87-1162 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA�UL ��`/�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution - Presented By �;� � ��� Referr d o Committee: Date- Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#41308) for a General Repair Garage License by Craig and Charles Pasch DBA AAA Radiator � A/C at 545 University Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia � [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � _ Against BY Sonnen Weida WilsOn A�ir � � 1Aa7 Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �'�Vt7 r� . Certified Pass y o il Secre BY By �� � � Approved Mavor: Date � } � i�p1 Approve Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUDL�3Ili1J 'r':�� 11 � r'� I J�1 . , ,C.',.tZ . '� � 3� l ��► �� �'� z �. '- C��-l/�a � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � l l(� 1 �(� INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant � � Home Address �. � � �jc� k o�3�� �pl� r Bus ine s s Name Home Phone t�-� �_ SS�{-�� Business Address '>�'j ��,v�,�,�e✓S;�l-�1. �pe of License(s) ���,�0.Q `��� Business Phone a'oZ:.� ' C� a /� Public Hearing Date � �� License I.D. # ��.3�� at 10:00 a.m. in the Cou il Chambers, 3rd Floor Citq Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # ,���'�3 (,e�.p REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER) COI�IENTS raved Not ed Housing & Bldg ,.� � .� I i Code Enforcement �"� � � I � � Public Health � � I �� I . . I I Fire Prevention /� It� 4 � l � i Police � (� � ' �� � (n,� (Z.SLCp rCQ- City Attorney � � � �' ! I ENS � � 1 f�t I i 300 Foot Notice ,�,�'� I I I License Inspector's Comme � I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. . . . ` . � .a ,�i�� .. 4'�, . . . . . � . n . � . ' Y .. . J . .. � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Curzent Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: � � . �r'���/6� . ' • � CITY OF ST. PAUL �E�ARTI�AT OF FII�IANCE AND MANAGEi�T SffitVICFS LICENSE AND PF:EtI�Q'r DIVISIOA These statemetrt forms are issued in d�uplicste. Plesst ans�+�er all queations ttiil]y and completely. This application ia thorough�y checked. Ar�y Palaificatioa will be csuse for deaial. nate 7�/�/— � 7 19 1. Application for � j] ��o�,fQ/�-��„�y�.�.� (���e) (Permit) , 2. Name o! applicsnt ����.`.�� A. �,,,¢`��j _- 3. If applicant is/has been a mr�rried Pemsle, list maiden name b. Date of birth � � /� -�Sr� Age� Place of birth �/,�n7 S��� ��-,�,�, 5!,� . 5. Are yau a citizen of the United States�XE's Natiye �_Natu,rdlized 6. Are you a registered voter Where _�O/��e �/4��-E?1� 7. t�ome sadress �?`.3:�5 >�r.3��r �i;o�� �f�'¢���. Aeme tel.ephone �5_= �i� R. Present business a.ddress � �,/�i�Prr��'I�V /'�U� BuB±ness telaphons �? , -l��Z 9. Inclunir�g your present buaiae�8/employment, wliat bnsiness�eaq�laymeat have yc�u followed for the psst five y�ears. Busineas/F�nployment Address �Y'�[^ ��� ��� �v � � 3 i 10. Married yPy IP answ�er is ',ves", liat name a.nd addresa ot apause r�,:ah� P ,Q�rPcS �r� _ " c� �,� �t;� ;�, �� s � � 11. !�iave you ever been arrested for an offense that has resulted in a co�victionY I! answer is "yes", list dates of arnsts, rrhere gea, convictions aad sentences. Date of arrest 19 Where CAAI?CE CONVICTION ggp�� Date of arrest 19 Where CHARGr CJNV ICTZOil g�� 12 L the names and addresses (iP married, name o! spouse also) o! all peraoss, . � corporations, partnerships, associationa or organizattona wtrich in any Way have: - a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed pre�nise, b. A serurity interest in the licensed premises, licease, or ltiu�niahings of the licensed premiae, c. A pro�aissory note for Punds loaned for the aperation of the Iicensed pr�iae or the pnrchase of 'the license, d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto oY ariy and all documenta referred to in this a►f�idavit. 1?. Give namea and addresses oY two persons, resideats of St. Paul, Iriinr�es��a, whq can give information concerning you. Rp� AD�SS �oa •vV d�� _-��'6 ,/�r � �v -� j �� ��'� yA � X � �.� 14. Addreas of premisea for �+hich License or Permit is made�S"yS �iI n� 7�i°/r�Sl/li /�j,� Addnsa e�� - �� � / Zone clasaification 15. Between s�hat croas streets /f'P���- /�,��'�,�lYl Which side of street,��2g'�lL 16. Na�ne under vhich this business �ill be conducted �/j1 A �aTO , 1�C/1�1�o� ���" �r�ll�7�i�; a.� �' - o 1.�,¢� o� � �a 8 - �� s Pp;�� . 17. Buainess Lelephone nianber _ � 1°. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, and ,� square Pootage of the premises to be licensed /'_2Si�.�t� � �7 y,5 I.�nd i,�e�i/�, �v,.� �9. ?re premises now occupied � P�, What business r��V��E��P.rc xx' long � _ . C'r=��-Ii�� � 20'. List license which you currently hold, or fonaer�y held, or mqy have an intere � in AC..�i c � l� �7/�/ , - - . . 21. Have of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No �. IP answer is "yes", list dates and reaaona: 22. Do you have an interest of ar� type in a�y other busineaa or business premiaes. I.° answer is "yes", list business, business address aad telep�one nvmber. �"�'�>�.7`s r� Soh 5 , r��i��6� �r�r �'�'hTy�°�SI� ��» ��� �.�a a 23. If business is incorporated, give date of. incorporation , 19� and attach copy of Articles oP Incarporation and mimites of irst meeting. 2�. List all officers oP the corporation giving their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers: ���.�_,.�I. ���s�� � I�T '� �a,r�3� i��/� /��� L., tir �' % - . � . � �'� / / — , , _�., __._�,_ � �e r�s�a���2 f 25. If usi s s partnership, list partner(s) address and telephvne a�bera: Address Te1.Ao. —� 26. Is there arLyone else who will have an interest in this bulineea or premises?��``� If answer is "yes", give neme, home address� telephcne nuvnbers aad in rrhat �� manner is their intereat: 21. Are yau goin�z to operate this business peraonal�y✓Y.pGj if not, vho �►ill �perete it: '—�` A� Hane address 1tie1.Ao. l�re you going to have a hfana�;er or assistant in this business � answer is � ��yes", gfve name and �oae address and home telephone number: Name Home address Te1.No. 29. Has a�y►one you have named in questions 22 �hrough 26 ever been arrested? I.° answer �s "yes'f, list name of person, dates of arrest, where, ch�rges, comric- tions snd sentence 3p. I � understand this premise may be in- sp ted by the police, fire, health and otber city oPPicials at a�r and alI times when the business is in operation. State of yti.nnesota) � )SS County of Ramsey ) being first du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he h;�s *�ead the foregoing statement besring his sigaature and 1moWS the contents thereoP, and that the same is trua of his own knowledge excegt as to those matters therein stated upon informa�ion and belieS�-►and as to those ff.atters he be- lieves them to be true. ' Subscribed and svorn to bePoze me Signature oP App ica.nt this �day of c 19 �� . � r Notary��ub c, Ramsey County, Minnesota v '�fy coc�aission expires . ■ �„ . � WENDY JO ANDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA ;�. RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm. hcpires Oct. 16, 1992 y ��r� : � �,r- d �-i�� � , • CI'I'Y OF ST. PAUL DEPARTlN�liT OF" FINANCE APD M�RAGS�P� SBRVICES LICENSE AHD PERI�QT DN�SIOA These statrmerrt fonna are issued in d�zplicste. PZesse ansWer all queations llilly aad completely. This application ia thorough]�y ch�ecked. /1ny falailicatioa vill be csuse for deaial. � �� -I , - l 19 1. Application Yor Q � (License) (Permit) 2. l�ame of applicant � 3. Zf applicant is/has been a mnrried Pemale, list maiden neme �+. Date of birth � Age 3 0� Place of birth � GJ, k� 5. Are you a citizen of the United Statee ��S 1'�atiye =Naturalized 1 � 6. Are you a registered voter �/�� When �- �--�' � . �_.._ 7. Hcme address OX �I �n�'"�L, f u ,Acm� te1,eP�e J���p� �. Present business addreas ,�_1���t j�j �-�'�� ��i�ss telepha�e --� -� ��� , 9. Including your present busine8a/emQloymeat, what bnsiness/ea�lvymen� ida�s ye�i follo�red for the paat five yeara. Busineas�F�ployment pddresa � vr�'-� ���� ��ia�d (' , —,,,, �.���, 1�— . . 10. hfarried ��IP ansti+er is ',ves", liat name aad addreaa o! spause ��v�1 � ��i 5 �° �,. ��Q v►� 11. !�ave you ever been arrested Por an oPfease that has resulted in a coavirtion?Y/l� Ir ansa�er is ",yes", list dates oP arresta, whert, charges, comictiona and sentences. Dete of arrest 19 �ere � V '� CffAFGE CONVICTION S�� Date or arrest I9 Where CHARGr CONV IGTIOii S�� � � . 12. L'st the names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) of all peraoaa, • , corporations, partntrships, associations or organizations Which in any Way have: a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or itirnishings of the licensed premise, c. A promissory note Por Punds loaned for the aperation of the licensed premise or the purchase of 'the license, d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self e. An�y other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto oY atry and all docu:oenta rePerred to in this aftidavit. 1?. Give n8mea and sddresses oP two persons, residents of St. Paul, Minnesota, vho can give intormation concerning you. FAI� ��S / c90�I.1/C4�c� �11'b Yr� � I l � a c� �r ,'�� �,����'� /�..� 14. Addreaa of premises for Wh3ch License or Permit is made �� �J1�1��/� _L�. Addreaa ��'� �0�_�� ,��/L � � Zone clasaification 15. Bet�een what cross streets ,��Vt�� ✓ r I�( ��b1W�ich side of streets�_�_� 16. Na�ne under which this business Will be conducted ��i ✓�i ,A /� a�C,i 6��'g�' �'' ,�`[��, 17. Bua i nes s telephone n�unber �� -����/� " lA. Attach to this application, a detailed description oP the design, location, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed �' � --��� � . , � �� �c'0_ Z , �x. V �9. �.re oremises noW occupied �5 What business (>►� � ��� � Hx long�('� � ' �F7/l�� 20. List license which you currently hold, or fonmer�y held, or m�y have an intere in . �� l� ��� 21. Have of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No �, If ansver is �yes", list dates and reaaona: 22. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in arLy o�her businesa or business premiaes. I° answer is "yes", list business, business address a.nd telephone number. �„�--�-� �- ���„ti� ���Q �q� 1��;��, ���� 23. If business is incorporated, give date of incorooration �G� L, 19 � / anc2 attach capy oP Articles of Incorporation and mirnites of first meeting. 2�C. I,ist all officers of the corporation giving their names, oPfice held, hame address, and home and business telephone numbers: ��,�5� � � ai � , � S� � �� , 1 �x �.'�t� �� o r��, �`�.�n� �1 n, �sb,� � � �� -f� �b`� ''��-��I v� � .���.�� � �� � { �I1� /y LN�� �� y � ./� � / ,�Y1_1 �/�-� / - a 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) addres��,e,�.�p�lAalaera,,; �/v � � :.�a*� .3 ..�'�T'3§t`JG'� ? N� Address -= . . , �`• � ;, .... ,.:+--��::,.,�•�� . __ ._ ,� . . -ti•. ,�� 26. Is there ar�yone e2se who will have an i�4rest in thia businesa or premiaes4 If ansWer ia "yes", give name, home addreas, telephone a�bers aad in �e.t ma.nner is tbeir interest: �O " 27. Are you goin� to operate this business peraonal�y �SiS not, xho xill vperate it: R� Hmne address 1�e1.Ao. Are you going to have a !�fanager or assistaat ia this business? IP answer is ��yes", give name and ho:ne address and home telephone nu�ber: Name ���J (J Home address Te1.No. 29. Ha.s arryone yau have named in questions 22 throu�h 25 ever been arrested? IP answer is "yes�T, list name oP person, dates o.° arrest, where, cha.-�ges, convic- tions and sentence �.N� � 30. I � /f l.�! � � undesstand this pre�ise me�y be in- spected by the lice, fire, health and other city ofYicials at ar� and aIl times when th ba�siness is in operation. State of ylinnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) Cra � 5 �Y ra S�,� being first du]y sWOra, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and lmo�rs the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own lmovledge execpt as to those matters therein stated upon i:lformation and belieP and e.s to those matters he be- • lieves them to be true. ` �� Subscribed ar�d sworn te bePor,e me Signa o Applicsnt this �G"� day of 1?(� Notary Pu in ota �Ael►�ueue-�e�on1 Nfy commis •��� y nvwv,