85-40 WMITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ,/! CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��- • D BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution , Presented By f Referred To �l�lf'}/`�-�� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative� Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Landscape \ Technician in the Civil Service Rules. , RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L, by inserting the title of Landscape Technician in Grade 30; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Landscape Technician. Approved: Civil 5ervi ce Commission, Chair COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay�s�/ PERSO L OFFICE Dr�.v�/�t�1►' � Masanz �l In Favor Nicosia ��� scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco W ilson JA�y 8 _ 1985 Form App ved b Cit tto ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Y ,- •e Council et BY � By A�p ove by iqavor. a ` JAN i � ��85 Appr by Mayor for Submissio C u1�ci1 B By P1f8LiSHE�D j;��; 19 1985 �� Personnel Office �EPART6+IENT � • ��►��� Jeanettc+ s��,Ar{A CONTACT - • ' 29_8�221 ' pHONE / -- ree� ee T]cnemhor F,f i aRd DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Ma�yoral Sianature)• � partment Di rector City Attorney �� �"`�� \��� �� 3 Di rector of Management/Ma�yor Finance and Management Services Director RECEIVED City Clerk �t� 7 1984 Budget Di rector MAYOR'S OFFICE . i�ihat Will be Achieved by Takin Action on the Attached Materials� (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution establishes the title and class specification for Landscape Technician in Grade 30 of Section 3.L (Technical Group) in the Civil Service Rules. This class will do technical landscape �rork for Independent School District No. 625. The 1984 b�-weekly salary for Grade 30 is as follows: A B C D F F 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 76L'.64 794.04 826.43 863.07 900:::38 939.81 963.76 989.82 1002.82 1015.82 �19�8��. annually $25,502. annually Financial , Budgetary end Personnel In�acts Anticipated: None - �Fundin9 Source and Fund Activity Nurt�ber Charqed or Credited: Attachments (List and Nunber all Attachments�: 1. Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPA ENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEI�11 Yes o C�ouncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? ' Yes No Yes �insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPP RPVPI"�P Sicip for Tnstructions) Ti tl e of C1 ass: � (� �S�U LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Provides technical assistance for the school grounds division in the areas of landscape architecture and horticulture, drafting, and microcomputer grounds maintenance programs, and performs related dutes as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Grounds and Labor Coordinator, Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class . Performs field verification of school site conditions ad updates site drawings accordingly. Performs regular inspections of school sites identifying gneral main- tenance and capital improvement needs (i .e, fencing, regrading, erosion control problems, new bituminous surfacing, etc.) . Develops solutions for landscape design problems. Prepares preliminary drawings and specifications with estimated costs. Develops data base and assists in development and implementation of computerized grounds programs. Assists in implementation of various landscape improvement programs (such as Tree Planting Program). Does general .drafting and detail work. Prepares simple charts and graphs to be used for plan�ing and budgeting purposes. Assists in development, updating, and maintenance of grounds division data/records such as vehicle records, site data, and equipment inventory. Assists 6rounds and Labor Coordinator and Crew Leader in development and implementation of an employee safety program and the Employee Right to Know Act program. Assists in developing the annual division budget and in monitoring of the approved budget. Performs other related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to follow written and oral instructions. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and grups both orally and in writing. Basic drafting skills. Knowledge of landscape architecture and horticulture. Some background in microcomputer (Apple II) progamming/operation or a willingness to accept training in this area. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two year Associate of Arts degree in Landscape Technology. Ti tl e of C1 ass: . � � � �S--�yC� LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Provides technical assistance for the school grounds division in the areas of landscape architecture and horticulture, drafting, and microcomputer grounds maintenance programs, and performs related dutes as assigned, Supervision Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Grounds and Labor Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Performs field verification of school site conditions ad updates site drawings accordingly. Performs regular inspections of school sites identifying gneral main- tenance and capital improvement needs (i .e. fencing, regrading, erosion control problems , new bituminous surfacing, etc.) . Develops solutions for landscape design problems. Prepares preliminary drawings and specifications with estimated costs. Develops data base and assists in development and implementation of . computerized grounds programs. Assists in implementation of various landscape improvement programs (such as Tree Planting Program). Does general .drafting and detail work. Prepares simple charts and graphs to be used for plan�ing and budgeting purposes. Assists in development, updating, and maintenance of grounds division data/records such as vehicle records, site data, and equipment inventory. Assists Grounds and Labor Coordinator and Crew Leader in development and � implementation of an employee safety program and the Employee Right to Know Act program, Assists in developing the annual division budget and in monitoring of the approved budget. Performs other related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to follow written and oral instructions. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and grups both orally and in writing. Basic drafting skills. Knowledge of landscape architecture and horticulture. Some background in microcomputer (Apple II) progamming/operation or a willingness to accept training in this area. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two year Associate of Arts degree in Landscape Technology. � - ,. . , N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I C�.NARY - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. �� �� - BLUE - MAVOR � CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ac7ministrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Landscape Technician in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L, by inserting the title of Landscape Technician in Grade 30; and be it Fi3RTE�R RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Landscape Technician. Approved: Civil Service Commission, Chair COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Flstcher Drew (p F8V0[ Maqnz Nicosia Schsibel A gai n s t BY Tedsaco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � Title of Class: � �,��d LANDSCAPE TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Provides technical assistance for the school grounds division in the areas of landscape architecture and horticulture, drafting, and microcomputer grounds maintenance programs, and performs related dutes as assigned, Supervision Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Grounds and Labor Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PFRFORMED The listed examples may not include a71 duties performed by all positions in this class. Performs field verification of school site conditions ad updates site drawings accordingly. Performs regular inspections of school sites identifying gneral main- tenance and capital improvement needs (i .e. fencing, regrading, erosion control problems , new bituminous surfacing, etc.) . Develops solutions for landscape design problems. Prepares preliminary drawings and specifications with estimated costs. Develops data base and assists in development and implementation of . computerized grounds programs. Assists in implementation of various landscape improvement programs (such as Tree Planting Program). Does general .drafting and detail work. Prepares simple charts and graphs to be used for plan�ing and budgeting purposes. Assists in development, updating, and maintenance of grounds division data/records such as vehicle records, site data, and equipment inventory. Assists Grounds and Labor Coordinator and Crew Leader in development and implementation of an employee safety program and the Employee Right to Know Act program. Assists in developing the annual division budget and in monitoring of the approved budget. Performs other related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to follow written and oral instructions. Ability to cort�nunicate clearly and effectively with individuals and grups both orally and in writing. Basic drafting skiils. Knowledge of landscape architecture and horticulture. Some background in microcomputer (Apple II) progamming/operation or a willingness to accept training in this area. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two year Associate of Arts degree in Landscape Technology. � f �*. . '' _ .-� .v;�_a�. x � .SJ�V 3J ' i•y� _�,. ��.; f:_�� ,.�,.�,:;;� ,,.� or�,xcr oµn �r�zr, c.x�.��rcoYr�-c.�z� ��,5=�� %'��� t::,:';:''` '�i ��t I , -i��,\ •-.a_ .-.`•f`� D o fi e ; December 27, �984 `'_:��_i''' ' .:;�,;., �� . .... CO (Vl � [�7"EE RE PO PT �' 0 = Sa�n? PQ� i Ci�y COLi�tt:tl _ . F� �} I�1� = C4�'31�'7?3f��� Oi? FINANCE � CHAIR JAMES SCHEIBEL � . REGULAR AGENDA . ' `�A-t� 1. Resolutioli aniending the Civil Service Rules cvncerning Zeaves of abseiice. (Nicvsia)�V.eY �� 2. Resolutivri rec;uestiiig tIie Mayor to i�iclude leave o:f abserice laTiguage i1i contract negotiations occurring after the passage of' this resolution. (Nicosia)�,��� (�U,�Z ,�,(f'� 3.' Resolution amending the .1984 budget by adding $1U7,574 to the I�inancing and S ending Plan for L•xeeutive Administrati�n Department. �- Personnel Office (Persoruiel)�Prove� - 4. Resolution :imeiiding Section II of tlie Salary P1an and Rates of Compei�satio�i Res�Q lution by establislii�ig tlie rate of pay� for Building Maiuite�iance Engineer. (Persorttiel)j.���� - • ��. Resolution ameliding t}ie Civil Service.Rules by iiiserting the title I.andscaPe 'I'eclinic'ar� in Sectioil �3.L, Grade 30 aiid iiiserti�ig tIie specifications in Sectioii 32. (Personnel)����y�q r.„ -. G. Resolutioii arnending Section-S.D of the Civil Service Rules j�ertaining to Residence and allowing 5 points nn only oiie certified appointmeiit for eacli applicant. (Personnel)��,�)O1� 7. Resolutiori ameridi�ig tlie Civil Service Rules b ins . f ���"-t"" y erting the t�t1e Building biaintenance Engineer ii� Section 3.C, Ungraded and insext�ng the specifications in Section 32. Person e - � �-����� 8. Resolutiori ainending tl�e Civic Ce�iter Capital Improveme t Budget ncreasiiig tlie Financing and Speridiiig by $G9U,993. (Executive AcLniliistrati.on),�P!?I!!�� 9. Resolution amending t�ie Civic Center Operating Fund� increasiig the ri»ancing and � Spending by $6GU,UU(l. (Cxecutive Aclministration)��11J1�� lU. Resolution amending Ufficials• Surety Bond No. 96854. (rinance)�j�J/?J1�� 11. Resolutiori for sale of Get eral Ob 'gation Botids and Tax Artticipation Certi£icates of Indebtedness. (I�inance)�n��T/ !+ 12. [tesoluti.on al�vwing City Siguatures vn a contract to provide fundin to St. auI Urban It;�lian tlealtli tioard Inc. , 301 Fuller �lvenue. (Conunuriity Services)�pf^�� �'/ 13. Resolution allo�ril�g City Sig�iatures ori a contract tp provide uiidirig to Nortli Cnd Ilealtli Center, 1U21 ��iarion Street. (Commuiiity Services) �jp��/� - --_ .. ,f, _ ��I7�'HALL �� SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL.DiII�NESOT�t 55IO2 ����