D00772• CITY lJF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADiYfINISTIZATIVE ORDER No: Date: GS �: I UJ��� I�- FI �5--- - -- 34452 p-��z 'e�D�'�TI$�'I`I� �$DEIL� Consistent with the authonty granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Cfiarter and based on the request of the Director of the Depa�tment of Public Works mamendthe�9 94 budgetofthe Capital Projects fund,ttieDirectoroflheDepzrtment of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said butlget in the roitowing manner: Curtent �� FINANCING PLAN C92-2MO20 UniversitylLexington Signals 1988 MSA Assessment 1992 PIA �994 PIA • SPENDING PLAN C92-2MO20 University/Lexington Signals Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T517 PIA Longside Subsidy 1994 PIA Amerdcd Char�e � 242,164.26 242,164.26 83,000.00 83,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 35,820.00 35,820.00 328,164.26 35,820.00 363,984.26 328,164.26 35,820.00 363,984.26 328,164.26 35,820.00 363,984.26 42,766.47 -35,820.00 6,946.47 42,766.47 -35,820.00 6,946.47 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.: 1JUJ I f aC. Date: '� ' � °� GS #: 34452 p. ZaT 2 ADMINISTRA'I'IVE ORDER Consistent witfi the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works toamendthe1994 budgetofthe Capital Projects furd.7heDirectoroftheDepsrtmerrt of Firtartce and Management Services is authorized to ame�d said budget in the fotlowirtg man�er: Curterrt Amended &idget q Budget SPENDING PLAN C94-2T517 PIA Longside Subsidy • C J Prepared by. hrov'rtyMenager ���� (��� � Rapuestedpy.p¢p amDireeior Construction 42.766.47 -35,820.00 6,946.47 42,766.47 -35,820.00 6,946.47 �� � � �,�� � � � Cate �-8 c� o� UNCIL D 11 E 295� D GREEN SHEET ���aa 3 4452 INRUL/DATE INRIAVDATE COMACTPERSINJBPHONE EPARSMENfDIRECTOR SL�i � qSYCOUNCit Michael J. Eggum 26G- � � � cm arroanEr 0 crzr c�aic MUSTBEONGOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'fE) RW71NG ❑q BIJDGETOFFICE � FINANCEAC � OMAYOFi(OPASSISTANi) �1 MkeEggum i�/ AL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES ���� ' 1� � � (CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 fOR SIGtUtUflq ❑ _ O DEPAA7M �_� • ACTKKJ REWESiED Approvat of attached Ari*�;n;crrarive Order uansfeaing 1994 Public Improvement funding from the 1994 PIA Longside Subsidy project to the Universiry/Le�ngton Signal ptoject RECOMMENDA710NSApprove (lU w Rajea (tp pEpSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS YUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: PLANNINGCqAMISSION_CNIlSERYICECOMMI5510N �. HaSthiSpBfsoNfirtneVefworkEdUndefBtontraC[foftlliSdEpartmenC? CIB COMMfTTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Haz lliis persorVfirm ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO _ DISTAICT CoUNCIL _ 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn passess a skill no[ nwmaly possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? YES NO Explain ali yes a�wars on separate sheet aml anach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHh: Budget for the UnivetsityJLexington signal project was approved in 1992. There is a need for additional PIA fmancing in this project. There is sufficient PIA financing in the PIA Longside Subsidy in 1994 to transfer to the University/Lexington project. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Spending and financing badget will reflect actual wsts and revenues. _�. ,,,,y � t ��� � 9 � h^ 6 sa P�,� "„� Eed r � as �..- �,... �€�� ; ���� BUD�E�6 fl= r��;� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. RECElVE� DEC 1 1 �gg� �ITY CLE3�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: Spending and financing budgets will be inacc�uate. ALAMWNTOFTRANSC.CTION= Net$0 (�ST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO DING SOUacE 1994 PIA AciIVI7V NUMBER C92-2MO20 & C94-2T517 FINANCIpL INFORMAl10N: (E%PLl+IN) Transfers - $35,820.00 � �