Pettiford NOTICE OF CI.AIM FORM to thc City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Mi��nc.snln SlcUe Slutuir��tfi6.0�.stcNe.s lhru "...ercr�'pursnn...tirhn c/ciim.s dumu,�e.s/rr�m a�i��muniri��nlih�....sluiN cui�se lu l��•pr��senlc�cl to�he ,�urcrnrng boch�o/thr�municr��alih�wi�hrn lH0 dcn�.c u(1er the uNegecl lo.s.s ur injur��is drscu��er��d a nniicr s�cuin,�i/�e�ime,plac�F.nnd circum.stuncr�s Ihereo/,unc(�he umaunl n/'rompensnlinn ar u�lier rulic��elentunded..' Plcase complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each yuestion. I1'more space is necdcd,attach additional shects. I'Icasc notc that you will not be contactcd b�� tcicphonc to clarify answcrs,so providc as much infonnation as necessary to explain your clxim,and the amount nf compensation bein�;reyuested. You will receive u written acknowledgemcnt once your S'orm is received. "I'he process can take up to ten weeks or lon�er dependin�;on the nature oi'your claim. "I'his form must be si�;ned,��nd both paKes completed. li'somethin�;does not apply,��rite`N/A'. SI:ND COYIPI.I:'1'I;D I�ORM AND O'I'HI;K DOCUMI?N"1'S 1'O: CI1'Y CI,ERK, 15 WI:S'T KF,LLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALI., SAIN1' PAUL, MN 55102 First Name____�"�lP��_ ___—_ Middle Initial T _Last Name _ ����_T_�� Company or Busincss Name ��� - ` - - -- _ _ E��I V�� nrc You an Insurancc Company? Ycs Nc� If Ycs, C1aim Numbcr? _ ___ ____ _____�ff�� _ _ - 1 �ZOt�f Strcct �lddress_c� 1� _ 'Q _�l`T-- ! � V�. _V v -_ � _t;f r �_ - Ss � �ERK City �� ��}�l_ _ _ Statc ��' Li�� ('odc Daytimc Phonc 1�51 )�-J}(�`7Cc11 Phonc (�Q`]/ k��Q -��7��� l:vcning'I�cicphonc (���) y�� .���� Date of nccident/ Injury or llate Discovcrecl __.1'�' (_.y _ ___ - I�ime ���_ 'ir /pm Pl�as� st�ttc. in dctail, what occurrcd (happcned), and why you are submitting a claim. I'icasc indicatc why or how vou feel the Ciiy oi�Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsibl� for your damages. - -_-- ----_- -- ---_- __ �. dL � G�_1:�7Z_��-�.D /i1L�_ P �>,�' _Qf C>9G�.S�1� -����r3��7� _ �'T��"-� -� _ -�vc.� --�=1�--- ���'�11 �1��L� _c'c.�in�- - �—� - - �'v� C�fz _�_r�-1�, - TD�,tU�__ / v��,!� ,���� L'�l/� ��tJ';T�� - _ -- -___ _ _ _ . �'D�'�C� o���C:E��'�S �- �"BT��?�a �S_���� ����� • Plcasc chcck thc hox(cs)that most cl��scly rcpresent thc rcason for complcting this I�orm: �ivl�� vchicic was damagcd in an accident ❑ My vchicic was aama�cd clw-ii��a tow ❑ ;vly vchicl� was damagcd by a potholc or condition of thc strcet ❑ My vchicic was damagcd by a plo�� ❑ My vchicle was wrongfully towe�l and/or ticketed ❑ I was injured on City property ❑ Other type of property damage-pleasc specify _ . ___ _ _ - - -- -- __ _ .__ __ _ _ ❑ Other type oC injury-plcase specify ------- -- --- - --- --�-- - - ln order to pco�css your claim ��u need to include copies of'all applicable documents. I�or the claims types listed below, please be s�ire to include th� documents indicated or it will delay the handling of yo�ir cluim. I)ocumcnts WIL1. NO"1� bc rct�n-ncd �nd bccomc the property of th�Ci�y. You arc cncouragccl to k�cp a copy for yo�n•scl��bcf���re submittin�yuur clain�i form. O Pr�>pcny damagc claims to a ��chicic: two cstimates �or the rcpa�rs to yow�vchicic if�thc dama��c cxcccds S�UO.00: ��r tN�c actua] bills and/or rcccipts j�or the rcp�iirs O �I�owing claims: lc�iblc copics of any tickct issucd and �i copy �>f thc impoun�l lot rcccipt O Othcr property dumagc claims: tw�>rcpair estimatcs if thc ciamagc cxccccls $�00.00; or thc actual hills ancUor rcccipts for thc rcpairs, dctxiled list of�d�ul�agcd itcros O Injury claims: medica] bills, receipts O Phutographs are always welcome to document and support your claim hut will not be returned. Pa�;e 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of'Claim Form I�ailure to complete and return both pages will result in dclay in the handling oi'your daim. All Claims-please comnlete this section Were there wimesses to the incident? Yes No IJnknown ,, (circle) Provide tl�cir namcs, addresses and tclephonc numbcrs: _ Were the police or law cnf�oreement called? �vYes - No Unknown (circle) If yes, what department or agency?_�_��_; ��� ___ _ Case#or rcport# _��Q�1���_ Where did the accident or injury take place? Providc street address, eross street, intcrsection, namc of park or facility, closest landmark, etc. I'lease be as detailed as possible. If�nccessary, attach a diagram. _ � rn r?�r_i��-�.Sj��r� Plcase indicate the amount you are seeking in compensation or what you would like the Ciry to do to resolve this claiir� . ;. to y��ur sat�tifacUon '��f ����,. _� � __ - - - - - - - - � __-;'z_�', � �,,', 7��C����,� L��r r�'���-j �����L��,� _ V.� C.e��-={S � t'�f,��r��'s _ a,-Cl-��6�.��C. Vchitic Claim� �plca5c complctc thiti 5cction ❑ chcck hox if�this scction docs i�ot applv Your Vchicic: Ycar _- : ==- i�1ah� � � Modcl _ ' . , , , _ - 1_ c . -__ ._' �_\__ _ __ _ r ___ , License Plate N�imber - -- _�_ _ St ue, `'.'._Color _�_��_ �..� -- ------ -- Rcgistcrcd Own�r __`i!t = --,-.-��_. _ �-__ _ _ - - ----- Driver of Vehicle.�_�y�; " � ' � = -- -____�-_F ----------- --_ -- _ _ _----- - Area Damaged_ ----------- --- - City Vehicle: Ycar___ _Make _ --- Model - ---_- -- -- License Plate Number-- __ __ __ State-_--- Color __---- _ _-- ___ - ____. Driver of Vehicle (City I:mployee's Name)_ -_ __ __ - _-. _ __ __- nre�i Damagcd -- __ � - � � In'ur � Claims- lcasc com Ictc this section ❑ chcek box �f this sccti�m �loes not a 1 � � Fiow wcrc y�t in��u-c `? -- �"L7�/��/ /--���-�f�-1�7��•.Cii�i Gt��!Lv_ __��1__./��}"Q v�- !� What p�art(s) oC your bo�iy wcrc injurccl? � J� `f ��C�� _ _ - - - _ � %�f�/�rv� ,�(-�E� k%� � /�r L_�_yS�. _ _ _ .__ __ -- _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ % , Have you s��ught medical trealmcnt? �,Y�s j No Plannmg to S�el. l�reatment(circle) i•tii LL /�'� /IU Whcn did you r�c,civc trcatmcnl`.'_�����_'�-' S--�-- ��-�- ---- ---(Providc datc(s)) �ilJ�lv --- -- , I�iame of Medical Providcr(s): _ __ - " ' 11���1� _ —. -- - - -- -- - - - Address "I'clephonc - -- -- --- __ __ ____ ------ -- - _ ._ .__._ Did you miss wo�k as a rc�ult of your in�ury? 1'es No Whcn did yo�i m�tis wo�l.' -- (providc date(s)) Namc of your Employer: � � �-�- ��- --- - -- -- - - ._ __ --- -- Address_ ___ _ "l'elephon�, _. _ __ __. _____ _ ��Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. l�umber of'additional pages _ ___ By signing this.%nrnz,you are stati�zg thal aIl i�tforfnatinn you have prnvicfed is lrue and cnrrect to lhe hest ��/'your•k�zowledge. U�zsigned fornzs will not he processed. Submitti�ig a false claim ca�z result in prosecutiore. Date form was completed � " �� �� Print the Name of the Person who Compl�ted this Form: �-�� __ _ �j _f� � � �-�1_�° �- _ _ _ Signature of'Person Making the Claim: _�.� � � �---� -� --- �� :a�r��-- —. ��?,� Revis�d Fchruw'Y 201 1 _-_ .;.�i"� _._ _.a��_�4�_-,��NN . :�� � >. „ :,. r or call 612-726-5237 J L—._ _ _ RECEIPT J �_ _ Rental Agreement Number: 313593674 Vehicle Number: 62182492 _ ___ -__. _� YQUR INFORMATION L_ __ _ _ PETTIFORD SR,WALTER BUDGET DISC: AUTO ASSOCIATION PAYMENT METHOD: MASTER XX7027 YOUR RENTAL J Picked up: MSP Date/Time: JAN 08, 2014@11 :41AM Returned: MSP Date/Time: JAN 15, 2014@10: 17AM 5T �R�� tnrouno ��T 830 BARGE CHANNEL RD Veh Group: Compact Sfl1NT PAUL. MN. 55�e7-zase Veh Charged : Subcompact 651-266 5642 Vehi cl e: FORD FOCUS 5DR Merchant tr,: sees�aeiaa Term IG: 001739006080063801940£3 Odometer Out : 23918 Odometer In: 24283 Sale Fuel Reading : Full _ __. _ -- zzzzzzzzzzzz45Z4 YOUR VEHICLE CHARGES J MRSrERCARD Ertrv Method; Swiped 1 WK@ 109.00 109.00 Total: � 234,76 DISCOUNT 5.0 5.45 �l%14�14 16.5�.28 YOUR TIME AND MILEAGE: 103.55 Inv #: 00000z APPr Code; �6�929 YOUR TAXABLE FEES APPrvd: Online •*11 . 11� FEE _ 32.49 r,.�.., ° � LOSS DAMAGE WAIVER: �8S 93 ���;;,�r ,r�,� CUST FAC CHARGE 3.25/DY 22.75 YOUR SUBTOTAL TAXABLE SUBTOT 347.72 TAX 7.275� 25.30 YOUR NON TAXABLE ITEMS 14.2� SURCHARGE 49.38 TOTAL CHARGES 422.40 NET CHARGES 422.40 YOUR TOTAL DUE: 0.00 PAID ON MASTER XX7027 ..CONC���T..:; � ,. .r�., r_^ 9.2�s °;�� �. •� �:� • . , 5� .".__ '��; . , -K: . . �•,.+ , km'=".: ,-c�+.,_ ' , ... :�,... . .;.:. ,, _. �..z ,.�v: �..;�:�.�r� �y.'a!' . �.�....... ,q�.a;....s .�,�pqs• �.�a... -. ». :�:. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ,..... ...... --.,-.... . _. H�MAuto Body �Towing �� �0 2 2 867 N.Dale Street �. St Paul,A�IN 55103 Date��__L�_� '_'�%_���`� ' 1 Tel(651)489-2932 Fax(651)489-04�8 � � � _.__�__--;-.�` _ 24 Hour Towing(651)248-9657 Diiver's Name � �' ' �' � � Truck# Picic-np Timc:am pm .�;., ' , urop otr'rime:am pm ; `; �% ;�'� Nature of the Call Invoice Service( ) Lock out( ) Break Down( ) ; .� ; ::�: Customer's Name ' ' '"'� . -� � ,�`= Tel - � � ` -�-�'� ��� ell Address City State Zip Pick Up Location:Address �: �. ��"�� ', -� � City - �� <°� r � State Zip , � _ Destination:Address � '�?� ' '� _�.'.'�_��`=�-~� Ci � � ���'� 't��� � State Zi Vehicle Inform}tion � ! r ' ' x Year � Make `~i-'; '�� i. '�L� Model �"+ !� � : Color � �'-r�°,., � , Odometer License No L-� ��'�'� -- � � � �' i- Serial No � Irrsurance Co. olicy No A ent Phone Descri tion o Cha es Amount Labor i '_;-�`�?� ,`.,,✓ --r- , , ) � ; -� �-- ,r�. J Gas&Supplies ` + Extra Labor r1- ,, %-�, < � , ����' �`' Mileage Starting Ending Total ' Storage Charge From To Per A Day $ °�;. � � t `°���' Sub-Total - �' r�, c`�h �� ' ' 1 � %! We Appreciate Your Business. Tax C/teck Credit � � Please Pay This Amount! Grand Total �'=' Important Notice: We are not responsible for loss or damages of any kind. Whether it is your vehicle or Personal property which may be in the vehicle after drop off the vehicle.Eztra Labor charges are for finding or Moving the vehicle near tow truck in the case of customer giving wrong information about the location of the vehicle. Received BY:1 understand and certify that 1 am the owner or authorized owner's representative to take possession of The vehicle in its present condition and agree, that will not bring cmy charges against H&MAuto Body&Towing. Name Signature Date White o�ce Canary customer Designed&Piinted by Payless Printing(65/f 283-5745 ___�_:._., ..,..:,..._.._.:..�_.__�._�_._,_ _�_____ ---___-----� �. _�____— - _�_..�..�� Accident Report Page 1 of 1 inc�cc+se�+D.y`a`�+...:.:. ... . u,aworo -<'�` s.��'�" µ �.:�`MR'�:+;�[�+a.!�.t ������.�t+����0�'�,vH"w�,�'` o 19 00424A 1� F �t "s �,��,�� ... .c �r �.c� .� �"_��'���� -��i� .���.; o�.. ixr..wn.m�� w3vaor vexictF.s wul, ��1u�E su„� Z����� e � - �r a �.•*. • • ..,• ••- _. ., � �.MTE rtW IY���l u�IIMRn%c ~ C I� `I �?. 00 r02 3 .�r�`; �� '`�>::."' ��:,. 8 2014 W a 0832 m A(Y.rt�u`YS1EN� POU�ENI/LitFJtO{ISlaEE1NWE � ' . �. qDMYlAYl11FFC.TION ` ^A� y . .. ..A� E _��.-. � 10 COMO a.�e ���,�� �a �no Q____-�.� Ss �,.°'.�. � cawmro� - rer� r�reuF�[oawr RPRFSre RaurE.r,smrc�.mr uuioavFrtri�ae � 62 8c�n ,m ST PAUL +`• 10 WESTERN ��j ' .r.,4t , . �_..:..w- .1.. .;--�"�.� }\.. ..��:E l.,t�.�..:.r.`71<_.�.,�..'S.e.�`?+r. a,Fla.$ �- ^ S� .: . ._ _. , r.�'.,i� _ �,.. ,,..... <4<... ��..t'_.�.�:..:.....r�.� . f�GR1+i �Rlill IXtYJEPLICEw6EMAHEN-z Si�T[ p,�5$ OLSTAM4.�Q41Tqli Of'M'.Rt{(:ENSfHU,MMA-�.�. ... . .... .. SUiE CWS ULSInTU$ . i�C�WI �. O1 01 D234024002509 MN D O1 ' 03 K9111584496ll MN D O1 01 racma z� w�.�E�Fxa-r.u.m�6 usp .. . . ..... . ,. aah�c�ImN. ,y wu.�EFV�i wooLE usn wh a�n�rn �r�;1nn z� ' PAMELA MARGARITA BARRAGAN O1 11 70 ; WALTER LEE P�;TTTFORD 11 A3 S1 tWNEN � IDLPE54 � Oft'lIOL. �FSffilCi�:-b011ESE .. . OA`/pL NCliWGY 4M1VFIi� O1 367 GROVE N� 01 > 89Q IOWA AVE WEST N., O1 O1 i rHVSn atv.5uic,z�r . . �'arr sT�h,zn —_.-._._ . vrtt� �1 ST PF�UL 55102 6si-z9i-�ii� ; ST PA(TL 551?7 6sz-9s9-3zn, p� _ y� ; __ p'04A� f���5 SEX 6�FFFOPI �E£GPT NNYI�G .. . FJ[Cl WJ'9F �SIX �Yr-lEOPT SKFEt]V7 AMt9AG P.Ff:T.�_�' 15F.V�� �R3%ND� O1 Y•; � �4 04 06 C5 C � M '�4 "�FD4 06 OS C Ol , �inr_ m= rn�� r+r-F tou>sP 'mu�sn»�. wsiu.wsv-x � wnruuw:n ,�.v.ua m+i� ivw -rvvE� �ow'aa m,v�a.��r . .r�cee.�.mrs � auwuwaer+ � Q3 I�g� 98 N� �o°,�, SPFD MPI�IC 1 OOOF33', �"1�� 9F3 �1 98 IV; 0�� SPFD MFDIC 1 OOOf333 e,<� ._.: � . .-_ __,_....., _. ,.:.. ,_.....,. ..: __.. �...„ ,�..� „ --`�' _'- UCGU� f1kNEPN.WE FINE �lYM1iNHAMF F <1XLV UT CZTY OF ST PAUL PULICE DEPT 1Y : P�TTIFURD MARY F'F2ANCES N� O�S vu�rn � nwr+ESS � -v..�_. rorrto ..�m�rtse �_ . v �—. m�o . vr�cr � Ol 1675 EbTERGY PA�tK DRV � � 898 W IUWA AVE: =� O1 KNIRG'� Qtt.ST�iF.2J�. .�. . .. RXIIW: IMREC' .�CRY6T�TE2P __l.�._ . qRECT� VEnU9E 0'I ST PAUL L�III 55108 "I�"t': 07 � ST PAUL MN 55117 ""tV 03 O1 �)FS+LCC� WNF. MfFFI v� C(l�vv� —�. _ �M%+NE. .... W��E� vFM . Ixif'R —_ . . . . ��_ tw:i�X;�. 01 FORD CVP 200 WHT ; F�UND UEX 000 GRX ]1 ov�csev� viar�r � �ar�s- rFnnq�� - YEw c��E�s - � �*�.w.cvewr���.rurE� srr�r, i�uzHCe � � �oceor��u �Kn�.�w...EVEm �ou�sEV�. 03 114APM NII? 4 O1 O1 689GNY MN 14 O1 O1 03 :�„y�� .. noi,c-rr+�ue�u � uee,wxFaKKrr� � � vac.wl.ee� °,SELF INSURE�D ��N�A ; PROGR�ESS�u� (75289512 � 3 ' _ `- c+arorwiwa.k+r w,weo.� wsaccnor,s ���+!�'�'�� ��K�CIOENTINYOLVEdA�COMMERCWLIAOTORYE}pCLE�,SCHDOLBUS,ORf1EAbS7AF2TBU5 w`�'m "��� � �3OBOr- nPe euc . �vyc *��es�. i i � RENEMBER�TO NOT�FY 1NE STATE PATROL(reQUlretl under US 169:783 ard�169.4511). ' � C(Y/M[RfIALVENICIEMILqE�.t-p1DTC�iIUftPoEft:NME . Ld1f1UMUl�n COMMEHCiM1LVEMIREMlM9ER3-MOTOU(:ninlGRµWE ODTNVMBER � W..`.Sf)K.EftS/w1H�ST& � UN[POSM alFfY6W! SIX IYfE USE AiPBM1G GIF.Y Yil M TRArLtiI�OHI . . . . . . " 'M`x _ . ._—_..J`_. . iUlc Oaatl NdnN"RYWF . MARY PRIaNCFS PKT^.IFY)It� (f�51-989-12A5i QZ 03 12/�2/ F 09� 04 .06 .05 N N:� �mi�.N. .--�_��.� . .. _�.�..�--_. . .-.� _. ._�._� _..- . . - �..�� .ntaes�r.. . �"—.��iunnurticH CFUUZLES�. GRI�LL: 1651�-983-8.034) � W� s14/ M � pmec+� � . . . . . � - - O� si,n sorva� au�uueea .. Q� i _—_ -- �I�p'IMMOFD+NPUf.MANGPDPNOVEAiYiWDO[SCk�PTI[1iUCOMMGF9VROV[Hrv�N���vfL.bNT�6NWAfEWBt . . . . �wia^,E�PP<M'kT?�'_I'/H10Wi�GHUWfI( ntCM� � :�N�AN/.TIVE' . OEVL[ z'`; �� , 98 O1 ^' ___ _ . . . . _ _ . __ _ ,; � � i.w eus f ,_. ?VSHH1 WB ON COMO�F'ROM WESTERN, LOS7 Q�NTROL UN ;�.,, . ._ __ .. .. . . _._.._, .... ' e O3 ; THE T_CE COATE7 BRIDGE�-➢i20VF. LEFT OF CENTER ANU r wum jg� Y.COI,I.IBED.WIT�i_.VAHIi?..WEiIi.A.WI1S...F:B._ON..COMQ.�__._ s `- O1 �.:� ...�-..—. -'.._ .... � �'�DRIVER717 AND q"l SUSTAINED MCNOR INJCIRIF.6 }1ND W - .' 'Ni ' � _, a.H.�. .. w+ewoce �; I�bT 7CJ .��L6'; �, :�_�pR.RA'fFD��ON SCP,�7ki.:i3Y-3T..-FAUL FI1LE-MF.F)1C#37.- . -...-. -� ± � �. 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Sgt W�s Slagle 24E� St Paul PD p�«* O��A r https://dvslesupport.org/dvsinfo/accide�itrecords_2008/Includes_LE/YrintRe�ortlndiv_LE,as... 1/8/2Q 14 WINDY'S COLLISION CENTE, INC. 767 BUSH AVENUE ST. PAUL MN 55106 PHONE: 651)774-4426 FAX: (651)772-0368 ***PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE*** 01/09/2014 12:14 PM Owner Owner: WALTER PETTIFERD Address: Work/Day: (651�89-3285 Inspection Inspection Date: 01/09/2014 12:14 PM Inspection Type: Primary Impact: Left Front Corner Secondary Impact: Appraiser Name: JON PHILMALEE Appraiser License#: Address: 767 BUSH AVE Work/Day: (651)774-4426 Cell: (612)237-6526 City State Zip: Saint Paul, MN 55106 FAX: (651)772-0368 Email: THEFUMS@MSN.COM Repairer Repairer: WINDY'S COLLISION CENTER Contact: JON PHILMALEE Address: 767 BUSH AVE Work/Day: (651)774-4426 ST PAUL Home/Evening: City State Zip: ST PAUL, MN 55106 FAX: (651)772-0368 Email: THEFUMS@MSN.COM Vehicle 2000 Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan 6cyl Gasoline 3.0 VTEC 4 Speed Automatic Lic Expire: VIN: 1HGCG1656YA045923 Veh Insp#: Mileage Type: Actual Condition: Code: H1263C Eut.Refinish: Two-Stage Int.Refinish: Two-Stage Options AM/FM CD Player Air Conditioning Alarm System Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Anti-Lock Brakes Bucket Seats Center Console Climate Control For A/C Cruise Control Dual Airbags Garage Door Opener Intermittent Wipers Keyless Entry System Leather Seats Leather Steering Wheel Lighted Entry System Overhead Console Power Brakes Power poor Locks Power Drivers Seat Power Mirrors Power Moonroof Power Steering Power Windows Rear Window Defroster Rem Trunk-L/Gate Release Side Airbags Strg Wheel Radio Control Tachometer Theft Deterrent System Tilt Steering Wheel Tinted Glass 01/10/2014 1030 AM Page 1 of 4 20Q0 Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/09/2014 12:14 PM Damages Line Op Guide MC Description MFR.Part No. Price ADJ% B% Hours R Strines And Mouldinas 1 L 259 MIdg,Front Door Side LT Refinish 0.6 RF 0.5 Surface 0.1 Two-stage 2 RI 259 MIdg,Front Door Side LT R& I Assembly 1.1* SM Front Bumoer 3 EC 6 Cover,Front Bumper Replace Economy $217.00' 1.1 SM 4 L 6 13 Cover,Front Bumper Refinish 3.7 RF 2.6 Surface 0.6 Two-stage setup 0.5 Two-stage Front End Panel And Lam�s 5 EC 41 Headlamp Assy,Halogen LT Replace Economy $110.00' INC SM 6 N 973 Headlamps Aim Additional Labor 0.4 SM Front Body And Windshield 7 EU 103 Fender,Front LT Replace Recycled $125.00" 1.5 SM 8 L 103 Fender,Front LT Refinish 3.5 RF 2.4 Surface 0.5 Edge 0.6 Two-stage Front Bodv Interior Sheetmetal 9 EU 107 Skirt,lnner Fender LT Replace Recycled 0.1 SM »COMES WITH FENDER Front Doors 10 EU 207 Door Assembly,Front LT Replace Recycled $275.00* +30.00 3.6 SM 11 L 207 Door SheIl,Front LT Refinish 3.5 RF 1.9 Surface 1.0 Edge 0.6 Two-stage 12 RI 233 W/Strip,Front Door LT R& I Assembly INC SM 13 RI 241 MIdg,Front Door Belt LT R& I Assembly INC SM 14 RI 131 Applique,Frt Door Fram LT R& I Assembly 0.2 SM 15 RI 229 Mirror,0uter R/C LT R& I Assembly INC SM 16 RI 253 Channel,Front Glass Ru LT R& I Assembly 0.2 SM 17 RI 243 Rod,Front Door Check LT R& I Assembly 0.2 SM 18 RI 221 Lock,Front Door LT R&I Assembly 0.3 SM 19 RI 227 Handle,Front Door Otr LT R&I Assembly INC SM Quarter And Rocker Panel 20 I 161 07 Panel,Bodyside Front LT Repair 4.0* SM 21 L 161 10 Panel,Bodyside Front LT Refinish 1.9` SM* 1.2 Surface 0.7 Two-stage Section Reolacement&Refinish 22 EU 678 Susp Assembly,Front LT Replace Recycled $175.00* +30.00 1.7 ME Manual Entries 23 SB ALIGN Sublet Repair $89.95" SM* 24 SB tire Sublet Repair $145.00* SM" 01/10/2014 10:30 AM Page 2 of 4 200�J Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/09/2014 12:14 PM 25 SB mount and balance Sublet Repair $20.00' SM* 25 Items MC Message 07 STRUCTURAL PART AS IDENTIFIED BY I-CAR 10 INCLUDES AUDATEX TIME TO CLEAR ENTIRE PANEL 13 INCLUDES 0.6 HOURS FIRST PANEL TWO-STAGE ALLOWANCE Estimate Total&Entries Other Parts $902.00 Paint Materials $384.20 Line Item Markup $135.00 Parts&Material Total $1,421.20 Tax on Parts 8�Material @ 7.625% $108.37 Labor Rate Replace Repair Hrs Total Hrs H rs Sheet Metal(SM) $54.00 10.2 4.4 14.6 $788.40 Mech/Elec(ME) $85.00 1.7 1.7 $144.50 Frame(FR) $75.00 Refinish(RF) $54.00 11.3 11.3 $610.20 Paint Materials $34.00 Labor Total 27.6 Hours $1,543.10 Sublet Repairs $254.95 Gross Total $3,327.62 Net Total $3,327.62 Alternate Parts Y/00/00/00/00/00 CUM 00/00/00/00/00 Zip Code: 55106 Audatex Host Audatex Estimating 7.0.123 ES 01N0/207410:30 AM REL 7.0.123 DT 12/01/2013 DB 12/15/2013 Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America, Inc. 3.1 HRS WERE ADDED TO THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON AUDATEX'S TWO-STAGE REFINISH FORMULA. Op Codes " = User-Entered Value E = Replace OEM NG= Replace NAGS EC= Replace Economy OE= Replace PXN OE Srpls UE= Replace OE Surplus ET = Partial Replace Labor EP= Replace PXN EU = Replace Recycled TE = Partial Replace Price PM= Replace PXN Reman/Reblt UM= Replace Reman/Rebuilt L = Refinish PC= Replace PXN Reconditioned UC= Replace Reconditioned TT = Two-Tone SB= Sublet Repair N = Additional Labor BR= Blend Refinish I = Repair IT = Partial Repair CG= Chipguard RI = R&I Assembly P = Check AA= Appearance Allowance RP= Related Prior Damage Ot/10/2014 1030 AM Page 3 of 4 2008 Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/09/2014 12:14 PM This report contains proprietary information of Audatex and may not be disclosed to any third party(other than the insured,claimant and others on a need to know basis in order to effectuate the claims process)without �'Audatex Audatex's prior written consent. a SaJera com�!anr Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America, Inc. Audatex Estimating is a trademark of Audatex North America, Inc. 01/10/2014 10:30 AM Page 4 of 4 BUNBLE BEE LLC DBA DEERING AUTO BODY 1449 CONCORD ST S SOUTH SAINT PAUL,MN 55075-5921 (651)455-5089 FAX: (651)455-0841 SCOTT@DEERINGAUTOBODY.COM/WENDY@DEERINGAUTOBODY.COM ***PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE'""` 01/14/2014 08:50 AM Own� Owner: Walter Pettiford Address: Work/Day: (651�t89-3285 City State Zip: South Saint Paul,MN 55075 FAX: � __ Inspection �, _�....�.� Inspection Date: 01/14/2014 08:57 AM Inspection Type: Primary Impact: Left Front Side Secondary Impact: Appraiser Name: Wendy Kieger Appraiser License#: Address: 1449 Concord Street S Work/Day: (651�55-5089 City State Zip: South Saint Paul,MN 55075 FAX: (651�55-0841 Email: wendy@deeringautobody.com Repairer Repairer: Deering Auto Body&Repair Contact: Wendy Kieger Address: 1449 Concord Street S WoMdDay: (651�55-5089 City State Zip: South Saint Paul,MN 55075 FAX: (651�55-0841 Email: wendy@deeringautobody.com ��..��____��. �.�m_. �.� e d -.�.�� -.�._.� Vehicle �� — -���� � � -�---' 2000 Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan 6cyl Gasoline 3.0 VTEC 4 Speed Automatic Lic Expire: VIN: 1 HGCG 1656YA045923 Veh Insp#: Mileage Type: Actual Condition: Code: H1263C Eut.Refnish: TwaStage Int.Refinish: Two-Stage Options AM/FM CD Player Air Conditioning Alarm System Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Anti-Lock Brakes Bucket Seats Center Console Climate Control For A/C Cruise Control Dual Airbags Garage Door Opener Intermittent Wipers Keyless Entry System Leather Seats Leather Steering Wheei Lighted Entry System Overhead Console Power Brakes Power poor Locks Power Drivers Seat Power Mirrors Power Moonroof Power Steering Power Windows Rear Window Defroster Rem Trunk-L/Gate Release Side Airbags Strg Wheel Radio Control Tachometer Theft Deterrent System Tilt Steering Wheel Tinted Glass Page 1 of 4 Ot/14I201410:11 AM � 2000 Honda AccoM EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/14/2014 08:50 AM Damages�_ � -----__ � ____._�___ _.___._ ___ Line Op Guide MC Description MFR.Part No. Price ADJ% B% Hours R �ront Bum�er 1 EP 6 Cover,Front Bumper Repiace PXN $213.00 1.1 SM 2 L 6 13 Cover,Front Bumper Refinish 3.7 RF 2.6 Surface 0.6 Two-stage setup 0.5 Two-stage 3 RI 348 Emblem,Frt Bmpr Cover R&I Assembly 0.2 SM Front End Panel And Lam�s 4 E 41 Headiamp Assy,Halogen LT 33151S84A01 $209.15 INC SM 5 N 973 Headlamps Aim Additional Labor 0.4 SM Front Body And Windshield 6 EP 103 Fender,Front LT Replace PXN $151.00 1.6 SM 7 L 103 Fender,Front LT Refinish 3.5 RF 2.4 Surface 0.5 Edge 0.6 Two-stage 8 ET 21 Guard,Fender Mud LT Partial Replace Labor INC SM 9 TE 31 Guard,Fender Mud Partial Replace Price $49.25 SM 10 E 113 Brace,Front Fender LT 60212SV4000ZZ $16.70 0.1 SM 11 L 113 Brace,Front Fender LT Refinish 0.1 RF 0.1 Surtace Front Bodv Interior Sheetmetal 12 I 127 07 Reinf,inner Fender LT Repair 2.0" SM 13 L 127 Reinf,lnner Fender LT Refinish 0.5 RF 0.4 Surface 0.1 Two-stage 14 EP 107 Ski�t,lnner Fender LT Replace PXN $38.00 0.1 SM Whe15 EU 54 70 Wheel,Front LT Replace Recycled $93.00 +30.00 0.3 SM Front Susoension 16 N 974 Suspension Align,Frt Additional Labor 1.5 ME 17 E 659 Absorber,Strut UF 51606S87A03 $147.50 1.3 ME Front Doors 18 EU 207 Door Assembly,Front LT Replace Recycled $650.00` +30.00 3.6 SM 19 L 207 Door SheIl,Front LT Refinish 3.5 RF 1.9 Surface 1.0 Edge 0.6 Two-stage Manual Entries 20 SB M17 Cover Car Exterior Sublet Repair $7.00* RF 21 SB M60 Hazardous Waste Removal Sublet Repair $7.00` SM 22 EC tire Replace Economy $105.00* SM' 23 N mount&balance tire Additional Labor 0.4` SM" 23 Items MC Message 07 STRUCTURAL PART AS IDENTIFIED BY I-CAR Page 2 of 4 01/14/2014 10:11 AM 2000 Honda Axord EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/14/2014 08:50 AM 13 INCLUDES 0.6 HOURS FIRST PANEL TWO-STAGE ALLOWANCE 70 RECYCLED AUDATEX SPPL _ _� ��_�__�.�.�._�..��._.�._....__.�......�.._���....�._a_.�.�..___.. ._.�._v� Estimate Total&Entries � _ _� Gross Parts $422.60 Other Parts $1,250.00 Paint Materials $395.50 Line Item Markup $222.90 Parts&Material Total $2,291.00 Tax on Parts&Material @ 7.125% $163.23 Labor Rate Replace Repair Hrs Total Hrs Hrs Sheet Metal(SM) $54.00 7.0 2.8 9.8 $529.20 Mech/Elec(ME) $75.00 1.3 1.5 2.8 $210.00 Frame(FR) $75.00 Refinish(RF) $54.00 11.3 11.3 $610.20 Paint Materials $35.00 LaborTotal 23.9 Hours $1,349.40 Sublet Repairs $14.00 Gross Total 33,817.63 Net Total E3,817.63 Alternate Pa�ts Y/03/03/00/00/00 CUM 03/03/00/00/00 Zip Code:55075 Default SPPL Yes Zip Code:55075 Default Audatex Estimating 7.0.123 ES 01/14/201410:11 AM REL 7.0.123 DT 11/01/2013 DB 12/15/2013 Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America,Inc. 2.4 HRS WERE ADDED TO THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON AUDATEX'S TWO-STAGE REFINISH FORMULA. THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF ONE OR MORE CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A SOURCE OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE. WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THESE REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE PROVIDED BY THE PARTS MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR RATHER THAN BY THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR VEHICLE. A PERSON WHO FILES A CLAIM WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR HELPS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME. Op Codes " = User-Entered Value E = Replace OEM NG= Replace NAGS EC= Replace Economy OE= Replace PXN OE Srpls UE= Replace OE Surplus ET= Partial Replace Labor EP= Replace PXN EU= Replace Recycled TE= Partial Replace Price PM= Replace PXN Reman/Reblt UM= Replace Reman/Rebuilt L = Refinish PC= Replace PXN Reconditioned UC= Replace Reconditioned TT = TwaTone SB= Sublet Repair N = Additional Labor BR= Biend Refinish I = Repair IT = Partial Repair CG= Chipguard RI = R 8�I Assembly P = Check Page 3 of 4 01/14I201410:11 AM 2000 Honda Accord EX V6 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 01/14/2014 08:50 AM AA=Appearance Allowance RP= Related Prior Damage This report contains proprietary information of Audatex and may not be disclosed to any third party(other than the insured,claimant and others on a need to know basis in order to effectuate the ciaims process)without ��l���°�,�� Audatex's prior written consent. �i ��,��s��,��,�r - Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America,Inc. Audatex Estimating is a trademark of Audatex North America, Inc. Page 4 of 4 01114/2014 10:11 AM BUNBLE BEE LLC DBA DEERING AUTO BODY 1449 CONCORD ST S SOUTH SAINT PAUL,MN 55075-5921 (651)455-5089 FAX:(651)455-0841 SCOTT DEERINGAUTOBODY.COM/WENDY DEERINGAUTOBODY.COM Notes 2000 Honda Accord EX V6 4 D Sedan 2 WD Gasoline Claim#: 01/14/2014 08:50 AM �riginal Estimate _ 01/14/2014 10.09 AM WendY,Kie er � ��,� possable hidden damage after tear down This report contains proprietary information of Audatex and may not be disclosed to any third party(other than the insured,claimant and others on a need to know basis in order to effectuate the claims process)without Audatex's �����dV priorwritten consent. irllr a SW�r�curn�arrr Copyright(C)2013 Audatex NoKh America,Inc. Audatex Estimatin is a trademark of Audatex North America Inc. Page 1 of 1 01I14/2014 10:11 AM