99-636�������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlKNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 BE TT RESOLVED, that ffie Saint Panl Police Department is authorized to enter into a lease 2 agreement with Camp Ripley, which indemnifies and holds harmless the State of Minnesota from 3 any and all claims, damages, eapenses and liabilities arising out of its use of Camp Ripley's grounds 4 and facilities. A copy of said a�eement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial 5 Services. 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 � 7�-Z�—� campripley-1 council �le # C t F �O�j� Green Sheet # 8200 EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Police JNTACT PERSON & PHONE Chief Finnev 292-3588 TOTAL # OF S4GNA7URE 06/O1/99 !C_ i.,'i?7 ROUf111G C� GREEN SHEET � u �.,,�..a. �,� � a,,,� _ FOR ❑ GIYAii0R1EY � ❑ LRYCLFRK _ ❑ FNAXtlY.SERVICEBqR y_ � ALNCYIL9ERV/ALLTG �'�� Y/ - ❑ WYOR(OItA4W4�FMi) % C� ❑ (C.IIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures requested on attached Council Resolutaon;< authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into the lease agreement with Camp Ripley. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a cont2d for this depaAment'7 YES NO Fias this peisoNfirm ever been a cily emploYee4 YES NO Dces this persaNfim possess a sitill not normallypossessetl by arry current dry employee7 YES NO Is Nis persoNfiim a farpeted vendo(1 YES NO The Saint Paul Police Department wi11 be conducting a 13-week police academy with 21 recruits As part of this training, the academy wi11 be conducting specialized training at Camp Ripley from May 17 through May 21, 1999. The recruits and training staff will be staying at Camp Ripley during this time. part of the training at Camp Ripley will include Mobile Field Force night range shooting, and other specialized training. The training at Camp Ripley wi11 consist of day and night range shooting, team building and leadership exercises, and mobile field force training. This Cype of training could not be provided at the department. None IFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police recruiCS will not receive the required training to be fully qualified as Saint Paul Police Officers. TRANSACTION S - souRCe General Fund INFORMATION (IXPW M COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER � t o�� NOO82O0 VES NO �dU� PieSe8eGs1 �AStfef ��� 15: �J Nri. �5� �_;= �iG— co3 (� LEASE NUy1$ER 94-021 LEASE FOi2 THE USE OF CAMP RtPLES' CiROLND� AND FACILITIES 71�is lc��e to �ese Ca[np Riple}� GraUnds and facilities is issued on Tu�sday, Decemoer 29, 1998 by the Caxnp Ripley Commander to St. Paul Police Dept. hezeafrer cisited the LESS�E. This �ease, to be used on. 5/17,`99 tbrou�h Si20/99 is issued for the following purpase and lunited to the following aetivities� POC SC*"t William Martine2 Lessee's Adctxcss St. Pau! �elice Dept. 'felepho t6511292-?555 JC�T �7Jilliun Martuiez 100 E. 1 lYh Strect St. Pau1. MN S51t11 i'his lease is issued subject to the fallowing conditians: l. The Lessee agrzes to pay the foltow�ing r'ees: FEE FOR T- bld (3 bays, kitcl.ien & dizting areal x 3 Niglits (!0) Maid Service t�trs x 3 Ni�hts CTt123, 22, & 23 x I Day (l) Medium Cla,�,sroom x 1 Dav A-5 (MOUT Site) & A-1? Range x Z Days NBC (C-Rng) c� A-6 (CnnE Cts) x 1 T�ay �1�� �.� C(J�U '; �,,�-rS TOTAL: AMOLINT $525.00 $390.00 375.00 $45.00 $�SOA� �75.00 $1?60.00 k ��� Fees arz payable t�: CAMP R1PLbY �i�SS FUND � l 3� i.ESSEE INITIALS t of 3 es2�95 15:a� r�7.; :,!�_ LEASE (CON'CINUEDI LL-ASE NUVIBER 99-021 2. LixbiGty. The State of hlinnesota chai! uo[ be respunsible for dariages to property or injures ce ��ei;o��s �n'hich n�ay 2risz 1���n�, pr be ii�cident ce, the usz of Camp Ripley grounds and faciliti�s. The Sute of Minnese[a snall nat be responsihle for an)• claim regardless of !dnd, relaied to activities undertaken pivsuant to this lease. The lease shall indzmnify �nd hold i�armles. the State of Vlinn�sota from ar.y and afl cizims, damages. expcn,es and liabilicies arising �ut of i!s use of Ca�n�p Riptey's grounds and facilities. 3. Permits and .Lieenses. 7'he lessea s'hall o5tain �Il pernzits and licenses reyuired ior its activides at Camp Riplep. 7h� Stat� of M;mlesota shall not be cesponsible for the leccee s failure Co obtain suCh pern�its and licenses or to com�ig wiCt� �. - any piher reqwrements impo>ed upon the lessee ror the conduct of its activttees. 4. Cumpliance \Yitb Laws. The lessc;� shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, r�1es a�d reguiations. Tli� S.ate of i�4��nesota shalt not be rzsponsible iar the lessee's failure to comi�ly. S. InsuranCe. The Icssed shaii o}�tai,n <?dequ8ta Szisuz3nca co��erage f�r persons and properry associa[ed witls 2ctivtnes conducted pursu;uit to this lease. 6. Interna! 5ecurity. The lessee shall Le re>��onsible fer irternal security of persoanel and property within ihe :vea, as,,igned to it. The lessee accept� full responsibiliYy for the conduct of ail persons admiu�d Co Camp Ripiey pursuant t� this lease. `flle lessee shall eepon immediately any vielations ef I¢ws. ordin�nces, rules or regulation,a, inciuding the Caznp Riple�� Regulations, to the Ca�iip Ripley Security Force at thc Main Gate or Buildin� 2-99, Ext 7339. �-�3� 7. Li�,bility for Damnge to Comp Riplev. The lessee shall at all tinies c-xe.r.cise due diligence in the protection of Camp Ripley grounds a�id faciliti2;. ixi case a��y propert}� oi the L�ni[ed States or the State of Mi�viesot� is damag�d or destroyed by the 3essec incident to thz use of Camp Ripley, the iessee shall Pay an amount suflicienY to compensate for :he toss sustain�d by th� United Stltes or the St3te of hiinnesota by r�,on of dama�es to, or destruction o�, government }sraparty. 8. VHCaYing Premises. On or beforc the date of the expir�tio» of this lease or its termmatien, the lessee shall vacate the g: and facilifies assigned to it and restore the grounds and faailities to as good order and cond'ation as that existed upoa iU :uri val. 9. C:+ncellntion by Camp Riptey Curnmander. Thls Icase may bc canicl�ci by the Cunp Itiplzy Coinmmider at a�iy time and fer any rz�san. No clairn for da tik't� es LESSEE Th`ITTALS j�J„�. ./�i' zor3 E525i9� 15-4�'. LEASE {CONTI.NUED} LEASE NU�BER 99-OZ1 hOJ. �5" DC�-1 - \� - b�b to the lessee fr�m any swch canc�lla:ion shall lx asszrted ot maintaiaed against the State of Minnesota. ]6. Cancellation b}� Lessee. Thz Izase may be cacceted at any time and for aay reason. The 1e;see srtafl be liable For all expensee incurred hy Camp fZipley Yor the period beginning 30 days prior to its anticipated arrival az Camp Ripiey. R'ritten notice of cancellation must also be reccived. 1 l. Assignment. Thi� lease is not a�c;gna6le oi tratufeiable. hz wilness whercaY, bodt partizs have �;,....,._ . . - - . . . tl �eir iiands th.; day ae��uritten abo�e. m �f" � By Chief of Police Financial Services Dir City Attorney ��lo�' ?�r SiyY�a�'UY2� ��� t�u.� vt�cleP` �Yee,r� S�eef-�Saoo= ATS Form 122 � LESSEE INITIriLS � 3of3 � G�Si��d 15:42 CAMP RIP�EY OPERATIONS 15Q0o, HWY 115 Camp Ripley U7'fLE FALiS, MtNNE50TA Sfi3d54173 DAfLY BULLETIN WITH ALTiTUDE Period 17I05t1999 7hru 21i0579999 VeR Spate ke�t arealFacflity Unit Name Opert / Close MiniMax 'I BtOSJ� 999 A-12 STPP� 6b06 1700 C A-5 STPPD 0800 7800 0 C STPPD 070U 1800 0 19t0511999 A-'12 STPPD 0700 1700 0 A-6 STPPD C740 170D 0 201 �nr..�.���_�n,..9::_�,«.. _ _ A-5 STPFD 0700 1'760 0 C7A21 STPPD 0700 1700 0 CTA22 STPPD 0700 170Q 0 C7A23 STPPO 0700 7700 6 7reinmg AH Min7MaY 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 hpJ. �7 D� �c. �G-- c�3 b Training 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 h1UUT TRNG 0 CS GAS 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 CONFIOENCE COURSE D M1�OUTSI7E 0 POUC�TRNG 0 POLICE TRNG D POUGETRNG Page 1 Range fac{�ity M�nagemont Support Systom • RFMSS Vors�on 3.5 28J1 b1998 13�6:47 �������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlKNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 BE TT RESOLVED, that ffie Saint Panl Police Department is authorized to enter into a lease 2 agreement with Camp Ripley, which indemnifies and holds harmless the State of Minnesota from 3 any and all claims, damages, eapenses and liabilities arising out of its use of Camp Ripley's grounds 4 and facilities. A copy of said a�eement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial 5 Services. 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 � 7�-Z�—� campripley-1 council �le # C t F �O�j� Green Sheet # 8200 EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Police JNTACT PERSON & PHONE Chief Finnev 292-3588 TOTAL # OF S4GNA7URE 06/O1/99 !C_ i.,'i?7 ROUf111G C� GREEN SHEET � u �.,,�..a. �,� � a,,,� _ FOR ❑ GIYAii0R1EY � ❑ LRYCLFRK _ ❑ FNAXtlY.SERVICEBqR y_ � ALNCYIL9ERV/ALLTG �'�� Y/ - ❑ WYOR(OItA4W4�FMi) % C� ❑ (C.IIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures requested on attached Council Resolutaon;< authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into the lease agreement with Camp Ripley. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a cont2d for this depaAment'7 YES NO Fias this peisoNfirm ever been a cily emploYee4 YES NO Dces this persaNfim possess a sitill not normallypossessetl by arry current dry employee7 YES NO Is Nis persoNfiim a farpeted vendo(1 YES NO The Saint Paul Police Department wi11 be conducting a 13-week police academy with 21 recruits As part of this training, the academy wi11 be conducting specialized training at Camp Ripley from May 17 through May 21, 1999. The recruits and training staff will be staying at Camp Ripley during this time. part of the training at Camp Ripley will include Mobile Field Force night range shooting, and other specialized training. The training at Camp Ripley wi11 consist of day and night range shooting, team building and leadership exercises, and mobile field force training. This Cype of training could not be provided at the department. None IFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police recruiCS will not receive the required training to be fully qualified as Saint Paul Police Officers. TRANSACTION S - souRCe General Fund INFORMATION (IXPW M COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER � t o�� NOO82O0 VES NO �dU� PieSe8eGs1 �AStfef ��� 15: �J Nri. �5� �_;= �iG— co3 (� LEASE NUy1$ER 94-021 LEASE FOi2 THE USE OF CAMP RtPLES' CiROLND� AND FACILITIES 71�is lc��e to �ese Ca[np Riple}� GraUnds and facilities is issued on Tu�sday, Decemoer 29, 1998 by the Caxnp Ripley Commander to St. Paul Police Dept. hezeafrer cisited the LESS�E. This �ease, to be used on. 5/17,`99 tbrou�h Si20/99 is issued for the following purpase and lunited to the following aetivities� POC SC*"t William Martine2 Lessee's Adctxcss St. Pau! �elice Dept. 'felepho t6511292-?555 JC�T �7Jilliun Martuiez 100 E. 1 lYh Strect St. Pau1. MN S51t11 i'his lease is issued subject to the fallowing conditians: l. The Lessee agrzes to pay the foltow�ing r'ees: FEE FOR T- bld (3 bays, kitcl.ien & dizting areal x 3 Niglits (!0) Maid Service t�trs x 3 Ni�hts CTt123, 22, & 23 x I Day (l) Medium Cla,�,sroom x 1 Dav A-5 (MOUT Site) & A-1? Range x Z Days NBC (C-Rng) c� A-6 (CnnE Cts) x 1 T�ay �1�� �.� C(J�U '; �,,�-rS TOTAL: AMOLINT $525.00 $390.00 375.00 $45.00 $�SOA� �75.00 $1?60.00 k ��� Fees arz payable t�: CAMP R1PLbY �i�SS FUND � l 3� i.ESSEE INITIALS t of 3 es2�95 15:a� r�7.; :,!�_ LEASE (CON'CINUEDI LL-ASE NUVIBER 99-021 2. LixbiGty. The State of hlinnesota chai! uo[ be respunsible for dariages to property or injures ce ��ei;o��s �n'hich n�ay 2risz 1���n�, pr be ii�cident ce, the usz of Camp Ripley grounds and faciliti�s. The Sute of Minnese[a snall nat be responsihle for an)• claim regardless of !dnd, relaied to activities undertaken pivsuant to this lease. The lease shall indzmnify �nd hold i�armles. the State of Vlinn�sota from ar.y and afl cizims, damages. expcn,es and liabilicies arising �ut of i!s use of Ca�n�p Riptey's grounds and facilities. 3. Permits and .Lieenses. 7'he lessea s'hall o5tain �Il pernzits and licenses reyuired ior its activides at Camp Riplep. 7h� Stat� of M;mlesota shall not be cesponsible for the leccee s failure Co obtain suCh pern�its and licenses or to com�ig wiCt� �. - any piher reqwrements impo>ed upon the lessee ror the conduct of its activttees. 4. Cumpliance \Yitb Laws. The lessc;� shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, r�1es a�d reguiations. Tli� S.ate of i�4��nesota shalt not be rzsponsible iar the lessee's failure to comi�ly. S. InsuranCe. The Icssed shaii o}�tai,n <?dequ8ta Szisuz3nca co��erage f�r persons and properry associa[ed witls 2ctivtnes conducted pursu;uit to this lease. 6. Interna! 5ecurity. The lessee shall Le re>��onsible fer irternal security of persoanel and property within ihe :vea, as,,igned to it. The lessee accept� full responsibiliYy for the conduct of ail persons admiu�d Co Camp Ripiey pursuant t� this lease. `flle lessee shall eepon immediately any vielations ef I¢ws. ordin�nces, rules or regulation,a, inciuding the Caznp Riple�� Regulations, to the Ca�iip Ripley Security Force at thc Main Gate or Buildin� 2-99, Ext 7339. �-�3� 7. Li�,bility for Damnge to Comp Riplev. The lessee shall at all tinies c-xe.r.cise due diligence in the protection of Camp Ripley grounds a�id faciliti2;. ixi case a��y propert}� oi the L�ni[ed States or the State of Mi�viesot� is damag�d or destroyed by the 3essec incident to thz use of Camp Ripley, the iessee shall Pay an amount suflicienY to compensate for :he toss sustain�d by th� United Stltes or the St3te of hiinnesota by r�,on of dama�es to, or destruction o�, government }sraparty. 8. VHCaYing Premises. On or beforc the date of the expir�tio» of this lease or its termmatien, the lessee shall vacate the g: and facilifies assigned to it and restore the grounds and faailities to as good order and cond'ation as that existed upoa iU :uri val. 9. C:+ncellntion by Camp Riptey Curnmander. Thls Icase may bc canicl�ci by the Cunp Itiplzy Coinmmider at a�iy time and fer any rz�san. No clairn for da tik't� es LESSEE Th`ITTALS j�J„�. ./�i' zor3 E525i9� 15-4�'. LEASE {CONTI.NUED} LEASE NU�BER 99-OZ1 hOJ. �5" DC�-1 - \� - b�b to the lessee fr�m any swch canc�lla:ion shall lx asszrted ot maintaiaed against the State of Minnesota. ]6. Cancellation b}� Lessee. Thz Izase may be cacceted at any time and for aay reason. The 1e;see srtafl be liable For all expensee incurred hy Camp fZipley Yor the period beginning 30 days prior to its anticipated arrival az Camp Ripiey. R'ritten notice of cancellation must also be reccived. 1 l. Assignment. Thi� lease is not a�c;gna6le oi tratufeiable. hz wilness whercaY, bodt partizs have �;,....,._ . . - - . . . tl �eir iiands th.; day ae��uritten abo�e. m �f" � By Chief of Police Financial Services Dir City Attorney ��lo�' ?�r SiyY�a�'UY2� ��� t�u.� vt�cleP` �Yee,r� S�eef-�Saoo= ATS Form 122 � LESSEE INITIriLS � 3of3 � G�Si��d 15:42 CAMP RIP�EY OPERATIONS 15Q0o, HWY 115 Camp Ripley U7'fLE FALiS, MtNNE50TA Sfi3d54173 DAfLY BULLETIN WITH ALTiTUDE Period 17I05t1999 7hru 21i0579999 VeR Spate ke�t arealFacflity Unit Name Opert / Close MiniMax 'I BtOSJ� 999 A-12 STPP� 6b06 1700 C A-5 STPPD 0800 7800 0 C STPPD 070U 1800 0 19t0511999 A-'12 STPPD 0700 1700 0 A-6 STPPD C740 170D 0 201 �nr..�.���_�n,..9::_�,«.. _ _ A-5 STPFD 0700 1'760 0 C7A21 STPPD 0700 1700 0 CTA22 STPPD 0700 170Q 0 C7A23 STPPO 0700 7700 6 7reinmg AH Min7MaY 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 hpJ. �7 D� �c. �G-- c�3 b Training 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 h1UUT TRNG 0 CS GAS 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 CONFIOENCE COURSE D M1�OUTSI7E 0 POUC�TRNG 0 POLICE TRNG D POUGETRNG Page 1 Range fac{�ity M�nagemont Support Systom • RFMSS Vors�on 3.5 28J1 b1998 13�6:47 �������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlKNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 BE TT RESOLVED, that ffie Saint Panl Police Department is authorized to enter into a lease 2 agreement with Camp Ripley, which indemnifies and holds harmless the State of Minnesota from 3 any and all claims, damages, eapenses and liabilities arising out of its use of Camp Ripley's grounds 4 and facilities. A copy of said a�eement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial 5 Services. 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 � 7�-Z�—� campripley-1 council �le # C t F �O�j� Green Sheet # 8200 EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL Police JNTACT PERSON & PHONE Chief Finnev 292-3588 TOTAL # OF S4GNA7URE 06/O1/99 !C_ i.,'i?7 ROUf111G C� GREEN SHEET � u �.,,�..a. �,� � a,,,� _ FOR ❑ GIYAii0R1EY � ❑ LRYCLFRK _ ❑ FNAXtlY.SERVICEBqR y_ � ALNCYIL9ERV/ALLTG �'�� Y/ - ❑ WYOR(OItA4W4�FMi) % C� ❑ (C.IIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures requested on attached Council Resolutaon;< authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into the lease agreement with Camp Ripley. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rtn ever worked untler a cont2d for this depaAment'7 YES NO Fias this peisoNfirm ever been a cily emploYee4 YES NO Dces this persaNfim possess a sitill not normallypossessetl by arry current dry employee7 YES NO Is Nis persoNfiim a farpeted vendo(1 YES NO The Saint Paul Police Department wi11 be conducting a 13-week police academy with 21 recruits As part of this training, the academy wi11 be conducting specialized training at Camp Ripley from May 17 through May 21, 1999. The recruits and training staff will be staying at Camp Ripley during this time. part of the training at Camp Ripley will include Mobile Field Force night range shooting, and other specialized training. The training at Camp Ripley wi11 consist of day and night range shooting, team building and leadership exercises, and mobile field force training. This Cype of training could not be provided at the department. None IFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police recruiCS will not receive the required training to be fully qualified as Saint Paul Police Officers. TRANSACTION S - souRCe General Fund INFORMATION (IXPW M COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIT'NUMBER � t o�� NOO82O0 VES NO �dU� PieSe8eGs1 �AStfef ��� 15: �J Nri. �5� �_;= �iG— co3 (� LEASE NUy1$ER 94-021 LEASE FOi2 THE USE OF CAMP RtPLES' CiROLND� AND FACILITIES 71�is lc��e to �ese Ca[np Riple}� GraUnds and facilities is issued on Tu�sday, Decemoer 29, 1998 by the Caxnp Ripley Commander to St. Paul Police Dept. hezeafrer cisited the LESS�E. This �ease, to be used on. 5/17,`99 tbrou�h Si20/99 is issued for the following purpase and lunited to the following aetivities� POC SC*"t William Martine2 Lessee's Adctxcss St. Pau! �elice Dept. 'felepho t6511292-?555 JC�T �7Jilliun Martuiez 100 E. 1 lYh Strect St. Pau1. MN S51t11 i'his lease is issued subject to the fallowing conditians: l. The Lessee agrzes to pay the foltow�ing r'ees: FEE FOR T- bld (3 bays, kitcl.ien & dizting areal x 3 Niglits (!0) Maid Service t�trs x 3 Ni�hts CTt123, 22, & 23 x I Day (l) Medium Cla,�,sroom x 1 Dav A-5 (MOUT Site) & A-1? Range x Z Days NBC (C-Rng) c� A-6 (CnnE Cts) x 1 T�ay �1�� �.� C(J�U '; �,,�-rS TOTAL: AMOLINT $525.00 $390.00 375.00 $45.00 $�SOA� �75.00 $1?60.00 k ��� Fees arz payable t�: CAMP R1PLbY �i�SS FUND � l 3� i.ESSEE INITIALS t of 3 es2�95 15:a� r�7.; :,!�_ LEASE (CON'CINUEDI LL-ASE NUVIBER 99-021 2. LixbiGty. The State of hlinnesota chai! uo[ be respunsible for dariages to property or injures ce ��ei;o��s �n'hich n�ay 2risz 1���n�, pr be ii�cident ce, the usz of Camp Ripley grounds and faciliti�s. The Sute of Minnese[a snall nat be responsihle for an)• claim regardless of !dnd, relaied to activities undertaken pivsuant to this lease. The lease shall indzmnify �nd hold i�armles. the State of Vlinn�sota from ar.y and afl cizims, damages. expcn,es and liabilicies arising �ut of i!s use of Ca�n�p Riptey's grounds and facilities. 3. Permits and .Lieenses. 7'he lessea s'hall o5tain �Il pernzits and licenses reyuired ior its activides at Camp Riplep. 7h� Stat� of M;mlesota shall not be cesponsible for the leccee s failure Co obtain suCh pern�its and licenses or to com�ig wiCt� �. - any piher reqwrements impo>ed upon the lessee ror the conduct of its activttees. 4. Cumpliance \Yitb Laws. The lessc;� shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, r�1es a�d reguiations. Tli� S.ate of i�4��nesota shalt not be rzsponsible iar the lessee's failure to comi�ly. S. InsuranCe. The Icssed shaii o}�tai,n <?dequ8ta Szisuz3nca co��erage f�r persons and properry associa[ed witls 2ctivtnes conducted pursu;uit to this lease. 6. Interna! 5ecurity. The lessee shall Le re>��onsible fer irternal security of persoanel and property within ihe :vea, as,,igned to it. The lessee accept� full responsibiliYy for the conduct of ail persons admiu�d Co Camp Ripiey pursuant t� this lease. `flle lessee shall eepon immediately any vielations ef I¢ws. ordin�nces, rules or regulation,a, inciuding the Caznp Riple�� Regulations, to the Ca�iip Ripley Security Force at thc Main Gate or Buildin� 2-99, Ext 7339. �-�3� 7. Li�,bility for Damnge to Comp Riplev. The lessee shall at all tinies c-xe.r.cise due diligence in the protection of Camp Ripley grounds a�id faciliti2;. ixi case a��y propert}� oi the L�ni[ed States or the State of Mi�viesot� is damag�d or destroyed by the 3essec incident to thz use of Camp Ripley, the iessee shall Pay an amount suflicienY to compensate for :he toss sustain�d by th� United Stltes or the St3te of hiinnesota by r�,on of dama�es to, or destruction o�, government }sraparty. 8. VHCaYing Premises. On or beforc the date of the expir�tio» of this lease or its termmatien, the lessee shall vacate the g: and facilifies assigned to it and restore the grounds and faailities to as good order and cond'ation as that existed upoa iU :uri val. 9. C:+ncellntion by Camp Riptey Curnmander. Thls Icase may bc canicl�ci by the Cunp Itiplzy Coinmmider at a�iy time and fer any rz�san. No clairn for da tik't� es LESSEE Th`ITTALS j�J„�. ./�i' zor3 E525i9� 15-4�'. LEASE {CONTI.NUED} LEASE NU�BER 99-OZ1 hOJ. �5" DC�-1 - \� - b�b to the lessee fr�m any swch canc�lla:ion shall lx asszrted ot maintaiaed against the State of Minnesota. ]6. Cancellation b}� Lessee. Thz Izase may be cacceted at any time and for aay reason. The 1e;see srtafl be liable For all expensee incurred hy Camp fZipley Yor the period beginning 30 days prior to its anticipated arrival az Camp Ripiey. R'ritten notice of cancellation must also be reccived. 1 l. Assignment. Thi� lease is not a�c;gna6le oi tratufeiable. hz wilness whercaY, bodt partizs have �;,....,._ . . - - . . . tl �eir iiands th.; day ae��uritten abo�e. m �f" � By Chief of Police Financial Services Dir City Attorney ��lo�' ?�r SiyY�a�'UY2� ��� t�u.� vt�cleP` �Yee,r� S�eef-�Saoo= ATS Form 122 � LESSEE INITIriLS � 3of3 � G�Si��d 15:42 CAMP RIP�EY OPERATIONS 15Q0o, HWY 115 Camp Ripley U7'fLE FALiS, MtNNE50TA Sfi3d54173 DAfLY BULLETIN WITH ALTiTUDE Period 17I05t1999 7hru 21i0579999 VeR Spate ke�t arealFacflity Unit Name Opert / Close MiniMax 'I BtOSJ� 999 A-12 STPP� 6b06 1700 C A-5 STPPD 0800 7800 0 C STPPD 070U 1800 0 19t0511999 A-'12 STPPD 0700 1700 0 A-6 STPPD C740 170D 0 201 �nr..�.���_�n,..9::_�,«.. _ _ A-5 STPFD 0700 1'760 0 C7A21 STPPD 0700 1700 0 CTA22 STPPD 0700 170Q 0 C7A23 STPPO 0700 7700 6 7reinmg AH Min7MaY 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 hpJ. �7 D� �c. �G-- c�3 b Training 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 h1UUT TRNG 0 CS GAS 0 GLOCKI 40 CAL 0 CONFIOENCE COURSE D M1�OUTSI7E 0 POUC�TRNG 0 POLICE TRNG D POUGETRNG Page 1 Range fac{�ity M�nagemont Support Systom • RFMSS Vors�on 3.5 28J1 b1998 13�6:47