Sutherlin 01/1712014 15:08 Saa Rojas �A� P.001/013
�`h.e .l�.c�� O,�"tc�S of�S`c��'� 11�.G. Roja�S, PLLC
January 17, 2414
City of Saint Paul
City Clerk .
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
310 City Hall
Saint Paul,MN 55102
Re: Notice of Claim, Officer Involved Shooting of Reginald Sutherlin by Officer Mark Farrington and related
events,on or about July 28,2013
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please�nd the enclosed Notice of Claim fornn and attachments. Included in the attachments are two o�
many statements recorded by police,as well as police documents containing the names of numerous potential
witnesses.If you find that more information would be help�ul in assessing these claims,please let me l�ow
how I can be of assistance.
Yours Very Truly,
/s/Sara M.G. Rojas,Esq.
At�orney for Reginald Sutherlin
Tb�e Oflices of Sara M.G.Rojas,�.�.c
310 Fourth Avenue South,Suite SOlO,ivI'inneapolis,MN 55415 P&F 612.206.3722 E
01/17/2014 15:08 Saa Rojas �A� P.0021013
NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
MJ�uirs»�a Statc SlNurc 466�Qt stales lbqt "...c��er���krs»n...wim dafnts dan�nges from any rnrrnklpalJ��a1J rnuar lo bc��res�c�ucd tu rhe
gm�eruFr►g 6ody qf d,e,�unricl�xrllry�uidHn!80 days�er Ik��rllegr�ll�ss or f��try fsdisco►+ered u►tollee s1�fA�g llyd 1f►ue,pfarc;and
cira�nrsrcncrs ihcreof,aud 11u rurtrnrnt a,jcom�c��.sarlmi er oN�cr rrltdaf�manded"
Plense rnmplete ih�s form!n it�enlirety L}�cl�Hy t3�ping or prjnting your A�vwer ia eacl�questien. lf more spaee is
�ec�od�allacb addillami sheets. p9ease naie tlwl you w�l nol be centaMed by telephane io clarlfy�nswors,4�pr�r�de ns
mnch inl�rmatk►»a�necoasary te explain 3�eor claim,and ihe umouni ef compe��sulb�being requesied. You wjU receire a
�vrSlten acknt►wkdgemelri once your form i�reeel�ed. The process can ialte up ia ien weeks t►r len�er depe�tdln;en the
noture of your clnlm. Tbis form rnusl be signetl�ancl balb pa�es cempleted. If sameibing d�es noi apply�wrjle'N!A'.
First Name aept�Aid yliddlc Initial Last Nnme su�her�in
Comptiny or Business�1s►mc
Are Yau an Insuronce Compnny? Yes!� If Yes,Claim Number?
StYeet Address The Law Offlces of Sara M.t3.RoJea,PLLC 310 Fourth Avenue South,Sune b01fl
City MlmeapoNs Stete MN Zlp Code 55415
Da�rtimc Phane(9,2 )2os -�IZ�Cell Phone(� - 6vening Tekphone ( 1 -
July 28�2013 ePProxMnately
Date of Accident/lnjury or Date Discovered Time A:eo am/pm
l�leme stute,in detail,what acctured (happened)�and why you are submit6ng a claim.Pl�use indicate why or ho�v you . _
feel tl�e+City af Saint Paut or its em�lopees are invalvcd and/ar responcible for yaur damages.
On Jutv 2$2013 Otflcer Mark Farrhaton Nrad hls weanon aooroximetelv 17 tlmes at Mr.Ro4lnald Sulhe�lln.usinn e�cceselve fnroe.In
. y]QJdtlOR O(Ws 1lahtb n���`-��qlrvi him I�IUN Othar oiFleer�w}��$ktvoAred In lhls Inddenf.T�are was also a fall�a to traln and+ar
Please chcck th�box(es)that most clasely repnesent the reasan forcamplcting this form:
p My vehicie�vas damagsd in an aecident ❑My vchicle was damaged during a tdw
❑M�'VCI11CI6 Na5 i�altlaged by a PO[I101C OT CORa1h011 Qf�I1C 5[T'OCL ❑My vehicle was dfunaged by u plvw
�M��vehiclo wus wrongfully towed andlor ticketed ❑I was injured on City pro�erty
❑Other type of property damage—please specify
�Other rype of injury—please specify Oun shd woundjs�,inlurles to faoe,e�re.bodv eaused by exeessh►e toroe
In order to pmcess yQUr claim you ne�d to incCude copies of all apu�lcsble do+ct�rnents.
FoT the claims typcs I isted belo�v,pleose be sure to include tti�p docttmcnts indicated or it will delay the handling of
your claim. Documents 1'V1LL NOT be returned and became the property of the Giry. Yau are tncaur�ged to keep n
copy for yarrself before submitting yaur cloim form.
O Property dam�ge cl�ims ta a vehicle:two estimates for the repairs to yaur vehicle if the damage exceeds
$540 U0;ar the actual bills and/ar receipts for the repairs ',
O To�ving claims: legible capies ofany ticket issued t►�d a capy of the in�pound lot receipt �
O Othe�p�aperty dnm�ge cl�ims:two repair estimetes if the dsimaae excceds�iQO.QQ;or the actual bills I
aad/or receipts far th�repairs;detailed lict of damaged items i
O Injury daims: medical bills,reooipts �
O Phatagrs�phs are always�velcome to document and suppart your clai m bat �vill not be returned. II
Page 1 pf x—PIi�SC COttl�CtC and return bath p�cs of Cla�n Focm �
0111712014 15:08 Sara Roj�s ffA� P.003/013
Failure tu co�pll�te und retut'n bath pu�es will nsult in dclay in thC h�ndlin�oP you r clulm.
All C�{�q�—nlca.�:cnmulcte thls scctlan
Were there witncsscs ta tho incident? Yes no Unknawn (circic)
Pro��ide their names,addresses und tolcphon mbers: see sttsched eaxrments.
Were the police or law enforcement c�lled? Yes No Unlrnown (circle)
If yc�� what department or ogency7 sa1M Paul PoNoe eeartment Case#or re�ort#
Where did the accident or injttry take pluce7 Provide street address,cross street, intersection, nume af p�rk cx fncility�
clascst landmark,eta Pleose be as detailed as passiblc. lf ncceasary,attach a diagram.
EarUQeranlum end 9T1 Reanev.S81nt Pad
Ple�e indicate the amount you are seeking in aampensutian or�vhat you tvould like the City to da to�esolve this c1Aim
to yaur satisfACtian. Pleese oordsct Sara M.G�Ro�as,Esq.,a�ome�y on behaifof Mr.8ulher�n.�c dlacuas resclutbn cf
Vchicle Clgims—ale��a�molet+�R��s�;eHnn ❑check box if[his�ee��ad��,� annlv ,
Your Vehicle: Year \+lAke �vro� Model Lumina �
License Pln►te Number Stato Ca1oc�.�+�
Regist+ored Owner
Driver of�ehicle
Area Dtun�ged var�ous-see also report
City Vehicle: Year 3Viake Model
Liance Pl�te Number St�to Calor '
Driver af Vchicic{City Bmployee's Name)
Area Damaged
Ini ucv Clmims—plcasc complCtC tlll&&CCHb� ❑C�1eCk bOX if th1S SCCII011(IQCS IIQt SADIV
Haw wcro yau injured? �����B�n lired appa�dmetely 17 r+ounds atMr.Sutheriln�d ht�vehide,�well
as Juries susfstned durina atrest
WhAt p�rt(c)af your bndy�vere injured7 torso.eve,faoe
Have you sought medicel treatment? Yes I�o Pltutning to Seek Treatment(circle)
Whc�did yau raceive treatment? �uH����9��H�P��� (provide date(s))
Name of►�+ledical Providec(s):
Address Telcphone
Did you miss wark A�a result of your injury? Yes No
When did you miss work7 (providc date(s))
IV�me of your Em�rayer.
Addresc Tcicphan�
D Chcck h�.�re if you arc attacl�ing na�arc pa�s to tl�1s cl�lm farm. Numbcr af�dditinaal pagcs
I3y signing thLs form,yort are sl�cll�t�tltat[�ll ii�,�'ormcttio�i yor�lrave provided is true and correcl lo llee besl
q�''y�ur k�:owledge. Ur:sagnec�forms wilt nnt.Le processed.
SubmtMingQ false claiin cavi resull ln prosec�trlo�� 1?ate fi�rm�v�s rnn�plctcd •�nuery��,zo14
Prlat thc Naroc of thc Pcrsan�rha Cnmpletrd ttils Furrn: ��M G.RoJas.Esq..on behalf c�Reglneld Sutherlln
►Signaturc n�Persnn A�+kin�thc Claim: -
ltevieed Crebruary 2011
01/17/2014 15:09 Saa Rojas �A� P.0041013
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01/17/2014 15:09 Saa Rojas �A� P.007l013
1eA"�` /'�
Saint Paul Department
CN Detall Report
CN Detati for 13-1SB422(Case Locked Down)
I.ocstion: F1�RL ST OERANIUM
SectorlGKd: 3 6s
Call Dete: 07l28I2013 21:08:97 Disposltton: Rewrds received
Occur Date: o7/27i2019 Pnorlty►: 8 Tlme ReceiVed: 21:08:37
OccurTfine: a2:16:OD Source: Phone TIm9 3911� 21:09:OB
Caller inforrnadon Flre/Amb: Time Arrtved: st:�o:Bg
Name: �QP: Tlme Cleared: os:�o:Bs
�d��$' A��� �CC Console: 09
CAD Comments:
IncldeM(nilteted By:RC/ARCHEIi,ALYSSA Nortn Matl Altsch DI;13/0728 Tm;21:07 Console:D3 Oper,ARCHER,ALY6SA SubJect U1$T
13/07128 7m:22:15 Coneole:03 Oper.FR�DERICKSON,EMILY subJaq:OQ 22:16:15a RCECC082 OQ 22:15:15�>RCECC062 T0:
SWA03•00296789 20130728 22:�5:�6 25�3o4e�ae FRO�n:E►36MPQas-o4323�oa 20�30728 2z;16;�6 267302FF48•• ••TX7
cRiME scENE�.Fr►sE oo so TOw CAI.I.ED AT 0224 ARRIVED AT 0236 FOR uC1308DVT ALERT#roas52a32 vEH wAS ALSO A
Name Per9on Type Race Sex Date Of Birth Address ,
Andrada,BettyMn Olher 10119/1944 1066 GERANIUM AV E.6Y PAUL,MN d6108
BoxNd,Su9an Gilberteon Wltnesa White Female 07/29H980 1076 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN b6106
City Of St.PaW Owner ,ST PAUI.,MN j
Cw�wey.Andrew�enJamtn W(lneee WhRe Mele 06/09It987 1098 oERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 86708
Cortez,Mtie Meriene Wllneas Femele OBI21H979 1116 G�RANIUM,ST PAUL,MN 661p9 �
Deshayes,Juilane Mode Othar 06/90f1962 1134 EARL ST,ST PAUL,MN 8b106
D�ake,Llas Marls Wltnese WMIe Female 04/19H969 1111 GERANIUM,S7 PAUL,MN b51a6 ,
Farrington,Ma�lc Vlctlrn . yyhlte Mab ,ST PAUL,MN �i
Florin,Miohael James Wltness Whlte Mata 11/23/1953 t OB4 GERANIUAA,S7 PAUL,MN 66108 II
G1lbertson,Tlm pW�r 167 ROBIE ST W,ST PAUL,MN 65107 �
(;Nberlson,llmolhy Cheries Ownor Whlte Mala 03/06/1960 167 ROBI�ST W,ST PAUL,MN
Heq,JefTiay Martln VVltness WNls Mele 02/09/1966 1096 GERANIUM AV E.97 PAUL,MN 65108
Hsll,5leven Nhtlhew Wltness WMIe Mafe 10/01M079 1096 6ERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55108
Her,Teng Wllneee Aslan Mele 06116M 988 !110 OERANIUM Av,sT PAUL,MN 55108
JoAneon,Tha Witness Mele ,ST PAUL,IAN
KeNey,Thereee Jean VIcUm WMIe Femals 1�8I1989 1019 GERANIUM AV,S7 PAUL,MN 56108
Mcdartnott,JudyAn� Wllnesa Wh1(e Femala 06N7l1966 1063 OERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 66106
Mendex,Apn'1 V1rAnea� Female 09/04/1986 1120 OERANIUM,ST PAU�,MN
Peuleon,Jefftey Lswis WlMess V+/Mta 0.Aals 07/11/1956 t 109 GERANIUM,9T PAUI.,MN b5106
Ruifin,Paula Mae O[her 06/26/1960 1141 CERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 66106
Informatlon requested by:(317600) 1 Printed at07/31/2013 10:04:33
01117/2014 15:09 Saa Rops �A� P.0081013
� �
Saint Paul� Police Depar�ment
CN Det�ii Repo�t
CN Detail for 13-158422(Case Locked Down)
St4ea,Evs Emms Wllnece Whke Female o2/06n949 1099 oERANIUM,ST PAUL,MN 5510e
SulheAln,RoglnalA Grelg Anesles g�� M�� OSMOM860 ,ST PAUL,MN
Sulhe�pn,Reglnal4 Cralp Owne� �I�� INele 06I10/1960 eey 3ELBY AV,ST PAUL,MN 55104
SutAe�IM,RepMald Crelg Suspsct Bladc Male 06/10He60 ,ST PAUL,MN
Ulldch,9renda Made WlMeae Whlte Female 10M6/1973 1088 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 36106
Veng,HonA WNnees Ae1an Male 11ro?lteez 1o9t GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 66106
Wede,ReDecca Ann Witneas WhR� Female 02I06/1969 ,37 PAUL,MN
Xlong,Annb Witness Aelen Female 04I10M987 1081 oERAN1UM AV E.ST PAUL,MN 661oB
Employea Neme Squad# sqryp B@8t 71me Raosiv�d Tfms Sent Time ArriVed 1'Itno Cleated
8aldwin,Pefer 345 2 E4A 21:08:3T 22:21:24 22�7:31 04:06:64
Boon,Joshua A 388T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:31:68 22:3Zb9 04:80,24
CaAe,Nicote 816 2 ECA 21:08:37 22;22;pB 22�22:16 23:59:47
Cercordn,,IennUer L 306 S EdA 27:0�37 22:19:10 04;49:93
Gaeg,JeKrey 319 2 F�tA 21:08:97 22:27:90 29:48:14 04:03:87
Fatdngfon,Mark D 362 2 EM 21:08:37 21b8:08 22:18:38 06;10:68
Ferraro,Loula D 381T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22�Q:0$ 22:24:01 04:01:04
Flccadsntl,Brten 34) 2 EAA 21:08;37 �9;33;58 28:84:08 04:16:36
Flccadentl,Denlel 240 2 FAA 21:OB:87 23;19:29 06:08:06
Jamas,Lyndsey J 317T 2 E4A 21:08:37 ?.2;22;OD 22;22:06 22:3�:�7
JaworoW,Stoven J 312 2 �4A 21:08:37 29:61:27 29:61:53 OZ:09:36
Johnson,Chy 36B 2 64A 21:08:37 2T.26:24 22:26:28 02:07:20
Johnspn,Thor R 354 1 �4A 21:08:37 21:09:�6 21:10:6� 0830:47
Kolodge,PaMck Y737 2 E4A 21:08:37 n;�q;05 '
Korus,Jeifery • 214 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:25:33 22:26:40 22;54:p4
Lemon,CheAes 213T 2 E4A Z�:08.37 22:b4:06
l.yf0ung,NlcalfllT'�e0uloug 9B1T $ E4A 21:08:37 ?.Z;,ZO:p� 2�2a:01 04:01:04 '
Mack,Danlel � 969 2 E4A 21:08:37 21:09:Q6 21:11:03 02:36:10 !
Mcquay,Jeromlah J 817T 2 Eaq 21�08:37 22:22:Op 22:22:05 2230:47
Michener,Dan 830 2 E4A 21:OB:37 23:29:41 23:29:47 00:52:5I �
Moh6,Phillp 383T 2 EAA 21:OB:37 22:51:59 22:52:09 04:30:?A I
Murohy.P9MCk J 827 2 �4A 21:08:37 21:09:OB 21:30:55 00:45:12
Reether,JoAn S 336 2 E4A 21-0B�� 22:1y:27 22:18:47 02:44:07
RhOd086,ChAs 389 2 E4A 21:08:37 21;09:06 21:11:03 02:65:10
Rooney.Collaen 341 2 E4A Y1:08:37 23:33:b8 23:34:08 04:16;36
S9Hpld,Addsn L 367 2 EU1 21:08:3� 2Z:31:4x 22:37:48 00:88;01
SAanley,8hown M 204 S E4A 21:08:37 2227:A8 23:1�:01
Shervvood,Jon J 322 2 EdA 21b8;37 22:18;A6 22�1:00 29:59:21
1'Iffany,Ju91U 241 2 EAA 21:08:37 22:26:36 22:26:43 02:11:67
Vang,Xue 880 2 E4A 21:08�7 22:17:15 22:21:3Z 00:38:07
Xlcng,Phenp 316 2 E4A 21:08:37 Z2:22:09 22;22:15 23:99:47
Information requested by: (317600) 2 P�inted a�07I31/201310:04:33
01/1712014 15:10 SaraRojas ffA�? P.0091013
� Saint Paul Police Departmenl paee ' °'g .
CornprelM Numbar Re/e�ence CN Date end 77me ot RepoN
3158422 07/30/201314:46:00
Primary ol►ense:
PAmery Repornna Olncer. �ensen, Kenneth C Neme or�ooet�on�4usineas:
Primery tqued: Cocauon o�lncldent EqR�ST&GERANIUM
secor�dary rnporHng aMicer. ST PAUL, MN 55106
nrsulcf:Eastern Date s thne of occwrence: 07/28/2013 22:16:00�o
srra; 07/291201310:OB;00
A►reat mede:
SsCOndery oA'en9e:
Pdlce OflkerA88eulled or Ir�red: PoNce ONkerAasls(ed Sulolde:
Gr/me Scene Proceased:
Statement of Officer Mark Farrington
Jn 7-29-13 at 0109 hours I Sgt, Ken Jensen met with Officer Mark Farrington and Federatfon Attomey Thomas
Kelly at SPPD HQ second floor conference room. This statement was digitally recorded and downloaded Mto
the media vault. I asked that Offlcer Farrington to take me through this Incldent tnnight. Officer Farrington
asked that In order to do that,we naed to badc up a couple of weeks. Reginald Craig Sutherlln has two active
pickups out, one if for Felony�omestic, the other for strangulation i betieve it was, and he also has a DAC IPS
warrant. He Is known to us cops, I beneve he was arrested for mu�der in the 60's, he is violent indivldual, every '
time he sees cops he efther runs or fights with us. Common knowledge through word of mouth I know he had
the pldcups out for hlm. '1'wo weeks ago, I went to 1019 Gerantum, because we got a call that thls guy was
there. He fled,we set up a perlmeter r(ght away and he escaped the perlmeter�Ight away. The next day 1 �
went and talked to Theresa Kelley, this is when I started my next shlft,just asksd her a little further In depth '
what the deal was exacdy wlth this guy, She told me that she was afrald he was going to kill her, he has ;
assaulted her many tlmes ln the past, ehe made the reports, lt was flled and she was scared he was going to
kill her and he gets away from us every time•and he had fled out the other side of the perimeter we set up. She
gave me some Information thet ha stays down on the west slde, by the Stryker Market and she gave me hls
plate number on a Cadlllac, 874-M, or reverse them maybe. So I went down by the Stryker Market a�d
started to make circles and found the car, bahind the laundry mat parked In a dead end alley. I set up a block
and a half wlth K9, that day, he came out, I dldn't see his face, but hls vehlcle came out and went east on
Eltzabeth to Stryker and by thet tlme I am accelereting towards hlm. By the time I got to that same Intersedion
he was already tuming on Morton� back west bound on Morton, and by the t(me I got to that(Me�ection he was
gone. Pulled onto Dodd Road, went south bound and I traveled up end there was a family crossing the road,
and (asked them If they had seen a Cadlllac, and descrlbed the silver Cadlllac and they sald "yeh he went by
going about 90 down Dodd road, south bound into West St, Paul." So that was that day. Throughout that time,
about two weeks ago maybe a week and half ago, throughout that tlme Theresa has been calling me, she
sald that he stole her purse� some other belongings, Including her dad's cell phone,whlch she then started '
;ontacting hlm about gett�ng her stuff back. She conHnuously updated me, and we were trying to flgure out
how to arrest thls guy, because he has been sltppery, every tlme someone sees hlm he was gone, And(n '
01/1712014 15:10 Sara Rojas ffA� P.0101013
Saint Paul Police Department � P�� 2 °'g
Complelnt NumDe� Relerence CN DAfe and Tlme of RapoR
3158422 07I30/201314:4fi:00
Pdmery olfense:
additlon to those to events that I was on, there has been several others while he has had thase two pick ups
out where we are looking for hlm. He eitFter flees or runs on foot from somebody, he's elus(ve, so he wil)do
anything to get away, baslcally. So, yesterday, I called her and asked if she had anything new for me. Sho told
him that she was outside I am walking to Menards, so i plck her up in my squad, turn on my in car camera
system and drlving her to Menards at 61 and 36, she proceeds to tell me that he(s In contact with her and he
is doing the"I lova you baby, wants to get back with her, and all that stuff. She would like to get h(m arrested,
because again, she is scared he (s going to klll her. She also proceeds to tell me that he Is trying to sell guns,
word of mouth thlyd hand that he Is trying to sell guns he had In a burglary. 'That was either Thu�sday or Frlday
last Thursday ot Friday he was trying to sell those guns. Guns, vlolent Individual,flees, runs, flghts� and
nothing happened last night with it. Tonight she called me and says 1 am suppose to be here in flve minutes
and he is suppose ta come up to my bsck porch. So I have Thor pick me up, I ditched my car, because he can
smell cops a m(le a way, so I dttched my car and go into the hause and I sft right Inside the screen down while
she wafts far him on the back porch. The plan that we set up was. Chris Rhodes and Mack and Thor and I
thlnk a K9 was In the area, but I don't know for sure. When he come in there she was going to get him to come
up Into the porch, its more enclosed. So when I see hlm come Into the yard, I would radio in for the cars to
come into that back alley, because the last tlme I dealt with him he fled north. So we were going to take him
into custody right on that back porch, hands on. Now that changed back and forth, he was coming in vehicle,
he was comtng on foot, coming In vehicle, he was coming on foot. But her plan and my plan was to get him to
.ome up onto that badc porch and take him into custody. As thlhg progressed he tells her to start walking
down Geranium east bound towards Earl from that 1019 Geranium address, A less than(deal situation, but�
he Is not coming to the address, she feels that he is not comfng to the address, so I went into the alley end I
made sure she was continuously� 1 am loaking through the yarcls watching her walk all the way down on the
north side of Geranium walk(ng down whlle I am in the north alley. We get to Eari� he tells her to keep walking, I '
cross Earl, 1 go behind the church, she continues walking, end I see a meroon Chevy Lumina whlch is the car
he (s suppose to be driving because he dumped that Cadlllac. She had told me that he was drlving that
maroon Chevy l.umina yesterday, all of that was on that squad camere things too. So I see tt go by. I hear her
yeUfng Into her phone Is that you, is that you,why are you making m�'av�tli� and�t was loud, k had some muffler '
issues or something. Not for sure.if it was that, It was suppase to be a red Lumina, but It was close
she sald, Is that you, ls that you, �nd I hear the car start coming back, so 1 call a 10-3 out because obviously I '
know its htm now. Or if Its not we have to roll the dlce now. I called the squads ln, and as that is happening.
she goes up to the side of the cer. 1 am scared she ts going to get Into the cat and I can't let that happen. I
walk out tnto the middle of the road,from behlnd some shrubbery, bushes Just on the slde of the, by the church �
In a yard. As I am doing that I have my hand out, (during the desoriptton O�lcer Farrfngton holds out hts left '
ha�d, outstretchad his arm with his palm flat towards me) and I have my gun in my other hand (rlght)you know '
he ls vlolent and he got the gun stuff going on now. As I do that, I hear the car go into gear, I hear the tlres �
lurch and Just floors It right at me, I stert engaging right then, I engage all the way he Is gofng by me and as he
passes me right after trying to hR me. At that point Thor picked up the chase. t asked Officer Farrington If there
were any verbal commands? He responded"I cannot recall, one way or the other. 8ut 1 am wearing thls, (he
potnted to his police uniform), and there was a street Ilght rlght there, It was readlly apparent. 1 asked Offlcer
�arrington"were his head lights an?" He responded"yes." I asked if he remembered how many rounds he
fired? He responded "yes, 17 rounds:" 1 asked Officer Farrington did you stay on scane?We responded"Yes:�I
asked Offlcer Farrington,what dld you do after the ca�left? He responded, "that after the car left,the chase
•vas proceedfng� I checked wlth Therese, "are you ok? I wanted to ba sure that she was flne, because I didn't
.:now 1f she was hit or run over by the guy or what because he had floored It. All I knew Is that she was rlght
bes(de the car and I didn't went her to gat hurt, I ended the(ntervlew at 0117 hours. I went back onto the
0111712014 15:10 Sara Rojas �A� P.0111013
�!'' �"� Pape s cr s
Saint Paul Police Department
Complalnt Number Refeience CN DAf9 dnd.Tirtla d Report
3158422 07/30/201314:46:00
Ar/mery ol�anse:
recorder at 0118 hours and asked about what�me you put yourself in over at that house in the evening hours?
Ne responded"between 9 and 830,that's a rough estimate. I asked O�cer Farrington"you put you�self out on
the alr with dispatch? He responded"yes, l checked out with them at the intersectlon of Earl and Geranlum on
an Investlgate or proactive police visit I then asked Offlcer Farrington"that the call time for the Incident was
1015 PM does that sound cor�ect? He responded that was prob�bly the time he called the 10-3. I ended the
interview at 0119 hours,
01/1712014 15:10 Sara Rojas �A�) P.0121013
Saint Pau) Police Departmen� Pa98 ' °'3
c��ra��n►�„a� Referenca CN►1d 77me Of Rspo►t
3158422 07/30/20131 fi:28:00
Pdmary oNense:
Prtmery ReporflnQ Ofncer. Jense�, Kenneth C Nems o�rocat►orvevs�ness:
Frlmerysqued: coceuon o►Inc�denG�qRL ST&GERANIUM
seconderyreport►ngoMoer. • ST PAUL,MN 55106
D�stdct:Eastem �ats 1�Nme of occunrence: O7/28/2013 22:15:00 to
5�re: o7�zerzo�s �o:ae:oo
Arresr mede:
Secaidary olfense:
PoNce OflkerAsseulfod orinJurod,' Popce OH/aarAeslsfed SulClde:
C►dme Scene Pro�essed:
Statement of Offlcer Thor Johnson
On 2-29-13 at 0128 hours I Sgt. Ken Jensen met w(th Officer Thor Johnson and Federatlon Attomey
'I'homas Kelly. Prlor to the interview Mr. Kelly requested to make a statement prior to my Interview, Thls fs a
summation only of that 10:03 minute statement
Mr, Kelly stated that they understand there fs a car video of all or part of the chase that was involved fn this
case and we understand Offfcer Johnson has a rlght to revlew that If he would like to prior to giving his
statement. We wouid like to proceed now with the statement with the understanding th�t when tha tape is
avallable,we wlll have a right to Inspect it, and at that point have addlttons or modificatians, or correctlons to
the statement he Is about to give you now. That we will reconvene to add what eve�we might need to this
I then asked Officer Thor Johnson to expla(n the incldent. Officer Johnson said that Offlce Farrington and I
Just cleared a call over at Chedcers Pizza. He told me that a woman who lives at 1019 Geranium was
expecting Reginald Sutherlin to come by her house within flve minutes or so. He asked me to foilow him and
he was going park his squad and get Into my squad�nd 1 was going to drop him off, he was going to get Into
the house, I would stay In the area and get anothe�squad and a K9 to assist In apprehending Mr. Sutherlin.
Time came and went, at on point Mark called me back and sald, Mr. Suthertin sald the area was hot and was
going to go someplace else. A while later Office�Farrington called me and said that the female at the house
was going to walk east bound on Garanfum towards Earl and he was go(ng to perallel her in the all�y that's to
the north. I then advised the other squads what was going on� and the que for us to move in was Officer
Farrington in arresting Mr. Sutherlln he was going to call a 10-3. Some time around 1014 PM Officer�arrington
had called a 10-3 on the air. I started drlv(ng east bound on Rose, I had been patked on Rose,Just wast of
Cypress. I drove east bound on Rose, Offlcer Farrington sa(d that Is was going to be the maroon Chev Lumina
iat was on Geranium in the intersectlon. I got to Earl and Rose, made r(ght hand tum to go south on Ea�l and
saw a Chevy Lumina turning laft on der�nlum go(ng south on Ea�l. At that point I activated my lights� when I
0111712014 15:10 SaaRoj�s �A}� P.013/013
(�' �'►
��Saint Paul Police Department �" P� 2 °r3
Complafnt Number l2el�erence CN Defe end 7Hne ofReport
3158422 07/30/201316:28:00
Pdmary oA'ense:
was catching up to it, shortly after, I activated my siren,once I was behind the vehlcle, i got on the radlo and
called out the Iicense plate, and that we were still going south on �arl. The car was kind of driv(ng a Ilttle
erratically, swerving, he then turned� someNme when we were over the Earl Street Btidge� I heard Squad 369
get on the radlo� say that there was an officer Involved shooting and that Sutherlin had tried to run Officer
Farrington over. We contlnued south on Ear(, he made a rlght hand turn to go west on Bush and at that point he
had slowed down to 20 mph, so I was thinking he wes looking for a place to bail on foot. We have lost him at
least I belleve three times this mor�th from him fleefng polfce. Ha then turned left to go south on Cypress then
made an immedlate rlght to go west in the aliey,the north alley of Reaney. As he was traveling west he looked
like he was going to pull into a paricing spot,at 977 Reaney. and his car started to fishtafl, so the drive�'s side
was facing my squad. For backgraund(nformatlon i know that Sutherlin has fled the police in both vehicle and
on foot fn the past� and today I know he had a pick up fo�Terrorlstic Threats, Domest(c Assault, also today In
roll call they were saying that he was selling guns from a burglary. So wlth that informatian I didn't want him to
get away, I was cancemed for not anly my safety but the safety of the people outside. So 1 saw him tryfng to
get out the, I saw the drlver's sfde open� trying to g�t out and I conNnued to drive my car towards him. I know
there is a guar�dra(I at the back, and I was going to try and pueh hls car with my car into that guardr�ll so he
wouldn't be able to get out Ne saw me coming, he Jumped into the passenger side. opened up the door and
fled on foot. Ma jumped over one fence, klnd of fell over it, then got up and started running south through the
vard and we caught him near the second fence. 1 then asked who made the arrest? Officer Johnson
�sponded "Thero was a number of officars on scene, he wasn't complying wtth us, I am not sure ff It wea
361T who ftnaUy got the handcuffs on hlm or lf It was a combination of a couple different offlcers. I then asked
how Reginald get to the hosp(tal? Officer Johnson responded"St, Paul Fire and Medlcs. Afte�he was taken
into custody,we asked him if he had been shot. He sald he was shot. We examined his bedy and Ilfted up his
shlrt and then on his rlght stde we saw what appeared to be a bullet waund on his rlght slde of his to�so. I
asked Officer Johnson if recalled who had called for medlcs? Off(cer Johnson respended"I believe Off1cer
Rhodes d(d." I asked Offlcer Jahnson If he knew whether or not his in-car-camera had heen acttvatedT Officer
Johnson responded°It was activated. Because I asked after Mr. Sutherlin and asked Sgt. Peck if I could shut
my in-car-camera off." I then made comment to Officer Johnson, ' 1 see you have an abrasion on your rlght
elbow,do you remember how you got that7 Officer Johnson replied, probably attempting to take Mr. SutherUn
into custody,
interview downloaded to media vault.