85-21 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 �
C uncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
W�IEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recommnend the
following transfers for the 1985 General Fund Budget:
General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve Specified
09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -25,000
Current Amencled
Budget Changes Budget
General Government Accounts
Executive Ac�ministration
09100 Civic Organizations Contributions
09100-545 Contrib. to Outside Agency 144,095 +25,000 169,095
09100- All Other Spending 40,000 0 40,000
184,095 +25,000 209,095
� � 0
Nan1, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 Budget.
Approved as to Funding: Approval Reco�decl:
�� �� � �
'rector of Finance � �,y Budget 'rec r
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �e���y� Executive ' istration
Drew � In Favor
Masanz �
Nicosia �
Scheibel � __ Against
W ilson
Adopted by Council: Date JAN 3 - 1985 Form Approv y City Atto e
Certified a • ou cil S cr BY
sy �
t�ppro y Ylavor: Date N.8 — �,�,��j Ap by Mayor for Sub i ' n o Council
Pt1BLISHED f:�;��? 1? ig85
�� (� �s��
Execut ive Admin. DEPART��IEN�
Elizabeth Tedesco rONTACT .
298-4323 PHONE
12/26/84 DATE �v�� ��
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature):
�].''` Department Di rector
� City Attorney
� Director of Management/Mayor
� Finance and Management Services Director
6 City Clerk
� Budget Director
• What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale);_
When preparing the 1985 Budget, the City Council. cho�6se to place $25,000 in
Contingent Reserve Specified for the Dispute Resolution Center . These funds
would be released after the Center received funding from other organizations.
The Center has notified the City that it has been awarded a grant from the
Lawyer Trust Account Board, and has requested release of the $25,000 .
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
The 1985 Contingent Reserve Specified includes $25,000 for the Center.
Payment will be made from the Civic Organizations Contributions activity.
An agreement is being executed between the City and the Center.
No personnel positions will be affected.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Charge: Contingent Reserve Specified (09061-537)
Credit: Civic Organizations Contributions (09100-545)
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� :
Council Resolution transferring funds
Letter from Robert Friedlander
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached? �
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for Instructions)
� (v,,��'�'-��
�-�-� ' �;��.1 T� R E S O L U T i O N 911 Lafond Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
-�. ��� �...�R (6121489-4051
� ..
December 18, 1984
�e Honorable George Latin�ex
Mayor, City of Saint Paul
347 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesofa 55102
D2ar Mayor Latimer:
As you laiow, the 1985 City of Saint Paul budget includes a
$25,OOO.QO service contract with the Dispute Resolution Centere
`I3ze money has been placed in a "specified contingent reserve
acaoun�" ( City Activity #09061) , pending the Center's ability
-�o raise funds frcan otYier souroes.
We are pleased to infornt you that the Center has received a
�i2,500.00 grant from the Iawyer Tru.st A�ccount Board, effective
Januaiy 1, 1985. In addition, the Center has submitted a funding
p�oposal Lo the Public Safety and Justice Oonanittee of the Ramsey
'.�oun�t� Board of Carm:issioners. �
Zb ensure tha� +-�� med.iation and conciliation servioes�of .�he
Center can oont�.nue to t�e offered tA the citizens of Saint Paul,
we ask that you reo�nd the transfer of the funds� fram
contingent reserve to active status.
Please feel free to oontact me at 489-4051 if you require
�urther infonration. 7�.anlc you for your aontinued support and
� � �� ����
Director •
cc: City Attorney, Edward Starr
=i ;'_��;�; -� - :2 S!:�' . ^••• •••+�•• v:• .�l�CR A�. <..l"1.'X C�V tJ 1�Cil�1.� •.
�=;., i:� ;;::r: ;:,< <.�j
,'s;:�Y���. ' /;� l.�-�.{ D a t e ; December 27, 1984
r�r��:;;:~�"`' . . � �S-�/
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ca �v� � i�i � E REPO � T
�" C� _ ���7? P+�3.� I Ci�'�.f Co�.��tc:i� _ � �
��' � �'�� � �'0���;1 p� Oi? F(NANCE
� � " CN/�!(� JAMES SCHEIBEL • "
, • . ' ��r�
1. Resolutioii ametidirig ttie Civil Service Rules concerning leaves of abseiice. (Nicosza)�Uer �i�,t,"�
2. ResvluCion xecluesting tlie biayor to ii2clude Ieave oF absence language 3.n coiitract
negotiatio�is occurring after tlie passage o£• tlia.s zesolution. {Nicosia)���� �U�Z j(,��
3.' Resolutiori ameticling t1►e .1984 budget by addxng $IU7,574 to t1►e I�inai�cing and S end.�rig
Plan fvr Executive Admiiiistratipn Departmertt. �- Personnel Offi.ce (Persoliliel).�P�,ve�
4. Resolutiori awending Section II of the Salary Plan aiid Rates of Compensation Res lution
by establi.slii.�ig tlie.rate of pay� for I3uilcling Nlauritetiarice Engineer. (Persoriiiel)�����
�.-- Resolutiori amettding t}ie Civil Sexvice.Rules by zTlsertiiig tlie title Lar�clscape 'I'ecli�iic'art
in Sectioii 3..L, Grade 30 aiid iiiserting the specifications in Section 32. (Personnel)��
G. Resolution amending Sectioii-5.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Resideiice and
allowing 5 po.�nts on only oiie certified appointmeizt for each applicant. (Persorinel)Lf,�,,� �jl�
7. Resolutzori ameridi�ig the Civil Sezvi.ce Rules . 1 ���`�`�
by �nserting the title Building Diaa.ntenance
Engiiieer iii Sectio�i 3.C, Uiigraded and insertzng tlie specificatior�s in Section 32������e
J• • !
Resolution amending the Civic Center Capital Improveme t Budget increasing the F�nancing
and Spending by $G9U,993. (Executive AcLnii�istratzon),�P17I1/�f�
?. Resolution an,ending t��e Civic Center Operatirig Fund• incxeasi tg tlie rinaucing and �
S,periding by $6GU,UUU. (Executive AcLniiiistration)��19Y�
:U. Resolution amending Ufficials• Surety Bond No.. 96854. (rinance}�p�1��
, .
��I. Resolution for sale of Gei}eral Ob 'gafiion Bonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates of
�l�� Indebtediiess. (I�ii�aii�e) an���/
'2. Itesoluti.on allot+ing City Signatures on a contract to provide fundin to St. aul Urban
Ii�dian 1lealth 13oard Inc., 301 Fuller Avenue. (Conuncuiity Sexvices)�pf^�� -
_ .�-
I3. Resolution allo�ri�ig Czty Sigiiatures oii a contract t provide uridirig to Nortli Crtd IIealth
Center, 1021 t�iarioti Street. (Commuiia.ty Services) �jp��/�
� ��� . _..-- ----
�;7�'H�LL •• , SL-VENTFi FLOOR •
. ����
...�...._. _....... . _...._. .___.____.--___.____--- - -.
_.__-__ .. __._�_ _ . -- --.. _._.. _ ..__.:__ _.__----..^__,—^-..�.
___ _ . __ _ ____ _
, _.._. �__, _.. ._
__._ .__._....., _........._�, .-�,�--w,..d.T,.��....�-� .
1�. Resolution allowii�g City Signatures on a c nt�act to provide funding to ramily Tree, Inc.
1599 Selby /lvenue. (Co�mmuiity Services)�����, � � GJy—_a �
, 0
15. Resolution allo�ring City Signatures on a contract to provide. funding to P ce to Face
Ilealtli atid Cowiseliiig Service, 73U Mendota Street. (Conunwiity Services)y�n��/� •
. `�"�
�6. Resolutioti allo«i»g City Sigiiatures oti a coritract to_ provide fundirig to IVest S' e � • �
� Community [Iealtli Center, 153_Concord Street. (Commwiity Services) �^ ��
- - '�l'�' - _ __- --
:�ems not on prepared. Agenda: � � �
1:' Resolution trans�erring $20,000 from Contin�e:�t Resexve Sp cified to Budget Section
(1985 :Budget Trans�er) for Public Financing Study.��}l� ��� � ��;��
S. esolution transferring $25,000 from Contingent Reserve Spe,c�.fied to Civic Or;anizations
�Contrioutions�:for the Dispute Resolution Center.� ��P(�
i e �'ttee Meetin . �
9 4 nanc C��mu.
Y9. Q�p�roval of M�,nutes of Decembex 18, 1 ,8 � S � �J°L[�
ou cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul, as follows:
1. In accordance with the provisions of Section
10.16 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the
Council may without a referendum if the cash in the City' s
treasury is inadequate to meet city obligations as they become
due, borrow money by issuing its tax anticipation certificates
of indebtedness in bearer form in such amounts as the Council
may prescribe provided that the amount so borrowed may not
exceed the uncollectible portion of the tax for the current
2. In accordance with the provisions of Section
103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended (the
"Code" ) the City may not issue such tax anticipation certi-
ficates in an amount greater than its cumulative cash flow
deficit computed in accordance with said Code and the
regulations proanulgated thereunder (the "Regulations") nor may
such certificates remain outstanding for more than thirteen
(13) months fran their noaninal date unless the City restricts
the yield on the proceeds of such tax anticipation certificates
in accordance with said Code and said Regulations; furthermore
under the provision of 103 ( j) of said Code if the tax
anticipation certificates are to be issued in bearer form they
must not mature more than one year after their date of issue.
3. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares
that the uncollected portion of its tax levy as of the date
hereof, and as of February 20, 1985 (the projected date of
delivery of the tax anticipation certificates hereinafter
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas � Nays
°fe1N In Favor
schetbei __ Against BY
Sonnen Form Appro by City tor y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
tapproved by \4avor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
. C�� �'��°��
authorized to be issued) is in an amount in excess of
$16, 300,000 and said Council further finds, determines and
declares that the City' s cumulative cash flow deficit coanputed
in accordance with the Code and Regulations is $16, 317,869 and
the City is therefore authorized to issue tax anticipation
certificates of indebtedness in the aggregate principal amount
of $16,300,000 whicYt are hereby designated "General Obligation
Tax Anticipation Certificates of Indebtedness of 1985" (the
"1985 Certificates") and the full faith and credit of the City
is hereby pledged for the payment in full of said obligations
and the interest thereon.
4. The Council shall meet at the time and place
specified in the "Official Terms of Offering" hereinafter con-
tained for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids
for and awarding sale of $16,300,000 General Obligation Tax
Anticipation Certificates of Indebtedness of 1985, of said
City. �
5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting
to be published in the official newspaper of the City and in
Commercial West not less than ten days in advance of the date
of sale, as provided by law, which notice shall be in
substantially the following form:
. � . � C� ��-��
$I 6,300,000
Sealed bids for the Certificates wili be opened by Peter Hames, Director of Finance and
Management Services on Tuesday, January 29, 1985 at I I:00 A.M., Saint Paul time, at the offices
of SPRINGSTED Incorporated, Financial Advisor to the City, 800 Osborn Building, Saint Paul,
Minnesota 55102, 6t2/222-4241. Consideration of the bids for award of the Certificates will be
by the City Council the same day at 12:00 Noon, Saint Paul time.
The Certificates will be dated February 20, 1985 and will mature February 20, 1986. Interest
thereon will be payable at maturity. The Certificates shall be in bearer form, non-registrable
and will be in the denomination of $5,000 each unless by 12:00 Noon, Saint Paul time, Wednesday,
January 30, 1985 the Purchaser requests other denominations in multiple integrals of $5,000. No
interest coupon will be attached; the amount of interest to be due will be stated in the text of
the Certificate.
The Certificate will be issued in anticipation of the collection in 1985 of taxes levied by the City
in 1984. The City shall retain all such taxes levied for (i) debt service on its obligations and (ii)
all Tax Increment Districts. At such point as there remains uncollected toxes levied in 1984 for
the City's General Fund in an amount equal to 120� of the principal of and interest on the
Certificates at maturity all such taxes shall be deposited in escrow with The First National Bank
of Saint Paul until there is on hand in such escrow account an amount equal to the principal of
and interest on the Certificates at maturity.
Proceeds of the Certificates, except accrued interest, if any, will be used for the purposes for
which taxes were levied by the City in 1984 for collection in 1985.
A sealed bid for not less than par and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the
Certificates shall be filed with the undersigned prior to the time set for the opening of bids.
Also prior to the time set for bid opening, a certified or cashier's check in the amount of
$75,000, payable to the order of the City, shall have been filed with the undersigned or
SPRINGSTED Incorporated, the City's Financial Advisor. No bid will be considered for which
said check has not been filed. The check of the Purchaser will be retained by the City as
liquidated damages in the event the Purchaser fails to comply with the accepted bid. The City
will deposit the check of the Purchaser, the amount of which will be deducted at settlement. No
bid shall be withdrawn after the time set for opening bids, unless the meeting of the City
scheduled for consideration of the bids is adjourned, recessed, or continued to another date
without award of the Certificates having been made. Bidders shall specify a single rate which
shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law.
No bid may be conditioned upon award of any other offering of obligations by the City.
The Certificates will be awarded to the Bidder offering the lowest dollar interest cost to be
determined by the deduction of the premium, if any, from the total dollar interest on the
Certificates from their date to their final scheduled maturity. The City's computation of the
. - . ���-a�
total net dollar interest cost of each bid, in accordance with customary practice, will be
The City will reserve the right to: (i) waive non-substantive informalities of any bid or of
matters relating to the receipt of bids and award of the Certificates, (ii) reject all bids without
cause, and, (iii) reject any bid which the City determines to have failed to comply with the terms
Principal and interest will be payable at Chemical Bank, New York, New York.
The Certificates are expected to be delivered February 20, 1985 at a place mutually satisfactory
to the City and the Purchaser. Delivery will be s�bject to receipt by the Purchaser of an
approving legal opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association of Saint Paul and
Minneapolis, Minnesota, which opinion will not be printed on the Certificates, and of customary
closing papers, including a no-litigation certificate. On the date of settlement payment for the
Certificates shall be made in federal, or equivalent, funds which shall be received at the offices
of the City, or its designee, not later than I:00 P.M., Saint Paul time of the day of settlement.
Except as compliance with the terms of payment for the Certificates shall have been made
impossible by action of the City, or its agents, the Purchaser shall be liable to the City for any
loss suffered by the City by reason of the Purchaser's non-compliance with said terms for
At settlement the Purchaser will be furnished with a certificate, signed by appropriate officers
of the City, to the effect that the Official Statement did not as of the date of the Official
Statement, and does not as of the date of settlement, contain any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
Underwriters may obtain a copy of the Official Statement by request to the City's Financial
Advisor prior to the bid opening. The Purchaser will be provided with 50 copies of the Official
/s/ Peter Hames
Director, Department of Finance and Management Services
_ . . C'� �s-�.z
6. Each and all of the provisions contained in the
foregoing "Official Terms of Offering" are hereby adopted as
the terms and conditions of said Certificates of Indebtedness
and of the sale thereof.
7. For the purpose of escrowing tax receipts so that
they are irrevocably segregated with a third party and
available for the payment in full of the principal of and
interest on the Certificates when due, the City has designated
The First National Bank of Saint Paul, St. Pau1, Minnesota, to
act as Escrow Agent (Agent) to which taxes shall be remitted as
hereinafter provided to be held by said Agent in escrow and
remitted to the paying agent for the Certificates at times and
in amounts sufficient to pay the Certificates and the interest
thereon when due. Said Agent has heretofore indicated its
willingness to serve as Agent in accordance with the terms of
the Escrow Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B by letter
dated December 20, 1984, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
8. The Escrow Agreement shall be in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit B and said Agreement is in all
respects hereby approved. Prior to its execution the blanks in
said Agreement shall be completed and filled and appropriate
dates insertecl all in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the sale and award of said Certificates, and upon approval
of the caanpleted Escrow Agreement by the City Attorney or his
deputy it shall be executed by tlze Mayor, the City Clerk and
the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services.
9. The City shall distribute all taxes levied by it
in 1984 payable in 1985 (the "Taxes") as follows:
a. The City shall retain all Taxes levied by
the City for (1) debt service on its obligations
and (2) all Tax Increment Districts and shall
deposit such Taxes in the appropriate funds of the
City. In addition the City shall retain all other
Taxes levied by it until there remains unpaid
(exclusive of the Taxes described in (1) and (2)
of this subparagraph) Taxes in an amount equal to
120$ of the principal of and interest due on the
1985 Certificates on February 20, 1986.