BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ��
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and Saint Paul
Urban Indian Health Clinic whereby the City and County provide funding to
Saint Paul Urban Indian Health Board Inc., subject to the terms and conditions
of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the
Department of Finance and Management Services.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Dr��� SoN�� l Community Services
n/ �
Masanz In Favor
Nicosia ///�
Scheibel __ Against BY `,7��p�Z N 1
Adopted by Council: Date J�N � - 1985 Form App ved by it At r y
Certified Pa s y ouncil S cr ar BY '
By �
/#pp by 1+lavor: D e _ � JAN 8 — �g$�j App ve Mayor for Sub i to Council
pua��SFtE�D i, '! .L �.{ 1�85
, - � � " �. ��,y
CommunitY Services �EPARTf�1ENT
Gary J______Pechmann __„_,rONTACT
292-7716 PHONE �� �� .
December 3 1984 DATE �V
(Routin� and Explanati� Sheet)
Assign Nua�er for Routing O�rder ,(Clip Al1 Locations for Mayora] Signatur�):
Department Di rector '� . �
city a�to�e.r � .,��`�RECE►vE� RECEIVED
3 Di rector of Mana n�nt/Mayor �" `� �� � �
� � 1984 I.EG 7 �(
4 Finance and Management Services Directar MqY�R'
5 Ci ty Cl erk S OFF►�E Cin ATTORNEY
Budget Director
�lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached M�teriais? (Purpose/Rationaie):
Resolution to allow City signatures on a contract to provide funding to St. Paul Urban
Indian Health Board Inc., 301 Fuller Avenue.
Financial , Budgetary and Personr�el I�acts Anticipated:
Neighborhood clinic will receive funds in the total amount of $ 26,250.00 allocated
in the 1985 budget. No personnel transactions are involved.
�undin Source and Fu�d Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Attachme�ts (List and N�er ail Attachmentsa;_
1. Copy of agreement
2. Insurance certifxcate
3. Resolution
Yes No Council Resolution Required? �esalution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached? � �
� �Revision of October, 1982
(SPp RPVP1"SP Sidp for 'Instructions)
7'he GREEiv SFIEET has several purposes: � �
1. To assist in routin documents and in s+�curing
requize siqnatures
2 . To brief the review�ers of c3�ocuments on the impacts
of approva
3. To help enaure t�at necessaz�y �unportina'materials
are prepared arid, if requir�d, attached.
�loat G�EE�t SHEET actiens �u�t '�e rev;�*ae� 5v 3 �e�ar}�eat
�uec�or, ;�� City �t�arney, t.�e Direczor o: Manage�e:�t, �he
� �irectpr of Finar�cee and Maamqem�nt Services. Othsr pos�ible
re�i�w�ers/siqnatur�s are lis���t.
Most of ths GREEN SBEET headinqs are desiqned to assist in
dev�lopinq a recis of the de�ci�icn which the attachments
represes�t. The he�gs a�re offered to remind users oE some
of the more c=itical elemients of thia- brie£. .
The Financial Bud �ta= and Personnel I acts headinq providea
a apacs to e� � the cost benefit a�pects of the decision.
Comta and ber�e�i relmt� both to City budget (Geaeral Fund a�d/or
Sp�cial Fu�ds) aa� to bro�der tinancia�l impacts (cost to users,
homeoWnera or other qrogpa affec�ed by t�te action) . The persan�el
i�ap�et ie a c�eseription of change or shift of Full-Tin�e Equivalent
(FTE) positic�n�.
In the Attachnaents section, list all attach�nts. Sf the GREEN
SHEET fs w�e on�, no letter of transmittal need be includ�d
(uriless signinq auch a letter is one of the requested action�) .
1Mtote: Actions whicb req�uue City Ccuncil resolutions include:
a. Cc�n�ractual r�latianship w�.th anot�r qovernm�nt unit.
� b. Coll�ctive bargain3.nq. _ .
c. Putchase or sale of land, or lease of land. '
d. Is�uance o€ bonds by City.
e. Eminent domain.
f. Assunrjtion of liability by City, or qrantinq
by City of indemnification.
g. Agreements with State or Federal Government
under which they are providinq fundinq.
Note al : If an aqreement reguires evidence of insurance/co-
insu=ance, a Certificate of In�urance should be one
G�= �s-��
AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ,
198 among the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the
State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City" , acting
through its Division of Public Health; the County of Ramsey, a political
subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the �
"County" , acting tlirough its Department of Health; and St . Paul Urban
Indian Health Board, Inc. located at 301 Fuller Avenue, Saint Paul ,
Minnesota, hereinafter called "Grantee" ;
In consideration of the Grantee functioning as a neighborhood
health center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of
Ramsey County, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:
1 . The City and County will each give to the Grantee. the sum of
money described in attachment A, and accor3ing to the Manner and
conditions described in attachment A.
2. The sum of money granted by the City and County is for the
Grantee' s use during 1985 . No additional or future funding or
assurances thereof will be provided or honored unless set forth in an
amendment to this Agreement or a separate agreement approved as the free
act of the City and County. The City and County may, upon 30 days'
written notice, reduce the amount of funding.
3 . The City and the County will each act as independent
transmittal agents for their contributions to the Grantee.
4 . The Grantee shall on April 20 , 1985 , July 20, 1985 , Octoher 20 ,
1985 and January 20, 1986 submit to the City and County an itemized
statement of all Grantee revenue and expenditures; and a report of
services shown as attachment B . Further the Grantee shall preserve all
documentation used by it in complying with the statements and reports
_ � 2 � �5--i�
' � required of this paragraph and shall be available to the City and County
for its review and audit as desired.
5 . The Grantee shall, with approval of the City, enforce a fee
schedule for patient charges. Said fee schedule shall be made available
to the City on January 15, 1985 .
6. The City shall act as the liaison to the Grantee for such ,
day-to-day administration as may be needed and shall be responsible for:
(a) Reviewing and evaluating the program and fiscal activiti.es
of the Grantee and disseminating reports thereof;
(b) Coordinating activities common to the Division of Public
Health of the City and/or the Public Health Department of
the County and the Grantee;
(c) Rendering to the Grantee such other assistance as within
the City' s resources.
7 . The Grantee shall ensure that:
(a) Services provided to eligible individuals are furnished
without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, marital
status or family size;
_ (b) Services are provided with respect f or individuals privacy
and dignity; and;
(c) Services are provided without coercion and shall not be
der.ied on the basis of refusal to participate in research
projects or other activities of the Grantee, or in an
emergency situation on the basis of ability to pay.
8 . The Grantee shall submit to the City and to the County on or
before February l, 1985 an operational plan of its services to be
provided during the term of this Agreement. Such operation plan shall
show expected service volume by clinic visits and number of users by
program areas.
, 3 �_ �!.���
' 9 . The Grantee shall attach to this Agreement prior to its
execution by the City and the County a 1985 operational budget to
include Revenue and Expenses.
10 . The Grantee shall obtain a financial and program audit by a
certified public accountant . This audit shall cover the Grantee' s most
recent fiscal year ending during the term of this agreement. The '
Grantee shall submit a copy of the audit report to the City and County
by April l , 1986.
11 . By April 1 , 1985 the Grantee shall submit a narrative which
hignlights present status and/or future actions to be undertaken
concerning quality assurance. The report shall cover such items as
those identified in the Metro Community Health Consortiums Minimum
Sta*�dards for Operation of a Community Clinic .
� 12 . The Grantee shall make available relevant background and
�: qualification summaries, job descriptions and salary levels of both
regularly employed and volunteer staff to the City and the County.
13 . The Grantee shall submit to the City and the Gounty the minute�
from its monthly board meetings.
14 . The Grantee agrees that deviations of ten percent (10$) or
• more, upwards or downwards, from its 1985 agency budget , and/or
additions or deletions from its 1985 operational plan as approved by th�
� will be transmitted to the City and County in a timely
City and County
fashion and in a manner to be determined by the City' s clinic
coordinator . Such information shall be before the fact and shall
include pertinent data relative to the planned addition, deletion, or
any other modification of programs and the subsequent projected
budgetary impact for the contract year and the following year.
15 . The Grantee declares Martha Havican to be the person
respansible for compliance with the terms of the Agreement, and its
physician, Carolyn Levitt,M.D. , as the person responsible for its
medical services.
� 16 . The City declares its Director of the Department of Community
_ ��s-/�/
� . Services or such designee as noted in writing by her as the person
responsible for compliance with this Agreement .
17 . The County declares its Execu�ive Director or such designee as
noted in writing by him as the person responsible for compliance with
this Agreement.
18 . The parties to this Agreement intend that the relation between
them created by this Aqreement is that of employer-independent ,
contractor . The City and County is interested only in the results to be
achieved. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the
control of the contractor, except to the extent they are limited by
sta�ute, rule or regulation and the express terms of the Agreement .
i9 . No Civil Service status or other rights of employment will be
acquired by virtue of the Grantee' s services .
20 . From any fees due the contractor thzre will be no deductions
j f or any federal income tax or FICA payments, nor for any state income
tax, nor for any other known purposes which are associated with an
employer-employee relationship unless required by law. Payment of
federal income tax, FICA payments and state income tax are the
responsibility of the Grantee.
� 21. The Grantee will defend, hold harmless and pay on behalf of th�
County of Ramsey and the City of St . Paul, its officials and employees
` any demands, claims or suits arising out of the Grantee's premises or
performance of this contract.
22. Grantee shall obtain and attach certificate of insurance to
signed contract for:
Comprehensive General Liability insurance policy with contracting
departments, County of Ramsey, and City of Saint Paul , its'
officials and employees as additional assureds . Policy will have
minimum limits of $60U,000 per occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate.
Coverage pertains to operation and premises of contractor .
, - 5 � �--��
' z Automobile Liability insurance, including non-owned and hired autos .
Minimum limits of $600,000 combined single limits .
Workers' Compensation
Professional Liability insurance in the minimum amount of $600,000
per claim and $1, 000,000 aggregate. The County of Ramsey and City
of Saint Paul, contracting department and officials and employees °
are additional assureds as to the services of the contractor.
23. This Agreement may be terminated by either party with or
without cause upon 30 days' written notice.
24 . The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1 , 1985
through December 31, 1985. �
IN wITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands as follows:
Activity code: 03232 Recommend Approval:
. `
Yo Department Director
Funds are available
Account Number
Director, Department of Finance Amount:
and Management Services
Budgeting and Accounting
Director, DepartMent of
Community Services Insurance Approved:
Ap oved a s o f orm:
� Risk Manager
Assistant City Attorne Approved as to form:
GRANTEE Assistant County Attorney
Board Chairman
Chief Clerk-County Board �
C� �''`�
St . Paul Urban Indian Health Board Inc.
1985 City Contribution $ 26,250 .00
1985 County Con�ributions $ 24,695 .00
The City and the County shall each pay to the Grantee their
contributions in equal monthly installments on or be=ore the first day
of each month.
ATTACIL`tE::T B �F iJ� � 1
Reporting Perio3:
i�'�!e o� Clinic Jar�uary 198_ to �9g
Program: Progra.�: Progra�:
AQe �nd Sex users visits users visits users . �is
0-�+ .
10-1�+ .
k5-6k � .
' 65 and over '
Total Fem�.le . � �
0-�+. .
� �5�19
65 and otier
Total t�ale
Grand Total .
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F� � I�t� = CD��,j'�`�� O� FINANCE
• ' ' ' �.A't� .
1. Resolutioii ameiidirig tlie Civil Service ltuies concertiing leaves of absence. (Nicosia)�U.er � '�,"�
2. Resolution rec�uesting t1�e Mayor to include Ieave vf absence language in contract
negotiatio�is occurring after t}�e passage of� tliis resolution. (Nicosia)�,��� �V�Z �(�(��
3.' Resolution amencling the 1984 budget by adding $IU7,574 to the rinancing and S ending
P2ati for Lxecutive Admiiiistration Departmettt. �- Personnel Office (Persoriiiel),�Prove�
4. Resolution :imending Section II of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Res lutian
by establisliiiig tlie rate of pay� for I3uilding Ma.u�iteiiance Engineer. (Perso�itiel)�,�����
5.-- Resolutior� amending t}ie Civil Service.Rules by inserting the title LandscaPe T'ecltnic'an
in Sectioii �3. L, Grade 30 aiid inserting the specifications in Section 3Z. (Persounel)��a�'�_"
G. Resvlutiau amendirtg SECtivn-5.b of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Residence and
allowing 5 poirtts on only oiie certified appointment for each appli.cant. (Personnel)L.j,�,L �l�
7. Resolution amendin the iv' . f ���
g C il Service Rules by inserting the title auildizig btaintenartce
Engilteer in Sectio�i 3.C, Uiigraded arid insert�.ng tlie specificatiot2s in Section 32�(,����e
8. Resolution amending tlie Civic Center Capital Improveme t Budget increasing the Cinancing
atid Spetidir�g by $69U,993. (Executive AcLnitiistratio�;),�jP17Il/��
9. Resolution amending t�Iie Civic Ceriter Operatirig Fund� increa's/i}ig the Finat�cirig alid �
Spending by $GGU,UUU. (�xecutive AcLninistration)��I'�Y�f
lU. Resolution amencling Ufficials• Surety Bond No. 96854. (rinance)�f'JJ711��
11. Resolutiori for sale of Gei eral Ob 'gation Bolids and Tax Anticipation Certificates of
Indebtedtiess. (I�itiatice)�n���/
1� kesalution allnwing City Signatures ou a contract to provide fundin to St. auI Urban
Ii�diar� IIealtli Board Iiic. , 301 Fuller Avenue. (Conuntuiity Services)�pf^��
13. Resvlution allotiring City Signatures on a contract tp provide unding to North Cnd Iiealth
Center, lOZl ?�Iarioii Street. (Commtuiity Services) ,¢yjp��/
� ,�.