85-26 KHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council P /- l�.NARV�- DEPARTMENT Flle NO•-�� ✓ � � • BLUE - MAVOR - � Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avaialable for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WHEitEAS, Civic Center Authority File 2418, adopted August 30, 1984 and Civic Center Authority File 2427, adopted October 25, 1984 amended the Civic Center Operating Fund budget; and W�iFREAS, The Mayor reco�nends the following changes to the 1984 Adoptecl Capital Improvement Budget: C-1712 Civic Center Capital Improvements Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FII�I�TCING PLAN Civic Center Sale-Leaseback Financing 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 Operation Profits 135,000 -135,000 0 Maintenance Reserve 194,000 -194,000 0 Ordway Theatre Settlement 0 +300,000 , 300,000 PID Contri.bution 0 +31,000 31,000 Partnership Contribution (Early Opening) 0 +25,000 25,000 Ordway Theatre-�unnel Share 0 +3,993 3,993 Civic Center Operating Budget Contribution 0 +660,000 660,000 10,329,000 +690,993 11,019,993 SPEDDING PLAN Auditorium Rehabilitation 7,500,000 -7,500,000 0 Arena Rpof and Ceiling 135,000 -135,000 0 Parkinq Ramp Rehabilitation 2,694,000 -2,694,000 0 Ramp Costs 0 +1,565,710 1,565,710 Auditori�un Costs 0 +9,433,250 9,433,250 Miscellaneous Costs 0 +21,033 21,033 10,329,000 -f690,993 11,019,993 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays 0'8"' In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By _ By WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council s_� / l."ANqRV� DEPARTMENT s BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � "O � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � �� +690,993 RESOLVID, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 budget. Approval Recoir4nended: _�� �i1� �' � � 1 Budget- i�ir�ctor APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: ��' Director of Finance The St.��Pa�l�ong•Raia�o Ci��ita��I�azproviai�ri�t�t Budget Co� es:� oived thta xaqur���a� (date) Z ___ ._� � ---- `a�di�t�min�+�d� , - .... .,.. _ .,� - S#Qa�i' . ..�.::..,, . -�:. � COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �+�°''°F Sau�J Ma anz --�-- �n Favor � NiCOSia Scheibel _ � __ Against BY Tedesco Wflson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 3 - 1985 Form Approved � City Attor ey Certified P s ouncil , ret BY B • ;r llpp ov by ;Navor. Date JAN — �'�'`� Approve ayor f ission to Council � B PUBLISi�ED ,.li!'' �." ���5 f. •�✓+-•--�-.L• J�. A ..CJ.V 3J +�� >'.y� _L'•:� •:''` . �— �`.�-��o ':,ir �_1�--;'.i;.;�j,=,�� OI''l+'IC.1�O�.n '1`�TI: CI�.'Y COU\YCIL .:� . •;;::..,� � -.-1,� w�"l�-a�.-: %'� �i', '� . �;�� '_ _ "�� �� D d t g ; December 27, 1984 .,�\�� , , �- ,. . -��:�..:,:;c: .... CaMf� f i�' � E RE Po � T �' 0 = S�in? P�� ! Ci��.j CaL��CiI - FR � �� = CO��:j i�� Oi? F(NANCE ' � CHAlR JAMES SCHEIBEL � . REGULAR AGENDA . ' • "•. �..�'t� 1. Resolutio�i aluetiding tlie Civil Service Itules concerning Ieaves of abserice. (Nicosia)DueY �� 2. Resolution rec�uesting the Mayor to include leave of absence language in contract ' n�gotiatioiis occurring after tl�e passage of• tliis resolution. (Nicosia)�.��� �U� �,,(�� 3.' Resolution amending the .1984 budget by adding $107,574 to the I�inancing and S ending Plan for L•xecutive Admirtistration Department. �- Personnel Office (I'ersonnel)�Pro�e� 4. Resolution :imending Section II of the Salary P1an alid Rates of Compensation Res lution by establisliiiig tlie rate o£ pay� for I3uilding Maiuitenance Engineer. (Persoritie.I)����� 5�- - Resolution auiending t}ie Civil Service.Rules by inserting the title Lanclscaj�e Tecluiic}'an iit Sectioii �3. L, Grade 30 �id iiiserti�tg tlie specifications in Sectioii 32. (Persoiinel)jj.�jb� '�f� 6. Resolution ainending Sec4ion-5.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence and allowing 5 points on only one certified appointment for each applicant. (Persoruiel)LI�t (�� �� i 7. Resolution amending the .Civil Sexvice Rules by inserting the title Building Dtainter�� � Bngiiieer in Sectio�i 3.C, U�igxaded and insert�.ng the specificatioiis in Section 32������e Resolution amending the Civic Center Capital Improveme t Budget ncreaszng the Financing at�d Spe�idiiig by $G9U,993. (Executive AcLniliistration),�jP!?IL�� 9. Resolution amendiug t�ie Civic Center Operating Fund� increasitg the �inancing and � Spendiiig by $G6U,UUU. (Cxecutive Aclministration)��I'?1J�� 1U. Resolutioi� ameridiiig Ufficials• Surety Boiid No. 96854. (rinance)�pr���-- 11. Resolutiori for sale of Gei eral Ob 'gation IIolids and Tax Anticipation Certificates of Indebtediiess. (I�inaiice)�n��t/ /- 12, [tesoluti.ou allowing City Szgnatures on a contract to provide fundin to St. auI Urban Ii�dian llealth Board Inc., 301 Puller Avenue. (Conumuiity Services)�pf^�� 13. Resvlution allo�ving City Signatures on a contract t provide undirtg to Nortlt Cnd Iiealth Center, 1021 t�Jarioii Street. (Commuiiity Services) ,C�jjpj��/� _— � 'f' ��IT'�'PiALL �� SEVENTFI FLOOF: SAINT PAUL,l�iii`NESOTt�55102 •.��"1--r-u ' � � � �s��,, / Executive Admin. D�PART(•1ENT V Greg Blees _ _ �ONTACT 298-4323 PWONE ���� �� , 12/14/84 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): � Department Director C_ity Attorney ,��Director of Management/Mayor �Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector CzB amendment only 5 City Clerk �'Budget Director �Ihat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): The Civic Center Authority has approved use of its retained earnings to pay for improvements to the complex. The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Committee has approved the CIB budget amendment. The City Council must approve both resolutions to enable the Civic Center to finance these building improvements. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Civic Center operating profits will be used. No personnel positions will be affected. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Source: Civic Center retained earnings Credit: Parking Ramp Construction (20707) and Auditorium Renovation (20708) Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : Council Resolution amending the Civic Center Operating Fund Budget Council Resolution amending the CIB Budget--Civic Center Capital Improvements DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Counci� Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �instructions)