85-27 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIIC(I P "//�y CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL // � ! � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `� , Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERF�AS, Z'he Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, cloes certify that there are avaialable for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WfiERF,AS, Civic Center Authority File 2418, adopted August 30, 1984 and Civic Center Authority File 2427, adopted October 25, 1984 amer�cled the Civic Center Operating Fund budget; and WHII2FAS, The Mayor reco�mends the following changes to the 1984 budget: ., Current Amended � Budget Changes Budget FINIINCING PLAN 900 Civic Center Operating Use of Retained Earnings 233,925 +660,000 893,925 All Other Financing 2,981,100 0 2,981,100 3,215,025 +660,000 3,875,025 SPEENIDING PLAN 900 Civic Center Operating 20707 Parki.ng Ramp Construction Phase II 20707-898 Building ?mprovements 0 +350,000 350,000 20708 Auditroium Renovation 20708-898 Building Improve�nents 0 +310,000 310000 All Other Fund Spending 3,215,025 0 3,215,025 3,215,025 +660,000 3,875,025 � � +660,000 RESOLV�, Z'Yiat the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 budget. Approval Recorr�nended: � Bu�dget Dir COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays -�F ScawivG-�t/ Civic Center Drew �_ (n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 3 - i985 Form Approve City Attor e Certified Y- •-e Council re BY t� by Mavor. Date _ �A�y � °" � Approved Mayor fo mission to Council 0 0 \,1�.�-CJI/"�� PEit�Ll�ik.� `� , � r.; i:�Z�� � �����. CITY COUNCIL ADOPTID 1984 BUDGET � D SPE�CCIF'IID COI�TPINGEI� RESERVE (09061 537) as of December 18, 1984 DEC 181984 COUNCILMAN Council Changes/Transfers JAMES SCHfIBEL Ac7opted ------------- 1984 Council Iten► Budget File Date Amount Available Salary Reserve (contracts and year-end accruals) 3,508,487 84-1049 08/02 (3,507,811) Public Works Signing Materia].s pending (676) 0 E7nployees' Health Insurance Premium Reserve 0 Q 0 Retir�e Insurance Reserve 0 0 0 Wo::kers' Compensation: �,) Dependency Benef its 240,000 �ispute Ftesolution Center 84-534 04/26 (17,500) Mears Park brick work 84-1047 08/02 (10,700) �'ood Recycling Center 84 1216 09/06 (22,100) �:�r.ited Way Etnergency Care Fund • 84 1005 07/26 (40,000) Upgrade PRIME Computer 84-1236 09/13 (113,700) City Attorney C7ffice Salaries pending (20,000) x'u�lic Works Signing Materials ' pending (16,000) 0 B) Di�ability Reserve 250,000 Filmore Settlement 84 1372 10/04 (99,D00) U�grade PRIME �:on�uter 84-1236 09/13 (143,300) R�placement Ambulance 84-1316 09/27 (7,700) U Early Retirement Incentive Program 0 0 0 T�lephone Rate Increase 15$ Reserve 78,040 R�placement Ambulance 84-1316 09/27 (33,300) PubliC Technology, Tnc. 84-1454 10/25 (17,980) 1�84 Election Printing Expenses 84-1455 10/25 (6,000) GH/CH Additional Maintenance Crew w/drawn 0 CIB Committee Per Diem 84-1450 10/25 (2,000) Recycling Unlimitecl Legal Fees 84-1498 11/01 (5,000) Public Works Signing Materials pending (13,760) 0 Electricity for Restoration of Some Street Lighting 20,000 Basketweave stop signs 84-937 07/1? (15,000) Public Works Signi.ng Materials � pendi.ng (1,564) Refugee Health Program 84-1607 11/27 (3,436) 0 � crrY cocnvczL �o�n 19s4 Bv�r � �-5^a � ' SPECIFIID CANrINGENr RESERVE (09061-537) as of December 18, ].984 (Continued) . Council Changes/Transfers ' � Adopted_.. —.— 1984 Council Iten► Budget File Date Amount Available Bus Stop Snow Rerroval (contingent upon union acceptance of composite position) 75,000 Refugee Health Program 84-1607 11/27 (41,564) Staff for Public Financing Study w/drawn 0 F.ecycling Unlimited penaing (15,Q00) Ramsey County—Recycli.ng Unlimited pending (15,250) 3,186 Training and F�rployee Relations (transfer to be considered after the recomnend- ations of the Personnel Issues Task - Force are identified) 50,000 84-712 05/31 (50,000) 0 Team Police--Four Sectors 123,558 pending (123,558) 0 Personnel Assistant III Recruiting 24,629 Tuition R+eimbursement 84-1130 08/23 (13,000) 11,629 Zbtal Adapted 1984 Budget 4,369,714 (4,354,899) 14,815 R�cycling UnlimitEw �erating Reserve (from 09060; CF84-375) 46,500 pending 46,500 � 0 Adjusted Total 4,416,214 (4,308,399) 14,815 pending - Pending action by the Finance Com�nittee or identified but not yet submittec3 by the the department. recor�n. - Recorc¢nexidecl by the Finance Com�nittee for approval. 01++�5/tedesco 510/RESERV84 12/17/84 � Y.��1: .�.t. � . __ --- �.- .-.. .v..�x�.a.. A J� ..[�J�V 3J �f^�+".f:,'c-;;'�5��:�''�:1'1 or�,xcr'o:n �.�1��: r.z�.�X co��rcrx C� �-�� a � •`��1 �:l♦ •li . :i �'4� �/ l.. :Y:'a^�: '� ( 's��� '_ -`/�v�:'/ `, D d fi e • December 27, ]984 ���4-/.,?/ . , . .... CaM [�J1 ���` � E � EPO � T �" 0 = Sa�n? PQ� i Cs�y Co���cVid . _ �� � �� ' t'O�'�?�?:i�'a� O!? FINANCE ' C H A I R JAMES S CHE I BEL � . REGULAR AGENDA . � - . ���� 1. Resolutioii ameticlirig the Civil Service Itules concertiing leaves of abse�ice. (Nicosia)DV.er �� 2. Itesolution recluesting tl�e Mayor to include Ieave of absence laTiguage in contract ' n�gotiatioiis occurring after tl�e passage o£• tliis resolution. (Nicosia)�.�(� �y,�Z ��(f� 3.' Resolution amecidirig ttie _1984 budget by adding $1U7,574 to tlie I�inai�cirig arid S endirig P1ati for L•xecutive AdmiiiistratiQn DePartment. �- Personnel Office (Persoiiiiel)�P�ve� 4. Resolution :imending Section II of the Salary Plan alid Rates of Compensation Res lution by establisliiiig tlte rate of pay for Building hlaiuite�iarice Engineer. (Persoritiel)����� 5. Resolution amending t}ie Civil Service.Rules by inserting the title La»dscape T'echnic'an in Section �3.L, Grade 3U aiid insertistg the specifications in Section 32. (Personnel)���r"r" G. Resolutioli ameridilig Sec�io�t-5.D of tlie Civil Service ;tules pertaiiiirig to Reside�ice and allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Personnel)Lj.�,L � 7. Resolutiori amendi�i tlie Civil Sexvice Rules 1 ���� � by inserting tlie title Building htaintenance Engiiieer iii Sectio�i 3.C, Uiigraded and insert�,ng tlie specificatioiis in 5ection 32�(,����e f� 8. R�solution amending the Civic Ceiiter Capital Improveme t Budget ncreasing the Financing arid Spetiding by $G9U,993. (Executive �1cLni�iistratiori),�P/?lL�� �� Resolution amendil�g t�ie Civic Center Operating Fund� increasi ig the i'inancing and � Speriding by $GGU,UUU. (Executive AcLniiiistration) � �'J1711�� � � � lU. Resolutioii ameiidiiig Ufficials• Surety Qo�id No. 96854, (rinance)�p�l�� 11. Resolution for sale of Get}exal Ob gation Bonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates of Indebted�iess. (I�inaiice) /� ��jt/�; �-,p� 12. Itesoluti.on allowing City Signatures on a contract to provide fundin to St. aul Urban I��ciian [lealtli I3oard I�ic., 301 Fuller Avenue. (Conunuiiity Services),.�pr�� : ; I3. Resolution allowit�g City Signatures on a contract tp provide (1I1c�1Jlg t0 North Cnd Ilealth Center, IU21 t�tarioit Street. (Commuiiity Services) ,Q71p��/� - _ ,f. �IT'�'HALL �� SEVENTH FLOO� SAINT PAUL.l�iI1`NESOT�\55102 �..��