87-1152 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 BLUE - MAVOR File � NO. //�� � Council Resolution - Presented By v Referr To_ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the following appointment and reappointments , made by the Mayor, to the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council. These two-year terms shall expire August 16 , 1989 . ALTERNATE PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE Carol Ann McGuire, appointment PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES C. Scott Bunin, reappointment Lloyd E. Wickstrom, reappointment Charles R. Steffel, reappointment (formerly served as alternate public representative) COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia / [n Favor Rettman � Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Weida Wilson AUG � � �87 Form Ap roved by Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas ncil S ta BY By A►pprove i4lavor: Date _ � Approv Mayor for Submis t C B B PUBIISlfED AJ C �� , 1987 - � �--�� �1.�� � .�: � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President John Drew Members of the City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson �(��v l� DATE: Ausugt 3, 1987 RE: COMMITTEE REAPPOINTMENTS/APPOINTMENTS: MASAC AND CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY Mayor Latimer asks for your consideration and approval of the attached resolutions appointing/reappointing members to the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council and the Civic Center Authority. Carol Ann McGuire is being appointed to serve as an Alternate Public Representative, serving a two-year term which will expire August 16, 1989. A copy of Ms. McGuire's application is also attached for your information. I am reappointing Scott Bunin, Lloyd Wickstrom and Charles Steffel to serve again, representing Public Representatives. Charles Steffel formerly served as an Alternate Public Representative. These are two-year terms which will expire August 16, 1989. I am also reappointing Frank Delaney, Bert Lund and Roger Noreen to serve as members of the Civic Center Authority. These four-year terms shall expire July 1, 1991. Thank you in advance for your consideration of the appointment and reappointments to the above-named committees. OLP/drm Attachments cc: Ai Olson, City Clerk ' For Council Agenda �