7,574 to the I�inancing and S endirtg
Pla.ii for Lxecutive Administration Department. �- Personnel Office (Perso;inel),�Prove�
4. Resolution ameiiding Section II of t}ie Salary Plan and Rates of Compe�isatio�i Res lution
by establislii�ig tlie rate of pay� for Building Maiuiteiiance Engineer. (Perso�itiel)���y��
5. Resolution -amending t}ie Civii Service.Ru1es by inserting the title Landscare 'I'eclinic'ari
in Section �3.L, Grade 30 aiid insertiiig the specifications in Section 32. (Personnel)��"r"r"
G. Resolutioli ameridirig Sectioii-S.D of tlie Civil Service Rules pertairiirig to Resideiice and
allowitig 5 poiiits o�► only oiie certified appointmeiit for eac}i applicaiit.. (Persorinel)��,,i �t�
7. Resolutiori ametidi�t tlie Civil Service • 1 ����
� Rules by �.iiserting tlie tztle Buildiitg Dlaintenarice
Engirieer i1i Sectio�i 3.C, Uiigraded and insert�ng the specificatioiis in Section 32������e
8. Resvlution ame�iding tlie Civic Ce�iter Capital Improveme t Budget ncreasirig the Financing
atid Spetidir�g by $G9U,993. (Executive AcLnitiistxation),�P17I1l�-°�
°. Resolution amending t�ie Civic Center Operating Fund� increasiig the I�inancing and �
Speiiding by $G6U,UUU. (Executive AcLniliistration)��11Jy�
I Resolution amending Ufficials• Surety Bond No. 96854. (Cinance)�f'l/D1��
1. esolutiori for sale of Gei eral ob gation Bolids and Tax Anticipation Certificates of
Indebtedness. (I�inance)� ���/'�
12. Itesolution allo�ring City Sigi�atures on a contract to provide fundiri to St. au1 Urban
Iixdian tiealtli 13oard Inc. , 301 Fuller Avenue. (Conuntuiity Services)���^��
� '�
13. Resolution allowing City Signatures on a contract tQ provide unding to Nortli End lIealth
Center, 1021 l�farioti Street. (Commeuiity Services) �jp��/� `- —
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